3402 - mimetes {mim-ay-tace'}; from 3401; an imitator: --follower. [ql ~~~~3300
4831 - summimetes {soom-mim-ay-tace'}; from a presumed compound of 4862 and 3401; a co-imitator, i.e. fellow votary: --follower together. [ql ~~~~4728
3516 - nepios {nay'-pee-os}; from an obsolete particle ne- (implying negation) and 2031; not speaking, i.e. an infant (minor); figuratively, a simple-minded person, an immature Christian: --babe, child (+ -ish). [ql ~~~~3414
3813 - paidion {pahee-dee'-on}; neuter dimin. of 3816; a childling (of either sex), i.e. (properly,) an infant, or (by extension) a half-grown boy or girl; figuratively, an immature Christian: --(little, young) child, damsel. [ql ~~~~3710
3384 - meter {may'-tare}; apparently a primary word; a "mother" (literally or figuratively, immed. or remote): --mother. [ql ~~~~3282
4686 - speira {spi'-rah}; of immed. Latin origin, but ultimately a derivative of 0138 in the sense of its cognate 1507; a coil (spira, "spire"), i.e. (figuratively) a mass of men (a Roman military cohort; also [by analogy] a squad of Levitical janitors): --band. [ql ~~~~4584
3568 - nun {noon}; a primary particle of present time; "now" (as adverb of date, a transition or emphasis); also as noun or adjective present or immediate: --henceforth, + hereafter, of late, soon, present, this (time). See also 3569, 3570. [ql ~~~~3466
5056 - telos {tel'-os}; from a primary tello (to set out for a definite point or goal); properly, the point aimed at as a limit, i.e. (by implication) the conclusion of an act or state (termination [literally, figuratively or indefinitely], result [immediate, ultimate or prophetic], purpose); specifically, an impost or levy (as paid): --+ continual, custom, end(-ing), finally, uttermost. Compare 5411. [ql ~~~~4954
5207 - huios {hwee-os'}; apparently a primary word; a "son" (sometimes of animals), used very widely of immediate, remote or figuratively, kinship: --child, foal, son. [ql ~~~~5104
1207 - deuteroprotos {dyoo-ter-op'-ro-tos}; from 1208 and 4413; second-first, i.e. (specially) a designation of the Sabbath immediately after the Paschal week (being the second after Passover day, and the first of the seven Sabbaths intervening before Pentecost): --second...after the first. [ql ~~~~1206
1824 - exautes {ex-ow'-tace}; from 1537 and the genitive case singular feminine of 0846 (5610 being understood); from that hour, i.e. instantly: --by and by, immediately, presently, straightway. [ql ~~~~1824
2112 - eutheos {yoo-theh'-oce}; adverb from 2117; directly, i.e. at once or soon: --anon, as soon as, forthwith, immediately, shortly, straightway. [ql ~~~~2112
2117 - euthus {yoo-thoos'}; perhaps from 2095 and 5087; straight, i.e. (literally) level, or (figuratively) true; adverbially (of time) at once: --anon, by and by, forthwith, immediately, straightway. [ql ~~~~2116
3916 - parachrema {par-akh-ray'-mah}; from 3844 and 5536 (in its original sense); at the thing itself, i.e. instantly: --forthwith, immediately, presently, straightway, soon. [ql ~~~~3814
3827 - pampolus {pam-pol-ooce}; from 3956 and 4183; full many, i.e. immense: --very great. [ql ~~~~3724
0907 - baptizo {bap-tid'-zo}; from a derivative of 0911; to immerse, submerge; to make overwhelmed (i.e. fully wet); used only (in the N.T.) of ceremonial ablution, especially (technically) of the ordinance of Christian baptism: --Baptist, baptize, wash. [ql ~~~~906
0908 - baptisma {bap'-tis-mah}; from 0907; immersion, baptism (technically or figuratively): --baptism. [ql ~~~~908
3067 - loutron {loo-tron'}; from 3068; a bath, i.e. (figuratively), immersion, baptism: --washing. [ql ~~~~3066
0280 - ametros {am'-et-ros}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3358; immoderate: --(thing) without measure. [ql ~~~~280
2380 - thuo {thoo'-o}; a primary verb; properly, to rush (breathe hard, blow, smoke), i.e. (by implication) to sacrifice (properly, by fire, but genitive case); by extension to immolate (slaughter for any purpose): --kill, (do) sacrifice, slay. [ql ~~~~2380
3436 - molusmos {mol-oos-mos'}; from 3435; a stain; i.e. (figuratively) immorality: --filthiness. [ql ~~~~3334
0862 - aphthartos {af'-thar-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 5351; undecaying (in essence or continuance): --not (in-, un-)corruptible, immortal. [ql ~~~~862
5590 - psuche {psoo-khay'}; from 5594; breath, i.e. (by implication) spirit, abstractly or concretely (the animal sentient principle only; thus distinguished on the one hand from 4151, which is the rational and immortal soul; and on the other from 2222, which is mere vitality, even of plants: these terms thus exactly correspond respectively to the Hebrew 5315, 7307 and 2416): --heart (+ -ily), life, mind, soul, + us, + you. [ql ~~~~5486
0110 - athanasia {ath-an-as-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and 2288; deathlessness: --immortality. [ql ~~~~110
0861 - aphthrsia {af-thar-see'-ah}; from 0862; incorruptibility; genitive case unending existence; (figuratively) genuineness: --immortality, incorruption, sincerity. [ql ~~~~860
0277 - ametakinetos {am-et-ak-in'-ay-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3334; immovable: --unmovable. [ql ~~~~276
0761 - asaleutos {as-al'-yoo-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 4531; unshaken, i.e. (by implication) immovable (figuratively): --which cannot be moved, unmovable. [ql ~~~~760
1476 - hedraios {hed-rah'-yos}; from a derivative of hezomai (to sit); sedentary, i.e. (by implication) immovable: --settled, stedfast. [ql ~~~~1476
0276 - ametathetos {am-et-ath'-et-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3346; unchangeable, or (neuter as abstract) unchangeability: --immutable(-ility). [ql ~~~~276
4362 - prospegnumi {pros-payg'-noo-mee}; from 4314 and 4078; to fasten to, i.e. (specifically) to impale (on a cross): --crucify. [ql ~~~~4260
4717 - stauroo {stow-ro'-o}; from 4716; to impale on the cross; figuratively, to extinguish (subdue) passion or selfishness: --crucify. [ql ~~~~4614
4957 - sustauroo {soos-tow-ro'-o}; from 4862 and 4717; to impale in company with (literally or figuratively): --crucify with. [ql ~~~~4854
4323 - prosanatithemi {pros-an-at-ith'-ay-mee}; from 4314 and 0394; to lay up in addition, i.e. (middle voice and figuratively) to impart or (by implication) to consult: --in conference add, confer. [ql ~~~~4220
0087 - adiakritos {ad-ee-ak'-ree-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 1252; properly, undistinguished, i.e. (actively) impartial: --without partiality. [ql ~~~~86
0678 - aprosopoleptos {ap-ros-o-pol-ape'-tos}; adverb from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of a presumed compound of 4383 and 2983 [compare 4381]; in a way not accepting the person, i.e. impartially: --without respect of persons. [ql ~~~~678
3330 - metadidomi {met-ad-id'-o-mee}; from 3326 and 1325; to give over, i.e. share: --give, imparticiple [ql ~~~~3228
2130 - eumetadotos {yoo-met-ad'-ot-os}; from 2095 and a presumed derivative of 3330; good at imparting, i.e. liberal: --ready to distribute. [ql ~~~~2130
5490 - chasma {khas'-mah}; from a form of an obsolete prim chao (to "gape" or "yawn"); a "chasm" or vacancy (impassable interval): --gulf. [ql ~~~~5388
1465 - egkopto {eng-kop'-to}; from 1722 and 2875; to cut into, i.e. (figuratively) impede, detain: --hinder, be tedious unto. [ql ~~~~1464
1199 - desmon {des-mon'}; or desmos {des-mos'}; neuter and masculine respectively from 1210; a band, i.e. ligament (of the body) or shackle (of a prisoner); figuratively, an impediment or disability: --band, bond, chain, string. [ql ~~~~1198
3424 - mogilalos {mog-il-al'-os}; from 3425 and 2980; hardly talking, i.e. dumb (tongue-tied): --having an impediment in his speech. [ql ~~~~3322
1764 - enistemi {en-is'-tay-mee}; from 1722 and 2476; to place on hand, i.e. (reflexively) impend, (participle) be instant: --come, be at hand, present. [ql ~~~~1764
1904 - eperchomai {ep-er'-khom-ahee}; from 1909 and 2064; to supervene, i.e. arrive, occur, impend, attack, (figuratively) influence: --come (in, upon). [ql ~~~~1904
5031 - tachinos {takh-ee-nos'}; from 5034; curt, i.e. impending: --shortly, swift. [ql ~~~~4928
0279 - ametanoetos {am-et-an-o'-ay-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 3340; unrepentant: --impenitent. [ql ~~~~278
0033 - age {ag'-eh}; imperative of 0071; properly, lead, i.e. come on: --go to. [ql ~~~~32
0239 - allelouia {al-lay-loo'-ee-ah}; of Hebrew origin [imperative of 1984 and 3050]; praise ye Jah!, an adoring exclamation: --alleluiah. [ql ~~~~238
1204 - deuro {dyoo'-ro}; of uncertain affinity; here; used also imperative hither!; and of time, hitherto: --come (hither), hither [-to]. [ql ~~~~1204
1205 - deute {dyoo'-teh}; from 1204 and an imperative form of eimi (to go); come hither!: --come, X follow. [ql ~~~~1204
1436 - ea {eh'-ah}; apparent imperative of 1439; properly, let it be, i.e. (as interjection) aha!: --let alone. [ql ~~~~1436
2077 - esto {es'-to}; second person singular present imperative of 1510; be thou; also estosan {es'-to-san}; third person of the same; let them be: --be. [ql ~~~~2076
2277 - eto {ay'-to}; third person singular imperative of 1510; let him (or it) be: [ql ~~~~2276
2396 - ide {id'-eh}; second person singular imperative active of 1492; used as an interjection to denote surprise; lo!: --behold, lo, see. [ql ~~~~2396
2400 - idou {id-oo'}; second person singular imperative middle voice of 1492; used as imperative lo!; --behold, lo, see. [ql ~~~~2400
2400 - idou {id-oo'}; second person singular imperative middle voice of 1492; used as imperative lo!; --behold, lo, see. [ql ~~~~2400
2468 - isthi {is'-thee}; second person imperative present of 1510; be thou: --+ agree, be, X give thyself wholly to. [ql ~~~~2468
2064 - erchomai {er'-khom-ahee}; middle voice of a primary verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the others being supplied by a kindred [middle voice] eleuthomai {el-yoo'-thom-ahee}; or [active] eltho {el'-tho}; which do not otherwise occur); to come or go (in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively): --accompany, appear, bring, come, enter, fall out, go, grow, X light, X next, pass, resort, be set. [ql ~~~~2064
2147 - heurisko {hyoo-ris'-ko}; a prolonged form of a primary heuro {hyoo'-ro}; which (together with another cognate form heureo {hyoo-reh'-o}) is used for it in all the tenses except the present and imperfect; to find (literally or figuratively): --find, get, obtain, perceive, see. [ql ~~~~2146
2258 - en {ane}; imperfect of 1510; I (thou, etc.) was (wast or were): --+ agree, be, X have (+ charge of), hold, use, was(-t), were. [ql ~~~~2258
3801 - ho on kai ho en kai ho erchomenos {ho own kahee ho ane kahee ho er-khom'-en-os}; a phrase combining 3588 with the present participle and imperfect of 1510 and the present participle of 2064 by means of 2532; the one being and the one that was and the one coming, i.e. the Eternal, as a divine epithet of Christ: --which art (is, was), and (which) wast (is, was), and art (is) to come (shalt be). [ql ~~~~3698
4575 - sebastos {seb-as-tos'}; from 4573; venerable (august), i.e. (as noun) a title of the Roman Emperor, or (as adj.) imperial: --Augustus(-'). [ql ~~~~4472
4517 - rhonnumi {hrone'-noo-mee}; prolongation from rhoomai (to dart; probably akin to 4506); to strengthen, i.e. (impersonal passive) have health (as a parting exclamation, good-bye): --farewell. [ql ~~~~4414
5177 - tugchano {toong-khan'-o}; probably for an obsolete tucho (for which the middle voice of another alternate teucho [to make ready or bring to pass] is used in certain tenses; akin to the base of 5088 through the idea of effecting; properly, to affect; or (specifically) to hit or light upon (as a mark to be reached), i.e. (transitively) to attain or secure an object or end, or (intransitively) to happen (as if meeting with); but in the latter application only impersonal (with 1487), i.e. perchance; or (present participle) as adjective, usual (as if commonly met with, with 3756, extraordinary), neuter (as adverb) perhaps; or (with another verb) as adverb, by accident (as it were): --be, chance, enjoy, little, obtain, X refresh...self, + special. Compare 5180. [ql ~~~~5074
0566 - apechei {ap-ekh'-i}; third person singular present indicative active of 0568 used impersonally; it is sufficient: --it is enough. [ql ~~~~566
1163 - dei {die}; 3d person singular active present of 1210; also deon {deh-on'}; neuter active participle of the same; both used impersonally; it is (was, etc.) necessary (as binding): --behoved, be meet, must (needs), (be) need(-ful), ought, should. [ql ~~~~1162
1735 - endechetai {en-dekh'-et-ahee}; third person singular present of a compound of 1722 and 1209; (impersonally) it is accepted in, i.e. admitted (possible): --can (+ not) be. [ql ~~~~1734
1762 - eni {en'-ee}; contraction for the third person singular present indicative of 1751; impersonally, there is in or among: --be, (there) is. [ql ~~~~1762
1832 - exesti {ex'-es-tee}; third person singular present indicative of a compound of 1537 and 1510; so also exon {ex-on'}; neuter present participle of the same (with or without some form of 1510 expressed); impersonally, it is right (through the figurative idea of being out in public): --be lawful, let, X may(-est). [ql ~~~~1832
1911 - epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 0906; to throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive; usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied) to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: --beat into, cast (up-)on, fall, lay (on), put (unto), stretch forth, think on. [ql ~~~~1910
2309 - thelo {thel'-o}; or ethelo {eth-el'-o}; in certain tenses theleo {thel-eh'-o}; and etheleo {eth-el-eh'-o}; which are otherwise obsolete; apparently strengthened from the alternate form of 0138; to determine (as an active option from subjective impulse; whereas 1014 properly denotes rather a passive acquiescence in objective considerations), i.e. choose or prefer (literally or figuratively); by implication, to wish, i.e. be inclined to (sometimes adverbially, gladly); impersonally for the future tense, to be about to; by Hebraism, to delight in: --desire, be disposed (forward), intend, list, love, mean, please, have rather, (be) will (have, -ling, -ling [-ly]). [ql ~~~~2308
3081 - lusitelei {loo-sit-el-i'}; third person singular present indicative active of a derivative of a compound of 3080 and 5056; impersonally, it answers the purpose, i.e. is advantageous: --it is better. [ql ~~~~3080
3199 - melo {mel'-o}; a primary verb; to be of interest to, i.e. to concern (only third person singular present indicative used impersonally, it matters): --(take) care. [ql ~~~~3198
4241 - prepo {prep'-o}; apparently a primary verb; to tower up (be conspicuous), i.e. (by implication) to be suitable or proper (third person singular present indicative, often used impersonally, it is fit or right): --become, comely. [ql ~~~~4138
5463 - chairo {khah'-ee-ro}; a primary verb; to be "cheer"ful, i.e. calmly happy or well-off; impersonally, especially as salutation (on meeting or parting), be well: --farewell, be glad, God speed, greeting, hall, joy(-fully), rejoice. [ql ~~~~5360
5534 - chre {khray}; third person singular of the same as 5530 or 5531 used impersonally; it needs (must or should) be: --ought. [ql ~~~~5432