2464 - Isaak {ee-sah-ak'}; of Hebrew origin [3327]; Isaac (i.e. Jitschak), the son of Abraham: --Isaac. [ql ~~~~2464
2464 - Isaak {ee-sah-ak'}; of Hebrew origin [3327]; Isaac (i.e. Jitschak), the son of Abraham: --Isaac. [ql ~~~~2464
4479 - Rhebekka {hreb-bek'-kah}; of Hebrew origin [7259]; Rebecca (i.e. Ribkah), the wife of Isaac: --Rebecca. [ql ~~~~4376
2464 - Isaak {ee-sah-ak'}; of Hebrew origin [3327]; Isaac (i.e. Jitschak), the son of Abraham: --Isaac. [ql ~~~~2464
2466 - Isachar {ee-sakh-ar'}; of Hebrew origin [3485]; Isachar (i.e. Jissaskar), a son of Jacob (figuratively, his descendant): --Issachar. [ql ~~~~2466
2466 - Isachar {ee-sakh-ar'}; of Hebrew origin [3485]; Isachar (i.e. Jissaskar), a son of Jacob (figuratively, his descendant): --Issachar. [ql ~~~~2466
2465 - isaggelos {ee-sang'-el-los}; from 2470 and 0032; like an angel, i.e. angelic: --equal unto the angels. [ql ~~~~2464
2469 - Iskariotes {is-kar-ee-o'-tace}; of Hebrew origin [probably 377 and 7149]; inhabitant of Kerioth; Iscariotes (i.e. Keriothite), an epithet of Judas the traitor: --Iscariot. [ql ~~~~2468
2469 - Iskariotes {is-kar-ee-o'-tace}; of Hebrew origin [probably 377 and 7149]; inhabitant of Kerioth; Iscariotes (i.e. Keriothite), an epithet of Judas the traitor: --Iscariot. [ql ~~~~2468
2480 - ischuo {is-khoo'-o}; from 2479; to have (or exercise) force (literally or figuratively): --be able, avail, can do( [-not]), could, be good, might, prevail, be of strength, be whole, + much work. [ql ~~~~2480
2478 - ischuros {is-khoo-ros'}; from 2479; forcible (literally or figuratively): --boisterous, mighty(-ier), powerful, strong(-er, man), valiant. [ql ~~~~2478
2479 - ischus {is-khoos'}; from a derivative of is (force; compare eschon, a form of 2192); forcefulness (literally or figuratively): --ability, might( [-ily]), power, strength. [ql ~~~~2478
3811 - paideuo {pahee-dyoo'-o}; from 3816; to train up a child, i.e. educate, or (by implication) discipline (by punishment): --chasten(-ise), instruct, learn, teach. [ql ~~~~3708
2467 - isemi {is'-ay-mee}; assumed by some as the base of cert. irregular forms of 1942; to know: --know. [ql ~~~~2466
0453 - anoetos {an-o'-ay-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3539; unintelligent; by implication, sensual: --fool(-ish), unwise. [ql ~~~~452
0878 - aphron {af'-rone}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5424; properly, mindless, i.e. stupid, (by implication) ignorant, (specially) egotistic, (practically) rash, or (morally) unbelieving: --fool(-ish), unwise. [ql ~~~~878
3474 - moros {mo-ros'}; probably from the base of 3466; dull or stupid (as if shut up), i.e. heedless, (morally) blockhead, (apparently) absurd: --fool(-ish, X -ishness). [ql ~~~~3372
3516 - nepios {nay'-pee-os}; from an obsolete particle ne- (implying negation) and 2031; not speaking, i.e. an infant (minor); figuratively, a simple-minded person, an immature Christian: --babe, child (+ -ish). [ql ~~~~3414
3474 - moros {mo-ros'}; probably from the base of 3466; dull or stupid (as if shut up), i.e. heedless, (morally) blockhead, (apparently) absurd: --fool(-ish, X -ishness). [ql ~~~~3372
2469 - Iskariotes {is-kar-ee-o'-tace}; of Hebrew origin [probably 377 and 7149]; inhabitant of Kerioth; Iscariotes (i.e. Keriothite), an epithet of Judas the traitor: --Iscariot. [ql ~~~~2468
2802 - Klaude {klow'-day}; of uncertain derivation; Claude, an island near Crete: --Clauda. [ql ~~~~2800
2914 - Krete {kray'-tay}; of uncertain derivation; Crete, an island in the Mediterranean: --Crete. [ql ~~~~2912
2954 - Kupros {koo'-pros}; of uncertain origin; Cyprus, an island in the Mediterranean: --Cyprus. [ql ~~~~2952
2972 - Kos {koce}; of uncertain origin; Cos, an island in the Mediterranean: --Cos. [ql ~~~~2970
3194 - Melite {mel-ee'-tay}; of uncertain origin; Melita, an island in the Mediterranean: --Melita. [ql ~~~~3192
3412 - Mitulene {mit-oo-lay'-nay}; for mutilene (abounding in shellfish); Mitylene (or Mytilene), a town on the island of Lesbos: --Mitylene. [ql ~~~~3310
3519 - nesion {nay-see'-on}; dimin. of 3520; an islet: --island. [ql ~~~~3418
3520 - nesos {nay'-sos}; probably from the base of 3491; an island: --island, isle. [ql ~~~~3418
3520 - nesos {nay'-sos}; probably from the base of 3491; an island: --island, isle. [ql ~~~~3418
4499 - Rhodos {hrod'-os}; probably from rhodon (a rose); Rhodus, an island of the Mediterranean: --Rhodes. [ql ~~~~4396
4543 - Samothraike {sam-oth-rak'-ay}; from 4544 and Thraike (Thrace); Samo-thrace (Samos of Thrace), an island in the Mediterranean: --Samothracia. [ql ~~~~4440
4544 - Samos {sam'-os}; of uncertain affinity; Samus, an island of the Mediterranean: --Samos. [ql ~~~~4442
5508 - Chios {khee'-os}; of uncertain derivation; Chios, an island in the Mediterranean: --Chios. [ql ~~~~5406
3520 - nesos {nay'-sos}; probably from the base of 3491; an island: --island, isle. [ql ~~~~3418
3519 - nesion {nay-see'-on}; dimin. of 3520; an islet: --island. [ql ~~~~3418
3963 - Patmos {pat'-mos}; of uncertain derivation; Patmus, an islet in the Mediterranean: --Patmos. [ql ~~~~3860
3443 - monoo {mon-o'-o}; from 3441; to isolate, i.e. bereave: --be desolate. [ql ~~~~3342
5442 - phulasso {foo-las'-so}; probably from 5443 through the idea of isolation; to watch, i.e. be on guard (literally of figuratively); by implication, to preserve, obey, avoid: --beward, keep (self), observe, save. Compare 5083. [ql ~~~~5340
2473 - isopsuchos {ee-sop'-soo-khos}; from 2470 and 5590; of similar spirit: --likeminded. [ql ~~~~2472
2470 - isos {ee'-sos}; probably from 1492 (through the idea of seeming); similar (in amount and kind): --+ agree, as much, equal, like. [ql ~~~~2470
2481 - isos {ee'-soce}; adverb from 2470; likely, i.e. perhaps: --it may be. [ql ~~~~2480
2471 - isotes {ee-sot'-ace}; likeness (in condition or proportion); by implication, equity: --equal(-ity). [ql ~~~~2470
2472 - isotimos {ee-sot'-ee-mos}; from 2470 and 5092; of equal value or honor: --like precious. [ql ~~~~2472
1429 - dodekaphulon {do-dek-af'-oo-lon}; from 1427 and 5443; the commonwealth of Israel: --twelve tribes. [ql ~~~~1428
2474 - Israel {is-rah-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [3478]; Israel (i.e. Jisrael), the adopted name of Jacob, including his descendants (literally or figuratively): --Israel. [ql ~~~~2474
2474 - Israel {is-rah-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [3478]; Israel (i.e. Jisrael), the adopted name of Jacob, including his descendants (literally or figuratively): --Israel. [ql ~~~~2474
2474 - Israel {is-rah-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [3478]; Israel (i.e. Jisrael), the adopted name of Jacob, including his descendants (literally or figuratively): --Israel. [ql ~~~~2474
2475 - Israelites {is-rah-ale-ee'-tace}; from 2474; an "Israelite", i.e. descendant of Israel (literally or figuratively): --Israelite. [ql ~~~~2474
0008 - Abiathar {ab-ee-ath'-ar}; of Hebrew origin [0054]; Abiathar, an Israelite: --Abiathar. [ql ~~~~8
0010 - Abioud {ab-ee-ood'}; of Hebrew origin [0031]; Abihud, an Israelite: --Abiud. [ql ~~~~10
0013 - Agabos {ag'-ab-os}; of Hebrew origin [compare 2285]; Agabus, an Israelite: --Agabus. [ql ~~~~12
0078 - Addi {ad-dee'}; probably of Hebrew origin [compare 5716]; Addi, an Israelite: --Addi. [ql ~~~~78
0107 - Azor {ad-zore'}; of Hebrew origin [compare 5809]; Azor, an Israelite: --Azorigin [ql ~~~~106
0132 - Aineas {ahee-neh'-as}; of uncertain derivation; Aeneas, an Israelite: --Aeneas. [ql ~~~~132
0207 - Akulas {ak-oo'-las}; probably for Latin aquila (an eagle); Akulas, an Israelite: --Aquila. [ql ~~~~206
0256 - Alphaios {al-fah'-yos}; of Hebrew origin [compare 2501]; Alphoeus, an Israelite: --Alpheus. [ql ~~~~256
0284 - Aminadab {am-ee-nad-ab'}; of Hebrew origin [5992]; Aminadab, an Israelite: --Aminadab. [ql ~~~~284
0300 - Amon {am-one'}; of Hebrew origin [0526]; Amon, an Israelite: --Amon. [ql ~~~~300
0301 - Amos {am-oce'}; of Hebrew origin [0531]; Amos, an Israelite: --Amos. [ql ~~~~300
0406 - Andreas {an-dreh'-as}; from 0435; manly; Andreas, an Israelite: --Andrew. [ql ~~~~406
0408 - Andronikos {an-dron'-ee-kos}; from 0435 and 3534; man of victory; Andronicos, an Israelite: --Adronicus. [ql ~~~~408
0452 - Annas {an'-nas}; of Hebrew origin [2608]; Annas (i.e. 0367), an Israelite: --Annas. [ql ~~~~452
0625 - Apollos {ap-ol-loce'}; probably from the same as 0624; Apollos, an Israelite: --Apollos. [ql ~~~~624
0689 - Aram {ar-am'}; of Hebrew origin [7410]; Aram (i.e. Ram), an Israelite: --Aram. [ql ~~~~688
0760 - Asa {as-ah'}; of Hebrew origin [0609]; Asa, an Israelite: --Asa. [ql ~~~~760
0768 - Aser {as-ayr'}; of Hebrew origin [0836]; Aser (i.e. Asher), an Israelite tribe: --Aser. [ql ~~~~768
0881 - Achaz {akh-adz'}; of Hebrew origin [0271]; Achaz, an Israelite: --Achaz. [ql ~~~~880
0885 - Acheim {akh-ime'}; probably of Hebrew origin [compare 3137]; Achim, an Israelite: --Achim. [ql ~~~~884
0912 - Barabbas {bar-ab-bas'}; of Aramaic origin [1347 and 0005]; son of Abba; Bar-abbas, an Israelite: --Barabbas. [ql ~~~~912
0913 - Barak {bar-ak'}; of Hebrew origin [1301]; Barak, an Israelite: --Barak. [ql ~~~~912
0914 - Barachias {bar-akh-ee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [1296]; Barachias (i.e. Berechijah), an Israelite: --Barachias. [ql ~~~~914
0919 - Bariesous {bar-ee-ay-sooce'}; of Aramaic origin [1247 and 3091]; son of Jesus (or Joshua); Bar-jesus, an Israelite: --Barjesus. [ql ~~~~918
0920 - Barionas {bar-ee-oo-nas'}; of Aramaic origin [1247 and 3124]; son of Jonas (or Jonah); Bar-jonas, an Israelite: --Bar-jona. [ql ~~~~920
0921 - Barnabas {bar-nab'-as}; of Aramaic origin [1247 and 5029]; son of Nabas (i.e. prophecy); Barnabas, an Israelite: --Barnabas. [ql ~~~~920
0924 - Bartimaios {bar-tim-ah'-yos}; of Aramaic origin [1247 and 2931]; son of Timoeus (or the unclean); Bar-timoeus, an Israelite: --Bartimaeus. [ql ~~~~924
0958 - Beniamin {ben-ee-am-een'}; of Hebrew origin [1144]; Benjamin, an Israelite: --Benjamin. [ql ~~~~958
1003 - Booz {bo-oz'}; of Hebrew origin [1162]; Booz, (i.e. Boaz), an Israelite: --Booz. [ql ~~~~1002
1059 - Gamaliel {gam-al-ee-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [1583]; Gamaliel (i.e. Gamliel), an Israelite: --Gamaliel. [ql ~~~~1058
1066 - Gedeon {ghed-eh-own'}; of Hebrew origin [1439]; Gedeon (i.e. Gid [e]on), an Israelite: --Gedeon (in the KJV). [ql ~~~~1066
1138 - Dabid {dab-eed'}; of Hebrew origin [1732]; Dabid (i.e. David), the Israelite king: --David. [ql ~~~~1138
1158 - Daniel {dan-ee-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [1840]; Daniel, an Israelite: --Daniel. [ql ~~~~1158
1290 - diaspora {dee-as-por-ah'}; from 1289; dispersion, i.e. (specially and concretely) the (converted) Israelite resident in Gentile countries: --(which are) scattered (abroad). [ql ~~~~1290
1478 - Ezekias {ed-zek-ee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [2396]; Ezekias (i.e. Hezekeiah), an Israelite: --Ezekias. [ql ~~~~1478
1648 - Eleazar {el-eh-ad'-zar}; of Hebrew origin [0499]; Eleazar, an Israelite: --Eleazar. [ql ~~~~1648
1662 - Eliakeim {el-ee-ak-ime'}; of Hebrew origin [0471]; Eliakim, an Israelite: --Eliakim. [ql ~~~~1662
1663 - Eliezer {el-ee-ed'-zer}; of Hebrew origin [0461]; Eliezer, an Israelite: --Eliezer. [ql ~~~~1662
1664 - Elioud {el-ee-ood'}; of Hebrew origin [0410 and 1935]; God of majesty; Eliud, an Israelite: --Eliud. [ql ~~~~1664
1666 - Elissaios {el-is-sah'-yos}; of Hebrew origin [0477]; Elissaeus, an Israelite: --Elissaeus. [ql ~~~~1666
1678 - Elmodam {el-mo-dam'}; of Hebrew origin [perhaps for 0486]; Elmodam, an Israelite: --Elmodam. [ql ~~~~1678
2069 - Esli {es-lee'}; of Hebrew origin [probably for 0454]; Esli, an Israelite: --Esli. [ql ~~~~2068
2074 - Esrom {es-rome}; of Hebrew origin [2696]; Esrom (i.e. Chetsron), an Israelite: --Esrom. [ql ~~~~2074
2195 - Zakchaios {dzak-chah'-ee-yos}; of Hebrew origin [compare 2140]; Zacchaeus, an Israelite: --Zacchaeus. [ql ~~~~2194
2196 - Zara {dzar-ah'}; of Hebrew origin [2226]; Zara, (i.e. Zerach), an Israelite: --Zara. [ql ~~~~2196
2199 - Zebedaios {dzeb-ed-ah'-yos}; of Hebrew origin [compare 2067]; Zebedaeus, an Israelite: --Zebedee. [ql ~~~~2198
2216 - Zorobabel {dzor-ob-ab'-el}; of Hebrew origin [2216]; Zorobabel (i.e. Zerubbabel), an Israelite: --Zorobabel. [ql ~~~~2216
2242 - Heli {hay-lee'}; of Hebrew origin [5941]; Heli (i.e. Eli), an Israelite: --Heli. [ql ~~~~2242
2243 - Helias {hay-lee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [0452]; Helias (i.e. Elijah), an Israelite: --Elias. [ql ~~~~2242
2262 - Er {ayr}; of Hebrew origin [6147]; Er, an Israelite: --Er. [ql ~~~~2262
2268 - Hesaias {hay-sah-ee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [3470]; Hesaias (i.e. Jeshajah), an Israelite: --Esaias. [ql ~~~~2268
2333 - Theudas {thyoo-das'}; of uncertain origin; Theudas, an Israelite: --Theudas. [ql ***. theo. See 5087. [ql ~~~~2332
2383 - Iaeiros {ee-ah'-i-ros}; of Hebrew origin [2971]; Jairus (i.e. Jair), an Israelite: --Jairus. [ql ~~~~2382
2384 - Iakob {ee-ak-obe'}; of Hebrew origin [3290]; Jacob (i.e. Ja`akob), the progenitor of the Israelites: --also an Israelite: --Jacob. [ql ~~~~2384
2388 - Ianna {ee-an-nah'}; probably of Hebrew origin [compare 3238]; Janna, an Israelite: --Janna. [ql ~~~~2388
2408 - Hieremias {hee-er-em-ee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [3414]; Hieremias (i.e. Jermijah), an Israelite: --Jeremiah. [ql ~~~~2408
2421 - Iessai {es-es-sah'-ee}; of Hebrew origin [3448]; Jessae (i.e. Jishai), an Israelite: --Jesse. [ql ~~~~2420
2422 - Iephthae {ee-ef-thah'-eh}; of Hebrew origin [3316]; Jephthae (i.e. Jiphtach), an Israelite: --Jephthah. [ql ~~~~2422
2423 - Iechonias {ee-ekh-on-ee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [3204]; Jechonias (i.e. Jekonjah), an Israelite: --Jechonias. [ql ~~~~2422
2475 - Israelites {is-rah-ale-ee'-tace}; from 2474; an "Israelite", i.e. descendant of Israel (literally or figuratively): --Israelite. [ql ~~~~2474
2475 - Israelites {is-rah-ale-ee'-tace}; from 2474; an "Israelite", i.e. descendant of Israel (literally or figuratively): --Israelite. [ql ~~~~2474
2488 - Ioatham {ee-o-ath'-am}; of Hebrew origin [3147]; Joatham (i.e. Jotham), an Israelite: --Joatham. [ql ~~~~2488
2490 - Ioannas {ee-o-an-nas'}; a form of 2491; Joannas, an Israelite: --Joannas. [ql ~~~~2490
2493 - Ioel {ee-o-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [3100]; Joel, an Israelite: --Joel. [ql ~~~~2492
2494 - Ionan {ee-o-nan'}; probably for 2491 or 2495; Jonan, an Israelite: --Jonan. [ql ~~~~2494
2496 - Ioram {ee-o-ram'}; of Hebrew origin [3141]; Joram, an Israelite: --Joram. [ql ~~~~2496
2497 - Ioreim {ee-o-rime'}; perhaps for 2496; Jorim, an Israelite: --Jorim. [ql ~~~~2496
2498 - Iosaphat {ee-o-saf-at'}; of Hebrew origin [3092]; Josaphat (i.e. Jehoshaphat), an Israelite: --Josaphat. [ql ~~~~2498
2499 - Iose {ee-o-say'}; genitive case of 2500; Jose, an Israelite: --Jose. [ql ~~~~2498
2502 - Iosias {ee-o-see'-as}; of Hebrew origin [2977]; Josias (i.e. Joshiah), an Israelite: --Josias. [ql ~~~~2502
2533 - Kaiaphas {kah-ee-af'-as}; of Aramaic origin; the dell; Caiaphas (i.e. Cajepha), an Israelite: --Caiaphas. [ql ~~~~2532
2797 - Kis {kis}; of Hebrew origin [7027]; Cis (i.e. Kish), an Israelite: --Cis. [ql ***. kichremi. See 5531. [ql ~~~~2796
2832 - Klopas {klo-pas'}; of Aramaic origin (corresponding to 0256); Clopas, an Israelite: --Clopas. [ql ~~~~2830
2879 - Kore {kor-eh'}; of Hebrew origin [7141]; Core (i.e. Korach), an Israelite: --Core. [ql ~~~~2878
2973 - Kosam {ko-sam'}; of Hebrew origin [compare 7081]; Cosam (i.e. Kosam) an Israelite: --Cosam. [ql ~~~~2972
3092 - Maath {mah-ath'}; probably of Hebrew origin; Maath, an Israelite: --Maath. [ql ~~~~3090
3104 - Mainan {mahee-nan'}; probably of Hebrew origin; Mainan, an Israelite: --Mainan. [ql ~~~~3102
3124 - Malchos {mal'-khos}; of Hebrew origin [4429]; Malchus, an Israelite: --Malchus. [ql ~~~~3122
3128 - Manasses {man-as-sace'}; of Hebrew origin [4519]; Mannasses (i.e. Menashsheh), an Israelite: --Manasses. [ql ~~~~3126
3156 - Matthaios {mat-thah'-yos}; a shorter form of 3164; Matthaeus (i.e. Matthitjah), an Israelite and a Christian: --Matthew. [ql ~~~~3154
3157 - Matthan {mat-than'}; of Hebrew origin [4977]; Matthan (i.e. Mattan), an Israelite: --Matthan. [ql ~~~~3156
3159 - Matthias {mat-thee'-as}; apparently a shortened form of 3161; Matthias (i.e. Mattithjah), an Israelite: --Matthias. [ql ~~~~3158
3160 - Mattatha {mat-tath-ah'}; probably a shortened form of 3161 [compare 4992]; Mattatha (i.e. Mattithjah), an Israelite: --Mattatha. [ql ~~~~3158
3161 - Mattathias {mat-tath-ee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [4993]; Mattathias (i.e. Mattithjah), an Israelite and a Christian: --Mattathias. [ql ~~~~3160
3190 - Meleas {mel-eh-as'}; of uncertain origin; Meleas, an Israelite: --Meleas. [ql ***. melei. See 3199. [ql ~~~~3188
3476 - Naasson {nah-as-sone'}; of Hebrew origin [5177]; Naasson (i.e. Nachshon), an Israelite: --Naasson. [ql ~~~~3374
3477 - Naggai {nang-gah'-ee}; probably of Hebrew origin [compare 5052]; Nangae (i.e. perhaps Nogach), an Israelite: --Nagge. [ql ~~~~3376
3481 - Nathan {nath-an'}; of Hebrew origin [5416]; Nathan, an Israelite: --Nathan. [ql ~~~~3380
3482 - Nathanael {nath-an-ah-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [5417]; Nathanael (i.e. Nathanel), an Israelite and Christian: --Nathanael. [ql ~~~~3380
3486 - Naoum {nah-oom'}; of Hebrew origin [5151]; Naum (i.e. Nachum), an Israelite: --Naum. [ql ~~~~3384
3518 - Neri {nay-ree'}; of Hebrew origin [5374]; Neri (i.e. Nerijah), an Israelite: --Neri. [ql ~~~~3416
3530 - Nikodemos {nik-od'-ay-mos}; from 3534 and 1218; victorious among his people; Nicodemus, an Israelite: --Nicodemus. [ql ~~~~3428
3604 - Ozias {od-zee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [5818]; Ozias (i.e. Uzzijah), an Israelite: --Ozias. [ql ~~~~3502
4244 - presbuterion {pres-boo-ter'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 4245; the order of elders, i.e. (specifically) Israelite Sanhedrin or Christian "presbytery": --(estate of) elder(-s), presbytery. [ql ~~~~4142
4245 - presbuteros {pres-boo'-ter-os}; comparative of presbus (elderly); older; as noun, a senior; specifically, an Israelite Sanhedrist (also figuratively, member of the celestial council) or Christian "presbyter": --elder(-est), old. [ql ~~~~4142
4488 - Rhesa {hray-sah'}; probably of Hebrew origin [apparently for 7509]; Resa (i.e. Rephajah), an Israelite: --Rhesa. [ql ~~~~4386
4497 - Rhoboam {hrob-o-am'}; of Hebrew origin [7346]; Roboam (i.e. Rechobam), an Israelite: --Roboam. [ql ~~~~4394
4502 - Rhouben {hroo-bane'}; of Hebrew origin [7205]; Ruben (i.e. Reuben), an Israelite: --Reuben. [ql ~~~~4400
4523 - Saddoukaios {sad-doo-kah'-yos}; probably from 4524; a Sadducaean (i.e. Tsadokian), or follower of a certain heretical Israelite: --Sadducee. [ql ~~~~4420
4524 - Sadok {sad-oke'}; of Hebrew origin [6659]; Sadoc (i.e. Tsadok), an Israelite: --Sadoc. [ql ~~~~4422
4528 - Salathiel {sal-ath-ee-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [7597]; Salathiel (i.e. Shealtiel), an Israelite: --Salathiel. [ql ~~~~4426
4533 - Salmon {sal-mone'}; of Hebrew origin [8012]; Salmon, an Israelite: --Salmon. [ql ~~~~4430
4545 - Samouel {sam-oo-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [8050]; Samuel (i.e. Shemuel), an Israelite: --Samuel. [ql ~~~~4442
4546 - Sampson {samp-sone'}; of Hebrew origin [8123]; Sampson (i.e. Shimshon), an Israelite: --Samson. [ql ~~~~4444
4584 - Semei {sem-eh-ee'}; of Hebrew origin [8096]; Semei (i.e. Shimi), an Israelite: --Semei. [ql ~~~~4482
4630 - Skeuas {skyoo-as'}; apparently of Latin origin; left-handed; Scevas (i.e. Scoevus), an Israelite: --Sceva. [ql ~~~~4528
5090 - Timaios {tim'-ah-yos}; probably of Aramaic origin [compare 2931]; Timoeus (i.e. Timay), an Israelite: --Timaeus. [ql ~~~~4988
5323 - Phanouel {fan-oo-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [6439]; Phanuel (i.e. Penuel), an Israelite: --Phanuel. [ql ~~~~5220
5329 - Phares {far-es'}; of Hebrew origin [6557]; Phares (i.e. Perets), an Israelite: --Phares. [ql ~~~~5226
5601 - Obed {o-bade'}; of Hebrew origin [5744]; Obed, an Israelite: --Obed. [ql ~~~~5498
5617 - Hosee {ho-say-eh'}; of Hebrew origin [1954]; Hosee (i.e. Hoshea), an Israelite: --Osee. [ql ~~~~5514