1772 - ennomos {en'-nom-os}; from 1722 and 3551; (subjectively) legal, or (objectively) subject to: --lawful, under law. [ql ~~~~1772
1832 - exesti {ex'-es-tee}; third person singular present indicative of a compound of 1537 and 1510; so also exon {ex-on'}; neuter present participle of the same (with or without some form of 1510 expressed); impersonally, it is right (through the figurative idea of being out in public): --be lawful, let, X may(-est). [ql ~~~~1832
1971 - epipotheo {ep-ee-poth-eh'-o}; from 1909 and potheo (to yearn); to dote upon, i.e. intensely crave possession (lawfully or wrongfully): --(earnestly) desire (greatly), (greatly) long (after), lust. [ql ~~~~1970
3545 - nomimos {nom-im'-oce}; adverb from a derivative of 3551; legitimately (specifically agreeably to the rules of the lists): --lawfully. [ql ~~~~3444
3475 - Moseus {moce-yoos'}; or Moses {mo-sace'}; or Mouses {mo-oo-sace'}; of Hebrew origin; [4872]; Moseus, Moses, or Mouses (i.e. Mosheh), the Hebrew lawgiver: --Moses. [ql ~~~~3374
3550 - nomothetes {nom-oth-et'-ace}; from 3551 and a derivative of 5087; a legislator: --lawgiver. [ql ~~~~3448
0113 - athesmos {ath'-es-mos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 5087 (in the sense of enacting); lawless, i.e. (by implication) criminal: --wicked. [ql ~~~~112
0459 - anomos {an'-om-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3551; lawless, i.e. (negatively) not subject to (the Jewish) law; (by implication, a Gentile), or (positively) wicked: --without law, lawless, transgressor, unlawful, wicked. [ql ~~~~458
0459 - anomos {an'-om-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3551; lawless, i.e. (negatively) not subject to (the Jewish) law; (by implication, a Gentile), or (positively) wicked: --without law, lawless, transgressor, unlawful, wicked. [ql ~~~~458
0460 - anomos {an-om'-oce}; adverb from 0459; lawlessly, i.e. (specially) not amenable to (the Jewish) law: --without law. [ql ~~~~460
0476 - antidikos {an-tid'-ee-kos}; from 0473 and 1349; an opponent (in a lawsuit); specially, Satan (as the arch-enemy): --adversary. [ql ~~~~476
3544 - nomikos {nom-ik-os'}; from 3551; according (or pertaining) to law, i.e. legal (cer.); as noun, an expert in the (Mosaic) law: --about the law, lawyer. [ql ~~~~3442
1200 - desmophulax {des-mof-oo'-lax}; from 1199 and 5441; a jailer (as guarding the prisoners): --jailor, keeper of the prison. [ql ~~~~1200
2979 - laktizo {lak-tid'-zo}; from adverb lax (heelwise); to recalcitrate: --kick. [ql ~~~~2978
2991 - laxeutos {lax-yoo-tos'}; from a compound of las (a stone) and the base of 3584 (in its original sense of scraping); rock-quarried: --hewn in stone. [ql ~~~~2990
5441 - phulax {foo'-lax}; from 5442; a watcher or sentry: --keeper. [ql ~~~~5338
2991 - laxeutos {lax-yoo-tos'}; from a compound of las (a stone) and the base of 3584 (in its original sense of scraping); rock-quarried: --hewn in stone. [ql ~~~~2990
0009 - Abilene {ab-ee-lay-nay'}; of foreign origin [compare 0058]; Abilene, a region of Syria: --Abilene. [ql ~~~~8
0119 - athlesis {ath'-lay-sis}; from 0118; a struggle (figuratively): --fight. [ql ~~~~118
0238 - allegoreo {al-lay-gor-eh'-o}; from 0243 and agoreo (to harangue [compare 0058]); to allegorize: --be an allegory [the Greek word itself.]. [ql ~~~~238
0239 - allelouia {al-lay-loo'-ee-ah}; of Hebrew origin [imperative of 1984 and 3050]; praise ye Jah!, an adoring exclamation: --alleluiah. [ql ~~~~238
0240 - allelon {al-lay'-lone}; Gen. plural from 0243 reduplicated; one another: --each other, mutual, one another, (the other), (them-, your-)selves, (selves) together [sometimes with 3326 or 4314]. [ql ~~~~240
0347 - anaklino {an-ak-lee'-no}; from 0303 and 2827; to lean back: --lay, (make) sit down. [ql ~~~~346
0378 - anapleroo {an-ap-lay-ro'-o}; from 0303 and 4137; to complete; by implication, to occupy, supply; figuratively, to accomplish (by coincidence ot obedience): --fill up, fulfill, occupy, supply. [ql ~~~~378
0466 - antanapleroo {an-tan-ap-lay-ro'-o}; from 0473 and 0378; to supplement: --fill up. [ql ~~~~466
0502 - antlema {ant'-lay-mah}; from 0501; a baling vessel: --thing to draw with. [ql ~~~~502
0547 - apeile {ap-i-lay'}; from 0546; a menace: --X straitly, threatening. [ql ~~~~546
0579 - apobletos {ap-ob'-lay-tos}; from 0577; cast off, i.e. (figuratively) such as to be rejected: --be refused. [ql ~~~~578
0597 - apothesaurizo {ap-oth-ay-sow-rid'-zo}; from 0575 and 2343; to treasure away: --lay up in store. [ql ~~~~596
0659 - apotithemi {ap-ot-eeth'-ay-mee}; from 0575 and 5087; to put away (literally or figuratively): --cast off, lay apart (aside, down), put away (off). [ql ~~~~658
0833 - aule {ow-lay'}; from the same as 0109; a yard (as open to the wind); by implication, a mansion: --court, ( [sheep-])fold, hall, palace. [ql ~~~~832
0834 - auletes {ow-lay-tace'}; from 0832; a flute-player: --minstrel, piper. [ql ~~~~834
0863 - aphiemi {af-ee'-ay-mee}; from 0575 and hiemi (to send; an intens. form of eimi, to go); to send forth, in various applications (as follow): --cry, forgive, forsake, lay aside, leave, let (alone, be, go, have), omit, put (send) away, remit, suffer, yield up. [ql ~~~~862
0906 - ballo {bal'-lo}; a primary verb; to throw (in various applications, more or less violent or intense): --arise, cast (out), X dung, lay, lie, pour, put (up), send, strike, throw (down), thrust. Compare 4496. [ql ~~~~906
1012 - boule {boo-lay'}; from 1014; volition, i.e. (objectively) advice, or (by implication) purpose: --+ advise, counsel, will. [ql ~~~~1012
1013 - boulema {boo'-lay-mah}; from 1014; a resolve: --purpose, will. [ql ~~~~1012
1315 - diacheirizomai {dee-akh-i-rid'-zom-ahee}; from 1223 and a derivative of 5495; to handle thoroughly, i.e. lay violent hands upon: --kill, slay. [ql ~~~~1314
1399 - doule {doo'-lay}; feminine of 1401; a female slave (involuntarily or voluntarily): --handmaid(-en). [ql ~~~~1398
1458 - egkaleo {eng-kal-eh'-o}; from 1722 and 2564; to call in (as a debt or demand), i.e. bring to account (charge, criminate, etc.): --accuse, call in question, implead, lay to the charge. [ql ~~~~1458
1474 - edaphizo {ed-af-id'-zo}; from 1475; to raze: --lay even with the ground. [ql ~~~~1474
1673 - Hellenikos {hel-lay-nee-kos'}; from 1672; Hellenic, i.e. Grecian (in language): --Greek. [ql ~~~~1672
1674 - Hellenis {hel-lay-nis'}; feminine of 1672; a Grecian (i.e. non-Jewish) woman: --Greek. [ql ~~~~1674
1675 - Hellenistes {hel-lay-nis-tace'}; from a derivative of 1672; a Hellenist or Greek-speaking Jew: --Grecian. [ql ~~~~1674
1676 - Hellenisti {hel-lay-nis-tee'}; adverb from the same as 1675; Hellenistically, i.e. in the Grecian language: --Greek. [ql ~~~~1676
1705 - empiplemi {em-pip'-lay-mee}; or empletho {em-play'-tho}; from 1722 and the base of 4118; to fill in (up), i.e. (by implication) to satisfy (literally or figuratively): --fill. [ql ~~~~1704
1747 - enedra {en-ed'-rah}; feminine from 1722 and the base of 1476; an ambuscade, i.e. (figuratively) murderous purpose: --lay wait. See also 1749. [ql ~~~~1746
1748 - enedreuo {en-ed-ryoo'-o}; from 1747; to lurk, i.e. (figuratively) plot assassination: --lay wait foreign [ql ~~~~1748
1911 - epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 0906; to throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive; usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied) to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: --beat into, cast (up-)on, fall, lay (on), put (unto), stretch forth, think on. [ql ~~~~1910
1915 - epiblema {ep-ib'-lay-mah}; from 1911; a patch: --piece. [ql ~~~~ 1914
1917 - epiboule {ep-ee-boo-lay'}; from a presumed compound of 1909 and 1014; a plan against someone, i.e. a plot: --laying (lying) in wait. [ql ~~~~1916
1945 - epikeimai {ep-ik'-i-mahee}; from 1909 and 2749; to rest upon (literally or figuratively): --impose, be instant, (be) laid (there-, up-)on, (when) lay (on), lie (on), press upon. [ql ~~~~1944
1949 - epilambanomai {ep-ee-lam-ban'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 and 2983; to seize (for help, injury, attainment, or any other purpose; literally or figuratively): --catch, lay hold (up-)on, take (by, hold of, on). [ql ~~~~1948
2007 - epitithemi {ep-ee-tith'-ay-mee}; from 1909 and 5087; to impose (in a friendly or hostile sense): --add unto, lade, lay upon, put (up) on, set on (up), + surname, X wound. [ql ~~~~2006
2049 - eremoo {er-ay-mo'-o}; from 2048; to lay waste (literally or figuratively): --(bring to, make) desolate(-ion), come to nought. [ql ~~~~2048
2113 - euthudromeo {yoo-thoo-drom-eh'-o}; from 2117 and 1408; to lay a straight course, i.e. sail direct: --(come) with a straight course. [ql ~~~~2112
2311 - themelioo {them-el-ee-o'-o}; from 2310; to lay a basis for, i.e. (literally) erect, or (figuratively) consolidate: --(lay the) found(-ation), ground, settle. [ql ~~~~2310
2311 - themelioo {them-el-ee-o'-o}; from 2310; to lay a basis for, i.e. (literally) erect, or (figuratively) consolidate: --(lay the) found(-ation), ground, settle. [ql ~~~~2310
2343 - thesaurizo {thay-sow-rid'-zo}; from 2344; to amass or reserve (literally or figuratively): --lay up (treasure), (keep) in store, (heap) treasure (together, up). [ql ~~~~2342
2476 - histemi {his'-tay-mee}; a prolonged form of a primary stao {stah'-o} (of the same meaning, and used for it in certain tenses); to stand (transitively or intransitively), used in various applications (literally or figuratively): --abide, appoint, bring, continue, covenant, establish, hold up, lay, present, set (up), stanch, stand (by, forth, still, up). Compare 5087. [ql ~~~~2476
2598 - kataballo {kat-ab-al'-lo}; from 2596 and 0906; to throw down: --cast down, lay. [ql ~~~~2598
2624 - kataklerodoteo {kat-ak-lay-rod-ot-eh'-o}; from 2596 and a derivative of a compound of 2819 and 1325; to be a giver of lots to each, i.e. (by implication) to apportion an estate: --divide by lot. [ql ~~~~2624
2639 - katalego {kat-al-eg'-o}; from 2596 and 3004 (in its orig. meaning); to lay down, i.e. (figuratively) to enrol: --take into the number. [ql ~~~~2638
2698 - katatithemi {kat-at-ith'-ay-mee}; from 2596 and 5087; to place down, i.e. deposit (literally or figuratively): --do, lay, shew. [ql ~~~~2698
2749 - keimai {ki'-mahee}; middle voice of a primary verb; to lie outstretched (literally or figuratively): --be (appointed, laid up, made, set), lay, lie. Compare 5087. [ql ~~~~2748
2827 - klino {klee'-no}; a primary verb; to slant or slope, i.e. incline or recline (literally or figuratively): --bow (down), be far spent, lay, turn to flight, wear away. [ql ~~~~2826
2902 - krateo {krat-eh'-o}; from 2904; to use strength, i.e. seize or retain (literally or figuratively): --hold (by, fast), keep, lay hand (hold) on, obtain, retain, take (by). [ql ~~~~2900
3004 - lego {leg'-o}; a primary verb; properly, to "lay" forth, i.e. (figuratively) relate (in words [usually of systematic or set discourse; whereas 2036 and 5346 generally refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while 4483 is properly, to break silence merely, and 2980 means an extended or random harangue]); by implication, to mean: --ask, bid, boast, call, describe, give out, name, put forth, say(-ing, on), shew, speak, tell, utter. [ql ~~~~3002
3024 - lethe {lay'-thay}; from 2990; forgetfulness: --+ forget. [ql ~~~~ 3022
3025 - lenos {lay-nos'}; apparently a primary word; a trough, i.e. wine-vat: --winepress. [ql ~~~~3024
3026 - leros {lay'-ros}; apparently a primary word; twaddle, i.e. an incredible story: --idle tale. [ql ~~~~3024
3049 - logizomai {log-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 3056; to take an inventory, i.e. estimate (literally or figuratively): --conclude, (ac-)count (of), + despise, esteem, impute, lay, number, reason, reckon, suppose, think (on). [ql ~~~~3048
3412 - Mitulene {mit-oo-lay'-nay}; for mutilene (abounding in shellfish); Mitylene (or Mytilene), a town on the island of Lesbos: --Mitylene. [ql ~~~~3310
3647 - holokleria {hol-ok-lay-ree'-ah}; from 3648; integrity, i.e. physical wholeness: --perfect soundness. [ql ~~~~3546
3648 - holokleros {hol'-ok'-lay-ros}; from 3650 and 2819; complete in every part, i.e. perfectly sound (in body): --entire, whole. [ql ~~~~3546
3782 - opheile {of-i-lay'}; from 3784; indebtedness, i.e. (concretely) a sum owed; figuratively, obligation, i.e. (conjugal) duty: --debt, due. [ql ~~~~3680
3783 - opheilema {of-i'-lay-mah}; from (the alternate of) 3784; something owed, i.e. (figuratively) a due; morally, a fault: --debt. [ql ~~~~3680
3874 - paraklesis {par-ak'-lay-sis}; from 3870; imploration, hortation, solace: --comfort, consolation, exhortation, intreaty. [ql ~~~~3772
3875 - parakletos {par-ak'-lay-tos}; an intercessor, consoler: --advocate, comforter. [ql ~~~~3772
3881 - paralegomai {par-al-eg'-om-ahee}; from 3844 and the middle voice of 3004 (in its original sense); (specifically) to lay one's course near, i.e. sail past: --pass, sail by. [ql ~~~~3778
3897 - paraplesion {par-ap-lay'-see-on}; neuter of a compound of 3844 and the base of 4139 (as adverb); close by, i.e. (figuratively) almost: --nigh unto. [ql ~~~~3794
3898 - paraplesios {par-ap-lay-see'-oce}; adverb from the same as 3897; in a manner near by, i.e. (figuratively) similarly: --likewise. [ql ~~~~3796
4084 - piazo {pee-ad'-zo}; probably another form of 0971; to squeeze, i.e. seize (gently by the hand [press], or officially [arrest], or in hunting [capture]): --apprehend, catch, lay hand on, take. Compare 4085. [ql ~~~~3982
4160 - poieo {poy-eh'-o}; apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary; to make or do (in a very wide application, more or less direct): --abide, + agree, appoint, X avenge, + band together, be, bear, + bewray, bring (forth), cast out, cause, commit, + content, continue, deal, + without any delay, (would) do(-ing), execute, exercise, fulfil, gain, give, have, hold, X journeying, keep, + lay wait, + lighten the ship, make, X mean, + none of these things move me, observe, ordain, perform, provide, + have purged, purpose, put, + raising up, X secure, shew, X shoot out, spend, take, tarry, + transgress the law, work, yield. Compare 4238. [ql ~~~~4058
4322 - prosanapleroo {pros-an-ap-lay-ro'-o}; from 4314 and 0378; to fill up further, i.e. furnish fully: --supply. [ql ~~~~4220
4323 - prosanatithemi {pros-an-at-ith'-ay-mee}; from 4314 and 0394; to lay up in addition, i.e. (middle voice and figuratively) to impart or (by implication) to consult: --in conference add, confer. [ql ~~~~4220
4369 - prostithemi {pros-tith'-ay-mee}; from 4314 and 5087; to place additionally, i.e. lay beside, annex, repeat: --add, again, give more, increase, lay unto, proceed further, speak to any more. [ql ~~~~4266
4369 - prostithemi {pros-tith'-ay-mee}; from 4314 and 5087; to place additionally, i.e. lay beside, annex, repeat: --add, again, give more, increase, lay unto, proceed further, speak to any more. [ql ~~~~4266
4379 - prospsauo {pros-psow'-o}; from 4314 and psauo (to touch); to impinge, i.e. lay a finger on (in order to relieve): --touch. [ql ~~~~4276
4439 - pule {poo'-lay}; apparently a primary word; a gate, i.e. the leaf or wing of a folding entrance (literally or figuratively): --gate. [ql ~~~~4336
4662 - skolekobrotos {sko-lay-kob'-ro-tos}; from 4663 and a derivative of 0977; worm-eaten, i.e. diseased with maggots: --eaten of worms. [ql ~~~~4560
4718 - staphule {staf-oo-lay'}; probably from the base of 4735; a cluster of grapes (as if intertwined): --grapes. [ql ~~~~4616
4824 - sumboulion {soom-boo'-lee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 4825; advisement; specifically, a deliberative body, i.e. the provincial assessors or lay-court: --consultation, counsel, council. [ql ~~~~4722
5087 - tithemi {tith'-ay-mee}; a prolonged form of a primary theo {theh'-o} (which is used only as alternate in certain tenses); to place (in the widest application, literally and figuratively; properly, in a passive or horizontal posture, and thus different from 2476, which properly denotes an upright and active position, while 2749 is properly reflexive and utterly prostrate): --+ advise, appoint, bow, commit, conceive, give, X kneel down, lay (aside, down, up), make, ordain, purpose, put, set (forth), settle, sink down. [ql ~~~~4984
5136 - trachelizo {trakh-ay-lid'-zo}; from 5137; to seize by the throat or neck, i.e. to expose the gullet of a victim for killing (generally, to lay bare): --opened. [ql ~~~~5034
5208 - hule {hoo-lay'}; perhaps akin to 3586; a forest, i.e. (by implication) fuel: --matter. [ql ~~~~5106
5294 - hupotithemi {hoop-ot-ith'-ay-mee}; from 5259 and 5087; to place underneath, i.e. (figuratively) to hazard, (reflexively) to suggest: --lay down, put in remembrance. [ql ~~~~5192
5342 - phero {fer'-o}; a primary verb (for which other and apparently not cognate ones are used in certain tenses only; namely, oio {oy'-o}; and enegko {en-eng'-ko); to "bear" or carry (in a very wide application, literally and figuratively, as follows): --be, bear, bring (forth), carry, come, + let her drive, be driven, endure, go on, lay, lead, move, reach, rushing, uphold. [ql ~~~~5240
5443 - phule {foo-lay'}; from 5453 (compare 5444); an offshoot, i.e. race or clan: --kindred, tribe. [ql ~~~~5340