3115 - makrothumia {mak-roth-oo-mee'-ah}; from the same as 3116; longanimity, i.e. (objectively) forbearance or (subjectively) fortitude: --longsuffering, patience. [ql ~~~~3114
1973 - epipothetos {ep-ee-poth'-ay-tos}; from 1909 and a derivative of the latter part of 1971; yearned upon, i.e. greatly loved: --longed foreign [ql ~~~~1972
2089 - eti {et'-ee}; perhaps akin to 2094; "yet," still (of time or degree): --after that, also, ever, (any) further, (t-)henceforth (more), hereafter, (any) longer, (any) more(-one), now, still, yet. [ql ~~~~2088
3371 - meketi {may-ket'-ee}; from 3361 and 2089; no further: --any longer, (not) henceforth, hereafter, no henceforward (longer, more, soon), not any more. [ql ~~~~3270
3371 - meketi {may-ket'-ee}; from 3361 and 2089; no further: --any longer, (not) henceforth, hereafter, no henceforward (longer, more, soon), not any more. [ql ~~~~3270
3765 - ouketi {ook-et'-ee}; also (separately) ouk eti {ook et'-ee); from 3756 and 2089; not yet, no longer: --after that (not), (not) any more, henceforth (hereafter) not, no longer (more), not as yet (now), now no more (not), yet (not). [ql ~~~~3662
3765 - ouketi {ook-et'-ee}; also (separately) ouk eti {ook et'-ee); from 3756 and 2089; not yet, no longer: --after that (not), (not) any more, henceforth (hereafter) not, no longer (more), not as yet (now), now no more (not), yet (not). [ql ~~~~3662
1939 - epithumia {ep-ee-thoo-mee'-ah}; from 1937; a longing (especially for what is forbidden): --concupiscence, desire, lust (after). [ql ~~~~1938
1972 - epipothesis {ep-ee-poth'-ay-sis}; from 1971; a longing for: --earnest (vehement) desire. [ql ~~~~1972
1974 - epipothia {ep-ee-poth-ee'-ah}; from 1971; intense longing: --great desire. [ql ~~~~1974
3715 - orexis {or'-ex-is}; from 3713; excitement of the mind, i.e. longing after: --lust. [ql ~~~~3614
3114 - makrothumeo {mak-roth-oo-meh'-o}; from the same as 3116; to be long-spirited, i.e. (objectively) forbearing or (subjectively) patient: --bear (suffer) long, be longsuffering, have (long) patience, be patient, patiently endure. [ql ~~~~3112
3115 - makrothumia {mak-roth-oo-mee'-ah}; from the same as 3116; longanimity, i.e. (objectively) forbearance or (subjectively) fortitude: --longsuffering, patience. [ql ~~~~3114
0209 - akolutos {ak-o-loo'-toce}; adverb from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 2967; in an unhindered manner, i.e. freely: --no man forbidding him. [ql ~~~~208
0239 - allelouia {al-lay-loo'-ee-ah}; of Hebrew origin [imperative of 1984 and 3050]; praise ye Jah!, an adoring exclamation: --alleluiah. [ql ~~~~238
0622 - apollumi {ap-ol'-loo-mee}; from 0575 and the base of 3639; to destroy fully (reflexively, to perish, or lose), literally or figuratively: --destroy, die, lose, mar, perish. [ql ~~~~622
0623 - Apolluon {ap-ol-loo'-ohn}; active participle of 0622; a destroyer (i.e. Satan): --Apollyon. [ql ~~~~622
0637 - apopluno {ap-op-loo'-no}; from 0575 and 4150; to rinse off: --wash. [ql ~~~~636
1254 - diakoluo {dee-ak-o-loo'-o}; from 1223 and 2967; to hinder altogether, i.e. utterly prohibit: --forbid. [ql ~~~~1254
1590 - ekluo {ek-loo'-o}; from 1537 and 3089; to relax (literally or figuratively): --faint. [ql ~~~~1590
1956 - epiluo {ep-ee-loo'-o}; from 1909 and 3089; to solve further, i.e. (figuratively) to explain, decide: --determine, expound. [ql ~~~~1956
2148 - Eurokludon {yoo-rok-loo'-dohn}; from Euros (the east wind) and 2830; a storm from the East (or SouthEast), i.e. (in modern phrase) a Levanter: --Euroklydon. [ql ~~~~2148
2437 - Illurikon {il-loo-ree-kon'}; neuter of an adjective from a name of uncertain derivation: (the) Illyrican (shore), i.e. (as a name itself) Illyricum, a region of Europe: --Illyricum. [ql ~~~~2436
2854 - kollourion {kol-loo'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of kollura (a cake; prob akin to the base of 2853); properly, a poultice (as made of or in the form of crackers), i.e. (by analogy) a plaster: --eyesalve. [ql ~~~~2852
2855 - kollubistes {kol-loo-bis-tace'}; from a presumed derivative of kollubos (a small coin; probably akin to 2854); a coin-dealer: --(money-)changer. [ql ~~~~2854
2967 - koluo {ko-loo'-o}; from the base of 2849; to estop, i.e. prevent (by word or act): --forbid, hinder, keep from, let, not suffer, withstand. [ql ~~~~2966
3065 - Loukas {loo-kas'}; contracted from Latin Lucanus; Lucas, a Christian: --Lucas, Luke. [ql ~~~~3064
3066 - Loukios {loo'-kee-os}; of Latin origin; illuminative; Lucius, a Christian: --Lucius. [ql ~~~~3064
3067 - loutron {loo-tron'}; from 3068; a bath, i.e. (figuratively), immersion, baptism: --washing. [ql ~~~~3066
3068 - louo {loo'-o}; a primary verb; to bathe (the whole person; whereas 3538 means to wet a part only, and 4150 to wash, cleanse garments exclusively): --wash. [ql ~~~~3066
3070 - Ludia {loo-dee'-ah}; properly, feminine of Ludios [of foreign origin] (a Lydian, in Asia Minor); Lydia, a Christian woman: --Lydia. [ql ~~~~3068
3071 - Lukaonia {loo-kah-on-ee'-ah}; perhaps remotely from 3074; Lycaonia, a region of Asia Minor: --Lycaonia. [ql ~~~~3070
3072 - Lukaonisti {loo-kah-on-is-tee'}; adverb from a derivative of 3071; Lycaonistically, i.e. in the language of the Lycaonians: --in the speech of Lycaonia. [ql ~~~~3070
3073 - Lukia {loo-kee'-ah}; probably remotely from 3074; Lycia, a province of Asia Minor: --Lycia. [ql ~~~~3072
3074 - lukos {loo'-kos}; perhaps akin to the base of 3022 (from the whitish hair); a wolf: --wolf. [ql ~~~~3072
3075 - lumainomai {loo-mah'-ee-nom-ahee}; middle voice from a probably derivative of 3089 (meaning filth); properly, to soil, i.e. (figuratively) insult (maltreat): --make havock of. [ql ~~~~3074
3076 - lupeo {loo-peh'-o}; from 3077; to distress; reflexively or passively, to be sad: --cause grief, grieve, be in heaviness, (be) sorrow(-ful), be (make) sorry. [ql ~~~~3074
3077 - lupe {loo'-pay}; apparently a primary word; sadness: --grief, grievous, + grudgingly, heaviness, sorrow. [ql ~~~~3076
3078 - Lusanias {loo-san-ee'-as}; from 3080 and ania (trouble); grief-dispelling; Lysanias, a governor of Abilene: --Lysanias. [ql ~~~~3076
3079 - Lusias {loo-see'-as}; of uncertain affinity; Lysias, a Roman: --Lysias. [ql ~~~~3078
3080 - lusis {loo'-sis}; from 3089; a loosening, i.e. (specifically) divorce: --to be loosed. [ql ~~~~3078
3081 - lusitelei {loo-sit-el-i'}; third person singular present indicative active of a derivative of a compound of 3080 and 5056; impersonally, it answers the purpose, i.e. is advantageous: --it is better. [ql ~~~~3080
3083 - lutron {loo'-tron}; from 3089; something to loose with, i.e. a redemption price (figuratively, atonement): --ransom. [ql ~~~~3082
3084 - lutroo {loo-tro'-o}; from 3083; to ransom (literally or figuratively): --redeem. [ql ~~~~3082
3085 - lutrosis {loo'-tro-sis}; from 3084; a ransoming (figuratively): --+ redeemed, redemption. [ql ~~~~3084
3086 - lutrotes {loo-tro-tace'}; from 3084; a redeemer (figuratively): --deliverer. [ql ~~~~3084
3089 - luo {loo'-o}; a primary verb; to "loosen" (literally or figuratively): --break (up), destroy, dissolve, (un-)loose, melt, put off. Compare 4486. [ql ~~~~3088
4339 - proselutos {pros-ay'-loo-tos}; from the alternate of 4334; an arriver from a foreign region, i.e. (specifically) an acceder (convert) to Judaism ("proselyte"): --proselyte. [ql ~~~~4236
4881 - sunapollumi {soon-ap-ol'-loo-mee}; from 4862 and 0622; to destroy (middle voice or passively, be slain) in company with: --perish with. [ql ~~~~4778
0573 - haplous {hap-looce'}; probably from 0001 (as a particle of union) and the base of 4120; properly, folded together, i.e. single (figuratively, clear): --single. [ql ~~~~572
0887 - achlus {akh-looce'}; of uncertain derivation; dimness of sight, i.e. (probably) a cataract: --mist. [ql ~~~~886
1362 - diplous {dip-looce'}; from 1364 and (probably) the base of 4119; two-fold: --double, two-fold more. [ql ~~~~1362
2627 - kataklusmos {kat-ak-looce-mos'}; from 2626; an inundation: --flood. [ql ~~~~2626
2626 - katakluzo {kat-ak-lood'-zo}; from 2596 and the base of 2830; to dash (wash) down, i.e. (by implication) to deluge: --overflow. [ql ~~~~2626
3632 - oinophlugia {oy-nof-loog-ee'-ah}; from 3631 and a form of the base of 5397; an overflow (or surplus) of wine, i.e. vinolency (drunkenness): --excess of wine. [ql ~~~~3530
0308 - anablepo {an-ab-lep'-o}; from 0303 and 0991; to look up; by implication, to recover sight: --look (up), see, receive sight. [ql ~~~~308
0308 - anablepo {an-ab-lep'-o}; from 0303 and 0991; to look up; by implication, to recover sight: --look (up), see, receive sight. [ql ~~~~308
0333 - antheoreo {an-ath-eh-o-reh'-o}; from 0303 and 2334; to look again (i.e. attentively) at (literally or figuratively): --behold, consider. [ql ~~~~332
0352 - anakupto {an-ak-oop'-to}; from 0303 (in the sense of reversal) and 2955; to unbend, i.e. rise; figuratively, be elated: --lift up, look up. [ql ~~~~352
0553 - apekdechomai {ap-ek-dekh'-om-ahee}; from 0575 and 1551; to expect fully: --look (wait) foreign [ql ~~~~552
0578 - apoblepo {ap-ob-lep'-o}; from 0575 and 0991; to look away from everything else, i.e. (figuratively) intently regard: --have respect. [ql ~~~~578
0816 - atenizo {at-en-id'-zo}; from a compound of 0001 (as a particle of union) and teino (to stretch); to gaze intently: --behold earnestly (stedfastly), fasten (eyes), look (earnestly, stedfastly, up stedfastly), set eyes. [ql ~~~~816
0872 - aphorao {af-or-ah'-o}; from 0575 and 3708; to consider attentively: --look. [ql ~~~~872
0991 - blepo {blep'-o}; a primary verb; to look at (literally or figuratively): --behold, beware, lie, look (on, to), perceive, regard, see, sight, take heed. Compare 3700. [ql ~~~~990
0991 - blepo {blep'-o}; a primary verb; to look at (literally or figuratively): --behold, beware, lie, look (on, to), perceive, regard, see, sight, take heed. Compare 3700. [ql ~~~~990
1227 - diablepo {dee-ab-lep'-o}; from 1223 and 0991; to look through, i.e. recover full vision: --see clearly. [ql ~~~~1226
1404 - drakon {drak'-own}; probably from an alternate form of derkomai (to look); a fabulous kind of serpent (perhaps as supposed to fascinate): --dragon. [ql ~~~~1404
1492 - eido {i'-do}; a primary verb; used only in certain past tenses, the others being borrowed from the equivalent 3700 and 3708; properly, to see (literally or figuratively); by implication (in the perf. only) to know: --be aware, behold, X can (+ not tell), consider, (have) know(-ledge), look (on), perceive, see, be sure, tell, understand, wish, wot. Compare 3700. [ql ~~~~1492
1551 - ekdechomai {ek-dekh'-om-ahee}; from 1537 and 1209; to accept from some source, i.e. (by implication) to await: --expect, look (tarry) for, wait (for). [ql ~~~~1550
1689 - emblepo {em-blep'-o}; from 1722 and 0991; to look on, i.e. (relatively) to observe fixedly, or (absolutely) to discern clearly: --behold, gaze up, look upon, (could) see. [ql ~~~~1688
1689 - emblepo {em-blep'-o}; from 1722 and 0991; to look on, i.e. (relatively) to observe fixedly, or (absolutely) to discern clearly: --behold, gaze up, look upon, (could) see. [ql ~~~~1688
1896 - epeidon {ep-i'-don}; and other moods and persons of the same tense; from 1909 and 1492; to regard (favorably or otherwise): --behold, look upon. [ql ~~~~1896
1914 - epiblepo {ep-ee-blep'-o}; from 1909 and 0991; to gaze at (with favor, pity or partiality): --look upon, regard, have respect to. [ql ~~~~1914
1980 - episkeptomai {ep-ee-skep'-tom-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 and the base of 4649; to inspect, i.e. (by implication) to select; by extension, to go to see, relieve: --look out, visit. [ql ~~~~1980
1983 - episkopeo {ep-ee-skop-eh'-o}; from 1909 and 4648; to oversee; by implication, to beware: --look diligently, take the oversight. [ql ~~~~1982
2300 - theaomai {theh-ah'-om-ahee}; a prolonged form of a primary verb; to look closely at, i.e. (by implication) perceive (literally or figuratively); by extension to visit: --behold, look (upon), see. Compare 3700. [ql ~~~~2300
2300 - theaomai {theh-ah'-om-ahee}; a prolonged form of a primary verb; to look closely at, i.e. (by implication) perceive (literally or figuratively); by extension to visit: --behold, look (upon), see. Compare 3700. [ql ~~~~2300
2334 - theoreo {theh-o-reh'-o}; from a derivative of 2300 (perhaps by add. of 3708); to be a spectator of, i.e. discern, (literally, figuratively [experience] or intensively [acknowledge]): --behold, consider, look on, perceive, see. Compare 3700. [ql ~~~~2334
2726 - katepheia {kat-ay'-fi-ah}; from a compound of 2596 and perhaps a derivative of the base of 5316 (meaning downcast in look); demureness, i.e. (by implication) sadness: --heaviness. [ql ~~~~2724
3700 - optanomai {op-tan'-om-ahee}; a (middle voice) prolonged form of the primary (middle voice) optomai {op'-tom-ahee}; which is used for it in certain tenses; and both as alternate of 3708; to gaze (i.e. with wide-open eyes, as at something remarkable; and thus differing from 0991, which denotes simply voluntary observation; and from 1492, which expresses merely mechanical, passive or casual vision; while 2300, and still more emphatically its intensive 2334, signifies an earnest but more continued inspection; and 4648 a watching from a distance): --appear, look, see, shew self. [ql ~~~~3598
3879 - parakupto {par-ak-oop'-to}; from 3844 and 2955; to bend beside, i.e. lean over (so as to peer within): --look (into), stoop down. [ql ~~~~3776
4017 - periblepo {per-ee-blep'-o}; from 4012 and 0991; to look all around: --look (round) about (on). [ql ~~~~3914
4017 - periblepo {per-ee-blep'-o}; from 4012 and 0991; to look all around: --look (round) about (on). [ql ~~~~3914
4265 - problepo {prob-lep'-o}; from 4253 and 0991; to look out beforehand, i.e. furnish in advance: --provide. [ql ~~~~4162
4306 - pronoeo {pron-o-eh'-o}; from 4253 and 3539; to consider in advance, i.e. look out for beforehand (actively, by way of maintenance for others; middle voice by way of circumspection for oneself): --provide (for). [ql ~~~~4204
4327 - prosdechomai {pros-dekh'-om-ahee}; from 4314 and 1209; to admit (to intercourse, hospitality, credence, or [figuratively] endurance); by implication, to await (with confidence or patience): --accept, allow, look (wait) for, take. [ql ~~~~4224
4328 - prosdokao {pros-dok-ah'-o}; from 4314 and dokeuo (to watch); to anticipate (in thought, hope or fear); by implication, to await: --(be in) expect(-ation), look (for), when looked, tarry, wait for. [ql ~~~~4226
4648 - skopeo {skop-eh'-o}; from 4649; to take aim at (spy), i.e. (figuratively) regard: --consider, take heed, look at (on), mark. Compare 3700. [ql ~~~~4546