3514 - netho {nay'-tho}; from neo (of like meaning); to spin: --spin. [ql ~~~~3412
4522 - sagene {sag-ay'-nay}; from a derivative of satto (to equip) meaning furniture, especially a pack-saddle (which in the East is merely a bag of netted rope); a "seine" for fishing: --net. [ql ~~~~4420
3506 - neuo {nyoo'-o}; apparently a primary verb; to "nod", i.e. (by analogy,) signal: --beckon. [ql ~~~~3404
3167 - megaleios {meg-al-i'-os}; from 3173; magnificent, i.e. (neut, plural as noun) a conspicuous favor, or (subjectively) perfection: --great things, wonderful works. [ql ~~~~3166
0039 - hagion {hag'-ee-on}; neuter of 0040; a sacred thing (i.e. spot): --holiest (of all), holy place, sanctuary. [ql ~~~~38
0149 - aischron {ahee-skhron'}; neuter of 0150; a shameful thing, i.e. indecorum: --shame. [ql ~~~~148
0158 - aition {ah'-ee-tee-on}; neuter of 0159; a reason or crime [like 0156]: --cause, fault. [ql ~~~~158
0197 - akribesteron {ak-ree-bes'-ter-on}; neuter of the comparative of the same as 0196; (adverbially) more exactly: --more perfect(-ly). [ql ~~~~196
0206 - akron {ak'-ron}; neuter of an adj. probably akin to the base of 0188; the extremity: --one end...other, tip, top, uttermost participle [ql ~~~~206
0211 - alabastron {al-ab'-as-tron}; neuter of alabastros (of uncertain derivation), the name of a stone; properly, an "alabaster" box, i.e. (by extension) a perfume vase (of any material): --(alabaster) box. [ql ~~~~210
0235 - alla {al-lah'}; neuter plural of 0243; properly, other things, i.e. (adverbially) contrariwise (in many relations): --and, but (even), howbeit, indeed, nay, nevertheless, no, notwithstanding, save, therefore, yea, yet. [ql ~~~~234
0276 - ametathetos {am-et-ath'-et-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3346; unchangeable, or (neuter as abstract) unchangeability: --immutable(-ility). [ql ~~~~276
0499 - antitupon {an-teet'-oo-pon}; neuter of a compound of 0473 and 5179; corresponding ["antitype"], i.e. a representative, counterpart: --(like) figure (whereunto). [ql ~~~~498
0511 - anoteros {an-o'-ter-os}; comparative degree of 0507; upper, i.e. (neuter as adverb) to a more conspicuous place, in a former part of the book: --above, higher. [ql ~~~~510
0512 - anopheles {an-o-fel'-ace}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and tha base of 5624; useless or (neuter) inutility: --unprofitable(-ness). [ql ~~~~512
0647 - apostasion {ap-os-tas'-ee-on}; neuter of a (presumed) adj. from a derivative of 0868; properly, something separative, i.e. (specially) divorce: --(writing of) divorcement. [ql ~~~~646
0694 - argurion {ar-goo'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 0696; silvery, i.e. (by implication) cash; specially, a silverling (i.e. drachma or shekel): --money, (piece of) silver (piece). [ql ~~~~694
0712 - ariston {ar'-is-ton}; apparently neuter of a superlative from the same as 730; the best meal [or breakfast; perhaps from eri ("early")], i.e. luncheon: --dinner. [ql ~~~~712
0788 - asson {as'-son}; neuter comparative of the base of 1451; more nearly, i.e. very near: --close. [ql ~~~~788
0798 - astron {as'-tron}; neuter from 0792; properly, a constellation; put for a single star (natural or artificial): --star. [ql ~~~~798
0933 - basileion {bas-il'-i-on}; neuter of 0934; a palace: --king's court. [ql ~~~~932
0957 - beltion {bel-tee'-on}; neuter of a compound of a derivative of 0906 (used for the comparative of 0018); better: --very well. [ql ~~~~956
1039 - bussinos {boos'-see-nos}; from 1040; made of linen (neuter a linen cloth): --fine linen. [ql ~~~~1038
1077 - genesia {ghen-es'-ee-ah}; neuter plural of a derivative of 1078; birthday ceremonies: --birthday. [ql ~~~~1076
1091 - georgion {gheh-ore'-ghee-on}; neuter of a (presumed) derivative of 1092; cultivate, i.e. a farm: --husbandry. [ql ~~~~1090
1140 - daimonion {dahee-mon'-ee-on}; neuter of a derivative of 1142; a daemonic being; by extension a deity: --devil, god. [ql ~~~~1140
1163 - dei {die}; 3d person singular active present of 1210; also deon {deh-on'}; neuter active participle of the same; both used impersonally; it is (was, etc.) necessary (as binding): --behoved, be meet, must (needs), (be) need(-ful), ought, should. [ql ~~~~1162
1199 - desmon {des-mon'}; or desmos {des-mos'}; neuter and masculine respectively from 1210; a band, i.e. ligament (of the body) or shackle (of a prisoner); figuratively, an impediment or disability: --band, bond, chain, string. [ql ~~~~1198
1336 - dienekes {dee-ay-nek-es'}; neuter of a compound of 1223 and a derivative of an alternate of 5342; carried through, i.e. (adverbially with 1519 and 3588 prefixed) perpetually: --+ continually, for ever. [ql ~~~~1336
1383 - dokimion {dok-im'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 1382; a testing; by implication, trustworthiness: --trial, trying. [ql ~~~~1382
1400 - doulon {doo'-lon}; neuter of 1401; subservient: --servant. [ql ~~~~1400
1415 - dunatos {doo-nat-os'}; from 1410; powerful or capable (literally or figuratively); neuter possible: --able, could, (that is) mighty (man), possible, power, strong. [ql ~~~~1414
1452 - egguteron {eng-goo'-ter-on}; neuter of the comparative of 1451; nearer: --nearer. [ql ~~~~1452
1456 - egkainia {eng-kah'-ee-nee-ah}; neuter plural of a presumed compound from 1722 and 2537; innovatives, i.e. (specially) renewal (of religious services after the Antiochian interruption): --dedication. [ql ~~~~1456
1480 - ethizo {eth-id'-zo}; from 1485; to accustom, i.e. (neuter passive participle) customary: --custom. [ql ~~~~1480
1486 - etho {eth'-o}; a primary verb; to be used (by habit or conventionality); neuter perfect participle usage: --be custom (manner, wont). [ql ~~~~1486
1493 - eidoleion {i-do-li'-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 1497; an image-fane: --idol's temple. [ql ~~~~1492
1494 - eidolothuton {i-do-loth'-oo-ton}; neuter of a compound of 1497 and a presumed derivative of 2380; an image-sacrifice, i.e. part of an idolatrous offering: --(meat, thing that is) offered (in sacrifice, sacrificed) to (unto) idols. [ql ~~~~1494
1509 - ei me ti {i may tee}; from 1508 and the neuter of 5100; if not somewhat: --except. [ql ~~~~1508
1520 - heis {hice}; (including the neuter [etc.] hen); a primary numeral; one: --a(-n, -ny, certain), + abundantly, man, one (another), only, other, some. See also 1527, 3367, 3391, 3762. [ql ~~~~1520
1549 - ekgonon {ek'-gon-on}; neuter of a derivative of a compound of 1537 and 1096; a descendant, i.e. (specially) grandchild: --nephew. [ql ~~~~1548
1565 - ekeinos {ek-i'-nos}; from 1563; that one (or [neuter] thing); often intensified by the art. prefixed: --he, it, the other (same), selfsame, that (same, very), X their, X them, they, this, those. See also 3778. [ql ~~~~1564
1595 - hekousion {hek-oo'-see-on}; neuter of a derivative from 1635; voluntariness: --willingly. [ql ~~~~1594
1617 - ektenesteron {ek-ten-es'-ter-on}; neuter of the comparative of 1618; more intently: --more earnestly. [ql ~~~~1616
1637 - elaion {el'-ah-yon}; neuter of the same as 1636; olive oil: --oil. [ql ~~~~1636
1712 - emporion {em-por'-ee-on}; neuter from 1713; a mart ("emporium"): --merchandise. [ql ~~~~1712
1726 - enantion {en-an-tee'-on}; neuter of 1727; (adverbially) in the presence (view) of: --before, in the presence of. [ql ~~~~1726
1733 - hendeka {hen'-dek-ah}; from (the neuter of) 1520 and 1176; one and ten, i.e. eleven: --eleven. [ql ~~~~1732
1749 - enedron {en'-ed-ron}; neuter of the same as 1747; an ambush, i.e. (figuratively) murderous design: --lying in wait. [ql ~~~~1748
1751 - eneimi {en'-i-mee}; from 1772 and 1510; to be within (neuter participle plural): --such things as...have. See also 1762. [ql ~~~~1750
1773 - ennuchon {en'-noo-khon}; neuter of a compound of 1722 and 3571; (adverbially) by night: --before day. [ql ~~~~1772
1799 - enopion {en-o'-pee-on}; neuter of a compound of 1722 and a derivative of 3700; in the face of (literally or figuratively): --before, in the presence (sight) of, to. [ql ~~~~1798
1832 - exesti {ex'-es-tee}; third person singular present indicative of a compound of 1537 and 1510; so also exon {ex-on'}; neuter present participle of the same (with or without some form of 1510 expressed); impersonally, it is right (through the figurative idea of being out in public): --be lawful, let, X may(-est). [ql ~~~~1832
1847 - exoudenoo {ex-oo-den-o'-o}; from 1537 and a derivative of the neuter of 3762; to make utterly nothing of, i.e. despise: --set at nought. See also 1848. [ql ~~~~1846
1876 - epanagkes {ep-an'-ang-kes}; neuter of a presumed compound of 1909 and 318; (adverbially) on necessity, i.e. necessarily: --necessary. [ql ~~~~1876
1900 - epekeina {ep-ek'-i-nah}; from 1909 and (the accusative case plural neuter of) 1565; upon those parts of, i.e. on the further side of: --beyond. [ql ~~~~1900
2062 - herpeton {her-pet-on'}; neuter of a derivative of herpo (to creep); a reptile, i.e. (by Hebraism [compare 7431]) a small animal: --creeping thing, serpent. [ql ~~~~2062
2076 - esti {es-tee'}; third person singular present indicative of 1510; he (she or it) is; also (with neuter plural) they are: --are, be(-long), call, X can [-not], come, consisteth, X dure for a while, + follow, X have, (that) is (to say), make, meaneth, X must needs, + profit, + remaineth, + wrestle. [ql ~~~~2076
2095 - eu {yoo}; neuter of a primary eus (good); (adverbially) well: --good, well (done). [ql ~~~~2094
2114 - euthumeo {yoo-thoo-meh'-o}; from 2115; to cheer up, i.e. (intransitively) be cheerful; neuter comparitive (adverbially) more cheerfully: --be of good cheer (merry). [ql ~~~~2114
2145 - euprosedros {yoo-pros'-ed-ros}; from 2095 and the same as 4332; sitting well towards, i.e. (figuratively) assiduous (neuter diligent service): --X attend upon. [ql ~~~~2144
2176 - euonumos {yoo-o'-noo-mos}; from 2095 and 3686; properly, well-named (good-omened), i.e. the left (which was the lucky side among the pagen Greeks); neuter as adverbial, at the left hand: --(on the) left. [ql ~~~~2176
2226 - zoon {dzo'-on}; neuter of a derivative of 2198; a live thing, i.e. an animal: --beast. [ql ~~~~2226
2236 - hedista {hay'-dis-tah}; neuter plural of the superlative of the same as 2234; with great pleasure: --most (very) gladly. [ql ~~~~2236
2238 - heduosmon {hay-doo'-os-mon}; neuter of the compound of the same as 2234 and 3744; a sweet-scented plant, i.e. mint: --mint. [ql ~~~~2238
2255 - hemisu {hay'-mee-soo}; neuter of a derivative from an inseparable pref. akin to 0260 (through the idea of partition involved in connection) and meaning semi-; (as noun) half: --half. [ql ~~~~2254
2276 - hetton {hate'-ton}; neuter of comparative of heka (slightly) used for that of 2556; worse (as noun); by implication, less (as adverbially): --less, worse. [ql ~~~~2276
2297 - thaumasios {thow-mas'-ee-os}; from 2295; wondrous, i.e. (neuter as noun) a miracle: --wonderful thing. [ql ~~~~2296
2303 - theion {thi'-on}; probably neuter of 2304 (in its original sense of flashing); sulphur: --brimstone. [ql ~~~~2302
2304 - theios {thi'-os}; from 2316; godlike (neuter as noun, divinity): --divine, godhead. [ql ~~~~2304
2411 - hieron {hee-er-on'}; neuter of 2413; a sacred place, i.e. the entire precincts (whereas 3485 denotes the central sanctuary itself) of the Temple (at Jerusalem or elsewhere): --temple. [ql ~~~~2410
2435 - hilasterion {hil-as-tay'-ree-on}; neuter of a derivative of 2433; an expiatory (place or thing), i.e. (concretely) an atoning victim, or (specially) the lid of the Ark (in the Temple): --mercyseat, propitiation. [ql ~~~~2434
2437 - Illurikon {il-loo-ree-kon'}; neuter of an adjective from a name of uncertain derivation: (the) Illyrican (shore), i.e. (as a name itself) Illyricum, a region of Europe: --Illyricum. [ql ~~~~2436
2440 - himation {him-at'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of ennumi (to put on); a dress (inner or outer): --apparel, cloke, clothes, garment, raiment, robe, vesture. [ql ~~~~2440
2461 - hippikon {hip-pee-kon'}; neuter of a derivative of 2462; the cavalry force: --horse(-men). [ql ~~~~2460
2505 - katha {kath-ah'}; from 2596 and the neuter plural of 3739; according to which things, i.e. just as: --as. [ql ~~~~2504
2520 - katheko {kath-ay'-ko}; from 2596 and 2240}; to reach to, i.e. (neuter of present active participle, figuratively as adjective) becoming: --convenient, fit. [ql ~~~~2520
2566 - kallion {kal-lee'-on}; neuter of the (irregular) comparitive of 2570; (adverbially) better than many: --very well. [ql ~~~~2566
2765 - keramion {ker-am'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 2766; an earthenware vessel, i.e. jar: --pitcher. [ql ~~~~2764
2769 - keration {ker-at'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 2768; something horned, i.e. (specially) the pod of the carob-tree: --husk. [ql ***. kerao. See 2767. [ql ~~~~2768
2774 - kephalaion {kef-al'-ah-yon}; neuter of a derivative of 2776; a principal thing, i.e. main point; specially, an amount (of money): --sum. [ql ~~~~2772
2826 - klinidion {klin-id'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 2825; a pallet or little couch: --bed. [ql ~~~~2824
2854 - kollourion {kol-loo'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of kollura (a cake; prob akin to the base of 2853); properly, a poultice (as made of or in the form of crackers), i.e. (by analogy) a plaster: --eyesalve. [ql ~~~~2852
2866 - kompsoteron {komp-sot'-er-on}; neuter comparative of a derivative of the base of 2865 (meaning properly, well dressed, i.e. nice); figuratively, convalescent: --+ began to amend. [ql ~~~~2864
2877 - korasion {kor-as'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of kore (a maiden); a (little) girl: --damsel, maid. [ql ~~~~2876
2908 - kreisson {krice'-son}; neuter of an alternate form of 2909; (as noun) better, i.e. greater advantage: --better. [ql ~~~~2906
2922 - kriterion {kree-tay'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 2923; a rule of judging ("criterion"), i.e. (by implication) a tribunal: --to judge, judgment (seat). [ql ~~~~2920
2952 - kunarion {koo-nar'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 2965; a young puppy; --dog. [ql ~~~~2950
3016 - lepton {lep-ton'}; neuter of a derivative of the same as 3013; something scaled (light), i.e. a small coin: --mite. [ql ~~~~3014
3051 - logion {log'-ee-on}; neuter of 3052; an utterance (of God): --oracle. [ql ~~~~3050
3063 - loipon {loy-pon'}; neuter singular of the same as 3062; something remaining (adverbially): --besides, finally, furthermore, (from) henceforth, moreover, now, + it remaineth, then. [ql ~~~~3062
3117 - makros {mak-ros'}; from 3372; long (in place [distant] or time [neuter plural]): --far, long. [ql ~~~~3116
3122 - malista {mal'-is-tah}; neuter plural of the superlative of an apparently primary adverb mala (very); (adverbially) most (in the greatest degree) or particularly: --chiefly, most of all, (e-)specially. [ql ~~~~3120
3123 - mallon {mal'-lon}; neuter of the comparative of the same as 3122; (adverbially) more (in a greater degree)) or rather: --+ better, X far, (the) more (and more), (so) much (the more), rather. [ql ~~~~3122
3142 - marturion {mar-too'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 3144; something evidential, i.e. (genitive case) evidence given or (specifically) the Decalogue (in the sacred Tabernacle): --to be testified, testimony, witness. [ql ~~~~3140
3181 - methorios {meth-or'-ee-os}; from 3326 and 3725; bounded alongside, i.e. contiguous (neuter plural as noun, frontier): --border. [ql ~~~~3180
3185 - meizon {mide'-zon}; neuter of 3187; (adverbially) in greater degree: --the more. [ql ~~~~3184
3188 - melan {mel'-an}; neuter of 3189 as noun; ink: --ink. [ql ~~~~ 3186
3317 - mesonuktion {mes-on-ook'-tee-on}; neuter of compound of 3319 and 3571; midnight (specifically as a watch): --midnight. [ql ~~~~3216
3319 - mesos {mes'-os}; from 3326; middle (as an adjective or [neuter] noun): --among, X before them, between, + forth, mid [-day, -night], midst, way. [ql ~~~~3218
3367 - medeis {may-dice'}; including the irregular feminine medemia {may-dem-ee'-ah}; and the neuter meden {may-den'}; from 3361 and 1520; not even one (man, woman, thing): --any (man, thing), no (man), none, not (at all, any man, a whit), nothing, + without delay. [ql ~~~~3266
3385 - meti {may'-tee}; from 3361 and the neuter of 5100; whether at all: --not [the particle usually not expressed, except by the form of the question]. [ql ~~~~3284
3397 - mikron {mik-ron'}; masculine or neuter singular of 3398 (as noun); a small space of time or degree: --a (little) (while). [ql ~~~~3296
3440 - monon {mon'-on}; neuter of 3441 as adverb; merely: --alone, but, only. [ql ~~~~3338
3569 - tanun {tan-oon'}; or ta nun {tah noon}; from neuter plural of 3588 and 3568; the things now, i.e. (adverbially) at present: --(but) now. [ql ~~~~3468
3588 - ho {ho}; including the feminine he {hay}; and the neuter to {to}; in all their inflections; the def. article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom): --the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc. [ql . ***. ho. See 3739. [ql ~~~~3486
3592 - hode {hod'-eh}; including the feminine hede {hay'-deh}; and the neuter tode {tod'-e}; from 3588 and 1161; the same, i.e. this or that one (plural these or those); often used as person pronoun: --he, she, such, these, thus. [ql ~~~~3490
3603 - ho esti {ho es-tee'}; from the neuter of 3739 and the third person singular present ind. of 1510; which is: --called, which is (make), that is (to say). [ql ~~~~3502
3608 - othonion {oth-on'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 3607; a linen bandage: --linen clothes. [ql ~~~~3506
3613 - oiketerion {oy-kay-tay'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 3611 (equivalent to 3612); a residence (literally or figuratively): --habitation, house. [ql ~~~~3512
3634 - hoios {hoy'-os}; probably akin to 3588, 3739, and 3745; such or what sort of (as a correlation or exclamation); especially the neuter (adverbial) with negative, not so: --so (as), such as, what (manner of), which. [ql ***. oio. See 5342. [ql ~~~~3532
3641 - oligos {ol-ee'-gos}; of uncertain affinity; puny (in extent, degree, number, duration or value); especially neuter (adverbial) somewhat: --+ almost, brief [-ly], few, (a) little, + long, a season, short, small, a while. [ql ~~~~3540
3650 - holos {hol'-os}; a primary word; "whole" or "all", i.e. complete (in extent, amount, time or degree), especially (neuter) as noun or adverb: --all, altogether, every whit, + throughout, whole. [ql ~~~~3548
3678 - onarion {on-ar'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 3688; a little donkey: --young ass. [ql ***. onao. See 3685. [ql ~~~~3576
3725 - horion {hor'-ee-on}; neuter of a derivative of an apparently primary horos (a bound or limit); a boundary-line, i.e. (by implication) a frontier (region): --border, coast. [ql ~~~~3624
3732 - orneon {or'-neh-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 3733; a birdling: --bird, fowl. [ql ~~~~3630
3739 - hos {hos}; including feminine he {hay}; and neuter ho {ho}; probably a primary word (or perhaps a form of the article 3588); the relatively (sometimes demonstrative) pronoun, who, which, what, that: --one, (an-, the) other, some, that, what, which, who(-m, -se), etc. See also 3757. [ql ~~~~3636
3748 - hostis {hos'-tis}; including the feminine hetis {hay'-tis}; and the neuter ho,ti {hot'-ee}; from 3739 and 5100; which some, i.e. any that; also (def.) which same: --X and (they), (such) as, (they) that, in that they, what(-soever), whereas ye, (they) which, who(-soever). Compare 3754. [ql ~~~~3646
3753 - hote {hot'-eh}; from 3739 and 5037; at which (thing) too, i.e. when: --after (that), as soon as, that, when, while. ho, te (ho,t'-eh); also feminine he, te (hay'-teh); and neuter to, te (tot'-eh); simply the article 3588 followed by 5037; so written (in some editions) to distinguish them from 3752 and 5119. [ql ~~~~3650
3754 - hoti {hot'-ee}; neuter of 3748 as conjunction; demonst. that (sometimes redundant); caus. because: --as concerning that, as though, because (that), for (that), how (that), (in) that, though, why. [ql ~~~~3652
3762 - oudeis {oo-dice'}; including feminine oudemia {oo-dem-ee'-ah}; and neuter ouden {oo-den'}; from 3761 and 1520; not even one (man, woman or thing), i.e. none, nobody, nothing: --any (man), aught, man, neither any (thing), never (man), no (man), none (+ of these things), not (any, at all, -thing), nought. [ql ~~~~3660
3795 - opsarion {op-sar'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of the base of 3702; a relish to other food (as if cooked sauce), i.e. (specifically) fish (presumably salted and dried as a condiment): --fish. [ql ~~~~3692
3800 - opsonion {op-so'-nee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of the same as 3795; rations for a soldier, i.e. (by extension) his stipend or pay: --wages. [ql ~~~~3698
3808 - paidarion {pahee-dar'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 3816; a little boy: --child, lad. [ql ~~~~3706
3813 - paidion {pahee-dee'-on}; neuter dimin. of 3816; a childling (of either sex), i.e. (properly,) an infant, or (by extension) a half-grown boy or girl; figuratively, an immature Christian: --(little, young) child, damsel. [ql ~~~~3710
3829 - pandocheion {pan-dokk-i'-on}; neuter of a presumed compound of 3956 and a derivative of 1209; all-receptive, i.e. a public lodging-place (caravanserai or khan): --inn. [ql ~~~~3726
3838 - panteles {pan-tel-ace'}; from 3956 and 5056; full-ended, i.e. entire (neuter as noun, completion): --+ in [no] wise, uttermost. [ql ~~~~3736
3890 - paramuthion {par-am-oo'-thee-on}; neuter of 3889; consolation (properly, concretely): --comfort. [ql ~~~~3788
3897 - paraplesion {par-ap-lay'-see-on}; neuter of a compound of 3844 and the base of 4139 (as adverb); close by, i.e. (figuratively) almost: --nigh unto. [ql ~~~~3794
3918 - pareimi {par'-i-mee}; from 3844 and 1510 (including its various forms); to be near, i.e. at hand; neuter present participle (singular) time being, or (plural) property: --come, X have, be here, + lack, (be here) present. [ql ~~~~3816
4018 - peribolaion {per-ib-ol'-ah-yon}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 4016; something thrown around one, i.e. a mantle, veil: --covering, vesture. [ql ~~~~3916
4021 - periergos {per-ee'-er-gos}; from 4012 and 2041; working all around, i.e. officious (meddlesome, neuter plural magic): --busybody, curious arts. [ql ~~~~3918
4053 - perissos {per-is-sos'}; from 4012 (in the sense of beyond); superabundant (in quantity) or superior (in quality); by implication, excessive; adverbially (with 1537) violently; neuter (as noun) preeminence: --exceeding abundantly above, more abundantly, advantage, exceedingly, very highly, beyond measure, more, superfluous, vehement [-ly]. [ql ~~~~3950
4054 - perissoteron {per-is-sot'-er-on}; neuter of 4055 (as adverb); in a more superabundant way: --more abundantly, a great deal, far more. [ql ~~~~3952
4071 - peteinon {pet-i-non'}; neuter of a derivative of 4072; a flying animal, i.e. bird: --bird, fowl. [ql ~~~~3968
4079 - pedalion {pay-dal'-ee-on}; neuter of a (presumed) derivative of pedon (the blade of an oar; from the same as 3976); a "pedal", i.e. helm: --rudder. [ql ~~~~3976
4119 - pleion {pli-own}; neuter pleion {pli'-on}; or pleon {pleh'-on}; comparative of 4183; more in quantity, number, or quality; also (in plural) the major portion: --X above, + exceed, more excellent, further, (very) great(-er), long(-er), (very) many, greater (more) part, + yet but. [ql ~~~~4016
4139 - plesion {play-see'-on}; neuter of a derivative of pelas (near); (adverbially) close by; as noun, a neighbor, i.e. fellow (as man, countryman, Christian or friend): --near, neighbour. [ql ~~~~4036
4142 - ploiarion {ploy-ar'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 4143; a boat: --boat, little (small) ship. [ql ~~~~4040
4156 - pniktos {pnik-tos'}; from 4155; throttled, i.e. (neuter concretely) an animal choked to death (not bled): --strangled. [ql ~~~~4054
4168 - poimnion {poym'-nee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 4167; a flock, i.e. (figuratively) group (of believers): --flock. [ql ~~~~4066
4179 - pollaplasion {pol-lap-las-ee'-ohn}; from 4183 and probably a derivative of 4120; manifold, i.e. (neuter as noun) very much more: --manifold more. [ql ~~~~4076
4183 - polus {pol-oos'}; including the forms from the alternate pollos; (singular) much (in any respect) or (plural) many; neuter (singular) as adverbial, largely; neuter (plural) as adverb or noun often, mostly, largely: -- abundant, + altogether, common, + far (passed, spent), (+ be of a) great (age, deal, -ly, while), long, many, much, oft(-en [-times]), plenteous, sore, straitly. Compare 4118, 4119. [ql ~~~~4080
4183 - polus {pol-oos'}; including the forms from the alternate pollos; (singular) much (in any respect) or (plural) many; neuter (singular) as adverbial, largely; neuter (plural) as adverb or noun often, mostly, largely: -- abundant, + altogether, common, + far (passed, spent), (+ be of a) great (age, deal, -ly, while), long, many, much, oft(-en [-times]), plenteous, sore, straitly. Compare 4118, 4119. [ql ~~~~4080
4190 - poneros {pon-ay-ros'}; from a derivative of 4192; hurtful, i.e. evil (properly, in effect or influence, and thus differing from 2556, which refers rather to essential character, as well as from 4550, which indicates degeneracy from original virtue); figuratively, calamitous; also (passively) ill, i.e. diseased; but especially (morally) culpable, i.e. derelict, vicious, facinorous; neuter (singular) mischief, malice, or (plural) guilt; masculine (singular) the devil, or (plural) sinners: --bad, evil, grievous, harm, lewd, malicious, wicked(-ness). See also 4191. [ql ~~~~4088
4220 - poteron {pot'-er-on}; neuter of a comparative of the base of 4226; interrogative as adverb, which (of two), i.e. is it this or that: --whether. [ql ~~~~4118
4221 - poterion {pot-ay'-ree-on}; neuter of a derivative of the alternate of 4095; a drinking-vessel; by extension, the contents thereof, i.e. a cupful (draught); figuratively, a lot or fate: --cup. [ql ~~~~4118
4244 - presbuterion {pres-boo-ter'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 4245; the order of elders, i.e. (specifically) Israelite Sanhedrin or Christian "presbytery": --(estate of) elder(-s), presbytery. [ql ~~~~4142
4259 - proaulion {pro-ow'-lee-on}; neuter of a presumed compound of 4253 and 0833; a forecourt, i.e. vestibule (alley-way): --porch. [ql ~~~~4156
4263 - probaton {prob'-at-on}; probably neuter of a presumed. derivative of 4260; something that walks forward (a quadruped), i.e. (specifically) a sheep (literally or figuratively): --sheep( [-fold]). [ql ~~~~4160
4289 - prothumos {proth'-oo-mos}; from 4253 and 2372; forward in spirit, i.e. predisposed; neuter (as noun) alacrity: --ready, willing. [ql ~~~~4186
4344 - proskephalaion {pros-kef-al'-ahee-on}; neuter of a presumed compound of 4314 and 2776; something for the head, i.e. a cushion: --pillow. [ql ~~~~4242
4371 - prosphagion {pros-fag'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of a compound of 4314 and 5315; something eaten in addition to bread, i.e. a relish (specifically, fish; compare 3795): --meat. [ql ~~~~4268
4386 - proteron {prot'-er-on}; neuter of 4387 as adverb (with or without the art.); previously: --before, (at the) first, former. [ql ~~~~4284
4412 - proton {pro'-ton}; neuter of 4413 as adverb (with or without 3588); firstly (in time, place, order, or importance): --before, at the beginning, chiefly (at, at the) first (of all). [ql ~~~~4310
4419 - pterugion {pter-oog'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 4420; a winglet, i.e. (figuratively) extremity (top corner): --pinnacle. [ql ~~~~4316
4437 - puknos {pook-nos'}; from the same as 4635; clasped (thick), i.e. (figuratively) frequent; neuter plural (as adverb) frequently: --often(-er). [ql ~~~~4334
4547 - sandalion {san-dal'-ee-on}; neuter of a derivative of sandalon (a "sandal"; of uncertain origin); a slipper or sole-pad: --sandal. [ql ~~~~4444
4592 - semeion {say-mi'-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of the base of 4591; an indication, especially ceremonially or supernaturally: --miracle, sign, token, wonder. [ql ~~~~4490
4594 - semeron {say'-mer-on}; neuter (as adverb) of a presumed compound of the art. 3588 and 2250; on the (i.e. this) day (or night current or just passed); generally, now (i.e. at present, hitherto): --this (to-)day. [ql ~~~~4492
4596 - serikos {say-ree-kos'}; from Ser (an Indian tribe from whom silk was procured; hence the name of the silk-worm); Seric, i.e. silken (neuter as noun, a silky fabric): --silk. [ql ~~~~4494
4621 - sitos {see'-tos}; plural irregular neuter sita {see'-tah}; of uncertain derivation; grain, especially wheat: --corn, wheat. [ql ~~~~4518
4657 - skubalon {skoo'-bal-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 1519 and 2965 and 906; what is thrown to the dogs, i.e. refuse (ordure): --dung. [ql ~~~~4554
4661 - skulon {skoo'-lon}; neuter from 4660; something stripped (as a hide), i.e. booty: --spoil. [ql ~~~~4558
4693 - spelaion {spay'-lah-yon}; neuter of a presumed derivative of speos (a grotto); a cavern; by implication, a hiding-place or resort: --cave, den. [ql ~~~~4590
4702 - sporimos {spor'-ee-mos}; from 4703; sown, i.e. (neuter plural) a planted field: --corn(-field). [ql ~~~~4600
4706 - spoudaioteron {spoo-dah-yot'-er-on}; neuter of 4707 as adverb; more earnestly than others), i.e. very promptly: --very diligently. [ql ~~~~4604
4747 - stoicheion {stoy-khi'-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of the base of 4748; something orderly in arrangement, i.e. (by implication) a serial (basal, fundamental, initial) constituent (literally), proposition (figuratively): --element, principle, rudiment. [ql ~~~~4644
4824 - sumboulion {soom-boo'-lee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 4825; advisement; specifically, a deliberative body, i.e. the provincial assessors or lay-court: --consultation, counsel, council. [ql ~~~~4722
4849 - sumposion {soom-pos'-ee-on}; neuter of a derivative of the alternate of 4844; a drinking-party ("symposium"), i.e. (by extension) a room of guests: --company. [ql ~~~~4746
4851 - sumphero {soom-fer'-o}; from 4862 and 5342 (including its alternate); to bear together (contribute), i.e. (literally) to collect, or (figuratively) to conduce; especially (neuter participle as a noun) advantage: --be better for, bring together, be expedient (for), be good, (be) profit(-able for). [ql ~~~~4748
4859 - sumphonos {soom'-fo-nos}; from 4862 and 5456; sounding together (alike), i.e. (figuratively) accordant (neuter as noun, agreement): --consent. [ql ~~~~4756
4892 - sunedrion {soon-ed'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of a compound of 4862 and the base of 1476; a joint session, i.e. (specifically) the Jewish Sanhedrin; by analogy, a subordinate tribunal: --council. [ql ~~~~4790
4953 - sussemon {soos'-say-mon}; neuter of a compound of 4862 and the base of 4591; a sign in common, i.e. preconcerted signal: --token. [ql ~~~~4850
4968 - sphagion {sfag'-ee-on}; neuter of a derivative of 4967; a victim (in sacrifice): --slain beast. [ql ~~~~4866
4970 - sphodra {sfod'-rah}; neuter plural of sphodros (violent; of uncertain derivation) as adverb; vehemently, i.e. in a high degree, much: --exceeding(-ly), greatly, sore, very. [ql ~~~~4868
4974 - sphuron {sfoo-ron'}; neuter of a presumed derivative probably of the same as sphaira (a ball, "sphere"; compare the feminine sphura, a hammer); the ankle (as globular): --ancle bone. [ql ~~~~4872
4975 - schedon {skhed-on'}; neuter of a presumed derivative of the alternate of 2192 as adverb; nigh, i.e. nearly: --almost. [ql ***. scheo. See 2192. [ql ~~~~4872
4992 - soterion {so-tay'-ree-on}; neuter of the same as 4991 as (properly, concretely) noun; defender or (by implication) defence: --salvation. [ql ~~~~4890
5007 - talanton {tal'-an-ton}; neuter of a presumed derivative of the original form of tlao (to bear; equivalent to 5342); a balance (as supporting weights), i.e. (by implication) a certain weight (and thence a coin or rather sum of money) or "talent": --talent. [ql ~~~~4904
5009 - tameion {tam-i'-on}; neuter contraction of a presumed derivative of tamias (a dispenser or distributor; akin to temno, to cut); a dispensary or magazine, i.e. a chamber on the ground-floor or interior of an Oriental house (generally used for storage or privacy, a spot for retirement): --secret chamber, closet, storehouse. [ql ***. tanun. See 3568. [ql ~~~~4906
5023 - tauta {tow'-tah}; nominative or accusative case neuter plural of 3778; these things: --+ afterward, follow, + hereafter, X him, the same, so, such, that, then, these, they, this, those, thus. [ql ~~~~4920
5024 - tauta {tow-tah'}; neuter plural of 3588 and 0846 as adverb; in the same way: --even thus, (manner) like, so. [ql ~~~~4922
5029 - tacha {takh'-ah}; as if neuter plural of 5036 (adverbially); shortly, i.e. (figuratively) possibly: --peradventure(-haps). [ql ~~~~4926
5032 - tachion {takh'-ee-on}; neuter singular of the comparative of 5036 (as adverb); more swiftly, i.e. (in manner) more rapidly, or (in time) more speedily: --out [run], quickly, shortly, sooner. [ql ~~~~4930
5033 - tachista {takh'-is-tah}; neuter plural of the superlative of 5036 (as adverb); most quickly, i.e. (with 5613 prefixed) as soon as possible: --+ with all speed. [ql ~~~~4930
5035 - tachu {takh-oo'}; neuter singular of 5036 (as adverb); shortly, i.e. without delay, soon, or (by surprise) suddenly, or (by implication, of ease) readily: --lightly, quickly. [ql ~~~~4932
5039 - tekmerion {tek-may'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of tekmar (a goal or fixed limit); a token (as defining a fact), i.e. criterion of certainty: --infallible proof. [ql ~~~~4936
5046 - teleios {tel'-i-os}; from 5056; complete (in various applications of labor, growth, mental and moral character, etc.); neuter (as noun, with 3588) completeness: --of full age, man, perfect. [ql ~~~~4944
5058 - telonion {tel-o'-nee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 5057; a tax-gatherer's place of business: --receipt of custom. [ql ~~~~4956
5064 - tessares {tes'-sar-es}; neuter tessara {tes'-sar-ah}; a plural number; four: --four. [ql ~~~~4962
5069 - tetradion {tet-rad'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of tetras (a tetrad; from 5064); a quaternion or squad (picket) of four Roman soldiers: --quaternion. [ql ~~~~4966
5071 - tetrakosioi {tet-rak-os'-ee-oy}; neuter tetrakosia {tet-rak-os'-ee-ah}; plural from 5064 and 1540; four hundred: --four hundred. [ql ~~~~4968
5072 - tetramenon {tet-ram'-ay-non}; neuter of a compound of 5064 and 3376; a four months' space: --four months. [ql ~~~~4970
5112 - tolmeroteron {tol-may-rot'-er-on}; neuter of the compound of a derivative of the base of 5111 (as adverb); more daringly, i.e. with greater confidence than otherwise: --the more boldly. [ql ~~~~5010
5116 - topazion {top-ad'-zee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative (alternately) of topazos (a "topaz"; of uncertain origin); a gem, probably the chrysolite: --topaz. [ql ~~~~5014
5119 - tote {tot'-eh}; from (the neuter of) 3588 and 3753; then when, i.e. at the time that (of the past or future, also in consecution): --that time, then. [ql ~~~~5016
5121 - tounantion {too-nan-tee'-on}; contraction for the neuter of 3588 and 1726; on the contrary: --contrariwise. [ql ~~~~5018
5122 - tounoma {too'-no-mah}; contraction for the neuter of 3588 and 3686; the name (is): --named. [ql ~~~~5020
5124 - touto {too'-to}; neuter singular nominative or accusative case of 3778; that thing: --here [-unto], it, partly, self [-same], so, that (intent), the same, there [-fore, -unto], this, thus, where [-fore]. [ql ~~~~5022
5125 - toutois {too'-toice}; dative case plural masculine or neuter of 3778; to (for, in, with or by) these (persons or things): --such, them, there [-in, -with], these, this, those. [ql ~~~~5022
5127 - toutou {too'-too}; genitive case singular masculine or neuter of 3778; of (from or concerning) this (person or thing): --here [-by], him, it, + such manner of, that, thence [-forth], thereabout, this, thus. [ql ~~~~5024
5129 - toutoi {too'-to}; dative case singular masculine or neuter of 3778; to (in, with or by) this (person or thing): --here [-by, -in], him, one, the same, there [-in], this. [ql ~~~~5026
5130 - touton {too'-tone}; genitive case plural masculine or neuter of 3778; of (from or concerning) these (persons or things): --such, their, these (things), they, this sort, those. [ql ~~~~5028
5140 - treis {trice}; neuter tria {tree'-ah}; a primary (plural) number; "three": --three. [ql ~~~~5038
5150 - trimenon {trim'-ay-non}; neuter of a compound of 5140 and 3376 as noun; a three months' space: --three months. [ql ~~~~5048
5152 - tristegon {tris'-teg-on}; neuter of a compound of 5140 and 4721 as noun; a third roof (story): --third loft. [ql ~~~~5050
5154 - tritos {tree'-tos}; ord. from 5140; third; neuter (as noun) a third part, or (as adverb) a (or the) third time, thirdly: --third(-ly). [ql ***. triches, etc. See 2359. [ql ~~~~5052
5165 - trublion {troob'-lee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of uncertain affinity; a bowl: --dish. [ql ~~~~5062
5177 - tugchano {toong-khan'-o}; probably for an obsolete tucho (for which the middle voice of another alternate teucho [to make ready or bring to pass] is used in certain tenses; akin to the base of 5088 through the idea of effecting; properly, to affect; or (specifically) to hit or light upon (as a mark to be reached), i.e. (transitively) to attain or secure an object or end, or (intransitively) to happen (as if meeting with); but in the latter application only impersonal (with 1487), i.e. perchance; or (present participle) as adjective, usual (as if commonly met with, with 3756, extraordinary), neuter (as adverb) perhaps; or (with another verb) as adverb, by accident (as it were): --be, chance, enjoy, little, obtain, X refresh...self, + special. Compare 5180. [ql ~~~~5074
5224 - huparchonta {hoop-ar'-khon-tah}; neuter plural of present participle active of 5225 as noun; things extant or in hand, i.e. property or possessions: --goods, that which one has, things which (one) possesseth, substance, that hast. [ql ~~~~5122
5238 - huperekeina {hoop-er-ek'-i-nah}; from 5228 and the neuter plural of 1565; above those parts, i.e. still farther: --beyond. [ql ~~~~5136
5242 - huperecho {hoop-er-ekh'-o}; from 5228 and 2192; to hold oneself above, i.e. (figuratively) to excel; participle (as adjective, or neuter as noun) superior, superiority: --better, excellency, higher, pass, supreme. [ql ~~~~5140
5253 - huperoion {hoop-er-o'-on}; neuter of a derivative of 5228; a higher part of the house, i.e. apartment in the third story: --upper chamber (room). [ql ~~~~5150
5268 - hupozugion {hoop-od-zoog'-ee-on}; neuter of a compound of 5259 and 2218; an animal under the yoke (draught-beast), i.e. (specifically) a donkey: --ass. [ql ~~~~5166
5276 - hupolenion {hoop-ol-ay'-nee-on}; neuter of a presumed compound of 5259 and 3025; vessel or receptacle under the press, i.e. lower winevat: --winefat. [ql ~~~~5174
5286 - hupopodion {hoop-op-od'-ee-on}; neuter of a compound of 5259 and 4228; something under the feet, i.e. a foot-rest (figuratively): --footstool. [ql ~~~~5184
5305 - husteron {hoos'-ter-on}; neuter of 5306 as adverb; more lately, i.e. eventually: --afterward, (at the) last (of all). [ql ~~~~5202
5310 - hupsistos {hoop'-sis-tos}; superlative from the base of 5311; highest, i.e. (masculine singular) the Supreme (God), or (neuter plural) the heavens: --most high, highest. [ql ~~~~5208
5318 - phaneros {fan-er-os'}; from 5316; shining, i.e. apparent (literally or figuratively); neuter (as adverb) publicly, externally: --abroad, + appear, known, manifest, open [+ -ly], outward ( [+ -ly]). [ql ~~~~5216
5324 - phantazo {fan-tad'-zo}; from a derivative of 5316; to make apparent, i.e. (passively) to appear (neuter participle as noun, a spectacle): --sight. [ql ~~~~5222
5400 - phobetron {fob'-ay-tron}; neuter of a derivative of 5399; a frightening thing, i.e. terrific portent: --fearful sight. [ql ~~~~5298
5416 - phragellion {frag-el'-le-on}; neuter of a derivative from the base of 5417; a whip, i.e. Roman lash as a public punishment: --scourge. [ql ~~~~5314
5434 - phruganon {froo'-gan-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of phrugo (to roast or parch; akin to the base of 5395); something desiccated, i.e. a dry twig: --stick. [ql ~~~~5332
5440 - phulakterion {foo-lak-tay'-ree-on}; neuter of a derivative of 5442; a guard-case, i.e. "phylactery" for wearing slips of Scripture texts: --phylactery. [ql ~~~~5338
5474 - chalkolibanon {khal-kol-ib'-an-on}; neuter of a compound of 5475 and 3030 (in the implied mean of whiteness or brilliancy); burnished copper, an alloy of copper (or gold) and silver having a brilliant lustre: --fine brass. [ql ~~~~5372
5498 - cheirographon {khi-rog'-raf-on}; neuter of a compound of 5495 and 1125; something hand-written ("chirograph"), i.e. a manuscript (specifically, a legal document or bond [figuratively]): --handwriting. [ql ~~~~5396
5607 - on {oan}; including the feminine ousa {oo'-sah}; and the neuter on {on}; present participle of 1510; being: --be, come, have. [ql ~~~~5504