0114 - atheteo {ath-et-eh'-o}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 5087; to set aside, i.e. (by implication) to disesteem, neutralize or violate: --cast off, despise, disannul, frustrate, bring to nought, reject. [ql ~~~~114
0220 - alektor {al-ek'-tore}; from (to ward off); a cock or male fowl: --cock. [ql ~~~~220
0292 - amunomai {am-oo'-nom-ahee}; middle voice of a primary verb; to ward off (for oneself), i.e. protect: --defend. [ql ~~~~292
0306 - anaballomai {an-ab-al'-lom-ahee}; middle voice from 0303 and 0906; to put off (for oneself): --defer. [ql ~~~~306
0311 - anabole {an-ab-ol-ay'}; from 0306; a putting off: --delay. [ql ~~~~310
0404 - anapsucho {an-aps-oo'-kho}; from 0303 and 5594; properly, to cool off, i.e. (figuratively) relieve: --refresh. [ql ~~~~404
0519 - apagchomai {ap-ang'-khom-ahee} from 0575 and agcho (to choke; akin to the base of 0043); to strangle oneself off (i.e. to death): --hang himself. [ql ~~~~518
0520 - apago {ap-ag'-o}; from 0575 and 0071; to take off (in various senses): --bring, carry away, lead (away), put to death, take away. [ql ~~~~520
0522 - apairo {ap-ah'-ee-ro}; from 0575 and 0142; to lift off, i.e. remove: --take (away). [ql ~~~~522
0541 - apaugasma {ap-ow'-gas-mah}; from a compound of 0575 and 0826; an off-flash, i.e. effulgence: --brightness. [ql ~~~~540
0550 - apeipomen {ap-i-pom'-ane}; reflexive past of a compound of 0575 and 2036; to say off for oneself, i.e. disown: --renounce. [ql ~~~~550
0554 - apekduomai {ap-ek-doo'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 0575 and 1562; to divest wholly oneself, or (for oneself) despoil: --put off, spoil. [ql ~~~~554
0555 - apekdusis {ap-ek'-doo-sis}; from 0554; divestment: --putting off. [ql ~~~~554
0565 - aperchomai {ap-erkh'-om-ahee}; from 0575 and 2064; to go off (i.e. depart), aside (i.e. apart) or behind (i.e. follow), literally or figuratively: --come, depart, go (aside, away, back, out,...ways), pass away, be past. [ql ~~~~564
0567 - apechomai {ap-ekh'-om-ahee}; middle voice (reflexively) of 0568; to hold oneself off, i.e. refrain: --abstain. [ql ~~~~566
0575 - apo {apo'}; a primary particle; "off," i.e. away (from something near), in various senses (of place, time, or relation; literal or figurative): --(X here-)after, ago, at, because of, before, by (the space of), for(-th), from, in, (out) of, off, (up-)on(-ce), since, with. In composition (as a prefix) it usually denotes separation, departure, cessation, completion, reversal, etc. [ql ~~~~574
0575 - apo {apo'}; a primary particle; "off," i.e. away (from something near), in various senses (of place, time, or relation; literal or figurative): --(X here-)after, ago, at, because of, before, by (the space of), for(-th), from, in, (out) of, off, (up-)on(-ce), since, with. In composition (as a prefix) it usually denotes separation, departure, cessation, completion, reversal, etc. [ql ~~~~574
0577 - apoballo {ap-ob-al'-lo}; from 0575 and 0906; to throw off; figuratively, to lose: --cast away. [ql ~~~~576
0579 - apobletos {ap-ob'-lay-tos}; from 0577; cast off, i.e. (figuratively) such as to be rejected: --be refused. [ql ~~~~578
0583 - apographo {ap-og-raf'-o}; from 0575 and 1125; to write off (a copy or list), i.e. enrol: --tax, write. [ql ~~~~582
0584 - apodeiknumi {ap-od-ike'-noo-mee}; from 0575 and 1166; to show off, i.e. exhibit; figuratively, to demonstrate, i.e. accredit: --(ap-)prove, set forth, shew. [ql ~~~~584
0595 - apothesis {ap-oth'-es-is}; from 0659; a laying aside (literally or figuratively): --putting away (off). [ql ~~~~594
0599 - apothnesko {ap-oth-nace'-ko}; from 0575 and 2348; to die off (literally or figuratively): --be dead, death, die, lie a-dying, be slain (X with). [ql ~~~~598
0601 - apokalupto {ap-ok-al-oop'-to}; from 0575 and 2572; to take off the cover, i.e. disclose: --reveal. [ql ~~~~600
0609 - apokopto {ap-ok-op'-to}; from 0575 and 2875; to amputate; reflexively (by irony) to mutilate (the privy parts): --cut off. Compare 2699. ~~~~608
0631 - apomassomai {ap-om-as'-som-ahee}; middle voice from 0575 and masso (to squeeze, knead, smear); to scrape away: --wipe off. [ql ~~~~630
0633 - aponipto {ap-on-ip'-to}; from 0575 and 3538; to wash off (reflexively, one's own hands symbolically): --wash. [ql ~~~~632
0634 - apopipto {ap-op-ip'-to}; from 0575 and 4098; to fall off: --fall. [ql ~~~~634
0637 - apopluno {ap-op-loo'-no}; from 0575 and 4150; to rinse off: --wash. [ql ~~~~636
0641 - aporrhipto {ap-or-hrip'-to}; from 0575 and 4496; to hurl off, i.e. precipitate (oneself): --cast. [ql ~~~~640
0644 - aposkiasma {ap-os-kee'-as-mah}; from a compound of 0575 and a derivative of 4639; a shading off, i.e. obsuration: --shadow. [ql ~~~~644
0653 - apostomatizo {ap-os-tom-at-id'-zo}; from 0575 and a (presumed) derivative of 4750; to speak off-hand (properly, dictate), i.e. to catechize (in an invidious manner): --provoke to speak. [ql ~~~~652
0659 - apotithemi {ap-ot-eeth'-ay-mee}; from 0575 and 5087; to put away (literally or figuratively): --cast off, lay apart (aside, down), put away (off). [ql ~~~~658
0659 - apotithemi {ap-ot-eeth'-ay-mee}; from 0575 and 5087; to put away (literally or figuratively): --cast off, lay apart (aside, down), put away (off). [ql ~~~~658
0660 - apotinasso {ap-ot-in-as'-so}; from 0575 and tinasso (to jostle); to brush off: --shake off. [ql ~~~~660
0660 - apotinasso {ap-ot-in-as'-so}; from 0575 and tinasso (to jostle); to brush off: --shake off. [ql ~~~~660
0667 - appohero {ap-of-er'-o}; from 0575 and 5342; to bear off (literally or rel.): --bring, carry (away). [ql ~~~~666
0683 - apotheomai {ap-o-theh'-om-ahee}; or apothomai {ap-o'-thom-ahee}; from 0575 and the middle voice of otheo or otho (to shove); to push off, figuratively, to reject: --cast away, put away (from), thrust away (from). [ql ~~~~682
0714 - arkeo {ar-keh'-o}; apparently a primary verb [but probably akin to 0142 through the idea of raising a barrier]; properly, to ward off, i.e. (by implication) to avail (figuratively, be satisfactory): --be content, be enough, suffice, be sufficient. [ql ~~~~714
0759 - "aroma" {ar'-o-mah}; from 0142 (in the sense of sending off scent); an aromatic: --(sweet) spice. [ql ~~~~758
0851 - aphaireo {af-ahee-reh'-o}; from 0575 and 0138; to remove (literally or figuratively): --cut (smite) off, take away. [ql ~~~~850
0873 - aphorizo {af-or-id'-zo}; from 0575 and 3724; to set off by boundary, i.e. (figuratively) limit, exclude, appoint, etc.: --divide, separate, sever. [ql ~~~~872
0879 - aphupnoo {af-oop-no'-o}; from a compound of 0575 and 5258; properly, to become awake, i.e. (by implication) to drop (off) in slumber: --fall asleep. [ql ~~~~878
1257 - dialeipo {dee-al-i'-po}; from 1223 and 3007; to leave off in the middle, i.e. intermit: --cease. [ql ~~~~1256
1537 - ek {ek} or ex {ex}; a primary preposition denoting origin (the point whence action or motion proceeds), from, out (of place, time, or cause; literal or figurative; direct or remote): --after, among, X are, at, betwixt(-yond), by (the means of), exceedingly, (+ abundantly above), for(-th), from (among, forth, up), + grudgingly, + heartily, X heavenly, X hereby, + very highly, in,, (because, by reason) of, off (from), on, out among (from, of), over, since, X thenceforth, through, X unto, X vehemently, with(-out). Often used in composition, with the same general import; often of completion. [ql ~~~~1536
1547 - ekgamizo {ek-gam-id'-zo}; from 1537 and a form of 1061 [compare 1548]; to marry off a daughter: --give in marriage. [ql ~~~~1546
1562 - ekduo {ek-doo'-o}; from 1537 and the base of 1416; to cause to sink out of, i.e. (specially as of clothing) to divest: --strip, take off from, unclothe. [ql ~~~~1562
1575 - ekklao {ek-klah'-o}; from 1537 and 2806; to exscind: --break off. [ql ~~~~1574
1581 - ekkopto {ek-kop'-to}; from 1537 and 2875; to exscind; figuratively, to frustrate: --cut down (off, out), hew down, hinder. [ql ~~~~1580
1593 - ekneuo {ek-nyoo'-o}; from 1537 and 3506; (by analogy) to slip off, i.e. quietly withdraw: --convey self away. [ql ~~~~1592
1601 - ekpipto {ek-pip'-to}; from 1537 and 4098; to drop away; specially, be driven out of one's course; figuratively, to lose, become inefficient: --be cast, fail, fall (away, off), take none effect. [ql ~~~~1600
1621 - ektinasso {ek-tin-as'-so}; from 1537 and tinasso (to swing); to shake violently: --shake (off). [ql ~~~~1620
2512 - katharismos {kath-ar-is-mos'}; from 2511; a washing off, i.e. (cer.) ablution, (morally) expiation: --cleansing, + purge, purification(-fying). [ql ~~~~2512
2699 - katatome {kat-at-om-ay'}; from a compound of 2596 and temno (to cut); a cutting down (off), i.e. mutilation (ironically): --concision. Compare 0609. [ql ~~~~2698
2711 - katapsucho {kat-ap-soo'-kho}; from 2596 and 5594; to cool down (off), i.e. refresh: --cool. [ql ~~~~2710
2798 - klados {klad'-os}; from 2806; a twig or bough (as if broken off): --branch. [ql ~~~~2796
2814 - klema {kaly'-mah}; from 2806; a limb or shoot (as if broken off): --branch. [ql ~~~~2812
2865 - komizo {kom-id'-zo}; from a primary komeo (to tend, i.e. take care of); properly, to provide for, i.e. (by implication) to carry off (as if from harm; genitive case obtain): --bring, receive. [ql ~~~~2864
3089 - luo {loo'-o}; a primary verb; to "loosen" (literally or figuratively): --break (up), destroy, dissolve, (un-)loose, melt, put off. Compare 4486. [ql ~~~~3088
3107 - makarios {mak-ar'-ee-os}; a prolonged form of the poetical makar (meaning the same); supremely blest; by extension, fortunate, well off: --blessed, happy(X -ier). [ql ~~~~3106
3112 - makran {mak-ran'}; feminine accusative case singular of 3117 (3598 being implied); at a distance (literally or figuratively): --(a-)far (off), good (great) way off. [ql ~~~~3110
3112 - makran {mak-ran'}; feminine accusative case singular of 3117 (3598 being implied); at a distance (literally or figuratively): --(a-)far (off), good (great) way off. [ql ~~~~3110
3113 - makrothen {mak-roth'-en}; adverb from 3117; from a distance or afar: --afar off, from far. [ql ~~~~3112
3467 - muopazo {moo-ope-ad'-zo}; from a compound of the base of 3466 and ops (the face; from 3700); to shut the eyes, i.e. blink (see indistinctly): --cannot see far off. [ql ~~~~3366
3868 - paraiteomai {par-ahee-teh'-om-ahee}; from 3844 and the middle voice of 0154; to beg off, i.e. deprecate, decline, shun: --avoid, (make) excuse, intreat, refuse, reject. [ql ~~~~3766
3911 - paraphero {par-af-er'-o}; from 3844 and 5342 (including its alternate forms); to bear along or aside, i.e. carry off (literally or figuratively); by implication, to avert: --remove, take away. [ql ~~~~3808
3990 - pelekizo {pel-ek-id'-zo}; from a derivative of 4141 (meaning an axe); to chop off (the head), i.e. truncate: --behead. [ql ~~~~3888
4014 - periaireo {per-ee-ahee-reh'-o}; from 4012 and 0138 (including its alternate); to remove all around, i.e. unveil, cast off (anchor); figuratively, to expiate: --take away (up). [ql ~~~~3912
4027 - perikatharma {per-ee-kath'-ar-mah}; from a compound of 4012 and 2508; something cleaned off all around, i.e. refuse (figuratively): --filth. [ql ~~~~3924
4048 - perirrhegnumi {per-ir-hrayg'-noo-mee}; from 4012 and 4486; to tear all around, i.e. completely away: --rend off. [ql ~~~~3946
4067 - peripsoma {per-ip'-so-mah}; from a comparative of 4012 and psao (to rub); something brushed all around, i.e. off-scrapings (figuratively, scum): --offscouring. [ql ~~~~3964
4206 - porrho {por'-rho}; adverb from 4253; forwards, i.e. at a distance: --far, a great way off. See also 4207. [ql ~~~~4104
4207 - porrhothen {por'-rho-then}; from 4206 with adverbial enclitic of source; from far, or (by implication) at a distance, i.e. distantly: --afar off. [ql ~~~~4104
4495 - rhipteo {hrip-teh'-o}; from a derivative of 4496; to toss up: --cast off. [ql ~~~~4392
4563 - saroo {sar-o'-o}; from a derivative of sairo (to brush off; akin to 4951); meaning a broom; to sweep: --sweep. [ql ~~~~4460
4879 - sunapago {soon-ap-ag'-o}; from 4862 and 0520; to take off together, i.e. transport with (seduce, passively, yield): --carry (lead) away with, condescend. [ql ~~~~4776
5089 - tillo {til'-lo}; perhaps akin to the alternate of 0138, and thus to 4951; to pull off: --pluck. [ql ~~~~4986
5463 - chairo {khah'-ee-ro}; a primary verb; to be "cheer"ful, i.e. calmly happy or well-off; impersonally, especially as salutation (on meeting or parting), be well: --farewell, be glad, God speed, greeting, hall, joy(-fully), rejoice. [ql ~~~~5360
5596 - psomion {pso-mee'-on}; diminutive from a derivative of the base of 5597; a crumb or morsel (as if rubbed off), i.e. a mouthful: --sop. [ql ~~~~5492