0035 - agenealogetos {ag-en-eh-al-og'-ay-tos}; from 0001 (as negative particle) and 1075; unregistered as to birth: --without descent. [ql ~~~~34
0148 - aischrologia {ahee-skhrol-og-ee'-ah}; from 0150 and 3056; vile conversation: --filthy communication. [ql ~~~~148
0249 - alogos {al'-og-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3056; irrational: --brute, unreasonable. [ql ~~~~248
0356 - analogia {an-al-og-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 0303 and 3056; proportion: --proportion. [ql ~~~~356
0357 - analogizomai {an-al-og-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 0356; to estimate, i.e. (figuratively) contemplate: --consider. [ql ~~~~356
0379 - anapologetos {an-ap-ol-og'-ay-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 0626; indefensible: --without an excuse, inexcuseable. [ql ~~~~378
0437 - anthomologeomai {anth-om-ol-og-eh'-om-ahee}; from 0473 and the middle voice of 3670; to confess in turn, i.e. respond in praise: --give thanks. [ql ~~~~436
0581 - apogenomenos {ap-og-en-om'-en-os}; past participle of a compound of 0575 and 1096; absent, i.e. deceased (figuratively, renounced): --being dead. [ql ~~~~580
0582 - apographe {ap-og-raf-ay'}; from 0583; an enrollment; by implication, an assessment: --taxing. [ql ~~~~582
0583 - apographo {ap-og-raf'-o}; from 0575 and 1125; to write off (a copy or list), i.e. enrol: --tax, write. [ql ~~~~582
0626 - apologeomai {ap-ol-og-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from a compound of 0575 and 3056; to give an account (legal plea) of oneself, i.e. exculpate (self): --answer (for self), make defence, excuse (self), speak for self. [ql ~~~~626
0627 - apologia {ap-ol-og-ee'-ah}; from the same as 0626; a plea ("apology"): --answer (for self), clearing of self, defence. [ql ~~~~626
0945 - battologeo {bat-tol-og-eh'-o}; from Battos (a proverbial stammerer) and 3056; to stutter, i.e. (by implication) to prate tediously: --use vain repetitions. [ql ~~~~944
1075 - genealogeo {ghen-eh-al-og-eh'-o}; from 1074 and 3056; to reckon by generations, i.e. trace in genealogy: --count by descent. [ql ~~~~1074
1076 - genealogia {ghen-eh-al-og-ee'-ah}; from the same as 1075; tracing by generations, i.e. "genealogy": --genealogy. [ql ~~~~1076
1260 - dialogizomai {dee-al-og-id'-zom-ahee}; from 1223 and 3049; to reckon thoroughly, i.e. (genitive case) to deliberate (by reflection or discussion): --cast in mind, consider, dispute, muse, reason, think. [ql ~~~~1260
1261 - dialogismos {dee-al-og-is-mos'}; from 1260; discussion, i.e. (internal) consideration (by implication, purpose), or (external) debate: --dispute, doubtful(-ing), imagination, reasoning, thought. [ql ~~~~1260
1351 - dilogos {dil'-og-os}; from 1364 and 3056; equivocal, i.e. telling a different story: --double-tongued. [ql ~~~~1350
1843 - exomologeo {ex-om-ol-og-eh'-o}; from 1537 and 3670; to acknowledge or (by implication of assent) agree fully: --confess, profess, promise. [ql ***. exon. See 1832. [ql ~~~~1842
2084 - heteroglossos {het-er-og'-loce-sos}; from 2087 and 1100; other-tongued, i.e. a foreigner: --man of other tongue. [ql ~~~~2084
2225 - zoogoneo {dzo-og-on-eh'-o}; from the same as 2226 and a derivative of 1096; to engender alive, i.e. (by analogy) to rescue (passively, be saved) from death: --live, preserve. [ql ~~~~2224
2551 - kakologeo {kak-ol-og-eh'-o}; from a compound of 2556 and 3056; to revile: --curse, speak evil of. [ql ~~~~2550
2589 - kardiognostes {kar-dee-og-noce'-tace}; from 2588 and 1097; a heart-knower: --which knowest the hearts. [ql ~~~~2588
3150 - mataiologia {mat-ah-yol-og-ee'-ah}; from 3151; random talk, i.e. babble: --vain jangling. [ql ~~~~3148
3151 - mataiologos {mat-ah-yol-og'-os}; from 3152 and 3004; an idle (i.e. senseless or mischievous) talker, i.e. a wrangler: --vain talker. [ql ~~~~3150
3439 - monogenes {mon-og-en-ace'}; from 3441 and 1096; only-born, i.e. sole: --only (begotten, child). [ql ~~~~3338
3473 - morologia {mo-rol-og-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 3474 and 3004; silly talk, i.e. buffoonery: --foolish talking. [ql ~~~~3372
3589 - ogdoekonta {og-do-ay'-kon-tah}; from 3590; ten times eight: --fourscore. [ql ~~~~3488
3590 - ogdoos {og'-do-os}; from 3638; the eighth: --eighth. [ql ~~~~ 3488
3670 - homologeo {hom-ol-og-eh'-o}; from a compound of the base of 3674 and 3056; to assent, i.e. covenant, acknowledge: --con- (pro-)fess, confession is made, give thanks, promise. [ql ~~~~3568
3671 - homologia {hom-ol-og-ee'-ah}; from the same as 3670; acknowledgment: --con- (pro-)fession, professed. [ql ~~~~3570
3672 - homologoumenos {hom-ol-og-ow-men'-oce}; adverb of present passive participle of 3670; confessedly: --without controversy. [ql ~~~~3570
3884 - paralogizomai {par-al-og-id'-zom-ahee}; from 3844 and 3049; to misreckon, i.e. delude: --beguile, deceive. [ql ~~~~3782
4086 - pithanologia {pith-an-ol-og-ee'-ah}; from a compound of a derivative of 3982 and 3056; persuasive language: --enticing words. [ql ~~~~3984
4691 - spermologos {sper-mol-og'-os}; from 4690 and 3004; a seed-picker (as the crow), i.e. (figuratively) a sponger, loafer (specifically, a gossip or trifler in talk): --babbler. [ql ~~~~4588
4758 - stratologeo {strat-ol-og-eh'-o}; from a compound of the base of 4756 and 3004 (in its original sense); to gather (or select) as a warrior, i.e. enlist in the army: --choose to be a soldier. [ql ~~~~4656
4883 - sunarmologeo {soon-ar-mol-og-eh'-o}; from 4862 and a derivative of a compound of 0719 and 3004 (in its original sense of laying); to render close-jointed together, i.e. organize compactly: --be fitly framed (joined) together. [ql ~~~~4780
5261 - hupogrammos {hoop-og-ram-mos'}; from a compound of 5259 and 1125; an underwriting, i.e. copy for imitation (figuratively): --example. [ql ~~~~5158
5378 - Philologos {fil-ol'-og-os}; from 5384 and 3056; fond of words, i.e. talkative (argumentative, learned, "philological"); Philologus, a Christian: --Philologus. [ql ~~~~5276
5542 - chrestologia {khrase-tol-og-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 5543 and 3004; fair speech, i.e. plausibility: --good words. [ql ~~~~5440
5573 - pseudologos {psyoo-dol-og'-os}; from 5571 and 3004; mendacious, i.e. promulgating erroneous Christian doctrine: --speaking lies. [ql ~~~~5470
3589 - ogdoekonta {og-do-ay'-kon-tah}; from 3590; ten times eight: --fourscore. [ql ~~~~3488
3590 - ogdoos {og'-do-os}; from 3638; the eighth: --eighth. [ql ~~~~ 3488
3591 - ogkos {ong'-kos}; probably from the same as 0043; a mass (as bending or bulging by its load), i.e. burden (hindrance): --weight. [ql ~~~~3490
0508 - anogeon {an-ogue'-eh-on}; from 0507 and 1093; above the ground, i.e. (properly) the second floor of a building; used for a dome or a balcony on the upper story: --upper room. [ql ~~~~508
1375 - diogmos {dee-ogue-mos'}; from 1377; persecution: --persecution. [ql ~~~~1374
1396 - doulagogeo {doo-lag-ogue-eh'-o}; from a presumed compound of 1401 and 0071; to be a slave-driver, i.e. to enslave (figuratively, subdue): --bring into subjection. [ql ~~~~1396
3098 - Magog {mag-ogue'}; of Hebrew origin [4031]; Magog, a foreign nation, i.e. (figuratively) an Antichristian party: --Magog. [ql ~~~~3096
4318 - prosagoge {pros-ag-ogue-ay'}; from 4317 (compare 0072); admission: --access. [ql ~~~~4216
4812 - sulagogeo {soo-lag-ogue-eh'-o}; from the base of 4813 and (the reduplicated form of) 0071; to lead away as booty, i.e. (figuratively) seduce: --spoil. [ql ~~~~4710
5468 - chalinagogeo {khal-in-ag-ogue-eh'-o}; from a compound of 5469 and the reduplicated form of 0071; to be a bit-leader, i.e. to curb (figuratively): --bridle. [ql ~~~~5366
5496 - cheiragogeo {khi-rag-ogue-eh'-o}; from 5497; to be a hand-leader, i.e. to guide (a blind person): --lead by the hand. [ql ~~~~5394
3785 - ophelon {of'-el-on}; first person singular of a past tense of 3784; I ought (wish), i.e. (interjection) oh that!: --would (to God.) [ql ~~~~3682
5599 - o {o}; a primary interj.; as a sign of the vocative case O; as a note of exclamation, oh: --O. [ql ~~~~5496
5614 - hosanna {ho-san-nah'}; of Hebrew origin [3467 and 4994]; oh save!; hosanna (i.e. hoshia-na), an exclamation of adoration: --hosanna. [ql ~~~~5510
0002 - Aaron {ah-ar-ohn'}; of Hebrew origin [0175]; Aaron, the brother of Moses: --Aaron. [ql ~~~~2
0165 - aion {ahee-ohn'}; from the same as 0104; properly, an age; by extension, perpetuity (also past); by implication, the world; specially (Jewish) a Messianic period (present or future): --age, course, eternal, (for) ever(-more), [n-]ever, (beginning of the , while the) world (began, without end). Compare 5550. [ql ~~~~164
0210 - akon {ak'-ohn}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 1635; unwilling: --against the will. [ql ~~~~210
0257 - halon {hal'-ohn}; probably from the base of 1507; a threshing-floor (as rolled hard), i.e. (figuratively) the grain (and chaff, as just threshed): --floor. [ql ~~~~256
0290 - ampelon {am-pel-ohn'}; from 0288; a vineyard: --vineyard. [ql ~~~~290
0623 - Apolluon {ap-ol-loo'-ohn}; active participle of 0622; a destroyer (i.e. Satan): --Apollyon. [ql ~~~~622
0728 - arrhabon {ar-hrab-ohn'}; of Hebrew origin [6162]; a pledge, i.e. part of the purchase-money or property given in advance as security for the rest: --earnest. [ql ~~~~728
0736 - artemon {ar-tem'-ohn}; from a derivative of 0737; properly, something ready [or else more remotely from 0142 (compare 0740); something hung up], i.e. (specially) the topsail (rather foresail or jib) of a vessel: --mainsail. [ql ~~~~736
2232 - hegemon {hayg-em-ohn'}; from 2233; a leader, i.e. chief person (or figuratively, place) of a province: --governor, prince, ruler. [ql ~~~~2232
2267 - Herodion {hay-ro-dee'-ohn}; from 2264; Herodion, a Christian: --Herodion. [ql ~~~~2266
2324 - therapon {ther-ap'-ohn}; apparently a participle from an otherwise obsolete derivative of the base of 2330; a menial attendant (as if cherishing): --servant. [ql ~~~~2324
2583 - kanon {kan-ohn'}; from kane (a straight reed, i.e. rod); a rule ("canon"), i.e. (figuratively) a standard (of faith and practice); by implication, a boundary, i.e. (figuratively) a sphere (of activity): --line, rule. [ql ~~~~2582
2760 - kenturion {ken-too-ree'-ohn}; of Latin origin; a centurion, i.e. captain of one hundred soldiers: --centurion. [ql ~~~~2758
2965 - kuon {koo'-ohn}; a primary word; a dog ["hound"] (literally or figuratively): --dog. [ql ~~~~2964
3003 - legeon {leg-eh-ohn'}; of Latin origin; a "legion", i.e. Roman regiment (figuratively): --legion. [ql ~~~~3002
3023 - leon {leh-ohn'}; a primary word; a "lion": --lion. [ql ~~~~ 3022
3110 - Makedon {mak-ed'-ohn}; of uncertain derivation; a Macedon (Macedonian), i.e. inhabitant of Macedonia: --of Macedonia, Macedonian. [ql ~~~~3108
3505 - Neron {ner'-ohn}; of Latin origin; Neron (i.e. Nero), a Roman emperor: --Nero. [ql ~~~~3404
4179 - pollaplasion {pol-lap-las-ee'-ohn}; from 4183 and probably a derivative of 4120; manifold, i.e. (neuter as noun) very much more: --manifold more. [ql ~~~~4076
3463 - murioi {moo'-ree-oi}; plural of an apparently primary word (properly, meaning very many); ten thousand; by extension, innumerably many: --ten thousand. [ql ~~~~3362
3944 - paroichomai {par-oy'-khom-ahee}; from 3844 and oichomai (to depart); to escape along, i.e. be gone: --past. [ql ~~~~3842
5603 - oide {o-day'}; from 0103; a chant or "ode" (the general term for any words sung; while 5215 denotes especially a religious metrical composition, and 5568 still more specifically, a Hebrew cantillation): --song. [ql ~~~~5500
0455 - anoigo {an-oy'-go}; from 0303 and oigo (to open); to open up (literally or figuratively, in various applications): --open. [ql ~~~~454