0346 - anakephalaiomai {an-ak-ef-al-ah'-ee-om-ahee}; from 0303 and 2775 (in its original sense); to sum up: --briefly comprehend, gather together in one. [ql ~~~~346
0610 - apokrima {ap-ok'-ree-mah}; from 0611 (in its original sense of judging); a judicial decision: --sentence. [ql ~~~~610
0744 - archaios {ar-khah'-yos}; from 0746; original or primeval: --(them of) old (time). [ql ~~~~744
2303 - theion {thi'-on}; probably neuter of 2304 (in its original sense of flashing); sulphur: --brimstone. [ql ~~~~2302
2603 - katabrabeuo {kat-ab-rab-yoo'-o}; from 2596 and 1018 (in its original sense); to award the price against, i.e. (figuratively) to defraud (of salvation): --beguile of reward. [ql ~~~~2602
2818 - kleronomos {klay-ron-om'-os}; from 2819 and the base of 3551 (in its original sense of partitioning, i.e. [reflexively] getting by apportionment); a sharer by lot, i.e. inheritor (literally or figuratively); by implication, a possessor: --heir. [ql ~~~~2816
2937 - ktisis {ktis'-is}; from 2936; original formation (properly, the act; by implication, the thing, literally or figuratively): --building, creation, creature, ordinance. [ql ~~~~2936
2938 - ktisma {ktis'-mah}; from 2936; an original formation (concretely), i.e. product (created thing): --creature. [ql ~~~~2936
2991 - laxeutos {lax-yoo-tos'}; from a compound of las (a stone) and the base of 3584 (in its original sense of scraping); rock-quarried: --hewn in stone. [ql ~~~~2990
3881 - paralegomai {par-al-eg'-om-ahee}; from 3844 and the middle voice of 3004 (in its original sense); (specifically) to lay one's course near, i.e. sail past: --pass, sail by. [ql ~~~~3778
3916 - parachrema {par-akh-ray'-mah}; from 3844 and 5536 (in its original sense); at the thing itself, i.e. instantly: --forthwith, immediately, presently, straightway, soon. [ql ~~~~3814
4077 - pege {pay-gay'}; probably from 4078 (through the idea of gushing plumply); a fount (literally or figuratively), i.e. source or supply (of water, blood, enjoyment) (not necessarily the original spring): --fountain, well. [ql ~~~~3974
4190 - poneros {pon-ay-ros'}; from a derivative of 4192; hurtful, i.e. evil (properly, in effect or influence, and thus differing from 2556, which refers rather to essential character, as well as from 4550, which indicates degeneracy from original virtue); figuratively, calamitous; also (passively) ill, i.e. diseased; but especially (morally) culpable, i.e. derelict, vicious, facinorous; neuter (singular) mischief, malice, or (plural) guilt; masculine (singular) the devil, or (plural) sinners: --bad, evil, grievous, harm, lewd, malicious, wicked(-ness). See also 4191. [ql ~~~~4088
4505 - rhume {hroo'-may}; prolongation from 4506 in its original sense; an alley or avenue (as crowded): --lane, street. [ql ~~~~4402
4758 - stratologeo {strat-ol-og-eh'-o}; from a compound of the base of 4756 and 3004 (in its original sense); to gather (or select) as a warrior, i.e. enlist in the army: --choose to be a soldier. [ql ~~~~4656
4816 - sullego {sool-leg'-o}; from 4862 and 3004 in its original sense; to collect: --gather (together, up). [ql ~~~~4714
4883 - sunarmologeo {soon-ar-mol-og-eh'-o}; from 4862 and a derivative of a compound of 0719 and 3004 (in its original sense of laying); to render close-jointed together, i.e. organize compactly: --be fitly framed (joined) together. [ql ~~~~4780
5007 - talanton {tal'-an-ton}; neuter of a presumed derivative of the original form of tlao (to bear; equivalent to 5342); a balance (as supporting weights), i.e. (by implication) a certain weight (and thence a coin or rather sum of money) or "talent": --talent. [ql ~~~~4904
5537 - chrematizo {khray-mat-id'-zo}; from 5536; to utter an oracle (compare the original sense of 5530), i.e. divinely intimate; by implication (compare the secular sense of 5532) to constitute a firm for business, i.e. (generally) bear as a title: --be called, be admonished (warned) of God, reveal, speak. [ql ~~~~5434
2936 - ktizo {ktid'-zo}; probably akin to 2932 (through the idea of proprietor-ship of the manufacturer); to fabricate, i.e. found (form originally): --create, Creator, make. [ql ~~~~2934
3165 - me {meh}; a shorter (and probably originally) from of 1691; me: --I, me, my. [ql ~~~~3164
5453 - phuo {foo'-o}; a primary verb; probably originally, to "puff" or blow, i.e. to swell up; but only used in the implied sense, to germinate or grow (sprout, produce), literally or figuratively: --spring (up). [ql ~~~~5350
5553 - chrusion {khroo-see'-on}; diminutive of 5557; a golden article, i.e. gold plating, ornament, or coin: --gold. [ql ~~~~5450
5557 - chrusos {khroo-sos'}; perhaps from the base of 5530 (through the idea of the utility of the metal); gold; by extension, a golden article, as an ornament or coin: --gold. [ql ~~~~5454
2864 - kome {kom'-ay}; apparently from the same as 2865; the hair of the head (locks, as ornamental, and thus differing from 2359; which properly denotes merely the scalp): --hair. [ql ~~~~2862
5558 - chrusoo {khroo-so'-o}; from 5557; to gild, i.e. bespangle with golden ornaments: --deck. [ql ~~~~5456
3732 - orneon {or'-neh-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 3733; a birdling: --bird, fowl. [ql ~~~~3630
3733 - ornis {or'-nis}; probably from a prolonged form of the base of 3735; a bird (as rising in the air), i.e. (specifically) a hen (or female domestic fowl): --hen. [ql ~~~~3632
2868 - koniortos {kon-ee-or-tos'}; from the base of 2867 and ornumi (to "rouse"); pulverulence (as blown about): --dust. [ql ~~~~2866
3735 - oros {or'-os}; probably from an obsolete oro (to rise or "rear"; perhaps akin to 0142; compare 3733); a mountain (as lifting itself above the plain): --hill, mount(-ain). [ql ~~~~3634
3735 - oros {or'-os}; probably from an obsolete oro (to rise or "rear"; perhaps akin to 0142; compare 3733); a mountain (as lifting itself above the plain): --hill, mount(-ain). [ql ~~~~3634
3737 - orphanos {or-fan-os'}; of uncertain affinity; bereaved ("orphan"), i.e. parentless: --comfortless, fatherless. [ql ~~~~3634
3737 - orphanos {or-fan-os'}; of uncertain affinity; bereaved ("orphan"), i.e. parentless: --comfortless, fatherless. [ql ~~~~3634
0461 - anorthoo {an-orth-o'-o}; from 0303 and a derivative of the base of 3717; to straighten up: --lift (set) up, make straight. [ql ~~~~460
4106 - plane {plan'-ay}; feminine of 4108 (as abstractly); objectively, fraudulence; subjectively, a straying from orthodoxy or piety: --deceit, to deceive, delusion, error. [ql ~~~~4004
3716 - orthopodeo {or-thop-od-eh'-o}; from a compound of 3717 and 4228; to be straight-footed, i.e. (figuratively) to go directly forward: --walk uprightly. [ql ~~~~3614
3717 - orthos {or-thos'}; probably from the base of 3735; right (as rising), i.e. (perpendicularly) erect (figuratively, honest), or (horizontally) level or direct: --straight, upright. [ql ~~~~3616
3723 - orthos {or-thoce'}; adverb from 3717; in a straight manner, i.e. (figuratively) correctly (also morally): --plain, right(-ly). [ql ~~~~3622
3718 - orthotomeo {or-thot-om-eh'-o}; from a compound of 3717 and the base of 5114, to make a straight cut, i.e. (figuratively) to dissect (expound) correctly (the divine message): --rightly divide. [ql ~~~~3616
3720 - orthrinos {or-thrin-os'}; from 3722; relating to the dawn, i.e. matutinal (as an epithet of Venus, especially brilliant in the early day): --morning. [ql ~~~~3618
3721 - orthrios {or'-three-os}; from 3722; in the dawn, i.e. up at day-break: --early. [ql ~~~~3620
3719 - orthrizo {or-thrid'-zo}; from 3722; to use the dawn, i.e. (by implication) to repair betimes: --come early in the morning. [ql ~~~~3618
3722 - orthros {or'-thros}; from the same as 3735; dawn (as sun-rise, rising of light); by extension, morn: --early in the morning. [ql ~~~~3620
5612 - oruomai {o-roo'-om-ahee}; middle voice of an apparently primary verb; to "roar": --roar. [ql ~~~~5508
0013 - Agabos {ag'-ab-os}; of Hebrew origin [compare 2285]; Agabus, an Israelite: --Agabus. [ql ~~~~12
0017 - agathopoios {ag-ath-op-oy-os'}; from 0018 and 4160; a well-doer, i.e. virtuous: --them that do well. [ql ~~~~16
0018 - agathos {ag-ath-os'}; a primary word; "good" (in any sense, often as noun): --benefit, good(-s, things), well. Compare 2570. [ql ~~~~18
0022 - agamos {ag'-am-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 1062; unmarried: --unmarried. [ql ~~~~22
0032 - aggelos {ang'-el-os}; from aggello [probably derived from 0071; compare 0034] (to bring tidings); a messenger; especially an "angel"; by implication, a pastor: --angel, messenger. [ql ~~~~32
0040 - hagios {hag'-ee-os}; from hagos (an awful thing) [compare 0053, 2282]; sacred (physically, pure, morally blameless or religious, ceremonially, consecrated): --(most) holy (one, thing), saint. [ql ~~~~40
0046 - agnaphos {ag'-naf-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and the same as 1102; properly, unfulled, i.e. (by implication) new (cloth): --new. [ql ~~~~46
0062 - agrammatos {ag-ram-mat-os}; from 0001 (as negative particle) and 1121; unlettered, i.e. illiterate: --unlearned. [ql ~~~~62
0066 - agrios {ag'-ree-os}; from 0068; wild (as pertaining to the country), literally (natural) or figuratively (fierce): --wild, raging. [ql ~~~~66
0077 - adapanos {ad-ap'-an-os}; from 0001 (as negative particle); and 1160; costless, i.e. gratuitous: --without expense. [ql ~~~~76
0097 - adolos {ad'-ol-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle}; and 1388; undeceitful, i.e. (figuratively) unadulterated: --sincere. [ql ~~~~96
0102 - adunatos {ad-oo'-nat-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 1415; unable, i.e. weak (literally or figuratively); passively, impossible: --could not do, impossible, impotent, not possible, weak. [ql ~~~~102
0105 - aetos {ah-et-os'}; from the same as 0109; an eagle (from its wind-like flight): --eagle. [ql ~~~~104
0112 - atheos {ath'-eh-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 2316; godless: --without God. [ql ~~~~112
0121 - athoos {ath'-o-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and probably a derivative of 5087 (meaning a penalty); not guilty: --innocent. [ql ~~~~120
0122 - aigeos {ah'-ee-ghi-os}; from aix (a goat); belonging to a goat: --goat. [ql ~~~~122
0123 - aigialos {ahee-ghee-al-os'}; from aisso (to rush) and 0251 (in the sense of the sea; a beach (on which the waves dash): --shore. [ql ~~~~122
0124 - Aiguptios {ahee-goop'-tee-os}; from 0125; an AEgyptian or inhabitant of AEgyptus: --Egyptian. [ql ~~~~124
0126 - aidios {ah-id'-ee-os}; from 0104; everduring (forward and backward, or forward only): --eternal, everlasting. [ql ~~~~126
0159 - aitios {ah'-ee-tee-os}; from the same as 0154; causative, i.e. (concretely) a causer: --author. [ql ~~~~158
0160 - aiphnidios {aheef-nid'-ee-os}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5316 [compare 1810] (meaning non-apparent); unexpected, i.e. (adverbially) suddenly: --sudden, unawares. [ql ~~~~160
0166 - aionios {ahee-o'-nee-os}; from 0165; perpetual (also used of past time, or past and future as well): --eternal, for ever, everlasting, world (began). [ql ~~~~166
0172 - akakos {ak'-ak-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 2556; not bad, i.e. (objectively) innocent or (subjectively) unsuspecting: --harmless, simple. [ql ~~~~172
0182 - akatastatos {ak-at-as'-tat-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 2525; inconstant: --unstable. [ql ~~~~182
0183 - akataschetos {ak-at-as'-khet-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 2722; unrestrainable: --unruly. [ql ~~~~182
0194 - akratos {ak'-rat-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 2767; undiluted: --without mixture. [ql ~~~~194
0216 - alalos {al'-al-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 2980; mute: --dumb. [ql ~~~~216
0244 - allotriepiskopos {al-lot-ree-ep-is'-kop-os}; from 0245 and 1985; overseeing others' affairs, i.e. a meddler (specially, in Gentile customs): --busybody in other men's matters. [ql ~~~~244
0245 - allotrios {al-lot'-ree-os}; from 0243; another's, i.e. not one's own; by extension foreign, not akin, hostile: --alien, (an-)other (man's, men's), strange(-r). [ql ~~~~244
0249 - alogos {al'-og-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3056; irrational: --brute, unreasonable. [ql ~~~~248
0253 - alupoteros {al-oo-pot'-er-os}; comparative of a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3077; more without grief: --less sorrowful. [ql ~~~~252
0269 - amachos {am'-akh-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3163; peaceable: --not a brawler. [ql ~~~~268
0276 - ametathetos {am-et-ath'-et-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3346; unchangeable, or (neuter as abstract) unchangeability: --immutable(-ility). [ql ~~~~276
0288 - ampelos {am'-pel-os}; probably from the base of 0297 and that of 0257; a vine (as coiling about a support): --vine. [ql ~~~~288
0297 - amphoteros {am-fot'-er-os}; comparative of amphi (around); (in plural) both: --both. [ql ~~~~296
0338 - anaitios {an-ah'-ee-tee-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 0159 (in the sense of 0156); innocent: --blameless, guiltless. [ql ~~~~338
0358 - analos {an'-al-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 0251; saltless, i.e. insipid: --X lose saltness. [ql ~~~~358
0370 - anaxios {an-ax'-ee-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 0514; unfit: --unworthy. [ql ~~~~370
0409 - androphonos {an-drof-on'-os}; from 0435 and 5408; a murderer: --manslayer. [ql ~~~~408
0414 - anektoteros {an-ek-tot'-er-os}; comparative of a derivative of 0430; more endurable: --more tolerable. [ql ~~~~414
0417 - anemos {an'-em-os}; from the base of 0109; wind; (plural) by implication (the four) quarters (of the earth): --wind. [ql ~~~~416
0420 - anexikakos {an-ex-ik'-ak-os}; from 0430 and 2556; enduring of ill, i.e. forbearing: --patient. [ql ~~~~420
0431 - anepsios {an-eps'-ee-os}; from 0001 (as a particle of union) and an obsolete nepos (a brood); properly, akin, i.e. (specially) a cousin: --sister's son. [ql ~~~~430
0434 - anemeros {an-ay'-mer-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and hemeros (lame); savage: --fierce. [ql ~~~~434
0438 - anthos {anth'-os}; a primary word; a blossom: --flower. [ql ~~~~ 438
0443 - anthropoktonos {anth-ro-pok-ton'-os}; from 0444 and kteine (to kill); a manslayer: --murderer. Compare 5406. [ql ~~~~442
0446 - anthupatos {anth-oo'-pat-os}; from 0473 and a superlative of 5228; instead of the highest officer, i.e. (specially) a Roman proconsul: --deputy. [ql ~~~~446
0459 - anomos {an'-om-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3551; lawless, i.e. (negatively) not subject to (the Jewish) law; (by implication, a Gentile), or (positively) wicked: --without law, lawless, transgressor, unlawful, wicked. [ql ~~~~458
0462 - anosios {an-os'-ee-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3741: --unholy. [ql ~~~~462
0462 - anosios {an-os'-ee-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3741: --unholy. [ql ~~~~462
0469 - antapodosis {an-tap-od'-os-is}; from 0467; requital (properly, the act): --reward. [ql ~~~~468
0511 - anoteros {an-o'-ter-os}; comparative degree of 0507; upper, i.e. (neuter as adverb) to a more conspicuous place, in a former part of the book: --above, higher. [ql ~~~~510
0514 - axios {ax'-ee-os}; probably from 0071; deserving, comparable or suitable (as if drawing praise): --due reward, meet, [un-]worthy. [ql ~~~~514
0517 - aoratos {ah-or'-at-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3707; invisible: --invisible (thing). [ql ~~~~516
0527 - apalos {ap-al-os'}; of uncertain derivation; soft: --tender. [ql ~~~~526
0531 - aparabatos {ap-ar-ab'-at-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3845; not passing away, i.e. untransferable (perpetual): --unchangeable. [ql ~~~~530
0558 - apeleutheros {ap-el-yoo'-ther-os}; from 0575 and 1658; one freed away, i.e. a freedman: --freeman. [ql ~~~~558
0581 - apogenomenos {ap-og-en-om'-en-os}; past participle of a compound of 0575 and 1096; absent, i.e. deceased (figuratively, renounced): --being dead. [ql ~~~~580
0644 - aposkiasma {ap-os-kee'-as-mah}; from a compound of 0575 and a derivative of 4639; a shading off, i.e. obsuration: --shadow. [ql ~~~~644
0645 - apospao {ap-os-pah'-o}; from 0575 and 4685; to drag forth, i.e. (literally) unsheathe (a sword), or relatively (with a degree of force implied) retire (personally or factiously): --(with-)draw (away), after we were gotten from. [ql ~~~~644
0646 - apostasia {ap-os-tas-ee'-ah}; feminine of the same as 0647; defection from truth (properly, the state) ["apostasy"]: --falling away, forsake. [ql ~~~~646
0647 - apostasion {ap-os-tas'-ee-on}; neuter of a (presumed) adj. from a derivative of 0868; properly, something separative, i.e. (specially) divorce: --(writing of) divorcement. [ql ~~~~646
0648 - apostegazo {ap-os-teg-ad'-zo}; from 0575 and a derivative of 4721; to unroof: --uncover. [ql ~~~~648
0649 - apostello {ap-os-tel'-lo}; from 0575 and 4724; set apart, i.e. (by implication) to send out (properly, on a mission) literally or figuratively: --put in, send (away, forth, out), set [at liberty]. [ql ~~~~648
0650 - apostereo {ap-os-ter-eh'-o}; from 0575 and stereo (to deprive); to despoil: --defraud, destitute, kept back by fraud. [ql ~~~~650
0651 - apostole {ap-os-tol-ay'}; from 0649; commission, i.e. (specially) apostolate: --apostleship. [ql ~~~~650
0652 - apostolos {ap-os'-tol-os}; from 0649; a delegate; specially, an ambassador of the Gospel; officially a commissioner of Christ ["apostle"] (with miraculous powers): --apostle, messenger, he that is sent. [ql ~~~~652
0652 - apostolos {ap-os'-tol-os}; from 0649; a delegate; specially, an ambassador of the Gospel; officially a commissioner of Christ ["apostle"] (with miraculous powers): --apostle, messenger, he that is sent. [ql ~~~~652
0653 - apostomatizo {ap-os-tom-at-id'-zo}; from 0575 and a (presumed) derivative of 4750; to speak off-hand (properly, dictate), i.e. to catechize (in an invidious manner): --provoke to speak. [ql ~~~~652
0654 - apostrepho {ap-os-tref'-o}; from 0575 and 4762; to turn away or back (literally or figuratively): --bring again, pervert, turn away (from). [ql ~~~~654
0655 - apostugeo {ap-os-toog-eh'-o}: from 0575 and the base of 4767; to detest utterly: --abhor. [ql ~~~~654
0656 - aposunagogos {ap-os-oon-ag'-o-gos}; from 0575 and 4864; excommunicated: --(put) out of the synagogue(-s). [ql ~~~~656
0675 - >Appios {ap'-pee-os}; of Latin origin; (in the genitive, i.e. possessive case) of Appius, the name of a Roman: --Appii. [ql ~~~~674
0677 - aproskopos {ap-ros'-kop-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 4350; actively, inoffensive, i.e. not leading into sin; passively, faultless, i.e. not led into sin: --none (void of, without) offence. [ql ~~~~676
0693 - argureos {ar-goo'-reh-os}; from 0696; made of silver: --(of) silver. [ql ~~~~692
0695 - argurokopos {ar-goo-rok-op'-os}; from 0696 and 2875; a beater (i.e. worker) of silver: --silversmith. [ql ~~~~694
0697 - Areios Pagos {ar'-i-os pag'-os}; from Ares (the name of the Greek deity of war) and a derivative of 4078; rock of Ares, a place in Athens: --Areopagus, Mars' Hill. [ql ~~~~696
0697 - Areios Pagos {ar'-i-os pag'-os}; from Ares (the name of the Greek deity of war) and a derivative of 4078; rock of Ares, a place in Athens: --Areopagus, Mars' Hill. [ql ~~~~696
0710 - aristeros {ar-is-ter-os'}; apparently a comparative of the same as 0712; the left hand (as second-best): --left [hand]. [ql ~~~~710
0713 - arketos {ar-ket-os'}; from 0714; satisfactory: --enough, suffice(-ient). [ql ~~~~712
0729 - arrhaphos {ar'-hhraf-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of the same as 4476; unsewed, i.e. of a single piece: --without seam. [ql ~~~~728
0739 - artios {ar'-tee-os}; from 0737; fresh, i.e. (by implication) complete: --perfect. [ql ~~~~738
0743 - archaggelos {ar-khang'-el-os}; from 0757 and 0032; a chief angel: --archangel. [ql ~~~~742
0745 - Archelaos {ar-khel'-ah-os}; from 0757 and 2994; people-ruling; Archelaus, a Jewish king: --Archelaus. [ql ~~~~744
0774 - Asianos {as-ee-an-os'}; from 0773; an Asian (i.e. Asiatic) or an inhabitant of Asia: --of Asia. [ql ~~~~774
0781 - asophos {as'-of-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 4680; unwise: --fool. [ql ~~~~780
0791 - asteios {as-ti'-os}; from astu (a city); urbane, i.e. (by implication) handsome: --fair. [ql ~~~~790
0802 - asunthetos {as-oon'-thet-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 4934; properly, not agreed, i.e. treacherous to compacts: --covenant-breaker. [ql ~~~~802
0823 - atomos {at'-om-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and the base of 5114; uncut, i.e. (by implication) indivisible [an "atom" of time]: --moment. [ql ~~~~822
0824 - atopos {at'-op-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5117; out of place, i.e. (figuratively) improper, injurious, wicked: --amiss, harm, unreasonable. [ql ~~~~824
0830 - authairetos {ow-thah'-ee-ret-os}; from 0846 and the same as 0140; self-chosen, i.e. (by implication) voluntary: --of own accord, willing of self. [ql ~~~~830
0844 - automatos {ow-tom'-at-os}; from 0846 and the same as 3155; self-moved ["automatic"], i.e. spontaneous: --of own accord, of self. [ql ~~~~844
0865 - aphilagathos {af-il-ag'-ath-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5358; hostile to virtue: --despiser of those that are good. [ql ~~~~864
0888 - achreios {akh-ri'-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 5534 [compare 5532]; useless, i.e. (euphem.) unmeritorious: --unprofitable. [ql ~~~~888
0899 - bathos {bath'-os}; from the same as 0901; profundity, i.e. (by implication) extent; (figuratively) mystery: --deep(-ness, things), depth. [ql ~~~~898
0915 - barbaros {bar'-bar-os}; of uncertain derivation; a foreigner (i.e. non-Greek): --barbarian(-rous). [ql ~~~~914
0922 - baros {bar'-os}; probably from the same as 0939 (through the notion of going down; compare 0899); weight; in the N.T. only figuratively, a load, abundance, authority: --burden(-some), weight. [ql ~~~~922
0927 - barutimos {bar-oo'-tim-os}; from 0926 and 5092; highly valuable: --very precious. [ql ~~~~926
0931 - basanos {bas'-an-os}; perhaps remotely from the same as 0939 (through the notion of going to the bottom); a touch-stone, i.e. (by analogy) torture: --torment. [ql ~~~~930
0934 - basileios {bas-il'-i-os}; from 0935; kingly (in nature): --royal. [ql ~~~~934
0942 - batos {bat'-os}; of uncertain derivation; a brier shrub: --bramble, bush. [ql ~~~~942
0943 - batos {bat'-os}; of Hebrew origin [1324]; a bath, or measure for liquids: --measure. [ql ~~~~942
0944 - batrachos {bat'-rakh-os}; of uncertain derivation; a frog: --frog. [ql ~~~~944
0956 - belos {bel'-os}; from 0906; a missile, i.e. spear or arrow: --dart. [ql ~~~~956
0979 - bios {bee'-os}; a primary word; life, i.e. (literally) the present state of existence; by implication, the means of livelihood: --good, life, living. [ql ~~~~978
0983 - blaberos {blab-er-os'}; from 0984; injurious: --hurtful. [ql ~~~~ 982
0992 - bleteos {blay-teh'-os}; from 0906; fit to be cast (i.e. applied): --must be put. [ql ~~~~992
1004 - borboros {bor'-bor-os}; of uncertain derivation; mud: --mire. [ql ~~~~1004
1025 - brephos {bref'-os}; of uncertain affin.; an infant (properly, unborn) literally or figuratively: --babe, (young) child, infant. [ql ~~~~1024
1029 - brochos {brokh'-os}; of uncertain derivation; a noose: --snare. [ql ~~~~1028
1034 - brosimos {bro'-sim-os}; from 1035; eatable: --meat. [ql ~~~~ 1034
1050 - Gaios {gah'-ee-os}; of Latin origin; Gaius (i.e. Caius), a Christian: --Gaius. [ql ~~~~1050
1062 - gamos {gam'-os}; of uncertain affinity; nuptials: --marriage, wedding. [ql ~~~~1062
1071 - gelos {ghel'-os}; from 1070; laughter (as a mark of gratification): --laughter. [ql ~~~~1070
1085 - genos {ghen'-os}; from 1096; "kin" (abstract or concrete, literal or figurative, individual or collective): --born, country(-man), diversity, generation, kind(-red), nation, offspring, stock. [ql ~~~~1084
1103 - gnesios {gnay'-see-os}; from the same as 1077; legitimate (of birth), i.e. genuine: --own, sincerity, true. [ql ~~~~1102
1105 - gnophos {gnof'-os}; akin to 3509; gloom (as of a storm): --blackness. [ql ~~~~1104
1117 - gomos {gom'-os}; from 1073; a load (as filling), i.e. (specially) a cargo, or (by extension) wares: --burden, merchandise. [ql ~~~~1116
1134 - gunaikeios {goo-nahee-ki'-os}; from 1135; feminine: --wife. [ql ~~~~1134
1146 - daktulios {dak-too'-lee-os}; from 1147; a finger-ring: --ring. [ql ~~~~1146
1174 - deisidaimonesteros {dice-ee-dahee-mon-es'-ter-os}; the compound of a derivative of the base of 1169 and 1142; more religious than others: --too superstitious. [ql ~~~~1174
1182 - dekatos {dek'-at-os}; ordinal from 1176; tenth: --tenth. [ql ~~~~ 1182
1187 - dexiolabos {dex-ee-ol-ab'-os}; from 1188 and 2983; a guardsman (as if taking the right) or light-armed soldier: --spearman. [ql ~~~~1186
1188 - dexios {dex-ee-os'}; from 1209; the right side or (feminine) hand (as that which usually takes): --right (hand, side). [ql ~~~~1188
1190 - Derbaios {der-bah'-ee-os}; from 1191; a Derbaean or inhabitant of Derbe: --of Derbe. [ql ~~~~1190
1198 - desmios {des'-mee-os}; from 1199; a captive (as bound): --in bonds, prisoner. [ql ~~~~1198
1208 - deuteros {dyoo'-ter-os}; as the compare of 1417; (ordinal) second (in time, place, or rank; also adverb): --afterward, again, second(-arily, time). [ql ~~~~1208
1216 - Demetrios {day-may'-tree-os}; from Demeter (Ceres); Demetrius, the name of an Ephesian and of a Christian: --Demetrius. [ql ~~~~1216
1219 - demosios {day-mos'ee-os}; from 1218; public; (feminine singular dative case as adverb) in public: --common, openly, publickly. [ql ~~~~1218
1228 - diabolos {dee-ab'-ol-os}; from 1225; a traducer; specially, Satan [compare 7854]: --false accuser, devil, slanderer. [ql ~~~~1228
1240 - diadochos {dee-ad'-okh-os}; from 1237; a successor in office: --room. [ql ~~~~1240
1249 - diakonos {dee-ak'-on-os}; probably from an obsolete diako (to run on errands; compare 1377); an attendant, i.e. (genitive case) a waiter (at table or in other menial duties); specially, a Christian teacher and pastor (technically, a deacon or deaconess): --deacon, minister, servant. [ql ~~~~1248
1250 - diakosioi {dee-ak-os'-ee-oy}; from 1364 and 1540; two hundred: --two hundred. [ql ~~~~1250
1313 - diaphoros {dee-af'-or-os}; from 1308; varying; also surpassing: --differing, divers, more excellent. [ql ~~~~1312
1317 - didaktikos {did-ak-tik-os'}; from 1318; instructive ("didactic"): --apt to teach. [ql ~~~~1316
1320 - didaskalos {did-as'-kal-os}; from 1321; an instructor (genitive case or specially): --doctor, master, teacher. [ql ~~~~1320
1327 - diexodos {dee-ex'-od-os}; from 1223 and 1841; an outlet through, i.e. probably an open square (from which roads diverge): --highway. [ql ~~~~1326
1351 - dilogos {dil'-og-os}; from 1364 and 3056; equivocal, i.e. telling a different story: --double-tongued. [ql ~~~~1350
1354 - Dionusios {dee-on-oo'-see-os}; from Dionusos (Bacchus); reveller; Dionysius, an Athenian: --Dionysius. [ql ~~~~1354
1359 - Dioskouroi {dee-os'-koo-roy}; from the alternate of 2203 and a form of the base of 2877; sons of Jupiter, i.e. the twins Dioscuri: --Castor and Pollux. [ql ~~~~1358
1366 - distomos {dis'-tom-os}; from 1364 and 4750; double-edged: --with two edges, two-edged. [ql ~~~~1366
1385 - dokos {dok-os'}; from 1209 (through the idea of holding up); a stick of timber: --beam. [ql ***. doko. See 1380. [ql ~~~~1384
1386 - dolios {dol'-ee-os}; from 1388; guileful: --deceitful. [ql ~~~~ 1386
1388 - dolos {dol'-os}; from an obsolete primary verb, dello (probably meant to decoy; compare 1185); a trick (bait), i.e. (figuratively) wile: --craft, deceit, guile, subtilty. [ql ~~~~1388
1408 - dromos {drom'-os}; from the alternate of 5143; a race, i.e. (figuratively) career: --course. [ql ~~~~1408
1415 - dunatos {doo-nat-os'}; from 1410; powerful or capable (literally or figuratively); neuter possible: --able, could, (that is) mighty (man), possible, power, strong. [ql ~~~~1414
1422 - duskolos {doo'-kol-os}; from 1418 and kolon (food); properly, fastidious about eating (peevish), i.e. (genitive case) impracticable: --hard. [ql ~~~~1422
1428 - dodekatos {do-dek'-at-os}; from 1427; twelfth: --twelfth. [ql ~~~~1428
1442 - hebdomos {heb'-dom-os}; ordinal from 2033; seventh: --seventh. [ql ~~~~1442
1450 - egguos {eng'-goo-os}; from 1722 and guion (a limb); pledged (as if articulated by a member), i.e. a bondsman: --surety. [ql ~~~~1450
1455 - egkathetos {eng-kath'-et-os}; from 1722 and a derivative of 2524; subinduced, i.e. surreptitiously suborned as a lier-in-wait: --spy. [ql ~~~~1454
1471 - egkuos {eng'-koo-os}; from 1722 and the base of 2949; swelling inside, i.e. pregnant: --great with child. [ql ~~~~1470
1475 - edaphos {ed'-af-os}; from the base of 1476; a basis (bottom), i.e. the soil: --ground. [ql ~~~~1474
1485 - ethos {eth'-os}; from 1486; a usage (prescribed by habit or law): --custom, manner, be wont. [ql ~~~~1484
1518 - eirenopoios {i-ray-nop-oy-os'}; from 1518 and 4160; pacificatory, i.e. (subjectively) peaceable: --peacemaker. [ql ***. eiro. See 1515, 4483, 5346. [ql ~~~~1518
1529 - eisodos {ice'-od-os}; from 1519 and 3598; an entrance (literally or figuratively): --coming, enter(-ing) in (to). [ql ~~~~1528
1558 - ekdikos {ek'-dik-os}; from 1537 and 1349; carrying justice out, i.e. a punisher: --a (re-)venger. [ql ~~~~1558
1560 - ekdotos {ek'-dot-os}; from 1537 and a derivative of 1325; given out or over, i.e. surrendered: --delivered. [ql ~~~~1560
1570 - ekthetos {ek'-thet-os}; from 1537 and a derivative of 5087; put out, i.e. exposed to perish: --cast out. [ql ~~~~1570
1630 - ekphobos {ek'-fob-os}; from 1537 and 5401; frightened out of one's wits: --sore afraid, exceedingly fear. [ql ~~~~1630
1647 - elachistoteros {el-akh-is-tot'-er-os}; comparative of 1646; far less: --less than the least. [ql ~~~~1646
1656 - eleos {el'-eh-os}; of uncertain affinity; compassion (human or divine, especially active): --(+ tender) mercy. [ql ~~~~1656
1658 - eleutheros {el-yoo'-ther-os}; probably from the alternate of 2064; unrestrained (to go at pleasure), i.e. (as a citizen) not a slave (whether freeborn or manumitted), or (genitive case) exempt (from obligation or liability): --free (man, woman), at liberty. [ql ~~~~1658
1699 - emos {em-os'}; from the oblique cases of 1473 (1698, 1700, 1691); my: --of me, mine (own), my. [ql ~~~~1698
1713 - emporos {em'-por-os}; from 1722 and the base of 4198; a (wholesale) tradesman: --merchant. [ql ~~~~1712
1719 - emphobos {em'-fob-os}; from 1722 and 5401; in fear, i.e. alarmed: --affrighted, afraid, tremble. [ql ~~~~1718
1724 - enalios {en-al'-ee-os}; from 1722 and 0251; in the sea, i.e. marine: --thing in the sea. [ql ~~~~1724
1727 - enantios {en-an-tee'-os}; from 1725; opposite; figuratively, antagonistic: --(over) against, contrary. [ql ~~~~1726
1734 - hendekatos {hen-dek'-at-os}; ordinal from 1733; eleventh: --eleventh. [ql ~~~~1734
1741 - endoxos {en'-dox-os}; from 1722 and 1391; in glory, i.e. splendid, (figuratively) noble: --glorious, gorgeous [-ly], honourable. [ql ~~~~1740
1766 - ennatos {en'-nat-os}; ord. from 1767; ninth: --ninth. [ql ~~~~ 1766
1769 - enneos {en-neh-os'}; from 1770; dumb (as making signs), i.e. silent from astonishment: --speechless. [ql ~~~~1768
1772 - ennomos {en'-nom-os}; from 1722 and 3551; (subjectively) legal, or (objectively) subject to: --lawful, under law. [ql ~~~~1772
1777 - enochos {en'-okh-os}; from 1758; liable to (a condition, penalty or imputation): --in danger of, guilty of, subject to. [ql ~~~~1776
1786 - entopios {en-top'-ee-os}; from 1722 and 5117; a resident: --of that place. [ql ~~~~1786
1790 - entromos {en'-trom-os}; from 1722 and 5156; terrified: --X quake, X trembled. [ql ~~~~1790
1812 - hexakosioi {hex-ak-os'-ee-oy}; plural ordinal from 1803 and 1540; six hundred: --six hundred. [ql ~~~~1812
1821 - exapostello {ex-ap-os-tel'-lo}; from 1537 and 0649; to send away forth, i.e. (on a mission) to despatch, or (peremptorily) to dismiss: --send (away, forth, out). [ql ~~~~1820
1841 - exodos {ex'-od-os}; from 1537 and 3598; an exit, i.e. (figuratively) death: --decease, departing. [ql ~~~~1840
1857 - exoteros {ex-o'-ter-os}; comparative of 1854; exterior: --outer. [ql ~~~~1856
1866 - Epainetos {ep-a'-hee-net-os}; from 1867; praised; Epaenetus, a Christian: --Epenetus. [ql ~~~~1866
1919 - epigeios {ep-ig'-i-os}; from 1909 and 1093; worldly (physically or morally): --earthly, in earth, terrestrial. [ql ~~~~1918
1935 - epithanatios {ep-ee-than-at'-ee-os}; from 1909 and 2288; doomed to death: --appointed to death. [ql ~~~~1934
1944 - epikataratos {ep-ee-kat-ar'-at-os}; from 1909 and a derivative of 2672; imprecated, i.e. execrable: --accursed. [ql ~~~~1944
1946 - Epikoureios {ep-ee-koo'-ri-os}; from Epikouros [compare 1947] (a noted philosopher); an Epicurean or follower of Epicurus: --Epicurean. [ql ~~~~1946
1967 - epiousios {ep-ee-oo'-see-os}; perhaps from the same as 1966; tomorrow's; but more probably from 1909 and a derivative of the present participle feminine of 1510; for subsistence, i.e. needful: --daily. [ql ~~~~1966
1985 - episkopos {ep-is'-kop-os}; from 1909 and 4649 (in the sense of 1983); a superintendent, i.e. Christian officer in genitive case charge of a (or the) church (literally or figuratively): --bishop, overseer. [ql ~~~~1984
2006 - epitedeios {ep-ee-tay'-di-os}; from epitedes (enough); serviceable, i.e. (by implication) requisite: --things which are needful. [ql ~~~~2006
2012 - epitropos {ep-it'-rop-os}; from 1909 and 5158 (in the sense of 2011); a commissioner, i.e. domestic manager, guardian: --steward, tutor. [ql ~~~~2012
2031 - epos {ep'-os}; from 2036; a word: --X say. [ql ~~~~ 2030
2032 - epouranios {ep-oo-ran'-ee-os}; from 1909 and 3772; above the sky: --celestial, (in) heaven(-ly), high. [ql ~~~~2032
2056 - eriphos {er'-if-os}; perhaps from the same as 2053 (through the idea of hairiness); a kid or (genitive case) goat: --goat, kid. [ql ~~~~2056
2078 - eschatos {es'-khat-os}; a superlative probably from 2192 (in the sense of contiguity); farthest, final (of place or time): --ends of, last, latter end, lowest, uttermost. [ql ~~~~2078
2082 - esoteros {es-o'-ter-os}; comparative of 2080; interior: --inner, within. [ql ~~~~2082
2087 - heteros {het'-er-os}; of uncertain affinity; (an-, the) other or different: --altered, else, next (day), one, (an-)other, some, strange. [ql ~~~~2086
2094 - etos {et'-os}; apparently a primary word; a year: --year. [ql ~~~~2094
2111 - euthetos {yoo'-thet-os}; from 2095 and a derivative of 5087; well placed, i.e. (figuratively) appropriate: --fit, meet. [ql ~~~~2110
2123 - eukopoteros {yoo-kop-o'-ter-os}; comparative of a compound of 2095 and 2873; better for toil, i.e. more facile: --easier. [ql ~~~~2122
2130 - eumetadotos {yoo-met-ad'-ot-os}; from 2095 and a presumed derivative of 3330; good at imparting, i.e. liberal: --ready to distribute. [ql ~~~~2130
2139 - euperistatos {yoo-per-is'-tat-os}; from 2095 and a derivative of a presumed compound of 4012 and 2476; well standing around, i.e. (a competitor) thwarting (a racer) in every direction (figuratively, of sin in genitive case): --which doth so easily beset. [ql ~~~~2138
2180 - Ephesios {ef-es'-ee-os}; from 2181; an Ephesian or inhabitant of Ephesus: --Ephesian, of Ephesus. [ql ~~~~2180
2181 - Ephesos {ef'-es-os}; probably of foreign origin; Ephesus, a city of Asia Minor: --Ephesus. [ql ~~~~2180
2184 - ephemeros {ef-ay'-mer-os}; from 1909 and 2250; for a day ("ephemeral"), i.e. diurnal: --daily. [ql ~~~~2184
2217 - zophos {dzof'-os}; akin to the base of 3509; gloom (as shrouding like a cloud): --blackness, darkness, mist. [ql ~~~~2216
2238 - heduosmon {hay-doo'-os-mon}; neuter of the compound of the same as 2234 and 3744; a sweet-scented plant, i.e. mint: --mint. [ql ~~~~2238
2246 - helios {hay'-lee-os}; from hele (a ray; perhaps akin to the alternate of 0138); the sun; by implication, light: --+ east, sun. [ql ~~~~2246
2251 - hemeteros {hay-met'-er-os}; from 2349; our: --our, your [by a different reading]. [ql ~~~~2250
2261 - epios {ay'-pee-os}; probably from 2031; properly, affable, i.e. mild or kind: --gentle. [ql ~~~~2260
2263 - eremos {ay'-rem-os}; perhaps by transposition from 2048 (through the idea of stillness); tranquil: --quiet. [ql ~~~~2262
2272 - hesuchios {hay-soo'-khee-os}; a prolonged form of a compound probably of a derivative of the base of 1476 and perhaps 2192; properly, keeping one's seat (sedentary), i.e. (by implication) still (undisturbed, undisturbing): --peaceable, quiet. [ql ~~~~2272
2287 - thanatephoros {than-at-ay'-for-os}; from (the feminine form of) 2288 and 5342; death-bearing, i.e. fatal: --deadly. [ql ~~~~2286
2288 - thanatos {than'-at-os}; from 2348; (properly, an adjective used as a noun) death (literally or figuratively): --X deadly, (be...) death. [ql ~~~~2288
2297 - thaumasios {thow-mas'-ee-os}; from 2295; wondrous, i.e. (neuter as noun) a miracle: --wonderful thing. [ql ~~~~2296
2304 - theios {thi'-os}; from 2316; godlike (neuter as noun, divinity): --divine, godhead. [ql ~~~~2304
2310 - themelios {them-el'-ee-os}; from a derivative of 5087; something put down, i.e. a substruction (of a building, etc.), (literally or figuratively): --foundation. [ql ~~~~2310
2314 - theomachos {theh-om'-akh-os}; from 2316 and 3164; an opponent of deity: --to fight against God. [ql ~~~~2314
2316 - theos {theh'-os}; of uncertain affinity; a deity, especially (with 3588) the supreme Divinity; figuratively, a magistrate; by Hebraism, very: --X exceeding, God, god [-ly, -ward]. [ql ~~~~2316
2317 - theosebeia {theh-os-eb'-i-ah}; from 2318; devoutness, i.e. piety: --godliness. [ql ~~~~2316
2318 - theosebes {theh-os-eb-ace'}; from 2316 and 4576; reverent of God, i.e. pious: --worshipper of God. [ql ~~~~2318
2319 - theostuges {theh-os-too-gace'}; from 2316 and the base of 4767; hateful to God, i.e. impious: --hater of God. [ql ~~~~2318
2321 - Theophilos {theh-of'-il-os}; from 2316 and 5384; friend of God; Theophilus, a Christian: --Theophilus. [ql ~~~~2320
2330 - theros {ther'-os}; from a primary thero (to heat); properly, heat, i.e. summer: --summer. [ql ~~~~2330
2362 - thronos {thron'-os}; from thrao (to sit); a stately seat ("throne"); by implication, power or (concretely) a potentate: --seat, throne. [ql ~~~~2362
2375 - thureos {thoo-reh-os'}; from 2374; a large shield (as door-shaped): --shield. [ql ~~~~2374
2398 - idios {id'-ee-os}; of uncertain affinity; pertaining to self, i.e. one's own; by implication, private or separate: --X his acquaintance, when they were alone, apart, aside, due, his (own, proper, several), home, (her, our, thine, your) own (business), private(-ly), proper, severally, their (own). [ql ~~~~2398
2413 - hieros {hee-er-os'}; of uncertain affinity; sacred: --holy. [ql ~~~~2412
2414 - Hierosoluma {hee-er-os-ol'-oo-mah}; of Hebrew origin [3389]; Hierosolyma (i.e. Jerushalaim}, the capitol of Palestine: --Jerusalem. Compare 2419. [ql ~~~~2414
2415 - Hierosolumites {hee-er-os-ol-oo-mee'-tace}; from 2414; a Hierosolymite, i.e. inhabitant of Hierosolyma: --of Jerusalem. [ql ~~~~2414
2416 - hierosuleo {hee-er-os-ool-eh'-o}; from 2417; to be a temple-robber (figuratively): --commit sacrilege. [ql ~~~~2416
2417 - hierosulos {hee-er-os'-oo-los}; from 2411 and 4813; a temple-despoiler: --robber of churches. [ql ~~~~2416
2425 - hikanos {hik-an-os'}; from hiko [hikano or hikneomai, akin to 2240] (to arrive); competent (as if coming in season), i.e. ample (in amount) or fit (in character): --able, + content, enough, good, great, large, long (while), many, meet, much, security, sore, sufficient, worthy. [ql ~~~~2424
2431 - hilaros {hil-ar-os'}; from the same as 2436; propitious or merry ("hilarious"), i.e. prompt or willing: --cheerful. [ql ~~~~2430
2447 - ios {ee-os'}; perhaps from eimi (to go) or hiemi (to send); rust (as if emitted by metals); also venom (as emitted by serpents): --poison, rust. [ql ~~~~2446
2457 - Ioulios {ee-oo'-lee-os}; of Latin origin; Julius, a centurion: --Julius. [ql ~~~~2456
2513 - katharos {kath-ar-os'}; of uncertain affinity; clean (literally or figuratively): --clean, clear, pure. [ql ~~~~2512
2555 - kakopoios {kak-op-oy-os'}; from 2556 and 4160; a bad-doer; (specifically) a criminal: --evil-doer, malefactor. [ql ~~~~2554
2556 - kakos {kak-os'}; apparently a primary word; worthless (intrinsically, such; whereas 4190 properly refers to effects), i.e. (subjectively) depraved, or (objectively) injurious: --bad, evil, harm, ill, noisome, wicked. [ql ~~~~2556
2563 - kalamos {kal'-am-os}; or uncertain affinity; a reed (the plant or its stem, or that of a similar plant); by implication, a pen: --pen, reed. [ql ~~~~2562
2567 - kalodidaskalos {kal-od-id-as'-kal-os}; from 2570 and 1320; a teacher of the right: --teacher of good things. [ql ~~~~2566
2570 - kalos {kal-os'}; of uncertain affinity; properly, beautiful, but chiefly (figuratively) good (literally or morally), i.e. valuable or virtuous (for appearance or use, and thus distinguished from 0018, which is properly intrinsic): --X better, fair, good(-ly), honest, meet, well, worthy. [ql ~~~~2570
2593 - karpophoros {kar-pof-or'-os}; from 2590 and 5342; fruitbearing (figuratively): --fruitful. [ql ~~~~2592
2637 - katalalos {kat-al'-al-os}; from 2596 and the base of 2980; talkative against, i.e. a slanderer: --backbiter. [ql ~~~~2636
2685 - kataskopos {kat-as'-kop-os}; from 2596 (intensive) and 4649 (in the sense of a watcher); a reconnoiterer: --spy. [ql ~~~~2684
2709 - katachthonios {kat-akh-thon'-ee-os}; from 2596 and chthon (the ground); subterranean, i.e. infernal (belonging to the world of departed spirits): --under the earth. [ql ~~~~2708
2725 - kategoros {kat-ay'-gor-os}; from 2596 and 0058; against one in the assembly, i.e. a complaintant at law; specially, Satan: --accuser. [ql ~~~~2724
2737 - katoteros {kat-o'-ter-os}; comparitive from 2736; inferior (locally, of Hades): --lower. [ql ~~~~2736
2755 - kenodoxos {ken-od'-ox-os}; from 2756 and 1391; vainly glorifying, i.e. self-conceited: --desirous of vain-glory. [ql ~~~~2754
2756 - kenos {ken-os'}; apparently a primary word; empty (literally or figuratively): --empty, (in) vain. [ql ~~~~2754
2764 - keramikos {ker-am-ik-os'}; from 2766; made of clay, i.e. earthen: --of a potter. [ql ~~~~2762
2766 - keramos {ker'-am-os}; probably from the base of 2767 (through the idea of mixing clay and water); earthenware, i.e. a tile (by analogy, a thin roof or awning): --tiling. [ql ~~~~2764
2798 - klados {klad'-os}; from 2806; a twig or bough (as if broken off): --branch. [ql ~~~~2796
2804 - Klaudios {klow'-dee-os}; of Latin origin; Claudius, the name of two Romans: --Claudius. [ql ~~~~2802
2811 - kleos {kleh'-os}; from a shorter form of 2564; renown (as if being called): --glory. [ql ~~~~2810
2818 - kleronomos {klay-ron-om'-os}; from 2819 and the base of 3551 (in its original sense of partitioning, i.e. [reflexively] getting by apportionment); a sharer by lot, i.e. inheritor (literally or figuratively); by implication, a possessor: --heir. [ql ~~~~2816
2823 - klibanos {klib'-an-os}; of uncertain derivation; an earthen pot used for baking in: --oven. [ql ~~~~2822
2857 - Kolossai {kol-os-sah'-ee}; apparently feminine plural of kolossos ("colossal"); Colossae, a place in Asia Minor: --Colosse. [ql ~~~~2856
2858 - Kolossaeus {kol-os-sayoos'}; from 2857; a Colossaean, (i.e. inhabitant of Colossae: --Colossian. [ql ~~~~2856
2870 - kopetos {kop-et-os'}; from 2875; mourning (properly, by beating the breast): --lamentation. [ql ~~~~2868
2873 - kopos {kop'-os}; from 2875; a cut, i.e. (by analogy) toil (as reducing the strength), literally or figuratively; by implication, pains: --labour, + trouble, weariness. [ql ~~~~2872
2881 - Korinthios {kor-in'-thee-os}; from 2882; a Corinthian, i.e. inhabitant of Corinth: --Corinthian. [ql ~~~~2880
2883 - Kornelios {kor-nay'-lee-os}; of Latin origin; Cornelius, a Roman: --Cornelius. [ql ~~~~2882
2884 - koros {kor'-os}; of Hebrew origin [3734]; a cor, i.e. a specific measure: --measure. [ql ~~~~2882
2887 - kosmios {kos'-mee-os}; from 2889 (in its primary sense); orderly, i.e. decorous: --of good behaviour, modest. [ql ~~~~2886
2895 - krabbatos {krab'-bat-os}; probably of foreign origin; a mattress: --bed. [ql ~~~~2894
2904 - kratos {krat'-os}; perhaps a primary word; vigor ["great"] (literally or figuratively): --dominion, might [-ily], power, strength. [ql ~~~~2902
2953 - Kuprios {koo'-pree-os}; from 2954; a Cyprian (Cypriot), i.e. inhabitant of Cyprus: --of Cyprus. [ql ~~~~2952
2958 - Kurenios {koo-ray'-nee-os}; of Latin origin; Cyrenius (i.e. Quirinus), a Roman: --Cyrenius. [ql ~~~~2956
2960 - kuriakos {koo-ree-ak-os'}; from 2962; belonging to the Lord (Jehovah or Jesus): --Lord's. [ql ~~~~2958
2962 - kurios {koo'-ree-os}; from kuros (supremacy); supreme in authority, i.e. (as noun) controller; by implication, Mr. (as a respectful title): --God, Lord, master, Sir. [ql ~~~~2960
2976 - Lazaros {lad'-zar-os}; probably of Hebrew origin [0499]; Lazarus (i.e. Elazar), the name of two Israelites (one imaginary): --Lazarus. [ql ~~~~2974
2992 - laos {lah-os'}; apparently a primary word; a people (in general; thus differing from 1218, which denotes one's own populace): --people. [ql ~~~~2990
3006 - leios {li'-os}; apparently a primary word; smooth, i.e. "level": --smooth. [ql ~~~~3004
3010 - leitourgikos {li-toorg-ik-os'}; from the same as 3008; functional publicly ("liturgic"); i.e. beneficient: --ministering. [ql ~~~~3008
3011 - leitourgos {li-toorg-os'}; from a derivative of 2992 and 2041; a public servant, i.e. a functionary in the Temple or Gospel, or (genitive case) a worshipper (of God) or benefactor (of man): --minister(-ed). [ql ~~~~3010
3030 - libanos {lib'-an-os}; of foreign origin [3828]; the incense-tree, i.e. (by implication) incense itself: --frankincense. [ql ~~~~3028
3038 - lithostrotos {lith-os'-tro-tos}; from 3037 and a derivative of 4766; stone-strewed, i.e. a tessellated mosaic on which the Roman tribunal was placed: --Pavement. [ql ~~~~3036
3045 - liparos {lip-ar-os'}; from lipos (grease); fat, i.e. (figuratively) sumptuous: --dainty. [ql ~~~~3044
3050 - logikos {log-ik-os'}; from 3056; rational ("logical"): --reasonable, of the word. [ql ~~~~3048
3052 - logios {log'-ee-os}; from 3056; fluent, i.e. an orator: --eloquent. [ql ~~~~3050
3056 - logos {log'-os}; from 3004; something said (including the thought); by implication a topic (subject of discourse), also reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive; by extension, a computation; specifically (with the article in John) the Divine Expression (i.e. Christ): --account, cause, communication, X concerning, doctrine, fame, X have to do, intent, matter, mouth, preaching, question, reason, + reckon, remove, say(-ing), shew, X speaker, speech, talk, thing, + none of these things move me, tidings, treatise, utterance, word, work. [ql ~~~~3054
3060 - loidoros {loy'-dor-os}; from loidos (mischief); abusive, i.e. a blackguard: --railer, reviler. [ql ~~~~3058
3066 - Loukios {loo'-kee-os}; of Latin origin; illuminative; Lucius, a Christian: --Lucius. [ql ~~~~3064
3097 - magos {mag'-os}; of foreign origin [7248]; a Magian, i.e. Oriental scientist; by implication a magician: --sorcerer, wise man. [ql ~~~~3096
3107 - makarios {mak-ar'-ee-os}; a prolonged form of the poetical makar (meaning the same); supremely blest; by extension, fortunate, well off: --blessed, happy(X -ier). [ql ~~~~3106
3118 - makrochronios {mak-rokh-ron'-ee-os}; from 3117 and 5550; long-timed, i.e. long-lived: --live long. [ql ~~~~3116
3120 - malakos {mal-ak-os'}; of uncertain affinity; soft, i.e. fine (clothing); figuratively, a catamite: --effeminate, soft. [ql ~~~~3118
3139 - marmaros {mar'-mar-os}; from marmairo (to glisten); marble (as sparkling white): --marble. [ql ***. martur. See 3144. [ql ~~~~3138
3151 - mataiologos {mat-ah-yol-og'-os}; from 3152 and 3004; an idle (i.e. senseless or mischievous) talker, i.e. a wrangler: --vain talker. [ql ~~~~3150
3167 - megaleios {meg-al-i'-os}; from 3173; magnificent, i.e. (neut, plural as noun) a conspicuous favor, or (subjectively) perfection: --great things, wonderful works. [ql ~~~~3166
3174 - megethos {meg'-eth-os}; from 3173; magnitude (figuratively): --greatness. [ql ~~~~3172
3181 - methorios {meth-or'-ee-os}; from 3326 and 3725; bounded alongside, i.e. contiguous (neuter plural as noun, frontier): --border. [ql ~~~~3180
3186 - meizoteros {mide-zot'-er-os}; continued comparative of 3187; still larger (figuratively): --greater. [ql ~~~~3184
3193 - melissios {mel-is'-see-os}; from 3192; relating to honey, i.e. bee (comb): --honeycomb. [ql ~~~~3192
3196 - melos {mel'-os}; of uncertain affinity; a limb or part of the body: --member. [ql ~~~~3194
3313 - meros {mer'-os}; from an obsolete but more primary form of meiromai (to get as a section or allotment); a division or share (literally or figuratively, in a wide application): --behalf, course, coast, craft, particular (+ -ly), part (+ -ly), piece, portion, respect, side, some sort(-what). [ql ~~~~3212
3319 - mesos {mes'-os}; from 3326; middle (as an adjective or [neuter] noun): --among, X before them, between, + forth, mid [-day, -night], midst, way. [ql ~~~~3218
3353 - metochos {met'-okh-os}; from 3348; participant, i.e. (as noun) a sharer; by implication an associate: --fellow, partaker, partner. [ql ~~~~3252
3398 - mikros {mik-ros'}; including the comparative mikroteros {mik-rot'-er-os}; apparently a primary word; small (in size, quantity, number or (figuratively) dignity): --least, less, little, small. [ql ~~~~3296
3405 - misthapodosia {mis-thap-od-os-ee'-ah}; from 3406; requital (good or bad): --recompence of reward. [ql ~~~~3304
3407 - misthios {mis'-thee-os}; from 3408; a wage-earner: --hired servant. [ql ~~~~3306
3424 - mogilalos {mog-il-al'-os}; from 3425 and 2980; hardly talking, i.e. dumb (tongue-tied): --having an impediment in his speech. [ql ~~~~3322
3426 - modios {mod'-ee-os}; of Latin origin; a modius, i.e. certain measure for things dry (the quantity or the utensil): --bushel. [ql ~~~~3324
3441 - monos {mon'-os}; probably from 3306; remaining, i.e. sole or single; by implication mere: --alone, only, by themselves. [ql ~~~~3340
3451 - mousikos {moo-sik-os'}; from Mousa (a Muse); "musical", i.e. (as noun) a minstrel: --musician. [ql ~~~~3350
3452 - muelos {moo-el-os'}; perhaps a primary word; the marrow: --marrow. [ql ~~~~3350
3485 - naos {nah-os'}; from a primary naio (to dwell); a fane, shrine, temple : --shrine, temple. Comp 2411. [ql ~~~~3384
3501 - neos {neh'-os}; including the comparative neoteros {neh-o'-ter-os}; a primary word; "new", i.e. (of persons) youthful, or (of things) fresh; figuratively, regenerate: --new, young. [ql ~~~~3400
3501 - neos {neh'-os}; including the comparative neoteros {neh-o'-ter-os}; a primary word; "new", i.e. (of persons) youthful, or (of things) fresh; figuratively, regenerate: --new, young. [ql ~~~~3400
3502 - neossos {neh-os-sos'}; from 3501; a youngling (nestling): --young. [ql ~~~~3400
3509 - nephos {nef'-os}; apparently a primary word; a cloud: --cloud. [ql ~~~~3408
3511 - neokoros {neh-o-kor'-os}; from a form of 3485 and koreo (to sweep); a temple-servant, i.e. (by implication) a votary: --worshipper. [ql ~~~~3410
3512 - neoterikos {neh-o-ter'-ik-os}; from the comparative of 3501; appertaining to younger persons, i.e. juvenile: --youthful. [ql ***. neoteros. See 3501. [ql ~~~~3410
3516 - nepios {nay'-pee-os}; from an obsolete particle ne- (implying negation) and 2031; not speaking, i.e. an infant (minor); figuratively, a simple-minded person, an immature Christian: --babe, child (+ -ish). [ql ~~~~3414
3524 - nephaleos {nay-fal'-eh-os}; or nephalios {nay-fal'-ee-os}; from 3525; sober, i.e. (figuratively) circumspect: --sober. [ql ~~~~3422
3524 - nephaleos {nay-fal'-eh-os}; or nephalios {nay-fal'-ee-os}; from 3525; sober, i.e. (figuratively) circumspect: --sober. [ql ~~~~3422
3532 - Nikolaos {nik-ol'-ah-os}; from 3534 and 2994; victorious over the people; Nicolaus, a heretic: --Nicolaus. [ql ~~~~3430
3541 - nothos {noth'-os}; of uncertain affinity; a spurious or illegitimate son: --bastard. [ql ~~~~3440
3544 - nomikos {nom-ik-os'}; from 3551; according (or pertaining) to law, i.e. legal (cer.); as noun, an expert in the (Mosaic) law: --about the law, lawyer. [ql ~~~~3442
3547 - nomodidaskalos {nom-od-id-as'-kal-os}; from 3551 and 1320; an expounder of the (Jewish) law, i.e. a Rabbi: --doctor (teacher) of the law. [ql ~~~~3446
3551 - nomos {nom'-os}; from a primary nemo (to parcel out, especially food or grazing to animals); law (through the idea of prescriptive usage), genitive case (regulation), specifically (of Moses [including the volume]; also of the Gospel), or figuratively (a principle): --law. [ql ~~~~3450
3554 - nosos {nos'-os}; of uncertain affinity; a malady (rarely figuratively, of moral disability): --disease, infirmity, sickness. [ql ~~~~3452
3558 - notos {not'-os}; of uncertain affinity; the south(-west) wind; by extension, the southern quarter itself: --south (wind). [ql ~~~~3456
3566 - numphios {noom-fee'-os}; from 3565; a bride-groom (literally or figuratively): --bridegroom. [ql ~~~~3464
3581 - xenos {xen'-os}; apparently a primary word; foreign (literally, alien, or figuratively, novel); by implication a guest or (vice-versa) entertainer: --host, strange(-r). [ql ~~~~3480
3585 - xulinos {xoo'-lin-os}; from 3586; wooden: --of wood. [ql ~~~~ 3484
3590 - ogdoos {og'-do-os}; from 3638; the eighth: --eighth. [ql ~~~~ 3488
3595 - hodegos {hod-ayg-os'}; from 3598 and 2233; a conductor (literally or figuratively [teacher]): --guide, leader. [ql ~~~~3494
3598 - hodos {hod-os'}; apparently a primary word; a road; by implication a progress (the route, act or distance); figuratively, a mode or means: --journey, (high-)way. [ql ~~~~3496
3609 - oikeios {oy-ki'-os}; from 3624; domestic, i.e. (as noun), a relative, adherent: --(those) of the (his own) house(-hold). [ql ~~~~3508
3615 - oikiakos {oy-kee-ak-os'}; from 3614; familiar, i.e. (as noun) relatives: --they (them) of (his own) household. [ql ~~~~3514
3623 - oikonomos {oy-kon-om'-os}; from 3624 and the base of 3551; a house-distributor (i.e. manager), or overseer, i.e. an employee in that capacity; by extension, a fiscal agent (treasurer); figuratively, a preacher (of the Gospel): --chamberlain, governor, steward. [ql ~~~~3522
3634 - hoios {hoy'-os}; probably akin to 3588, 3739, and 3745; such or what sort of (as a correlation or exclamation); especially the neuter (adverbial) with negative, not so: --so (as), such as, what (manner of), which. [ql ***. oio. See 5342. [ql ~~~~3532
3637 - oktaemeros {ok-tah-ay'-mer-os}; from 3638 and 2250; an eight-day old person or act: --the eighth day. [ql ~~~~3536
3650 - holos {hol'-os}; a primary word; "whole" or "all", i.e. complete (in extent, amount, time or degree), especially (neuter) as noun or adverb: --all, altogether, every whit, + throughout, whole. [ql ~~~~3548
3658 - homilos {hom'-il-os}; from the base of 3674 and a derivative of the alternate of 0138 (meaning a crowd); association together, i.e. a multitude: --company. [ql ~~~~3556
3664 - homoios {hom'-oy-os}; from the base of 3674; similar (in appearance or character): --like, + manner. [ql ~~~~3562
3682 - Onesimos {on-ay'-sim-os}; from 3685; profitable; Onesimus, a Christian: --Onesimus. [ql ~~~~3580
3683 - Onesiphoros {on-ay-sif'-or-os}; from a derivative of 3685 and 5411; profit-bearer; Onesiphorus, a Christian: --Onespiphorus. [ql ~~~~3582
3684 - onikos {on-ik-os'}; from 3688; belonging to a donkey, i.e. large (so as to be turned by a donkey): --millstone. [ql ~~~~3582
3688 - onos {on'-os}; apparently a primary word; a donkey: --an ass. [ql ~~~~3586
3690 - oxos {oz-os}; from 3691; vinegar, i.e. sour wine: --vinegar. [ql ~~~~3588
3697 - hopoios {hop-oy'-os}; from 3739 and 4169; of what kind that, i.e. how (as) great (excellent) (specifically, as an indefinite correlative to the definite antecedent 5108 of quality): --what manner (sort) of, such as whatsoever. [ql ~~~~3596
3707 - horatos {hor-at-os'}; from 3708; gazed at, i.e. (by implication) capable of being seen: --visible. [ql ~~~~3606
3720 - orthrinos {or-thrin-os'}; from 3722; relating to the dawn, i.e. matutinal (as an epithet of Venus, especially brilliant in the early day): --morning. [ql ~~~~3618
3721 - orthrios {or'-three-os}; from 3722; in the dawn, i.e. up at day-break: --early. [ql ~~~~3620
3735 - oros {or'-os}; probably from an obsolete oro (to rise or "rear"; perhaps akin to 0142; compare 3733); a mountain (as lifting itself above the plain): --hill, mount(-ain). [ql ~~~~3634
3737 - orphanos {or-fan-os'}; of uncertain affinity; bereaved ("orphan"), i.e. parentless: --comfortless, fatherless. [ql ~~~~3634
3741 - hosios {hos'-ee-os}; of uncertain affinity; properly, right (by intrinsic or divine character; thus distinguished from 1342, which refers rather to human statutes and relations; from 2413, which denotes formal consecration; and from 0040, which relates to purity from defilement), i.e. hallowed (pious, sacred, sure): --holy, mercy, shalt be. [ql ~~~~3638
3744 - osme {os-may'}; from 3605; fragrance (literally or figuratively): --odour, savour. [ql ~~~~3642
3745 - hosos {hos'-os}; by reduplication from 3739; as (much, great, long, etc.) as: --all (that), as (long, many, much) (as), how great (many, much), [in-]asmuch as, so many as, that (ever), the more, those things, what (great, -soever), wheresoever, wherewithsoever, which, X while, who(-soever). [ql ~~~~3642
3747 - osteon {os-teh'-on}; or contracted ostoun {os-toon'}; of uncertain affinity; a bone: --bone. [ql ~~~~3644
3747 - osteon {os-teh'-on}; or contracted ostoun {os-toon'}; of uncertain affinity; a bone: --bone. [ql ~~~~3644
3749 - ostrakinos {os-tra'-kin-os}; from ostrakon ["oyster"] (a tile, i.e. terra cotta); earthen-ware, i.e. clayey; by implication, frail: --of earth, earthen. [ql ~~~~3646
3749 - ostrakinos {os-tra'-kin-os}; from ostrakon ["oyster"] (a tile, i.e. terra cotta); earthen-ware, i.e. clayey; by implication, frail: --of earth, earthen. [ql ~~~~3646
3750 - osphresis {os'-fray-sis}; from a derivative of 3605; smell (the sense): --smelling. [ql ~~~~3648
3751 - osphus {os-foos'}; of uncertain affinity; the loin (externally), i.e. the hip; intern. (by extension) procreative power: --loin. [ql ~~~~3648
3770 - ouranios {oo-ran'-ee-os}; from 3772; celestial, i.e. belonging to or coming from the sky: --heavenly. [ql ~~~~3668
3772 - ouranos {oo-ran-os'}; perhaps from the same as 3735 (through the idea of elevation); the sky; by extension, heaven (as the abode of God); by implication, happiness, power, eternity; specifically, the Gospel (Christianity): --air, heaven( [-ly]), sky. [ql ~~~~3670
3773 - Ourbanos {oor-ban-os'}; of Latin origin; Urbanus (of the city, "urbane"), a Christian: --Urbanus. [ql ~~~~3670
3786 - ophelos {of'-el-os}; from ophello (to heap up, i.e. accumulate or benefit); gain: --advantageth, profit. [ql ~~~~3684
3797 - opsimos {op'-sim-os}; from 3796; later, i.e. vernal (showering): --latter. [ql ~~~~3694
3798 - opsios {op'-see-os}; from 3796; late; feminine (as noun) afternoon (early eve) or nightfall (later eve): --even(-ing, [-tide]). [ql ~~~~3696
3801 - ho on kai ho en kai ho erchomenos {ho own kahee ho ane kahee ho er-khom'-en-os}; a phrase combining 3588 with the present participle and imperfect of 1510 and the present participle of 2064 by means of 2532; the one being and the one that was and the one coming, i.e. the Eternal, as a divine epithet of Christ: --which art (is, was), and (which) wast (is, was), and art (is) to come (shalt be). [ql ~~~~3698
3806 - pathos {path'-os}; from the alternate of 3958; properly, suffering ("pathos"), i.e. (subjectively) a passion (especially concupiscence): --(inordinate) affection, lust. [ql ***. patho. See 3958. [ql ~~~~3704
3861 - paradoxos {par-ad'-ox-os}; from 3844 and 1391 (in the sense of seeming); contrary to expectation, i.e. extraordinary ("paradox"): --strange. [ql ~~~~3758
3862 - paradosis {par-ad'-os-is}; from 3860; transmission, i.e. (concretely) a precept; specifically, the Jewish traditionary law: --ordinance, tradition. [ql ~~~~3760
3864 - parathalassios {par-ath-al-as'-see-os}; from 3844 and 2281; along the sea, i.e. maritime (lacustrine): --upon the sea coast. [ql ~~~~3762
3882 - paralios {par-al'-ee-os}; from 3844 and 0251; beside the salt (sea), i.e. maritime: --sea coast. [ql ~~~~3780
3933 - parthenos {par-then'-os}; of unknown origin; a maiden; by implication, an unmarried daughter: --virgin. [ql ~~~~3830
3938 - parodos {par'-od-os}; from 3844 and 3598; a by-road, i.e. (actively) a route: --way. [ql ~~~~3836
3946 - paromoios {par-om'-oy-os}; from 3844 and 3664; alike nearly, i.e. similar: --like. [ql ~~~~3844
3970 - patroparadotos {pat-rop-ar-ad'-ot-os}; from 3962 and a derivative of 3860 (in the sense of handing over or down); traditionary: --received by tradition from fathers. [ql ~~~~3868
3971 - patroios {pat-ro'-os}; from 3962; paternal, i.e. hereditary: --of fathers. [ql ~~~~3868
3974 - Paphos {paf'-os}; of uncertain derivation; Paphus, a place in Cyprus: --Paphos. [qcccl ~~~~3872
3989 - pelagos {pel'-ag-os}; of uncertain affinity; deep or open sea, i.e. the main: --depth, sea. [ql ~~~~3886
3995 - pentheros {pen-ther-os'}; of uncertain affinity; a wife's father: --father in law. [ql ~~~~3892
4001 - pentakosioi {pen-tak-os'-ee-oy}; from 4002 and 1540; five hundred: --five hundred. [ql ~~~~3898
4003 - pentekaidekatos {pen-tek-ahee-ded'-at-os}; from 4002 and 2532 and 1182; five and tenth: --fifteenth. [ql ~~~~3900
4010 - Pergamos {per'-gam-os}; from 4444; fortified; Pergamus, a place in Asia Minor: --Pergamos. [ql ~~~~3908
4041 - periousios {per-ee-oo'-see-os}; from the present participle feminine of a compound of 4012 and 1510; being beyond usual, i.e. special (one's own): --peculiar. [ql ~~~~3938
4055 - perissoteros {per-is-sot'-er-os}; comparative of 4053; more superabundant (in number, degree or character): --more abundant, greater (much) more, overmuch. [ql ~~~~3952
4091 - Pilatos {pil-at'-os}; of Latin origin; close-pressed, i.e. firm; Pilatus, a Roman: --Pilate. [ql ***. pimplemi. See 4130. [ql ~~~~3988
4101 - pistikos {pis-tik-os'}; from 4102; trustworthy, i.e. genuine (unadulterated): --spike- [nard]. [ql ~~~~3998
4108 - planos {plan'-os}; of uncertain affinity; roving (as a tramp), i.e. (by implication) an impostor or misleader; --deceiver, seducing. [ql ~~~~4006
4114 - platos {plat'-os}; from 4116; width: --breadth. [ql ~~~~ 4012
4144 - ploos {plo'-os}; from 4126; a sail, i.e. navigation: --course, sailing, voyage. [ql ~~~~4042
4145 - plousios {ploo'-see-os}; from 4149; wealthy; figuratively, abounding with: --rich. [ql ~~~~4042
4152 - pneumatikos {pnyoo-mat-ik-os'}; from 4151; non-carnal, i.e. (humanly) ethereal (as opposed to gross), or (daemoniacally) a spirit (concretely), or (divinely) supernatural, regenerate, religious: --spiritual. Compare 5591. [ql ~~~~4050
4169 - poios {poy'-os}; from the base of 4226 and 3634; individualizing interrogative (of character) what sort of, or (of number) which one: --what (manner of), which. [ql ~~~~4066
4171 - polemos {pol'-em-os}; from pelomai (to bustle); warfare (literally or figuratively; a single encounter or a series): --battle, fight, war. [ql ~~~~4068
4182 - polupoikilos {pol-oo-poy'-kil-os}; from 4183 and 4164; much variegated, i.e. multifarious: --manifold. [ql ~~~~4080
4191 - poneroteros {pon-ay-rot'-er-os}; comparative of 4190; more evil: --more wicked. [ql ~~~~4088
4192 - ponos {pon'-os}; from the base of 3993; toil, i.e. (by implication) anguish: --pain. [ql ~~~~4090
4193 - Pontikos {pon-tik-os'}; from 4195; a Pontican, i.e. native of Pontus: --born in Pontus. [ql ~~~~4090
4194 - Pontios {pon'-tee-os}; of Latin origin; apparently bridged; Pontius, a Roman: --Pontius. [ql ~~~~4092
4196 - Poplios {pop'-lee-os}; of Latin origin; apparently "popular"; Poplius (i.e. Publius), a Roman: --Publius. [ql ~~~~4094
4201 - Porkios {por'-kee-os}; of Latin origin; apparently swinish; Porcius, a Roman: --Porcius. [ql ~~~~4098
4214 - posos {pos'-os}; from an absolute pos (who, what) and 3739; interrogative pronoun (of amount) how much (large, long or [plural] many): --how great (long, many), what. [ql ~~~~4112
4215 - potamos {pot-am-os'}; probably from a derivative of the alternate of 4095 (compare 4224); a current, brook or freshet (as drinkable), i.e. running water: --flood, river, stream, water. [ql ~~~~4112
4217 - potapos {pot-ap-os'}; apparently from 4219 and the base of 4226; interrogatively, whatever, i.e. of what possible sort: --what (manner of). [ql ~~~~4114
4224 - potos {pot'-os}; from the alternate of 4095; a drinking-bout or carousal: --banqueting. [ql ~~~~4122
4235 - praios {prah'-os}; a form of 4239, used in certain parts; gentle, i.e. humble: --meek. [ql ~~~~4132
4245 - presbuteros {pres-boo'-ter-os}; comparative of presbus (elderly); older; as noun, a senior; specifically, an Israelite Sanhedrist (also figuratively, member of the celestial council) or Christian "presbyter": --elder(-est), old. [ql ~~~~4142
4262 - probatikos {prob-at-ik-os'}; from 4263; relating to sheep, i.e. (a gate) through which they were led into Jerusalem: --sheep (market). [ql ~~~~4160
4269 - progonos {prog'-on-os}; from 4266; an ancestor, (grand-)parent: --forefather, parent. [ql ~~~~4166
4274 - prodromos {prod'-rom-os}; from the alternate of 4390; a runner ahead, i.e. scout (figuratively, precursor): --forerunner. [ql ~~~~4172
4287 - prothesmios {proth-es'-mee-os}; from 4253 and a derivative of 5087; fixed beforehand, i.e. (feminine with 2250 implied) a designated day: --time appointed. [ql ~~~~4184
4372 - prosphatos {pros'-fat-os}; from 4253 and a derivative of 4969; previously (recently) slain (fresh), i.e. (figuratively) lately made: --new. [ql ~~~~4270
4387 - proteros {prot'-er-os}; comparative of 4253; prior or previous: --former. [ql ~~~~4284
4397 - prophetikos {prof-ay-tik-os'}; from 4396; pertaining to a foreteller ("prophetic"): --of prophecy, of the prophets. [ql ~~~~4294
4402 - Prochoros {prokh'-or-os}; from 4253 and 5525; before the dance; Prochorus, a Christian: --Prochorus. [ql ~~~~4300
4416 - prototokos {pro-tot-ok'-os}; from 4413 and the alternate of 5088; first-born (usually as noun, literally or figuratively): --firstbegotten(-born). [ql ~~~~4314
4446 - puretos {poo-ret-os'}; from 4445; inflamed, i.e. (by implication) feverish (as noun, fever): --fever. [ql ~~~~4344
4470 - rhakos {hrak'-os}; from 4486; a "rag," i.e. piece of cloth: --cloth. [ql ~~~~4368
4499 - Rhodos {hrod'-os}; probably from rhodon (a rose); Rhodus, an island of the Mediterranean: --Rhodes. [ql ~~~~4396
4508 - rhuparos {rhoo-par-os'}; from 4509; dirty, i.e. (relatively) cheap or shabby; morally, wicked: --vile. [ql ~~~~4406
4535 - salos {sal'-os}; probably from the base of 4525; a vibration, i.e. (specifically) billow: --wave. [ql ~~~~4432
4544 - Samos {sam'-os}; of uncertain affinity; Samus, an island of the Mediterranean: --Samos. [ql ~~~~4442
4556 - sardios {sar'-dee-os}; properly, an adjective from an uncertain base; sardian (3037 being implied), i.e. (as noun) the gem so called: --sardius. [ql ~~~~4454
4588 - Sergios {serg'-ee-os}; of Latin origin; Sergius, a Roman: --Sergius. [ql ~~~~4486
4603 - sidereos {sid-ay'-reh-os}; from 4604; made of iron: --(of) iron. [ql ~~~~4500
4606 - Sidonios {sid-o'-nee-os}; from 4605; a Sidonian, i.e. inhabitant of Sidon: --of Sidon. [ql ~~~~4504
4607 - sikarios {sik-ar'-ee-os}; of Latin origin; a dagger-man or assassin; a freebooter (Jewish fanatic outlawed by the Romans): --murderer. Compare 5406. [ql ~~~~4504
4610 - Silouanos {sil-oo-an-os'}; of Latin origin; "silvan"; Silvanus, a Christian: --Silvanus. Compare 4609. [ql ~~~~4508
4628 - skelos {skel'-os}; apparently from skello (to parch; through the idea of leanness); the leg (as lank): --leg. [ql ~~~~4526
4632 - skeuos {skyoo'-os}; of uncertain affinity; a vessel, implement, equipment or apparatus (literally or figuratively [specifically, a wife as contributing to the usefulness of the husband]): --goods, sail, stuff, vessel. [ql ~~~~4530
4635 - skenopoios {skay-nop-oy-os'}; from 4633 and 4160; a manufacturer of tents: --tent-maker. [ql ~~~~4532
4646 - skolios {skol-ee-os'}; from the base of 4628; warped, i.e. winding; figuratively, perverse: --crooked, froward, untoward. [ql ~~~~4544
4649 - skopos {skop-os'} ("scope"); from skeptomai (to peer about ["skeptic"]; perhaps akin to 4626 through the idea of concealment; compare 4629); a watch (sentry or scout), i.e. (by implication) a goal: --mark. [ql ~~~~4546
4651 - skorpios {skor-pee'-os}; probably from an obsolete skerpo (perhaps strengthened from the base of 4649 and meaning to pierce); a "scorpion" (from its sting): --scorpion. [ql ~~~~4548
4655 - skotos {skot'-os}; from the base of 4639; shadiness, i.e. obscurity (literally or figuratively): --darkness. [ql ~~~~4552
4673 - soros {sor-os'}; probably akin to the base of 4987; a funereal receptacle (urn, coffin), i.e. (by analogy) a bier: --bier. [ql ~~~~4570
4680 - sophos {sof-os'}; akin to saphes (clear); wise (in a most general application): --wise. Compare 5429. [ql ~~~~4578
4691 - spermologos {sper-mol-og'-os}; from 4690 and 3004; a seed-picker (as the crow), i.e. (figuratively) a sponger, loafer (specifically, a gossip or trifler in talk): --babbler. [ql ~~~~4588
4700 - spodos {spod-os'}; of uncertain derivation; ashes: --ashes. [ql ~~~~4598
4703 - sporos {spro'-os}; from 4687; a scattering (of seed), i.e. (concretely) seed (as sown): --seed (X sown). [ql ~~~~4600
4707 - spoudaioteros {spoo-dah-yot'-er-os}; comparative of 4705; more prompt, more earnest: --more diligent (forward). [ql ~~~~4604
4712 - stadion {stad'-ee-on}; or masculine (in plural) stadios {stad'-ee-os}; from the base of 2476 (as fixed); a stade or certain measure of distance; by implication, a stadium or race-course: --furlong, race. [ql ~~~~4610
4728 - stenos {sten-os'}; probably from the base of 2476; narrow (from obstacles standing close about): --strait. [ql ~~~~4626
4731 - stereos {ster-eh-os'}; from 2476; stiff, i.e. solid, stable (literally or figuratively): --stedfast, strong, sure. [ql ~~~~4628
4735 - stephanos {stef'-an-os}; from an apparently primary stepho (to twine or wreathe); a chaplet (as a badge of royalty, a prize in the public games or a symbol of honor generally; but more conspicuous and elaborate than the simple fillet, 1238), literally or figuratively: --crown. [ql ~~~~4632
4736 - Stephanos {stef'-an-os}; the same as 4735; Stephanus, a Christian: --Stephen. [ql ~~~~4634
4751 - stomachos {stom'-akh-os}; from 4750; an orifice (the gullet), i.e. (specifically) the "stomach": --stomach. [ql ~~~~4648
4770 - Stoikos {sto-ik-os'}; from 4745; a "Stoic" (as occupying a particular porch in Athens), i.e. adherent of a certin philosophy: --Stoick. [ql ~~~~4668
4789 - sugkleronomos {soong-klay-ron-om'-os}; from 4862 and 2818; a co-heir, i.e. (by analogy) participant in common: --fellow (joint)-heir, heir together, heir with. [ql ~~~~4686
4830 - summetochos {soom-met'-okh-os}; from 4862 and 3353; a co-participant: --partaker. [ql ~~~~4728
4850 - sumpresbuteros {soom-pres-boo'-ter-os}; from 4862 and 4245; a co-presbyter: --presbyter, also an elder. [ql ***. sumphago. See 4906. [ql ~~~~4748
4882 - sunapostello {soon-ap-os-tel'-lo}; from 4862 and 0649; to despatch (on an errand) in company with: --send with. [ql ~~~~4780
4908 - sunetos {soon-et'-os}; from 4920; mentally put (or putting) together, i.e. sagacious: --prudent. Compare 5429. [ql ~~~~4806
4939 - suntrophos {soon'-trof-os}; from 4862 and 5162 (in a passive sense); a fellow-nursling, i.e. comrade: --brought up with. [ql ~~~~4836
5017 - tarachos {tar'-akh-os}; masculine from 5015; a disturbance, i.e. (popular) tumult: --stir. [ql ~~~~4914
5028 - taphos {taf'-os}; masculine from 2290; a grave (the place of interment): --sepulchre, tomb. [ql ~~~~4926
5034 - tachos {takh'-os}; from the same as 5036; a brief space (of time), i.e. (with 1722 prefixed) in haste: --+ quickly, + shortly, + speedily. [ql ~~~~4932
5046 - teleios {tel'-i-os}; from 5056; complete (in various applications of labor, growth, mental and moral character, etc.); neuter (as noun, with 3588) completeness: --of full age, man, perfect. [ql ~~~~4944
5056 - telos {tel'-os}; from a primary tello (to set out for a definite point or goal); properly, the point aimed at as a limit, i.e. (by implication) the conclusion of an act or state (termination [literally, figuratively or indefinitely], result [immediate, ultimate or prophetic], purpose); specifically, an impost or levy (as paid): --+ continual, custom, end(-ing), finally, uttermost. Compare 5411. [ql ~~~~4954
5060 - Tertios {ter'-tee-os}; of Latin origin; third; Tertius, a Christian: --Tertius. [ql ~~~~4958
5065 - tessareskaidekatos {tes-sar-es-kahee-dek'-at-os}; from 5064 and 2532 and 1182; fourteenth: --fourteenth. [ql ~~~~4962
5071 - tetrakosioi {tet-rak-os'-ee-oy}; neuter tetrakosia {tet-rak-os'-ee-ah}; plural from 5064 and 1540; four hundred: --four hundred. [ql ~~~~4968
5071 - tetrakosioi {tet-rak-os'-ee-oy}; neuter tetrakosia {tet-rak-os'-ee-ah}; plural from 5064 and 1540; four hundred: --four hundred. [ql ~~~~4968
5073 - tetraploos {tet-rap-lo'-os}; from 5064 and a derivative of the base of 4118; quadruple: --fourfold. [ql ~~~~4970
5086 - Tiberios {tib-er'-ee-os}; of Latin origin; probably pertaining to the river Tiberis or Tiber; Tiberius, a Roman emperor: --Tiberius. [ql ~~~~4984
5093 - timios {tim'-ee-os}; including the comparative timioteros {tim-ee-o'-ter-os}; and the superlative timiotatos {tim-ee-o'-tat-os}; from 5092; valuable, i.e. (objectively) costly, or (subjectively) honored, esteemed, or (figuratively) beloved: --dear, honourable, (more, most) precious, had in reputation. [ql ~~~~4990
5093 - timios {tim'-ee-os}; including the comparative timioteros {tim-ee-o'-ter-os}; and the superlative timiotatos {tim-ee-o'-tat-os}; from 5092; valuable, i.e. (objectively) costly, or (subjectively) honored, esteemed, or (figuratively) beloved: --dear, honourable, (more, most) precious, had in reputation. [ql ~~~~4990
5093 - timios {tim'-ee-os}; including the comparative timioteros {tim-ee-o'-ter-os}; and the superlative timiotatos {tim-ee-o'-tat-os}; from 5092; valuable, i.e. (objectively) costly, or (subjectively) honored, esteemed, or (figuratively) beloved: --dear, honourable, (more, most) precious, had in reputation. [ql ~~~~4990
5095 - Timotheos {tee-moth'-eh-os}; from 5092 and 2316; dear to God; Timotheus, a Christian: --Timotheus, Timothy. [ql ~~~~4992
5107 - toiosde {toy-os'-deh}; (including the other inflections); from a derivative of 5104 and 1161; such-like then, i.e. so great: --such. [ql ~~~~5004
5110 - tokos {tok'-os}; from the base of 5088; interest on money loaned (as a produce): --usury. [ql ~~~~5008
5114 - tomoteros {tom-o'-ter-os}; comparative of a derivative of the primary temno (to cut; more comprehensive or decisive than 2875, as if by a single stroke; whereas that implies repeated blows, like hacking); more keen: --sharper. [ql ~~~~5012
5117 - topos {top'-os}; apparently a primary word; a spot (general in space, but limited by occupancy; whereas 5561 is a large but participle locality), i.e. location (as a position, home, tract, etc.); figuratively, condition, opportunity; specifically, a scabbard: --coast, licence, place, X plain, quarter, + rock, room, where. [ql ~~~~5014
5131 - tragos {trag'-os}; from the base of 5176; a he-goat (as a gnawer): --goat. [ql ~~~~5028
5145 - triakosioi {tree-ak-os'-ee-oy}; plural from 5140 and 1540; three hundred: --three hundred. [ql ~~~~5042
5146 - tribolos {trib'-ol-os}; from 5140 and 0956; properly, a crow-foot (three-pronged obstruction in war), i.e. (by analogy) a thorny plant (caltrop): --brier, thistle. [ql ~~~~5044
5156 - tromos {trom'-os}; from 5141; a "trembling", i.e. quaking with fear: --+ tremble(-ing). [ql ~~~~5054
5158 - tropos {trop'-os}; from the same as 5157; a turn, i.e. (by implication) mode or style (especially with preposition or relative prefix as adverb, like); figuratively, deportment or character: --(even) as, conversation, [+ like] manner, (+ by any) means, way. [ql ~~~~5056
5162 - trophos {trof-os'}; from 5142; a nourisher, i.e. nurse: --nurse. [ql ~~~~5060
5164 - trochos {trokh-os'}; from 5143; a wheel (as a runner), i.e. (figuratively) a circuit of physical effects: --course. [ql ~~~~5062
5183 - Turios {too'-ree-os}; from 5184; a Tyrian, i.e. inhabitant of Tyrus: --of Tyre. [ql ~~~~5080
5194 - hualos {hoo'-al-os}; perhaps from the same as 5205 (as being transparent like rain); glass: --glass. [ql ~~~~5092
5203 - hudropikos {hoo-dro-pik-os'}; from a compound of 5204 and a derivative of 3700 (as if looking watery); to be "dropsical": --have the dropsy. [ql ~~~~5100
5204 - hudor {hoo'-dore}; genitive case, hudatos {hoo'-dat-os}, etc.; from the base of 5205; water (as if rainy) literally or figuratively: --water. [ql ~~~~5102
5205 - huetos {hoo-et-os'}; from a primary huo (to rain); rain, especially a shower: --rain. [ql ~~~~5102
5207 - huios {hwee-os'}; apparently a primary word; a "son" (sometimes of animals), used very widely of immediate, remote or figuratively, kinship: --child, foal, son. [ql ~~~~5104
5212 - humeteros {hoo-met'-er-os}; from 5210; yours, i.e. pertaining to you: --your (own). [ql ~~~~5110
5227 - hupenantios {hoop-en-an-tee'-os}; from 5259 and 1727; under (covertly) contrary to, i.e. opposed or (as noun) an opponent: --adversary, against. [ql ~~~~5124
5244 - huperephanos {hoop-er-ay'-fan-os}; from 5228 and 5316; appearing above others (conspicuous), i.e. (figuratively) haughty: --proud. [ql ***. huperlian. See 5228 and 3029. [ql ~~~~5142
5255 - hupekoos {hoop-ay'-ko-os}; from 5219; attentively listening, i.e. (by implication) submissive: --obedient. [ql ~~~~5152
5287 - hupostasis {hoop-os'-tas-is}; from a compound of 5259 and 2476; a setting under (support), i.e. (figuratively) concretely, essence, or abstractly, assurance (objectively or subjectively): --confidence, confident, person, substance. [ql ~~~~5184
5288 - hupostello {hoop-os-tel'-lo}; from 5259 and 4724; to withhold under (out of sight), i.e. (reflexively) to cower or shrink, (figuratively) to conceal (reserve): --draw (keep) back, shun, withdraw. [ql ~~~~5186
5289 - hupostole {hoop-os-tol-ay'}; from 5288; shrinkage (timidity), i.e. (by implication) apostasy: --draw back. [ql ~~~~5186
5290 - hupostrepho {hoop-os-tref'-o}; from 5259 and 4762; to turn under (behind), i.e. to return (literally or figuratively): --come again, return (again, back again), turn back (again). [ql ~~~~5188
5291 - hupostronnumi {hoop-os-trone'-noo-mee}; from 5259 and 4766; to strew underneath (the feet as a carpet): --spread. [ql ~~~~5188
5306 - husteros {hoos'-ter-os}; comparative from 5259 (in the sense of behind); later: --latter. [ql ~~~~5204
5314 - phagos {fag'-os}; from 5315; a glutton: --gluttonous. [ql ~~~~ 5212
5318 - phaneros {fan-er-os'}; from 5316; shining, i.e. apparent (literally or figuratively); neuter (as adverb) publicly, externally: --abroad, + appear, known, manifest, open [+ -ly], outward ( [+ -ly]). [ql ~~~~5216
5322 - phanos {fan-os'}; from 5316; a lightener, i.e. light; lantern: --lantern. [ql ~~~~5220
5333 - pharmakos {far-mak-os'}; the same as 5332: --sorcerer. [ql ~~~~ 5230
5355 - phthonos {fthon'-os}; probably akin to the base of 5351; ill-will (as detraction), i.e. jealousy (spite): --envy. [ql ~~~~5252
5358 - philagathos {fil-ag'-ath-os}; from 5384 and 0018; fond to good, i.e. a promoter of virtue: --love of good men. [ql ~~~~5256
5369 - philedonos {fil-ay'-don-os}; from 5384 and 2237; fond of pleasure, i.e. voluptuous: --lover of pleasure. [ql ~~~~5266
5374 - Philippesios {fil-ip-pay'-see-os}; from 5375; a Philippesian (Philippian), i.e. native of Philippi: --Philippian. [ql ~~~~5272
5377 - philotheos {fil-oth'-eh-os}; from 5384 and 2316; fond of God, i.e. pious: --lover of God. [ql ~~~~5274
5378 - Philologos {fil-ol'-og-os}; from 5384 and 3056; fond of words, i.e. talkative (argumentative, learned, "philological"); Philologus, a Christian: --Philologus. [ql ~~~~5276
5382 - philoxenos {fil-ox'-en-os}; from 5384 and 3581; fond of guests, i.e. hospitable: --given to (lover of, use) hospitality. [ql ~~~~5280
5385 - philosophia {fil-os-of-ee'-ah}; from 5386; "philosophy", i.e. (specifically) Jewish sophistry: --philosophy. [ql ~~~~5282
5386 - philosophos {fil-os'-of-os}; from 5384 and 4680; fond of wise things, i.e. a "philosopher": --philosopher. [ql ~~~~5284
5386 - philosophos {fil-os'-of-os}; from 5384 and 4680; fond of wise things, i.e. a "philosopher": --philosopher. [ql ~~~~5284
5387 - philostorgos {fil-os'-tor-gos}; from 5384 and storge (cherishing one's kindred, especially parents or children); fond of natural relatives, i.e. fraternal towards fellow Christian: --kindly affectioned. [ql ~~~~5284
5397 - phluaros {floo'-ar-os}; from phluo (to bubble); a garrulous person, i.e. prater: --tattler. [ql ~~~~5294
5398 - phoberos {fob-er-os'}; from 5401; frightful, i.e. (objectively) formidable: --fearful, terrible. [ql ~~~~5296
5401 - phobos {fob'-os}; from a primary phebomai (to be put in fear); alarm or fright: --be afraid, + exceedingly, fear, terror. [ql ~~~~5298
5408 - phonos {fon'-os}; from an obsolete primary pheno (to slay); murder: --murder, + be slain with, slaughter. [ql ~~~~5306
5411 - phoros {for'-os}; from 5342; a load (as borne), i.e. (figuratively) a tax (properly, an individual assessment on persons or property; whereas 5056 is usually a general toll on goods or travel): --tribute. [ql ~~~~5308
5415 - Phortounatos {for-too-nat'-os}; of Latin origin; "fortunate"; Fortunatus, a Christian: --Fortunatus. [ql ~~~~5312
5454 - pholeos {fo-leh-os'}; of uncertain derivative; a burrow or lurking-place: --hole. [ql ~~~~5352
5459 - phosphoros {foce-for'-os}; from 5457 and 5342; light-bearing ("phosphorus"), i.e. (specifically) the morning-star (figuratively): --day star. [ql ~~~~5356
5467 - chalepos {khal-ep-os'}; perhaps from 5465 through the idea of reducing the strength; difficult, i.e. dangerous, or (by implication) furious: --fierce, perilous. [ql ~~~~5364
5470 - chalkeos {khal'-keh-os}; from 5475; coppery: --brass. [ql ~~~~ 5368
5508 - Chios {khee'-os}; of uncertain derivation; Chios, an island in the Mediterranean: --Chios. [ql ~~~~5406
5513 - chliaros {khlee-ar-os'}; from chlio (to warm); tepid: --lukewarm. [ql ~~~~5410
5517 - choikos {kho-ik-os'}; from 5522; dusty or dirty (soil-like), i.e. (by implication) terrene: --earthy. [ql ~~~~5414
5522 - choos {kho'-os}; from the base of 5494; a heap (as poured out), i.e. rubbish; loose dirt: --dust. [ql ~~~~5420
5525 - choros {khor-os'}; of uncertain derivation; a ring, i.e. round dance ("choir"}: --dancing. [ql ~~~~5422
5546 - Christianos {khris-tee-an-os'}; from 5547; a Christian, i.e. follower of Christ: --Christian. [ql ~~~~5444
5550 - chronos {khron'-os}; of uncertain derivation; a space of time (in general, and thus properly distinguished from 2540, which designates a fixed or special occasion; and from 0165, which denotes a particular period) or interval; by extension, an individual opportunity; by implication, delay: --+ years old, season, space, (X often-)time(-s), (a) while. [ql ~~~~5448
5552 - chruseos {khroo'-seh-os}; from 5557; made of gold: --of gold, golden. [ql ~~~~5450
5554 - chrusodaktulios {khroo-sod-ak-too'-lee-os}; from 5557 and 1146; gold-ringed, i.e. wearing a golden finger-ring or similar jewelry: --with a gold ring. [ql ~~~~5452
5556 - chrusoprasos {khroo-sop'-ras-os}; from 5557 and prason (a leek); a greenish-yellow gem ("chrysoprase"): --chrysoprase. [ql ~~~~5454
5570 - pseudapostolos {psyoo-dap-os'-tol-os}; from 5571 and 0652; a spurious apostle, i.e. pretended pracher: --false teacher. [ql ~~~~5466
5570 - pseudapostolos {psyoo-dap-os'-tol-os}; from 5571 and 0652; a spurious apostle, i.e. pretended pracher: --false teacher. [ql ~~~~5466
5572 - pseudodidaskalos {psyoo-dod-id-as'-kal-os}; from 5571 and 1320; a spurious teacher, i.e. propagator of erroneous Christian doctrine: --false teacher. [ql ~~~~5468
5573 - pseudologos {psyoo-dol-og'-os}; from 5571 and 3004; mendacious, i.e. promulgating erroneous Christian doctrine: --speaking lies. [ql ~~~~5470