2478 - ischuros {is-khoo-ros'}; from 2479; forcible (literally or figuratively): --boisterous, mighty(-ier), powerful, strong(-er, man), valiant. [ql ~~~~2478
2479 - ischus {is-khoos'}; from a derivative of is (force; compare eschon, a form of 2192); forcefulness (literally or figuratively): --ability, might( [-ily]), power, strength. [ql ~~~~2478
2480 - ischuo {is-khoo'-o}; from 2479; to have (or exercise) force (literally or figuratively): --be able, avail, can do( [-not]), could, be good, might, prevail, be of strength, be whole, + much work. [ql ~~~~2480
1765 - enischuo {en-is-khoo'-o}; from 1722 and 2480; to invigorate (transitively or reflexively): --strengthen. [ql ~~~~1764
1840 - exischuo {ex-is-khoo'-o}; from 1537 and 2480; to have full strength, i.e. be entirely competent: --be able. [ql ~~~~1840
2001 - episucho {ep-is-khoo'-o}; from 1909 and 2480; to avail further, i.e. (figuratively) insist stoutly: --be the more fierce. [ql ~~~~2000
2480 - ischuo {is-khoo'-o}; from 2479; to have (or exercise) force (literally or figuratively): --be able, avail, can do( [-not]), could, be good, might, prevail, be of strength, be whole, + much work. [ql ~~~~2480
2729 - katischuo {kat-is-khoo'-o}; from 2596 and 2480; to overpower: --prevail (against). [ql ~~~~2728
2481 - isos {ee'-soce}; adverb from 2470; likely, i.e. perhaps: --it may be. [ql ~~~~2480
2482 - Italia {ee-tal-ee'-ah}; probably of foreign origin; Italia, a region of Europe: --Italy. [ql ~~~~2482
2483 - Italikos {ee-tal-ee-kos'}; from 2482; Italic, i.e. belonging to Italia: --Italian. [ql ~~~~2482
2483 - Italikos {ee-tal-ee-kos'}; from 2482; Italic, i.e. belonging to Italia: --Italian. [ql ~~~~2482
2484 - Itouraia {ee-too-rah'-yah}; of Hebrew origin [3195]; Ituraea (i.e. Jetur), a region of Palestine: --Ituraea. [ql ~~~~2484
2485 - ichthudion {ikh-thoo'-dee-on}; diminutive from 2486; a petty fish: --little (small) fish. [ql ~~~~2484
2485 - ichthudion {ikh-thoo'-dee-on}; diminutive from 2486; a petty fish: --little (small) fish. [ql ~~~~2484
2486 - ichthus {ikh-thoos'}; of uncertain affinity; a fish: --fish. [ql ~~~~2486
0421 - anexichniastos {an-ex-ikh-nee'-as-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of a compound of 1537 and a derivative of 2487; not tracked out, i.e. (by implication) untraceable: --past finding out; unsearchable. [ql ~~~~420
2487 - ichnos {ikh'-nos}; from ikneomai (to arrive; compare 2240); a track (figuratively): --step. [ql ~~~~2486
2488 - Ioatham {ee-o-ath'-am}; of Hebrew origin [3147]; Joatham (i.e. Jotham), an Israelite: --Joatham. [ql ~~~~2488
2489 - Ioanna {ee-o-an'-nah}; feminine of the same as 2491; Joanna, a Christian: --Joanna. [ql ~~~~2488
2490 - Ioannas {ee-o-an-nas'}; a form of 2491; Joannas, an Israelite: --Joannas. [ql ~~~~2490
2489 - Ioanna {ee-o-an'-nah}; feminine of the same as 2491; Joanna, a Christian: --Joanna. [ql ~~~~2488
2490 - Ioannas {ee-o-an-nas'}; a form of 2491; Joannas, an Israelite: --Joannas. [ql ~~~~2490
2491 - Ioannes {ee-o-an'-nace}; of Hebrew origin [3110]; Joannes (i.e. Jochanan), the name of four Israelites: --John. [ql ~~~~2490
2494 - Ionan {ee-o-nan'}; probably for 2491 or 2495; Jonan, an Israelite: --Jonan. [ql ~~~~2494
2492 - Iob {ee-obe'}; of Hebrew origin [0347]; Job (i.e. Ijob), a patriarch: --Job. [ql ~~~~2492
2493 - Ioel {ee-o-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [3100]; Joel, an Israelite: --Joel. [ql ~~~~2492
2494 - Ionan {ee-o-nan'}; probably for 2491 or 2495; Jonan, an Israelite: --Jonan. [ql ~~~~2494
2494 - Ionan {ee-o-nan'}; probably for 2491 or 2495; Jonan, an Israelite: --Jonan. [ql ~~~~2494
2495 - Ionas {ee-o-nas'}; of Hebrew origin [3124]; Jonas (i.e. Jonah), the name of two Israelites: --Jonas. [ql ~~~~2494
2496 - Ioram {ee-o-ram'}; of Hebrew origin [3141]; Joram, an Israelite: --Joram. [ql ~~~~2496
2497 - Ioreim {ee-o-rime'}; perhaps for 2496; Jorim, an Israelite: --Jorim. [ql ~~~~2496
2497 - Ioreim {ee-o-rime'}; perhaps for 2496; Jorim, an Israelite: --Jorim. [ql ~~~~2496
2498 - Iosaphat {ee-o-saf-at'}; of Hebrew origin [3092]; Josaphat (i.e. Jehoshaphat), an Israelite: --Josaphat. [ql ~~~~2498
2499 - Iose {ee-o-say'}; genitive case of 2500; Jose, an Israelite: --Jose. [ql ~~~~2498
2500 - Ioses {ee-o-sace'}; perhaps for 2501; Joses, the name of two Israelites: --Joses. Compare 2499. [ql ~~~~2500
2499 - Iose {ee-o-say'}; genitive case of 2500; Jose, an Israelite: --Jose. [ql ~~~~2498
2500 - Ioses {ee-o-sace'}; perhaps for 2501; Joses, the name of two Israelites: --Joses. Compare 2499. [ql ~~~~2500
0256 - Alphaios {al-fah'-yos}; of Hebrew origin [compare 2501]; Alphoeus, an Israelite: --Alpheus. [ql ~~~~256
2500 - Ioses {ee-o-sace'}; perhaps for 2501; Joses, the name of two Israelites: --Joses. Compare 2499. [ql ~~~~2500
2501 - Ioseph {ee-o-safe'}; of Hebrew origin [3130]; Joseph, the name of seven Israelites: --Joseph. [ql ~~~~2500
2502 - Iosias {ee-o-see'-as}; of Hebrew origin [2977]; Josias (i.e. Joshiah), an Israelite: --Josias. [ql ~~~~2502
2503 - iota {ee-o'-tah}; of Hebrew origin [the tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet]; "iota", the name of the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet, put (figuratively) for a very small part of anything: --jot. [ql ~~~~2502
2504 - kago {kag-o'}; from 2532 and 1473 (so also the dative case kamoi {kam-oy'}; and accusative case kame {kam-eh'}; and (or also, even, etc.) I, (to) me: --(and, even, even so, so) I (also, in like wise), both me, me also. [ql ~~~~2504
2505 - katha {kath-ah'}; from 2596 and the neuter plural of 3739; according to which things, i.e. just as: --as. [ql ~~~~2504
2509 - kathaper {kath-ap'-er}; from 2505 and 4007; exactly as: --(even, as well) as. [ql ~~~~2508
0184 - Akeldama {ak-el-dam-ah'}; of Aramaic origin [meaning field of blood; corresponding to 2506 and 1818]; Akeldama, a place near Jerusalem: --Aceldama. [ql ~~~~184
2506 - kathairesis {kath-ah'-ee-res-is}; from 2507; demolition; figuratively, extinction: --destruction, pulling down. [ql ~~~~2506
2506 - kathairesis {kath-ah'-ee-res-is}; from 2507; demolition; figuratively, extinction: --destruction, pulling down. [ql ~~~~2506
2507 - kathaireo {kath-ahee-reh'-o}; from 2596 and 0138 (including its alternate); to lower (or with violence) demolish (literally or figuratively): --cast (pull, put, take) down, destroy. [ql ~~~~2506
0169 - akathartos {ak-ath'-ar-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 2508 (meaning cleansed); impure (ceremonially, morally [lewd] or specially, [demonic]): --foul, unclean. [ql ~~~~168
1571 - ekkathairo {ek-kath-ah'-ee-ro}; from 1537 and 2508; to cleanse thoroughly: --purge (out). [ql ~~~~1570
2508 - kathairo {kath-ah'-ee-ro}; from 2513; to cleanse, i.e. (specially) to prune; figuratively, to expiate: --purge. [ql ~~~~2508
4027 - perikatharma {per-ee-kath'-ar-mah}; from a compound of 4012 and 2508; something cleaned off all around, i.e. refuse (figuratively): --filth. [ql ~~~~3924
2509 - kathaper {kath-ap'-er}; from 2505 and 4007; exactly as: --(even, as well) as. [ql ~~~~2508
2510 - kathapto {kath-ap'-to}; from 2596 and 0680; to sieze upon: --fasten on. [ql ~~~~2510
1245 - diakatharizo {dee-ak-ath-ar-id'-zo}; from 1223 and 2511; to cleanse perfectly, i.e. (specially) winnow: --thoroughly purge. [ql ~~~~1244
2511 - katharizo {kath-ar-id'-zo}; from 2513; to cleanse (literally or figuratively): --(make) clean(-se), purge, purify. [ql ~~~~2510
2512 - katharismos {kath-ar-is-mos'}; from 2511; a washing off, i.e. (cer.) ablution, (morally) expiation: --cleansing, + purge, purification(-fying). [ql ~~~~2512
2512 - katharismos {kath-ar-is-mos'}; from 2511; a washing off, i.e. (cer.) ablution, (morally) expiation: --cleansing, + purge, purification(-fying). [ql ~~~~2512
2508 - kathairo {kath-ah'-ee-ro}; from 2513; to cleanse, i.e. (specially) to prune; figuratively, to expiate: --purge. [ql ~~~~2508
2511 - katharizo {kath-ar-id'-zo}; from 2513; to cleanse (literally or figuratively): --(make) clean(-se), purge, purify. [ql ~~~~2510
2513 - katharos {kath-ar-os'}; of uncertain affinity; clean (literally or figuratively): --clean, clear, pure. [ql ~~~~2512
2514 - katharotes {kath-ar-ot'-ace}; from 2513; cleanness (cer.): --purification. [ql ~~~~2514
2514 - katharotes {kath-ar-ot'-ace}; from 2513; cleanness (cer.): --purification. [ql ~~~~2514
2515 - kathedra {kath-ed'-rah}; from 2596 and the same as 1476; a bench (literally or figuratively): --seat. [ql ~~~~2514
4410 - protokathedria {pro-tok-ath-ed-ree'-ah}; from 4413 and 2515; a sitting first (in the front row), i.e. preeminence in council: --chief (highest, uppermost) seat. [ql ~~~~4308
2516 - kathezomai {kath-ed'-zom-ahee}; from 2596 and the base of 1476; to sit down: --sit. [ql ~~~~2516
2523 - kathizo {kath-id'-zo}; another (active) form for 2516; to seat down, i.e. set (figuratively, appoint); intransitively, to sit (down); figuratively, to settle (hover, dwell): --continue, set, sit (down), tarry. [ql ~~~~2522
2517 - kathexes {kath-ex-ace'}; from 2596 and 1836; thereafter, i.e. consecutively; as a noun (by ellipsis of noun) a subsequent person or time: --after(-ward), by (in) order. [ql ~~~~2516
2518 - katheudo {kath-yoo'-do}; from 2596 and heudo (to sleep); to lie down to rest, i.e. (by implication) to fall asleep (literally or figuratively): --(be a-)sleep. [ql ~~~~2518
2519 - kathegetes {kath-ayg-ay-tace'}; from a compound of 2596 and 2233; a guide, i.e. (figuratively) a teacher: --master. [ql ~~~~2518
2520 - katheko {kath-ay'-ko}; from 2596 and 2240}; to reach to, i.e. (neuter of present active participle, figuratively as adjective) becoming: --convenient, fit. [ql ~~~~2520
2521 - kathemai {kath'-ay-mahee}; from 2596; and hemai (to sit; akin to the base of 1476); to sit down; figuratively, to remain, reside: --dwell, sit (by, down). [ql ~~~~2520
4775 - sugkathemai {soong-kath'-ay-mahee}; from 4862 and 2521; to seat oneself in company with: --sit with. [ql ~~~~4672
2522 - kathemerinos {kath-ay-mer-ee-nos'}; from 2596 and 2250; quotidian: --daily. [ql ~~~~2522
0339 - anakathizo {an-ak-ath-id'-zo}; from 0303 and 2523; properly, to set up, i.e. (reflexively) to sit up: --sit up. [ql ~~~~338
1940 - epikathizo {ep-ee-kath-id'-zo}; from 1909 and 2523; to seat upon: --set on. [ql ~~~~1940
2523 - kathizo {kath-id'-zo}; another (active) form for 2516; to seat down, i.e. set (figuratively, appoint); intransitively, to sit (down); figuratively, to settle (hover, dwell): --continue, set, sit (down), tarry. [ql ~~~~2522
3869 - parakathizo {par-ak-ath-id'-zo}; from 3844 and 2523; to sit down near: --sit. [ql ~~~~3766
4776 - sugkathizo {soong-kath-id'-zo}; from 4862 and 2523; to give (or take) a seat in company with: --(make) sit (down) together. [ql ~~~~4674
1455 - egkathetos {eng-kath'-et-os}; from 1722 and a derivative of 2524; subinduced, i.e. surreptitiously suborned as a lier-in-wait: --spy. [ql ~~~~1454
2524 - kathiemi {kath-ee'-ay-mee}; from 2596; and hiemi (to send); to lower: --let down. [ql ~~~~2524
0182 - akatastatos {ak-at-as'-tat-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 2525; inconstant: --unstable. [ql ~~~~182
0478 - antikathistemi {an-tee-kath-is'-tay-mee}; from 0473 and 2525; to set down (troops) against, i.e. withstand: --resist. [ql ~~~~478
0600 - apokathistemi {ap-ok-ath-is'-tay-mee}; from 0575 and 2525; to reconstitute (in health, home or organization): --restore (again). [ql ~~~~600
2525 - kathistemi {kath-is'-tay-mee}; from 2596 and 2476; to place down (permanently), i.e. (figuratively) to designate, constitute, convoy: --appoint, be, conduct, make, ordain, set. [ql ~~~~2524
2688 - katastema {kat-as'-tay-mah}; from 2525; properly, a position or condition, i.e. (subjectively) demeanor: --behaviour. [ql ~~~~2688