4564 - Sarrha {sar'-hrah}; of Hebrew origin [8283]; Sarra (i.e. Sarah), the wife of Abraham: --Sara, Sarah. [ql ~~~~4462
4564 - Sarrha {sar'-hrah}; of Hebrew origin [8283]; Sarra (i.e. Sarah), the wife of Abraham: --Sara, Sarah. [ql ~~~~4462
4564 - Sarrha {sar'-hrah}; of Hebrew origin [8283]; Sarra (i.e. Sarah), the wife of Abraham: --Sara, Sarah. [ql ~~~~4462
4554 - Sardeis {sar'-dice}; plural of uncertain derivation; Sardis, a place in Asia Minor: --Sardis. [ql ~~~~4452
4556 - sardios {sar'-dee-os}; properly, an adjective from an uncertain base; sardian (3037 being implied), i.e. (as noun) the gem so called: --sardius. [ql ~~~~4454
4555 - sardinos {sar'-dee-nos}; from the same as 4556; sardine (3037 being implied), i.e. a gem, so called: --sardine. [ql ~~~~4452
4555 - sardinos {sar'-dee-nos}; from the same as 4556; sardine (3037 being implied), i.e. a gem, so called: --sardine. [ql ~~~~4452
4555 - sardinos {sar'-dee-nos}; from the same as 4556; sardine (3037 being implied), i.e. a gem, so called: --sardine. [ql ~~~~4452
4556 - sardios {sar'-dee-os}; properly, an adjective from an uncertain base; sardian (3037 being implied), i.e. (as noun) the gem so called: --sardius. [ql ~~~~4454
4554 - Sardeis {sar'-dice}; plural of uncertain derivation; Sardis, a place in Asia Minor: --Sardis. [ql ~~~~4452
4554 - Sardeis {sar'-dice}; plural of uncertain derivation; Sardis, a place in Asia Minor: --Sardis. [ql ~~~~4452
4556 - sardios {sar'-dee-os}; properly, an adjective from an uncertain base; sardian (3037 being implied), i.e. (as noun) the gem so called: --sardius. [ql ~~~~4454
4557 - sardonux {sar-don'-oox}; from the base of 4556 and onux (the nail of a finger; hence the "onyx" stone); a "sardonyx", i.e. the gem so called: --sardonyx. [ql ~~~~4454
4557 - sardonux {sar-don'-oox}; from the base of 4556 and onux (the nail of a finger; hence the "onyx" stone); a "sardonyx", i.e. the gem so called: --sardonyx. [ql ~~~~4454
4557 - sardonux {sar-don'-oox}; from the base of 4556 and onux (the nail of a finger; hence the "onyx" stone); a "sardonyx", i.e. the gem so called: --sardonyx. [ql ~~~~4454
4558 - Sarepta {sar'-ep-tah}; of Hebrew origin [6886]; Sarepta (i.e. Tsarephath), a place in Palestine: --Sarepta. [ql ~~~~4456
4558 - Sarepta {sar'-ep-tah}; of Hebrew origin [6886]; Sarepta (i.e. Tsarephath), a place in Palestine: --Sarepta. [ql ~~~~4456
4558 - Sarepta {sar'-ep-tah}; of Hebrew origin [6886]; Sarepta (i.e. Tsarephath), a place in Palestine: --Sarepta. [ql ~~~~4456
4553 - sargane {sar-gan'-ay}; apparently of Hebrew origin [8276]; a basket (as interwoven or wickerwork: --basket. [ql ~~~~4450
4559 - sarkikos {sar-kee-kos'}; from 4561; pertaining to flesh, i.e. (by extension) bodily, temporal, or (by implication) animal, unregenerate: --carnal, fleshly. [ql ~~~~4456
4560 - sarkinos {sar'-kee-nos}; from 4561; similar to flesh, i.e. (by analogy) soft: --fleshly. [ql ~~~~4458
4565 - Saron {sar'-one}; of Hebrew origin [8289]; Saron (i.e. Sharon), a district of Palestine: --Saron. [ql ~~~~4462
4565 - Saron {sar'-one}; of Hebrew origin [8289]; Saron (i.e. Sharon), a district of Palestine: --Saron. [ql ~~~~4462
4565 - Saron {sar'-one}; of Hebrew origin [8289]; Saron (i.e. Sharon), a district of Palestine: --Saron. [ql ~~~~4462
4563 - saroo {sar-o'-o}; from a derivative of sairo (to brush off; akin to 4951); meaning a broom; to sweep: --sweep. [ql ~~~~4460
4562 - Sarouch {sar-ooch'}; of Hebrew origin [8286]; Saruch (i.e. Serug), a patriarch: --Saruch. [ql ~~~~4460
4564 - Sarrha {sar'-hrah}; of Hebrew origin [8283]; Sarra (i.e. Sarah), the wife of Abraham: --Sara, Sarah. [ql ~~~~4462
4564 - Sarrha {sar'-hrah}; of Hebrew origin [8283]; Sarra (i.e. Sarah), the wife of Abraham: --Sara, Sarah. [ql ~~~~4462
4562 - Sarouch {sar-ooch'}; of Hebrew origin [8286]; Saruch (i.e. Serug), a patriarch: --Saruch. [ql ~~~~4460
4562 - Sarouch {sar-ooch'}; of Hebrew origin [8286]; Saruch (i.e. Serug), a patriarch: --Saruch. [ql ~~~~4460
4561 - sarx {sarx}; probably from the base of 4563; flesh (as stripped of the skin), i.e. (strictly) the meat of an animal (as food), or (by extension) the body (as opposed to the soul [or spirit], or as the symbol of what is external, or as the means of kindred), or (by implication) human nature (with its frailties [physically or morally] and passions), or (specifically) a human being (as such): --carnal(-ly, + -ly minded), flesh( [-ly]). [ql ~~~~4458
4561 - sarx {sarx}; probably from the base of 4563; flesh (as stripped of the skin), i.e. (strictly) the meat of an animal (as food), or (by extension) the body (as opposed to the soul [or spirit], or as the symbol of what is external, or as the means of kindred), or (by implication) human nature (with its frailties [physically or morally] and passions), or (specifically) a human being (as such): --carnal(-ly, + -ly minded), flesh( [-ly]). [ql ~~~~4458
0318 - anagke {an-ang-kay'}; from 0303 and the base of 0043; constraint (literally or figuratively); by implication, distress: --distress, must needs, (of) necessity(-sary), needeth, needful. [ql ~~~~318
4566 - Satan {sat-an'}; of Hebrew origin [7854]; Satan, i.e. the devil: --Satan. Compare 4567. [ql ~~~~4464
4567 - Satanas {sat-an-as'}; of Aramaic origin corresponding to 4566 (with the definite affix); the accuser, i.e. the devil: --Satan. [ql ~~~~4464
4568 - saton {sat'-on}; of Hebrew origin [5429]; a certain measure for things dry: --measure. [ql ~~~~4466
0476 - antidikos {an-tid'-ee-kos}; from 0473 and 1349; an opponent (in a lawsuit); specially, Satan (as the arch-enemy): --adversary. [ql ~~~~476
0623 - Apolluon {ap-ol-loo'-ohn}; active participle of 0622; a destroyer (i.e. Satan): --Apollyon. [ql ~~~~622
0954 - Beelzeboul {beh-el-zeb-ool'}; of Aramaic origin [by parody on 1176]; dung-god; Beelzebul, a name of Satan: --Beelzebub. [ql ~~~~954
0955 - Belial {bel-ee'-al}; of Hebrew origin [1100]; worthlessness; Belial, as an epithet of Satan: --Belial. [ql ~~~~954
1228 - diabolos {dee-ab'-ol-os}; from 1225; a traducer; specially, Satan [compare 7854]: --false accuser, devil, slanderer. [ql ~~~~1228
2190 - echthros {ech-thros'}; from a primary echtho (to hate); hateful (passively, odious, or actively, hostile); usually as a noun, an adversary (especially Satan): --enemy, foe. [ql ~~~~2190
2725 - kategoros {kat-ay'-gor-os}; from 2596 and 0058; against one in the assembly, i.e. a complaintant at law; specially, Satan: --accuser. [ql ~~~~2724
2888 - kosmokrator {kos-mok-fat'-ore}; from 2889 and 2902; a world-ruler, an epithet of Satan: --ruler. [ql ~~~~2886
3789 - ophis {of'-is}; probably from 3700 (through the idea of sharpness of vision); a snake, figuratively (as a type of sly cunning) an artful malicious person, especially Satan: --serpent. [ql ~~~~3686
4566 - Satan {sat-an'}; of Hebrew origin [7854]; Satan, i.e. the devil: --Satan. Compare 4567. [ql ~~~~4464
4566 - Satan {sat-an'}; of Hebrew origin [7854]; Satan, i.e. the devil: --Satan. Compare 4567. [ql ~~~~4464
4566 - Satan {sat-an'}; of Hebrew origin [7854]; Satan, i.e. the devil: --Satan. Compare 4567. [ql ~~~~4464
4567 - Satanas {sat-an-as'}; of Aramaic origin corresponding to 4566 (with the definite affix); the accuser, i.e. the devil: --Satan. [ql ~~~~4464
4567 - Satanas {sat-an-as'}; of Aramaic origin corresponding to 4566 (with the definite affix); the accuser, i.e. the devil: --Satan. [ql ~~~~4464
2880 - korennumi {kor-en'-noo-mee}; a primary verb; to cram, i.e. glut or sate: --eat enough, full. [ql ~~~~2878
0085 - ademoneo {ad-ay-mon-eh'-o}; from a derivative of adeo (to be sated to loathing); to be in distress (of mind): --be full of heaviness, be very heavy. [ql ~~~~84
0841 - autarkeia {ow-tar'-ki-ah}; from 0842; self-satisfaction, i.e. (abstractly) contentedness, or (concretely) a competence: --contentment, sufficiency. [ql ~~~~840
1070 - gelao {ghel-ah'-o}; of uncertain affinity; to laugh (as a sign of joy or satisfaction): --laugh. [ql ~~~~1070
2107 - eudokia {yoo-dok-ee'-ah}; from a presumed compound of 2095 and the base of 1380; satisfaction, i.e. (subjectively) delight, or (objectively) kindness, wish, purpose: --desire, good pleasure (will), X seem good. [ql ~~~~2106
4913 - sunedomai {soon-ay'-dom-ahee}; middle voice from 4862 and the base of 2237; to rejoice in with oneself, i.e. feel satisfaction concerning: --delight. [ql ~~~~4810
0713 - arketos {ar-ket-os'}; from 0714; satisfactory: --enough, suffice(-ient). [ql ~~~~712
0714 - arkeo {ar-keh'-o}; apparently a primary verb [but probably akin to 0142 through the idea of raising a barrier]; properly, to ward off, i.e. (by implication) to avail (figuratively, be satisfactory): --be content, be enough, suffice, be sufficient. [ql ~~~~714
1705 - empiplemi {em-pip'-lay-mee}; or empletho {em-play'-tho}; from 1722 and the base of 4118; to fill in (up), i.e. (by implication) to satisfy (literally or figuratively): --fill. [ql ~~~~1704
4137 - pleroo {play-ro'-o}; from 4134; to make replete, i.e. (literally) to cram (a net), level up (a hollow), or (figuratively) to furnish (or imbue, diffuse, influence), satisfy, execute (an office), finish (a period or task), verify (or coincide with a prediction), etc.: --accomplish, X after, (be) complete, end, expire, fill (up), fulfil, (be, make) full (come), fully preach, perfect, supply. [ql ~~~~4034
5526 - chortazo {khor-tad'-zo}; from 5528; to fodder, i.e. (generally) to gorge (supply food in abundance): --feed, fill, satisfy. [ql ~~~~5424
4140 - plesmone {place-mon-ay'}; from a presumed derivative of 4130; a filling up, i.e. (figuratively) gratification: --satisfying. [ql ~~~~4038
4568 - saton {sat'-on}; of Hebrew origin [5429]; a certain measure for things dry: --measure. [ql ~~~~4466
4522 - sagene {sag-ay'-nay}; from a derivative of satto (to equip) meaning furniture, especially a pack-saddle (which in the East is merely a bag of netted rope); a "seine" for fishing: --net. [ql ~~~~4420
3795 - opsarion {op-sar'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of the base of 3702; a relish to other food (as if cooked sauce), i.e. (specifically) fish (presumably salted and dried as a condiment): --fish. [ql ~~~~3692
4549 - Saoul {sah-ool'}; of Hebrew origin [7586]; Saul (i.e. Shaul), the Jewish name of Paul: --Saul. Compare 4569. [ql ~~~~4446
4549 - Saoul {sah-ool'}; of Hebrew origin [7586]; Saul (i.e. Shaul), the Jewish name of Paul: --Saul. Compare 4569. [ql ~~~~4446
4569 - Saulos {sow'-los}; of Hebrew origin, the same as 4549; Saulus (i.e. Shaul), the Jewish name of Paul: --Saul. [ql ***. sautou. etc. See 4572. [ql ~~~~4466
4569 - Saulos {sow'-los}; of Hebrew origin, the same as 4549; Saulus (i.e. Shaul), the Jewish name of Paul: --Saul. [ql ***. sautou. etc. See 4572. [ql ~~~~4466
4569 - Saulos {sow'-los}; of Hebrew origin, the same as 4549; Saulus (i.e. Shaul), the Jewish name of Paul: --Saul. [ql ***. sautou. etc. See 4572. [ql ~~~~4466
4572 - seautou {seh-ow-too'}; genitive case from 4571 and 0846; also dative case of the same, seautoi {seh-ow-to'}; and accusative case seauton {seh-ow-ton'}; likewise contracted sautou {sow-too'}; sautoi {sow-to'}; and sauton {sow-ton'}; respectively; of (with, to) thyself: --thee, thine own self, (thou) thy(-self). [ql ~~~~4470
4572 - seautou {seh-ow-too'}; genitive case from 4571 and 0846; also dative case of the same, seautoi {seh-ow-to'}; and accusative case seauton {seh-ow-ton'}; likewise contracted sautou {sow-too'}; sautoi {sow-to'}; and sauton {sow-ton'}; respectively; of (with, to) thyself: --thee, thine own self, (thou) thy(-self). [ql ~~~~4470
4569 - Saulos {sow'-los}; of Hebrew origin, the same as 4549; Saulus (i.e. Shaul), the Jewish name of Paul: --Saul. [ql ***. sautou. etc. See 4572. [ql ~~~~4466
4572 - seautou {seh-ow-too'}; genitive case from 4571 and 0846; also dative case of the same, seautoi {seh-ow-to'}; and accusative case seauton {seh-ow-ton'}; likewise contracted sautou {sow-too'}; sautoi {sow-to'}; and sauton {sow-ton'}; respectively; of (with, to) thyself: --thee, thine own self, (thou) thy(-self). [ql ~~~~4470