4617 - siniazo {sin-ee-ad'-zo}; from sinion (a sieve); to riddle (figuratively): --sift. [ql ***. sita. See 4621. [ql ~~~~4514
4617 - siniazo {sin-ee-ad'-zo}; from sinion (a sieve); to riddle (figuratively): --sift. [ql ***. sita. See 4621. [ql ~~~~4514
4679 - sophizo {sof-id'-zo}; from 4680; to render wise; in a sinister acceptation, to form "sophisms", i.e. continue plausible error: --cunningly devised, make wise. [ql ~~~~4576
1036 - buthizo {boo-thid'-zo}; from 1037; to sink; by implication, to drown: --begin to sink, drown. [ql ~~~~1036
1036 - buthizo {boo-thid'-zo}; from 1037; to sink; by implication, to drown: --begin to sink, drown. [ql ~~~~1036
1416 - duno {doo'-no}; or dumi {doo'-mee}; prolonged forms of an obsolete primary duo {doo'-o} (to sink); to go "down": --set. [ql ~~~~1416
1562 - ekduo {ek-doo'-o}; from 1537 and the base of 1416; to cause to sink out of, i.e. (specially as of clothing) to divest: --strip, take off from, unclothe. [ql ~~~~1562
1744 - enduno {en-doo'-no}; from 1772 and 1416; to sink (by implication, wrap [compare 1746]) on, i.e. (figuratively) sneak: --creep. [ql ~~~~1744
2670 - katapontizo {kat-ap-on-tid'-zo}; from 2596 and a derivative of the same as 4195; to plunge down, i.e. submerge: --drown, sink. [ql ~~~~2670
2702 - kataphero {kat-af-er'-o}; from 2596 and 5342 (including its alternate); to bear down, i.e. (figuratively) overcome (with drowsiness); specially, to cast a vote: --fall, give, sink down. [ql ~~~~2702
5087 - tithemi {tith'-ay-mee}; a prolonged form of a primary theo {theh'-o} (which is used only as alternate in certain tenses); to place (in the widest application, literally and figuratively; properly, in a passive or horizontal posture, and thus different from 2476, which properly denotes an upright and active position, while 2749 is properly reflexive and utterly prostrate): --+ advise, appoint, bow, commit, conceive, give, X kneel down, lay (aside, down, up), make, ordain, purpose, put, set (forth), settle, sink down. [ql ~~~~4984
1746 - enduo {en-doo'-o}; from 1722 and 1416 (in the sense of sinking into a garment); to invest with clothing (literally or figuratively): --array, clothe (with), endue, have (put) on. [ql ***. enegko. See 5342. [ql ~~~~1746
5217 - hupago {hoop-ag'-o}; from 5259 and 0071; to lead (oneself) under, i.e. withdraw or retire (as if sinking out of sight), literally or figuratively: --depart, get hence, go (a-)way. [ql ~~~~5114
0361 - anamartetos {an-am-ar'-tay-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 0264; sinless: --that is without sin. [ql ~~~~360
0268 - hamartolos {ham-ar-to-los'}; from 0264; sinful, i.e. a sinner: --sinful, sinner. [ql ~~~~268
0268 - hamartolos {ham-ar-to-los'}; from 0264; sinful, i.e. a sinner: --sinful, sinner. [ql ~~~~268
3781 - opheiletes {of-i-let'-ace}; from 3784; an ower, i.e. person indebted; figuratively, a delinquent; morally, a transgressor (against God): --debtor, which owed, sinner. [ql ~~~~3678
4190 - poneros {pon-ay-ros'}; from a derivative of 4192; hurtful, i.e. evil (properly, in effect or influence, and thus differing from 2556, which refers rather to essential character, as well as from 4550, which indicates degeneracy from original virtue); figuratively, calamitous; also (passively) ill, i.e. diseased; but especially (morally) culpable, i.e. derelict, vicious, facinorous; neuter (singular) mischief, malice, or (plural) guilt; masculine (singular) the devil, or (plural) sinners: --bad, evil, grievous, harm, lewd, malicious, wicked(-ness). See also 4191. [ql ~~~~4088
4615 - sinapi {sin'-ap-ee}; perhaps from sinomai (to hurt, i.e. sting); mustard (the plant): --mustard. [ql ~~~~4512
4189 - poneria {pon-ay-ree'-ah}; from 4190; depravity, i.e. (specifically) malice; plural (concretely) plots, sins: --iniquity, wickedness. [ql ~~~~4086
4622 - Sion {see-own'}; of Hebrew origin [6726]; Sion (i.e. Tsijon), a hill of Jerusalem; figuratively, the Church (militant or triumphant): --Sion. [ql ~~~~4520
4622 - Sion {see-own'}; of Hebrew origin [6726]; Sion (i.e. Tsijon), a hill of Jerusalem; figuratively, the Church (militant or triumphant): --Sion. [ql ~~~~4520
4622 - Sion {see-own'}; of Hebrew origin [6726]; Sion (i.e. Tsijon), a hill of Jerusalem; figuratively, the Church (militant or triumphant): --Sion. [ql ~~~~4520
4623 - siopao {see-o-pah'-o}; from siope (silence, i.e. a hush; properly, muteness, i.e. involuntary stillness, or inability to speak; and thus differing from 4602, which is rather a voluntary refusal or indisposition to speak, although the terms are often used synonymously); to be dumb (but not deaf also, like 2974 properly); figuratively, to be calm (as quiet water): --dumb, (hold) peace. [ql ~~~~4520
4623 - siopao {see-o-pah'-o}; from siope (silence, i.e. a hush; properly, muteness, i.e. involuntary stillness, or inability to speak; and thus differing from 4602, which is rather a voluntary refusal or indisposition to speak, although the terms are often used synonymously); to be dumb (but not deaf also, like 2974 properly); figuratively, to be calm (as quiet water): --dumb, (hold) peace. [ql ~~~~4520
4989 - Sosipatros {so-sip'-at-ros}; prolongation for 4986; Sosipatrus, a Christian: --Sosipater. [ql ~~~~4886
0435 - aner {an'-ayr}; a primary word [compare 0444]; a man (properly as an individual male): --fellow, husband, man, sir. [ql ~~~~434
2962 - kurios {koo'-ree-os}; from kuros (supremacy); supreme in authority, i.e. (as noun) controller; by implication, Mr. (as a respectful title): --God, Lord, master, Sir. [ql ~~~~2960
0024 - aganaktesis {ag-an-ak'-tay-sis}; from 0023; indignation: --indignation. [ql ~~~~24
0115 - athetesis {ath-et'-ay-sis}; from 0114; cancellajtion (literally or figuratively): --disannulling, put away. [ql ~~~~114
0119 - athlesis {ath'-lay-sis}; from 0118; a struggle (figuratively): --fight. [ql ~~~~118
0144 - aisthesis {ah'-ee-sthay-sis}; from 0143; perception, i.e. (figuratively) discernment: --judgment. [ql ~~~~144
0254 - halusis {hal'-oo-sis}; of uncertain derivation; a fetter or manacle: --bonds, chain. [ql ~~~~254
0259 - halosis {hal'-o-sis}; from a collateral form of 0138; capture, --be taken. [ql ~~~~258
0309 - anablepsis {an-ab'-lep-sis}; from 0308; restoration of sight: --recovery of sight. [ql ~~~~308
0320 - angnosis {an-ag'-no-sis}; from 0314; (the act of) reading: --reading. [ql ~~~~320
0323 - anadeixis {an-ad'-ike-sis}; from 0322; (the act of) exhibition: --shewing. [ql ~~~~322
0342 - anakainosis {an-ak-ah'-ee-no-sis}; from 0341; renovation: --renewing. [ql ~~~~342
0351 - anakrisis {an-ak'-ree-sis}; from 0350; a (judicial) investigation: --examination. [ql ~~~~350
0354 - analepsis {an-al'-ape-sis}; from 0353; ascension: --taking up. [ql ~~~~354
0359 - analusis {an-al'-oo-sis}; from 0360; departure: --departure. [ql ~~~~358
0364 - anamnesis {an-am'-nay-sis}; from 0363; recollection: --remembrance (again). [ql ~~~~364
0372 - anapausis {an-ap'-ow-sis}; from 0373; intermission; by implication, recreation: --rest. [ql ~~~~372
0401 - anachusis {an-akh'-oo-sis}; from a comparative of 0303 and cheo (to pour); properly, effusion, i.e. (figuratively) license: --excess. [ql ~~~~400
0403 - anapsuxis {an-aps'-ook-sis}; from 0404; properly, a recovery of breath, i.e. (figuratively) revival: --revival. [ql ~~~~402
0484 - antilepsis {an-til'-ape-sis}; from 0482; relief: --help. [ql ~~~~ 484
0529 - apantesis {ap-an'-tay-sis}; from 0528; a (friendly) encounter: --meet. [ql ~~~~528
0555 - apekdusis {ap-ek'-doo-sis}; from 0554; divestment: --putting off. [ql ~~~~554
0585 - apodeixis {ap-od'-ike-sis}; from 0584; manifestation: --demonstration. [ql ~~~~584
0602 - apokalupsis {ap-ok-al'-oop-sis}; from 0601; disclosure: --appearing, coming, lighten, manifestation, be revealed, revelation. [ql ~~~~602
0612 - apokrisis {ap-ok'-ree-sis}; from 0611; a response: --answer. [ql ~~~~612
0619 - apolausis {ap-ol'-ow-sis}; from a comparative of 0575 and lauo (to enjoy); full enjoyment: --enjoy(-ment). [ql ~~~~618
0629 - apolutrosis {ap-ol-oo'-tro-sis}; from a compound of 0575 and 3083; (the act) ransom in full, i.e. (figuratively) riddance, or (specially) Christian salvation: --deliverance, redemption. [ql ~~~~628
0671 - apochresis {ap-okh'-ray-sis}; from a compound of 0575 and 5530; the act of using up, i.e. consumption: --using. [ql ~~~~670
0838 - auxesis {owx'-ay-sis}; from 0837; growth: --increase. [ql ~~~~ 838
0951 - bebaiosis {beb-ah'-yo-sis}; from 0950; stabiliment: --confirmation. [ql ~~~~950
0981 - biosis {bee'-o-sis}; from 0980; living (properly, the act, by implication, the mode): --manner of life. [ql ~~~~980
1035 - brosis {bro'-sis}; from the base of 0977; (abstractly) eating (literally or figuratively); by extension (concretely) food (literally or figuratively): --eating, food, meat. [ql ~~~~1034
1083 - gennesis {ghen'-nay-sis}; from 1080; nativity: --birth. [ql ~~~~ 1082
1108 - gnosis {gno'-sis}; from 1097; knowing (the act), i.e. (by implication) knowledge: --knowledge, science. [ql ~~~~1108
1162 - deesis {deh'-ay-sis}; from 1189; a petition: --prayer, request, supplication. [ql ~~~~1162
1233 - diagnosis {dee-ag'-no-sis}; from 1231; (magisterial) examination ("diagnosis"): --hearing. [ql ~~~~1232
1253 - diakrisis {dee-ak'-ree-sis}; from 1252; judicial estimation: --discern(-ing), disputation. [ql ~~~~1252
1347 - dikaiosis {dik-ah'-yo-sis}; from 1344; aquittal (for Christ's sake): --justification. [ql ~~~~1346
1357 - diorthosis {dee-or'-tho-sis}; from a compound of 1223 and a derivative of 3717, meaning to straighten thoroughly; rectification, i.e. (specially) the Messianic restauration: --reformation. [ql ~~~~1356
1454 - egersis {eg'-er-sis}; from 1453; a resurgence (from death): --resurrection. [ql ~~~~1454
1557 - ekdikesis {ek-dik'-ay-sis}; from 1556; vindication, retribution: --(a-, re-)venge(-ance), punishment. [ql ~~~~1556
1604 - ekplerosis {ek-play'-ro-sis}; from 1603; completion: --accomplishment. [ql ~~~~1604
1660 - eleusis {el'-yoo-sis}; from the alternate of 2064; an advent: --coming. [ql ~~~~1660
1732 - endeixis {en'-dike-sis}; from 1731; indication (abstractly): --declare, evident token, proof. [ql ~~~~1732
1739 - endomesis {en-dom'-ay-sis}; from a compound of 1722 and a derivative of the base of 1218; a housing in (residence), i.e. structure: --building. [ql ~~~~1738
1745 - endusis {en'-doo-sis}; from 1746; investment with clothing: --putting on. [ql ~~~~1744
1761 - enthumesis {en-thoo'-may-sis}; from 1760; deliberation: --device, thought. [ql ~~~~1760
1783 - enteuxis {ent'-yook-sis}; from 1793; an interview, i.e. (specially) supplication: --intercession, prayer. [ql ~~~~1782
1882 - epanorthosis {ep-an-or'-tho-sis}; from a compound of 1909 and 0461; a straightening up again, i.e. (figuratively) rectification (reformation): --correction. [ql ~~~~1882
1922 - epignosis {ep-ig'-no-sis}; from 1921; recognition, i.e. (by implication) full discernment, acknowledgement: --(ac-)knowledge(-ing, -ment). [ql ~~~~1922
1955 - epilusis {ep-il'-oo-sis}; from 1956; explanation, i.e. application: --interpretation. [ql ~~~~1954
1972 - epipothesis {ep-ee-poth'-ay-sis}; from 1971; a longing for: --earnest (vehement) desire. [ql ~~~~1972
2050 - eremosis {er-ay'-mo-sis}; from 2049; despoliation: --desolation. [ql ~~~~2050
2067 - esthesis {es'-thay-sis}; from a derivative of 2066; clothing (concretely): --government. [ql ~~~~2066
2214 - zetesis {dzay'-tay-sis}; from 2212; a searching (properly, the act), i.e. a dispute or its theme: --question. [ql ~~~~2214
2308 - thelesis {thel'-ay-sis}; from 2309; determination (properly, the act), i.e. option: --will. [ql ~~~~2308
2347 - thlipsis {thlip'-sis}; from 2346; pressure (literally or figuratively): --afflicted(-tion), anguish, burdened, persecution, tribulation, trouble. [ql ~~~~2346
2561 - kakosis {kak'-o-sis}; from 2559; maltreatment: --affliction. [ql ~~~~2560
2633 - katakrisis {kat-ak'-ree-sis}; from 2632; sentencing adversely (the act): --condemn(-ation). [ql ~~~~2632
2663 - katapausis {kat-ap'-ow-sis}; from 2664; reposing down, i.e. (by Hebraism) abode: --rest. [ql ~~~~2662
2682 - kataskenosis {kat-as-kay'-no-sis}; from 2681; an encamping, i.e. (figuratively) a perch: --nest. [ql ~~~~2682
2731 - katoikesis {kat-oy'-kay-sis}; from 2730; residence (properly, the act; but by implication, concretely, the mansion): --dwelling. [ql ~~~~2730
2740 - kausis {kow'-sis}; from 2545; burning (the act): --be burned. [ql ~~~~2738
2746 - kauchesis {kow'-khay-sis}; from 2744; boasting (properly, the act; by implication, the object), in a good or a bad sense: --boasting, whereof I may glory, glorying, rejoicing. [ql ~~~~2744
2796 - kinesis {kin'-ay-sis}; from 2795; a stirring: --moving. [ql ~~~~ 2794
2821 - klesis {klay'-sis}; from a shorter form of 2564; an invitation (figuratively): --calling. [ql ~~~~2820
2838 - koimesis {koy'-may-sis}; from 2837, sleeping, i.e. (by implication) repose: --taking of rest. [ql ~~~~2836
2920 - krisis {kree'-sis}; decision (subjectively or objectively, for or against); by extension, a tribunal; by implication, justice (especially, divine law): --accustion, condemnation, damnation, judgment. [ql ~~~~2918
2941 - kubernesis {koo-ber'-nay-sis}; from kubernao (of Latin origin, to steer); pilotage, i.e. (figuratively) directorship (in the church): --government. [ql ~~~~2940
3028 - lepsis {lape'-sis}; from 2983; receipt (the act): --receiving. [ql ~~~~3026
3080 - lusis {loo'-sis}; from 3089; a loosening, i.e. (specifically) divorce: --to be loosed. [ql ~~~~3078
3085 - lutrosis {loo'-tro-sis}; from 3084; a ransoming (figuratively): --+ redeemed, redemption. [ql ~~~~3084
3336 - metalepsis {met-al'-ape-sis}; from 3335; participation: --taking. [ql ~~~~3234
3446 - morphosis {mor'-fo-sis}; from 3445; formation, i.e. (by implication) appearance (semblance or [concretely] formula): --form. [ql ~~~~3344
3500 - nekrosis {nek'-ro-sis}; from 3499; decease; figuratively, impotency: --deadness, dying. [ql ~~~~3398
3669 - homoiosis {hom-oy'-o-sis}; from 3666; assimilation, i.e. resemblance: --similitude. [ql ~~~~3568
3750 - osphresis {os'-fray-sis}; from a derivative of 3605; smell (the sense): --smelling. [ql ~~~~3648
3799 - opsis {op'-sis}; from 3700; properly, sight (the act), i.e. (by impl) the visage, an external show: --appearance, countenance, face. [ql ~~~~3696
3874 - paraklesis {par-ak'-lay-sis}; from 3870; imploration, hortation, solace: --comfort, consolation, exhortation, intreaty. [ql ~~~~3772
3907 - parateresis {par-at-ay'-ray-sis}; from 3906; inspection, i.e. ocular evidence: --obervation. [ql ~~~~3804
3953 - paropsis {par-op-sis'}; from 3844 and the base of 3795; a side-dish (the receptacle): --platter. [ql ~~~~3850
4006 - pepoithesis {pep-oy'-thay-sis}; from the perfect of the alternate of 3958; reliance: --confidence, trust. [ql ~~~~3904
4047 - peripoiesis {per-ee-poy'-ay-sis}; from 4046; acquisition (the act or the thing); by extension, preservation: --obtain(-ing), peculiar, purchased, possession, saving. [ql ~~~~3944
4162 - poiesis {poy'-ay-sis}; from 4160; action, i.e. performance (of the law): --deed. [ql ~~~~4060
4268 - prognosis {prog'-no-sis}; from 4267; forethought: --foreknowledge. [ql ~~~~4166
4343 - proskarteresis {pros-kar-ter'-ay-sis}; from 4342; persistancy: --perseverance. [ql ~~~~4240
4356 - proslepsis {pros'-lape-sis}; from 4355; admission: --receiving. [ql ~~~~4254
4378 - proschusis {pros'-khoo-sis}; from a comparative of 4314 and cheo (to pour); a shedding forth, i.e. affusion: --sprinkling. [ql ~~~~4276
4423 - ptoesis {pto'-ay-sis}; from 4422; alarm: --amazement. [ql ~~~~ 4320
4431 - ptosis {pto'-sis}; from the alternate of 4098; a crash, i.e. downfall (literally or figuratively): --fall. [ql ~~~~4328
4451 - purosis {poo'-ro-sis}; from 4448; ignition, i.e. (specifically) smelting (figuratively, conflagration, calamity as a test): --burning, trial. [ql ~~~~4348
4457 - porosis {po'-ro-sis}; from 4456; stupidity or callousness: --blindness, hardness. [ql ~~~~4354
4511 - rhusis {hroo'-sis}; from 4506 in the sense of its congener 4482; a flux (of blood): --issue. [ql ~~~~4408
4799 - sugchusis {soong'-khoo-sis}; from 4797; commixture, i.e. (figuratively) riotous disturbance: --confusion. [ql ~~~~4696
4803 - suzetesis {sood-zay'-tay-sis}; from 4802; mutual questioning, i.e. discussion: --disputation(-ting), reasoning. [ql ~~~~4700
4857 - sumphonesis {soom-fo'-nay-sis}; from 4856; accordance: --concord. [ql ~~~~4754
4877 - sunantesis {soon-an'-tay-sis}; from 4876; a meeting with: --meet. [ql ~~~~4774
4893 - suneidesis {soon-i'-day-sis}; from a prolonged form of 4894; co-perception, i.e. moral consciousness: --conscience. [ql ~~~~4790
5014 - tapeinosis {tap-i'-no-sis}; from 5013; depression (in rank or feeling): --humiliation, be made low, low estate, vile. [ql ~~~~4912
5050 - teleiosis {tel-i'-o-sis}; from 5448; (the act) completion, i.e. (of prophecy) verification, or (of expiation) absolution: --perfection, performance. [ql ~~~~4948
5084 - teresis {tay'-ray-sis}; from 5083; a watching, i.e. (figuratively) observance, or (concretely) a prison: --hold. [ql ***. ten, tes. See 3588. [ql ~~~~4982
5222 - hupantesis {hoop-an'-tay-sis}; from 5221; an encounter or concurrence (with 1519 for infinitive, in order to fall in with): --meeting. [ql ~~~~5120
5272 - hupokrisis {hoop-ok'-ree-sis}; from 5271; acting under a feigned part, i.e. (figuratively) deceit ("hypocrisy"): --condemnation, dissimulation, hypocrisy. [ql ~~~~5170
5280 - hupomnesis {hoop-om'-nay-sis}; from 5279; a reminding or (reflexively) recollection: --remembrance. [ql ~~~~5178
5296 - hupotuposis {hoop-ot-oop'-o-sis}; from a compound of 5259 and a derivative of 5179; typification under (after), i.e. (concretely) a sketch (figuratively) for imitation: --form, pattern. [ql ~~~~5194
5304 - husteresis {hoos-ter'-ay-sis} from 5302; a falling short, i.e. (specifically) penury: --want. [ql ~~~~5202
5310 - hupsistos {hoop'-sis-tos}; superlative from the base of 5311; highest, i.e. (masculine singular) the Supreme (God), or (neuter plural) the heavens: --most high, highest. [ql ~~~~5208
5321 - phanerosis {fan-er'-o-sis}; from 5319; exhibition, i.e. (figuratively) expression, (by extension) a bestowment: --manifestation. [ql ~~~~5218
5428 - phronesis {fron'-ay-sis}; from 5426; mental action or activity, i.e. intellectual or moral insight: --prudence, wisdom. [ql ~~~~5326
5449 - phusis {foo'-sis}; from 5453; growth (by germination or expansion), i.e. (by implication) natural production (lineal descent); by extension, a genus or sort; figuratively, native disposition, constitution or usuage: --( [man-])kind, nature( [-al]). [ql ~~~~5346
5450 - phusiosis {foo-see'-o-sis}; from 5448; inflation, i.e. (figuratively) haughtiness: --swelling. [ql ~~~~5348
5540 - chresis {khray'-sis}; from 5530; employment, i.e. (specifically) sexual intercourse (as an occupation of the body): --use. [ql ~~~~5438