3013 - lepis {lep-is'}; from lepo (to peel); a flake: --scale. [ql ~~~~ 3012
3014 - lepra {lep'-rah}; from the same as 3013; scaliness, i.e. "leprosy": --leprosy. [ql ~~~~3012
3016 - lepton {lep-ton'}; neuter of a derivative of the same as 3013; something scaled (light), i.e. a small coin: --mite. [ql ~~~~3014
3014 - lepra {lep'-rah}; from the same as 3013; scaliness, i.e. "leprosy": --leprosy. [ql ~~~~3012
3015 - lepros {lep-ros'}; from the same as 3014; scaly, i.e. leprous (a leper): --leper. [ql ~~~~3014
3015 - lepros {lep-ros'}; from the same as 3014; scaly, i.e. leprous (a leper): --leper. [ql ~~~~3014
3016 - lepton {lep-ton'}; neuter of a derivative of the same as 3013; something scaled (light), i.e. a small coin: --mite. [ql ~~~~3014
3017 - Leui {lyoo'-ee}; of Hebrew origin [3878]; Levi, the name of three Israelites: --Levi. Compare 3018. [ql ~~~~3016
3018 - Leuis {lyoo-is'}; a form of 3017; Lewis (i.e. Levi), a Christian: --Levi. [ql ~~~~3016
3019 - Leuites {lyoo-ee'-tace}; from 3017; a Levite, i.e. descendant of Levi: --Levite. [ql ~~~~3018
3017 - Leui {lyoo'-ee}; of Hebrew origin [3878]; Levi, the name of three Israelites: --Levi. Compare 3018. [ql ~~~~3016
3018 - Leuis {lyoo-is'}; a form of 3017; Lewis (i.e. Levi), a Christian: --Levi. [ql ~~~~3016
3019 - Leuites {lyoo-ee'-tace}; from 3017; a Levite, i.e. descendant of Levi: --Levite. [ql ~~~~3018
3020 - Leuitikos {lyoo-it'-ee-kos}; from 3019; Levitic, i.e. relating to the Levites: --Levitical. [ql ~~~~3018
3020 - Leuitikos {lyoo-it'-ee-kos}; from 3019; Levitic, i.e. relating to the Levites: --Levitical. [ql ~~~~3018
3021 - leukaino {lyoo-kah'-ee-no}; from 3022; to whiten: --make white, whiten. [ql ~~~~3020
3021 - leukaino {lyoo-kah'-ee-no}; from 3022; to whiten: --make white, whiten. [ql ~~~~3020
3022 - leukos {lyoo-kos'}; from luke ("light"); white: --white. [ql ~~~~ 3020
3074 - lukos {loo'-kos}; perhaps akin to the base of 3022 (from the whitish hair); a wolf: --wolf. [ql ~~~~3072
3088 - luchnos {lookh'-nos}; from the base of 3022; a portable lamp or other illuminator (literally or figuratively): --candle, light. [ql ~~~~3086
3023 - leon {leh-ohn'}; a primary word; a "lion": --lion. [ql ~~~~ 3022
3024 - lethe {lay'-thay}; from 2990; forgetfulness: --+ forget. [ql ~~~~ 3022
3025 - lenos {lay-nos'}; apparently a primary word; a trough, i.e. wine-vat: --winepress. [ql ~~~~3024
5276 - hupolenion {hoop-ol-ay'-nee-on}; neuter of a presumed compound of 5259 and 3025; vessel or receptacle under the press, i.e. lower winevat: --winefat. [ql ~~~~5174
3026 - leros {lay'-ros}; apparently a primary word; twaddle, i.e. an incredible story: --idle tale. [ql ~~~~3024
2812 - kleptes {klep'-tace}; from 2813; a stealer (literally or figuratively): --thief. Compare 3027. [ql ~~~~2810
3027 - leistes {lace-tace'}; from leizomai (to plunder); a brigand: --robber, thief. [ql ~~~~3026
3028 - lepsis {lape'-sis}; from 2983; receipt (the act): --receiving. [ql ~~~~3026
3029 - lian {lee'-an}; of uncertain affinity; much (adverbially): --exceeding, great(-ly), sore, very (+ chiefest). [ql ~~~~3028
5244 - huperephanos {hoop-er-ay'-fan-os}; from 5228 and 5316; appearing above others (conspicuous), i.e. (figuratively) haughty: --proud. [ql ***. huperlian. See 5228 and 3029. [ql ~~~~5142
3030 - libanos {lib'-an-os}; of foreign origin [3828]; the incense-tree, i.e. (by implication) incense itself: --frankincense. [ql ~~~~3028
3031 - libanotos {lib-an-o-tos'}; from 3030; frankincense, i.e. (by extension) a censer for burning it: --censer. [ql ~~~~3030
5474 - chalkolibanon {khal-kol-ib'-an-on}; neuter of a compound of 5475 and 3030 (in the implied mean of whiteness or brilliancy); burnished copper, an alloy of copper (or gold) and silver having a brilliant lustre: --fine brass. [ql ~~~~5372
3031 - libanotos {lib-an-o-tos'}; from 3030; frankincense, i.e. (by extension) a censer for burning it: --censer. [ql ~~~~3030
3032 - Libertinos {lib-er-tee'-nos}; of Latin origin; a Roman freedman: --Libertine. [ql ~~~~3030
3033 - Libue {lib-oo'-ay}; probably from 3047; Libye, a region of Africa: --Libya. [ql ~~~~3032
2642 - katalithazo {kat-al-ith-ad'-zo}; from 2596 and 3034; to stone down, i.e. to death: --stone. [ql ~~~~2642
3034 - lithazo {lith-ad'-zo}; from 3037; to lapidate: --stone. [ql ~~~~ 3032
3035 - lithinos {lith-ee'-nos}; from 3037; stony, i.e. made of stone: --of stone. [ql ~~~~3034
3036 - lithoboleo {lith-ob-ol-eh'-o}; from a compound of 3037 and 0906; to throw stones, i.e. lapidate: --stone, cast stones. [ql ~~~~3034
3034 - lithazo {lith-ad'-zo}; from 3037; to lapidate: --stone. [ql ~~~~ 3032
3035 - lithinos {lith-ee'-nos}; from 3037; stony, i.e. made of stone: --of stone. [ql ~~~~3034
3036 - lithoboleo {lith-ob-ol-eh'-o}; from a compound of 3037 and 0906; to throw stones, i.e. lapidate: --stone, cast stones. [ql ~~~~3034
3037 - lithos {lee'-thos}; apparently a primary word; a stone (literally or figuratively): --(mill-, stumbling-)stone. [ql ~~~~3036
3038 - lithostrotos {lith-os'-tro-tos}; from 3037 and a derivative of 4766; stone-strewed, i.e. a tessellated mosaic on which the Roman tribunal was placed: --Pavement. [ql ~~~~3036
4074 - Petros {pet'-ros}; apparently a primary word; a (piece of) rock (larger than 3037); as a name, Petrus, an apostle: --Peter, rock. Compare 2786. [ql ~~~~3972
4555 - sardinos {sar'-dee-nos}; from the same as 4556; sardine (3037 being implied), i.e. a gem, so called: --sardine. [ql ~~~~4452
4556 - sardios {sar'-dee-os}; properly, an adjective from an uncertain base; sardian (3037 being implied), i.e. (as noun) the gem so called: --sardius. [ql ~~~~4454
5555 - chrusolithos {khroo-sol'-ee-thos}; from 5557 and 3037; gold-stone, i.e. a yellow gem ("chrysolite"): --chrysolite. [ql ~~~~5452
3038 - lithostrotos {lith-os'-tro-tos}; from 3037 and a derivative of 4766; stone-strewed, i.e. a tessellated mosaic on which the Roman tribunal was placed: --Pavement. [ql ~~~~3036
3039 - likmao {lik-mah'-o}; from likmos, the equivalent of liknon (a winnowing fan or basket); to winnow, i.e. (by analogy,) to triturate: --grind to powder. [ql ~~~~3038
2568 - Kaloi Limenes {kal-oy' lee-men'-es}; plural of 2570 and 3040; Good Harbors, i.e. Fairhaven, a bay of Crete: --fair havens. [ql ~~~~2568
3040 - limen {lee-mane'}; apparently a primary word; a harbor: --haven. Compare 2568. [ql ~~~~3038
3041 - limne {lim'-nay}; probably from 3040 (through the idea of nearness of shore); a pond (large or small): --lake. [ql ~~~~3040
3041 - limne {lim'-nay}; probably from 3040 (through the idea of nearness of shore); a pond (large or small): --lake. [ql ~~~~3040
3042 - limos {lee-mos'}; probably from 3007 (through the idea of destitution); a scarcity of food: --dearth, famine, hunger. [ql ~~~~3040
3043 - linon {lee'-non}; probably a primary word; flax, i.e. (by implication) "linen": --linen. [ql ~~~~3042
3044 - Linos {lee'-nos}; perhaps from 3043; Linus, a Christian: --Linus. [ql ~~~~3042
3044 - Linos {lee'-nos}; perhaps from 3043; Linus, a Christian: --Linus. [ql ~~~~3042
0218 - aleipho {al-i'-fo}; from 0001 (as particle of union) and the base of 3045; to oil (with perfume): --anoint. [ql ~~~~218
3045 - liparos {lip-ar-os'}; from lipos (grease); fat, i.e. (figuratively) sumptuous: --dainty. [ql ~~~~3044
3046 - litra {lee'-trah}; of Latin origin [libra]; a pound in weight: --pound. [ql ~~~~3044
3033 - Libue {lib-oo'-ay}; probably from 3047; Libye, a region of Africa: --Libya. [ql ~~~~3032
3047 - lips {leeps}; probably from leibo (to pour a "libation"); the south(-west) wind (as bringing rain, i.e. (by extension) the south quarter): --southwest. [ql ~~~~3046
3048 - logia {log-ee'-ah}; from 3056 (in the commercial sense); a contribution: --collection, gathering. [ql ~~~~3046
1260 - dialogizomai {dee-al-og-id'-zom-ahee}; from 1223 and 3049; to reckon thoroughly, i.e. (genitive case) to deliberate (by reflection or discussion): --cast in mind, consider, dispute, muse, reason, think. [ql ~~~~1260
3049 - logizomai {log-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 3056; to take an inventory, i.e. estimate (literally or figuratively): --conclude, (ac-)count (of), + despise, esteem, impute, lay, number, reason, reckon, suppose, think (on). [ql ~~~~3048
3053 - logismos {log-is-mos'}; from 3049; computation, i.e. (figuratively) reasoning (conscience, conceit): --imagination, thought. [ql ~~~~3052
3884 - paralogizomai {par-al-og-id'-zom-ahee}; from 3844 and 3049; to misreckon, i.e. delude: --beguile, deceive. [ql ~~~~3782
4817 - sullogizomai {sool-log-id'-zom-ahee}; from 4862 and 3049; to reckon together (with oneself), i.e. deliberate: --reason with. [ql ~~~~4714
0239 - allelouia {al-lay-loo'-ee-ah}; of Hebrew origin [imperative of 1984 and 3050]; praise ye Jah!, an adoring exclamation: --alleluiah. [ql ~~~~238
3050 - logikos {log-ik-os'}; from 3056; rational ("logical"): --reasonable, of the word. [ql ~~~~3048
3051 - logion {log'-ee-on}; neuter of 3052; an utterance (of God): --oracle. [ql ~~~~3050
3051 - logion {log'-ee-on}; neuter of 3052; an utterance (of God): --oracle. [ql ~~~~3050
3052 - logios {log'-ee-os}; from 3056; fluent, i.e. an orator: --eloquent. [ql ~~~~3050
3053 - logismos {log-is-mos'}; from 3049; computation, i.e. (figuratively) reasoning (conscience, conceit): --imagination, thought. [ql ~~~~3052
3054 - logomacheo {log-om-akh-eh'-o}; from a compound of 3056 and 3164; to be disputatious (on trifles): --strive about words. [ql ~~~~3052
3055 - logomachia {log-om-akh-ee'-ah}; from the same as 3054; disputation about trifles ("logomachy"): --strife of words. [ql ~~~~3054
3055 - logomachia {log-om-akh-ee'-ah}; from the same as 3054; disputation about trifles ("logomachy"): --strife of words. [ql ~~~~3054
0148 - aischrologia {ahee-skhrol-og-ee'-ah}; from 0150 and 3056; vile conversation: --filthy communication. [ql ~~~~148
0249 - alogos {al'-og-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3056; irrational: --brute, unreasonable. [ql ~~~~248
0356 - analogia {an-al-og-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 0303 and 3056; proportion: --proportion. [ql ~~~~356
0626 - apologeomai {ap-ol-og-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from a compound of 0575 and 3056; to give an account (legal plea) of oneself, i.e. exculpate (self): --answer (for self), make defence, excuse (self), speak for self. [ql ~~~~626
0945 - battologeo {bat-tol-og-eh'-o}; from Battos (a proverbial stammerer) and 3056; to stutter, i.e. (by implication) to prate tediously: --use vain repetitions. [ql ~~~~944
1075 - genealogeo {ghen-eh-al-og-eh'-o}; from 1074 and 3056; to reckon by generations, i.e. trace in genealogy: --count by descent. [ql ~~~~1074
1351 - dilogos {dil'-og-os}; from 1364 and 3056; equivocal, i.e. telling a different story: --double-tongued. [ql ~~~~1350
1677 - ellogeo {el-log-eh'-o}; from 1722 and 3056 (in the sense of account); to reckon in, i.e. attribute: --impute, put on account. [ql ***. hellomai. See 0138. [ql ~~~~1676
2127 - eulogeo {yoo-log-eh'-o}; from a compound of 2095 and 3056; to speak well of, i.e. (religiously) to bless (thank or invoke a benediction upon, prosper): --bless, praise. [ql ~~~~2126
2551 - kakologeo {kak-ol-og-eh'-o}; from a compound of 2556 and 3056; to revile: --curse, speak evil of. [ql ~~~~2550
3048 - logia {log-ee'-ah}; from 3056 (in the commercial sense); a contribution: --collection, gathering. [ql ~~~~3046
3049 - logizomai {log-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 3056; to take an inventory, i.e. estimate (literally or figuratively): --conclude, (ac-)count (of), + despise, esteem, impute, lay, number, reason, reckon, suppose, think (on). [ql ~~~~3048
3050 - logikos {log-ik-os'}; from 3056; rational ("logical"): --reasonable, of the word. [ql ~~~~3048
3052 - logios {log'-ee-os}; from 3056; fluent, i.e. an orator: --eloquent. [ql ~~~~3050
3054 - logomacheo {log-om-akh-eh'-o}; from a compound of 3056 and 3164; to be disputatious (on trifles): --strive about words. [ql ~~~~3052
3056 - logos {log'-os}; from 3004; something said (including the thought); by implication a topic (subject of discourse), also reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive; by extension, a computation; specifically (with the article in John) the Divine Expression (i.e. Christ): --account, cause, communication, X concerning, doctrine, fame, X have to do, intent, matter, mouth, preaching, question, reason, + reckon, remove, say(-ing), shew, X speaker, speech, talk, thing, + none of these things move me, tidings, treatise, utterance, word, work. [ql ~~~~3054
3670 - homologeo {hom-ol-og-eh'-o}; from a compound of the base of 3674 and 3056; to assent, i.e. covenant, acknowledge: --con- (pro-)fess, confession is made, give thanks, promise. [ql ~~~~3568
4086 - pithanologia {pith-an-ol-og-ee'-ah}; from a compound of a derivative of 3982 and 3056; persuasive language: --enticing words. [ql ~~~~3984
4180 - polulogia {pol-oo-log-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 4183 and 3056; loquacity, i.e. prolixity: --much speaking. [ql ~~~~4078
5378 - Philologos {fil-ol'-og-os}; from 5384 and 3056; fond of words, i.e. talkative (argumentative, learned, "philological"); Philologus, a Christian: --Philologus. [ql ~~~~5276