1383 - dokimion {dok-im'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 1382; a testing; by implication, trustworthiness: --trial, trying. [ql ~~~~1382
5066 - tetartaios {tet-ar-tah'-yos}; from 5064; pertaining to the fourth day: --four days. [ql ~~~~4964
5067 - tetartos {tet'-ar-tos}; ord. from 5064; fourth: --four(-th). [ql ~~~~4964
5068 - tetragonos {tet-rag'-o-nos}; from 5064 and 1137; four-cornered, i.e. square: --foursquare. [ql ~~~~4966
5069 - tetradion {tet-rad'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of tetras (a tetrad; from 5064); a quaternion or squad (picket) of four Roman soldiers: --quaternion. [ql ~~~~4966
5070 - tetrakischilioi {tet-rak-is-khil'-ee-oy}; from the multiplicative adverb of 5064 and 5507; four times a thousand: --four thousand. [ql ~~~~4968
5071 - tetrakosioi {tet-rak-os'-ee-oy}; neuter tetrakosia {tet-rak-os'-ee-ah}; plural from 5064 and 1540; four hundred: --four hundred. [ql ~~~~4968
5071 - tetrakosioi {tet-rak-os'-ee-oy}; neuter tetrakosia {tet-rak-os'-ee-ah}; plural from 5064 and 1540; four hundred: --four hundred. [ql ~~~~4968
5072 - tetramenon {tet-ram'-ay-non}; neuter of a compound of 5064 and 3376; a four months' space: --four months. [ql ~~~~4970
5073 - tetraploos {tet-rap-lo'-os}; from 5064 and a derivative of the base of 4118; quadruple: --fourfold. [ql ~~~~4970
5074 - tetrapous {tet-rap'-ooce}; from 5064 and 4228; a quadruped: --fourfooted beast. [ql ~~~~4972
5075 - tetrarcheo {tet-rar-kheh'-o}; from 5076; to be a tetrarch: --(be) tetrarch. [ql ~~~~4972
5076 - tetrarches {tet-rar'-khace}; from 5064 and 0757; the ruler of a fourth part of a country ("tetrarch"): --tetrarch. [ql ***. teucho. See 5177. [ql ~~~~4974
5066 - tetartaios {tet-ar-tah'-yos}; from 5064; pertaining to the fourth day: --four days. [ql ~~~~4964
5067 - tetartos {tet'-ar-tos}; ord. from 5064; fourth: --four(-th). [ql ~~~~4964
5069 - tetradion {tet-rad'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of tetras (a tetrad; from 5064); a quaternion or squad (picket) of four Roman soldiers: --quaternion. [ql ~~~~4966
5069 - tetradion {tet-rad'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of tetras (a tetrad; from 5064); a quaternion or squad (picket) of four Roman soldiers: --quaternion. [ql ~~~~4966
5068 - tetragonos {tet-rag'-o-nos}; from 5064 and 1137; four-cornered, i.e. square: --foursquare. [ql ~~~~4966
5070 - tetrakischilioi {tet-rak-is-khil'-ee-oy}; from the multiplicative adverb of 5064 and 5507; four times a thousand: --four thousand. [ql ~~~~4968
5071 - tetrakosioi {tet-rak-os'-ee-oy}; neuter tetrakosia {tet-rak-os'-ee-ah}; plural from 5064 and 1540; four hundred: --four hundred. [ql ~~~~4968
5071 - tetrakosioi {tet-rak-os'-ee-oy}; neuter tetrakosia {tet-rak-os'-ee-ah}; plural from 5064 and 1540; four hundred: --four hundred. [ql ~~~~4968
5072 - tetramenon {tet-ram'-ay-non}; neuter of a compound of 5064 and 3376; a four months' space: --four months. [ql ~~~~4970
5073 - tetraploos {tet-rap-lo'-os}; from 5064 and a derivative of the base of 4118; quadruple: --fourfold. [ql ~~~~4970
5074 - tetrapous {tet-rap'-ooce}; from 5064 and 4228; a quadruped: --fourfooted beast. [ql ~~~~4972
5075 - tetrarcheo {tet-rar-kheh'-o}; from 5076; to be a tetrarch: --(be) tetrarch. [ql ~~~~4972
5075 - tetrarcheo {tet-rar-kheh'-o}; from 5076; to be a tetrarch: --(be) tetrarch. [ql ~~~~4972
5076 - tetrarches {tet-rar'-khace}; from 5064 and 0757; the ruler of a fourth part of a country ("tetrarch"): --tetrarch. [ql ***. teucho. See 5177. [ql ~~~~4974
5076 - tetrarches {tet-rar'-khace}; from 5064 and 0757; the ruler of a fourth part of a country ("tetrarch"): --tetrarch. [ql ***. teucho. See 5177. [ql ~~~~4974
5075 - tetrarcheo {tet-rar-kheh'-o}; from 5076; to be a tetrarch: --(be) tetrarch. [ql ~~~~4972
5076 - tetrarches {tet-rar'-khace}; from 5064 and 0757; the ruler of a fourth part of a country ("tetrarch"): --tetrarch. [ql ***. teucho. See 5177. [ql ~~~~4974
5069 - tetradion {tet-rad'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of tetras (a tetrad; from 5064); a quaternion or squad (picket) of four Roman soldiers: --quaternion. [ql ~~~~4966
5076 - tetrarches {tet-rar'-khace}; from 5064 and 0757; the ruler of a fourth part of a country ("tetrarch"): --tetrarch. [ql ***. teucho. See 5177. [ql ~~~~4974
5177 - tugchano {toong-khan'-o}; probably for an obsolete tucho (for which the middle voice of another alternate teucho [to make ready or bring to pass] is used in certain tenses; akin to the base of 5088 through the idea of effecting; properly, to affect; or (specifically) to hit or light upon (as a mark to be reached), i.e. (transitively) to attain or secure an object or end, or (intransitively) to happen (as if meeting with); but in the latter application only impersonal (with 1487), i.e. perchance; or (present participle) as adjective, usual (as if commonly met with, with 3756, extraordinary), neuter (as adverb) perhaps; or (with another verb) as adverb, by accident (as it were): --be, chance, enjoy, little, obtain, X refresh...self, + special. Compare 5180. [ql ~~~~5074
0162 - aichmaloteuo {aheekh-mal-o-tew'-o}; from 0164; to capture [like 0163]: --lead captive. [ql ~~~~162
0011 - Abraam {ab-rah-am'}; of Hebrew origin [0085]; Abraham, the Hebrew patriarch: --Abraham. [In Acts 7:16 the text should probably read Jacob.] [ql ~~~~10
5440 - phulakterion {foo-lak-tay'-ree-on}; neuter of a derivative of 5442; a guard-case, i.e. "phylactery" for wearing slips of Scripture texts: --phylactery. [ql ~~~~5338
0575 - apo {apo'}; a primary particle; "off," i.e. away (from something near), in various senses (of place, time, or relation; literal or figurative): --(X here-)after, ago, at, because of, before, by (the space of), for(-th), from, in, (out) of, off, (up-)on(-ce), since, with. In composition (as a prefix) it usually denotes separation, departure, cessation, completion, reversal, etc. [ql ~~~~574
1537 - ek {ek} or ex {ex}; a primary preposition denoting origin (the point whence action or motion proceeds), from, out (of place, time, or cause; literal or figurative; direct or remote): --after, among, X are, at, betwixt(-yond), by (the means of), exceedingly, (+ abundantly above), for(-th), from (among, forth, up), + grudgingly, + heartily, X heavenly, X hereby, + very highly, in,...ly, (because, by reason) of, off (from), on, out among (from, of), over, since, X thenceforth, through, X unto, X vehemently, with(-out). Often used in composition, with the same general import; often of completion. [ql ~~~~1536
5067 - tetartos {tet'-ar-tos}; ord. from 5064; fourth: --four(-th). [ql ~~~~4964
0512 - anopheles {an-o-fel'-ace}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and tha base of 5624; useless or (neuter) inutility: --unprofitable(-ness). [ql ~~~~512
0962 - Bethabara {bay-thab-ar-ah'}; of Hebrew origin [1004 and 5679]; ferry-house; Bethabara (i.e. Bethabarah), a place on the Jordan: --Bethabara. [ql ~~~~962
0227 - alethes {al-ay-thace'}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 2990; true (as not concealing): --true, truly, truth. [ql ~~~~226
0545 - apeithes {ap-i-thace'}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3982; unpersuadable, i.e. contumacious: --disobedient. [ql ~~~~544
2066 - esthes {es-thace'}; from hennumi (to clothe); dress: --apparel, clothing, raiment, robe. [ql ~~~~2066
2138 - eupeithes {yoo-pi-thace'}; from 2095 and 3982; good for persuasion, i.e. (intransitively) complaint: --easy to be intreated. [ql ~~~~2138
4658 - Skuthes {skoo'-thace}; probably of foreign origin; a Scythene or Scythian, i.e. (by implication) a savage: --Scythian. [ql ~~~~4556
0829 - authades {ow-thad'-ace}; from 0846 and the base of 2237; self-pleasing, i.e. arrogant: --self-willed. [ql ~~~~828
1759 - enthade {en-thad'-eh}; from a prolonged form of 1722; properly, within, i.e. (of place) here, hither: --(t-)here, hither. [ql ~~~~1758
2280 - Thaddaios {thad-dah'-yos}; of uncertain origin; Thaddaeus, one of the Apostles: --Thaddaeus. [ql ~~~~2280
2280 - Thaddaios {thad-dah'-yos}; of uncertain origin; Thaddaeus, one of the Apostles: --Thaddaeus. [ql ~~~~2280
2280 - Thaddaios {thad-dah'-yos}; of uncertain origin; Thaddaeus, one of the Apostles: --Thaddaeus. [ql ~~~~2280
2280 - Thaddaios {thad-dah'-yos}; of uncertain origin; Thaddaeus, one of the Apostles: --Thaddaeus. [ql ~~~~2280
0173 - akantha {ak'-an-thah}; probably from the same as 0188; a thorn: --thorn. [ql ~~~~172
0830 - authairetos {ow-thah'-ee-ret-os}; from 0846 and the same as 0140; self-chosen, i.e. (by implication) voluntary: --of own accord, willing of self. [ql ~~~~830
1148 - Dalmanoutha {dal-man-oo-thah'}; probably of Aramaic origin; Dalmanutha, a place in Palestine: --Dalmanutha. [ql ~~~~1148
2422 - Iephthae {ee-ef-thah'-eh}; of Hebrew origin [3316]; Jephthae (i.e. Jiphtach), an Israelite: --Jephthah. [ql ~~~~2422
3136 - Martha {mar'-thah}; probably of Aramaic origin (meaning mistress); Martha, a Christian woman: --Martha. [ql ~~~~3134
3156 - Matthaios {mat-thah'-yos}; a shorter form of 3164; Matthaeus (i.e. Matthitjah), an Israelite and a Christian: --Matthew. [ql ~~~~3154
5000 - Tabitha {tab-ee-thah'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 6646]; the gazelle; Tabitha (i.e. Tabjetha), a Christian female: --Tabitha. [ql ~~~~4898
5008 - talitha {tal-ee-thah'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 2924]; the fresh, i.e. young girl; talitha (O maiden): --talitha. [ql ~~~~4906
0503 - antophthalmeo {ant-of-thal-meh'-o}; from a compound of 0473 and 3788; to face: --bear up into. [ql ~~~~502
1337 - dithalassos {dee-thal'-as-sos}; from 1364 and 2281; having two seas, i.e. a sound with a double outlet: --where two seas meet. [ql ~~~~1336
2281 - thalassa {thal'-as-sah}; probably prolonged from 0251; the sea (genitive case or specially): --sea. [ql ~~~~2280
2282 - thalpo {thal'-po}; probably akin to thallo (to warm); to brood, i.e. (figuratively) to foster: --cherish. [ql ~~~~2282
3442 - monophthalmos {mon-of'-thal-mos}; from 3441 and 3788; one-eyed: --with one eye. [ql ~~~~3340
3508 - Nephthaleim {nef-thal-ime'}; of Hebrew origin [5321]; Nephthaleim (i.e. Naphthali), a tribe in Palestine: --Nephthalim. [ql ~~~~3406
3787 - ophthalmodouleia {of-thal-mod-oo-li'-ah}; from 3788 and 1397; sight-labor, i.e. that needs watching (remissness): --eye-service. [ql ~~~~3684
3788 - ophthalmos {of-thal-mos'}; from 3700; the eye (literally or figuratively); by implication, vision; figuratively, envy (from the jealous side-glance): --eye, sight. [ql ~~~~3686
2281 - thalassa {thal'-as-sah}; probably prolonged from 0251; the sea (genitive case or specially): --sea. [ql ~~~~2280
0330 - anathallo {an-ath-al'-lo}; from 0303 and thallo (to flourish); to revive: --flourish again. [ql ~~~~330
2282 - thalpo {thal'-po}; probably akin to thallo (to warm); to brood, i.e. (figuratively) to foster: --cherish. [ql ~~~~2282
2282 - thalpo {thal'-po}; probably akin to thallo (to warm); to brood, i.e. (figuratively) to foster: --cherish. [ql ~~~~2282
1568 - ekthambeo {ek-tham-beh'-o}; from 1569; to astonish utterly: --affright, greatly (sore) amaze. [ql ~~~~1568
1569 - ekthambos {ek'-tham-bos}; from 1537 and 2285; utterly astounded: --greatly wondering. [ql ~~~~1568
2283 - Thamar {tham'-ar}; of Hebrew origin [8559]; Thamar (i.e. Tamar), an Israelitess: --Thamar. [ql ~~~~2282
2284 - thambeo {tham-beh'-o}; from 2285; to stupefy (with surprise), i.e. astound: --amaze, astonish. [ql ~~~~2284
2285 - thambos {tham'-bos}; akin to an obsolete tapho (to dumbfound); stupefaction (by surprise), i.e. astonishment: --X amazed, + astonished, wonder. [ql ~~~~2284
2283 - Thamar {tham'-ar}; of Hebrew origin [8559]; Thamar (i.e. Tamar), an Israelitess: --Thamar. [ql ~~~~2282
2283 - Thamar {tham'-ar}; of Hebrew origin [8559]; Thamar (i.e. Tamar), an Israelitess: --Thamar. [ql ~~~~2282
2283 - Thamar {tham'-ar}; of Hebrew origin [8559]; Thamar (i.e. Tamar), an Israelitess: --Thamar. [ql ~~~~2282