4538 - salpistes {sal-pis-tace'}; from 4537; a trumpeter: --trumpeter. [ql ~~~~4436
4538 - salpistes {sal-pis-tace'}; from 4537; a trumpeter: --trumpeter. [ql ~~~~4436
3990 - pelekizo {pel-ek-id'-zo}; from a derivative of 4141 (meaning an axe); to chop off (the head), i.e. truncate: --behead. [ql ~~~~3888
5147 - tribos {tree'-bos}; from tribo (to "rub"; akin to teiro, truo, and the base of 5131, 5134); a rut or worn track: --path. [ql ~~~~5044
5168 - trumalia {troo-mal-ee-ah'}; from a derivative of truo (to wear away; akin to the base of 5134, 5147 and 5176); an orifice, i.e. needle's eye: --eye. Compare 5169. [ql ~~~~5066
5169 - trupema {troo'-pay-mah}; from a derivative of the base of 5168; an aperture, i.e. a needle's eye: --eye. [ql ~~~~5066
5170 - Truphaina {troo'-fahee-nah}; from 5172; luxurious; Tryphoena, a Christian woman: --Tryphena. [ql ~~~~5068
5171 - truphao {troo-fah'-o}; from 5172; to indulge in luxury: --live in pleasure. [ql ~~~~5068
5172 - truphe {troo-fay'}; from thrupto (to break up or [figuratively] enfeeble, especially the mind and body by indulgence); effeminacy, i.e. luxury or debauchery: --delicately, riot. [ql ~~~~5070
5173 - Truphosa {troo-fo'-sah}; from 5172; luxuriating; Tryphosa, a Christian female: --Tryphosa. [ql ~~~~5070
1679 - elpizo {el-pid'-zo}; from 1680; to expect or confide: --(have, thing) hope(-d) (for), trust. [ql ~~~~1678
3866 - paratheke {par-ath-ay'-kay}; from 3908; a deposit, i.e. (figuratively) trust: --committed unto. [ql ~~~~3764
3872 - parakatatheke {par-ak-at-ath-ay'-kay}; from a compound of 3844 and 2698; something put down alongside, i.e. a deposit (sacred trust): --that (thing) which is committed (un-)to (trust). [ql ~~~~3770
3872 - parakatatheke {par-ak-at-ath-ay'-kay}; from a compound of 3844 and 2698; something put down alongside, i.e. a deposit (sacred trust): --that (thing) which is committed (un-)to (trust). [ql ~~~~3770
3908 - paratithemi {par-at-ith'-ay-mee}; from 3844 and 5087; to place alongside, i.e. present (food, truth); by implication, to deposit (as a trust or for protection): --allege, commend, commit (the keeping of), put forth, set before. [ql ~~~~3806
3982 - peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty): --agree, assure, believe, have confidence, be (wax) conflent, make friend, obey, persuade, trust, yield. [ql ~~~~3880
4006 - pepoithesis {pep-oy'-thay-sis}; from the perfect of the alternate of 3958; reliance: --confidence, trust. [ql ~~~~3904
4100 - pisteuo {pist-yoo'-o}; from 4102; to have faith (in, upon, or with respect to, a person or thing), i.e. credit; by implication, to entrust (especially one's spiritual well-being to Christ): --believe(-r), commit (to trust), put in trust with. [ql ~~~~3998
4100 - pisteuo {pist-yoo'-o}; from 4102; to have faith (in, upon, or with respect to, a person or thing), i.e. credit; by implication, to entrust (especially one's spiritual well-being to Christ): --believe(-r), commit (to trust), put in trust with. [ql ~~~~3998
4276 - proelpizo {pro-el-pid'-zo}; from 4253 and 1679; to hope in advance of other confirmation: --first trust. [ql ~~~~4174
4103 - pistos {pis-tos'}; from 3982; objectively, trustworthy; subjectively, trustful: --believe(-ing, -r), faithful(-ly), sure, true. [ql ~~~~4000
1382 - dokime {dok-ee-may'}; from the same as 1384; test (abstractly or concretely); by implication, trustiness: --experience(-riment), proof, trial. [ql ~~~~1382
1383 - dokimion {dok-im'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 1382; a testing; by implication, trustworthiness: --trial, trying. [ql ~~~~1382
0281 - amen {am-ane'}; of Hebrew origin [0543]; properly, firm, i.e. (figuratively) trustworthy; adverbially, surely (often as interj. so be it): --amen, verily. [ql ~~~~280
4101 - pistikos {pis-tik-os'}; from 4102; trustworthy, i.e. genuine (unadulterated): --spike- [nard]. [ql ~~~~3998
4103 - pistos {pis-tos'}; from 3982; objectively, trustworthy; subjectively, trustful: --believe(-ing, -r), faithful(-ly), sure, true. [ql ~~~~4000
0225 - aletheia {al-ay'-thi-a}; from 0227; truth: --true, X truly, truth, verity. [ql ~~~~224
0225 - aletheia {al-ay'-thi-a}; from 0227; truth: --true, X truly, truth, verity. [ql ~~~~224
0226 - aletheuo {al-ayth-yoo'-o}; from 0227; to be true (in doctrine and profession): --speak (tell) the truth. [ql ~~~~226
0227 - alethes {al-ay-thace'}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 2990; true (as not concealing): --true, truly, truth. [ql ~~~~226
0230 - alethos {al-ay-thoce'}; adverb from 0227; truly: --indeed, surely, of a surety, truly, of a (in) truth, verily, very. [ql ~~~~230
0386 - anastasis {an-as'-tas-is}; from 0450; a standing up again, i.e. (literally) a resurrection from death (individual, genitive case or by implication [its author]), or (figuratively) a (moral) recovery (of spiritual truth): --raised to life again, resurrection, rise from the dead, that should rise, rising again. [ql ~~~~386
0635 - apoplanao {ap-op-lan-ah'-o}; from 0575 and 4105; to lead astray (figuratively); passively, to stray (from truth): --err, seduce. [ql ~~~~634
0646 - apostasia {ap-os-tas-ee'-ah}; feminine of the same as 0647; defection from truth (properly, the state) ["apostasy"]: --falling away, forsake. [ql ~~~~646
0795 - astocheo {as-tokh-eh'-o}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and stoichos (an aim); to miss the mark, i.e. (figuratively) deviate from truth: --err, swerve. [ql ~~~~794
2783 - kerux {kay'-roox}; from 2784; a herald, i.e. of divine truth (especially of the gospel): --preacher. [ql ~~~~2782
2784 - kerusso {kay-roos'-so}; of uncertain affinity; to herald (as a public crier), especially divine truth (the gospel): --preacher(-er), proclaim, publish. [ql ~~~~2782
3483 - nai {nahee}; a primary particle of strong affirmation; yes: --even so, surely, truth, verily, yea, yes. [ql ~~~~3382
3689 - ontos {on'-toce}; adverb of the oblique cases of 5607; really: --certainly, clean, indeed, of a truth, verily. [ql ~~~~3588
3908 - paratithemi {par-at-ith'-ay-mee}; from 3844 and 5087; to place alongside, i.e. present (food, truth); by implication, to deposit (as a trust or for protection): --allege, commend, commit (the keeping of), put forth, set before. [ql ~~~~3806
4102 - pistis {pis'-tis}; from 3982; persuasion, i.e. credence; moral conviction (of religious truth, or the truthfulness of God or a religious teacher), especially reliance upon Christ for salvation; abstractly, constancy in such profession; by extension, the system of religious (Gospel) truth itself: --assurance, belief, believe, faith, fidelity. [ql ~~~~4000
4102 - pistis {pis'-tis}; from 3982; persuasion, i.e. credence; moral conviction (of religious truth, or the truthfulness of God or a religious teacher), especially reliance upon Christ for salvation; abstractly, constancy in such profession; by extension, the system of religious (Gospel) truth itself: --assurance, belief, believe, faith, fidelity. [ql ~~~~4000
4105 - planao {plan-ah'-o}; from 4106; to (properly, cause to) roam (from safety, truth, or virtue): --go astray, deceive, err, seduce, wander, be out of the way. [ql ~~~~4002
0228 - alethinos {al-ay-thee-nos'}; from 0227; truthful: --true. [ql ~~~~228
1380 - dokeo {dok-eh'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary verb, doko {dok'-o} (used only in an alternate in certain tenses; compare the base of 1166) of the same meaning; to think; by implication, to seem (truthfully or uncertainly): --be accounted, (of own) please(-ure), be of reputation, seem (good), suppose, think, trow. [ql ~~~~1380
4102 - pistis {pis'-tis}; from 3982; persuasion, i.e. credence; moral conviction (of religious truth, or the truthfulness of God or a religious teacher), especially reliance upon Christ for salvation; abstractly, constancy in such profession; by extension, the system of religious (Gospel) truth itself: --assurance, belief, believe, faith, fidelity. [ql ~~~~4000
5167 - trugon {troo-gone'}; from truzo (to murmur; akin to 5149, but denoting a duller sound); a turtle-dove (as cooing): --turtle-dove. [ql ~~~~5064
1248 - diakonia {dee-ak-on-ee'-ah}; from 1249; attendance (as a servant, etc.); figuratively (eleemosynary) aid, (official) service (especially of the Christian teacher, or techn. of the diaconate): --(ad-)minister(-ing, -tration, -try), office, relief, service(-ing). [ql ~~~~1248
1381 - dokimazo {dok-im-ad'-zo}; from 1384; to test (literally or figuratively); by implication, to approve: --allow, discern, examine, X like, (ap-)prove, try. [ql ~~~~1380
2919 - krino {kree'-no}; properly, to distinguish, i.e. decide (mentally or judicially); by implication, to try, condemn, punish: --avenge, conclude, condemn, damn, decree, determine, esteem, judge, go to (sue at the) law, ordain, call in question, sentence to, think. [ql ~~~~2918
3009 - leitourgia {li-toorg-ee'-ah}; from 3008; public function (as priest ["liturgy"] or almsgiver): --ministration(-try), service. [ql ~~~~3008
3985 - peirazo {pi-rad'-zo}; from 3984; to test (objectively), i.e. endeavor, scrutinize, entice, discipline: --assay, examine, go about, prove, tempt(-er), try. [ql ~~~~3882
3986 - peirasmos {pi-ras-mos'}; from 3985; a putting to proof (by experiment [of good], experience [of evil], solicitation, discipline or provocation); by implication, adversity: --temptation, X try. [ql ~~~~3884
4448 - puroo {poo-ro'-o}; from 4442; to kindle, i.e. (passively) to be ignited, glow (literally), be refined (by implication), or (figuratively) to be inflamed (with anger, grief, lust): --burn, fiery, be on fire, try. [ql ~~~~4346
1383 - dokimion {dok-im'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 1382; a testing; by implication, trustworthiness: --trial, trying. [ql ~~~~1382
5170 - Truphaina {troo'-fahee-nah}; from 5172; luxurious; Tryphoena, a Christian woman: --Tryphena. [ql ~~~~5068
5170 - Truphaina {troo'-fahee-nah}; from 5172; luxurious; Tryphoena, a Christian woman: --Tryphena. [ql ~~~~5068
5173 - Truphosa {troo-fo'-sah}; from 5172; luxuriating; Tryphosa, a Christian female: --Tryphosa. [ql ~~~~5070
5173 - Truphosa {troo-fo'-sah}; from 5172; luxuriating; Tryphosa, a Christian female: --Tryphosa. [ql ~~~~5070
0923 - Barsabas {bar-sab-as'}; of Aramaic origin [1247 and probably 6634]; son of Sabas (or Tsaba); Bar-sabas, the name of two Israelites: --Barsabas. [ql ~~~~922
4524 - Sadok {sad-oke'}; of Hebrew origin [6659]; Sadoc (i.e. Tsadok), an Israelite: --Sadoc. [ql ~~~~4422
4523 - Saddoukaios {sad-doo-kah'-yos}; probably from 4524; a Sadducaean (i.e. Tsadokian), or follower of a certain heretical Israelite: --Sadducee. [ql ~~~~4420
4558 - Sarepta {sar'-ep-tah}; of Hebrew origin [6886]; Sarepta (i.e. Tsarephath), a place in Palestine: --Sarepta. [ql ~~~~4456
4519 - sabaoth {sab-ah-owth'}; of Hebrew origin [6635 in feminine plural]; armies; sabaoth (i.e. tsebaoth), a military epithet of God: --sabaoth. [ql ~~~~4416
4605 - Sidon {sid-one'}; of Hebrew origin [6721]; Sidon (i.e. Tsidon), a place in Palestine: --Sidon. [ql ~~~~4502
4622 - Sion {see-own'}; of Hebrew origin [6726]; Sion (i.e. Tsijon), a hill of Jerusalem; figuratively, the Church (militant or triumphant): --Sion. [ql ~~~~4520
5184 - Turos {too'-ros}; of Hebrew origin [6865]: Tyrus (i.e. Tsor), a place in Palestine: --Tyre. [ql ~~~~5082
4947 - Suria {soo-ree'-ah}; probably of Hebrew origin [6865]; Syria (i.e. Tsyria or Tyre), a region of Asia: --Syria. [ql ~~~~4844
5190 - Tuchikos {too-khee-kos'}; from a derivative of 5177; fortuitous, i.e. fortunate; Tychicus, a Christian: --Tychicus. [ql ~~~~5088
5177 - tugchano {toong-khan'-o}; probably for an obsolete tucho (for which the middle voice of another alternate teucho [to make ready or bring to pass] is used in certain tenses; akin to the base of 5088 through the idea of effecting; properly, to affect; or (specifically) to hit or light upon (as a mark to be reached), i.e. (transitively) to attain or secure an object or end, or (intransitively) to happen (as if meeting with); but in the latter application only impersonal (with 1487), i.e. perchance; or (present participle) as adjective, usual (as if commonly met with, with 3756, extraordinary), neuter (as adverb) perhaps; or (with another verb) as adverb, by accident (as it were): --be, chance, enjoy, little, obtain, X refresh...self, + special. Compare 5180. [ql ~~~~5074