3174 - megethos {meg'-eth-os}; from 3173; magnitude (figuratively): --greatness. [ql ~~~~3172
3175 - megistanes {meg-is-tan'-es}; plural from 3176; grandees: --great men, lords. [ql ~~~~3174
3173 - megas {meg'-as}; [including the prolonged forms, feminine megale, plural megaloi, etc.; compare also 3176, 3187]; big (literally or figuratively, in a very wide application): --(+ fear) exceedingly, great(-est), high, large, loud, mighty, + (be) sore (afraid), strong, X to years. [ql ~~~~3172
3175 - megistanes {meg-is-tan'-es}; plural from 3176; grandees: --great men, lords. [ql ~~~~3174
3176 - megistos {meg'-is-tos}; superlative of 3173; greatest or very great: --exceeding great. [ql ~~~~3174
3177 - methermeneuo {meth-er-mane-yoo'-o}; from 3326 and 2059; to explain over, i.e. translate: --(by) interpret(-ation). [ql ~~~~3176
3178 - methe {meth'-ay}; apparently a primary word; an intoxicant, i.e. (by implication) intoxication: --drunkenness. [ql ~~~~3176
3184 - methuo {meth-oo'-o}; from another form of 3178; to drink to intoxication, i.e. get drunk: --drink well, make (be) drunk(-en). [ql ~~~~3182
3179 - methistemi {meth-is'-tay-mee}; or (1 Cor. 13:2) methistano {meth-is-tan'-o}; from 3326 and 2476; to transfer, i.e. carry away, depose or (figuratively) exchange, seduce: --put out, remove, translate, turn away. [ql ~~~~3178
1876 - epanagkes {ep-an'-ang-kes}; neuter of a presumed compound of 1909 and 318; (adverbially) on necessity, i.e. necessarily: --necessary. [ql ~~~~1876
3180 - methodeia {meth-od-i'-ah}; from a compound of 3326 and 3593 [compare "method"]; travelling over, i.e. travesty (trickery): --wile, lie in wait. [ql ~~~~3178
3181 - methorios {meth-or'-ee-os}; from 3326 and 3725; bounded alongside, i.e. contiguous (neuter plural as noun, frontier): --border. [ql ~~~~3180
3182 - methusko {meth-oos'-ko}; a prolonged (transitive) form of 3184; to intoxicate: --be drunk(-en). [ql ~~~~3180
3183 - methusos {meth'-oo-sos}; from 3184; tipsy, i.e. (as noun) a sot: --drunkard. [ql ~~~~3182
0271 - amethustos {am-eth'-oos-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3184; the "amethyst" (supposed to prevent intoxication): --amethyst. [ql ~~~~270
3182 - methusko {meth-oos'-ko}; a prolonged (transitive) form of 3184; to intoxicate: --be drunk(-en). [ql ~~~~3180
3183 - methusos {meth'-oo-sos}; from 3184; tipsy, i.e. (as noun) a sot: --drunkard. [ql ~~~~3182
3184 - methuo {meth-oo'-o}; from another form of 3178; to drink to intoxication, i.e. get drunk: --drink well, make (be) drunk(-en). [ql ~~~~3182
3185 - meizon {mide'-zon}; neuter of 3187; (adverbially) in greater degree: --the more. [ql ~~~~3184
3186 - meizoteros {mide-zot'-er-os}; continued comparative of 3187; still larger (figuratively): --greater. [ql ~~~~3184
3173 - megas {meg'-as}; [including the prolonged forms, feminine megale, plural megaloi, etc.; compare also 3176, 3187]; big (literally or figuratively, in a very wide application): --(+ fear) exceedingly, great(-est), high, large, loud, mighty, + (be) sore (afraid), strong, X to years. [ql ~~~~3172
3185 - meizon {mide'-zon}; neuter of 3187; (adverbially) in greater degree: --the more. [ql ~~~~3184
3186 - meizoteros {mide-zot'-er-os}; continued comparative of 3187; still larger (figuratively): --greater. [ql ~~~~3184
3187 - meizon {mide'-zone}; irregular comparative of 3173; larger (literally or figuratively, specifically in age): --elder, greater(-est), more. [ql ~~~~3186
3188 - melan {mel'-an}; neuter of 3189 as noun; ink: --ink. [ql ~~~~ 3186
3188 - melan {mel'-an}; neuter of 3189 as noun; ink: --ink. [ql ~~~~ 3186
3189 - melas {mel'-as}; apparently a primary word; black: --black. [ql ~~~~3188
3435 - moluno {mol-oo'-no}; probably from 3189; to soil (figuratively): --defile. [ql ~~~~3334
3190 - Meleas {mel-eh-as'}; of uncertain origin; Meleas, an Israelite: --Meleas. [ql ***. melei. See 3199. [ql ~~~~3188
3191 - meletao {mel-et-ah'-o}; from a presumed derivative of 3199; to take care of, i.e. (by implication) revolve in the mind: --imagine, (pre-)meditate. [ql ~~~~3190
4304 - promeletao {prom-el-et-ah'-o}; from 4253 and 3191; to premeditate: --meditate before. [ql ~~~~4202
3192 - meli {mel'-ee}; apparently a primary word; honey: --honey. [ql ~~~~3190
3193 - melissios {mel-is'-see-os}; from 3192; relating to honey, i.e. bee (comb): --honeycomb. [ql ~~~~3192
3193 - melissios {mel-is'-see-os}; from 3192; relating to honey, i.e. bee (comb): --honeycomb. [ql ~~~~3192
2448 - Iouda {ee-oo-dah'}; of Hebrew origin [3063 or perhaps 3194]; Judah (i.e. Jehudah or Juttah), a part of (or place in) Palestine: --Judah. [ql ~~~~2448
3194 - Melite {mel-ee'-tay}; of uncertain origin; Melita, an island in the Mediterranean: --Melita. [ql ~~~~3192
2484 - Itouraia {ee-too-rah'-yah}; of Hebrew origin [3195]; Ituraea (i.e. Jetur), a region of Palestine: --Ituraea. [ql ~~~~2484
3195 - mello {mel'-lo}; a strengthened form of 3199 (through the idea of expectation); to attend, i.e. be about to be, do, or suffer something (of persons or things, especially events; in the sense of purpose, duty, necessity, probability, possibility, or hesitation): --about, after that, be (almost), (that which is, things, + which was for) to come, intend, was to (be), mean, mind, be at the point, (be) ready, + return, shall (begin), (which, that) should (after, afterwards, hereafter) tarry, which was for, will, would, be yet. [ql ~~~~3194
3196 - melos {mel'-os}; of uncertain affinity; a limb or part of the body: --member. [ql ~~~~3194
3631 - oinos {oy'-nos}; a primary word (or perhaps of Hebrew origin [3196]); "wine" (literally or figuratively): --wine. [ql ~~~~3530
3197 - Melchi {mel-khee'}; of Hebrew or [4428 with pronominal suf., my king]; Melchi (i.e. Malki), the name of two Israelites: --Melchi. [ql ~~~~3196
3198 - Melchisedek {mel-khis-ed-ek'}; of Hebrew origin [4442]; Melchisedek (i.e. Malkitsedek), a patriarch: --Melchisedec. [ql ~~~~3196
0272 - ameleo {am-el-eh'-o}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3199; to be careless of: --make light of, neglect, be negligent, no regard. [ql ~~~~272
1959 - epimeleomai {ep-ee-mel-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 and the same as 3199; to care for (physically or otherwise): --take care of. [ql ~~~~1958
3190 - Meleas {mel-eh-as'}; of uncertain origin; Meleas, an Israelite: --Meleas. [ql ***. melei. See 3199. [ql ~~~~3188
3191 - meletao {mel-et-ah'-o}; from a presumed derivative of 3199; to take care of, i.e. (by implication) revolve in the mind: --imagine, (pre-)meditate. [ql ~~~~3190
3195 - mello {mel'-lo}; a strengthened form of 3199 (through the idea of expectation); to attend, i.e. be about to be, do, or suffer something (of persons or things, especially events; in the sense of purpose, duty, necessity, probability, possibility, or hesitation): --about, after that, be (almost), (that which is, things, + which was for) to come, intend, was to (be), mean, mind, be at the point, (be) ready, + return, shall (begin), (which, that) should (after, afterwards, hereafter) tarry, which was for, will, would, be yet. [ql ~~~~3194
3199 - melo {mel'-o}; a primary verb; to be of interest to, i.e. to concern (only third person singular present indicative used impersonally, it matters): --(take) care. [ql ~~~~3198
3338 - metamellomai {met-am-el'-lom-ahee}; from 3326 and the middle voice of 3199; to care afterwards, i.e. regret: --repent (self). [ql ~~~~3236
3200 - membrana {mem-bran'-ah}; of Latin origin ("membrane"); a (written) sheep-skin: --parchment. [ql ~~~~3198
0273 - amemptos {am'-emp-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3201; irreproachable: --blameless, faultless, unblamable. [ql ~~~~272
3201 - memphomai {mem'-fom-ahee}; middle voice of an apparently primary verb; to blame: --find fault. [ql ~~~~3200
3202 - mempsimoiros {mem-psim'-oy-ros}; from a presumed derivative of 3201 and moira (fate; akin to the base of 3313); blaming fate, i.e. querulous (discontented): --complainer. [ql ~~~~3200
3437 - momphe {mom-fay'}; from 3201; blame, i.e. (by implication) a fault: --quarrel. [ql ~~~~3336
3470 - momos {mo'-mos}; perhaps from 3201; a flaw or blot, i.e. (figuratively) disgraceful person: --blemish. [ql ~~~~3368
3202 - mempsimoiros {mem-psim'-oy-ros}; from a presumed derivative of 3201 and moira (fate; akin to the base of 3313); blaming fate, i.e. querulous (discontented): --complainer. [ql ~~~~3200
3304 - menounge {men-oon'-geh}; from 3203 and 3767 and 1065; so then at least: --nay but, yea doubtless (rather, verily). [ql ~~~~3202
3305 - mentoi {men'-toy}; from 3203 and 5104; indeed though, i.e. however: --also, but, howbeit, nevertheless, yet. [ql ~~~~3204
2423 - Iechonias {ee-ekh-on-ee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [3204]; Jechonias (i.e. Jekonjah), an Israelite: --Jechonias. [ql ~~~~2422
1695 - Emmaous {em-mah-ooce'}; probably of Hebrew origin [compare 3222]; Emmaus, a place in Palestine: --Emmaus. [ql ~~~~1694
2388 - Ianna {ee-an-nah'}; probably of Hebrew origin [compare 3238]; Janna, an Israelite: --Janna. [ql ~~~~2388
2384 - Iakob {ee-ak-obe'}; of Hebrew origin [3290]; Jacob (i.e. Ja`akob), the progenitor of the Israelites: --also an Israelite: --Jacob. [ql ~~~~2384
2229 - e {ay}; an adverb of confirmation; perhaps intensive of 2228; used only (in the N.T.) before 3303; assuredly: --surely. [ql ***. he. See 3588. [ql ***. he. See 3739. [ql ***. ei. See 5600. [ql ~~~~2228
3303 - men {men}; a primary particle; properly, indicative of affirmation or concession (in fact); usually followed by a contrasted clause with 1161 (this one, the former, etc): --even, indeed, so, some, truly, verily. Often compounded with other particles in an intensive or asseverative sense. [ql ~~~~3202
3375 - men {mane}; a stronger form of 3303; a particle of affirmation (only with 2229); assuredly: --+ surely. [ql ~~~~3274
3304 - menounge {men-oon'-geh}; from 3203 and 3767 and 1065; so then at least: --nay but, yea doubtless (rather, verily). [ql ~~~~3202
2445 - Ioppe {ee-op'-pay}; of Hebrew origin [3305]; Joppe (i.e. Japho), a place in Palestine: --Joppa. [ql ~~~~2444
3305 - mentoi {men'-toy}; from 3203 and 5104; indeed though, i.e. however: --also, but, howbeit, nevertheless, yet. [ql ~~~~3204
5104 - toi {toy}; probably for the dative case of 3588; an enclitic particle of asseveration by way of contrast; in sooth: -- [used only with other particles in comp., as 2544, 3305, 5105, 5106, etc.] [ql ~~~~5002
0362 - anemeno {an-am-en'-o}; from 0303 and 3306; to await: --wait foreign [ql ~~~~362
1265 - diameno {dee-am-en'-o}; from 1223 and 3306; to stay constantly (in being or relation): --continue, remain. [ql ~~~~1264
1696 - emmeno {em-men'-o}; from 1722 and 3306; to stay in the same place, i.e. (figuratively) persevere: --continue. [ql ~~~~1696
1961 - epimeno {ep-ee-men'-o}; from 1909 and 3306; to stay over, i.e. remain (figuratively, persevere): --abide (in), continue (in), tarry. [ql ~~~~1960
2650 - katameno {kat-am-en'-o}; from 2596 and 3306; to stay fully, i.e. reside: --abide. [ql ~~~~2650
3306 - meno {men'-o}; a primary verb; to stay (in a given place, state, relation or expectancy): --abide, continue, dwell, endure, be present, remain, stand, tarry (for), X thine own. [ql ~~~~3204
3415 - mnaomai {mnah'-om-ahee}; middle voice of a derivative of 3306 or perhaps of the base of 3145 (through the idea of fixture in the mind or of mental grasp); to bear in mind, i.e. recollect; by implication to reward or punish: --be mindful, remember, come (have) in remembrance. Compare 3403. [ql ~~~~3314
3438 - mone {mon-ay'}; from 3306; a staying, i.e. residence (the act or the place): --abode, mansion. [ql ~~~~3336
3441 - monos {mon'-os}; probably from 3306; remaining, i.e. sole or single; by implication mere: --alone, only, by themselves. [ql ~~~~3340
3887 - parameno {par-am-en'-o}; from 3844 and 3306; to stay near, i.e. remain (literally, tarry; or 3844 and 3306; to stay near, i.e. remain (literally, tarry; or figuratively, be permanent, persevere): --abide, continue. [ql ~~~~3784
3887 - parameno {par-am-en'-o}; from 3844 and 3306; to stay near, i.e. remain (literally, tarry; or 3844 and 3306; to stay near, i.e. remain (literally, tarry; or figuratively, be permanent, persevere): --abide, continue. [ql ~~~~3784
3937 - Parmenas {par-men-as'}; probably by contraction for Parmenides (a derivative of a compound of 3844 and 3306); constant; Parmenas, a Christian: --Parmenas. [ql ~~~~3834
4037 - perimeno {per-ee-men'-o}; from 4012 and 3306; to stay around, i.e. await: --wait for. [ql ~~~~3934
4357 - prosmeno {pros-men'-o}; from 4314 and 3306; to stay further, i.e. remain in a place, with a person; figuratively, to adhere to, persevere in: --abide still, be with, cleave unto, continue in (with). [ql ~~~~4254
5278 - hupomeno {hoop-om-en'-o}; from 5259 and 3306; to stay under (behind), i.e. remain; figuratively, to undergo, i.e. bear (trials), have fortitude, persevere: --abide, endure, (take) patient(-ly), suffer, tarry behind. [ql ~~~~5176