0030 - aggeion {ang-eye'-on}; from aggos (a pail, perhaps as bent; compare the base of 0043); a receptacle: --vessel. [ql ~~~~30
0502 - antlema {ant'-lay-mah}; from 0501; a baling vessel: --thing to draw with. [ql ~~~~502
0736 - artemon {ar-tem'-ohn}; from a derivative of 0737; properly, something ready [or else more remotely from 0142 (compare 0740); something hung up], i.e. (specially) the topsail (rather foresail or jib) of a vessel: --mainsail. [ql ~~~~736
0996 - boetheia {bo-ay'-thi-ah}; from 0998; aid; specially, a rope or chain for frapping a vessel: --help. [ql ~~~~996
1684 - embaino {em-ba'-hee-no}; from 1722 and the base of 0939; to walk on, i.e. embark (aboard a vessel), reach (a pool): --come (get) into, enter (into), go (up) into, step in, take ship. [ql ~~~~1684
1688 - embibazo {em-bib-ad'-zo}; from 1722 and bibazo (to mount; causative of 1684); to place on, i.e. transfer (aboard a vessel): --put in. [ql ~~~~1688
2027 - epokello {ep-ok-el'-lo}; from 1909 and okello (to urge); to drive upon the shore, i.e. to beach a vessel: --run aground. [ql ~~~~2026
2609 - katago {kat-ag'-o}; from 2596 and 0071; to lead down; specially, to moor a vessel: --bring (down, forth), (bring to) land, touch. [ql ~~~~2608
2765 - keramion {ker-am'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 2766; an earthenware vessel, i.e. jar: --pitcher. [ql ~~~~2764
3582 - xestes {xes'-tace}; as if from xeo (properly, to smooth; by implication [of friction] to boil or heat); a vessel (as fashioned or for cooking) [or perhaps by corruption from the Latin sextarius, the sixth of a modius, i.e. about a pint], i.e. (specifically) a measure for liquids or solids, (by analogy, a pitcher): --pot. [ql ~~~~3480
4126 - pleo {pleh'-o}; another form for pleuo {plyoo'-o}; which is used as an alternate in certain tenses; probably a form of 4150 (through the idea of plunging through the water); to pass in a vessel: --sail. See also 4130. [ql ~~~~4024
4143 - ploion {ploy'-on}; from 4126; a sailer, i.e. vessel: --ship(-ing). [ql ~~~~4040
4221 - poterion {pot-ay'-ree-on}; neuter of a derivative of the alternate of 4095; a drinking-vessel; by extension, the contents thereof, i.e. a cupful (draught); figuratively, a lot or fate: --cup. [ql ~~~~4118
4408 - prora {pro'-ra}; feminine of a presumed derivative of 4253 as noun; the prow, i.e. forward part of a vessel: --forepart(-ship). [ql ~~~~4306
4627 - skaphe {skaf'-ay}; a "skiff" (as if dug out), or yawl (carried aboard a large vessel for landing): --boat. [ql ~~~~4524
4632 - skeuos {skyoo'-os}; of uncertain affinity; a vessel, implement, equipment or apparatus (literally or figuratively [specifically, a wife as contributing to the usefulness of the husband]): --goods, sail, stuff, vessel. [ql ~~~~4530
4632 - skeuos {skyoo'-os}; of uncertain affinity; a vessel, implement, equipment or apparatus (literally or figuratively [specifically, a wife as contributing to the usefulness of the husband]): --goods, sail, stuff, vessel. [ql ~~~~4530
5269 - hupozonnumi {hoop-od-zone'-noo-mee}; from 5259 and 2224; to gird under, i.e. frap (a vessel with cables across the keel, sides and deck): --undergirt. [ql ~~~~5166
5276 - hupolenion {hoop-ol-ay'-nee-on}; neuter of a presumed compound of 5259 and 3025; vessel or receptacle under the press, i.e. lower winevat: --winefat. [ql ~~~~5174
5412 - phortizo {for-tid'-zo}; from 5414; to load up (properly, as a vessel or animal), i.e. (figuratively) to overburden with ceremony (or spiritual anxiety): --lade, by heavy laden. [ql ~~~~5310
5473 - chalkion {khal-kee'-on}; diminutive from 5475; a copper dish: --brazen vessel. [ql ~~~~5370
5475 - chalkos {khal-kos'}; perhaps from 5465 through the idea of hollowing out as a vessel (this metal being chiefly used for that purpose); copper (the substance, or some implement or coin made of it): --brass, money. [ql ~~~~5372
4259 - proaulion {pro-ow'-lee-on}; neuter of a presumed compound of 4253 and 0833; a forecourt, i.e. vestibule (alley-way): --porch. [ql ~~~~4156
4440 - pulon {poo-lone'}; from 4439; a gate-way, door-way of a building or city; by implication, a portal or vestibule: --gate, porch. [ql ~~~~4338
2440 - himation {him-at'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of ennumi (to put on); a dress (inner or outer): --apparel, cloke, clothes, garment, raiment, robe, vesture. [ql ~~~~2440
2441 - himatismos {him-at-is-mos'}; from 2439; clothing: --apparel (X -led), array, raiment, vesture. [ql ~~~~2440
4018 - peribolaion {per-ib-ol'-ah-yon}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 4016; something thrown around one, i.e. a mantle, veil: --covering, vesture. [ql ~~~~3916
2862 - kolonia {kol-o-nee'-ah}; of Latin origin; a Roman "colony" for veterans: --colony. [ql ~~~~2860
0928 - basanizo {bas-an-id'-zo}; from 0931; to torture: --pain, toil, torment, toss, vex. [ql ~~~~928
2559 - kakoo {kak-o'-o}; from 2556; to injure; figuratively, to exasperate: --make evil affected, entreat evil, harm, hurt, vex. [ql ~~~~2558
2669 - kataponeo {kat-ap-on-eh'-o}; from 2596 and a derivative of 4192; to labor down, i.e. wear with toil (figuratively, harrass): --oppress, vex. [ql ~~~~2668
3791 - ochleo {okh-leh'-o}; from 3793; to mob, i.e. (by implication) to harass: --vex. [ql ~~~~3688
3958 - pascho {pas'-kho}; including the forms (patho {path'-o} and pentho {pen'-tho}), used only in certain tenses for it; apparently a primary verb; to experience a sensation or impression (usually painful): --feel, passion, suffer, vex. [ql ~~~~3856
1139 - daimonizomai {dahee-mon-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 1142; to be exercised by a daemon: --have a (be vexed with, be possessed with) devil(-s). [ql ~~~~1138
4360 - prosochthizo {pros-okh-thid'-zo}; from 4314 and a form of ochtheo (to be vexed with something irksome); to feel indignant at: --be grieved at. [ql ~~~~4258
5357 - phiale {fee-al'-ay}; of uncertain affinity; a broad shallow cup ("phial"): --vial. [ql ~~~~5254
3823 - pale {pal'-ay}; from pallo (to vibrate; another form for 0906); wrestling: --+ wrestle. [ql ~~~~3720
4579 - seio {si'-o}; apparently a primary verb; to rock (vibrate, properly, sideways or to and fro), i.e. (generally) to agitate (in any direction; cause to tremble); figuratively, to throw into a tremor (of fear or concern): --move, quake, shake. [ql ~~~~4476
4535 - salos {sal'-os}; probably from the base of 4525; a vibration, i.e. (specifically) billow: --wave. [ql ~~~~4432
3581 - xenos {xen'-os}; apparently a primary word; foreign (literally, alien, or figuratively, novel); by implication a guest or (vice-versa) entertainer: --host, strange(-r). [ql ~~~~3480
0766 - aselgeia {as-elg'-i-a}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed selges (of uncertain derivation, but apparently meaning continent); licentiousness (sometimes including other vices): --filthy, lasciviousness, wantonness. [ql ~~~~766
3844 - para {par-ah'}; a primary preposition; properly, near; i.e. (with genitive case) from beside (literally or figuratively), (with dative case) at (or in) the vicinity of (objectively or subjectively), (with accusative case) to the proximity with (local [especially beyond or opposed to] or causal [on account of]: --above, against, among, at, before, by, contrary to, X friend, from, + give [such things as they], + that [she] had, X his, in, more than, nigh unto, (out) of, past, save,, in the sight of, than, [there-]fore, with. In compounds it retains the same variety of application. [ql ~~~~3742
4066 - perichoros {per-ikh'-o-ros}; from 4012 and 5561; around the region, i.e. circumjacent (as noun, with 1093 implied vicinity): --country (round) about, region (that lieth) round about. [ql ~~~~3964
4190 - poneros {pon-ay-ros'}; from a derivative of 4192; hurtful, i.e. evil (properly, in effect or influence, and thus differing from 2556, which refers rather to essential character, as well as from 4550, which indicates degeneracy from original virtue); figuratively, calamitous; also (passively) ill, i.e. diseased; but especially (morally) culpable, i.e. derelict, vicious, facinorous; neuter (singular) mischief, malice, or (plural) guilt; masculine (singular) the devil, or (plural) sinners: --bad, evil, grievous, harm, lewd, malicious, wicked(-ness). See also 4191. [ql ~~~~4088
2378 - thusia {thoo-see'-ah}; from 2380; sacrifice (the act or the victim, literally or figuratively): --sacrifice. [ql ~~~~2378
2435 - hilasterion {hil-as-tay'-ree-on}; neuter of a derivative of 2433; an expiatory (place or thing), i.e. (concretely) an atoning victim, or (specially) the lid of the Ark (in the Temple): --mercyseat, propitiation. [ql ~~~~2434
4968 - sphagion {sfag'-ee-on}; neuter of a derivative of 4967; a victim (in sacrifice): --slain beast. [ql ~~~~4866
5136 - trachelizo {trakh-ay-lid'-zo}; from 5137; to seize by the throat or neck, i.e. to expose the gullet of a victim for killing (generally, to lay bare): --opened. [ql ~~~~5034
0959 - Bernike {ber-nee'-kay}; from a provincial form of 5342 and 3529; victorious; Bernice, a member of the Herodian family: --Bernice. [ql ~~~~958
2131 - Eunike {yoo-nee'-kay}; from 2095 and 3529; victorious; Eunice, a Jewess: --Eunice. [ql ~~~~2130
3527 - Nikanor {nik-an'-ore}; probably from 3528; victorious; Nicanor, a Christian: --Nicanor. [ql ~~~~3426
3530 - Nikodemos {nik-od'-ay-mos}; from 3534 and 1218; victorious among his people; Nicodemus, an Israelite: --Nicodemus. [ql ~~~~3428
3532 - Nikolaos {nik-ol'-ah-os}; from 3534 and 2994; victorious over the people; Nicolaus, a heretic: --Nicolaus. [ql ~~~~3430
3533 - Nikopolis {nik-op'-ol-is}; from 3534 and 4172; victorious city; Nicopolis, a place in Macedonia: --Nicopolis. [ql ~~~~3432
0408 - Andronikos {an-dron'-ee-kos}; from 0435 and 3534; man of victory; Andronicos, an Israelite: --Adronicus. [ql ~~~~408
2358 - thriambeuo {three-am-byoo'-o}; from a prolonged compound of the base of 2360; and a derivative of 680 (meaning a noisy iambus, sung in honor of Bacchus); to make an acclamatory procession, i.e. (figuratively) to conquer or (by Hebraism) to give victory: --(cause) to triumph (over). [ql ~~~~2358
3528 - nikao {nik-ah'-o}; from 3529; to subdue (literally or figuratively): --conquer, overcome, prevail, get the victory. [ql ~~~~3426
3529 - nike {nee'-kay}; apparently a primary word; conquest (abstractly), i.e. (figuratively) the means of success: --victory. [ql ~~~~3428
3534 - nikos {nee'-kos}; from 3529; a conquest (concretely), i.e. (by implication) triumph: --victory. [ql ~~~~3432
5245 - hupernikao {hoop-er-nik-ah'-o}; from 5228 and 3528; to vanquish beyond, i.e. gain a decisive victory: --more than conquer. [ql ~~~~5142
1033 - broma {bro'-mah}; from the base of 0977; food (literally or figuratively), especially (ceremonially) articles allowed or forbidden by the Jewish law: --meat, victuals. [ql ~~~~1032
1979 - episitismos {ep-ee-sit-is-mos'}; from a compound of 1909 and a derivative of 4621; a provisioning, i.e. (concretely) food: --victuals. [ql ~~~~1978
1491 - eidos {i'-dos}; from 1492; a view, i.e. form (literally or figuratively): --appearance, fashion, shape, sight. [ql ~~~~1490
1726 - enantion {en-an-tee'-on}; neuter of 1727; (adverbially) in the presence (view) of: --before, in the presence of. [ql ~~~~1726
3992 - pempo {pem'-po}; apparently a primary verb; to dispatch (from the subjective view or point of departure, whereas hiemi [as a stronger form of eimi] refers rather to the objective point or terminus ad quem, and 4724 denotes properly, the orderly motion involved), especially on a temporary errand; also to transmit, bestow, or wield: --send, thrust in. [ql ~~~~3890
4295 - prokeimai {prok'-i-mahee}; from 4253 and 2749; to lie before the view, i.e. (figuratively) to be present (to the mind), to stand forth (as an example or reward): --be first, set before (forth). [ql ~~~~4192
4308 - proorao {pro-or-ah'-o}; from 4253 and 3708; to behold in advance, i.e. (actively) to notice (another) previously, or (middle voice) to keep in (one's own) view: --foresee, see before. [ql ~~~~4206
4383 - prosopon {pros'-o-pon}; from 4314 and ops (the visage, from 3700); the front (as being towards view), i.e. the countenance, aspect, appearance, surface; by implication, presence, person: --(outward) appearance, X before, contenance, face, fashion, (men's) person, presence. [ql ~~~~4280
1127 - gregoreuo {gray-gor-yoo'-o}; from 1453; to keep awake, i.e. watch (literally or figuratively): --be vigilant, wake, (be) watch(-ful). [ql ~~~~1126
2901 - krataioo {krat-ah-yo'-o}; from 2900; to empower, i.e. (passively) increase in vigor: --be strengthened, be (wax) strong. [ql ~~~~2900
2904 - kratos {krat'-os}; perhaps a primary word; vigor ["great"] (literally or figuratively): --dominion, might [-ily], power, strength. [ql ~~~~2902
4599 - sthenoo {sthen-o'-o}; from sthenos (bodily vigor; probably akin to the base of 2476); to strengthen, i.e. (figuratively) confirm (in spiritual knowledge and power): --strengthen. [ql ~~~~4496