0283 - amiantos {am-ee'-an-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3392; unsoiled, i.e. (figuratively) pure: --undefiled. [ql ~~~~282
3392 - miaino {me-ah'-ee-no}; perhaps a primary verb; to sully or taint, i.e. contaminate (cer. or morally): --defile. [ql ~~~~3290
3393 - miasma {mee'-as-mah}; from 3392 ("miasma"); (morally) foulness (properly, the effect): --pollution. [ql ~~~~3292
3394 - miasmos {mee-as-mos'}; from 3392; (morally) contamination (properly,the act): --uncleanness. [ql ~~~~3292
3393 - miasma {mee'-as-mah}; from 3392 ("miasma"); (morally) foulness (properly, the effect): --pollution. [ql ~~~~3292
3394 - miasmos {mee-as-mos'}; from 3392; (morally) contamination (properly,the act): --uncleanness. [ql ~~~~3292
3395 - migma {mig'-mah}; from 3396; a compound: --mixture. [ql ~~~~ 3294
2767 - kerannumi {ker-an'-noo-mee}; a prolonged form of a more primary kerao {ker-ah'-o} (which is used in certain tenses); to mingle, i.e. (by implication) to pour out (for drinking): --fill, pour out. Compare 3396. [ql ~~~~2766
3395 - migma {mig'-mah}; from 3396; a compound: --mixture. [ql ~~~~ 3294
3396 - mignumi {mig'-noo-mee}; a primary verb; to mix: --mingle. [ql ~~~~3294
4874 - sunanamignumi {soon-an-am-ig'-noo-mee}; from 4862 and a compound of 0303 and 3396; to mix up together, i.e. (figurative) associate with: --(have, keep) company (with). [ql ~~~~4772
3397 - mikron {mik-ron'}; masculine or neuter singular of 3398 (as noun); a small space of time or degree: --a (little) (while). [ql ~~~~3296
1646 - elachistos {el-akh'-is-tos}; superlative of elachus (short); used as equivalent to 3398; least (in size, amount, dignity, etc.): --least, very little (small), smallest. [ql ~~~~1646
3397 - mikron {mik-ron'}; masculine or neuter singular of 3398 (as noun); a small space of time or degree: --a (little) (while). [ql ~~~~3296
3398 - mikros {mik-ros'}; including the comparative mikroteros {mik-rot'-er-os}; apparently a primary word; small (in size, quantity, number or (figuratively) dignity): --least, less, little, small. [ql ~~~~3296
3399 - Miletos {mil'-ay-tos}; of uncertain origin; Miletus, a city of Asia Minor: --Miletus. [ql ~~~~3298
3400 - milion {mil'-ee-on}; of Latin origin; a thousand paces, i.e. a "mile": --mile. [ql ~~~~3298
3401 - mimeomai {mim-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from mimos (a "mimic"); to imitate: --follow. [ql ~~~~3300
3402 - mimetes {mim-ay-tace'}; from 3401; an imitator: --follower. [ql ~~~~3300
4831 - summimetes {soom-mim-ay-tace'}; from a presumed compound of 4862 and 3401; a co-imitator, i.e. fellow votary: --follower together. [ql ~~~~4728
3402 - mimetes {mim-ay-tace'}; from 3401; an imitator: --follower. [ql ~~~~3300
0363 - anamimnesko {an-am-im-nace'-ko}; from 0303 and 3403; to remind; (reflexively) to recollect: --call to mind, (bring to , call to, put in), remember(-brance). [ql ~~~~362
3403 - mimnesko {mim-nace'-ko}; a prolonged form of 3415 (from which some of the tenses are borrowed); to remind, i.e. (middle voice) to recall to mind: --be mindful, remember. [ql ~~~~3302
3415 - mnaomai {mnah'-om-ahee}; middle voice of a derivative of 3306 or perhaps of the base of 3145 (through the idea of fixture in the mind or of mental grasp); to bear in mind, i.e. recollect; by implication to reward or punish: --be mindful, remember, come (have) in remembrance. Compare 3403. [ql ~~~~3314
3417 - mneia {mni'-ah}; from 3415 or 3403; recollection; by implication recital: --mention, remembrance. [ql ~~~~3316
3420 - mneme {mnay'-may}; from 3403; memory: --remembrance. [ql ~~~~ 3318
5279 - hupomimnesko {hoop-om-im-nace'-ko}; from 5259 and 3403; to remind quietly, i.e. suggest to the (middle voice one's own) memory: --put in mind, remember, bring to (put in) remembrance. [ql ~~~~5176
3404 - miseo {mis-eh'-o}; from a primary misos (hatred); to detest (especially to persecute); by extension, to love less: --hate(-ful). [ql ~~~~3302
2410 - Hiericho {hee-er-ee-kho'}; of Hebrew origin [3405]; Jericho, a place in Palestine: --Jericho. [ql ~~~~2410
3405 - misthapodosia {mis-thap-od-os-ee'-ah}; from 3406; requital (good or bad): --recompence of reward. [ql ~~~~3304
3405 - misthapodosia {mis-thap-od-os-ee'-ah}; from 3406; requital (good or bad): --recompence of reward. [ql ~~~~3304
3406 - misthapodotes {mis-thap-od-ot'-ace}; from 3409 and 0591; a renumerator: --rewarder. [ql ~~~~3304
3407 - misthios {mis'-thee-os}; from 3408; a wage-earner: --hired servant. [ql ~~~~3306
0489 - antimisthia {an-tee-mis-thee'-ah}; from a compound of 0473 and 3408; requital, correspondence: --recompense. [ql ~~~~488
3407 - misthios {mis'-thee-os}; from 3408; a wage-earner: --hired servant. [ql ~~~~3306
3408 - misthos {mis-thos'}; apparently a primary word; pay for services (literally or figuratively), good or bad: --hire, reward, wages. [ql ~~~~3306
3409 - misthoo {mis-tho'-o}; from 3408; to let out for wages, i.e. (middle voice) to hire: --hire. [ql ~~~~3308
3406 - misthapodotes {mis-thap-od-ot'-ace}; from 3409 and 0591; a renumerator: --rewarder. [ql ~~~~3304
3409 - misthoo {mis-tho'-o}; from 3408; to let out for wages, i.e. (middle voice) to hire: --hire. [ql ~~~~3308
3410 - misthoma {mis'-tho-mah}; from 3409; a rented building: --hired house. [ql ~~~~3308
3411 - misthotos {mis-tho-tos'}; from 3409; a wage-worker (good or bad): --hired servant, hireling. [ql ~~~~3310
3410 - misthoma {mis'-tho-mah}; from 3409; a rented building: --hired house. [ql ~~~~3308
3411 - misthotos {mis-tho-tos'}; from 3409; a wage-worker (good or bad): --hired servant, hireling. [ql ~~~~3310
3412 - Mitulene {mit-oo-lay'-nay}; for mutilene (abounding in shellfish); Mitylene (or Mytilene), a town on the island of Lesbos: --Mitylene. [ql ~~~~3310
3413 - Michael {mikh-ah-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [4317]; Michael, an archangel: --Michael. [ql ~~~~3312
2408 - Hieremias {hee-er-em-ee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [3414]; Hieremias (i.e. Jermijah), an Israelite: --Jeremiah. [ql ~~~~2408
3414 - mna {mnah}; of Latin origin; a mna (i.e. mina), a certain weight: --pound. [ql ~~~~3312
3377 - menuo {may-noo'-o}; probably from the same base as 3145 and 3415 (i.e. mao, to strive); to disclose (through the idea of mental effort and thus calling to mind), i.e. report, declare, intimate: --shew, tell. [ql ~~~~3276
3403 - mimnesko {mim-nace'-ko}; a prolonged form of 3415 (from which some of the tenses are borrowed); to remind, i.e. (middle voice) to recall to mind: --be mindful, remember. [ql ~~~~3302
3415 - mnaomai {mnah'-om-ahee}; middle voice of a derivative of 3306 or perhaps of the base of 3145 (through the idea of fixture in the mind or of mental grasp); to bear in mind, i.e. recollect; by implication to reward or punish: --be mindful, remember, come (have) in remembrance. Compare 3403. [ql ~~~~3314
3417 - mneia {mni'-ah}; from 3415 or 3403; recollection; by implication recital: --mention, remembrance. [ql ~~~~3316
3418 - mnema {mnay'-mah}; from 3415; a memorial, i.e. sepulchral monument (burial-place): --grave, sepulchre, tomb. [ql ~~~~3316
3423 - mnesteuo {mnace-tyoo'-o}; from a derivative of 3415; to give a souvenier (engagement present), i.e. betroth: --espouse. [ql ~~~~3322
3416 - Mnason {mnah'-sohn}; of uncertain origin; Mnason, a Christian: --Mnason. [ql ~~~~3314
3417 - mneia {mni'-ah}; from 3415 or 3403; recollection; by implication recital: --mention, remembrance. [ql ~~~~3316
3418 - mnema {mnay'-mah}; from 3415; a memorial, i.e. sepulchral monument (burial-place): --grave, sepulchre, tomb. [ql ~~~~3316
3419 - mnemeion {mnay-mi'-on}; from 3420; a remembrance, i.e. cenotaph (place of interment): --grave, sepulchre, tomb. [ql ~~~~3318
3419 - mnemeion {mnay-mi'-on}; from 3420; a remembrance, i.e. cenotaph (place of interment): --grave, sepulchre, tomb. [ql ~~~~3318
3420 - mneme {mnay'-may}; from 3403; memory: --remembrance. [ql ~~~~ 3318
3421 - mnemoneuo {mnay-mon-yoo'-o}; from a derivative of 3420; to exercise memory, i.e. recollect; by implication to punish; also to rehearse: --make mention; be mindful, remember. [ql ~~~~3320
3421 - mnemoneuo {mnay-mon-yoo'-o}; from a derivative of 3420; to exercise memory, i.e. recollect; by implication to punish; also to rehearse: --make mention; be mindful, remember. [ql ~~~~3320
3422 - mnemosunon {mnay-mos'-oo-non}; from 3421; a reminder (memorandum), i.e. record: --memorial. [ql ~~~~3320
3422 - mnemosunon {mnay-mos'-oo-non}; from 3421; a reminder (memorandum), i.e. record: --memorial. [ql ~~~~3320
3423 - mnesteuo {mnace-tyoo'-o}; from a derivative of 3415; to give a souvenier (engagement present), i.e. betroth: --espouse. [ql ~~~~3322
3424 - mogilalos {mog-il-al'-os}; from 3425 and 2980; hardly talking, i.e. dumb (tongue-tied): --having an impediment in his speech. [ql ~~~~3322
3424 - mogilalos {mog-il-al'-os}; from 3425 and 2980; hardly talking, i.e. dumb (tongue-tied): --having an impediment in his speech. [ql ~~~~3322
3425 - mogis {mog'-is}; adverb from a primary mogos (toil); with difficulty: --hardly. [ql ~~~~3324
3433 - molis {mol'-is}; probably by var. for 3425; with difficulty: --hardly, scarce(-ly), + with much work. [ql ~~~~3332
3449 - mochthos {mokh'-thos}; from the base of 3425; toil, i.e. (by implication) sadness: --painfulness, travail. [ql ~~~~3348
3426 - modios {mod'-ee-os}; of Latin origin; a modius, i.e. certain measure for things dry (the quantity or the utensil): --bushel. [ql ~~~~3324
1698 - emoi {em-oy'}; a prolonged form of 3427; to me: --I, me, mine, my. [ql ~~~~1698
3427 - moi {moy}; the simpler form of 1698; to me: --I, me, mine, my. [ql ~~~~3326
3428 - moichalis {moy-khal-is'}; a prolonged form of the feminine of 3432; an adulteress (literally or figuratively): --adulteress(-ous, -y). [ql ~~~~3326
3429 - moichao {moy-khah'-o}; from 3432; (middle voice) to commit adultery: --commit adultery. [ql ~~~~3328
3430 - moicheia {moy-khi'-ah}; from 3431; adultery: --adultery. [ql ~~~~ 3328
3430 - moicheia {moy-khi'-ah}; from 3431; adultery: --adultery. [ql ~~~~ 3328
3431 - moicheuo {moy-khyoo'-o}; from 3432; to commit adultery: --commit adultery. [ql ~~~~3330
3428 - moichalis {moy-khal-is'}; a prolonged form of the feminine of 3432; an adulteress (literally or figuratively): --adulteress(-ous, -y). [ql ~~~~3326
3429 - moichao {moy-khah'-o}; from 3432; (middle voice) to commit adultery: --commit adultery. [ql ~~~~3328
3431 - moicheuo {moy-khyoo'-o}; from 3432; to commit adultery: --commit adultery. [ql ~~~~3330
3432 - moichos {moy-khos'}; perhaps a primary word; a (male) paramour; figuratively, apostate: --adulterer. [ql ~~~~3330
3433 - molis {mol'-is}; probably by var. for 3425; with difficulty: --hardly, scarce(-ly), + with much work. [ql ~~~~3332
3458 - mulos {moo'-los}; probably ultimately from the base of 3433 (through the idea of hardship); a "mill", i.e. (by implication) a grinder (millstone): --millstone. [ql ~~~~3356
3468 - molops {mo'-lopes}; from molos ("moil"; probably akin to the base of 3433) and probably ops (the face; from 3700); a mole ("black eye") or blow-mark: --stripe. [ql ~~~~3366