3667 - homoioma {hom-oy'-o-mah}; from 3666; a form; abstractly, resemblance: --made like to, likeness, shape, similitude. [ql ~~~~3566
5477 - Chanaan {khan-ah-an'}; of Hebrew origin [3667]; Chanaan (i.e. Kenaan), the early name of Palestine: --Chanaan. [ql ~~~~5374
3668 - homoios {hom-oy'-oce}; adverb from 3664; similarly: --likewise, so. [ql ~~~~3566
3669 - homoiosis {hom-oy'-o-sis}; from 3666; assimilation, i.e. resemblance: --similitude. [ql ~~~~3568
0437 - anthomologeomai {anth-om-ol-og-eh'-om-ahee}; from 0473 and the middle voice of 3670; to confess in turn, i.e. respond in praise: --give thanks. [ql ~~~~436
1843 - exomologeo {ex-om-ol-og-eh'-o}; from 1537 and 3670; to acknowledge or (by implication of assent) agree fully: --confess, profess, promise. [ql ***. exon. See 1832. [ql ~~~~1842
3670 - homologeo {hom-ol-og-eh'-o}; from a compound of the base of 3674 and 3056; to assent, i.e. covenant, acknowledge: --con- (pro-)fess, confession is made, give thanks, promise. [ql ~~~~3568
3671 - homologia {hom-ol-og-ee'-ah}; from the same as 3670; acknowledgment: --con- (pro-)fession, professed. [ql ~~~~3570
3672 - homologoumenos {hom-ol-og-ow-men'-oce}; adverb of present passive participle of 3670; confessedly: --without controversy. [ql ~~~~3570
3671 - homologia {hom-ol-og-ee'-ah}; from the same as 3670; acknowledgment: --con- (pro-)fession, professed. [ql ~~~~3570
1082 - Gennesaret {ghen-nay-sar-et'}; of Hebrew origin [compare 3672]; Gennesaret (i.e. Kinnereth), a lake and plain in Palestine: --Gennesaret. [ql ~~~~1082
3672 - homologoumenos {hom-ol-og-ow-men'-oce}; adverb of present passive participle of 3670; confessedly: --without controversy. [ql ~~~~3570
3673 - homothechnos {hom-ot'-ekh-nos}; from the base of 3674 and 5078; a fellow-artificer: --of the same craft. [ql ~~~~3572
3658 - homilos {hom'-il-os}; from the base of 3674 and a derivative of the alternate of 0138 (meaning a crowd); association together, i.e. a multitude: --company. [ql ~~~~3556
3661 - homothumadon {hom-oth-oo-mad-on'}; adverb from a compound of the base of 3674 and 2372; unanimously: --with one accord (mind). [ql ~~~~3560
3664 - homoios {hom'-oy-os}; from the base of 3674; similar (in appearance or character): --like, + manner. [ql ~~~~3562
3670 - homologeo {hom-ol-og-eh'-o}; from a compound of the base of 3674 and 3056; to assent, i.e. covenant, acknowledge: --con- (pro-)fess, confession is made, give thanks, promise. [ql ~~~~3568
3673 - homothechnos {hom-ot'-ekh-nos}; from the base of 3674 and 5078; a fellow-artificer: --of the same craft. [ql ~~~~3572
3674 - homou {hom-oo'}; genitive case of homos (the same; akin to 260) as adverb; at the same place or time: --together. [ql ~~~~3572
3675 - homophron {hom-of'-rone}; from the base of 3674 and 5424; like-minded, i.e. harmonious: --of one mind. [ql ***. omoo. See 3660. [ql ~~~~3574
3676 - homos {hom'-oce}; adverb from the base of 3674; at the same time, i.e. (conjunctionally) notwithstanding, yet still: --and even, nevertheless, though but. [ql ~~~~3574
4927 - sunomoreo {soon-om-or-eh'-o}; from 4862 and a derivative of a compound of the base of 3674 and the base of 3725; to border together, i.e. adjoin: --join hard. [ql ~~~~4824
3675 - homophron {hom-of'-rone}; from the base of 3674 and 5424; like-minded, i.e. harmonious: --of one mind. [ql ***. omoo. See 3660. [ql ~~~~3574
3676 - homos {hom'-oce}; adverb from the base of 3674; at the same time, i.e. (conjunctionally) notwithstanding, yet still: --and even, nevertheless, though but. [ql ~~~~3574
3677 - onar {on'-ar}; of uncertain derivation; a dream: --dream. [ql ~~~~3576
3678 - onarion {on-ar'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 3688; a little donkey: --young ass. [ql ***. onao. See 3685. [ql ~~~~3576
3679 - oneidizo {on-i-did'-zo}; from 3681; to defame, i.e. rail at, chide, taunt: --cast in teeth, (suffer) reproach, revile, upbraid. [ql ~~~~3578
3680 - oneidismos {on-i-dis-mos'}; from 3679; contumely: --reproach. [ql ~~~~3578
3680 - oneidismos {on-i-dis-mos'}; from 3679; contumely: --reproach. [ql ~~~~3578
3679 - oneidizo {on-i-did'-zo}; from 3681; to defame, i.e. rail at, chide, taunt: --cast in teeth, (suffer) reproach, revile, upbraid. [ql ~~~~3578
3681 - oneidos {on'-i-dos}; probably akin to the base of 3686; notoriety, i.e. a taunt (disgrace): --reproach. [ql ~~~~3580
3682 - Onesimos {on-ay'-sim-os}; from 3685; profitable; Onesimus, a Christian: --Onesimus. [ql ~~~~3580
3683 - Onesiphoros {on-ay-sif'-or-os}; from a derivative of 3685 and 5411; profit-bearer; Onesiphorus, a Christian: --Onespiphorus. [ql ~~~~3582
3684 - onikos {on-ik-os'}; from 3688; belonging to a donkey, i.e. large (so as to be turned by a donkey): --millstone. [ql ~~~~3582
3678 - onarion {on-ar'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 3688; a little donkey: --young ass. [ql ***. onao. See 3685. [ql ~~~~3576
3682 - Onesimos {on-ay'-sim-os}; from 3685; profitable; Onesimus, a Christian: --Onesimus. [ql ~~~~3580
3683 - Onesiphoros {on-ay-sif'-or-os}; from a derivative of 3685 and 5411; profit-bearer; Onesiphorus, a Christian: --Onespiphorus. [ql ~~~~3582
3685 - oninemi {on-in'-ay-mee}; a prolonged form of an apparently primary verb (onomai, to slur); for which another prolonged form (onao) is used as an alternate in some tenses [unless indeed it be identical with the base of 3686 through the idea of notoriety]; to gratify, i.e. (middle voice) to derive pleasure or advantage from: --have joy. [ql ~~~~3584
3686 - onoma {on'-om-ah}; from a presumed derivative of the base of 1097 (compare 3685); a "name" (literally or figuratively) [authority, character]: --called, (+ sur-)name(-d). [ql ~~~~3584
2176 - euonumos {yoo-o'-noo-mos}; from 2095 and 3686; properly, well-named (good-omened), i.e. the left (which was the lucky side among the pagen Greeks); neuter as adverbial, at the left hand: --(on the) left. [ql ~~~~2176
3681 - oneidos {on'-i-dos}; probably akin to the base of 3686; notoriety, i.e. a taunt (disgrace): --reproach. [ql ~~~~3580
3685 - oninemi {on-in'-ay-mee}; a prolonged form of an apparently primary verb (onomai, to slur); for which another prolonged form (onao) is used as an alternate in some tenses [unless indeed it be identical with the base of 3686 through the idea of notoriety]; to gratify, i.e. (middle voice) to derive pleasure or advantage from: --have joy. [ql ~~~~3584
3686 - onoma {on'-om-ah}; from a presumed derivative of the base of 1097 (compare 3685); a "name" (literally or figuratively) [authority, character]: --called, (+ sur-)name(-d). [ql ~~~~3584
3687 - onomazo {on-om-ad'-zo}; from 3686; to name, i.e. assign an appellation; by extension, to utter, mention, profess: --call, name. [ql ~~~~3586
5122 - tounoma {too'-no-mah}; contraction for the neuter of 3588 and 3686; the name (is): --named. [ql ~~~~5020
5581 - pseudonumos {psyoo-do'-noo-mos}; from 5571 and 3686; untruly named: --falsely so called. [ql ~~~~5478
2028 - eponomazo {ep-on-om-ad'-zo}; from 1909 and 3687; to name further, i.e. denominate: --call. [ql ~~~~2028
3687 - onomazo {on-om-ad'-zo}; from 3686; to name, i.e. assign an appellation; by extension, to utter, mention, profess: --call, name. [ql ~~~~3586
3678 - onarion {on-ar'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 3688; a little donkey: --young ass. [ql ***. onao. See 3685. [ql ~~~~3576
3684 - onikos {on-ik-os'}; from 3688; belonging to a donkey, i.e. large (so as to be turned by a donkey): --millstone. [ql ~~~~3582
3688 - onos {on'-os}; apparently a primary word; a donkey: --an ass. [ql ~~~~3586
3689 - ontos {on'-toce}; adverb of the oblique cases of 5607; really: --certainly, clean, indeed, of a truth, verily. [ql ~~~~3588
3690 - oxos {oz-os}; from 3691; vinegar, i.e. sour wine: --vinegar. [ql ~~~~3588
3690 - oxos {oz-os}; from 3691; vinegar, i.e. sour wine: --vinegar. [ql ~~~~3588
3691 - oxus {oz-oos'}; probably akin to the base of 0188 ["acid"]; keen; by analogy, rapid: --sharp, swift. [ql ~~~~3590
3947 - paroxuno {par-ox-oo'-no}; from 3844 and a derivative of 3691; to sharpen alongside, i.e. (figuratively) to exasperate: --easily provoke, stir. [ql ~~~~3844
3692 - ope {op-ay'}; probably from 3700; a hole (as if for light), i.e. cavern; by analogy, a spring (of water): --cave, place. [ql ~~~~3590
3693 - opisthen {op'-is-then}; from opis (regard; from 3700) with enclitic of source; from the rear (as a secure aspect), i.e. at the back (adverb and preposition of place or time): --after, backside, behind. [ql ~~~~3592
3694 - opiso {op-is'-o}; from the same as 3693 with enclitic of direction; to the back, i.e. aback (as adverb or preposition of time or place; or as noun): --after, back(-ward), (+ get) behind, + follow. [ql ~~~~3592
3694 - opiso {op-is'-o}; from the same as 3693 with enclitic of direction; to the back, i.e. aback (as adverb or preposition of time or place; or as noun): --after, back(-ward), (+ get) behind, + follow. [ql ~~~~3592
3796 - opse {op-seh'}; from the same as 3694 (through the idea of backwardness); (adverbially) late in the day; by extension, after the close of the day: --(at) even, in the end. [ql ~~~~3694
2528 - kathoplizo {kath-op-lid'-zo}; from 2596; and 3695; to equip fully with armor: --arm. [ql ~~~~2528
3695 - hoplizo {hop-lid'-zo}; from 3696; to equip (with weapons [middle voice and figuratively]): --arm self. [ql ~~~~3594
3695 - hoplizo {hop-lid'-zo}; from 3696; to equip (with weapons [middle voice and figuratively]): --arm self. [ql ~~~~3594
3696 - hoplon {hop'-lon}; probably from a primary hepo (to be busy about); an implement or utensil or tool (literally or figuratively, especially offensive for war): --armour, instrument, weapon. [ql ~~~~3594
3833 - panoplia {pan-op-lee'-ah}; from a compound of 3956 and 3696; full armor ("panoply"): --all (whole) armour. [ql ~~~~3730
3697 - hopoios {hop-oy'-os}; from 3739 and 4169; of what kind that, i.e. how (as) great (excellent) (specifically, as an indefinite correlative to the definite antecedent 5108 of quality): --what manner (sort) of, such as whatsoever. [ql ~~~~3596
3698 - hopote {hop-ot'-eh}; from 3739 and 4218; what(-ever) then, i.e. (of time) as soon as: --when. [ql ~~~~3596
3699 - hopou {hop'-oo}; from 3739 and 4225; what(-ever) where, i.e. at whichever spot: --in what place, where(-as, -soever), whither (+ soever). [ql ~~~~3598
0128 - Aithiops {ahee-thee'-ops}; from aitho (to scorch) and ops (the face, from 3700); an AEthiopian (as a blackamoor): --Ethiopian. [ql ~~~~128
0444 - anthropos {anth'-ro-pos}; from 0435 and ops (the countenance; from 3700); man-faced, i.e. a human being: --certain, man. [ql ~~~~444
0845 - autoptes {ow-top'-tace}; from 0846 and 3700; self-seeing, i.e. an eyewitness: --eye-witness. [ql ~~~~844
0991 - blepo {blep'-o}; a primary verb; to look at (literally or figuratively): --behold, beware, lie, look (on, to), perceive, regard, see, sight, take heed. Compare 3700. [ql ~~~~990
1492 - eido {i'-do}; a primary verb; used only in certain past tenses, the others being borrowed from the equivalent 3700 and 3708; properly, to see (literally or figuratively); by implication (in the perf. only) to know: --be aware, behold, X can (+ not tell), consider, (have) know(-ledge), look (on), perceive, see, be sure, tell, understand, wish, wot. Compare 3700. [ql ~~~~1492
1492 - eido {i'-do}; a primary verb; used only in certain past tenses, the others being borrowed from the equivalent 3700 and 3708; properly, to see (literally or figuratively); by implication (in the perf. only) to know: --be aware, behold, X can (+ not tell), consider, (have) know(-ledge), look (on), perceive, see, be sure, tell, understand, wish, wot. Compare 3700. [ql ~~~~1492
1799 - enopion {en-o'-pee-on}; neuter of a compound of 1722 and a derivative of 3700; in the face of (literally or figuratively): --before, in the presence (sight) of, to. [ql ~~~~1798
2029 - epopteuo {ep-opt-yoo'-o}; from 1909 and a derivative of 3700; to inspect, i.e. watch: --behold. [ql ~~~~2028
2030 - epoptes {ep-op'-tace}; from 1909 and a presumed derivative of 3700; a looker-on: --eye-witness. [ql ~~~~2030
2072 - esoptron {es'-op-tron}; from 1519 and a presumed derivative of 3700; a mirror (for looking into): --glass. Compare 2734. [ql ~~~~2072
2300 - theaomai {theh-ah'-om-ahee}; a prolonged form of a primary verb; to look closely at, i.e. (by implication) perceive (literally or figuratively); by extension to visit: --behold, look (upon), see. Compare 3700. [ql ~~~~2300
2334 - theoreo {theh-o-reh'-o}; from a derivative of 2300 (perhaps by add. of 3708); to be a spectator of, i.e. discern, (literally, figuratively [experience] or intensively [acknowledge]): --behold, consider, look on, perceive, see. Compare 3700. [ql ~~~~2334
2734 - katoptrizomai {kat-op-trid'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from a compound of 2596 and a derivative of 3700 [compare 2072]; to mirror oneself, i.e. to see reflected (figuratively): --behold as in a glass. [ql ~~~~2732
2971 - konops {ko'-nopes}; apparently a derivative of the base of 2759 and a derivative of 3700; a mosquito (from its stinging proboscis): --gnat. [ql ~~~~2970
3467 - muopazo {moo-ope-ad'-zo}; from a compound of the base of 3466 and ops (the face; from 3700); to shut the eyes, i.e. blink (see indistinctly): --cannot see far off. [ql ~~~~3366
3468 - molops {mo'-lopes}; from molos ("moil"; probably akin to the base of 3433) and probably ops (the face; from 3700); a mole ("black eye") or blow-mark: --stripe. [ql ~~~~3366
3659 - omma {om'-mah}; from 3700; a sight, i.e. (by implication) the eye: --eye. [ql ~~~~3558
3692 - ope {op-ay'}; probably from 3700; a hole (as if for light), i.e. cavern; by analogy, a spring (of water): --cave, place. [ql ~~~~3590
3693 - opisthen {op'-is-then}; from opis (regard; from 3700) with enclitic of source; from the rear (as a secure aspect), i.e. at the back (adverb and preposition of place or time): --after, backside, behind. [ql ~~~~3592
3700 - optanomai {op-tan'-om-ahee}; a (middle voice) prolonged form of the primary (middle voice) optomai {op'-tom-ahee}; which is used for it in certain tenses; and both as alternate of 3708; to gaze (i.e. with wide-open eyes, as at something remarkable; and thus differing from 0991, which denotes simply voluntary observation; and from 1492, which expresses merely mechanical, passive or casual vision; while 2300, and still more emphatically its intensive 2334, signifies an earnest but more continued inspection; and 4648 a watching from a distance): --appear, look, see, shew self. [ql ~~~~3598
3701 - optasia {op-tas-ee'-ah}; from a presumed derivative of 3700; visuality, i.e. (concretely) an apparition: --vision. [ql ***. optomai. See 3700. [ql ~~~~3600
3701 - optasia {op-tas-ee'-ah}; from a presumed derivative of 3700; visuality, i.e. (concretely) an apparition: --vision. [ql ***. optomai. See 3700. [ql ~~~~3600
3708 - horao {hor-ah'-o}; properly, to stare at [compare 3700], i.e. (by implication) to discern clearly (physically or mentally); by extension, to attend to; by Hebraism, to experience; passively, to appear: --behold, perceive, see, take heed. [ql ~~~~3606
3788 - ophthalmos {of-thal-mos'}; from 3700; the eye (literally or figuratively); by implication, vision; figuratively, envy (from the jealous side-glance): --eye, sight. [ql ~~~~3686
3789 - ophis {of'-is}; probably from 3700 (through the idea of sharpness of vision); a snake, figuratively (as a type of sly cunning) an artful malicious person, especially Satan: --serpent. [ql ~~~~3686
3790 - ophrus {of-roos'}; perhaps from 3700 (through the idea of the shading or proximity to the organ of vision); the eye-"brow" or forehead, i.e. (figuratively) the brink of a precipice: --brow. [ql ~~~~3688
3799 - opsis {op'-sis}; from 3700; properly, sight (the act), i.e. (by impl) the visage, an external show: --appearance, countenance, face. [ql ~~~~3696
4383 - prosopon {pros'-o-pon}; from 4314 and ops (the visage, from 3700); the front (as being towards view), i.e. the countenance, aspect, appearance, surface; by implication, presence, person: --(outward) appearance, X before, contenance, face, fashion, (men's) person, presence. [ql ~~~~4280
4647 - skolops {skol'-ops}; perhaps from the base of 4628 and 3700; withered at the front, i.e. a point or prickle (figuratively, a bodily annoyance or disability): --thorn. [ql ~~~~4544
4648 - skopeo {skop-eh'-o}; from 4649; to take aim at (spy), i.e. (figuratively) regard: --consider, take heed, look at (on), mark. Compare 3700. [ql ~~~~4546
4659 - skuthropos {skoo-thro-pos'}; from skuthros (sullen) and a derivative of 3700; angry-visaged, i.e. gloomy or affecting a mournful appearance: --of a sad countenance. [ql ~~~~4556
5203 - hudropikos {hoo-dro-pik-os'}; from a compound of 5204 and a derivative of 3700 (as if looking watery); to be "dropsical": --have the dropsy. [ql ~~~~5100
5299 - hupopiazo {hoop-o-pee-ad'-zo}; from a compound of 5259 and a derivative of 3700; to hit under the eye (buffet or disable an antagonist as a pugilist), i.e. (figuratively) to tease or annoy (into compliance), subdue (one's passions): --keep under, weary. [ql ~~~~5196