4751 - stomachos {stom'-akh-os}; from 4750; an orifice (the gullet), i.e. (specifically) the "stomach": -- stomach. 4648
4752 - strateia {strat-i'-ah}; from 4754; military service, i.e. (figuratively) the apostolic career (as one of hardship and danger): -- warfare. 4650
3464 - muron {moo'-ron}; probably of foreign origin [compare 4753, 4666]; "myrrh", i.e. (by implication) perfumed oil: -- ointment. 3362
4753 - strateuma {strat'-yoo-mah}; from 4754; an armament, i.e. (by implication) a body of troops (more or less extensive or systematic): -- army, soldier, man of war. 4650
0497 - antistrateuomai {an-tee-strat-yoo'-om-ahee}; from 0473 and 4754; (figuratively) to attack, i.e. (by implication) destroy: -- war against. 496
4752 - strateia {strat-i'-ah}; from 4754; military service, i.e. (figuratively) the apostolic career (as one of hardship and danger): -- warfare. 4650
4753 - strateuma {strat'-yoo-mah}; from 4754; an armament, i.e. (by implication) a body of troops (more or less extensive or systematic): -- army, soldier, man of war. 4650
4754 - strateuomai {strat-yoo'-om-ahee}; middle voice from the base of 4756; to serve in a military campaign; figuratively, to execute the apostolate (with its arduous duties and functions), to contend with carnal inclinations: -- soldier, (go to) war(-fare). 4652
4755 - strategos {strat-ay-gos'}; from the base of 4756 and 0071 or 2233; a general, i.e. (by implication or analogy) a (military) governor (proetor), the chief (prefect) of the (Levitical) temple-wardens: -- captain, magistrate. 4652
4754 - strateuomai {strat-yoo'-om-ahee}; middle voice from the base of 4756; to serve in a military campaign; figuratively, to execute the apostolate (with its arduous duties and functions), to contend with carnal inclinations: -- soldier, (go to) war(-fare). 4652
4755 - strategos {strat-ay-gos'}; from the base of 4756 and 0071 or 2233; a general, i.e. (by implication or analogy) a (military) governor (proetor), the chief (prefect) of the (Levitical) temple-wardens: -- captain, magistrate. 4652
4756 - stratia {strat-ee'-ah} feminine of a derivative of stratos (an army; from the base of 4766, as encamped); camp-likeness, i.e. an army, i.e. (figuratively) the angels, the celestial luminaries: -- host. 4654
4757 - stratiotes {strat-ee-o'-tace}; from a presumed derivative of the same as 4756; a camper-out, i.e. a (common) warrior (literally or figuratively): -- soldier. 4654
4758 - stratologeo {strat-ol-og-eh'-o}; from a compound of the base of 4756 and 3004 (in its original sense); to gather (or select) as a warrior, i.e. enlist in the army: -- choose to be a soldier. 4656
4760 - stratopedon {strat-op'-ed-on}; from the base of 4756 and the same as 3977; a camping-ground, i.e. (by implication) a body of troops: -- army. 4658
4757 - stratiotes {strat-ee-o'-tace}; from a presumed derivative of the same as 4756; a camper-out, i.e. a (common) warrior (literally or figuratively): -- soldier. 4654
4961 - sustratiotes {soos-trat-ee-o'-tace}; from 4862 and 4757; a co-campaigner, i.e. (figuratively) an associate in Christian toil: -- fellowsoldier. 4858
4758 - stratologeo {strat-ol-og-eh'-o}; from a compound of the base of 4756 and 3004 (in its original sense); to gather (or select) as a warrior, i.e. enlist in the army: -- choose to be a soldier. 4656
4759 - stratopedarches {strat-op-ed-ar'-khace}; from 4760 and 0757; a ruler of an army, i.e. (specifically) a Praetorian prefect: -- captain of the guard. 4656
4759 - stratopedarches {strat-op-ed-ar'-khace}; from 4760 and 0757; a ruler of an army, i.e. (specifically) a Praetorian prefect: -- captain of the guard. 4656
4760 - stratopedon {strat-op'-ed-on}; from the base of 4756 and the same as 3977; a camping-ground, i.e. (by implication) a body of troops: -- army. 4658
4761 - strebloo {streb-lo'-o}; from a derivative of 4762; to wrench, i.e. (specifically) to torture (by the rack), but only figuratively, to pervert: -- wrest. 4658
0390 - anastrepho {an-as-tref'-o}; from 0303 and 4762; to overturn; also to return; by implication, to busy oneself, i.e. remain, live: -- abide, behave self, have conversation, live, overthrow, pass, return, be used. 390
0654 - apostrepho {ap-os-tref'-o}; from 0575 and 4762; to turn away or back (literally or figuratively): -- bring again, pervert, turn away (from). 654
1294 - diastrepho {dee-as-tref'-o}; from 1223 and 4762; to distort, i.e. (figuratively) misinterpret, or (morally) corrupt: -- perverse(-rt), turn away. 1294
1612 - ekstrepho {ek-stref'-o}; from 1537 and 4762; to pervert (figuratively): -- subvert. 1612
1994 - epistrepho {ep-ee-stref'-o}; from 1909 and 4762; to revert (literally, figuratively or morally): -- come (go) again, convert, (re-)turn (about, again). 1994
2690 - katastrepho {kat-as-tref'-o}; from 2596 and 4762; to turn upside down, i.e. upset: -- overthrow. 2690
3344 - metastrepho {met-as-tref'-o}; from 3326 and 4762; to turn across, i.e. transmute or (figuratively) corrupt: -- pervert, turn. 3242
4761 - strebloo {streb-lo'-o}; from a derivative of 4762; to wrench, i.e. (specifically) to torture (by the rack), but only figuratively, to pervert: -- wrest. 4658
4762 - strepho {stref'-o}; strengthened from the base of 5157; to twist, i.e. turn quite around or reverse (literally or figuratively): -- convert, turn (again, back again, self, self about). 4660
4962 - sustrepho {soos-tref'-o}; from 4862 and 4762; to twist together, i.e. collect (a bundle, a crowd): -- gather. 4860
5290 - hupostrepho {hoop-os-tref'-o}; from 5259 and 4762; to turn under (behind), i.e. to return (literally or figuratively): -- come again, return (again, back again), turn back (again). 5188
2691 - katastreniao {kat-as-tray-nee-ah'-o}; from 2596 and 4763; to become voluptuous against: -- begin to wax wanton against. 2690
4763 - streniao {stray-nee-ah'-o}; from a presumed derivative of 4764; to be luxurious: -- live deliciously. 4660
4763 - streniao {stray-nee-ah'-o}; from a presumed derivative of 4764; to be luxurious: -- live deliciously. 4660
4764 - strenos {stray'-nos}; akin to 4731; a "straining", "strenuousness" or "strength", i.e. (figuratively) luxury (voluptuousness): -- delicacy. 4662
4765 - strouthion {stroo-thee'-on}; diminutive of strouthos (a sparrow); a little sparrow: -- sparrow. 4662
0792 - aster {as-tare'}; probably from the base of 4766; a star (as strown over the sky), literally or figuratively: -- star. 792
2693 - katastronnumi {kat-as-trone'-noo-mee}; from 2596 and 4766; to strew down, i.e. (by implication) to prostrate (slay): -- overthrow. 2692
3038 - lithostrotos {lith-os'-tro-tos}; from 3037 and a derivative of 4766; stone-strewed, i.e. a tessellated mosaic on which the Roman tribunal was placed: -- Pavement. 3036
4756 - stratia {strat-ee'-ah} feminine of a derivative of stratos (an army; from the base of 4766, as encamped); camp-likeness, i.e. an army, i.e. (figuratively) the angels, the celestial luminaries: -- host. 4654
4766 - stronnumi {strone'-noo-mee}; or simpler stronnuo {strone-noo'-o}; prolongation from a still simpler stroo {stro'-o} (used only as an alternate in certain tenses; probably akin to 4731 through the idea of positing); to "strew", i.e. spread (as a carpet or couch): -- make bed, furnish, spread, strew. 4664
5291 - hupostronnumi {hoop-os-trone'-noo-mee}; from 5259 and 4766; to strew underneath (the feet as a carpet): -- spread. 5188
0655 - apostugeo {ap-os-toog-eh'-o}: from 0575 and the base of 4767; to detest utterly: -- abhor. 654
2319 - theostuges {theh-os-too-gace'}; from 2316 and the base of 4767; hateful to God, i.e. impious: -- hater of God. 2318
4767 - stugnetos {stoog-nay-tos'}; from a derivative of an obsolete apparently primary stugo (to hate); hated, i.e. odious: -- hateful. 4664
4768 - stugnazo {stoog-nad'-zo}; from the same as 4767; to render gloomy, i.e. (by implication) glower (be overcast with clouds, or sombreness of speech): -- lower, be sad. 4666
4768 - stugnazo {stoog-nad'-zo}; from the same as 4767; to render gloomy, i.e. (by implication) glower (be overcast with clouds, or sombreness of speech): -- lower, be sad. 4666
4769 - stulos {stoo'-los}; from stuo (to stiffen; properly akin to the base of 2476); a post ("style"), i.e. (figuratively) support: -- pillar. 4666
4770 - Stoikos {sto-ik-os'}; from 4745; a "Stoic" (as occupying a particular porch in Athens), i.e. adherent of a certin philosophy: -- Stoick. 4668
4571 - se {seh}; accusative case singular of 4771; thee: -- thee, thou, X thy house. 4468
4671 - soi {soy}; dative case of 4771; to thee: -- thee, thine own, thou, thy. 4568
4674 - sos {sos}; from 4771; thine: -- thine (own), thy (friend). 4572
4675 - sou {soo}; genitive case of 4771; of thee, thy: -- X home, thee, thine (own), thou, thy. 4572
4771 - su {soo}; the person pronoun of the second person singular; thou: -- thou. See also 4571, 4671, 4675; and for the plural 5209, 5210, 5213, 5216. 4668
5210 - humeis {hoo-mice'}; irregular plural of 4771; you (as subjective of verb): -- ye (yourselves), you. 5108
4772 - suggeneia {soong-ghen'-i-ah}; from 4773; relationship, i.e. (concretely) relatives: -- kindred. 4670
4772 - suggeneia {soong-ghen'-i-ah}; from 4773; relationship, i.e. (concretely) relatives: -- kindred. 4670
4773 - suggenes {soong-ghen-ace'}; from 4862 and 1085; a relative (by blood); by extension, a fellow countryman: -- cousin, kin(-sfolk, -sman). 4670
4774 - suggnome {soong-gno'-may}; from a compound of 4862 and 1097; fellow knowledge, i.e. concession: -- permission. 4672
4775 - sugkathemai {soong-kath'-ay-mahee}; from 4862 and 2521; to seat oneself in company with: -- sit with. 4672
4776 - sugkathizo {soong-kath-id'-zo}; from 4862 and 2523; to give (or take) a seat in company with: -- (make) sit (down) together. 4674
4777 - sugkakopatheo {soong-kak-op-ath-eh'-o}; from 4862 and 2553; to suffer hardship in company with: -- be partaker of afflictions. 4674
4778 - sugkakoucheo {soong-kak-oo-kheh'-o}; from 4862 and 2558; to maltreat in company with, i.e. (passively) endure persecution together: -- suffer affliction with. 4676
4779 - sugkaleo {soong-kal-eh'-o}; from 4862 and 2564; to convoke: -- call together. 4676
4780 - sugkalupto {soong-kal-oop'-to}; from 4862 and 2572; to conceal altogether: -- cover. 4678
4781 - sugkampto {soong-kamp'-to}; from 4862 and 2578; to bend together, i.e. (figuratively) to afflict: -- bow down. 4678
4782 - sugkatabaino {soong-kat-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 4862 and 2597; to descend in company with: -- go down with. 4680
4783 - sugkatathesis {soong-kat-ath'-es-is}; from 4784; a deposition (of sentiment) in company with, i.e. (figuratively) accord with: -- agreement. 4680
4783 - sugkatathesis {soong-kat-ath'-es-is}; from 4784; a deposition (of sentiment) in company with, i.e. (figuratively) accord with: -- agreement. 4680
4784 - sugkatatithemai {soong-kat-at-ith'-em-ahee}; mid from 4862 and 2698; to deposit (one's vote or opinion) in company with, i.e. (figuratively) to accord with: -- consent. 4682
4785 - sugkatapsephizo {soong-kat-aps-ay-fid'-zo}; from 4862 and a compound of 2596 and 5585; to count down in company with, i.e. enroll among: -- number with. 4682
4786 - sugkerannumi {soong-ker-an'-noo-mee}; from 4862 and 2767; to commingle, i.e. (figuratively) to combine or assimilate: -- mix with, temper together. 4684
4787 - sugkineo {soong-kin-eh'-o}; from 4682 and 2795; to move together, i.e. (specifically) to excite as a mass (to sedition): -- stir up. 4684
4788 - sugkleio {soong-kli'-o}; from 4862 and 2808; to shut together, i.e. include or (figuratively) embrace in a common subjection to: -- conclude, inclose, shut up. 4686
4789 - sugkleronomos {soong-klay-ron-om'-os}; from 4862 and 2818; a co-heir, i.e. (by analogy) participant in common: -- fellow (joint)-heir, heir together, heir with. 4686