2239 - ethos {ay'-thos}; a strengthened form of 1485; usage, i.e. (plural) moral habits: -- manners. 2238
5159 - tropophoreo {trop-of-or-eh'-o}; from 5158 and 5409; to endure one's habits: -- suffer the manners. 5056
4238 - prasso {pras'-so}; a primary verb; to "practise", i.e. perform repeatedly or habitually (thus differing from 4160, which properly refers to a single act); by implication, to execute, accomplish, etc.; specifically, to collect (dues), fare (personally): -- commit, deeds, do, exact, keep, require, use arts. 4136
4914 - sunetheia {soon-ay'-thi-ah}; from a compound of 4862 and 2239; mutual habituation, i.e. usage: -- custom. 4812
5114 - tomoteros {tom-o'-ter-os}; comparative of a derivative of the primary temno (to cut; more comprehensive or decisive than 2875, as if by a single stroke; whereas that implies repeated blows, like hacking); more keen: -- sharper. 5012
0100 - hadrotes {had-rot'-ace}; from hadros (stout); plumpness, i.e. (figuratively) liberality: -- abundance. 100
1438 - heautou {heh-ow-too'} (including all other cases); from a reflexive pronoun otherwise obsolete and the genitive case (dative case or accusative case) of 0846; him- (her-, it-, them-, also [in conjunction with the personal pronoun of the other persons] my-, thy-, our-, your-)self (selves), etc.: -- alone, her (own, -self), (he) himself, his (own), itself, one (to) another, our (thine) own(-selves), + that she had, their (own, own selves), (of) them(-selves), they, thyself, you, your (own, own conceits, own selves, -selves). 1438
3844 - para {par-ah'}; a primary preposition; properly, near; i.e. (with genitive case) from beside (literally or figuratively), (with dative case) at (or in) the vicinity of (objectively or subjectively), (with accusative case) to the proximity with (local [especially beyond or opposed to] or causal [on account of]: -- above, against, among, at, before, by, contrary to, X friend, from, + give [such things as they], + that [she] had, X his, in, more than, nigh unto, (out) of, past, save, side...by, in the sight of, than, [there-]fore, with. In compounds it retains the same variety of application. 3742
3885 - paralutikos {par-al-oo-tee-kos'}; from a derivative of 3886; as if dissolved, i.e. "paralytic": -- that had (sick of) the palsy. 3782
5093 - timios {tim'-ee-os}; including the comparative timioteros {tim-ee-o'-ter-os}; and the superlative timiotatos {tim-ee-o'-tat-os}; from 5092; valuable, i.e. (objectively) costly, or (subjectively) honored, esteemed, or (figuratively) beloved: -- dear, honourable, (more, most) precious, had in reputation. 4990
5613 - hos {hoce}; probably adverb of comparative from 3739; which how, i.e. in that manner (very variously used, as follows): -- about, after (that), (according) as (it had been, it were), as soon (as), even as (like), for, how (greatly), like (as, unto), since, so (that), that, to wit, unto, when( [-soever]), while, X with all speed. 5510
5616 - hosei {ho-si'}; from 5613 and 1487; as if: -- about, as (it had been, it were), like (as). 5512
0086 - haides {hah'-dace}; from 0001 (as negative particle) and 1492; properly, unseen, i.e. "Hades" or the place (state) of departed souls: -- grave, hell. 86
2737 - katoteros {kat-o'-ter-os}; comparitive from 2736; inferior (locally, of Hades): -- lower. 2736
5020 - tartaroo {tar-tar-o'-o}; from Tartaros (the deepest abyss of Hades); to incarcerate in eternal torment: -- cast down to hell. 4918
0100 - hadrotes {had-rot'-ace}; from hadros (stout); plumpness, i.e. (figuratively) liberality: -- abundance. 100
0100 - hadrotes {had-rot'-ace}; from hadros (stout); plumpness, i.e. (figuratively) liberality: -- abundance. 100
0860 - haphe {haf-ay'}; from 0680; probably a ligament (as fastening): -- joint. 860
0037 - hagiazo {hag-ee-ad'-zo}; from 0040; to make holy, i.e. (ceremonially) purify or consecrate; (mentally) to venerate: -- hallow, be holy, sanctify. 36
0038 - hagiasmos {hag-ee-as-mos'}; from 0037; properly, purification, i.e. (the state) purity; concretely (by Hebraism) a purifier: -- holiness, sanctification. 38
0039 - hagion {hag'-ee-on}; neuter of 0040; a sacred thing (i.e. spot): -- holiest (of all), holy place, sanctuary. 38
0040 - hagios {hag'-ee-os}; from hagos (an awful thing) [compare 0053, 2282]; sacred (physically, pure, morally blameless or religious, ceremonially, consecrated): -- (most) holy (one, thing), saint. 40
0041 - hagiotes {hag-ee-ot'-ace}; from 0040; sanctity (i.e. properly, the state): -- holiness. 40
0042 - hagiosune {hag-ee-o-soo'-nay}; from 0040; sacredness (i.e. properly, the quality): -- holiness. 42
0047 - hagneia {hag-ni'-ah}; from 0053; cleanliness (the quality), i.e. (specially) chastity: -- purity. 46
0048 - hagnizo {hag-nid'-zo}; from 0053; to make clean, i.e. (figuratively) sanctify (ceremonially or morally): -- purify (self). 48
0049 - hagnismos {hag-nis-mos'}; from 0048; a cleansing (the act), i.e. (ceremonially) lustration: -- purification. 48
0053 - hagnos {hag-nos'}; from the same as 0040; properly, clean, i.e. (figuratively) innocent, modest, perfect: -- chaste, clean, pure. 52
0054 - hagnotes {hag-not'-ace}; from 0053; cleanness (the state), i.e. (figuratively) blamelessness: -- pureness. 54
0055 - hagnos {hag-noce'}; adverb from 0053; purely, i.e. honestly: -- sincerely. 54
0028 - Agar {ag'-ar}; of Hebrew origin [1904]; Hagar, the concubine of Abraham: -- Hagar. 28
0028 - Agar {ag'-ar}; of Hebrew origin [1904]; Hagar, the concubine of Abraham: -- Hagar. 28
0038 - hagiasmos {hag-ee-as-mos'}; from 0037; properly, purification, i.e. (the state) purity; concretely (by Hebraism) a purifier: -- holiness, sanctification. 38
0037 - hagiazo {hag-ee-ad'-zo}; from 0040; to make holy, i.e. (ceremonially) purify or consecrate; (mentally) to venerate: -- hallow, be holy, sanctify. 36
0039 - hagion {hag'-ee-on}; neuter of 0040; a sacred thing (i.e. spot): -- holiest (of all), holy place, sanctuary. 38
0040 - hagios {hag'-ee-os}; from hagos (an awful thing) [compare 0053, 2282]; sacred (physically, pure, morally blameless or religious, ceremonially, consecrated): -- (most) holy (one, thing), saint. 40
0042 - hagiosune {hag-ee-o-soo'-nay}; from 0040; sacredness (i.e. properly, the quality): -- holiness. 42
0041 - hagiotes {hag-ee-ot'-ace}; from 0040; sanctity (i.e. properly, the state): -- holiness. 40
0047 - hagneia {hag-ni'-ah}; from 0053; cleanliness (the quality), i.e. (specially) chastity: -- purity. 46
0049 - hagnismos {hag-nis-mos'}; from 0048; a cleansing (the act), i.e. (ceremonially) lustration: -- purification. 48
0048 - hagnizo {hag-nid'-zo}; from 0053; to make clean, i.e. (figuratively) sanctify (ceremonially or morally): -- purify (self). 48
0053 - hagnos {hag-nos'}; from the same as 0040; properly, clean, i.e. (figuratively) innocent, modest, perfect: -- chaste, clean, pure. 52
0055 - hagnos {hag-noce'}; adverb from 0053; purely, i.e. honestly: -- sincerely. 54
0054 - hagnotes {hag-not'-ace}; from 0053; cleanness (the state), i.e. (figuratively) blamelessness: -- pureness. 54
0040 - hagios {hag'-ee-os}; from hagos (an awful thing) [compare 0053, 2282]; sacred (physically, pure, morally blameless or religious, ceremonially, consecrated): -- (most) holy (one, thing), saint. 40
0086 - haides {hah'-dace}; from 0001 (as negative particle) and 1492; properly, unseen, i.e. "Hades" or the place (state) of departed souls: -- grave, hell. 86
0129 - haima {hah'-ee-mah}; of uncertain derivation; blood, literally (of men or animals), figuratively (the juice of grapes) or specially (the atoning blood of Christ); by implication bloodshed, also kindred: -- blood. 128
0139 - hairesis {hah'-ee-res-is}; from 0138; properly, a choice, i.e. (specially) a party or (abstractly) disunion: -- heresy [which is the Greek word itself], sect. 138
0130 - haimatekchusia {hahee-mat-ek-khoo-see'-ah}; from 0129 and a derivative of 1632; an effusion of blood: -- shedding of blood. 130
0131 - haimorrheo {hahee-mor-hreh'-o}; from 0129 and 4482; to flow blood, i.e. have a hoemorrhage: -- diseased with an issue of blood. 130
0138 - haireomai {hahee-reh'-om-ahee}; probably akin to 0142; to take for oneself, i.e. to prefer: -- choose. Some of the forms are borrowed from a cognate hellomai (hel'-lom-ahee); which is otherwise obsolete. 138
0140 - hairetizo {hahee-ret-id'-zo}; from a derivative of 0138; to make a choice: -- choose. 140
0141 - hairetikos {hahee-ret-ee-kos'}; from the same as 0140; a schismatic: -- heretic [the Greek word itself]. 140
0086 - haides {hah'-dace}; from 0001 (as negative particle) and 1492; properly, unseen, i.e. "Hades" or the place (state) of departed souls: -- grave, hell. 86
2753 - keleuo {kel-yoo'-o}; from a primary kello (to urge on); "hail"; to incite by word, i.e. order: -- bid, (at, give) command(-ment). 2752
5464 - chalaza {khal'-ad-zah}; probably from 5465; hail: -- hail. 5362
5464 - chalaza {khal'-ad-zah}; probably from 5465; hail: -- hail. 5362
0129 - haima {hah'-ee-mah}; of uncertain derivation; blood, literally (of men or animals), figuratively (the juice of grapes) or specially (the atoning blood of Christ); by implication bloodshed, also kindred: -- blood. 128
0130 - haimatekchusia {hahee-mat-ek-khoo-see'-ah}; from 0129 and a derivative of 1632; an effusion of blood: -- shedding of blood. 130
0131 - haimorrheo {hahee-mor-hreh'-o}; from 0129 and 4482; to flow blood, i.e. have a hoemorrhage: -- diseased with an issue of blood. 130
1708 - emploke {em-plok-ay'}; from 1707; elaborate braiding of the hair: -- plaiting. 1708
2359 - thrix {threeks}; genitive case trichos, etc.; of uncertain derivation; hair: -- hair. Compare 2864. 2358
2359 - thrix {threeks}; genitive case trichos, etc.; of uncertain derivation; hair: -- hair. Compare 2864. 2358
2768 - keras {ker'-as}; from a primary kar (the hair of the head); a horn (literally or figuratively): -- horn. 2766
2863 - komao {kom-ah'-o}; from 2864; to wear tresses of hair: -- have long hair. 2862
2863 - komao {kom-ah'-o}; from 2864; to wear tresses of hair: -- have long hair. 2862
2864 - kome {kom'-ay}; apparently from the same as 2865; the hair of the head (locks, as ornamental, and thus differing from 2359; which properly denotes merely the scalp): -- hair. 2862
2864 - kome {kom'-ay}; apparently from the same as 2865; the hair of the head (locks, as ornamental, and thus differing from 2359; which properly denotes merely the scalp): -- hair. 2862
3074 - lukos {loo'-kos}; perhaps akin to the base of 3022 (from the whitish hair); a wolf: -- wolf. 3072
3587 - xurao {xoo-rah'-o}; from a derivative of the same as 3586 (meaning a razor); to shave or "shear" the hair: -- shave. 3486
4117 - plegma {pleg'-mah}; from 4120; a plait (of hair): -- broidered hair. ***. pleion. See 4119. 4014
4117 - plegma {pleg'-mah}; from 4120; a plait (of hair): -- broidered hair. ***. pleion. See 4119. 4014
5155 - trichinos {trikh'-ee-nos}; from 2359; hairy, i.e. made of hair (mohair): -- of hair. 5052
5155 - trichinos {trikh'-ee-nos}; from 2359; hairy, i.e. made of hair (mohair): -- of hair. 5052
0138 - haireomai {hahee-reh'-om-ahee}; probably akin to 0142; to take for oneself, i.e. to prefer: -- choose. Some of the forms are borrowed from a cognate hellomai (hel'-lom-ahee); which is otherwise obsolete. 138
0139 - hairesis {hah'-ee-res-is}; from 0138; properly, a choice, i.e. (specially) a party or (abstractly) disunion: -- heresy [which is the Greek word itself], sect. 138
0141 - hairetikos {hahee-ret-ee-kos'}; from the same as 0140; a schismatic: -- heretic [the Greek word itself]. 140
0140 - hairetizo {hahee-ret-id'-zo}; from a derivative of 0138; to make a choice: -- choose. 140