2481 - isos {ee'-soce}; adverb from 2470; likely, i.e. perhaps: -- it may be. 2480
2473 - isopsuchos {ee-sop'-soo-khos}; from 2470 and 5590; of similar spirit: -- likeminded. 2472
3666 - homoioo {hom-oy-o'-o}; from 3664; to assimilate, i.e. compare; passively, to become similar: -- be (make) like, (in the) liken(-ess), resemble. 3564
3846 - paraballo {par-ab-al'-lo}; from 3844 and 0906; to throw alongside, i.e. (reflexively) to reach a place, or (figuratively) to liken: -- arrive, compare. 3744
1504 - eikon {i-kone'}; from 1503; a likeness, i.e. (literally) statue, profile, or (figuratively) representation, resemblance: -- image. 1504
2471 - isotes {ee-sot'-ace}; likeness (in condition or proportion); by implication, equity: -- equal(-ity). 2470
3667 - homoioma {hom-oy'-o-mah}; from 3666; a form; abstractly, resemblance: -- made like to, likeness, shape, similitude. 3566
4756 - stratia {strat-ee'-ah} feminine of a derivative of stratos (an army; from the base of 4766, as encamped); camp-likeness, i.e. an army, i.e. (figuratively) the angels, the celestial luminaries: -- host. 4654
1683 - emautou {em-ow-too'}; genitive case compound of 1700 and 0846; of myself (so likewise the dative case emautoi {em-ow-to'}; and accusative case emauton {em-ow-ton'}: -- me, mine own (self), myself. 1682
2546 - kakei {kak-i'}; from 2532 and 1563; likewise in that place: -- and there, there (thither) also. 2546
2547 - kakeithen {kak-i'-then}; from 2532 and 1564; likewise from that place (or time): -- and afterward (from) (thence), thence also. 2546
2548 - kakeinos {kak-i'-nos}; from 2532 and 1565; likewise that (or those): -- and him (other, them), even he, him also, them (also), (and) they. 2548
3668 - homoios {hom-oy'-oce}; adverb from 3664; similarly: -- likewise, so. 3566
3767 - oun {oon}; apparently a primary word; (adverbially) certainly, or (conjunctionally) accordingly: -- and (so, truly), but, now (then), so (likewise then), then, therefore, verily, wherefore. 3664
3898 - paraplesios {par-ap-lay-see'-oce}; adverb from the same as 3897; in a manner near by, i.e. (figuratively) similarly: -- likewise. 3796
4521 - sabbaton {sab'-bat-on}; of Hebrew origin [7676]; the Sabbath (i.e. Shabbath), or day of weekly repose from secular avocations (also the observance or institution itself); by extension, a se'nnight, i.e. the interval between two Sabbaths; likewise the plural in all the above applications: -- sabbath (day), week. 4418
4572 - seautou {seh-ow-too'}; genitive case from 4571 and 0846; also dative case of the same, seautoi {seh-ow-to'}; and accusative case seauton {seh-ow-ton'}; likewise contracted sautou {sow-too'}; sautoi {sow-to'}; and sauton {sow-ton'}; respectively; of (with, to) thyself: -- thee, thine own self, (thou) thy(-self). 4470
5615 - hosautos {ho-sow'-toce}; from 5613 and an adverb from 0846; as thus, i.e. in the same way: -- even so, likewise, after the same (in like) manner. 5512
3039 - likmao {lik-mah'-o}; from likmos, the equivalent of liknon (a winnowing fan or basket); to winnow, i.e. (by analogy,) to triturate: -- grind to powder. 3038
3039 - likmao {lik-mah'-o}; from likmos, the equivalent of liknon (a winnowing fan or basket); to winnow, i.e. (by analogy,) to triturate: -- grind to powder. 3038
3039 - likmao {lik-mah'-o}; from likmos, the equivalent of liknon (a winnowing fan or basket); to winnow, i.e. (by analogy,) to triturate: -- grind to powder. 3038
2918 - krinon {kree'-non}; perhaps a prim word; a lily: -- lily. 2916
2918 - krinon {kree'-non}; perhaps a prim word; a lily: -- lily. 2916
4677 - Sousanna {soo-san'-nah}; of Hebrew origin [7799 feminine]; lily; Susannah (i.e. Shoshannah), an Israelitess: -- Susanna. 4574
3041 - limne {lim'-nay}; probably from 3040 (through the idea of nearness of shore); a pond (large or small): -- lake. 3040
1450 - egguos {eng'-goo-os}; from 1722 and guion (a limb); pledged (as if articulated by a member), i.e. a bondsman: -- surety. 1450
2814 - klema {kaly'-mah}; from 2806; a limb or shoot (as if broken off): -- branch. 2812
2966 - kolon {ko'-lon}; from the base of 2849; a limb of the body (as if lopped): -- carcase. 2964
3196 - melos {mel'-os}; of uncertain affinity; a limb or part of the body: -- member. 3194
2659 - katanuxis {kat-an'-oox-is}; from 2660; a prickling (sensation, as of the limbs asleep), i.e. (by implication [perhaps by some confusion with 3506 or even with 3571]) stupor (lethargy): -- slumber. 2658
2867 - koniao {kon-ee-ah'-o}; from konia (dust; by analogy, lime); to whitewash: -- whiten. 2866
3005 - leimma {lime'-mah}; from 3007; a remainder: -- remnant. 3004
3040 - limen {lee-mane'}; apparently a primary word; a harbor: -- haven. Compare 2568. 3038
2568 - Kaloi Limenes {kal-oy' lee-men'-es}; plural of 2570 and 3040; Good Harbors, i.e. Fairhaven, a bay of Crete: -- fair havens. 2568
0873 - aphorizo {af-or-id'-zo}; from 0575 and 3724; to set off by boundary, i.e. (figuratively) limit, exclude, appoint, etc.: -- divide, separate, sever. 872
3724 - horizo {hor-id'-zo}; from 3725; to mark out or bound ("horizon"), i.e. (figuratively) to appoint, decree, sepcify: -- declare, determine, limit, ordain. 3622
3725 - horion {hor'-ee-on}; neuter of a derivative of an apparently primary horos (a bound or limit); a boundary-line, i.e. (by implication) a frontier (region): -- border, coast. 3624
3727 - horkos {hor'-kos}; from herkos (a fence; perhaps akin to 3725); a limit, i.e. (sacred) restraint (specifically, an oath): -- oath. 3626
3734 - horothesia {hor-oth-es-ee'-ah}; from a compound of the base of 3725 and a derivative of 5087; a limit-placing, i.e. (concretely) boundary-line: -- bound. 3632
4309 - proorizo {pro-or-id'-zo}; from 4253 and 3724; to limit in advance, i.e. (figuratively) predetermine: -- determine before, ordain, predestinate. 4206
5039 - tekmerion {tek-may'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of tekmar (a goal or fixed limit); a token (as defining a fact), i.e. criterion of certainty: -- infallible proof. 4936
5056 - telos {tel'-os}; from a primary tello (to set out for a definite point or goal); properly, the point aimed at as a limit, i.e. (by implication) the conclusion of an act or state (termination [literally, figuratively or indefinitely], result [immediate, ultimate or prophetic], purpose); specifically, an impost or levy (as paid): -- + continual, custom, end(-ing), finally, uttermost. Compare 5411. 4954
3358 - metron {met'-ron}; an apparently primary word; a measure ("metre"), literally or figuratively; by implication a limited portion (degree): -- measure. 3256
5117 - topos {top'-os}; apparently a primary word; a spot (general in space, but limited by occupancy; whereas 5561 is a large but participle locality), i.e. location (as a position, home, tract, etc.); figuratively, condition, opportunity; specifically, a scabbard: -- coast, licence, place, X plain, quarter, + rock, room, where. 5014
3041 - limne {lim'-nay}; probably from 3040 (through the idea of nearness of shore); a pond (large or small): -- lake. 3040
3042 - limos {lee-mos'}; probably from 3007 (through the idea of destitution); a scarcity of food: -- dearth, famine, hunger. 3040
2986 - lampros {lam-pros'}; from the same as 2985; radiant; by analogy, limpid; figuratively, magnificent or sumptuous (in appearance): -- bright, clear, gay, goodly, gorgeous, white. 2984
5560 - cholos {kho-los'}; apparently a primary word; "halt", i.e. limping: -- cripple, halt, lame. 5458
3585 - xulinos {xoo'-lin-os}; from 3586; wooden: -- of wood. 3484
0960 - Beroia {ber'-oy-ah}; perhaps a provincial from a derivative of 4008 [Peroea, i.e. the region beyond the coast-line]; Beroea, a place in Macedonia: -- Berea. 960
2583 - kanon {kan-ohn'}; from kane (a straight reed, i.e. rod); a rule ("canon"), i.e. (figuratively) a standard (of faith and practice); by implication, a boundary, i.e. (figuratively) a sphere (of activity): -- line, rule. 2582
3725 - horion {hor'-ee-on}; neuter of a derivative of an apparently primary horos (a bound or limit); a boundary-line, i.e. (by implication) a frontier (region): -- border, coast. 3624
3734 - horothesia {hor-oth-es-ee'-ah}; from a compound of the base of 3725 and a derivative of 5087; a limit-placing, i.e. (concretely) boundary-line: -- bound. 3632
4748 - stoicheo {stoy-kheh'-o}; from a derivative of steicho (to range in regular line); to march in (military) rank (keep step), i.e. (figuratively) to conform to virtue and piety: -- walk (orderly). 4646
3965 - patria {pat-ree-ah'}; as if feminine of a derivative of 3962; paternal descent., i.e. (concretely) a group of families or a whole race (nation): -- family, kindred, lineage. 3862
5449 - phusis {foo'-sis}; from 5453; growth (by germination or expansion), i.e. (by implication) natural production (lineal descent); by extension, a genus or sort; figuratively, native disposition, constitution or usuage: -- ( [man-])kind, nature( [-al]). 5346
1039 - bussinos {boos'-see-nos}; from 1040; made of linen (neuter a linen cloth): -- fine linen. 1038
1039 - bussinos {boos'-see-nos}; from 1040; made of linen (neuter a linen cloth): -- fine linen. 1038
1039 - bussinos {boos'-see-nos}; from 1040; made of linen (neuter a linen cloth): -- fine linen. 1038
1040 - bussos {boos'-sos}; of Hebrew origin [0948]; white linen: -- fine linen. 1040
1040 - bussos {boos'-sos}; of Hebrew origin [0948]; white linen: -- fine linen. 1040
3012 - lention {len'-tee-on}; of Latin origin; a "linen" cloth, i.e. apron: -- towel. 3010
3043 - linon {lee'-non}; probably a primary word; flax, i.e. (by implication) "linen": -- linen. 3042
3043 - linon {lee'-non}; probably a primary word; flax, i.e. (by implication) "linen": -- linen. 3042
3607 - othone {oth-on'-ay}; of uncertain affinity; a linen cloth, i.e. (especially) a sail: -- sheet. 3506
3608 - othonion {oth-on'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 3607; a linen bandage: -- linen clothes. 3506
3608 - othonion {oth-on'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 3607; a linen bandage: -- linen clothes. 3506
4616 - sindon {sin-done'}; of uncertain (perhaps foreign) origin; byssos, i.e. bleached linen (the cloth or a garment of it): -- (fine) linen (cloth). 4514
4616 - sindon {sin-done'}; of uncertain (perhaps foreign) origin; byssos, i.e. bleached linen (the cloth or a garment of it): -- (fine) linen (cloth). 4514
5083 - tereo {tay-reh'-o}; from teros (a watch; perhaps akin to 2334); to guard (from loss or injury, properly, by keeping the eye upon; and thus differing from 5442, which is properly to prevent escaping; and from 2892, which implies a fortress or full military lines of apparatus), i.e. to note (a prophecy; figuratively, to fulfil a command); by implication, to detain (in custody; figuratively, to maintain); by extension, to withhold (for personal ends; figuratively, to keep unmarried); by extension, to withhold (for personal ends; figuratively, to keep unmarried): -- hold fast, keep(-er), (pre-, re-)serve, watch. 4980
0763 - asebeia {as-eb'-i-ah}; from 0765; impiety, i.e. (by implication) wickedness: -- ungodly(-liness). 762
2309 - thelo {thel'-o}; or ethelo {eth-el'-o}; in certain tenses theleo {thel-eh'-o}; and etheleo {eth-el-eh'-o}; which are otherwise obsolete; apparently strengthened from the alternate form of 0138; to determine (as an active option from subjective impulse; whereas 1014 properly denotes rather a passive acquiescence in objective considerations), i.e. choose or prefer (literally or figuratively); by implication, to wish, i.e. be inclined to (sometimes adverbially, gladly); impersonally for the future tense, to be about to; by Hebraism, to delight in: -- desire, be disposed (forward), intend, list, love, mean, please, have rather, (be) will (have, -ling, -ling [-ly]). 2308
2309 - thelo {thel'-o}; or ethelo {eth-el'-o}; in certain tenses theleo {thel-eh'-o}; and etheleo {eth-el-eh'-o}; which are otherwise obsolete; apparently strengthened from the alternate form of 0138; to determine (as an active option from subjective impulse; whereas 1014 properly denotes rather a passive acquiescence in objective considerations), i.e. choose or prefer (literally or figuratively); by implication, to wish, i.e. be inclined to (sometimes adverbially, gladly); impersonally for the future tense, to be about to; by Hebraism, to delight in: -- desire, be disposed (forward), intend, list, love, mean, please, have rather, (be) will (have, -ling, -ling [-ly]). 2308
2337 - thelazo {thay-lad'-zo}; from thele (the nipple); to suckle, (by implication) to suck: -- (give) suck(-ling). 2336