3057 - logche {long'-khay}; perhaps a primary word; a "lance": -- spear. 3056
3048 - logia {log-ee'-ah}; from 3056 (in the commercial sense); a contribution: -- collection, gathering. 3046
0156 - aitia {ahee-tee'-a}; from the same as 0154; a cause (as if asked for), i.e. (logical) reason (motive, matter), (legal) crime (alleged or proved): -- accusation, case, cause, crime, fault, [wh-]ere [-fore]. 156
1534 - eita {i'-tah}; of uncertain affinity; a particle of succession (in time or logical enumeration), then, moreover: -- after that(-ward), furthermore, then. See also 1899. 1534
3050 - logikos {log-ik-os'}; from 3056; rational ("logical"): -- reasonable, of the word. 3048
3050 - logikos {log-ik-os'}; from 3056; rational ("logical"): -- reasonable, of the word. 3048
3051 - logion {log'-ee-on}; neuter of 3052; an utterance (of God): -- oracle. 3050
3052 - logios {log'-ee-os}; from 3056; fluent, i.e. an orator: -- eloquent. 3050
3053 - logismos {log-is-mos'}; from 3049; computation, i.e. (figuratively) reasoning (conscience, conceit): -- imagination, thought. 3052
3049 - logizomai {log-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 3056; to take an inventory, i.e. estimate (literally or figuratively): -- conclude, (ac-)count (of), + despise, esteem, impute, lay, number, reason, reckon, suppose, think (on). 3048
3054 - logomacheo {log-om-akh-eh'-o}; from a compound of 3056 and 3164; to be disputatious (on trifles): -- strive about words. 3052
3055 - logomachia {log-om-akh-ee'-ah}; from the same as 3054; disputation about trifles ("logomachy"): -- strife of words. 3054
3055 - logomachia {log-om-akh-ee'-ah}; from the same as 3054; disputation about trifles ("logomachy"): -- strife of words. 3054
3056 - logos {log'-os}; from 3004; something said (including the thought); by implication a topic (subject of discourse), also reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive; by extension, a computation; specifically (with the article in John) the Divine Expression (i.e. Christ): -- account, cause, communication, X concerning, doctrine, fame, X have to do, intent, matter, mouth, preaching, question, reason, + reckon, remove, say(-ing), shew, X speaker, speech, talk, thing, + none of these things move me, tidings, treatise, utterance, word, work. 3054
3058 - loidoreo {loy-dor-eh'-o}; from 3060; to reproach, i.e. vilify: -- revile. 3056
3059 - loidoria {loy-dor-ee'-ah}; from 3060; slander or vituperation: -- railing, reproach [-fully]. 3058
3060 - loidoros {loy'-dor-os}; from loidos (mischief); abusive, i.e. a blackguard: -- railer, reviler. 3058
3060 - loidoros {loy'-dor-os}; from loidos (mischief); abusive, i.e. a blackguard: -- railer, reviler. 3058
3061 - loimos {loy'-mos}; of uncertain affinity; a plague (literally, the disease, or figuratively, a pest): -- pestilence(-t). 3060
3751 - osphus {os-foos'}; of uncertain affinity; the loin (externally), i.e. the hip; intern. (by extension) procreative power: -- loin. 3648
3751 - osphus {os-foos'}; of uncertain affinity; the loin (externally), i.e. the hip; intern. (by extension) procreative power: -- loin. 3648
3063 - loipon {loy-pon'}; neuter singular of the same as 3062; something remaining (adverbially): -- besides, finally, furthermore, (from) henceforth, moreover, now, + it remaineth, then. 3062
3064 - loipou {loy-poo'}; genitive case singular of the same as 3062; remaining time: -- from henceforth. 3062
3062 - loipoy {loy-poy'}; masculine plural of a derivative of 3007; remaining ones: -- other, which remain, remnant, residue, rest. 3060
3090 - Lois {lo-ece'}; of uncertain origin; Lois, a Christian woman: -- Lois. 3088
3090 - Lois {lo-ece'}; of uncertain origin; Lois, a Christian woman: -- Lois. 3088
3090 - Lois {lo-ece'}; of uncertain origin; Lois, a Christian woman: -- Lois. 3088
4981 - schole {skhol-ay'}; probably feminine of a presumed derivative of the alternate of 2192; properly, loitering (as a withholding of oneself from work) or leisure, i.e. (by implication) a "school" (as vacation from physical employment): -- school. 4878
1495 - eidololatreia {i-do-lol-at-ri'-ah}; from 1497 and 2999; image-worship (literally or figuratively): -- idolatry. 1494
1496 - eidololatres {i-do-lol-at'-race}; from 1497 and the base of 3000; an image-(servant or) worshipper (literally or figuratively): -- idolater. 1496
0138 - haireomai {hahee-reh'-om-ahee}; probably akin to 0142; to take for oneself, i.e. to prefer: -- choose. Some of the forms are borrowed from a cognate hellomai (hel'-lom-ahee); which is otherwise obsolete. 138
0242 - hallomai {hal'-lom-ahee}; middle voice of apparently a primary verb; to jump; figuratively, to gush: -- leap, spring up. 242
0306 - anaballomai {an-ab-al'-lom-ahee}; middle voice from 0303 and 0906; to put off (for oneself): -- defer. 306
1014 - {boo'-lom-ahee}; middle voice of a primary verb.; to "will," i.e. (reflexively) be willing: -- be disposed, minded, intend, list, (be, of own) will(-ing). Compare 2309. 1014
1291 - diastellomai {dee-as-tel'-lom-ahee}; middle voice from 1223 and 4724; to set (oneself) apart (figuratively, distinguish), i.e. (by implication) to enjoin: -- charge, that which was (give) commanded(-ment). 1290
1781 - entellomai {en-tel'-lom-ahee}; from 1722 and the base of 5056; to enjoin: -- (give) charge, (give) command(-ments), injoin. 1780
1814 - exallomai {ex-al'-lom-ahee}; from 1537 and 0242; to spring forth : -- leap up. 1814
2177 - ephallomai {ef-al'-lom-ahee}; from 1909 and 0242; to spring upon: -- leap on. 2176
3338 - metamellomai {met-am-el'-lom-ahee}; from 3326 and the middle voice of 3199; to care afterwards, i.e. regret: -- repent (self). 3236
4279 - proepaggellomai {pro-ep-ang-ghel'-lom-ahee}; middle voice from 4253 and 1861; to promise of old: -- promise before. 4176
1400 - doulon {doo'-lon}; neuter of 1401; subservient: -- servant. 1400
1429 - dodekaphulon {do-dek-af'-oo-lon}; from 1427 and 5443; the commonwealth of Israel: -- twelve tribes. 1428
1497 - eidolon {i'-do-lon}; from 1491; an image (i.e. for worship); by implication, a heathen god, or (plural) the worship of such: -- idol. 1496
2966 - kolon {ko'-lon}; from the base of 2849; a limb of the body (as if lopped): -- carcase. 2964
3111 - makellon {mak'-el-lon}; of Latin origin [macellum]; a butcher's stall, meat market or provision-shop: -- shambles. 3110
3123 - mallon {mal'-lon}; neuter of the comparative of the same as 3122; (adverbially) more (in a greater degree)) or rather: -- + better, X far, (the) more (and more), (so) much (the more), rather. 3122
3586 - xulon {xoo'-lon}; from another form of the base of 3582; timber (as fuel or material); by implication a stick, club or tree or other wooden article or substance: -- staff, stocks, tree, wood. 3484
3696 - hoplon {hop'-lon}; probably from a primary hepo (to be busy about); an implement or utensil or tool (literally or figuratively, especially offensive for war): -- armour, instrument, weapon. 3594
4661 - skulon {skoo'-lon}; neuter from 4660; something stripped (as a hide), i.e. booty: -- spoil. 4558
5234 - huperballontos {hoop-er-bal-lon'-toce}; adverb from present participle active of 5235; excessively: -- beyond measure. 5132
5444 - phullon {fool'-lon}; from the same as 5443; a sprout, i.e. leaf: -- leaf. 5342
0240 - allelon {al-lay'-lone}; Gen. plural from 0243 reduplicated; one another: -- each other, mutual, one another, (the other), (them-, your-)selves, (selves) together [sometimes with 3326 or 4314]. 240
0897 - Babulon {bab-oo-lone'}; of Hebrew origin [0894]; Babylon, the capitol of Chaldaea (literally or figuratively [as a type of tyranny]): -- Babylon. 896
2194 - Zaboulon {dzab-oo-lone'}; of Hebrew origin [2074]; Zabulon (i.e. Zebulon), a region of Palestine: -- Zabulon. 2194
3459 - mulon {moo'-lone}; from 3458; a mill-house: -- mill. 3358
4440 - pulon {poo-lone'}; from 4439; a gate-way, door-way of a building or city; by implication, a portal or vestibule: -- gate, porch. 4338
5012 - tapeinophrosune {tap-i-nof-ros-oo'-nay}; from a compound of 5011 and the base of 5424; humiliation of mind, i.e. modesty: -- humbleness of mind, humility (of mind, loneliness (of mind). 4910
2048 - eremos {er'-ay-mos}; of uncertain affinity; lonesome, i.e. (by implication) waste (usually as a noun, 5561 being implied): -- desert, desolate, solitary, wilderness. 2048
1597 - ekpalai {eh'-pal-ahee}; from 1537 and 3819; long ago, for a long while: -- of a long time, of old. 1596
1597 - ekpalai {eh'-pal-ahee}; from 1537 and 3819; long ago, for a long while: -- of a long time, of old. 1596
1597 - ekpalai {eh'-pal-ahee}; from 1537 and 3819; long ago, for a long while: -- of a long time, of old. 1596
1909 - epi {ep-ee'}; a primary preposition; properly, meaning superimposition (of time, place, order, etc.), as a relation of distribution [with the genitive case], i.e. over, upon, etc.; of rest (with the det.) at, on, etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towards, upon, etc.: -- about (the times), above, after, against, among, as long as (touching), at, beside, X have charge of, (be-, [where-])fore, in (a place, as much as, the time of, -to), (because) of, (up-)on (behalf of), over, (by, for) the space of, through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), with. In compounds it retains essentially the same import, at, upon, etc. (literally or figuratively). 1908
1937 - epithumeo {ep-ee-thoo-meh'-o}; from 1909 and 2372; to set the heart upon, i.e. long for (rightfully or otherwise): -- covet, desire, would fain, lust (after). 1936
1971 - epipotheo {ep-ee-poth-eh'-o}; from 1909 and potheo (to yearn); to dote upon, i.e. intensely crave possession (lawfully or wrongfully): -- (earnestly) desire (greatly), (greatly) long (after), lust. 1970
2071 - esomai {es'-om-ahee}; future of 1510; will be: -- shall (should) be (have), (shall) come (to pass), X may have, X fall, what would follow, X live long, X sojourn. 2070
2076 - esti {es-tee'}; third person singular present indicative of 1510; he (she or it) is; also (with neuter plural) they are: -- are, be(-long), call, X can [-not], come, consisteth, X dure for a while, + follow, X have, (that) is (to say), make, meaneth, X must needs, + profit, + remaineth, + wrestle. 2076
2193 - heos {heh'-oce}; of uncertain affinity; a conjunction, preposition and adverb of continuance, until (of time and place): -- even (until, unto), (as) far (as), how long, (un-)til(-l), (hither-, un-, up) to, while(-s). 2192
2425 - hikanos {hik-an-os'}; from hiko [hikano or hikneomai, akin to 2240] (to arrive); competent (as if coming in season), i.e. ample (in amount) or fit (in character): -- able, + content, enough, good, great, large, long (while), many, meet, much, security, sore, sufficient, worthy. 2424
2442 - himeiromai {him-i'-rom-ahee}; middle voice from himeros (a yearning; of uncertain affinity); to long for: -- be affectionately desirous. 2442
2863 - komao {kom-ah'-o}; from 2864; to wear tresses of hair: -- have long hair. 2862
3057 - logche {long'-khay}; perhaps a primary word; a "lance": -- spear. 3056
3105 - mainomai {mah'-ee-nom-ahee}; middle voice from a primary mao (to long for; through the idea of insensate craving); to rave as a "maniac": -- be beside self (mad). 3104
3114 - makrothumeo {mak-roth-oo-meh'-o}; from the same as 3116; to be long-spirited, i.e. (objectively) forbearing or (subjectively) patient: -- bear (suffer) long, be longsuffering, have (long) patience, be patient, patiently endure. 3112
3114 - makrothumeo {mak-roth-oo-meh'-o}; from the same as 3116; to be long-spirited, i.e. (objectively) forbearing or (subjectively) patient: -- bear (suffer) long, be longsuffering, have (long) patience, be patient, patiently endure. 3112
3114 - makrothumeo {mak-roth-oo-meh'-o}; from the same as 3116; to be long-spirited, i.e. (objectively) forbearing or (subjectively) patient: -- bear (suffer) long, be longsuffering, have (long) patience, be patient, patiently endure. 3112
3116 - makrothumos {mak-roth-oo-moce'}; adverb of a compound of 3117 and 2372; with long (enduring) temper, i.e. leniently: -- patiently. 3114
3117 - makros {mak-ros'}; from 3372; long (in place [distant] or time [neuter plural]): -- far, long. 3116
3117 - makros {mak-ros'}; from 3372; long (in place [distant] or time [neuter plural]): -- far, long. 3116
3118 - makrochronios {mak-rokh-ron'-ee-os}; from 3117 and 5550; long-timed, i.e. long-lived: -- live long. 3116
3118 - makrochronios {mak-rokh-ron'-ee-os}; from 3117 and 5550; long-timed, i.e. long-lived: -- live long. 3116
3118 - makrochronios {mak-rokh-ron'-ee-os}; from 3117 and 5550; long-timed, i.e. long-lived: -- live long. 3116
3641 - oligos {ol-ee'-gos}; of uncertain affinity; puny (in extent, degree, number, duration or value); especially neuter (adverbial) somewhat: -- + almost, brief [-ly], few, (a) little, + long, a season, short, small, a while. 3540
3713 - oregomai {or-eg'-om-ahee}; middle voice of apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary [compare 3735]; to stretch oneself, i.e. reach out after (long for): -- covet after, desire. 3612
3745 - hosos {hos'-os}; by reduplication from 3739; as (much, great, long, etc.) as: -- all (that), as (long, many, much) (as), how great (many, much), [in-]asmuch as, so many as, that (ever), the more, those things, what (great, -soever), wheresoever, wherewithsoever, which, X while, who(-soever). 3642
3745 - hosos {hos'-os}; by reduplication from 3739; as (much, great, long, etc.) as: -- all (that), as (long, many, much) (as), how great (many, much), [in-]asmuch as, so many as, that (ever), the more, those things, what (great, -soever), wheresoever, wherewithsoever, which, X while, who(-soever). 3642
3752 - hotan {hot'-an}; from 3753 and 0302; whenever (implying hypothesis or more or less uncertainty); also caus. (conjunctionally) inasmuch as: -- as long (soon) as, that, + till, when(-soever), while. 3650
3756 - ou {oo}; also (before a vowel) ouk {ook}; and (before an aspirate) ouch {ookh}; a primary word; the absolute negative [compare 3361] adverb; no or not: -- + long, nay, neither, never, no (X man), none, [can-]not, + nothing, + special, un( [-worthy]), when, + without, + yet but. See also 3364, 3372. 3654
4119 - pleion {pli-own}; neuter pleion {pli'-on}; or pleon {pleh'-on}; comparative of 4183; more in quantity, number, or quality; also (in plural) the major portion: -- X above, + exceed, more excellent, further, (very) great(-er), long(-er), (very) many, greater (more) part, + yet but. 4016
4183 - polus {pol-oos'}; including the forms from the alternate pollos; (singular) much (in any respect) or (plural) many; neuter (singular) as adverbial, largely; neuter (plural) as adverb or noun often, mostly, largely: -- abundant, + altogether, common, + far (passed, spent), (+ be of a) great (age, deal, -ly, while), long, many, much, oft(-en [-times]), plenteous, sore, straitly. Compare 4118, 4119. 4080
4214 - posos {pos'-os}; from an absolute pos (who, what) and 3739; interrogative pronoun (of amount) how much (large, long or [plural] many): -- how great (long, many), what. 4112
4214 - posos {pos'-os}; from an absolute pos (who, what) and 3739; interrogative pronoun (of amount) how much (large, long or [plural] many): -- how great (long, many), what. 4112
4219 - pote {pot'-eh}; from the base of 4226 and 5037; interrogative adverb, at what time: -- + how long, when. 4116
4501 - rhomphaia {hrom-fah'-yah}; probably of foreign origin; a sabre, i.e. a long and broad cutlass (any weapon of the kind, literally or figuratively): -- sword. 4398
4749 - stole {stol-ay'}; from 4724; equipment, i.e. (specifically) a "stole" or long-fitting gown (as a mark of dignity): -- long clothing (garment), (long) robe. 4646
4749 - stole {stol-ay'}; from 4724; equipment, i.e. (specifically) a "stole" or long-fitting gown (as a mark of dignity): -- long clothing (garment), (long) robe. 4646
4749 - stole {stol-ay'}; from 4724; equipment, i.e. (specifically) a "stole" or long-fitting gown (as a mark of dignity): -- long clothing (garment), (long) robe. 4646
5118 - tosoutos {tos-oo'-tos}; from tosos (so much; apparently from 3588 and 3739) and 3778 (including its variations); so vast as this, i.e. such (in quantity, amount, number of space): -- as large, so great (long, many, much), these many. 5016