1004 - borboros {bor'-bor-os}; of uncertain derivation; mud: -- mire. 1004
3452 - muelos {moo-el-os'}; perhaps a primary word; the marrow: -- marrow. 3350
3453 - mueo {moo-eh'-o}; from the base of 3466; to initiate, i.e. (by implication) to teach: -- instruct. 3352
3455 - mukaomai {moo-kah'-om-ahee}; from a presumed derivative of muzo ( to "moo"); to bellow (roar): -- roar. 3354
3456 - mukterizo {mook-tay-rid'-zo}; from a derivative of the base of 3455 (meaning snout, as that whence lowing proceeds); to make mouths at, i.e. ridicule: -- mock. 3354
4809 - sukomoraia {soo-kom-o-rah'-yah}; from 4810 and moron (the mulberry); the "sycamore"-fig tree: -- sycamore tree. Compare 4807. 4706
3457 - mulikos {moo-lee-kos'}; from 3458; belonging to a mill: -- mill [-stone]. 3356
3459 - mulon {moo'-lone}; from 3458; a mill-house: -- mill. 3358
3458 - mulos {moo'-los}; probably ultimately from the base of 3433 (through the idea of hardship); a "mill", i.e. (by implication) a grinder (millstone): -- millstone. 3356
4182 - polupoikilos {pol-oo-poy'-kil-os}; from 4183 and 4164; much variegated, i.e. multifarious: -- manifold. 4080
1441 - hebdomekontakis {heb-dom-ay-kon-tak-is}; multiple adverb from 1440; seventy times: -- seventy times. 1440
1768 - ennenekontaennea {en-nen-ay-kon-tah-en-neh'-ah}; from a (tenth) multiple of 1767 and 1767 itself; ninety-nine: -- ninety and nine. 1768
1835 - hexekonta {hex-ay'-kon-tah}; the tenth multiple of 1803; sixty: -- sixty [-fold], threescore. 1834
3740 - hosakis {hos-ak'-is}; multiple adverb from 3739; how (i.e. with 0302, so) many times as: -- as oft(-en) as. 3638
3999 - pentakis {pen-tak-ece'}; multiplicative adverb from 4002; five times: -- five times. 3896
4004 - pentekonta {pen-tay'-kon-tah}; multiplicative of 4002; fifty: -- fifty. 3902
4178 - pollakis {pol-lak'-is}; multiplicative adverb from 4183; many times, i.e. frequently: -- oft(-en, -entimes, -times). 4076
4212 - posakis {pos-ak'-is}; multiplicative from 4214; how many times: -- how oft(-en). 4110
5070 - tetrakischilioi {tet-rak-is-khil'-ee-oy}; from the multiplicative adverb of 5064 and 5507; four times a thousand: -- four thousand. 4968
4129 - plethuno {play-thoo'-no}; from another form of 4128; to increase (transitively or intransitively): -- abound, multiply. 4026
3658 - homilos {hom'-il-os}; from the base of 3674 and a derivative of the alternate of 0138 (meaning a crowd); association together, i.e. a multitude: -- company. 3556
3793 - ochlos {okh'los}; from a derivative of 2192 (meaning a vehicle); a throng (as borne along); by implication, the rabble; by extension, a class of people; figuratively, a riot: -- company, multitude, number (of people), people, press. 3690
3826 - pamplethei {pam-play-thi'}; dative case (adverb) of a compound of 3956 and 4128; in full multitude, i.e. concertedly or simultaneously: -- all at once. 3724
4128 - plethos {play'-thos}; from 4130; a fulness, i.e. a large number, throng, populace: -- bundle, company, multitude. 4026
4138 - pleroma {play'-ro-mah}; from 4137; repletion or completion, i.e. (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): -- which is put in to fill up, piece that filled up, fulfilling, full, fulness. 4036
2886 - kosmikos {kos-mee-kos'}; from 2889 (in its secondary sense); terrene ("cosmic"), literally (mundane) or figuratively (corrupt): -- worldly. 2884
3466 - musterion {moos-tay'-ree-on}; from a derivative of muo (to shut the mouth); a secret or "mystery" (through the idea of silence imposed by initiation into religious rites): -- mystery. 3364
3467 - muopazo {moo-ope-ad'-zo}; from a compound of the base of 3466 and ops (the face; from 3700); to shut the eyes, i.e. blink (see indistinctly): -- cannot see far off. 3366
3460 - Mura {moo'-rah}; of uncertain derivation; Myra, a place in Asia Minor: -- Myra. 3358
0337 - anaireo {an-ahee-reh'-o}; from 0303 and (the active of) 0138; to take up, i.e. adopt; by implication, to take away (violently), i.e. abolish, murder: -- put to death, kill, slay, take away, take up. 336
5407 - phoneuo {fon-yoo'-o}; from 5406; to be a murderer (of): -- kill, do murder, slay. 5304
5408 - phonos {fon'-os}; from an obsolete primary pheno (to slay); murder: -- murder, + be slain with, slaughter. 5306
5408 - phonos {fon'-os}; from an obsolete primary pheno (to slay); murder: -- murder, + be slain with, slaughter. 5306
0409 - androphonos {an-drof-on'-os}; from 0435 and 5408; a murderer: -- manslayer. 408
0443 - anthropoktonos {anth-ro-pok-ton'-os}; from 0444 and kteine (to kill); a manslayer: -- murderer. Compare 5406. 442
3389 - metraloias {may-tral-o'-as}; from 3384 and the base of 0257; a mother-thresher, i.e. matricide: -- murderer of mothers. 3288
3964 - patraloias {pat-ral-o'-as}; from 3962 and the same as the latter part of 3389; a parricide: -- murderer of fathers. 3862
4607 - sikarios {sik-ar'-ee-os}; of Latin origin; a dagger-man or assassin; a freebooter (Jewish fanatic outlawed by the Romans): -- murderer. Compare 5406. 4504
5406 - phoneus {fon-yooce'}; from 5408; a murderer (always of criminal [or at least intentional] homicide; which 0443 does not necessarily imply; while 4607 is a special term for a public bandit): -- murderer. 5304
5406 - phoneus {fon-yooce'}; from 5408; a murderer (always of criminal [or at least intentional] homicide; which 0443 does not necessarily imply; while 4607 is a special term for a public bandit): -- murderer. 5304
5407 - phoneuo {fon-yoo'-o}; from 5406; to be a murderer (of): -- kill, do murder, slay. 5304
1747 - enedra {en-ed'-rah}; feminine from 1722 and the base of 1476; an ambuscade, i.e. (figuratively) murderous purpose: -- lay wait. See also 1749. 1746
1749 - enedron {en'-ed-ron}; neuter of the same as 1747; an ambush, i.e. (figuratively) murderous design: -- lying in wait. 1748
3461 - murias {moo-ree'-as}; from 3463; a ten-thousand; by extension, a "myriad" or indefinite number: -- ten thousand. 3360
3463 - murioi {moo'-ree-oi}; plural of an apparently primary word (properly, meaning very many); ten thousand; by extension, innumerably many: -- ten thousand. 3362
3462 - murizo {moo-rid'-zo}; from 3464; to apply (perfumed) unguent to: -- anoint. 3360
1111 - gogguzo {gong-good'-zo}; of uncertain derivation; to grumble: -- murmur. 1110
1234 - diagogguzo {dee-ag-ong-good'-zo}; from 1223 and 1111; to complain throughout a crowd: -- murmur. 1234
1690 - embrimaomai {em-brim-ah'-om-ahee}; from 1722 and brimaomai (to snort with anger); to have indignation on, i.e. (transitively) to blame, (intransitively) to sigh with chagrin, (specially) to sternly enjoin: -- straitly charge, groan, murmur against. 1690
4727 - stenazo {sten-ad'-zo}; from 4728; to make (intransitively, be) in straits, i.e. (by implication) to sigh, murmur, pray inaudibly: -- with grief, groan, grudge, sigh. 4624
5167 - trugon {troo-gone'}; from truzo (to murmur; akin to 5149, but denoting a duller sound); a turtle-dove (as cooing): -- turtle-dove. 5064
1113 - goggustes {gong-goos-tace'}; from 1111; a grumbler: -- murmurer. 1112
1112 - goggusmos {gong-goos-mos'}; from 1111; a grumbling: -- grudging, murmuring. 1112
3464 - muron {moo'-ron}; probably of foreign origin [compare 4753, 4666]; "myrrh", i.e. (by implication) perfumed oil: -- ointment. 3362
1260 - dialogizomai {dee-al-og-id'-zom-ahee}; from 1223 and 3049; to reckon thoroughly, i.e. (genitive case) to deliberate (by reflection or discussion): -- cast in mind, consider, dispute, muse, reason, think. 1260
3451 - mousikos {moo-sik-os'}; from Mousa (a Muse); "musical", i.e. (as noun) a minstrel: -- musician. 3350
3465 - Musia {moo-see'-ah}; of uncertain origin; Mysia, a region of Asia Minor: -- Mysia. 3364
4858 - sumphonia {soom-fo-nee'-ah}; from 4859; unison of sound ("symphony"), i.e. a concert of instruments (harmonious note): -- music. 4756
5567 - psallo {psal'-lo}; probably strengthened from psao (to rub or touch the surface; compare 5597); to twitch or twang, i.e. to play on a stringed instrument (celebrate the divine worship with music and accompanying odes): -- make melody, sing (psalms). 5464
3451 - mousikos {moo-sik-os'}; from Mousa (a Muse); "musical", i.e. (as noun) a minstrel: -- musician. 3350
5353 - phthoggos {ftong'-gos}; from 5350; utterance, i.e. a musical note (vocal or instrumental): -- sound. 5250
3451 - mousikos {moo-sik-os'}; from Mousa (a Muse); "musical", i.e. (as noun) a minstrel: -- musician. 3350
4209 - porphura {por-foo'-rah}; of Latin origin; the "purple" mussel, i.e. (by implication) the red-blue color itself, and finally a garment dyed with it: -- purple. 4106
0318 - anagke {an-ang-kay'}; from 0303 and the base of 0043; constraint (literally or figuratively); by implication, distress: -- distress, must needs, (of) necessity(-sary), needeth, needful. 318
0992 - bleteos {blay-teh'-os}; from 0906; fit to be cast (i.e. applied): -- must be put. 992
1098 - gleukos {glyoo'-kos}; akin to 1099; sweet wine, i.e. (prop.) must (fresh juice), but used of the more saccharine (and therefore highly inebriating) fermented wine: -- new wine. 1098
1163 - dei {die}; 3d person singular active present of 1210; also deon {deh-on'}; neuter active participle of the same; both used impersonally; it is (was, etc.) necessary (as binding): -- behoved, be meet, must (needs), (be) need(-ful), ought, should. 1162
2076 - esti {es-tee'}; third person singular present indicative of 1510; he (she or it) is; also (with neuter plural) they are: -- are, be(-long), call, X can [-not], come, consisteth, X dure for a while, + follow, X have, (that) is (to say), make, meaneth, X must needs, + profit, + remaineth, + wrestle. 2076
2192 - echo {ekh'-o}; including an alternate form scheo {skheh'-o}; used in certain tenses only); a primary verb; to hold (used in very various applications, literally or figuratively, direct or remote; such as possessions; ability, contiuity, relation, or condition): -- be (able, X hold, possessed with), accompany, + begin to amend, can(+ -not), X conceive, count, diseased, do + eat, + enjoy, + fear, following, have, hold, keep, + lack, + go to law, lie, + must needs, + of necessity, + need, next, + recover, + reign, + rest, + return, X sick, take for, + tremble, + uncircumcised, use. 2192
3784 - opheilo {of-i'-lo}; or (in certain tenses) its prolonged form opheileo {of-i-leh'-o}; probably from the base of 3786 (through the idea of accruing); to owe (pecuniarily); figuratively, to be under obligation (ought, must, should); morally, to fail in duty: -- behove, be bound, (be) debt(-or), (be) due(-ty), be guilty (indebted), (must) need(-s), ought, owe, should. See also 3785. 3682
3784 - opheilo {of-i'-lo}; or (in certain tenses) its prolonged form opheileo {of-i-leh'-o}; probably from the base of 3786 (through the idea of accruing); to owe (pecuniarily); figuratively, to be under obligation (ought, must, should); morally, to fail in duty: -- behove, be bound, (be) debt(-or), (be) due(-ty), be guilty (indebted), (must) need(-s), ought, owe, should. See also 3785. 3682
5534 - chre {khray}; third person singular of the same as 5530 or 5531 used impersonally; it needs (must or should) be: -- ought. 5432
5600 - o {o}; including the oblique forms, as well as es {ace}; e {ay}; etc.; the subjunctive of 1510; (may, might, can, could, would, should, must, etc.; also with 1487 and its comparative, as well as with other particles) be: -- + appear, are, (may, might, should) be, X have, is, + pass the flower of her age, should stand, were. 5496
4615 - sinapi {sin'-ap-ee}; perhaps from sinomai (to hurt, i.e. sting); mustard (the plant): -- mustard. 4512
4615 - sinapi {sin'-ap-ee}; perhaps from sinomai (to hurt, i.e. sting); mustard (the plant): -- mustard. 4512
3466 - musterion {moos-tay'-ree-on}; from a derivative of muo (to shut the mouth); a secret or "mystery" (through the idea of silence imposed by initiation into religious rites): -- mystery. 3364