3493 - Nachor {nakh-ore'}; of Hebrew origin [5152]; Nachor, the grandfather of Abraham: -- Nachor. 3392
3493 - Nachor {nakh-ore'}; of Hebrew origin [5152]; Nachor, the grandfather of Abraham: -- Nachor. 3392
3493 - Nachor {nakh-ore'}; of Hebrew origin [5152]; Nachor, the grandfather of Abraham: -- Nachor. 3392
3476 - Naasson {nah-as-sone'}; of Hebrew origin [5177]; Naasson (i.e. Nachshon), an Israelite: -- Naasson. 3374
3486 - Naoum {nah-oom'}; of Hebrew origin [5151]; Naum (i.e. Nachum), an Israelite: -- Naum. 3384
0284 - Aminadab {am-ee-nad-ab'}; of Hebrew origin [5992]; Aminadab, an Israelite: -- Aminadab. 284
1128 - gumnazo {goom-nad'-zo}; from 1131; to practise naked (in the games), i.e. train (figuratively): -- exercise. 1128
3478 - Nazareth {nad-zar-eth'}; or Nazaret {nad-zar-et'}; of uncertain derivation; Nazareth or Nazaret, a place in Palestine: -- Nazareth. 3376
3478 - Nazareth {nad-zar-eth'}; or Nazaret {nad-zar-et'}; of uncertain derivation; Nazareth or Nazaret, a place in Palestine: -- Nazareth. 3376
3479 - Nazarenos {nad-zar-ay-nos'}; from 3478; a Nazarene, i.e. inhabitant of Nazareth: -- of Nazareth. 3378
3480 - Nazoraios {nad-zo-rah'-yos}; from 3478; a Nazoraean, i.e. inhabitant of Nazareth; by extension, a Christian: -- Nazarene, of Nazareth. 3378
4768 - stugnazo {stoog-nad'-zo}; from the same as 4767; to render gloomy, i.e. (by implication) glower (be overcast with clouds, or sombreness of speech): -- lower, be sad. 4666
0046 - agnaphos {ag'-naf-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and the same as 1102; properly, unfulled, i.e. (by implication) new (cloth): -- new. 46
3477 - Naggai {nang-gah'-ee}; probably of Hebrew origin [compare 5052]; Nangae (i.e. perhaps Nogach), an Israelite: -- Nagge. 3376
3477 - Naggai {nang-gah'-ee}; probably of Hebrew origin [compare 5052]; Nangae (i.e. perhaps Nogach), an Israelite: -- Nagge. 3376
0117 - Athenaios {ath-ay-nah'-yos}; from 0116; an Athenoean or inhabitant of Athenae: -- Athenian. 116
0313 - anagennao {an-ag-en-nah'-o}; from 0303 and 1080; to beget or (by extension) bear (again): -- beget, (bear) X (again). 312
0451 - Anna {an'-nah}; of Hebrew origin [2584]; Anna, an Israelitess: -- Anna. 450
1044 - gaggraina {gang'-grahee-nah}; from graino (to gnaw); an ulcer ("gangrene"): -- canker. 1044
1067 - geena {gheh'-en-nah}; of Hebrew origin [1516 and 2011]; valley of (the son of) Hinnom; ge-henna (or Ge-Hinnom), a valley of Jerusalem, used (figuratively) as a name for the place (or state) of everlasting punishment: -- hell. 1066
1080 - gennao {ghen-nah'-o}; from a variation of 1085; to procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the mother); figuratively, to regenerate: -- bear, beget, be born, bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make, spring. 1080
1170 - deina {di'-nah}; probably from the same as 1171 (through the idea of forgetting the name as fearful, i.e. strange); so and so (when the person is not specified): -- such a man. 1170
1819 - exapina {ex-ap'-ee-nah}; from 1537 and a derivative of the same as 0160; of a sudden, i.e. unexpectedly: -- suddenly. Compare 1810. 1818
1830 - exereunao {ex-er-yoo-nah'-o}; from 1537 and 2045; to explore (figuratively): -- search diligently. 1830
1900 - epekeina {ep-ek'-i-nah}; from 1909 and (the accusative case plural neuter of) 1565; upon those parts of, i.e. on the further side of: -- beyond. 1900
2045 - ereunao {er-yoo-nah'-o}; apparently from 2046 (through the idea of inquiry); to seek, i.e. (figuratively) to investigate: -- search. 2044
2191 - echidna {ekh'-id-nah}; of uncertain origin; an adder or other poisonous snake (literally or figuratively): -- viper. 2190
2388 - Ianna {ee-an-nah'}; probably of Hebrew origin [compare 3238]; Janna, an Israelite: -- Janna. 2388
2489 - Ioanna {ee-o-an'-nah}; feminine of the same as 2491; Joanna, a Christian: -- Joanna. 2488
2584 - Kapernaoum {cap-er-nah-oom'}; of Hebrew origin [probably 3723 and 5151]; Capernaum (i.e. Caphanachum), a place in Palestine: -- Capernaum. 2584
2956 - Kurenaios {koo-ray-nah'-yos}; from 2957; i.e. Cyrenaean, i.e. inhabitant of Cyrene: -- of Cyrene, Cyrenian. 2954
3131 - manna {man'-nah}; of Hebrew origin [4478]; manna (i.e. man), an edible gum: -- manna. 3130
3308 - merimna {mer'-im-nah}; from 3307 (through the idea of distraction); solicitude: -- care. 3206
3309 - merimnao {mer-im-nah'-o}; from 3308; to be anxious about: -- (be, have) care(-ful), take thought. 3208
3476 - Naasson {nah-as-sone'}; of Hebrew origin [5177]; Naasson (i.e. Nachshon), an Israelite: -- Naasson. 3374
3484 - Nain {nah-in'}; probably of Hebrew origin [compare 4999]; Nain, a place in Palestine: -- Nain. 3382
3485 - naos {nah-os'}; from a primary naio (to dwell); a fane, shrine, temple : -- shrine, temple. Comp 2411. 3384
3486 - Naoum {nah-oom'}; of Hebrew origin [5151]; Naum (i.e. Nachum), an Israelite: -- Naum. 3384
3600 - odunao {od-oo-nah'-o}; from 3601; to grieve: -- sorrow, torment. 3498
3983 - peinao {pi-nah'-o}; from the same as 3993 (through the idea of pinching toil; "pine"); to famish (absol. or comparatively); figuratively, to crave: -- be an hungered. 3880
4305 - promerimnao {prom-er-im-nah'-o}; from 4253 and 3309; to care (anxiously) in advance: -- take thought beforehand. 4202
4403 - prumna {proom'-nah}; feminine of prumnus (hindmost); the stern of a ship: -- hinder part, stern. 4300
4418 - pterna {pter'-nah}; of uncertain derivation; the heel (figuratively): -- heel. 4316
4614 - Sina {see-nah'}; of Hebrew origin [5514]; Sina (i.e. Sinai), a mountain in Arabia: -- Sina. 4512
4666 - smurna {smoor'-nah}; apparently strengthened for 3464; myrrh: -- myrrh. 4564
4667 - Smurna {smoor'-nah}; the same as 4666; Smyrna, a place in Asia Minor: -- Smyrna. 4564
4668 - Smurnaios {smoor-nah'-yos}; from 4667; a Smyrnoean: -- in Smyrna. 4566
4677 - Sousanna {soo-san'-nah}; of Hebrew origin [7799 feminine]; lily; Susannah (i.e. Shoshannah), an Israelitess: -- Susanna. 4574
5170 - Truphaina {troo'-fahee-nah}; from 5172; luxurious; Tryphoena, a Christian woman: -- Tryphena. 5068
5238 - huperekeina {hoop-er-ek'-i-nah}; from 5228 and the neuter plural of 1565; above those parts, i.e. still farther: -- beyond. 5136
5614 - hosanna {ho-san-nah'}; of Hebrew origin [3467 and 4994]; oh save!; hosanna (i.e. hoshia-na), an exclamation of adoration: -- hosanna. 5510
0116 - Athenai {ath-ay-nahee}; plural of Athene (the goddess of wisdom, who was reputed to have founded the city); Athenoe, the capitol of Greece: -- Athens. 116
1133 - gunaikarion {goo-nahee-kar'-ee-on}; a diminutive from 1135; a little (i.e. foolish) woman: -- silly woman. 1132
1134 - gunaikeios {goo-nahee-ki'-os}; from 1135; feminine: -- wife. 1134
1511 - einai {i'-nahee}; present infinitive from 1510; to exist: -- am, are, come, is, X lust after, X please well, there is, to be, was. ***. heineken. See 1752. 1510
3483 - nai {nahee}; a primary particle of strong affirmation; yes: -- even so, surely, truth, verily, yea, yes. 3382
4999 - Tabernai {tab-er'-nahee}; plural of Latin origin; huts or wooden-walled buildings; Tabernoe: -- taverns. 4896
3483 - nai {nahee}; a primary particle of strong affirmation; yes: -- even so, surely, truth, verily, yea, yes. 3382
2247 - helos {hay'-los}; of uncertain affinity; a stud, i.e. spike: -- nail. 2246
4338 - proseloo {pros-ay-lo'-o}; from 4314 and a derivative of 2247; to peg to, i.e. spike fast: -- nail to. 4236
4557 - sardonux {sar-don'-oox}; from the base of 4556 and onux (the nail of a finger; hence the "onyx" stone); a "sardonyx", i.e. the gem so called: -- sardonyx. 4454
3484 - Nain {nah-in'}; probably of Hebrew origin [compare 4999]; Nain, a place in Palestine: -- Nain. 3382
3484 - Nain {nah-in'}; probably of Hebrew origin [compare 4999]; Nain, a place in Palestine: -- Nain. 3382
3484 - Nain {nah-in'}; probably of Hebrew origin [compare 4999]; Nain, a place in Palestine: -- Nain. 3382
3485 - naos {nah-os'}; from a primary naio (to dwell); a fane, shrine, temple : -- shrine, temple. Comp 2411. 3384
1128 - gumnazo {goom-nad'-zo}; from 1131; to practise naked (in the games), i.e. train (figuratively): -- exercise. 1128
1130 - gumneteuo {goom-nayt-yoo'-o}; from a derivative of 1131; to strip, i.e. (reflexively) go poorly clad: -- be naked. 1130
1131 - gumnos {goom-nos'}; of uncertain affinity; nude (absolute or relative, literal or figurative): -- naked. 1130
1132 - gumnotes {goom-not'-ace}; from 1131; nudity (absolute or comparative): -- nakedness. 1132
3493 - Nachor {nakh-ore'}; of Hebrew origin [5152]; Nachor, the grandfather of Abraham: -- Nachor. 3392
1410 - dunamai {doo'-nam-ahee}; of uncertain affinity; to be able or possible: -- be able, can (do, + -not), could, may, might, be possible, be of power. 1410
1411 - dunamis {doo'-nam-is}; from 1410; force (literally or figuratively); specially, miraculous power (usually by implication, a miracle itself): -- ability, abundance, meaning, might(-ily, -y, -y deed), (worker of) miracle(-s), power, strength,violence, mighty (wonderful) work. 1410
1412 - dunamoo {doo-nam-o'-o}; from 1411; to enable: -- strengthen. 1412
1743 - endunamoo {en-doo-nam-o'-o}; from 1722 and 1412; to empower: -- enable, (increase in) strength(-en), be (make) strong. 1742
0007 - Abia {ab-ee-ah'}; of Hebrew origin [0029]; Abijah, the name of two Israelites: -- Abia. 6
0211 - alabastron {al-ab'-as-tron}; neuter of alabastros (of uncertain derivation), the name of a stone; properly, an "alabaster" box, i.e. (by extension) a perfume vase (of any material): -- (alabaster) box. 210
0223 - Alexandros {al-ex'-an-dros}; from the same as (the first part of) 0220 and 0435; man-defender; Alexander, the name of three Israelites and one other man: -- Alexander. 222
0367 - Ananias {an-an-ee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [2608]; Ananias, the name of three Israelites: -- Ananias. 366
0675 - >Appios {ap'-pee-os}; of Latin origin; (in the genitive, i.e. possessive case) of Appius, the name of a Roman: -- Appii. 674
0697 - Areios Pagos {ar'-i-os pag'-os}; from Ares (the name of the Greek deity of war) and a derivative of 4078; rock of Ares, a place in Athens: -- Areopagus, Mars' Hill. 696
0717 - Armageddon {ar-mag-ed-dohn'}; of Hebrew origin [2022 and 4023]; Armageddon (or Har-Meggiddon), a symbol. name: -- Armageddon. 716
0735 - Artemis {ar'-tem-is}; probably from the same as 0736; prompt; Artemis, the name of a Grecian goddess borrowed by the Asiatics for one of their deities: -- Diana. 734
0923 - Barsabas {bar-sab-as'}; of Aramaic origin [1247 and probably 6634]; son of Sabas (or Tsaba); Bar-sabas, the name of two Israelites: -- Barsabas. 922
0954 - Beelzeboul {beh-el-zeb-ool'}; of Aramaic origin [by parody on 1176]; dung-god; Beelzebul, a name of Satan: -- Beelzebub. 954
1067 - geena {gheh'-en-nah}; of Hebrew origin [1516 and 2011]; valley of (the son of) Hinnom; ge-henna (or Ge-Hinnom), a valley of Jerusalem, used (figuratively) as a name for the place (or state) of everlasting punishment: -- hell. 1066
1136 - Gog {gogue}; of Hebrew origin [1463]; Gog, a symb. name for some future Antichrist: -- Gog. 1136
1170 - deina {di'-nah}; probably from the same as 1171 (through the idea of forgetting the name as fearful, i.e. strange); so and so (when the person is not specified): -- such a man. 1170
1216 - Demetrios {day-may'-tree-os}; from Demeter (Ceres); Demetrius, the name of an Ephesian and of a Christian: -- Demetrius. 1216
1409 - Drousilla {droo'-sil-lah}; a feminine diminutive of Drusus (a Roman name); Drusilla, a member of the Herodian family: -- Drusilla. ***. dumi. See 1416. 1408
1694 - Emmanouel {em-man-oo-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [6005]; God with us; Emmanuel, a name of Christ: -- Emmanuel. 1694
2028 - eponomazo {ep-on-om-ad'-zo}; from 1909 and 3687; to name further, i.e. denominate: -- call. 2028
2060 - Hermes {her-mace'}; perhaps from 2046; Hermes, the name of the messenger of the Greek deities; also of a Christian: -- Hermes, Mercury. 2060
2197 - Zacharias {dzakh-ar-ee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [2148]; Zacharias (i.e. Zechariah), the name of two Israelites: -- Zacharias. 2196
2203 - Zeus {dzyooce}; of uncertain affinity; in the oblique cases there is used instead of it a (probably cognate) name Dis {deece}, which is otherwise obsolete; Zeus or Dis (among the Latins, Jupiter or Jove), the supreme deity of the Greeks: -- Jupiter. 2202
2264 - Herodes {hay-ro'-dace}; compound of heros (a "hero") and 1491; heroic; Herod, the name of four Jewish kings: -- Herod. 2264
2385 - Iakobos {ee-ak'-o-bos}; the same as 2384 Graecized; Jacobus, the name of three Israelites: -- James. 2384
2424 - Iesous {ee-ay-sooce'}; of Hebrew origin [3091]; Jesus (i.e. Jehoshua), the name of our Lord and two (three) other Israelites: -- Jesus. 2424
2437 - Illurikon {il-loo-ree-kon'}; neuter of an adjective from a name of uncertain derivation: (the) Illyrican (shore), i.e. (as a name itself) Illyricum, a region of Europe: -- Illyricum. 2436
2437 - Illurikon {il-loo-ree-kon'}; neuter of an adjective from a name of uncertain derivation: (the) Illyrican (shore), i.e. (as a name itself) Illyricum, a region of Europe: -- Illyricum. 2436
2455 - Ioudas {ee-oo-das'}; of Hebrew origin [3063]; Judas (i.e. Jehudah), the name of ten Israelites; also of the posterity of one of them and its region: -- Juda(-h, -s); Jude. 2454
2459 - Ioustos {ee-ooce'-tos}; of Latin origin ("just"); Justus, the name of three Christian: -- Justus. 2458
2474 - Israel {is-rah-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [3478]; Israel (i.e. Jisrael), the adopted name of Jacob, including his descendants (literally or figuratively): -- Israel. 2474
2491 - Ioannes {ee-o-an'-nace}; of Hebrew origin [3110]; Joannes (i.e. Jochanan), the name of four Israelites: -- John. 2490
2495 - Ionas {ee-o-nas'}; of Hebrew origin [3124]; Jonas (i.e. Jonah), the name of two Israelites: -- Jonas. 2494
2500 - Ioses {ee-o-sace'}; perhaps for 2501; Joses, the name of two Israelites: -- Joses. Compare 2499. 2500
2501 - Ioseph {ee-o-safe'}; of Hebrew origin [3130]; Joseph, the name of seven Israelites: -- Joseph. 2500
2503 - iota {ee-o'-tah}; of Hebrew origin [the tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet]; "iota", the name of the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet, put (figuratively) for a very small part of anything: -- jot. 2502
2536 - Kainan {kah-ee-nan'}; of Hebrew origin [7018]; Cainan (i.e. Kenan), the name of two patriarchs: -- Cainan. 2536
2542 - Kaisereia {kahee-sar'-i-a}; from 2541; Caesaria, the name of two places in Palestine: -- Caesarea. 2542
2564 - kaleo {kal-eh'-o}; akin to the base of 2753; to "call" (properly, aloud, but used in a variety of applications, dir. or otherwise): -- bid, call (forth), (whose, whose sur-)name (was [called]). 2564
2804 - Klaudios {klow'-dee-os}; of Latin origin; Claudius, the name of two Romans: -- Claudius. 2802
2976 - Lazaros {lad'-zar-os}; probably of Hebrew origin [0499]; Lazarus (i.e. Elazar), the name of two Israelites (one imaginary): -- Lazarus. 2974
3004 - lego {leg'-o}; a primary verb; properly, to "lay" forth, i.e. (figuratively) relate (in words [usually of systematic or set discourse; whereas 2036 and 5346 generally refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while 4483 is properly, to break silence merely, and 2980 means an extended or random harangue]); by implication, to mean: -- ask, bid, boast, call, describe, give out, name, put forth, say(-ing, on), shew, speak, tell, utter. 3002
3017 - Leui {lyoo'-ee}; of Hebrew origin [3878]; Levi, the name of three Israelites: -- Levi. Compare 3018. 3016
3137 - Maria {mar-ee'-ah}; or Mariam {mar-ee-am'}; of Hebrew origin [4813]; Maria or Mariam (i.e. Mirjam), the name of six Christian females: -- Mary. 3136
3158 - Matthat {mat-that'}; probably a shortened form of 3161; Matthat (i.e. Mattithjah), the name of two Israelites: -- Mathat. 3156
3197 - Melchi {mel-khee'}; of Hebrew or [4428 with pronominal suf., my king]; Melchi (i.e. Malki), the name of two Israelites: -- Melchi. 3196
3488 - Narkissos {nar'-kis-sos}; a flower of the same name, from narke (stupefaction, as a "narcotic"); Narcissus, a Roman: -- Narcissus. 3386
3686 - onoma {on'-om-ah}; from a presumed derivative of the base of 1097 (compare 3685); a "name" (literally or figuratively) [authority, character]: -- called, (+ sur-)name(-d). 3584
3686 - onoma {on'-om-ah}; from a presumed derivative of the base of 1097 (compare 3685); a "name" (literally or figuratively) [authority, character]: -- called, (+ sur-)name(-d). 3584
3687 - onomazo {on-om-ad'-zo}; from 3686; to name, i.e. assign an appellation; by extension, to utter, mention, profess: -- call, name. 3586
3687 - onomazo {on-om-ad'-zo}; from 3686; to name, i.e. assign an appellation; by extension, to utter, mention, profess: -- call, name. 3586
3972 - Paulos {pow'-los}; of Latin origin; (little; but remotely from a derivative of 3973, meaning the same); Paulus, the name of a Roman and of an apostle: -- Paul, Paulus. 3870
4074 - Petros {pet'-ros}; apparently a primary word; a (piece of) rock (larger than 3037); as a name, Petrus, an apostle: -- Peter, rock. Compare 2786. 3972
4316 - prosagoreuo {pros-ag-or-yoo'-o}; from 4314 and a derivative of 0058 (mean to harangue); to address, i.e. salute by name: -- call. 4214
4436 - Puthon {poo'-thone}; from Putho (the name of the region where Delphi, the seat of the famous oracle, was located); a Python, i.e. (by analogy, with the supposed diviner there) inspiration (soothsaying): -- divination. 4334
4549 - Saoul {sah-ool'}; of Hebrew origin [7586]; Saul (i.e. Shaul), the Jewish name of Paul: -- Saul. Compare 4569. 4446
4569 - Saulos {sow'-los}; of Hebrew origin, the same as 4549; Saulus (i.e. Shaul), the Jewish name of Paul: -- Saul. ***. sautou. etc. See 4572. 4466
4596 - serikos {say-ree-kos'}; from Ser (an Indian tribe from whom silk was procured; hence the name of the silk-worm); Seric, i.e. silken (neuter as noun, a silky fabric): -- silk. 4494
4613 - Simon {see'-mone}; of Hebrew origin [8095]; Simon (i.e. Shimon), the name of nine Israelites: -- Simon. Compare 4826. 4510
4805 - suzugos {sood'-zoo-gos}; from 4801; co-yoked, i.e. (figuratively) as noun, a colleague; probably rather as a proper name; Syzygus, a Christian: -- yokefellow. 4702
4826 - Sumeon {soom-eh-one'}; from the same as 4613; Symeon (i.e. Shimon), the name of five Israelites: -- Simeon, Simon. 4724
4966 - Suchem {soo-khem'}; of Hebrew origin [7927]; Sychem (i.e. Shekem), the name of a Canaanite and of a place in Palestine: -- Sychem. 4864
5085 - Tiberias {tib-er-ee-as'}; from 5086; Tiberias, the name of a town and a lake in Palestine: -- Tiberias. 4982
5122 - tounoma {too'-no-mah}; contraction for the neuter of 3588 and 3686; the name (is): -- named. 5020
5376 - Philippos {fil'-ip-pos}; from 5384 and 2462; fond of horses; Philippus, the name of four Israelites: -- Philip. 5274
5455 - phoneo {fo-neh'-o}; from 5456; to emit a sound (animal, human or instrumental); by implication, to address in words or by name, also in imitation: -- call (for), crow, cry. 5352
5477 - Chanaan {khan-ah-an'}; of Hebrew origin [3667]; Chanaan (i.e. Kenaan), the early name of Palestine: -- Chanaan. 5374