0926 - barus {bar-ooce'}; from the same as 0922; weighty, i.e. (fig) burdensome, grave: -- greivous, heavy, weightier. 926
1021 - bradus {brad-ooce'}; of uncertain affinity; slow; figuratively, dull: -- slow. 1020
1024 - brachus {brakh-ooce'}; of uncertain affinity; short (of time, place, quantity, or number): -- few words, little (space, while). 1024
1695 - Emmaous {em-mah-ooce'}; probably of Hebrew origin [compare 3222]; Emmaus, a place in Palestine: -- Emmaus. 1694
2459 - Ioustos {ee-ooce'-tos}; of Latin origin ("just"); Justus, the name of three Christian: -- Justus. 2458
3599 - odous {od-ooce}; perhaps from the base of 2068; a "tooth": -- tooth. 3498
3775 - ous {ooce}; apparently a primary word; the ear (physically or mentally): -- ear. 3672
3827 - pampolus {pam-pol-ooce}; from 3956 and 4183; full many, i.e. immense: -- very great. 3724
4239 - praus {prah-ooce'}; apparently a primary word; mild, i.e. (by implication) humble: -- meek. See also 4235. 4136
5074 - tetrapous {tet-rap'-ooce}; from 5064 and 4228; a quadruped: -- fourfooted beast. 4972
5511 - chlamus {khlam-ooce'}; of uncertain derivation; a military cloak: -- robe. 5408
4562 - Sarouch {sar-ooch'}; of Hebrew origin [8286]; Saruch (i.e. Serug), a patriarch: -- Saruch. 4460
0010 - Abioud {ab-ee-ood'}; of Hebrew origin [0031]; Abihud, an Israelite: -- Abiud. 10
1664 - Elioud {el-ee-ood'}; of Hebrew origin [0410 and 1935]; God of majesty; Eliud, an Israelite: -- Eliud. 1664
0946 - bdelugma {bdel'-oog-mah}; from 0948; a detestation, i.e. (specially) idolatry: -- abomination. 946
4419 - pterugion {pter-oog'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 4420; a winglet, i.e. (figuratively) extremity (top corner): -- pinnacle. 4316
0403 - anapsuxis {an-aps'-ook-sis}; from 0404; properly, a recovery of breath, i.e. (figuratively) revival: -- revival. 402
0947 - bdeluktos {bdel-ook-tos'}; from 0948; detestable, i.e. (specially) idolatrous: -- abominable. 946
1273 - dianuktereuo {dee-an-ook-ter-yoo'-o}; from 1223 and a derivative of 3571; to sit up the whole night: -- continue all night. 1272
3317 - mesonuktion {mes-on-ook'-tee-on}; neuter of compound of 3319 and 3571; midnight (specifically as a watch): -- midnight. 3216
3378 - me ouk {may ook}; i.e. 3361 and 3756; as interrogative and negative, is it not that?: -- neither (followed by no), + never, not. Compare 3364. 3276
3756 - ou {oo}; also (before a vowel) ouk {ook}; and (before an aspirate) ouch {ookh}; a primary word; the absolute negative [compare 3361] adverb; no or not: -- + long, nay, neither, never, no (X man), none, [can-]not, + nothing, + special, un( [-worthy]), when, + without, + yet but. See also 3364, 3372. 3654
3765 - ouketi {ook-et'-ee}; also (separately) ouk eti {ook et'-ee); from 3756 and 2089; not yet, no longer: -- after that (not), (not) any more, henceforth (hereafter) not, no longer (more), not as yet (now), now no more (not), yet (not). 3662
3765 - ouketi {ook-et'-ee}; also (separately) ouk eti {ook et'-ee); from 3756 and 2089; not yet, no longer: -- after that (not), (not) any more, henceforth (hereafter) not, no longer (more), not as yet (now), now no more (not), yet (not). 3662
3766 - oukoun {ook-oon'}; from 3756 and 3767; is it not therefore that, i.e. (affirmatively) hence or so: -- then. 3664
3756 - ou {oo}; also (before a vowel) ouk {ook}; and (before an aspirate) ouch {ookh}; a primary word; the absolute negative [compare 3361] adverb; no or not: -- + long, nay, neither, never, no (X man), none, [can-]not, + nothing, + special, un( [-worthy]), when, + without, + yet but. See also 3364, 3372. 3654
0954 - Beelzeboul {beh-el-zeb-ool'}; of Aramaic origin [by parody on 1176]; dung-god; Beelzebul, a name of Satan: -- Beelzebub. 954
2416 - hierosuleo {hee-er-os-ool-eh'-o}; from 2417; to be a temple-robber (figuratively): -- commit sacrilege. 2416
3851 - parabouleuomai {par-ab-ool-yoo'-om-ahee}; from 3844 and the middle voice of 1011; to misconsult, i.e. disregard: -- not (to) regard(-ing). 3748
4549 - Saoul {sah-ool'}; of Hebrew origin [7586]; Saul (i.e. Shaul), the Jewish name of Paul: -- Saul. Compare 4569. 4446
0800 - asumphonos {as-oom'-fo-nos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 4859; inharmonious (figuratively): -- agree not. 800
1579 - ekkolumbao {ek-kol-oom-bah'-o}; from 1537 and 2860; to escape by swimming: -- swim out. 1578
2584 - Kapernaoum {cap-er-nah-oom'}; of Hebrew origin [probably 3723 and 5151]; Capernaum (i.e. Caphanachum), a place in Palestine: -- Capernaum. 2584
2860 - kolumbao {kol-oom-bah'-o}; from kolumbos (a diver); to plunge into water: -- swim. 2858
2861 - kolumbethra {kol-oom-bay'-thrah}; a diving-place, i.e. pond for bathing (or swimming): -- pool. 2860
3486 - Naoum {nah-oom'}; of Hebrew origin [5151]; Naum (i.e. Nachum), an Israelite: -- Naum. 3384
3652 - Olumpas {ol-oom-pas'}; probably a contraction from Olumpiodoros (Olympian-bestowed, i.e. heaven-descended); Olympas, a Christian: -- Olympas. 3550
0656 - aposunagogos {ap-os-oon-ag'-o-gos}; from 0575 and 4864; excommunicated: -- (put) out of the synagogue(-s). 656
0801 - asunetos {as-oon'-ay-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 4908; unintelligent; by implication, wicked: -- foolish, without understanding. 800
0802 - asunthetos {as-oon'-thet-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 4934; properly, not agreed, i.e. treacherous to compacts: -- covenant-breaker. 802
3304 - menounge {men-oon'-geh}; from 3203 and 3767 and 1065; so then at least: -- nay but, yea doubtless (rather, verily). 3202
3569 - tanun {tan-oon'}; or ta nun {tah noon}; from neuter plural of 3588 and 3568; the things now, i.e. (adverbially) at present: -- (but) now. 3468
3653 - olunthos {ol'-oon-thos}; of uncertain derivation; an unripe (because out of season) fig: -- untimely fig. 3552
3766 - oukoun {ook-oon'}; from 3756 and 3767; is it not therefore that, i.e. (affirmatively) hence or so: -- then. 3664
3767 - oun {oon}; apparently a primary word; (adverbially) certainly, or (conjunctionally) accordingly: -- and (so, truly), but, now (then), so (likewise then), then, therefore, verily, wherefore. 3664
4580 - Sekoundos {sek-oon'-dos}; of Latin origin; "second"; Secundus, a Christian: -- Secundus. 4478
5105 - toigaroun {toy-gar-oon'}; from 5104 and 1063 and 3767; truly for then, i.e. consequently: -- there-(where-)fore. ***. toige. See 2544. 5002
5609 - oon {o-on'}; apparently a primary word; an "egg": -- egg. 5506
0799 - Asugkritos {as-oong'-kree-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 4793; incomparable; Asyncritus, a Christian: -- Asyncritos. 798
3909 - paratugchano {par-at-oong-khan'-o}; from 3844 and 5177; to chance near, i.e. fall in with: -- meet with. 3806
2995 - larugx {lar'-oongks}; of uncertain derivation; the throat ("larynx"): -- throat. 2994
0177 - akatakaluptos {ak-at-ak-al'-oop-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of a compound of 2596 and 2572; unveiled: -- uncovered. 176
0343 - anakalupto {an-ak-al-oop'-to}; from 0303 (in the sense of reversal) and 2572; to unveil: -- open, ( [un-])taken away. 342
0352 - anakupto {an-ak-oop'-to}; from 0303 (in the sense of reversal) and 2955; to unbend, i.e. rise; figuratively, be elated: -- lift up, look up. 352
0601 - apokalupto {ap-ok-al-oop'-to}; from 0575 and 2572; to take off the cover, i.e. disclose: -- reveal. 600
0602 - apokalupsis {ap-ok-al'-oop-sis}; from 0601; disclosure: -- appearing, coming, lighten, manifestation, be revealed, revelation. 602
0879 - aphupnoo {af-oop-no'-o}; from a compound of 0575 and 5258; properly, to become awake, i.e. (by implication) to drop (off) in slumber: -- fall asleep. 878
1797 - enupniazomai {en-oop-nee-ad'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 1798; to dream: -- dream(-er). 1796
1798 - enupnion {en-oop'-nee-on}; from 1722 and 5258; something seen in sleep, i.e. a dream (vision in a dream): -- dream. 1798
1852 - exupnizo {ex-oop-nid'-zo}; from 1853; to waken: -- awake out of sleep. 1852
1853 - exupnos {ex'-oop-nos}; from 1537 and 5258; awake: -- X out of sleep. 1852
1943 - epikalupto {ep-ee-kal-oop'-to}; from 1909 and 2572; to conceal, i.e. (figuratively) forgive: -- cover. 1942
2572 - kalupto {kal-oop'-to}; akin to 2813 and 2928; to cover up (literally or figuratively): -- cover, hide. 2572
2619 - katakalupto {kat-ak-al-oop'-to}; from 2596 and 2572; to cover wholly, i.e. veil: -- cover, hide. 2618
3871 - parakalupto {par-ak-al-oop'-to}; from 3844 and 2572; to cover alongside, i.e. veil (figuratively): -- hide. 3768
3879 - parakupto {par-ak-oop'-to}; from 3844 and 2955; to bend beside, i.e. lean over (so as to peer within): -- look (into), stoop down. 3776
4028 - perikalupto {per-ee-kal-oop'-to}; from 4012 and 2572; to cover all around, i.e. entirely (the face, a surface): -- blindfold, cover, overlay. 3926
4391 - prouparcho {pro-oop-ar'-kho}; from 4253 and 5225; to exist before, i.e. (adverbially) to be or do something previously: -- + be before(-time). 4288
4780 - sugkalupto {soong-kal-oop'-to}; from 4862 and 2572; to conceal altogether: -- cover. 4678
4943 - sunupourgeo {soon-oop-oorg-eh'-o}; from 4862 and a derivative of a compound of 5259 and the base of 2041; to be a co-auxiliary, i.e. assist: -- help together. 4840
5251 - huperupsoo {hoop-er-oop-so'-o}; from 5228 and 5312; to elevate above others, i.e. raise to the highest position: -- highly exalt. 5148
5296 - hupotuposis {hoop-ot-oop'-o-sis}; from a compound of 5259 and a derivative of 5179; typification under (after), i.e. (concretely) a sketch (figuratively) for imitation: -- form, pattern. 5194
0289 - ampelourgos {am-pel-oor-gos'}; from 0288 and 2041; a vine-worker, i.e. pruner: -- vine-dresser. 288
1217 - demiourgos {day-me-oor-gos'}; from 1218 and 2041; a worker for the people, i.e. mechanic (spoken of the Creator): -- maker. 1216
2557 - kakourgos {kak-oor'-gos}; from 2556 and the base of 2041; a wrong-doer, i.e. criminal: -- evil-doer, malefactor. 2556
3602 - odurmos {od-oor-mos'}; from a derivative of the base of 1416; moaning, i.e. lamentation: -- mourning. 3500
3773 - Ourbanos {oor-ban-os'}; of Latin origin; Urbanus (of the city, "urbane"), a Christian: -- Urbanus. 3670
3835 - panougos {pan-oor'-gos}; from 3956 and 2041; all-working, i.e. adroit (shrewd): -- crafty. 3732
2418 - hierourgeo {hee-er-oorg-eh'-o}; from a compound of 2411 and the base of 2041; to be a temple-worker, i.e. officiate as a priest (figuratively): -- minister. 2418
3834 - panourgia {pan-oorg-ee'-ah}; from 3835; adroitness, i.e. (in a bad sense) trickery or sophistry: -- (cunning) craftiness, subtilty. 3732
4467 - rhaidiourgema {hrad-ee-oorg'-ay-mah}; from a comparative of rhaidios (easy, i.e. reckless) and 2041; easy-going behavior, i.e. (by extension) a crime: -- lewdness. 4364
4468 - rhaidiourgia {hrad-ee-oorg-ee'-a}; from the same as 4467; recklessness, i.e. (by extension) malignity: -- mischief. 4366
4943 - sunupourgeo {soon-oop-oorg-eh'-o}; from 4862 and a derivative of a compound of 5259 and the base of 2041; to be a co-auxiliary, i.e. assist: -- help together. 4840
0203 - akrobustia {ak-rob-oos-tee'-ah}; from 0206 and probably a modified form of posthe (the penis or male sexual organ); the prepuce; by implication, an uncircumcised (i.e. gentile, figuratively, unregenerate) state or person: -- not circumcised, uncircumcised [with 2192], uncircumcision. 202
0271 - amethustos {am-eth'-oos-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3184; the "amethyst" (supposed to prevent intoxication): -- amethyst. 270
0901 - bathus {bath-oos'}; from the base of 0939; profound (as going down), literally or figuratively: -- deep, very early. 900
0948 - bdelusso {bdel-oos'-so}; from a (presumed) derivative of bdeo (to stink); to be disgusted, i.e. (by implication) detest (especially of idolatry): -- abhor, abominable. 948
1358 - diorusso {dee-or-oos'-so}; from 1223 and 3736; to penetrate burglariously: -- break through (up). ***. Dios. See 2203. 1358
1737 - endidusko {en-did-oos'-ko}; a prolonged form of 1746; to invest (with a garment): -- clothe in, wear. 1736
1846 - exorusso {ex-or-oos'-so}; from 1537 and 3736; to dig out, i.e. (by extension) to extract (an eye), remove (roofing): -- break up, pluck out. 1846
2660 - katanusso {kat-an-oos'-so}; from 2596 and 3572; to pierce thoroughly, i.e. (figuratively) to agitate violently ("sting to the quick"): -- prick. 2660
3182 - methusko {meth-oos'-ko}; a prolonged (transitive) form of 3184; to intoxicate: -- be drunk(-en). 3180
3436 - molusmos {mol-oos-mos'}; from 3435; a stain; i.e. (figuratively) immorality: -- filthiness. 3334
3691 - oxus {oz-oos'}; probably akin to the base of 0188 ["acid"]; keen; by analogy, rapid: -- sharp, swift. 3590
3948 - paroxusmos {par-ox-oos-mos'}; from 3947 ("paroxysm"); incitement (to good), or dispute (in anger): -- contention, provoke unto. 3846
4116 - platus {plat-oos'}; from 4111; spread out "flat" ("plot"), i.e. broad: -- wide. 4014
4183 - polus {pol-oos'}; including the forms from the alternate pollos; (singular) much (in any respect) or (plural) many; neuter (singular) as adverbial, largely; neuter (plural) as adverb or noun often, mostly, largely: -- abundant, + altogether, common, + far (passed, spent), (+ be of a) great (age, deal, -ly, while), long, many, much, oft(-en [-times]), plenteous, sore, straitly. Compare 4118, 4119. 4080
4719 - stachus {stakh'-oos}; from the base of 2476; a head of grain (as standing out from the stalk): -- ear (of corn). 4616
4720 - Stachus {stakh'-oos}; the same as 4719; Stachys, a Christian: -- Stachys. 4618
5036 - tachus {takh-oos'}; of uncertain affinity; fleet, i.e. (figuratively) prompt or ready: -- swift. 4934
5138 - trachus {trakh-oos'}; perhaps strengthened from the base of 4486 (as if jagged by rents); uneven, rocky (reefy): -- rock, rough. 5036