3448 - moschos {mos'-khos}; probably strengthened for oschos (a shoot); a young bullock: -- calf. 3346
3825 - palin {pal'-in}; probably from the same as 3823 (through the idea of oscillatory repetition); (adverbially) anew, i.e. (of place) back, (of time) once more, or (conjunctionally) furthermore or on the other hand: -- again. 3722
1104 - gnesios {gnay-see'-ose}; adverb from 1103; genuinely, i.e. really: -- natuarally. 1104
1596 - hekousios {hek-oo-see'-ose}; adverb from the same as 1595; voluntarily: -- wilfully, willingly. 1596
2156 - euschemonos {yoo-skhay-mon'-ose}; adverb from 2158; decorously: -- decently, honestly. 2156
5617 - Hosee {ho-say-eh'}; of Hebrew origin [1954]; Hosee (i.e. Hoshea), an Israelite: -- Osee. 5514
0643 - aposkeuazo {ap-osk-yoo-ad'-zo}; from 0575 and a derivative of 4632; to pack up (one's) baggage: -- take up...carriages. 642
3744 - osme {os-may'}; from 3605; fragrance (literally or figuratively): -- odour, savour. 3642
3750 - osphresis {os'-fray-sis}; from a derivative of 3605; smell (the sense): -- smelling. 3648
3751 - osphus {os-foos'}; of uncertain affinity; the loin (externally), i.e. the hip; intern. (by extension) procreative power: -- loin. 3648
3747 - osteon {os-teh'-on}; or contracted ostoun {os-toon'}; of uncertain affinity; a bone: -- bone. 3644
3747 - osteon {os-teh'-on}; or contracted ostoun {os-toon'}; of uncertain affinity; a bone: -- bone. 3644
3749 - ostrakinos {os-tra'-kin-os}; from ostrakon ["oyster"] (a tile, i.e. terra cotta); earthen-ware, i.e. clayey; by implication, frail: -- of earth, earthen. 3646
3749 - ostrakinos {os-tra'-kin-os}; from ostrakon ["oyster"] (a tile, i.e. terra cotta); earthen-ware, i.e. clayey; by implication, frail: -- of earth, earthen. 3646
0041 - hagiotes {hag-ee-ot'-ace}; from 0040; sanctity (i.e. properly, the state): -- holiness. 40
0378 - anapleroo {an-ap-lay-ro'-o}; from 0303 and 4137; to complete; by implication, to occupy, supply; figuratively, to accomplish (by coincidence ot obedience): -- fill up, fulfill, occupy, supply. 378
0657 - apotassomai {ap-ot-as'-som-ahee}; middle voice from 0575 and 5021; literally, to say adieu (by departing or dismissing); figuratively, to renounce: -- bid farewell, forsake, take leave, send away. 656
0658 - apoteleo {ap-ot-el-eh'-o}; from 0575 and 5055; to complete entirely, i.e. consummate: -- finish. 658
0659 - apotithemi {ap-ot-eeth'-ay-mee}; from 0575 and 5087; to put away (literally or figuratively): -- cast off, lay apart (aside, down), put away (off). 658
0660 - apotinasso {ap-ot-in-as'-so}; from 0575 and tinasso (to jostle); to brush off: -- shake off. 660
0661 - apotino {ap-ot-ee'-no}; from 0575 and 5099; to pay in full: -- repay. 660
0662 - apotolmao {ap-ot-ol-mah'-o}; from 0575 and 5111; to venture plainly: -- be very bold. 662
0663 - apotomia {ap-ot-om-ee'-ah}; from the base of 0664; (figuratively) decisiveness, i.e. rigor: -- severity. 662
0664 - apotomos {ap-ot-om'-oce}; adverb from a derivative of a comparative of 0575 and temno (to cut); abruptly, i.e. peremptorily: -- sharply(-ness). 664
0665 - apotrepo {ap-ot-rep'-o}; from 0575 and the base of 5157; to deflect, i.e. (reflexively) avoid: -- turn away. 664
0722 - arotrioo {ar-ot-ree-o'-o}; from 0723; to plow: -- plough. 722
0723 - arotron {ar'-ot-ron}; from aroo (to till); a plow: -- plough. 722
0858 - aphelotes {af-el-ot'-ace}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and phellos (in the sense of a stone as stubbing the foot); smoothness, i.e. (figuratively) simplicity: -- singleness. 858
1360 - dioti {dee-ot'-ee}; from 1223 and 3754; on the very account that, or inasmuch as: -- because (that), for, therefore. 1360
1361 - Diotrephes {dee-ot-ref-ace'}; from the alternate of 2203 and 5142; Jove-nourished; Diotrephes, an opponent of Christianity: -- Diotrephes. 1360
1775 - henotes {hen-ot-ace'}; from 1520; oneness, i.e. (figuratively) unanimity: -- unity. 1774
2130 - eumetadotos {yoo-met-ad'-ot-os}; from 2095 and a presumed derivative of 3330; good at imparting, i.e. liberal: -- ready to distribute. 2130
2305 - theiotes {thi-ot'-ace}; from 2304; divinity (abstractly): -- godhead. 2304
2320 - theotes {theh-ot'-ace}; from 2316; divinity (abstractly): -- godhead. 2320
2426 - hikanotes {hik-an-ot'-ace}; from 2425; ability: -- sufficiency. 2426
2432 - hilarotes {hil-ar-ot'-ace}; from 2431; alacrity: -- cheerfulness. 2432
2514 - katharotes {kath-ar-ot'-ace}; from 2513; cleanness (cer.): -- purification. 2514
2530 - kathoti {kath-ot'-ee}; from 2596; and 3739 and 5100; according to which certain thing, i.e. as far (or inasmuch) as: -- (according, forasmuch) as, because (that). 2530
2624 - kataklerodoteo {kat-ak-lay-rod-ot-eh'-o}; from 2596 and a derivative of a compound of 2819 and 1325; to be a giver of lots to each, i.e. (by implication) to apportion an estate: -- divide by lot. 2624
2963 - kuriotes {koo-ree-ot'-ace}; from 2962; mastery, i.e. (concretely and collectively) rulers: -- dominion, government. 2962
3168 - megaleiotes {meg-al-i-ot'-ace}; from 3167; superbness, i.e. glory or splendor: -- magnificence,, majesty, mighty power. 3166
3318 - Mesopotamia {mes-op-ot-am-ee'-ah}; from 3319 and 4215; Mesopotamia (as lying between the Euphrates and the Tigris; compare 0763), a region of Asia: -- Mesopotamia. 3216
3320 - mesotoichon {mes-ot'-oy-khon}; from 3319 and 5109; a partition (figuratively): -- middle wall. 3218
3368 - medepote {may-dep'-ot-eh}; from 3366 and 4218; not even ever: -- never. 3266
3406 - misthapodotes {mis-thap-od-ot'-ace}; from 3409 and 0591; a renumerator: -- rewarder. 3304
3503 - neotes {neh-ot'-ace}; from 3501; newness, i.e. youthfulness: -- youth. 3402
3630 - oinopotes {oy-nop-ot'-ace}; from 3631 and a derivative of the alternate of 4095; a tippler: -- winebibber. 3528
3651 - holoteles {hol-ot-el-ace'}; from 3650 and 5056; complete to the end, i.e. absolutely perfect: -- wholly. 3550
3665 - homoiotes {hom-oy-ot'-ace}; from 3664; resemblance: -- like as, similitude. 3564
3673 - homothechnos {hom-ot'-ekh-nos}; from the base of 3674 and 5078; a fellow-artificer: -- of the same craft. 3572
3698 - hopote {hop-ot'-eh}; from 3739 and 4218; what(-ever) then, i.e. (of time) as soon as: -- when. 3596
3742 - hosiotes {hos-ee-ot'-ace}; from 3741; piety: -- holiness. 3640
3763 - oudepote {oo-dep'-ot-eh}; from 3761 and 4218; not even at any time, i.e. never at all: -- neither at any time, never, nothing at any time. 3660
3951 - parotruno {par-ot-roo'-no}; from 3844 and otruno (to spur); to urge along, i.e. stimulate (to hostility): -- stir up. 3848
3970 - patroparadotos {pat-rop-ar-ad'-ot-os}; from 3962 and a derivative of 3860 (in the sense of handing over or down); traditionary: -- received by tradition from fathers. 3868
4096 - piotes {pee-ot'-ace}; from pion (fat; perhaps akin to the alternate of 4095 through the idea of repletion); plumpness, i.e. (by implication) richness (oiliness): -- fatness. 3994
4236 - praiotes {prah-ot'-ace}; from 4235; gentleness, by implication, humility: -- meekness. 4134
4273 - prodotes {prod-ot'-ace}; from 4272 (in the sense of giving forward into another's [the enemy's] hands); a surrender: -- betrayer, traitor. ***. prodremo. See 4390. 4170
5047 - teleiotes {tel-i-ot'-ace}; from 5046; (the state) completeness (mentally or morally): -- perfection(-ness). 4944
5094 - timiotes {tim-ee-ot'-ace}; from 5093; expensiveness, i.e. (by implication) magnificence: -- costliness. 4992
5202 - hudropoteo {hoo-drop-ot-eh'-o}; from a compound of 5204 and a derivative of 4095; to be a water-drinker, i.e. to abstain from vinous beverages: -- drink water. 5100
5292 - hupotage {hoop-ot-ag-ay'}; from 5293; subordination: -- subjection. 5190
5293 - hupotasso {hoop-ot-as'-so}; from 5259 and 5021; to subordinate; reflexively, to obey: -- be under obedience (obedient), put under, subdue unto, (be, make) subject (to, unto), be (put) in subjection (to, under), submit self unto. 5190
5294 - hupotithemi {hoop-ot-ith'-ay-mee}; from 5259 and 5087; to place underneath, i.e. (figuratively) to hazard, (reflexively) to suggest: -- lay down, put in remembrance. 5192
5295 - hupotrecho {hoop-ot-rekh'-o}; from 5259 and 5143 (including its alternate); to run under, i.e. (specifically) to sail past: -- run under. 5192
5296 - hupotuposis {hoop-ot-oop'-o-sis}; from a compound of 5259 and a derivative of 5179; typification under (after), i.e. (concretely) a sketch (figuratively) for imitation: -- form, pattern. 5194
5388 - philoteknos {fil-ot'-ek-nos}; from 5384 and 5043; fond of one's children, i.e. maternal: -- love their children. 5286
5389 - philotimeomai {fil-ot-im-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from a compound of 5384 and 5092; to be fond of honor, i.e. emulous (eager or earnest to do something): -- labour, strive, study. 5286
5551 - chronotribeo {khron-ot-rib-eh'-o}; from a presumed compound of 5550 and the base of 5147; to be a time-wearer, i.e. to procrastinate (linger): -- spend time. 5448
0237 - allachothen {al-lakh-oth'-en}; from 0243; from elsewhere: -- some other way. 236
0595 - apothesis {ap-oth'-es-is}; from 0659; a laying aside (literally or figuratively): -- putting away (off). 594
0596 - apotheke {ap-oth-ay'-kay}; from 0659; a repository, i.e. granary: -- barn, garner. 596
0597 - apothesaurizo {ap-oth-ay-sow-rid'-zo}; from 0575 and 2343; to treasure away: -- lay up in store. 596
0598 - apothlibo {ap-oth-lee'-bo}; from 0575 and 2346; to crowd (from every side): -- press. 598
0599 - apothnesko {ap-oth-nace'-ko}; from 0575 and 2348; to die off (literally or figuratively): -- be dead, death, die, lie a-dying, be slain (X with). 598
1479 - ethelothreskeia {eth-el-oth-race-ki'-ah}; from 2309 and 2356; voluntary (arbitrary and unwarranted) piety, i.e. sanctimony: -- will worship. ***. ethelo. See 2309. 1478
1842 - exolothreuo {ex-ol-oth-ryoo'-o}; from 1537 and 3645; to extirpate: -- destroy. 1842
3548 - nomothesia {nom-oth-es-ee'-ah}; from 3550; legislation (specifically, the institution of the Mosaic code): -- giving of the law. 3446
3549 - nomotheteo {nom-oth-et-eh'-o}; from 3550; to legislate, i.e. (passively) to have (the Mosaic) enactments injoined, be sanctioned (by them): -- establish, receive the law. 3448
3550 - nomothetes {nom-oth-et'-ace}; from 3551 and a derivative of 5087; a legislator: -- lawgiver. 3448
3607 - othone {oth-on'-ay}; of uncertain affinity; a linen cloth, i.e. (especially) a sail: -- sheet. 3506
3608 - othonion {oth-on'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 3607; a linen bandage: -- linen clothes. 3506
3644 - olothreutes {ol-oth-ryoo-tace'}; from 3645; a ruiner, i.e. (specifically) a venomous serpent: -- destroyer. 3542
3645 - olothreuo {ol-oth-ryoo'-o}; from 3639; to spoil, i.e. slay: -- destroy. 3544
3661 - homothumadon {hom-oth-oo-mad-on'}; adverb from a compound of the base of 3674 and 2372; unanimously: -- with one accord (mind). 3560
3734 - horothesia {hor-oth-es-ee'-ah}; from a compound of the base of 3725 and a derivative of 5087; a limit-placing, i.e. (concretely) boundary-line: -- bound. 3632
3771 - ouranothen {oo-ran-oth'-en}; from 3772 and the enclitic of source; from the sky: -- from heaven. 3668
3812 - paidiothen {pahee-dee-oth'-en}; adverb (of source) from 3813; from infancy: -- of a child. 3710
3836 - pantachothen {pan-takh-oth'-en}; adverb (of source) from 3837; from all directions: -- from every quarter. 3734
4543 - Samothraike {sam-oth-rak'-ay}; from 4544 and Thraike (Thrace); Samo-thrace (Samos of Thrace), an island in the Mediterranean: -- Samothracia. 4440
4880 - sunapothnesko {soon-ap-oth-nace'-ko}; from 4862 and 0599; to decease (literally) in company with, or (figuratively, similarly to: -- be dead (die) with. 4778
5206 - huiothesia {hwee-oth-es-ee'-ah}; from a presumed compound of 5207 and a derivative of 5087; the placing as a son, i.e. adoption (figuratively, Christian sonship in respect to God): -- adoption (of children, of sons). 5104
5377 - philotheos {fil-oth'-eh-os}; from 5384 and 2316; fond of God, i.e. pious: -- lover of God. 5274