2906 - krauge {krow-gay'}; from 2896; an outcry (in notification, tumult or grief): -- clamour, cry(-ing). 2904
3777 - oute {oo'-teh}; from 3756 and 5037; not too, i.e. neither or nor; by analogy, not even: -- neither, none, nor (yet), (no, yet) not, nothing. 3674
1742 - enduma {en'-doo-mah}; from 1746; apparel (especially the outer robe): -- clothing, garment, raiment. 1742
1857 - exoteros {ex-o'-ter-os}; comparative of 1854; exterior: -- outer. 1856
1903 - ependutes {ep-en-doo'-tace}; from 1902; a wrapper, i.e. outer garment: -- fisher's coat. 1902
2440 - himation {him-at'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of ennumi (to put on); a dress (inner or outer): -- apparel, cloke, clothes, garment, raiment, robe, vesture. 2440
4281 - proerchomai {pro-er'-khom-ahee}; from 4253 and 2064 (including its alternate); to go onward, preceed (in place or time): -- go before (farther, forward), outgo, pass on. 4178
4607 - sikarios {sik-ar'-ee-os}; of Latin origin; a dagger-man or assassin; a freebooter (Jewish fanatic outlawed by the Romans): -- murderer. Compare 5406. 4504
1327 - diexodos {dee-ex'-od-os}; from 1223 and 1841; an outlet through, i.e. probably an open square (from which roads diverge): -- highway. 1326
1337 - dithalassos {dee-thal'-as-sos}; from 1364 and 2281; having two seas, i.e. a sound with a double outlet: -- where two seas meet. 1336
0615 - apokteino {ap-ok-ti'-no}; from 0575 and kteino (to slay); to kill outright; figuratively, to destroy: -- put to death, kill, slay. 614
1592 - ekmukterizo {ek-mook-ter-id'-zo}; from 1537 and 3456; to sneer outright at: -- deride. 1592
4390 - protrecho {prot-rekh'-o}; from 4253 and 5143 (including its alternate); to run forward, i.e. outstrip, precede: -- outrun, run before. 4288
1622 - ektos {ek-tos'}; from 1537; the exterior; figuratively (as a preposition) aside from, besides: -- but, except(-ed), other than, out of, outside, unless, without. 1622
3924 - parektos {par-ek-tos'}; from 3844 and 1622; near outside, i.e. besides: -- except, saving, without. 3822
5341 - phelones {fel-on'-ace}; by transposition for a derivative probably of 5316 (as showing outside the other garments); a mantle (surtout): -- cloke. 5238
2749 - keimai {ki'-mahee}; middle voice of a primary verb; to lie outstretched (literally or figuratively): -- be (appointed, laid up, made, set), lay, lie. Compare 5087. 2748
4390 - protrecho {prot-rekh'-o}; from 4253 and 5143 (including its alternate); to run forward, i.e. outstrip, precede: -- outrun, run before. 4288
4383 - prosopon {pros'-o-pon}; from 4314 and ops (the visage, from 3700); the front (as being towards view), i.e. the countenance, aspect, appearance, surface; by implication, presence, person: -- (outward) appearance, X before, contenance, face, fashion, (men's) person, presence. 4280
4392 - prophasis {prof'-as-is}; from a compound of 4253 and 5316; an outward showing, i.e. pretext: -- cloke, colour, pretence, show. 4290
5318 - phaneros {fan-er-os'}; from 5316; shining, i.e. apparent (literally or figuratively); neuter (as adverb) publicly, externally: -- abroad, + appear, known, manifest, open [+ -ly], outward ( [+ -ly]). 5216
1722 - en {en}; a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between 1519 and 1537); "in," at, (up-)on, by, etc.: -- about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (...sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, [open-]ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, [speedi-]ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(-with), while, with(-in). Often used in compounds, with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion, and then not to indicate direction, except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) preposition. 1722
2823 - klibanos {klib'-an-os}; of uncertain derivation; an earthen pot used for baking in: -- oven. 2822
0325 - anadidomi {an-ad-eed'-om-ee}; from 0303 and 1325; to hand over: -- deliver. 324
0481 - antikru {an-tee-kroo'}; prol. from 0473; opposite: -- over against. 480
0495 - antiperan {an-tee-per'-an}; from 0473 and 4008; on the opposite side: -- over against. 494
0561 - apenanti {ap-en'-an-tee}; from 0575 and 1725; from in front, i.e. opposite, before or against: -- before, contrary, over against, in the presence of.***. apepo. See 0550. 560
0591 - apodidomi {ap-od-eed'-o-mee}; from 0575 and 1325; to give away, i.e. up, over, back, etc. (in various applications): -- deliver (again), give (again), (re-)pay(-ment be made), perform, recompense, render, requite, restore, reward, sell, yield. 590
0757 - archo {ar'-kho}; a primary verb; to be first (in political rank or power): -- reign (rule) over. 756
0792 - aster {as-tare'}; probably from the base of 4766; a star (as strown over the sky), literally or figuratively: -- star. 792
0831 - authenteo {ow-then-teh'-o}; from a compound of 0846 and an obsolete hentes (a worker); to act of oneself, i.e. (figuratively) dominate: -- usurp authority over. 830
1224 - diabaino {dee-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 1223 and the base of 0939; to cross: -- come over, pass (through). 1224
1239 - diadidomai {dee-ad-id'-o-mee}; from 1223 and 1325; to give throughout a crowd, i.e. deal out; also to deliver over (as to a successor): -- (make) distribute(-ion), divide, give. 1238
1276 - diaperao {dee-ap-er-ah'-o}; from 1223 and a derivative of the base of 4008; to cross entirely: -- go over, pass (over), sail over. 1276
1276 - diaperao {dee-ap-er-ah'-o}; from 1223 and a derivative of the base of 4008; to cross entirely: -- go over, pass (over), sail over. 1276
1276 - diaperao {dee-ap-er-ah'-o}; from 1223 and a derivative of the base of 4008; to cross entirely: -- go over, pass (over), sail over. 1276
1277 - diapleo {dee-ap-leh'-o}; from 1223 and 4126; to sail through: -- sail over. 1276
1330 - dierchomai {dee-er'-khom-ahee}; from 1223 and 2064; to traverse (literally): -- come, depart, go (about, abroad, everywhere, over, through, throughout), pass (by, over, through, throughout), pierce through, travel, walk through. 1330
1330 - dierchomai {dee-er'-khom-ahee}; from 1223 and 2064; to traverse (literally): -- come, depart, go (about, abroad, everywhere, over, through, throughout), pass (by, over, through, throughout), pierce through, travel, walk through. 1330
1459 - egkataleipo {eng-kat-al-i'-po}; from 1722 and 2641; to leave behind in some place, i.e. (in a good sense) let remain over, or (in a bad sense) to desert: -- forsake, leave. 1458
1537 - ek {ek} or ex {ex}; a primary preposition denoting origin (the point whence action or motion proceeds), from, out (of place, time, or cause; literal or figurative; direct or remote): -- after, among, X are, at, betwixt(-yond), by (the means of), exceedingly, (+ abundantly above), for(-th), from (among, forth, up), + grudgingly, + heartily, X heavenly, X hereby, + very highly, in,...ly, (because, by reason) of, off (from), on, out among (from, of), over, since, X thenceforth, through, X unto, X vehemently, with(-out). Often used in composition, with the same general import; often of completion. 1536
1560 - ekdotos {ek'-dot-os}; from 1537 and a derivative of 1325; given out or over, i.e. surrendered: -- delivered. 1560
1608 - ekporneuo {ek-porn-yoo'-o}; from 1537 and 4203; to be utterly unchaste: -- give self over to fornication. 1608
1727 - enantios {en-an-tee'-os}; from 1725; opposite; figuratively, antagonistic: -- (over) against, contrary. 1726
1883 - epano {ep-an'-o}; from 1909 and 0507; up above, i.e. over or on (of place, amount, rank, etc.): -- above, more than, (up-)on, over. 1882
1883 - epano {ep-an'-o}; from 1909 and 0507; up above, i.e. over or on (of place, amount, rank, etc.): -- above, more than, (up-)on, over. 1882
1886 - epaulis {ep'-ow-lis}; from 1909 and an equivalent of 0833; a hut over the head, i.e. -- a dwelling. 1886
1909 - epi {ep-ee'}; a primary preposition; properly, meaning superimposition (of time, place, order, etc.), as a relation of distribution [with the genitive case], i.e. over, upon, etc.; of rest (with the det.) at, on, etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towards, upon, etc.: -- about (the times), above, after, against, among, as long as (touching), at, beside, X have charge of, (be-, [where-])fore, in (a place, as much as, the time of, -to), (because) of, (up-)on (behalf of), over, (by, for) the space of, through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), with. In compounds it retains essentially the same import, at, upon, etc. (literally or figuratively). 1908
1909 - epi {ep-ee'}; a primary preposition; properly, meaning superimposition (of time, place, order, etc.), as a relation of distribution [with the genitive case], i.e. over, upon, etc.; of rest (with the det.) at, on, etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towards, upon, etc.: -- about (the times), above, after, against, among, as long as (touching), at, beside, X have charge of, (be-, [where-])fore, in (a place, as much as, the time of, -to), (because) of, (up-)on (behalf of), over, (by, for) the space of, through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), with. In compounds it retains essentially the same import, at, upon, etc. (literally or figuratively). 1908
1924 - epigrapho {ep-ee-graf'-o}; from 1909 and 1125; to inscribe (physically or mentally): -- inscription, write in (over, thereon). 1924
1929 - epididomi {ep-ee-did'-o-mee}; from 1909 and 1325; to give over (by hand or surrender): -- deliver unto, give, let (+ [her drive]), offer. 1928
1954 - epiloipos {ep-il'-oy-pos}; from 1909 and 3062; left over, i.e. remaining: -- rest. 1954
1961 - epimeno {ep-ee-men'-o}; from 1909 and 3306; to stay over, i.e. remain (figuratively, persevere): -- abide (in), continue (in), tarry. 1960
1986 - epispaomai {ep-ee-spah'-om-ahee}; from 1909 and 4685; to draw over, i.e. (with 0203 implied) efface the mark of circumcision (by recovering with the foreskin): -- become uncircumcised. 1986
1988 - epistates {ep-is-tat'-ace}; from 1909 and a presumed derivative of 2476; an appointee over, i.e. commander (teacher): -- master. 1988
1993 - epistomizo {ep-ee-stom-id'-zo}; from 1909 and 4750; to put something over the mouth, i.e. (figuratively) to silence: -- stop mouths. 1992
2010 - epitrepo {ep-ee-trep'-o}; from 1909 and the base of 5157; to turn over (transfer), i.e. allow: -- give leave (liberty, license), let, permit, suffer. 2010
2025 - epichrio {ep-ee-khree'-o}; from 1909 and 5548; to smear over: -- anoint. 2024
2186 - ephistemi {ef-is'-tay-mee}; from 1909 and 2476; to stand upon, i.e. be present (in various applications, friendly or otherwise, usually literal); -- assault, come (in, to, unto, upon), be at hand (instant), present, stand (before, by, over). 2186
2206 - zeloo {dzay-lo'-o}; from 2205; to have warmth of feeling for or against: -- affect, covet (earnestly), (have) desire, (move with) envy, be jealous over, (be) zealous(-ly affect). 2206
2233 - hegeomai {hayg-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice of a (presumed) strengthened form of 0071; to lead, i.e. command (with official authority); figuratively, to deem, i.e. consider: -- account, (be) chief, count, esteem, governor, judge, have the rule over, suppose, think. 2232
2358 - thriambeuo {three-am-byoo'-o}; from a prolonged compound of the base of 2360; and a derivative of 680 (meaning a noisy iambus, sung in honor of Bacchus); to make an acclamatory procession, i.e. (figuratively) to conquer or (by Hebraism) to give victory: -- (cause) to triumph (over). 2358
2596 - kata {kat-ah'}; a primary particle; (prepositionally) down (in place or time), in varied relations (according to the case [genitive case, dative case or accusative case] with which it is joined): -- about, according as (to), after, against, (when they were) X alone, among, and, X apart, (even, like) as (concerning, pertaining to touching), X aside, at, before, beyond, by, to the charge of, [charita-]bly, concerning, + covered, [dai-]ly, down, every, (+ far more) exceeding, X more excellent, for, from...to, godly, in(-asmuch, divers, every, -to, respect of),...by, after the manner of, + by any means, beyond (out of) measure, X mightily, more, X natural, of (up-)on (X part), out (of every), over against, (+ your) X own, + particularly, so, through(-oughout, -oughout every), thus, (un-)to(-gether, -ward), X uttermost, where(-by), with. In composition it retains many of these applications, and frequently denotes opposition, distribution, or intensity. 2596
2620 - katakauchaomai {kat-ak-ow-khah'-om-ahee}; from 2596 and 2744; to exult against (i.e. over): -- boast (against), glory, rejoice against. 2620
2634 - katakurieuo {kat-ak-oo-ree-yoo'-o}; from 2596 and 2961; to lord against, i.e. control, subjugate: -- exercise dominion over (lordship), be lord over, overcome. 2634
2634 - katakurieuo {kat-ak-oo-ree-yoo'-o}; from 2596 and 2961; to lord against, i.e. control, subjugate: -- exercise dominion over (lordship), be lord over, overcome. 2634
2638 - katalambano {kat-al-am-ban'-o}; from 2596 and 2983; to take eagerly, i.e. seize, possess, etc. (literally or figuratively): -- apprehend, attain, come upon, comprehend, find, obtain, perceive, (over-)take. 2638
2713 - katenanti {kat-en'-an-tee}; from 2596 and 1725; directly opposite: -- before, over against. ***. katenegko. See 2702. 2712
2715 - katexousiazo {kat-ex-oo-see-ad'-zo}; from 2596 and 1850; to have (wield) full privilege over: -- exercise authority. 2714
2721 - katephistemi {kat-ef-is'-tay-mee}; from 2596 and 2186; to stand over against, i.e. rush upon (assault): -- make insurrection against. 2720
2830 - kludon {kloo'-dohn}; from kluzo (to billow or dash over); a surge of the sea (literally or figuratively): -- raging, wave. 2828
2961 - kurieuo {ko-ree-yoo'-o}; from 2962; to rule: -- have dominion over, lord, be lord of, exercise lordship over. 2960
2961 - kurieuo {ko-ree-yoo'-o}; from 2962; to rule: -- have dominion over, lord, be lord of, exercise lordship over. 2960
3177 - methermeneuo {meth-er-mane-yoo'-o}; from 3326 and 2059; to explain over, i.e. translate: -- (by) interpret(-ation). 3176
3180 - methodeia {meth-od-i'-ah}; from a compound of 3326 and 3593 [compare "method"]; travelling over, i.e. travesty (trickery): -- wile, lie in wait. 3178
3322 - mesoo {mes-o'-o}; from 3319; to form the middle, i.e. (in point of time), to be half-way over: -- be about the midst. 3220
3328 - metaballo {met-ab-al'-lo}; from 3326 and 0906; to throw over, i.e. (middle voice figuratively) to turn about in opinion: -- change mind. 3226
3329 - metago {met=ag'-o}; from 3326 and 0718; to lead over, i.e. transfer (direct): -- turn about. 3228
3330 - metadidomi {met-ad-id'-o-mee}; from 3326 and 1325; to give over, i.e. share: -- give, imparticiple 3228
3346 - metatithemi {met-at-ith'-ay-mee}; from 3326 and 5087; to transfer, i.e. (literally) transport, (by implication) exchange (reflexively) change sides, or (figuratively) pervert: -- carry over, change, remove, translate, turn. 3244
3532 - Nikolaos {nik-ol'-ah-os}; from 3534 and 2994; victorious over the people; Nicolaus, a heretic: -- Nicolaus. 3430
3860 - paradidomi {par-ad-id'-o-mee}; from 3844 and 1325; to surrender, i.e yield up, intrust, transmit: -- betray, bring forth, cast, commit, deliver (up), give (over, up), hazard, put in prison, recommend. 3758
3879 - parakupto {par-ak-oop'-to}; from 3844 and 2955; to bend beside, i.e. lean over (so as to peer within): -- look (into), stoop down. 3776
3914 - paracheimazo {par-akh-i-mad'-zo}; from 3844 and 5492; to winter near, i.e. stay with over the rainy season: -- winter. 3812
3915 - paracheimasia {par-akh-i-mas-ee'-ah}; from 3914; a wintering over: -- winter in. 3812
3928 - parerchomai {par-er'-khom-ahee}; from 3844 and 2064; to come near or aside, i.e. to approach (arrive), go by (or away), (figuratively) perish or neglect, (caus.) avert: -- come (forth), go, pass (away, by, over), past, transgress. 3826
3970 - patroparadotos {pat-rop-ar-ad'-ot-os}; from 3962 and a derivative of 3860 (in the sense of handing over or down); traditionary: -- received by tradition from fathers. 3868
4008 - peran {per'-an}; apparently accusative case of an obsolete derivative of peiro (to "pierce"); through (as adverb or preposition), i.e. across: -- beyond, farther (other) side, over. 3906
4012 - peri {per-ee'}; from the base of 4008; properly, through (all over), i.e. around; figuratively with respect to; used in various applications, of place, cause or time (with the genitive case denoting the subject or occasion or superlative point; with the accusative case the locality, circuit, matter, circumstance or general period): -- (there-)about, above, against, at, on behalf of, X and his company, which concern, (as) concerning, for, X how it will go with, ( [there-, where-]) of, on, over, pertaining (to), for sake, X (e-)state, (as) touching, [where-]by (in), with. In comparative, it retains substantially the same meaning of circuit (around), excess (beyond), or completeness (through). 3910
4012 - peri {per-ee'}; from the base of 4008; properly, through (all over), i.e. around; figuratively with respect to; used in various applications, of place, cause or time (with the genitive case denoting the subject or occasion or superlative point; with the accusative case the locality, circuit, matter, circumstance or general period): -- (there-)about, above, against, at, on behalf of, X and his company, which concern, (as) concerning, for, X how it will go with, ( [there-, where-]) of, on, over, pertaining (to), for sake, X (e-)state, (as) touching, [where-]by (in), with. In comparative, it retains substantially the same meaning of circuit (around), excess (beyond), or completeness (through). 3910
4051 - perisseuma {per-is'-syoo-mah}; from 4052; a surplus, or superabundance: -- abundance, that was left, over and above. 3948
4052 - perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above). 3950
4121 - pleonazo {pleh-on-ad'-zo}; from 4119; to do, make or be more, i.e. increase (transitively or intransitively); by extension, to superabound: -- abound, abundant, make to increase, have over. 4018
4122 - pleonekteo {pleh-on-cek-teh'-o}; from 4123; to be covetous, i.e. (by implication) to over-reach: -- get an advantage, defraud, make a gain. 4020
4134 - pleres {play'-race}; from 4130; replete, or covered over; by analogy, complete: -- full. 4032
4291 - proistemi {pro-is'-tay-mee}; from 4253 and 2476; to stand before, i.e. (in rank) to preside, or (by implication) to practise: -- maintain, be over, rule. 4188
4359 - prosopheilo {pros-of-i'-lo}; from 4314 and 3784; to be indebted additionally: -- over besides. 4256
4690 - sperma {sper'-mah}; from 4687; something sown, i.e. seed (including the male "sperm"); by implication, offspring; specifically, a remnant (figuratively, as if kept over for planting): -- issue, seed. 4588
4722 - stego {steg'-o}; from 4721; to roof over, i.e. (figuratively) to cover with silence (endure patiently): -- (for-)bear, suffer. 4620
5055 - teleo {tel-eh'-o}; from 5056; to end, ie. complete, execute, conclude, discharge (a debt): -- accomplish, make an end, expire, fill up, finish, go over, pay, perform. 4952
5196 - hubris {hoo'-bris}; from 5228; insolence (as over-bearing), i.e. insult, injury: -- harm, hurt, reproach. 5094
5228 - huper {hoop-er'}; a primary preposition; "over", i.e. (with the genitive case) of place, above, beyond, across, or causal, for the sake of, instead, regarding; with the accusative case superior to, more than: -- (+ exceeding, abundantly) above, in (on) behalf of, beyond, by, + very chiefest, concerning, exceeding (above, -ly), for, + very highly, more (than), of, over, on the part of, for sake of, in stead, than, to(-ward), very. In comp. it retains many of the above applications. 5126
5228 - huper {hoop-er'}; a primary preposition; "over", i.e. (with the genitive case) of place, above, beyond, across, or causal, for the sake of, instead, regarding; with the accusative case superior to, more than: -- (+ exceeding, abundantly) above, in (on) behalf of, beyond, by, + very chiefest, concerning, exceeding (above, -ly), for, + very highly, more (than), of, over, on the part of, for sake of, in stead, than, to(-ward), very. In comp. it retains many of the above applications. 5126
5229 - huperairomai {hoop-er-ah'-ee-rom-ahee}; middle voice from 5228 and 0142; to raise oneself over, i.e. (figuratively) to become haughty: -- exalt self, be exalted above measure. 5126
5231 - huperano {hoop-er-an'-o}; from 5228 and 0507; above upward, i.e. greatly higher (in place or rank): -- far above, over. 5128
5240 - huperekchuno {hoop-er-ek-khoo'-no}; from 5228 and the alternate form of 1632; to pour out over, i.e. (passively) to overflow: -- run over. ***. huperekperissou. See 5228 and 1537 and 4053. 5138
5240 - huperekchuno {hoop-er-ek-khoo'-no}; from 5228 and the alternate form of 1632; to pour out over, i.e. (passively) to overflow: -- run over. ***. huperekperissou. See 5228 and 1537 and 4053. 5138
5246 - huperogkos {hoop-er'-ong-kos}; from 5228 and 3591; bulging over, i.e. (figuratively) insolent: -- great swelling. 5144
5489 - chartes {khar'-tace}; from the same as 5482; a sheet ("chart") of writing-material (as to be scribbled over): -- paper. 5386