3012 - lention {len'-tee-on}; of Latin origin; a "linen" cloth, i.e. apron: -- towel. 3010
4676 - soudarion {soo-dar'-ee-on}; of Latin origin; a sudarium (sweat-cloth), i.e. towel (for wiping the perspiration from the face, or binding the face of a corpse): -- handkerchief, napkin. 4574
2701 - katatrecho {kat-at-rekh'-o}; from 2596 and 5143; to run down, i.e. hasten from a tower: -- run down. ***. kataphago. See 2719. 2700
3093 - Magdala {mag-dal-ah'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 4026]; the tower; Magdala (i.e. Migdala), a place in Palestine: -- Magdala. 3092
3925 - parembole {par-em-bol-ay'}; from a compound of 3844 and 1685; a throwing in beside (juxtaposition), i.e. (specifically) battle-array, encampment or barracks (tower Antonia): -- army, camp, castle. 3822
4011 - Perge {perg'-ay}; probably from the same as 4010; a tower; Perga, a place in Asia Minor: -- Perga. 3908
4241 - prepo {prep'-o}; apparently a primary verb; to tower up (be conspicuous), i.e. (by implication) to be suitable or proper (third person singular present indicative, often used impersonally, it is fit or right): -- become, comely. 4138
4444 - purgos {poor'-gos}; apparently a primary word ("burgh"); a tower or castle: -- tower. 4342
4444 - purgos {poor'-gos}; apparently a primary word ("burgh"); a tower or castle: -- tower. 4342
0058 - agora {ag-or-ah'}; from ageiro (to gather; probably akin to 1453); properly, the town-square (as a place of public resort); by implication, a market or thoroughfare: -- market(-place), street. 58
1046 - Gadarenos {gad-ar-ay-nos'}; from (a town east of the Jordan); a Gadarene or inhabitant of Gadara: -- Gadarene. 1046
1122 - grammateus {gram-mat-yooce'}; from 1121. a writer, i.e. (professionally) scribe or secretary: -- scribe, town-clerk. 1122
2968 - kome {ko'-may}; from 2749; a hamlet (as if laid down): -- town, village. 2966
2969 - komopolis {ko-mop'-ol-is}; from 2968 and 4172; an unwalled city: -- town. 2968
3412 - Mitulene {mit-oo-lay'-nay}; for mutilene (abounding in shellfish); Mitylene (or Mytilene), a town on the island of Lesbos: -- Mitylene. 3310
3496 - Neapolis {neh-ap'-ol-is}; from 3501 and 4172; new town; Neapolis, a place in Macedonia: -- Neapolis. 3394
3968 - patris {pat-rece'}; from 3902; a father-land, i.e. native town; (figuratively) heavenly home: -- (own) country. 3866
4172 - polis {pol'-is}; probably from the same as 4171, or perhaps from 4183; a town (properly, with walls, of greater or less size): -- city. 4070
4173 - politarches {pol-it-ar'-khace}; from 4172 and 0757; a town-officer, i.e. magistrate: -- ruler of the city. 4070
4847 - sumpolites {soom-pol-ee'-tace}; from 4862 and 4177; a native of the same town, i.e. (figuratively) co-religionist (fellow-Christian): -- fellow-citizen. 4744
5085 - Tiberias {tib-er-ee-as'}; from 5086; Tiberias, the name of a town and a lake in Palestine: -- Tiberias. 4982
4177 - polites {pol-ee'-tace}; from 4172; a townsman: -- citizen. 4074
5115 - toxon {tox'-on}; from the base of 5088; a bow (apparently as the simplest fabric): -- bow. 5012
5115 - toxon {tox'-on}; from the base of 5088; a bow (apparently as the simplest fabric): -- bow. 5012
2273 - etoi {ay'-toy}; from 2228 and 5104; either indeed: -- whether. 2272
2543 - kaitoi {kah'-ee-toy}; from 2532 and 5104; and yet, i.e. nevertheless: -- although. 2542
3305 - mentoi {men'-toy}; from 3203 and 5104; indeed though, i.e. however: -- also, but, howbeit, nevertheless, yet. 3204
3778 - houtos {hoo'-tos}; including nominative masculine plural houtoi {hoo'-toy}; nominative feminine singular haute {how'-tay}; and nominative feminine plural hautai {how'-tahee}; from the article 3588 and 0846; the he (she or it), i.e. this or that (often with article repeated): -- he (it was that), hereof, it, she, such as, the same, these, they, this (man, same, woman), which, who. 3676
4960 - sustoicheo {soos-toy-kheh'-o}; from 4862 and 4748; to file together (as soldiers in ranks), i.e. (figuratively) to correspond to: -- answer to. 4858
5104 - toi {toy}; probably for the dative case of 3588; an enclitic particle of asseveration by way of contrast; in sooth: -- [used only with other particles in comp., as 2544, 3305, 5105, 5106, etc.] 5002
5105 - toigaroun {toy-gar-oon'}; from 5104 and 1063 and 3767; truly for then, i.e. consequently: -- there-(where-)fore. ***. toige. See 2544. 5002
5106 - toinun {toy'-noon}; from 5104 and 3568; truly now, i.e. accordingly: -- then, therefore. 5004
5107 - toiosde {toy-os'-deh}; (including the other inflections); from a derivative of 5104 and 1161; such-like then, i.e. so great: -- such. 5004
5108 - toioutos {toy-oo'-tos}; (including the other inflections); from 5104 and 3778; truly this, i.e. of this sort (to denote character or individuality): -- like, such (an one). 5006
5109 - toichos {toy'-khos}; another form of 5038; a wall: -- wall. 5006
2544 - kaitoige {kah'-ee-toyg-eh}; from 2543 and 1065; and yet indeed, i.e. although really: -- nevertheless, though. 2544
3749 - ostrakinos {os-tra'-kin-os}; from ostrakon ["oyster"] (a tile, i.e. terra cotta); earthen-ware, i.e. clayey; by implication, frail: -- of earth, earthen. 3646
1075 - genealogeo {ghen-eh-al-og-eh'-o}; from 1074 and 3056; to reckon by generations, i.e. trace in genealogy: -- count by descent. 1074
3877 - parakoloutheo {par-ak-ol-oo-theh'-o}; from 3844 and 0190; to follow near, i.e. (figuratively) attend (as a result), trace out, conform to: -- attain, follow, fully know, have understanding. 3774
5136 - trachelizo {trakh-ay-lid'-zo}; from 5137; to seize by the throat or neck, i.e. to expose the gullet of a victim for killing (generally, to lay bare): -- opened. 5034
5137 - trachelos {trakh'-ay-los}; probably from 5143 (through the idea of mobility); the throat (neck), i.e. (figuratively) life: -- neck. 5034
5139 - Trachonitis {trakh-o-nee'-tis}; from a derivative of 5138; rough district; Trachonitis, a region of Syria: -- Trachonitis. 5036
5139 - Trachonitis {trakh-o-nee'-tis}; from a derivative of 5138; rough district; Trachonitis, a region of Syria: -- Trachonitis. 5036
5139 - Trachonitis {trakh-o-nee'-tis}; from a derivative of 5138; rough district; Trachonitis, a region of Syria: -- Trachonitis. 5036
5138 - trachus {trakh-oos'}; perhaps strengthened from the base of 4486 (as if jagged by rents); uneven, rocky (reefy): -- rock, rough. 5036
1076 - genealogia {ghen-eh-al-og-ee'-ah}; from the same as 1075; tracing by generations, i.e. "genealogy": -- genealogy. 1076
2487 - ichnos {ikh'-nos}; from ikneomai (to arrive; compare 2240); a track (figuratively): -- step. 2486
5147 - tribos {tree'-bos}; from tribo (to "rub"; akin to teiro, truo, and the base of 5131, 5134); a rut or worn track: -- path. 5044
5163 - trochia {trokh-ee-ah'}; from 5164; a track (as a wheel-rut), i.e. (figuratively) a course of conduct: -- path. 5060
0421 - anexichniastos {an-ex-ikh-nee'-as-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of a compound of 1537 and a derivative of 2487; not tracked out, i.e. (by implication) untraceable: -- past finding out; unsearchable. 420
2824 - klima {klee'-mah}; from 2827; a slope, i.e. (spec.) a "clime" or tract of country: -- part, region. 2822
5117 - topos {top'-os}; apparently a primary word; a spot (general in space, but limited by occupancy; whereas 5561 is a large but participle locality), i.e. location (as a position, home, tract, etc.); figuratively, condition, opportunity; specifically, a scabbard: -- coast, licence, place, X plain, quarter, + rock, room, where. 5014
1710 - emporeuomai {em-por-yoo'-om-ahee}; from 1722 and 4198; to travel in (a country as a peddler), i.e. (by implication) to trade: -- buy and sell, make merchandise. 1710
2038 - ergazomai {er-gad'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 2041; to toil (as a task, occupation, etc.), (by implication) effect, be engaged in or with, etc.: -- commit, do, labor for, minister about, trade (by), work. 2038
4231 - pragmateuomai {prag-mat-yoo'-om-ahee}; from 4229; to busy oneself with, i.e. to trade: -- occupy. 4128
4453 - poleo {po-leh'-o}; probably ultimately from pelomai (to be busy, to trade); to barter (as a pedlar), i.e. to sell: -- sell, whatever is sold. 4350
5078 - techne {tekh'-nay}; from the base of 5088; art (as productive), i.e. (specifically) a trade, or (generally) skill: -- art, craft, occupation. 4976
4211 - porphuropolis {por-foo-rop'-o-lis}; feminine of a compound of 4209 and 4453; a female trader in purple cloth: -- seller of purple. 4108
1713 - emporos {em'-por-os}; from 1722 and the base of 4198; a (wholesale) tradesman: -- merchant. 1712
1281 - diapragmateuomai {dee-ap-rag-mat-yoo'-om-ahee}; from 1223 and 4231; to thoroughly occupy oneself, i.e. (transitively and by implication) to earn in business: -- gain by trading. 1280
3862 - paradosis {par-ad'-os-is}; from 3860; transmission, i.e. (concretely) a precept; specifically, the Jewish traditionary law: -- ordinance, tradition. 3760
3970 - patroparadotos {pat-rop-ar-ad'-ot-os}; from 3962 and a derivative of 3860 (in the sense of handing over or down); traditionary: -- received by tradition from fathers. 3868
3862 - paradosis {par-ad'-os-is}; from 3860; transmission, i.e. (concretely) a precept; specifically, the Jewish traditionary law: -- ordinance, tradition. 3760
3970 - patroparadotos {pat-rop-ar-ad'-ot-os}; from 3962 and a derivative of 3860 (in the sense of handing over or down); traditionary: -- received by tradition from fathers. 3868
1225 - diaballo {dee-ab-al'-lo}; from 1223 and 0906; (figuratively) to traduce: -- accuse. 1224
1228 - diabolos {dee-ab'-ol-os}; from 1225; a traducer; specially, Satan [compare 7854]: -- false accuser, devil, slanderer. 1228
2635 - katalaleo {kat-al-al-eh'-o}; from 2637; to be a traducer, i.e. to slander: -- speak against (evil of). 2634
1711 - emporia {em-por-ee'-ah}; feminine from 1713; traffic: -- merchandise. 1710
4097 - piprasko {pip-ras'-ko}; a reduplicated and prolonged form of prao {prah'-o}; (which occurs only as an alternate in certain tenses); contracted from perao (to traverse; from the base of 4008); to traffic (by travelling), i.e. dispose of as merchandise or into slavery (literally or figuratively): -- sell. 3994
5131 - tragos {trag'-os}; from the base of 5176; a he-goat (as a gnawer): -- goat. 5028
5131 - tragos {trag'-os}; from the base of 5176; a he-goat (as a gnawer): -- goat. 5028
3046 - litra {lee'-trah}; of Latin origin [libra]; a pound in weight: -- pound. 3044
3082 - Lustra {loos'-trah}; of uncertain origin; Lystra, a place in Asia Minor: -- Lystra. 3080
3388 - metra {may'-trah}; from 3384; the matrix: -- womb. 3286
4951 - suro {soo'-ro}; probably akin to 138; to trail: -- drag, draw, hale. 4848
0778 - askeo {as-keh'-o}; probably from the same as 4632; to elaborate, i.e. (figuratively) train (by implication, strive): -- exercize. 778
1128 - gumnazo {goom-nad'-zo}; from 1131; to practise naked (in the games), i.e. train (figuratively): -- exercise. 1128
1625 - ektrepho {ek-tref'-o}; from 1537 and 5142; to rear up to maturity, i.e. (genitive case) to cherish or train: -- bring up, nourish. 1624
3811 - paideuo {pahee-dyoo'-o}; from 3816; to train up a child, i.e. educate, or (by implication) discipline (by punishment): -- chasten(-ise), instruct, learn, teach. 3708
3810 - paideutes {pahee-dyoo-tace'}; from 3811; a trainer, i.e. teacher or (by implication) discipliner: -- which corrected, instructor. 3708