1017 - brabeion {brab-i'-on}; from brabeus (an umpire of uncertain derivation); an award (of arbitration), i.e. (specially) a prize in the public games: -- prize. 1016
0343 - anakalupto {an-ak-al-oop'-to}; from 0303 (in the sense of reversal) and 2572; to unveil: -- open, ( [un-])taken away. 342
0514 - axios {ax'-ee-os}; probably from 0071; deserving, comparable or suitable (as if drawing praise): -- due reward, meet, [un-]worthy. 514
0862 - aphthartos {af'-thar-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 5351; undecaying (in essence or continuance): -- not (in-, un-)corruptible, immortal. 862
0891 - achri {akh'-ree}; or achris {akh'-rece}; akin to 0206 (through the idea of a terminus); (of time) until or (of place) up to: -- as far as, for, in(-to), till, (even, un-)to, until, while. Compare 3360. 890
1722 - en {en}; a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between 1519 and 1537); "in," at, (up-)on, by, etc.: -- about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (...sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, [open-]ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, [speedi-]ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(-with), while, with(-in). Often used in compounds, with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion, and then not to indicate direction, except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) preposition. 1722
1909 - epi {ep-ee'}; a primary preposition; properly, meaning superimposition (of time, place, order, etc.), as a relation of distribution [with the genitive case], i.e. over, upon, etc.; of rest (with the det.) at, on, etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towards, upon, etc.: -- about (the times), above, after, against, among, as long as (touching), at, beside, X have charge of, (be-, [where-])fore, in (a place, as much as, the time of, -to), (because) of, (up-)on (behalf of), over, (by, for) the space of, through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), with. In compounds it retains essentially the same import, at, upon, etc. (literally or figuratively). 1908
2193 - heos {heh'-oce}; of uncertain affinity; a conjunction, preposition and adverb of continuance, until (of time and place): -- even (until, unto), (as) far (as), how long, (un-)til(-l), (hither-, un-, up) to, while(-s). 2192
2193 - heos {heh'-oce}; of uncertain affinity; a conjunction, preposition and adverb of continuance, until (of time and place): -- even (until, unto), (as) far (as), how long, (un-)til(-l), (hither-, un-, up) to, while(-s). 2192
2596 - kata {kat-ah'}; a primary particle; (prepositionally) down (in place or time), in varied relations (according to the case [genitive case, dative case or accusative case] with which it is joined): -- about, according as (to), after, against, (when they were) X alone, among, and, X apart, (even, like) as (concerning, pertaining to touching), X aside, at, before, beyond, by, to the charge of, [charita-]bly, concerning, + covered, [dai-]ly, down, every, (+ far more) exceeding, X more excellent, for,, godly, in(-asmuch, divers, every, -to, respect of),, after the manner of, + by any means, beyond (out of) measure, X mightily, more, X natural, of (up-)on (X part), out (of every), over against, (+ your) X own, + particularly, so, through(-oughout, -oughout every), thus, (un-)to(-gether, -ward), X uttermost, where(-by), with. In composition it retains many of these applications, and frequently denotes opposition, distribution, or intensity. 2596
3089 - luo {loo'-o}; a primary verb; to "loosen" (literally or figuratively): -- break (up), destroy, dissolve, (un-)loose, melt, put off. Compare 4486. 3088
3326 - meta {met-ah'}; a primary preposition (often used adverbially); properly, denoting accompaniment; "amid" (local or causal); modified variously according to the case (genitive case association, or accusative case succession) with which it is joined; occupying an intermediate position between 0575 or 1537 and 1519 or 4314; less intimate than 1722 and less close than 4862): -- after(-ward), X that he again, against, among, X and, + follow, hence, hereafter, in, of, (up-)on, + our, X and setting, since, (un-)to, + together, when, with (+ -out). Often used in composition, in substantially the same relations of participation or proximity, and transfer or sequence. 3224
3360 - mechri {mekh'-ree}; or mechris {mekh-ris'}; from 3372; as far as, i.e. up to a certain point (as a preposition, of extent [denoting the terminus, whereas 0891 refers especially to the space of time or place intervening] or a conjunction): -- till, (un-)to, until. 3258
3361 - me {may}; a primary particle of qualified negation (whereas 3756 expresses an absolute denial); (adverbially) not, (conjunctionally) lest; also (as an interrogative implying a negative answer [whereas 3756 expects an affirmative one]) whether: -- any but (that), X forbear, + God forbid, + lack, lest, neither, never, no (X wise in), none, nor, [can-]not, nothing, that not, un [-taken], without. Often used in compounds in substantially the same relations. See also 3362, 3363, 3364, 3372, 3373, 3375, 3378. 3260
3756 - ou {oo}; also (before a vowel) ouk {ook}; and (before an aspirate) ouch {ookh}; a primary word; the absolute negative [compare 3361] adverb; no or not: -- + long, nay, neither, never, no (X man), none, [can-]not, + nothing, + special, un( [-worthy]), when, + without, + yet but. See also 3364, 3372. 3654
3872 - parakatatheke {par-ak-at-ath-ay'-kay}; from a compound of 3844 and 2698; something put down alongside, i.e. a deposit (sacred trust): -- that (thing) which is committed (un-)to (trust). 3770
4377 - prosphoneo {pros-fo-neh'-o}; from 4314 and 5455; to sound towards, i.e. address, exclaim, summon: -- call unto, speak (un-)to. 4274
0101 - adunateo {ad-oo-nat-eh'-o}; from 0102; to be unable, i.e. (passively) impossible: -- be impossible. 100
0102 - adunatos {ad-oo'-nat-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 1415; unable, i.e. weak (literally or figuratively); passively, impossible: -- could not do, impossible, impotent, not possible, weak. 102
0410 - anegkletos {an-eng'-klay-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 1458; unaccused, i.e. (by implication) irreproachable: -- blameless. 410
1100 - glossa {gloce-sah'}; of uncertain affinity; the tongue; by implication, a language (specially, one naturally unacquired): -- tongue. 1100
0418 - anendektos {an-en'-dek-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of the same as 1735; unadmitted, i.e. (by implication) not supposable: -- impossible. 418
0097 - adolos {ad'-ol-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle}; and 1388; undeceitful, i.e. (figuratively) unadulterated: -- sincere. 96
4101 - pistikos {pis-tik-os'}; from 4102; trustworthy, i.e. genuine (unadulterated): -- spike- [nard]. 3998
1775 - henotes {hen-ot-ace'}; from 1520; oneness, i.e. (figuratively) unanimity: -- unity. 1774
3661 - homothumadon {hom-oth-oo-mad-on'}; adverb from a compound of the base of 3674 and 2372; unanimously: -- with one accord (mind). 3560
0853 - aphanizo {af-an-id'-zo}; from 0852; to render unapparent, i.e. (actively) consume (becloud), or (passively) disappear (be destroyed): -- corrupt, disfigure, perish, vanish away. 852
0096 - adokimos {ad-ok'-ee-mos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 1384; unapproved, i.e. rejected; by implication, worthless (literally or morally): -- castaway, rejected, reprobate. 96
0813 - ataktos {at'-ak-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 5021; unarranged, i.e. (by implication) insubordinate (religiously): -- unruly. 812
0267 - amarturos {am-ar'-too-ros}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a form of 3144; unattested: -- without witness. 266
0866 - aphilarguros {af-il-ar'-goo-ros}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5366; unavaricious: -- without covetousness, not greedy of filthy lucre. 866
0160 - aiphnidios {aheef-nid'-ee-os}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5316 [compare 1810] (meaning non-apparent); unexpected, i.e. (adverbially) suddenly: -- sudden, unawares. 160
0869 - aphno {af'-no}; adverb from 0852 (contraction); unawares, i.e. unexpectedly: -- suddenly. 868
3920 - pareisaktos {par-ice'-ak-tos}; from 3919; smuggled in: -- unawares brought in. 3818
3921 - pareisduno {par-ice-doo'-no}; from 3844 and a compound of 1519 and 1416; to settle in alongside, i.e. lodge stealthily: -- creep in unawares. 3818
0807 - aschemoneo {as-kay-mon-eh'-o}; from 0809; to be (i.e. act) unbecoming: -- behave self uncomely (unseemly). 806
0543 - apeitheia {ap-i'-thi-ah}; from 0545; disbelief (obstinate and rebellious): -- disobedience, unbelief. 542
0570 - apaistia {ap-is-tee'-ah}; from 0571; faithlessness, i.e. (negatively) disbelief (lack of Christian faith), or (positively) unfaithfulness (disobedience): -- unbelief. 570
0571 - apistos {ap'-is-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 4103; (actively) disbelieving, i.e. without Christian faith (specially, a heathen); (passively) untrustworthy (person), or incredible (thing): -- that believeth not, faithless, incredible thing, infidel, unbeliever(-ing). 570
0544 - apeitheo {ap-i-theh'-o}; from 0545; to disbelieve (wilfully and perversely): -- not believe, disobedient, obey not, unbelieving. 544
0569 - apisteo {ap-is-teh'-o}; from 0571; to be unbelieving, i.e. (transitively) disbelieve, or (by implication) disobey: -- believe not. 568
0878 - aphron {af'-rone}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5424; properly, mindless, i.e. stupid, (by implication) ignorant, (specially) egotistic, (practically) rash, or (morally) unbelieving: -- fool(-ish), unwise. 878
0352 - anakupto {an-ak-oop'-to}; from 0303 (in the sense of reversal) and 2955; to unbend, i.e. rise; figuratively, be elated: -- lift up, look up. 352
0176 - akatagnostos {ak-at-ag'-noce-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 2607; unblamable: -- that cannot be condemned. 176
0273 - amemptos {am'-emp-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3201; irreproachable: -- blameless, faultless, unblamable. 272
0274 - amemptos {am-emp'-toce}; adverb from 0273; faultlessly: -- blameless, unblamably. 274
0298 - amometos {am-o'-may-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3469; unblameable: -- blameless. 298
0299 - amomos {am'-o-mos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3470; unblemished (literally or figuratively): -- without blame (blemish, fault, spot), faultless, unblameable. 298
0299 - amomos {am'-o-mos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3470; unblemished (literally or figuratively): -- without blame (blemish, fault, spot), faultless, unblameable. 298
0784 - aspilos {as'-pee-los}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 4695; unblemished (physically or morally): -- without spot, unspotted. 784
1025 - brephos {bref'-os}; of uncertain affin.; an infant (properly, unborn) literally or figuratively: -- babe, (young) child, infant. 1024
2429 - hikmas {hik-mas'}; of uncert affinity; dampness: -- moisture. 2428
0082 - adelos {ad'-ay-los}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 1212; hidden, figuratively, indistinct: -- appear not, uncertain. 82
0083 - adelotes {ad-ay-lot'-ace}; from 0082; uncertainty: -- X uncertain. 82
0125 - Aiguptos {ah'-ee-goop-tos}; of uncertain derivation: -- AEgyptus, the land of the Nile: -- Egypt. 124
0129 - haima {hah'-ee-mah}; of uncertain derivation; blood, literally (of men or animals), figuratively (the juice of grapes) or specially (the atoning blood of Christ); by implication bloodshed, also kindred: -- blood. 128
0132 - Aineas {ahee-neh'-as}; of uncertain derivation; Aeneas, an Israelite: -- Aeneas. 132
0143 - aisthanomai {ahee-sthan'-om-ahee}; of uncertain derivation; to apprehend (properly, by the senses): -- perceive. 142
0154 - aiteo {ahee-teh'-o}; of uncertain derivation; to ask (in genitive case): -- ask, beg, call for, crave, desire, require. Compare 4441. 154
0211 - alabastron {al-ab'-as-tron}; neuter of alabastros (of uncertain derivation), the name of a stone; properly, an "alabaster" box, i.e. (by extension) a perfume vase (of any material): -- (alabaster) box. 210
0254 - halusis {hal'-oo-sis}; of uncertain derivation; a fetter or manacle: -- bonds, chain. 254
0258 - alopex {al-o'-pakes}; of uncertain derivation; a fox, i.e. (figuratively) a cunning person: -- fox. 258
0440 - anthrax {anth'-rax}; of uncertain derivation; a live coal: -- coal of fire. 440
0527 - apalos {ap-al-os'}; of uncertain derivation; soft: -- tender. 526
0538 - apatao {ap-at-ah'-o}; of uncertain derivation; to cheat, i.e. delude: -- deceive. 538
0546 - apeileo {ap-i-leh'-o}; of uncertain derivation; to menace; by implication, to forbid: -- threaten. 546
0766 - aselgeia {as-elg'-i-a}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed selges (of uncertain derivation, but apparently meaning continent); licentiousness (sometimes including other vices): -- filthy, lasciviousness, wantonness. 766
0773 - Asia {as-ee'-ah}; of uncertain derivation; Asia, i.e. Asia Minor, or (usually) only its western shore: -- Asia. 772
0785 - aspis {as-pece'}; of uncertain derivation; a buckler (or round shield); used of a serpent (as coiling itself), probably the "asp": -- asp. 784
0827 - auge {owg'-ay}; of uncertain derivation; a ray of light, i.e. (by implication) radiance, dawn: -- break of day. 826
0882 - Achaia {ach-ah-ee'-ah}; of uncertain derivation; Achaia (i.e. Greece), a country of Europe: -- Achaia. 882
0887 - achlus {akh-looce'}; of uncertain derivation; dimness of sight, i.e. (probably) a cataract: -- mist. 886
0894 - apsinthos {ap'-sin-thos}; of uncertain derivation; wormwood (as a type of bitterness, i.e. [figuratively] calamity): -- wormwood. 894
0915 - barbaros {bar'-bar-os}; of uncertain derivation; a foreigner (i.e. non-Greek): -- barbarian(-rous). 914
0942 - batos {bat'-os}; of uncertain derivation; a brier shrub: -- bramble, bush. 942
0944 - batrachos {bat'-rakh-os}; of uncertain derivation; a frog: -- frog. 944
0969 - berullos {bay'-rool-los}; of uncertain derivation; a "beryl": -- beryl. 968
0978 - Bithunia {bee-thoo-nee'-ah}; of uncertain derivation; Bithynia, a region of Asia: -- Bithynia. 978
1004 - borboros {bor'-bor-os}; of uncertain derivation; mud: -- mire. 1004
1005 - borrhas {bor-hras'}; of uncertain derivation; the north (properly, wind): -- north. 1004
1009 - botrus {bot'-rooce}; of uncertain derivation; a bunch (of grapes): -- (vine) cluster (of the vine). 1008
1017 - brabeion {brab-i'-on}; from brabeus (an umpire of uncertain derivation); an award (of arbitration), i.e. (specially) a prize in the public games: -- prize. 1016
1021 - bradus {brad-ooce'}; of uncertain affinity; slow; figuratively, dull: -- slow. 1020
1024 - brachus {brakh-ooce'}; of uncertain affinity; short (of time, place, quantity, or number): -- few words, little (space, while). 1024
1025 - brephos {bref'-os}; of uncertain affin.; an infant (properly, unborn) literally or figuratively: -- babe, (young) child, infant. 1024
1029 - brochos {brokh'-os}; of uncertain derivation; a noose: -- snare. 1028
1051 - gala {gal'-ah}; of uncertain affinity; milk (figuratively): -- milk. 1050
1055 - galene {gal-ay'-nay}; of uncertain derivation; tranquillity: -- calm. 1054
1062 - gamos {gam'-os}; of uncertain affinity; nuptials: -- marriage, wedding. 1062
1064 - gaster {gas-tare'}; of uncertain derivation; the stomach; by analogy, the matrix; figuratively, a gourmand: -- belly, + with child, womb. 1064
1070 - gelao {ghel-ah'-o}; of uncertain affinity; to laugh (as a sign of joy or satisfaction): -- laugh. 1070
1088 - geron {gher'-own}; of uncertain affinity [compare 1094]; aged: -- old. 1088
1099 - glukus {gloo-koos'}; of uncertain affinity; sweet (i.e. not bitter nor salt): -- sweet, fresh. 1098
1100 - glossa {gloce-sah'}; of uncertain affinity; the tongue; by implication, a language (specially, one naturally unacquired): -- tongue. 1100
1111 - gogguzo {gong-good'-zo}; of uncertain derivation; to grumble: -- murmur. 1110
1119 - gonu {gon-oo'}; of uncertain affinity; the "knee": -- knee(X -l). 1118
1131 - gumnos {goom-nos'}; of uncertain affinity; nude (absolute or relative, literal or figurative): -- naked. 1130
1144 - dakru {dak'-roo}; or dakruon {dak'-roo-on}; of uncertain affinity; a tear: -- tear. 1144
1204 - deuro {dyoo'-ro}; of uncertain affinity; here; used also imperative hither!; and of time, hitherto: -- come (hither), hither [-to]. 1204
1212 - delos {day'-los}; of uncertain derivation; clear: -- + bewray, certain, evident, manifest. 1212
1373 - dipsos {dip'-sos}; of uncertain affinity; thirst: -- thirst. 1372
1410 - dunamai {doo'-nam-ahee}; of uncertain affinity; to be able or possible: -- be able, can (do, + -not), could, may, might, be possible, be of power. 1410
1418 - dus- {doos}; a primary inseparable particle of uncertain derivation; used only in composition as a prefix; hard, i.e. with difficulty: -- + hard, + grievous, etc. 1418
1439 - eao {eh-ah'-o}; of uncertain affinity; to let be, i.e. permit or leave alone: -- commit, leave, let (alone), suffer. See also 1436. 1438
1501 - eikosi {i'-kos-ee}; of uncertain affinity; a score: -- twenty. 1500
1534 - eita {i'-tah}; of uncertain affinity; a particle of succession (in time or logical enumeration), then, moreover: -- after that(-ward), furthermore, then. See also 1899. 1534
1540 - hekaton {hek-at-on'}; of uncertain affinity; a hundred: -- hundred. 1540
1563 - ekei {ek-i'}; of uncertain affinity; there; by extension thither: -- there, thither(-ward), (to) yonder (place). 1562
1635 - hekon {hek-own'}; of uncertain affinity; voluntary: -- willingly. 1634
1643 - elauno {el-ow'-no}; a prolonged form of a primary verb (obsolete except in certain tenses as an altern. of this) of uncertain affin; to push (as wind, oars or demonic power): -- carry, drive, row. 1642
1651 - elegcho {el-eng'-kho}; of uncertain affinity; to confute, admonish: -- convict, convince, tell a fault, rebuke, reprove. 1650
1656 - eleos {el'-eh-os}; of uncertain affinity; compassion (human or divine, especially active): -- (+ tender) mercy. 1656
1671 - Hellas {hel-las'}; of uncertain affinity; Hellas (or Greece), a country of Europe: -- Greece. 1670
1692 - emeo {em-eh'-o}; of uncertain affinity; to vomit: -- (will) spue. 1692
1752 - heneka {hen'-ek-ah}; or heneken {hen'-ek-en}; or heineken {hi'-nek-en}; of uncertain affinity; on account of: -- because, for (cause, sake), (where-)fore, by reason of, that. 1752
1859 - heorte {heh-or-tay'}; of uncertain affinity; a festival: -- feast, holyday. 1858
2044 - ereugomai {er-yoog'-om-ahee}; of uncertain affinity; to belch, i.e. (figuratively) to speak out: -- utter. 2044
2048 - eremos {er'-ay-mos}; of uncertain affinity; lonesome, i.e. (by implication) waste (usually as a noun, 5561 being implied): -- desert, desolate, solitary, wilderness. 2048
2054 - eris {er'-is}; of uncertain affinity; a quarrel, i.e. (by implication) wrangling: -- contention, debate, strife, variance. 2054
2063 - eruthros {er-oo-thros'}; of uncertain affinity; red, i.e. (with 2281) the Red Sea: -- red. 2062
2087 - heteros {het'-er-os}; of uncertain affinity; (an-, the) other or different: -- altered, else, next (day), one, (an-)other, some, strange. 2086
2191 - echidna {ekh'-id-nah}; of uncertain origin; an adder or other poisonous snake (literally or figuratively): -- viper. 2190
2193 - heos {heh'-oce}; of uncertain affinity; a conjunction, preposition and adverb of continuance, until (of time and place): -- even (until, unto), (as) far (as), how long, (un-)til(-l), (hither-, un-, up) to, while(-s). 2192
2203 - Zeus {dzyooce}; of uncertain affinity; in the oblique cases there is used instead of it a (probably cognate) name Dis {deece}, which is otherwise obsolete; Zeus or Dis (among the Latins, Jupiter or Jove), the supreme deity of the Greeks: -- Jupiter. 2202
2212 - zeteo {dzay-teh'-o}; of uncertain affinity; to seek (literally or figuratively); specially, (by Hebraism) to worship (God), or (in a bad sense) to plot (against life): -- be (go) about, desire, endeavour, enquire (for), require, (X will) seek (after, for, means). Compare 4441. 2212
2215 - zizanion {dziz-an'-ee-on}; of uncertain origin; darnel or false grain: -- tares. 2214
2247 - helos {hay'-los}; of uncertain affinity; a stud, i.e. spike: -- nail. 2246
2259 - henika {hay-nee'-kah}; of uncertain affinity; at which time: -- when. 2258
2279 - echos {ay'-khos}; of uncertain affinity; a loud or confused noise ("echo"), i.e. roar; figuratively, a rumor: -- fame, sound. 2278
2280 - Thaddaios {thad-dah'-yos}; of uncertain origin; Thaddaeus, one of the Apostles: -- Thaddaeus. 2280
2316 - theos {theh'-os}; of uncertain affinity; a deity, especially (with 3588) the supreme Divinity; figuratively, a magistrate; by Hebraism, very: -- X exceeding, God, god [-ly, -ward]. 2316
2333 - Theudas {thyoo-das'}; of uncertain origin; Theudas, an Israelite: -- Theudas. ***. theo. See 5087. 2332
2359 - thrix {threeks}; genitive case trichos, etc.; of uncertain derivation; hair: -- hair. Compare 2864. 2358
2363 - Thuateira {thoo-at'-i-rah}; of uncertain derivation; Thyatira, a place in Asia Minor: -- Thyatira. 2362
2382 - thorax {tho'-rax}; of uncertain affinity; the chest ("thorax"), i.e. (by implication) a corslet: -- breast-plate. 2382
2398 - idios {id'-ee-os}; of uncertain affinity; pertaining to self, i.e. one's own; by implication, private or separate: -- X his acquaintance, when they were alone, apart, aside, due, his (own, proper, several), home, (her, our, thine, your) own (business), private(-ly), proper, severally, their (own). 2398
2413 - hieros {hee-er-os'}; of uncertain affinity; sacred: -- holy. 2412
2437 - Illurikon {il-loo-ree-kon'}; neuter of an adjective from a name of uncertain derivation: (the) Illyrican (shore), i.e. (as a name itself) Illyricum, a region of Europe: -- Illyricum. 2436
2442 - himeiromai {him-i'-rom-ahee}; middle voice from himeros (a yearning; of uncertain affinity); to long for: -- be affectionately desirous. 2442
2462 - hippos {hip'-pos}; of uncertain affinity; a horse: -- horse. 2462
2486 - ichthus {ikh-thoos'}; of uncertain affinity; a fish: -- fish. 2486
2513 - katharos {kath-ar-os'}; of uncertain affinity; clean (literally or figuratively): -- clean, clear, pure. 2512
2537 - kainos {kahee-nos'}; of uncertain affinity; new (especially in freshness; while 3501 is properly so with respect to age: -- new. 2536
2540 - kairos {kahee-ros'}; of uncertain affinity; an occasion, i.e. set or proper time: -- X always, opportunity, (convenient, due) season, (due, short, while) time, a while. Compare 5550. 2540
2563 - kalamos {kal'-am-os}; or uncertain affinity; a reed (the plant or its stem, or that of a similar plant); by implication, a pen: -- pen, reed. 2562
2570 - kalos {kal-os'}; of uncertain affinity; properly, beautiful, but chiefly (figuratively) good (literally or morally), i.e. valuable or virtuous (for appearance or use, and thus distinguished from 0018, which is properly intrinsic): -- X better, fair, good(-ly), honest, meet, well, worthy. 2570
2586 - kapnos {kap-nos'}; of uncertain affinity; smoke: -- smoke. 2586
2750 - keiria {ki-ree'-ah}; of uncertain affinity; a swathe, i.e. winding-sheet: -- graveclothes. 2748
2771 - kerdos {ker'-dos}; of uncertain affinity; gain (pecuniary or genitive case): -- gain, lucre. 2770
2779 - kepos {kay'-pos}; of uncertain affinity; a garden: -- garden. 2778
2784 - kerusso {kay-roos'-so}; of uncertain affinity; to herald (as a public crier), especially divine truth (the gospel): -- preacher(-er), proclaim, publish. 2782
2787 - kibotos {kib-o-tos'}; of uncertain derivation; a box, i.e. the sacred ark and that of Noah: -- ark. 2786
2788 - kithara {kith-ar'-ah}; of uncertain affinity; a lyre: -- harp. 2786
2794 - kindunos {kin'-doo-nos}; of uncertain derivation; danger: -- peril. 2792
2799 - klaio {klah'-yo}; of uncertain affinity; to sob, i.e. wail aloud (whereas 1145 is rather to cry silently): -- bewail, weep. 2798
2802 - Klaude {klow'-day}; of uncertain derivation; Claude, an island near Crete: -- Clauda. 2800
2823 - klibanos {klib'-an-os}; of uncertain derivation; an earthen pot used for baking in: -- oven. 2822
2882 - Korinthos {kor'-in-thos}; of uncertain derivation; Corinthus, a city of Greece: -- Corinth. 2880
2894 - kophinos {kof'-ee-nos}; of uncertain derivation; a (small) basket: -- basket. 2892
2899 - kraspedon {kras'-ped-on}; of uncertain derivation; a margin, i.e. (specifically) a fringe or tassel: -- border, hem. 2898
2914 - Krete {kray'-tay}; of uncertain derivation; Crete, an island in the Mediterranean: -- Crete. 2912
2915 - krithe {kree-thay'}; of uncertain derivation; barley: -- barley. 2914
2954 - Kupros {koo'-pros}; of uncertain origin; Cyprus, an island in the Mediterranean: -- Cyprus. 2952
2957 - Kurene {koo-ray'-nay}; of uncertain derivation; Cyrene, a region of Africa: -- Cyrene. 2956
2972 - Kos {koce}; of uncertain origin; Cos, an island in the Mediterranean: -- Cos. 2970
2978 - lailaps {lah'-ee-laps}; of uncertain derivation; a whirlwind (squall): -- storm, tempest. 2976
2995 - larugx {lar'-oongks}; of uncertain derivation; the throat ("larynx"): -- throat. 2994
2996 - Lasaia {las-ah'-yah}; of uncertain origin; Lasaea, a place in Crete: -- Lasea. 2994
3002 - Lebbaios {leb-bah'-yos}; of uncertain origin; Lebbaeus, a Christian: -- Lebbaeus. 3000
3029 - lian {lee'-an}; of uncertain affinity; much (adverbially): -- exceeding, great(-ly), sore, very (+ chiefest). 3028
3061 - loimos {loy'-mos}; of uncertain affinity; a plague (literally, the disease, or figuratively, a pest): -- pestilence(-t). 3060
3079 - Lusias {loo-see'-as}; of uncertain affinity; Lysias, a Roman: -- Lysias. 3078
3082 - Lustra {loos'-trah}; of uncertain origin; Lystra, a place in Asia Minor: -- Lystra. 3080
3090 - Lois {lo-ece'}; of uncertain origin; Lois, a Christian woman: -- Lois. 3088
3110 - Makedon {mak-ed'-ohn}; of uncertain derivation; a Macedon (Macedonian), i.e. inhabitant of Macedonia: -- of Macedonia, Macedonian. 3108
3120 - malakos {mal-ak-os'}; of uncertain affinity; soft, i.e. fine (clothing); figuratively, a catamite: -- effeminate, soft. 3118
3127 - Manaen {man-ah-ane'}; of uncertain origin; Manaen, a Christian: -- Manaen. 3126
3133 - maraino {mar-ah'-ee-no}; of uncertain affinity; to extinguish (as fire), i.e. (figuratively and passively) to pass away: -- fade away. 3132
3144 - martus {mar'-toos}; of uncertain affinity; a witness (literally [judicially] or figuratively [genitive case]); by analogy, a "martyr": -- martyr, record, witness. 3142
3190 - Meleas {mel-eh-as'}; of uncertain origin; Meleas, an Israelite: -- Meleas. ***. melei. See 3199. 3188
3194 - Melite {mel-ee'-tay}; of uncertain origin; Melita, an island in the Mediterranean: -- Melita. 3192
3196 - melos {mel'-os}; of uncertain affinity; a limb or part of the body: -- member. 3194
3324 - mestos {mes-tos'}; of uncertain derivation: -- replete (literally or figuratively): -- full. 3222
3399 - Miletos {mil'-ay-tos}; of uncertain origin; Miletus, a city of Asia Minor: -- Miletus. 3298
3416 - Mnason {mnah'-sohn}; of uncertain origin; Mnason, a Christian: -- Mnason. 3314
3460 - Mura {moo'-rah}; of uncertain derivation; Myra, a place in Asia Minor: -- Myra. 3358
3465 - Musia {moo-see'-ah}; of uncertain origin; Mysia, a region of Asia Minor: -- Mysia. 3364
3478 - Nazareth {nad-zar-eth'}; or Nazaret {nad-zar-et'}; of uncertain derivation; Nazareth or Nazaret, a place in Palestine: -- Nazareth. 3376
3510 - nephros {nef-ros'}; of uncertain affinity; a kidney (plural), i.e. (figuratively) the inmost mind: -- reins. 3408
3525 - nepho {nay'-fo}; of uncertain affinity: to abstain from wine (keep sober), i.e. (figuratively) be discreet: -- be sober, watch. 3424
3541 - nothos {noth'-os}; of uncertain affinity; a spurious or illegitimate son: -- bastard. 3440
3554 - nosos {nos'-os}; of uncertain affinity; a malady (rarely figuratively, of moral disability): -- disease, infirmity, sickness. 3452
3558 - notos {not'-os}; of uncertain affinity; the south(-west) wind; by extension, the southern quarter itself: -- south (wind). 3456
3577 - notos {no'-tos}; of uncertain affinity; the back: -- back. 3476
3607 - othone {oth-on'-ay}; of uncertain affinity; a linen cloth, i.e. (especially) a sail: -- sheet. 3506
3624 - oikos {oy'-kos}; of uncertain affinity; a dwelling (more or less extensive, literal or figurative); by implication a family (more or less related, literal or figuratively): -- home, house(-hold), temple. 3522
3641 - oligos {ol-ee'-gos}; of uncertain affinity; puny (in extent, degree, number, duration or value); especially neuter (adverbial) somewhat: -- + almost, brief [-ly], few, (a) little, + long, a season, short, small, a while. 3540
3653 - olunthos {ol'-oon-thos}; of uncertain derivation; an unripe (because out of season) fig: -- untimely fig. 3552
3655 - ombros {om'-bros}; of uncertain affinity; a thunder storm: -- shower. 3554
3677 - onar {on'-ar}; of uncertain derivation; a dream: -- dream. 3576
3730 - horme {hor-may'}; of uncertain affinity; a violent impulse, i.e. onset: -- assault. 3628
3737 - orphanos {or-fan-os'}; of uncertain affinity; bereaved ("orphan"), i.e. parentless: -- comfortless, fatherless. 3634
3741 - hosios {hos'-ee-os}; of uncertain affinity; properly, right (by intrinsic or divine character; thus distinguished from 1342, which refers rather to human statutes and relations; from 2413, which denotes formal consecration; and from 0040, which relates to purity from defilement), i.e. hallowed (pious, sacred, sure): -- holy, mercy, shalt be. 3638
3747 - osteon {os-teh'-on}; or contracted ostoun {os-toon'}; of uncertain affinity; a bone: -- bone. 3644
3751 - osphus {os-foos'}; of uncertain affinity; the loin (externally), i.e. the hip; intern. (by extension) procreative power: -- loin. 3648
3818 - Pakatiane {pak-at-ee-an-ay'}; feminine of an adjective of uncertain derivation; Pacatianian, a section of Phrygia: -- Pacatiana. 3716
3963 - Patmos {pat'-mos}; of uncertain derivation; Patmus, an islet in the Mediterranean: -- Patmos. 3860
3974 - Paphos {paf'-os}; of uncertain derivation; Paphus, a place in Cyprus: -- Paphos. [qcccl 3872
3989 - pelagos {pel'-ag-os}; of uncertain affinity; deep or open sea, i.e. the main: -- depth, sea. 3886
3995 - pentheros {pen-ther-os'}; of uncertain affinity; a wife's father: -- father in law. 3892
4058 - peristera {per-is-ter-ah'}; of uncertain derivation; a pigeon: -- dove, pigeon. 3956
4082 - pera {pay'-rah}; of uncertain affinity; a wallet or leather pouch for food: -- scrip. 3980
4083 - pechus {pay'-khoos}; of uncertain affinity; the fore-arm, i.e. (as a measure) a cubit: -- cubit. 3980
4108 - planos {plan'-os}; of uncertain affinity; roving (as a tramp), i.e. (by implication) an impostor or misleader; -- deceiver, seducing. 4006
4125 - pleura {plyoo-rah'}; of uncertain affinity; a rib, i.e. (by extension) side: -- side. 4022
4158 - poderes {pod-ay'-race}; from 4228 and another element of uncertain affinity; a dress (2066 implied) reaching the ankles: -- garment down to the foot. 4056
4164 - poikilos {poy-kee'-los}; of uncertain derivation; motley, i.e. various in character: -- divers, manifold. 4062
4166 - poimen {poy-mane'}; of uncertain affinity; a shepherd (literally or figuratively): -- shepherd, pastor. 4064
4418 - pterna {pter'-nah}; of uncertain derivation; the heel (figuratively): -- heel. 4316
4509 - rhupos {hroo'-pos}; of uncertain affinity; dirt, i.e. (morally) depravity: -- filth. 4406
4544 - Samos {sam'-os}; of uncertain affinity; Samus, an island of the Mediterranean: -- Samos. 4442
4547 - sandalion {san-dal'-ee-on}; neuter of a derivative of sandalon (a "sandal"; of uncertain origin); a slipper or sole-pad: -- sandal. 4444
4548 - sanis {san-ece'}; of uncertain affinity; a plank: -- board. 4446
4554 - Sardeis {sar'-dice}; plural of uncertain derivation; Sardis, a place in Asia Minor: -- Sardis. 4452
4556 - sardios {sar'-dee-os}; properly, an adjective from an uncertain base; sardian (3037 being implied), i.e. (as noun) the gem so called: -- sardius. 4454
4591 - semaino {say-mah'-ee-no}; from sema (a mark; of uncertain derivation); to indicate: -- signify. 4488
4600 - siagon {see-ag-one'}; of uncertain derivation; the jaw-bone, i.e. (by implication) the cheek or side of the face: -- cheek. 4498
4604 - sideros {sid'-ay-ros}; of uncertain derivation; iron: -- iron. 4502
4616 - sindon {sin-done'}; of uncertain (perhaps foreign) origin; byssos, i.e. bleached linen (the cloth or a garment of it): -- (fine) linen (cloth). 4514
4621 - sitos {see'-tos}; plural irregular neuter sita {see'-tah}; of uncertain derivation; grain, especially wheat: -- corn, wheat. 4518
4632 - skeuos {skyoo'-os}; of uncertain affinity; a vessel, implement, equipment or apparatus (literally or figuratively [specifically, a wife as contributing to the usefulness of the husband]): -- goods, sail, stuff, vessel. 4530
4663 - skolex {sko'-lakes}; of uncertain derivation; a grub, maggot or earth-worm: -- worm. 4560
4665 - smaragdos {smar'-ag-dos}; of uncertain derivation; the emerald or green gem so called: -- emerald. 4562
4694 - spilas {spee-las'}; of uncertain derivation; a ledge or reef of rock in the sea: -- spot [by confusion with 4696]. 4592
4696 - spilos {spee'-los}; of uncertain derivation; a stain or blemish, i.e. (figuratively) defect, disgrace: -- spot. 4594
4700 - spodos {spod-os'}; of uncertain derivation; ashes: -- ashes. 4598
4946 - Surakousai {soo-rak'-oo-sahee}; plural of uncertain derivation; Syracuse, the capital of Sicily: -- Syracuse. 4844
4970 - sphodra {sfod'-rah}; neuter plural of sphodros (violent; of uncertain derivation) as adverb; vehemently, i.e. in a high degree, much: -- exceeding(-ly), greatly, sore, very. 4868
4979 - schoinion {skhoy-nee'-on}; diminutive of schoinos (a rush or flag-plant; of uncertain derivation); a rushlet, i.e. grass-withe or tie (generally): -- small cord, rope. 4876
5011 - tapeinos {tap-i-nos'}; of uncertain derivation; depressed, i.e. (figuratively) humiliated (in circumstances or disposition): -- base, cast down, humble, of low degree (estate), lowly. 4908
5015 - tarasso {tar-as'-so}; of uncertain affinity; to stir or agitate (roll water): -- trouble. 4912
5036 - tachus {takh-oos'}; of uncertain affinity; fleet, i.e. (figuratively) prompt or ready: -- swift. 4934
5059 - teras {ter'-as}; of uncertain affinity; a prodigy or omen: -- wonder. 4956
5061 - Tertullos {ter'-tool-los}; of uncertain derivation; Tertullus, a Roman: -- Tertullus. ***. tessara. See 5064. 4958
5103 - Titos {tee'-tos}; of Latin origin but uncertain signification; Titus, a Christian: -- Titus. ***. tio. See 5099. ***. to. See 3588. 5000
5116 - topazion {top-ad'-zee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative (alternately) of topazos (a "topaz"; of uncertain origin); a gem, probably the chrysolite: -- topaz. 5014
5165 - trublion {troob'-lee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of uncertain affinity; a bowl: -- dish. 5062
5175 - Trogullion {tro-gool'-lee-on}; of uncertain derivation; Trogyllium, a place in Asia Minor: -- Trogyllium. 5072
5192 - huakinthos {hoo-ak'-in-thos}; of uncertain derivation; the "hyacinth" or "jacinth", i.e. some gem of a deep blue color, probably the zirkon: -- jacinth. 5090
5339 - pheidomai {fi'-dom-ahee}; of uncertain affinity; to be chary of, i.e. (subjectively) to abstain or (objectively) to treat leniently: -- forbear, spare. 5236
5357 - phiale {fee-al'-ay}; of uncertain affinity; a broad shallow cup ("phial"): -- vial. 5254
5404 - phoinix {foy'-nix}; of uncertain derivation; a palm-tree: -- palm (tree). 5302
5421 - phrear {freh'-ar}; of uncertain derivation; a hole in the ground (dug for obtaining or holding water or other purposes), i.e. a cistern or well; figuratively, an abyss (as a prison): -- well, pit. 5318
5454 - pholeos {fo-leh-os'}; of uncertain derivative; a burrow or lurking-place: -- hole. 5352
5501 - cheiron {khi'-rone}; irregular comparative of 2556; from an obsolete equivalent cheres (of uncertain derivation); more evil or aggravated (physically, mentally or morally): -- sorer, worse. 5398
5504 - chthes {khthes}; of uncertain derivation; "yesterday"; by extension, in time past or hitherto: -- yesterday. 5402
5507 - chilioi {khil'-ee-oy}; plural of uncertain affinity; a thousand: -- thousand. 5404
5508 - Chios {khee'-os}; of uncertain derivation; Chios, an island in the Mediterranean: -- Chios. 5406
5511 - chlamus {khlam-ooce'}; of uncertain derivation; a military cloak: -- robe. 5408
5518 - choinix {khoy'-nix}; of uncertain derivation; a choenix or certain dry measure: -- measure. 5416
5519 - choiros {khoy'-ros}; of uncertain derivation; a hog: -- swine. 5416
5523 - Chorazin {khor-ad-zin'}; of uncertain derivation; Chorazin, a place in Palestine: -- Chorazin. 5420
5525 - choros {khor-os'}; of uncertain derivation; a ring, i.e. round dance ("choir"}: -- dancing. 5422
5529 - Chouzas {khood-zas'}; of uncertain origin: Chuzas, an officer of Herod: -- Chuza. 5426
5550 - chronos {khron'-os}; of uncertain derivation; a space of time (in general, and thus properly distinguished from 2540, which designates a fixed or special occasion; and from 0165, which denotes a particular period) or interval; by extension, an individual opportunity; by implication, delay: -- + years old, season, space, (X often-)time(-s), (a) while. 5448