4596 - serikos {say-ree-kos'}; from Ser (an Indian tribe from whom silk was procured; hence the name of the silk-worm); Seric, i.e. silken (neuter as noun, a silky fabric): -- silk. 4494
4662 - skolekobrotos {sko-lay-kob'-ro-tos}; from 4663 and a derivative of 0977; worm-eaten, i.e. diseased with maggots: -- eaten of worms. 4560
4663 - skolex {sko'-lakes}; of uncertain derivation; a grub, maggot or earth-worm: -- worm. 4560
4663 - skolex {sko'-lakes}; of uncertain derivation; a grub, maggot or earth-worm: -- worm. 4560
4662 - skolekobrotos {sko-lay-kob'-ro-tos}; from 4663 and a derivative of 0977; worm-eaten, i.e. diseased with maggots: -- eaten of worms. 4560
0894 - apsinthos {ap'-sin-thos}; of uncertain derivation; wormwood (as a type of bitterness, i.e. [figuratively] calamity): -- wormwood. 894
0894 - apsinthos {ap'-sin-thos}; of uncertain derivation; wormwood (as a type of bitterness, i.e. [figuratively] calamity): -- wormwood. 894
5521 - chole {khol-ay'}; feminine of an equivalent perhaps akin to the same as 5514 (from the greenish hue); "gall" or bile, i.e. (by analogy) poison or an anodyne (wormwood, poppy, etc.): -- gall. 5418
3820 - palaios {pal-ah-yos'}; from 3819; antique, i.e. not recent, worn out: -- old. 3718
3822 - palaioo {pal-ah-yo'-o}; from 3820; to make (passively, become) worn out, or declare obsolete: -- decay, make (wax) old. 3720
4526 - sakkos {sak'-kos}; of Hebrew origin [8242]; "sack"-cloth, i.e. mohair (the material or garments made of it, worn as a sign of grief): -- sackcloth. 4424
5147 - tribos {tree'-bos}; from tribo (to "rub"; akin to teiro, truo, and the base of 5131, 5134); a rut or worn track: -- path. 5044
5586 - psephos {psay'-fos}; from the same as 5584; a pebble (as worn smooth by handling), i.e. (by implication of use as a counter or ballot) a verdict (of acquittal) or ticket (of admission); a vote: -- stone, voice. 5482
1278 - diaponeo {dee-ap-on-eh'-o}; from 1223 and a derivative of 4192; to toil through, i.e. (passively) be worried: -- be grieved. 1278
1640 - elasson {el-as'-sone}; or elatton (el-at-tone'}; comparative of the same as 1646; smaller (in size, quantity, age or quality): -- less, under, worse, younger. 1640
2274 - hettao {hayt-tah'-o}; from the same as 2276; to make worse, i.e. vanquish (literally or figuratively); by implication, to rate lower: -- be inferior, overcome. 2274
2276 - hetton {hate'-ton}; neuter of comparative of heka (slightly) used for that of 2556; worse (as noun); by implication, less (as adverbially): -- less, worse. 2276
2276 - hetton {hate'-ton}; neuter of comparative of heka (slightly) used for that of 2556; worse (as noun); by implication, less (as adverbially): -- less, worse. 2276
5302 - hustereo {hoos-ter-eh'-o}; from 5306; to be later, i.e. (by implication) to be inferior; generally, to fall short (be deficient): -- come behind (short), be destitute, fail, lack, suffer need, (be in) want, be the worse. 5200
5501 - cheiron {khi'-rone}; irregular comparative of 2556; from an obsolete equivalent cheres (of uncertain derivation); more evil or aggravated (physically, mentally or morally): -- sorer, worse. 5398
1391 - doxa {dox'-ah}; from the base of 1380; glory (as very apparent), in a wide application (literal or figurative, objective or subjective): -- dignity, glory(-ious), honour, praise, worship. 1390
1479 - ethelothreskeia {eth-el-oth-race-ki'-ah}; from 2309 and 2356; voluntary (arbitrary and unwarranted) piety, i.e. sanctimony: -- will worship. ***. ethelo. See 2309. 1478
1495 - eidololatreia {i-do-lol-at-ri'-ah}; from 1497 and 2999; image-worship (literally or figuratively): -- idolatry. 1494
1497 - eidolon {i'-do-lon}; from 1491; an image (i.e. for worship); by implication, a heathen god, or (plural) the worship of such: -- idol. 1496
1497 - eidolon {i'-do-lon}; from 1491; an image (i.e. for worship); by implication, a heathen god, or (plural) the worship of such: -- idol. 1496
1567 - ekzeteo {ek-zay-teh'-o}; from 1537 and 2212; to search out, i.e. (figuratively)investigate, crave, demand, (by Hebraism) worship: -- en- (re-)quire, seek after (carefully, diligently). 1566
1941 - epikaleomai {ep-ee-kal-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 and 2564; to entile; by implication, to invoke (for aid, worship, testimony, decision, etc.): -- appeal (unto), call (on, upon), surname. 1940
1997 - episunagoge {ep-ee-soon-ag-o-gay'}; from 1996; a complete collection; especially a Christian meeting (for worship): -- assembling (gathering) together. 1996
2151 - eusebeo {yoo-seb-eh'-o}; from 2152; to be pious, i.e. (towards God) to worship, or (towards parents) to respect (support): -- show piety, worship. 2150
2151 - eusebeo {yoo-seb-eh'-o}; from 2152; to be pious, i.e. (towards God) to worship, or (towards parents) to respect (support): -- show piety, worship. 2150
2169 - eucharistia {yoo-khar-is-tee'-ah}; from 2170; gratitude; actively, grateful language (to God, as an act of worship): -- thankfulness, (giving of) thanks(-giving). 2168
2212 - zeteo {dzay-teh'-o}; of uncertain affinity; to seek (literally or figuratively); specially, (by Hebraism) to worship (God), or (in a bad sense) to plot (against life): -- be (go) about, desire, endeavour, enquire (for), require, (X will) seek (after, for, means). Compare 4441. 2212
2323 - therapeuo {ther-ap-yoo'-o}; from the same as 2324; to wait upon menially, i.e. (figuratively) to adore (God), or (specially) to relieve (of disease): -- cure, heal, worship. 2322
2357 - threskos {thrace'-kos}; probably from the base of 2360; ceremonious in worship (as demonstrative), i.e. pious: -- religious. 2356
2999 - latreia {lat-ri'-ah}; from 3000; ministration or God, i.e. worship: -- (divine) service. 2998
3000 - latreuo {lat-ryoo'-o}; from latris (a hired menial); to minister (to God), i.e. render, religious homage: -- serve, do the service, worship(-per). 2998
3008 - leitourgeo {li-toorg-eh'-o}; from 3011; to be a public servant, i.e. (by analogy) to perform religious or charitable functions (worship, obey, relieve): -- minister. 3006
4334 - proserchomai {pros-er'-khom-ahee}; from 4314 and 2064 (including its alternate); to approach, i.e. (literally) come near, visit, or (figuratively) worship, assent to: -- (as soon as he) come (unto), come thereunto, consent, draw near, go (near, to, unto). 4232
4335 - proseuche {pros-yoo-khay'}; from 4336; prayer (worship); by implication, an oratory (chapel): -- X pray earnestly, prayer. 4232
4336 - proseuchomai {pros-yoo'-khom-ahee}; from 4314 and 2172; to pray to God, i.e. supplicate, worship: -- pray (X earnestly, for), make prayer. 4234
4352 - proskuneo {pros-koo-neh'-o}; from 4314 and a probable derivative of 2965 (meaning to kiss, like a dog licking his master's hand); to fawn or crouch to, i.e. (literally or figuratively) prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore): -- worship. 4250
4573 - sebazomai {seb-ad'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from a derivative of 4576; to venerate, i.e. adore: -- worship. 4470
4574 - sebasma {seb'-as-mah}; from 4573; something adored, i.e. an object of worship (god, altar, etc): -- devotion, that is worshipped. 4472
4576 - sebomai {seb'-om-ahee}; middle voice of an apparently primary verb; to revere, i.e. adore: -- devout, religious, worship. 4474
5567 - psallo {psal'-lo}; probably strengthened from psao (to rub or touch the surface; compare 5597); to twitch or twang, i.e. to play on a stringed instrument (celebrate the divine worship with music and accompanying odes): -- make melody, sing (psalms). 5464
4574 - sebasma {seb'-as-mah}; from 4573; something adored, i.e. an object of worship (god, altar, etc): -- devotion, that is worshipped. 4472
1496 - eidololatres {i-do-lol-at'-race}; from 1497 and the base of 3000; an image-(servant or) worshipper (literally or figuratively): -- idolater. 1496
2318 - theosebes {theh-os-eb-ace'}; from 2316 and 4576; reverent of God, i.e. pious: -- worshipper of God. 2318
3011 - leitourgos {li-toorg-os'}; from a derivative of 2992 and 2041; a public servant, i.e. a functionary in the Temple or Gospel, or (genitive case) a worshipper (of God) or benefactor (of man): -- minister(-ed). 3010
3511 - neokoros {neh-o-kor'-os}; from a form of 3485 and koreo (to sweep); a temple-servant, i.e. (by implication) a votary: -- worshipper. 3410
4353 - proskunetes {pros-koo-nay-tace'}; from 4352; an adorer: -- worshipper. 4250
2356 - threskeia {thrace-ki'-ah}; from a derivative of 2357; ceremonial observance: -- religion, worshipping. 2356
1220 - denarion {day-nar'-ee-on}; of Latin origin; a denarius (or ten asses): -- pence, penny [-worth]. 1220
0516 - axios {ax-ee'-oce}; adverb from 0514; appropriately: -- as becometh, after a godly sort, worthily(-thy). 516
0096 - adokimos {ad-ok'-ee-mos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 1384; unapproved, i.e. rejected; by implication, worthless (literally or morally): -- castaway, rejected, reprobate. 96
2556 - kakos {kak-os'}; apparently a primary word; worthless (intrinsically, such; whereas 4190 properly refers to effects), i.e. (subjectively) depraved, or (objectively) injurious: -- bad, evil, harm, ill, noisome, wicked. 2556
4469 - rhaka {rhak-ah'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 7386]; O empty one, i.e. thou worthless (as a term of utter vilification): -- Raca. 4366
4550 - sapros {sap-ros'}; from 4595; rotten, i.e. worthless (literally or morally): -- bad, corrupt. Compare 4190. 4448
0955 - Belial {bel-ee'-al}; of Hebrew origin [1100]; worthlessness; Belial, as an epithet of Satan: -- Belial. 954
0514 - axios {ax'-ee-os}; probably from 0071; deserving, comparable or suitable (as if drawing praise): -- due reward, meet, [un-]worthy. 514
0515 - axioo {ax-ee-o'-o}; from 0514; to deem entitled or fit: -- desire, think good, count (think) worthy. 514
2425 - hikanos {hik-an-os'}; from hiko [hikano or hikneomai, akin to 2240] (to arrive); competent (as if coming in season), i.e. ample (in amount) or fit (in character): -- able, + content, enough, good, great, large, long (while), many, meet, much, security, sore, sufficient, worthy. 2424
2570 - kalos {kal-os'}; of uncertain affinity; properly, beautiful, but chiefly (figuratively) good (literally or morally), i.e. valuable or virtuous (for appearance or use, and thus distinguished from 0018, which is properly intrinsic): -- X better, fair, good(-ly), honest, meet, well, worthy. 2570
2661 - kataxioo {kat-ax-ee-o'-o}; from 2596 and 0515; to deem entirely deserving: -- (ac-)count worthy. 2660
2735 - katorthoma {kat-or'-tho-mah}; from a compound of 2596 and a derivative of 3717 [compare 1357]; something made fully upright, i.e. (figuratively) rectification (specially, good public administration): -- very worthy deed. 2734
3756 - ou {oo}; also (before a vowel) ouk {ook}; and (before an aspirate) ouch {ookh}; a primary word; the absolute negative [compare 3361] adverb; no or not: -- + long, nay, neither, never, no (X man), none, [can-]not, + nothing, + special, un( [-worthy]), when, + without, + yet but. See also 3364, 3372. 3654
5485 - charis {khar'-ece}; from 5463; graciousness (as gratifying), of manner or act (abstract or concrete; literal, figurative or spiritual; especially the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life; including gratitude): -- acceptable, benefit, favour, gift, grace(-ious), joy, liberality, pleasure, thank(-s, -worthy). 5382
1107 - gnorizo {gno-rid'-zo}; from a derivative of 1097; to make known; subjectively, to know: -- certify, declare, make known, give to understand, do to wit, wot. 1106
1492 - eido {i'-do}; a primary verb; used only in certain past tenses, the others being borrowed from the equivalent 3700 and 3708; properly, to see (literally or figuratively); by implication (in the perf. only) to know: -- be aware, behold, X can (+ not tell), consider, (have) know(-ledge), look (on), perceive, see, be sure, tell, understand, wish, wot. Compare 3700. 1492
1096 - ginomai {ghin'-om-ahee}; a prolongation and middle voice form of a primary verb; to cause to be ("gen"-erate), i.e. (reflexively) to become (come into being), used with great latitude (literal, figurative, intensive, etc.): -- arise, be assembled, be(-come, -fall, -have self), be brought (to pass), (be) come (to pass), continue, be divided, draw, be ended, fall, be finished, follow, be found, be fulfilled, + God forbid, grow, happen, have, be kept, be made, be married, be ordained to be, partake, pass, be performed, be published, require, seem, be showed, X soon as it was, sound, be taken, be turned, use, wax, will, would, be wrought. 1096
1231 - diaginosko {dee-ag-in-o'-sko}; from 1223 and 1097; to know thoroughly, i.e. ascertain exactly: -- (would) enquire, know the uttermost. 1230
1498 - eien {i'-ane}; optative (i.e. English subjunctive) present of 1510 (including the other person); might (could, would, or should) be: -- mean, + perish, should be, was, were. 1498
1937 - epithumeo {ep-ee-thoo-meh'-o}; from 1909 and 2372; to set the heart upon, i.e. long for (rightfully or otherwise): -- covet, desire, would fain, lust (after). 1936
2071 - esomai {es'-om-ahee}; future of 1510; will be: -- shall (should) be (have), (shall) come (to pass), X may have, X fall, what would follow, X live long, X sojourn. 2070
3195 - mello {mel'-lo}; a strengthened form of 3199 (through the idea of expectation); to attend, i.e. be about to be, do, or suffer something (of persons or things, especially events; in the sense of purpose, duty, necessity, probability, possibility, or hesitation): -- about, after that, be (almost), (that which is, things, + which was for) to come, intend, was to (be), mean, mind, be at the point, (be) ready, + return, shall (begin), (which, that) should (after, afterwards, hereafter) tarry, which was for, will, would, be yet. 3194
3785 - ophelon {of'-el-on}; first person singular of a past tense of 3784; I ought (wish), i.e. (interjection) oh that!: -- would (to God.) 3682
4160 - poieo {poy-eh'-o}; apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary; to make or do (in a very wide application, more or less direct): -- abide, + agree, appoint, X avenge, + band together, be, bear, + bewray, bring (forth), cast out, cause, commit, + content, continue, deal, + without any delay, (would) do(-ing), execute, exercise, fulfil, gain, give, have, hold, X journeying, keep, + lay wait, + lighten the ship, make, X mean, + none of these things move me, observe, ordain, perform, provide, + have purged, purpose, put, + raising up, X secure, shew, X shoot out, spend, take, tarry, + transgress the law, work, yield. Compare 4238. 4058
5600 - o {o}; including the oblique forms, as well as es {ace}; e {ay}; etc.; the subjunctive of 1510; (may, might, can, could, would, should, must, etc.; also with 1487 and its comparative, as well as with other particles) be: -- + appear, are, (may, might, should) be, X have, is, + pass the flower of her age, should stand, were. 5496