0532 - aparaskeuastos {ap-ar-ask-yoo'-as-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3903; unready: -- unprepared. 532
3903 - paraskeuazo {par-ask-yoo-ad'-zo}; from 3844 and a derivative of 4632; to furnish aside, i.e. get ready: -- prepare self, be (make) ready. 3800
3904 - paraskeue {par-ask-yoo-ay'}; as if from 3903; readiness: -- preparation. 3802
3904 - paraskeue {par-ask-yoo-ay'}; as if from 3903; readiness: -- preparation. 3802
4315 - prosabbaton {pros-ab'-bat-on}; from 4253 and 4521; a fore-sabbath, i.e. the Sabbath-eve: -- day before the sabbath. Compare 3904. 4212
3905 - parateino {par-at-i'-no}; from 3844 and teino (to stretch); to extend along, i.e. prolong (in point of time): -- continue. 3802
3906 - paratereo {par-at-ay-reh'-o}; from 3844 and 5083; to inspect alongside, i.e. note insidiously or scrupulously: -- observe, watch. 3804
3907 - parateresis {par-at-ay'-ray-sis}; from 3906; inspection, i.e. ocular evidence: -- obervation. 3804
3907 - parateresis {par-at-ay'-ray-sis}; from 3906; inspection, i.e. ocular evidence: -- obervation. 3804
3866 - paratheke {par-ath-ay'-kay}; from 3908; a deposit, i.e. (figuratively) trust: -- committed unto. 3764
3908 - paratithemi {par-at-ith'-ay-mee}; from 3844 and 5087; to place alongside, i.e. present (food, truth); by implication, to deposit (as a trust or for protection): -- allege, commend, commit (the keeping of), put forth, set before. 3806
3909 - paratugchano {par-at-oong-khan'-o}; from 3844 and 5177; to chance near, i.e. fall in with: -- meet with. 3806
3910 - parautika {par-ow-tee'-kah}; from 3844 and a derivative of 0846; at the very instant, i.e. momentary: -- but for a moment. 3808
3911 - paraphero {par-af-er'-o}; from 3844 and 5342 (including its alternate forms); to bear along or aside, i.e. carry off (literally or figuratively); by implication, to avert: -- remove, take away. 3808
3912 - paraphroneo {par-af-ron-eh'-o}; from 3844 and 5426; to misthink, i.e. be insane (silly): -- as a fool. 3810
3913 - paraphronia {par-af-ron-ee'-ah}; from 3912; insanity, i.e. foolhardiness: -- madness. 3810
3913 - paraphronia {par-af-ron-ee'-ah}; from 3912; insanity, i.e. foolhardiness: -- madness. 3810
3914 - paracheimazo {par-akh-i-mad'-zo}; from 3844 and 5492; to winter near, i.e. stay with over the rainy season: -- winter. 3812
3915 - paracheimasia {par-akh-i-mas-ee'-ah}; from 3914; a wintering over: -- winter in. 3812
3915 - paracheimasia {par-akh-i-mas-ee'-ah}; from 3914; a wintering over: -- winter in. 3812
3916 - parachrema {par-akh-ray'-mah}; from 3844 and 5536 (in its original sense); at the thing itself, i.e. instantly: -- forthwith, immediately, presently, straightway, soon. 3814
3917 - pardalis {par'-dal-is}; feminine of pardos (a panther); a leopard: -- leopard. 3814
3918 - pareimi {par'-i-mee}; from 3844 and 1510 (including its various forms); to be near, i.e. at hand; neuter present participle (singular) time being, or (plural) property: -- come, X have, be here, + lack, (be here) present. 3816
3952 - parousia {par-oo-see'-ah}; from the present participle of 3918; a being near, i.e. advent (often, return; specifically, of Christ to punish Jerusalem, or finally the wicked); (by implication) physically, aspect: -- coming, presence. 3850
4840 - sumpareimi {soom-par'-i-mee}; from 4862 and 3918; to be at hand together, i.e. now present: -- be here present with. 4738
3919 - pareisago {par-ice-ag'-o}; from 3844 and 1521; to lead in aside, i.e. introduce surreptitiously: -- privily bring in. 3816
3920 - pareisaktos {par-ice'-ak-tos}; from 3919; smuggled in: -- unawares brought in. 3818
3920 - pareisaktos {par-ice'-ak-tos}; from 3919; smuggled in: -- unawares brought in. 3818
3921 - pareisduno {par-ice-doo'-no}; from 3844 and a compound of 1519 and 1416; to settle in alongside, i.e. lodge stealthily: -- creep in unawares. 3818
3922 - pareiserchomai {par-ice-er'-khom-ahee}; from 3844 and 1525; to come in alongside, i.e. supervene additionally or steathily: -- come in privily, enter. 3820
3923 - pareisphero {par-ice-fer'-o}; from 3844 and 1533; to bear in alongside, i.e. introduce simultaneously: -- give. 3820
3924 - parektos {par-ek-tos'}; from 3844 and 1622; near outside, i.e. besides: -- except, saving, without. 3822
3925 - parembole {par-em-bol-ay'}; from a compound of 3844 and 1685; a throwing in beside (juxtaposition), i.e. (specifically) battle-array, encampment or barracks (tower Antonia): -- army, camp, castle. 3822
3926 - parenochleo {par-en-okh-leh'-o}; from 3844 and 1776; to harass further, i.e. annoy: -- trouble. 3824
3927 - parepidemos {par-ep-id'-ay-mos}; from 3844 and the base of 1927; an alien alongside, i.e. a resident foreigner: -- pilgrim, stranger. 3824
0492 - antiparerchomai {an-tee-par-er'-khom-ahee}; from 0473 and 3928; to go along opposite: -- pass by on the other side. 492
3928 - parerchomai {par-er'-khom-ahee}; from 3844 and 2064; to come near or aside, i.e. to approach (arrive), go by (or away), (figuratively) perish or neglect, (caus.) avert: -- come (forth), go, pass (away, by, over), past, transgress. 3826
2984 - Lamech {lam'-ekh}; of Hebrew origin [3929]; Lamech (i.e. Lemek), a patriarch: -- Lamech. ***. lamma. See 2982. 2982
3929 - paresis {par'-es-is}; from 2935; praefermission, i.e. toleration: -- remission. 3826
3930 - parecho {par-ekh'-o}; from 3844 and 2192; to hold near, i.e. present, afford, exhibit, furnish occasion: -- bring, do, give, keep, minister, offer, shew, + trouble. 3828
3931 - paregoria {par-ay-gor-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 3844 and a derivative of 0058 (meaning to harangue an assembly); an address alongside, i.e. (specifically) consolation: -- comfort. 3828
3932 - parthenia {par-then-ee'-ah}; from 3933; maidenhood: -- virginity. 3830
3932 - parthenia {par-then-ee'-ah}; from 3933; maidenhood: -- virginity. 3830
3933 - parthenos {par-then'-os}; of unknown origin; a maiden; by implication, an unmarried daughter: -- virgin. 3830
3934 - Parthos {par'-thos}; probably of foreign origin; a Parthian, i.e. inhabitant of Parthia: -- Parthian. 3832
3935 - pariemi {par-ee'-ay-mi}; from 3844 and hiemi (to send); to let by, i.e. relax: -- hang down. 3832
3936 - paristemi {par-is'-tay-mee}; or prolonged paristano {par-is-tan'-o}; from 3844 and 2476; to stand beside, i.e. (transitively) to exhibit, proffer, (specifically) recommend, (figuratively) substantiate; or (intransitively) to be at hand (or ready), aid: -- assist, bring before, command, commend, give presently, present, prove, provide, shew, stand (before, by, here, up, with), yield. 3834
3937 - Parmenas {par-men-as'}; probably by contraction for Parmenides (a derivative of a compound of 3844 and 3306); constant; Parmenas, a Christian: -- Parmenas. 3834
3938 - parodos {par'-od-os}; from 3844 and 3598; a by-road, i.e. (actively) a route: -- way. 3836
3939 - paroikeo {par-oy-keh'-o}; from 3844 and 3611; to dwell near, i.e. reside as a foreigner: -- sojourn in, be a stranger. 3836
3940 - paroikia {par-oy-kee'-ah}; from 3941; foreign residence: -- sojourning, X as strangers. 3838
3940 - paroikia {par-oy-kee'-ah}; from 3941; foreign residence: -- sojourning, X as strangers. 3838
3941 - paroikos {par'-oy-kos}; from 3844 and 3624; having a home near, i.e. (as noun) a by-dweller (alien resident): -- foreigner, sojourn, stranger. 3838
3942 - paroimia {par-oy-mee'-ah}; from a compound of 3844 and perhaps a derivative of 3633; apparently a state alongside of supposition, i.e. (concretely) an adage; specifically, an enigmatical or fictitious illustration: -- parable, proverb. 3840
3943 - paroinos {par'-oy-nos}; from 3844 and 3631; staying near wine, i.e. tippling (a toper): -- given to wine. 3840
3944 - paroichomai {par-oy'-khom-ahee}; from 3844 and oichomai (to depart); to escape along, i.e. be gone: -- past. 3842
3945 - paromoiazo {par-om-oy-ad'-zo}; from 3946; to resemble: -- be like unto. 3842
3945 - paromoiazo {par-om-oy-ad'-zo}; from 3946; to resemble: -- be like unto. 3842
3946 - paromoios {par-om'-oy-os}; from 3844 and 3664; alike nearly, i.e. similar: -- like. 3844
3947 - paroxuno {par-ox-oo'-no}; from 3844 and a derivative of 3691; to sharpen alongside, i.e. (figuratively) to exasperate: -- easily provoke, stir. 3844
3948 - paroxusmos {par-ox-oos-mos'}; from 3947 ("paroxysm"); incitement (to good), or dispute (in anger): -- contention, provoke unto. 3846
3948 - paroxusmos {par-ox-oos-mos'}; from 3947 ("paroxysm"); incitement (to good), or dispute (in anger): -- contention, provoke unto. 3846
3949 - parorgizo {par-org-id'-zo}; from 3844 and 3710; to anger alongside, i.e. enrage: -- anger, provoke to wrath. 3846
3950 - parorgismos {par-org-is-mos'}; from 3949; rage: -- wrath. 3848
3950 - parorgismos {par-org-is-mos'}; from 3949; rage: -- wrath. 3848
3951 - parotruno {par-ot-roo'-no}; from 3844 and otruno (to spur); to urge along, i.e. stimulate (to hostility): -- stir up. 3848
3952 - parousia {par-oo-see'-ah}; from the present participle of 3918; a being near, i.e. advent (often, return; specifically, of Christ to punish Jerusalem, or finally the wicked); (by implication) physically, aspect: -- coming, presence. 3850
3953 - paropsis {par-op-sis'}; from 3844 and the base of 3795; a side-dish (the receptacle): -- platter. 3850
3954 - parrhesia {par-rhay-see'-ah}; from 3956 and a derivative of 4483; all out-spokenness, i.e. frankness, bluntness, publicity; by implication, assurance: -- bold (X -ly, -ness, -ness of speech), confidence, X freely, X openly, X plainly(-ness). 3852
3955 - parrhesiazomai {par-hray-see-ad'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 3954; to be frank in utterance, or confident in spirit and demeanor: -- be (wax) bold, (preach, speak) boldly. 3852
3955 - parrhesiazomai {par-hray-see-ad'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 3954; to be frank in utterance, or confident in spirit and demeanor: -- be (wax) bold, (preach, speak) boldly. 3852
0537 - hapas {hap'-as}; from 0001 (as a particle of union) and 3956; absolutely all or (singular) every one: -- all (things), every (one), whole. 536
1275 - diapantos {dee-ap-an-tos'}; from 1223 and the genit. of 3956; through all the time, i.e. (adverbially) constantly: -- alway(-s), continually. 1274
3826 - pamplethei {pam-play-thi'}; dative case (adverb) of a compound of 3956 and 4128; in full multitude, i.e. concertedly or simultaneously: -- all at once. 3724
3827 - pampolus {pam-pol-ooce}; from 3956 and 4183; full many, i.e. immense: -- very great. 3724
3828 - Pamphulia {pam-fool-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 3956 and 4443; every-tribal, i.e. heterogeneous (5561 being implied); Pamphylia, a region of Asia Minor: -- Pamphylia. 3726
3829 - pandocheion {pan-dokk-i'-on}; neuter of a presumed compound of 3956 and a derivative of 1209; all-receptive, i.e. a public lodging-place (caravanserai or khan): -- inn. 3726
3831 - paneguris {pan-ay'-goo-ris}; from 3956 and a derivative of 0058; a mass-meeting, i.e. (figuratively) universal companionship: -- general assembly. 3728
3832 - panoiki {pan-oy-kee'}; adverb from 3956 and 3624; with the whole family: -- with all his house. 3730
3833 - panoplia {pan-op-lee'-ah}; from a compound of 3956 and 3696; full armor ("panoply"): -- all (whole) armour. 3730
3835 - panougos {pan-oor'-gos}; from 3956 and 2041; all-working, i.e. adroit (shrewd): -- crafty. 3732
3837 - pantachou {pan-takh-oo'}; genitive case (as adverb of place) of a presumed derivative of 3956; universally: -- in all places, everywhere. 3734
3838 - panteles {pan-tel-ace'}; from 3956 and 5056; full-ended, i.e. entire (neuter as noun, completion): -- + in [no] wise, uttermost. 3736
3839 - pante {pan'-tay}; adverb (of manner) from 3956; wholly: -- always. 3736
3840 - pantothen {pan-toth'-en}; adverb (of source) from 3956; from (i.e. on) all sides: -- on every side, round about. 3738
3841 - pantokrator {pan-tok-rat'-ore}; from 3956 and 2904; the all-ruling, i.e. God (as absolute and universal sovereign): -- Almighty, Omnipotent. 3738
3842 - pantote {pan'-tot-eh}; from 3956 and 3753; every when, i.e. at all times: -- alway(-s), ever(-more). 3740
3843 - pantos {pan'-toce}; adverb from 3956; entirely; specifically, at all events, (with negative, following) in no event: -- by all means, altogether, at all, needs, no doubt, in [no] wise, surely. 3740
3954 - parrhesia {par-rhay-see'-ah}; from 3956 and a derivative of 4483; all out-spokenness, i.e. frankness, bluntness, publicity; by implication, assurance: -- bold (X -ly, -ness, -ness of speech), confidence, X freely, X openly, X plainly(-ness). 3852
3956 - pas {pas}; including all the forms of declension; apparently a primary word; all, any, every, the whole: -- all (manner of, means), alway(-s), any (one), X daily, + ever, every (one, way), as many as, + no(-thing), X thoroughly, whatsoever, whole, whosoever. 3854