00892 ## babah {baw-baw'} ; feminine active participle of an unused root meaning to hollow out ; something hollowed (as a gate) , i . e . pupil of the eye :-- apple [of the eye ] . ~~6412
5475 - chalkos {khal-kos'}; perhaps from 5465 through the idea of hollowing out as a vessel (this metal being chiefly used for that purpose); copper (the substance, or some implement or coin made of it): -- brass, money. 5372
5495 - cheir {khire}; perhaps from the base of 5494 in the sense of its congener the base of 5490 (through the idea of hollowness for grasping); the hand (literally or figuratively [power]; especially [by Hebraism] a means or instrument): -- hand. 5392
01032 ## Beyth Chowrown {bayth kho-rone'} ; from 01004 and 02356 ; house of hollowness ; Beth-Choron , the name of two adjoining places in Palestine :-- Beth-horon . ~~6552
00993 ## Btoniym {bet-o-neem'} ; probably plural from 00992 ; hollows : Betonim , a place in Palestine :-- Betonim . ~~6514
03680 ## kacah {kaw-saw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to plump , i . e . fill up hollows ; by implication , to cover (for clothing or secrecy) :-- clad self , close , clothe , conceal , cover (self) , (flee to) hide , overwhelm . Compare 03780 . ~~9200
3646 - holokautoma {hol-ok-ow'-to-mah}; from a derivative of a compound of 3650 and a derivative of 2545; a wholly-consumed sacrifice ("holocaust"): -- (whole) burnt offering. 3544
01890 ## habhab {hab-hawb'} ; by reduplication from 03051 ; gift (in sacrifice) , i . e . holocaust :-- offering . ~~7410
05928 ## ` alah (Aramaic) {al-law'} ; corresponding to 05930 ; a holocaust :-- burnt offering . ~~11448
05930 ## ` olah {o-law'} ; or` owlah {o-law'} ; feminine active participle of 05927 ; a step or (collectively , stairs , as ascending) ; usually a holocaust (as going up in smoke) :-- ascent , burnt offering (sacrifice) , go up to . See also 05766 . ~~11450
3646 - holokautoma {hol-ok-ow'-to-mah}; from a derivative of a compound of 3650 and a derivative of 2545; a wholly-consumed sacrifice ("holocaust"): -- (whole) burnt offering. 3544
3647 - holokleria {hol-ok-lay-ree'-ah}; from 3648; integrity, i.e. physical wholeness: -- perfect soundness. 3546
3648 - holokleros {hol'-ok'-lay-ros}; from 3650 and 2819; complete in every part, i.e. perfectly sound (in body): -- entire, whole. 3546
02473 ## Cholown {kho-lone'} ; or (shortened) Cholon {kho-lone'} ; probably from 02344 ; sandy ; Cholon , the name of two places in Palestine :-- Holon . ~~7994
3650 - holos {hol'-os}; a primary word; "whole" or "all", i.e. complete (in extent, amount, time or degree), especially (neuter) as noun or adverb: -- all, altogether, every whit, + throughout, whole. 3548
3654 - holos {hol'-oce}; adverb from 3650; completely, i.e. altogether; (by analogy,) everywhere; (negatively) not by any means: -- at all, commonly, utterly. 3552
3651 - holoteles {hol-ot-el-ace'}; from 3650 and 5056; complete to the end, i.e. absolutely perfect: -- wholly. 3550
0037 - hagiazo {hag-ee-ad'-zo}; from 0040; to make holy, i.e. (ceremonially) purify or consecrate; (mentally) to venerate: -- hallow, be holy, sanctify. 36
0037 - hagiazo {hag-ee-ad'-zo}; from 0040; to make holy, i.e. (ceremonially) purify or consecrate; (mentally) to venerate: -- hallow, be holy, sanctify. 36
0039 - hagion {hag'-ee-on}; neuter of 0040; a sacred thing (i.e. spot): -- holiest (of all), holy place, sanctuary. 38
0040 - hagios {hag'-ee-os}; from hagos (an awful thing) [compare 0053, 2282]; sacred (physically, pure, morally blameless or religious, ceremonially, consecrated): -- (most) holy (one, thing), saint. 40
1124 - graphe {graf-ay'}; a document, i.e. holy Writ (or its contents or a statement in it): -- scripture. 1124
1342 - dikaios {dik'-ah-yos}; from 1349; equitable (in character or act); by implication, innocent, holy (absolutely or relatively): -- just, meet, right(-eous). 1342
2404 - Hierapolis {hee-er-ap'-ol-is}; from 2413 and 4172; holy city; Hierapolis, a place in Asia Minor: -- Hierapolis. 2404
2413 - hieros {hee-er-os'}; of uncertain affinity; sacred: -- holy. 2412
2665 - katapetasma {kat-ap-et'-as-mah}; from a compound of 2596 and a congener of 4072; something spread thoroughly, i.e. (specially) the door screen (to the Most Holy Place) in the Jewish Temple: -- vail. 2664
3741 - hosios {hos'-ee-os}; of uncertain affinity; properly, right (by intrinsic or divine character; thus distinguished from 1342, which refers rather to human statutes and relations; from 2413, which denotes formal consecration; and from 0040, which relates to purity from defilement), i.e. hallowed (pious, sacred, sure): -- holy, mercy, shalt be. 3638
4151 - pneuma {pnyoo'-mah}; from 4154; a current of air, i.e. breath (blast) or a breeze; by analogy or figuratively, a spirit, i.e. (human) the rational soul, (by implication) vital principle, mental disposition, etc., or (superhuman) an angel, demon, or (divine) God, Christ's spirit, the Holy Spirit: -- ghost, life, spirit(-ual, -ually), mind. Compare 5590. 4048
5545 - chrisma {khris'-mah}; from 5548; an unguent or smearing, i.e. (figuratively) the special endowment ("chrism") of the Holy Spirit: -- anointing, unction. 5442
02623 ## chaciyd {khaw-seed'} ; from 02616 ; properly , kind , i . e . (religiously) pious (a saint) :-- godly (man) , good , holy (one) , merciful , saint , [un-] godly . ~~8144
02891 ## taher {taw-hare'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be bright ; i . e . (by implication) to be pure (physical sound , clear , unadulterated ; Levitically , uncontaminated ; morally , innocent or holy) :-- be (make , make self , pronounce) clean , cleanse (self) , purge , purify (- ier , self) . ~~8412
04720 ## miqdash {mik-dawsh'} ; or miqq@dash (Exod . 15 : 17) {mik-ked-awsh'} ; from 06942 ; a consecrated thing or place , especially , a palace , sanctuary (whether of Jehovah or of idols) or asylum :-- chapel , hallowed part , holy place , sanctuary . ~~10240
06918 ## qadowsh {kaw-doshe'} ; or qadosh {kaw-doshe'} ; from 06942 ; sacred (ceremonially or morally) ; (as noun) God (by eminence) , an angel , a saint , a sanctuary :-- holy (One) , saint . ~~12438
06922 ## qaddiysh (Aramaic) {kad-deesh'} ; corresponding to 06918 .-- holy (One) , saint . ~~12442
06942 ## qadash {kaw-dash'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make , pronounce or observe as) clean (ceremonially or morally) :-- appoint , bid , consecrate , dedicate , defile , hallow , (be , keep) holy (- er , place) , keep , prepare , proclaim , purify , sanctify (- ied one , self) , X wholly . ~~12462
06944 ## qodesh {ko'- desh} ; from 06942 ; a sacred place or thing ; rarely abstract , sanctity :-- consecrated (thing) , dedicated (thing) , hallowed (thing) , holiness , (X most) holy (X day , portion , thing) , saint , sanctuary . ~~12464
1859 - heorte {heh-or-tay'}; of uncertain affinity; a festival: -- feast, holyday. 1858
3656 - homileo {hom-il-eh'-o}; from 3658; to be in company with, i.e. (by implication) to converse: -- commune, talk. 3554
3657 - homilia {hom-il-ee'-ah}; from 3658; companionship ("homily"), i.e. (by implication) intercourse: -- communication. 3556
3658 - homilos {hom'-il-os}; from the base of 3674 and a derivative of the alternate of 0138 (meaning a crowd); association together, i.e. a multitude: -- company. 3556
3661 - homothumadon {hom-oth-oo-mad-on'}; adverb from a compound of the base of 3674 and 2372; unanimously: -- with one accord (mind). 3560
3662 - homoiazo {hom-oy-ad'-zo}; from 3664; to resemble: -- agree. 3560
3663 - homoiopathes {hom-oy-op-ath-ace'}; from 3664 and the alternate of 3958; similarly affected: -- of (subject to) like passions. 3562
3664 - homoios {hom'-oy-os}; from the base of 3674; similar (in appearance or character): -- like, + manner. 3562
3665 - homoiotes {hom-oy-ot'-ace}; from 3664; resemblance: -- like as, similitude. 3564
3666 - homoioo {hom-oy-o'-o}; from 3664; to assimilate, i.e. compare; passively, to become similar: -- be (make) like, (in the) liken(-ess), resemble. 3564
3667 - homoioma {hom-oy'-o-mah}; from 3666; a form; abstractly, resemblance: -- made like to, likeness, shape, similitude. 3566
3668 - homoios {hom-oy'-oce}; adverb from 3664; similarly: -- likewise, so. 3566
3669 - homoiosis {hom-oy'-o-sis}; from 3666; assimilation, i.e. resemblance: -- similitude. 3568
3670 - homologeo {hom-ol-og-eh'-o}; from a compound of the base of 3674 and 3056; to assent, i.e. covenant, acknowledge: -- con- (pro-)fess, confession is made, give thanks, promise. 3568
3671 - homologia {hom-ol-og-ee'-ah}; from the same as 3670; acknowledgment: -- con- (pro-)fession, professed. 3570
3672 - homologoumenos {hom-ol-og-ow-men'-oce}; adverb of present passive participle of 3670; confessedly: -- without controversy. 3570
3673 - homothechnos {hom-ot'-ekh-nos}; from the base of 3674 and 5078; a fellow-artificer: -- of the same craft. 3572
3674 - homou {hom-oo'}; genitive case of homos (the same; akin to 260) as adverb; at the same place or time: -- together. 3572
3675 - homophron {hom-of'-rone}; from the base of 3674 and 5424; like-minded, i.e. harmonious: -- of one mind. ***. omoo. See 3660. 3574
3676 - homos {hom'-oce}; adverb from the base of 3674; at the same time, i.e. (conjunctionally) notwithstanding, yet still: -- and even, nevertheless, though but. 3574
08415 ## t@howm {teh-home'} ; or t@hom {teh-home'} ; (usually feminine) from 01949 ; an abyss (as a surging mass of water) , especially the deep (the main sea or the subterranean water-supply) :-- deep (place) , depth . ~~13936
3000 - latreuo {lat-ryoo'-o}; from latris (a hired menial); to minister (to God), i.e. render, religious homage: -- serve, do the service, worship(-per). 2998
4352 - proskuneo {pros-koo-neh'-o}; from 4314 and a probable derivative of 2965 (meaning to kiss, like a dog licking his master's hand); to fawn or crouch to, i.e. (literally or figuratively) prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore): -- worship. 4250
4363 - prospipto {pros-pip'-to}; from 4314 and 4098; to fall towards, i.e. (gently) prostrate oneself (in supplication or homage), or (violently) to rush upon (in storm): -- beat upon, fall (down) at (before). 4260
05456 ## cagad {saw-gad'} ; a primitive root ; to prostrate oneself (in homage) :-- fall down . ~~10976
07812 ## shachah {shaw-khaw'} ; a primitive root ; to depress , i . e . prostrate (especially reflexive , in homage to royalty or God) :-- bow (self) down , crouch , fall down (flat) , humbly beseech , do (make) obeisance , do reverence , make to stoop , worship . ~~13334
01950 ## Howmam {ho-mawm'} ; from 02000 ; raging ; Homam , an Edomitish chieftain :-- Homam . Compare 01967 . ~~7470
01950 ## Howmam {ho-mawm'} ; from 02000 ; raging ; Homam , an Edomitish chieftain :-- Homam . Compare 01967 . ~~7470
0387 - anastatoo {an-as-tat-o'-o}; from a derivative of 0450 (in the sense of removal); properly, to drive out of home, i.e. (by implication) to disturb (literally or figuratively): -- trouble, turn upside down, make an uproar. 386
0600 - apokathistemi {ap-ok-ath-is'-tay-mee}; from 0575 and 2525; to reconstitute (in health, home or organization): -- restore (again). 600
1736 - endemeo {en-day-meh'-o}; from a compound of 1722 and 1218; to be in one's own country, i.e. home (figuratively): -- be at home (present). 1736
1736 - endemeo {en-day-meh'-o}; from a compound of 1722 and 1218; to be in one's own country, i.e. home (figuratively): -- be at home (present). 1736
1927 - epidemeo {ep-ee-day-meh'-o}; from a compound of 1909 and 1218; to make oneself at home, i.e. (by extension) to reside (in a foreign country): -- [be] dwelling (which were) there, stranger. 1926
2398 - idios {id'-ee-os}; of uncertain affinity; pertaining to self, i.e. one's own; by implication, private or separate: -- X his acquaintance, when they were alone, apart, aside, due, his (own, proper, several), home, (her, our, thine, your) own (business), private(-ly), proper, severally, their (own). 2398
3614 - oikia {oy-kee'-ah}; from 3624; properly, residence (abstractly), but usually (concretely) an abode (literally or figuratively); by implication a family (especially domestics): -- home, house(-hold). 3512
3624 - oikos {oy'-kos}; of uncertain affinity; a dwelling (more or less extensive, literal or figurative); by implication a family (more or less related, literal or figuratively): -- home, house(-hold), temple. 3522
3626 - oikouros {oy-koo-ros'}; from 3624 and ouros (a guard; be "ware"); a stayer at home, i.e. domestically inclined (a "good housekeeper"): -- keeper at home. 3524
3626 - oikouros {oy-koo-ros'}; from 3624 and ouros (a guard; be "ware"); a stayer at home, i.e. domestically inclined (a "good housekeeper"): -- keeper at home. 3524
3941 - paroikos {par'-oy-kos}; from 3844 and 3624; having a home near, i.e. (as noun) a by-dweller (alien resident): -- foreigner, sojourn, stranger. 3838
3968 - patris {pat-rece'}; from 3902; a father-land, i.e. native town; (figuratively) heavenly home: -- (own) country. 3866
4675 - sou {soo}; genitive case of 4771; of thee, thy: -- X home, thee, thine (own), thou, thy. 4572
4898 - sunekdemos {soon-ek'-day-mos}; from 4862 and the base of 1553; a co-absentee from home, i.e. fellow-traveller: -- companion in travel, travel with. 4796
5117 - topos {top'-os}; apparently a primary word; a spot (general in space, but limited by occupancy; whereas 5561 is a large but participle locality), i.e. location (as a position, home, tract, etc.); figuratively, condition, opportunity; specifically, a scabbard: -- coast, licence, place, X plain, quarter, + rock, room, where. 5014
00168 ## 'ohel {o'- hel} ; from 00166 ; a tent (as clearly conspicuous from a distance) :-- covering , (dwelling) (place) , home , tabernacle , tent . ~~5688
00249 ## 'ezrach {ez-rawkh'} ; from 02224 (in the sense of springing up) ; a spontaneous growth , i . e . native (tree or persons) :-- bay tree , (home-) born (in the land) , of the (one's own) country (nation) . ~~5770
01004 ## bayith {bah'- yith} ; probably from 01129 abbreviated ; a house (in the greatest variation of applications , especially family , etc .) :-- court , daughter , door , + dungeon , family , + forth of , X great as would contain , hangings , home [born ] , [winter ] house (- hold) , inside (- ward) , palace , place , + prison , + steward , + tablet , temple , web , + within (- out) . ~~6524
03211 ## yaliyd {yaw-leed'} ; from 03205 ; born :-- ([home-]) born , child , son . ~~8732
04494 ## manowach {maw-no'- akh} ; from 05117 ; quiet , i . e . (concretely) a settled spot , or (figuratively) a home :-- (place of) rest . ~~10014
04583 ## ma` own {maw-ohn'} ; or ma` iyn (1 Chronicles 4 : 41) {maw-een'} ; from the same as 05772 ; an abode , of God (the Tabernacle or the Temple) , men (their home) or animals (their lair) ; hence , a retreat (asylum) :-- den , dwelling ([-] place) , habitation . ~~10104
04725 ## maqowm {maw-kome'} ; or maqom {maw-kome'} ; also (feminine) m@qowmah {mek-o-mah'} ; or m@qomah {mek-o-mah'} ; from 06965 ; properly , a standing , i . e . a spot ; but used widely of a locality (general or specific) ; also (figuratively) of a condition (of body or mind) :-- country , X home , X open , place , room , space , X whither [-soever ] . ~~10246
04998 ## na'ah {naw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be at home , i . e . (by implication) to be pleasant (or suitable) , i . e . beautiful :-- be beautiful , become , be comely . ~~10518
04999 ## na'ah {naw-aw'} ; from 04998 ; a home ; figuratively , a pasture :-- habitation , house , pasture , pleasant place . ~~10520
05115 ## navah {naw-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; to rest (as at home) ; causatively (through the implied idea of beauty [compare 05116 ]) , to celebrate (with praises) :-- keept at home , prepare an habitation . ~~10636
05115 ## navah {naw-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; to rest (as at home) ; causatively (through the implied idea of beauty [compare 05116 ]) , to celebrate (with praises) :-- keept at home , prepare an habitation . ~~10636
05116 ## naveh {naw-veh'} ; or (feminine) navah {naw-vaw'} ; from 05115 ; (adjectively) at home ; hence (by implication of satisfaction) lovely ; also (noun) a home , of God (temple) , men (residence) , flocks (pasture) , or wild animals (den) :-- comely , dwelling (place) , fold , habitation , pleasant place , sheepcote , stable , tarried . ~~10636
05116 ## naveh {naw-veh'} ; or (feminine) navah {naw-vaw'} ; from 05115 ; (adjectively) at home ; hence (by implication of satisfaction) lovely ; also (noun) a home , of God (temple) , men (residence) , flocks (pasture) , or wild animals (den) :-- comely , dwelling (place) , fold , habitation , pleasant place , sheepcote , stable , tarried . ~~10636
05731 ## ` Eden {ay'- den} ; the same as 05730 (masculine) ; Eden , the region of Adam's home :-- Eden . ~~11252
07725 ## shuwb {shoob} ; a primitive root ; to turn back (hence , away) transitively or intransitively , literally or figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point) ; generally to retreat ; often adverbial , again :-- ([break , build , circumcise , dig , do anything , do evil , feed , lay down , lie down , lodge , make , rejoice , send , take , weep ]) X again , (cause to) answer (+ again) , X in any case (wise) , X at all , averse , bring (again , back , home again) , call [to mind ] , carry again (back) , cease , X certainly , come again (back) , X consider , + continually , convert , deliver (again) , + deny , draw back , fetch home again , X fro , get [oneself ] (back) again , X give (again) , go again (back , home) , [go ] out , hinder , let , [see ] more , X needs , be past , X pay , pervert , pull in again , put (again , up again) , recall , recompense , recover , refresh , relieve , render (again) , requite , rescue , restore , retrieve , (cause to , make to) return , reverse , reward , + say nay , ~~13246
07725 ## shuwb {shoob} ; a primitive root ; to turn back (hence , away) transitively or intransitively , literally or figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point) ; generally to retreat ; often adverbial , again :-- ([break , build , circumcise , dig , do anything , do evil , feed , lay down , lie down , lodge , make , rejoice , send , take , weep ]) X again , (cause to) answer (+ again) , X in any case (wise) , X at all , averse , bring (again , back , home again) , call [to mind ] , carry again (back) , cease , X certainly , come again (back) , X consider , + continually , convert , deliver (again) , + deny , draw back , fetch home again , X fro , get [oneself ] (back) again , X give (again) , go again (back , home) , [go ] out , hinder , let , [see ] more , X needs , be past , X pay , pervert , pull in again , put (again , up again) , recall , recompense , recover , refresh , relieve , render (again) , requite , rescue , restore , retrieve , (cause to , make to) return , reverse , reward , + say nay , ~~13246
07725 ## shuwb {shoob} ; a primitive root ; to turn back (hence , away) transitively or intransitively , literally or figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point) ; generally to retreat ; often adverbial , again :-- ([break , build , circumcise , dig , do anything , do evil , feed , lay down , lie down , lodge , make , rejoice , send , take , weep ]) X again , (cause to) answer (+ again) , X in any case (wise) , X at all , averse , bring (again , back , home again) , call [to mind ] , carry again (back) , cease , X certainly , come again (back) , X consider , + continually , convert , deliver (again) , + deny , draw back , fetch home again , X fro , get [oneself ] (back) again , X give (again) , go again (back , home) , [go ] out , hinder , let , [see ] more , X needs , be past , X pay , pervert , pull in again , put (again , up again) , recall , recompense , recover , refresh , relieve , render (again) , requite , rescue , restore , retrieve , (cause to , make to) return , reverse , reward , + say nay , ~~13246
08415 ## t@howm {teh-home'} ; or t@hom {teh-home'} ; (usually feminine) from 01949 ; an abyss (as a surging mass of water) , especially the deep (the main sea or the subterranean water-supply) :-- deep (place) , depth . ~~13936
08415 ## t@howm {teh-home'} ; or t@hom {teh-home'} ; (usually feminine) from 01949 ; an abyss (as a surging mass of water) , especially the deep (the main sea or the subterranean water-supply) :-- deep (place) , depth . ~~13936