04172 ## mowra'{mo-raw'} ; or mora'{mo-raw'} ; or morah (Psa . 9 : 20) {mo-raw'} ; from 03372 ; fear ; by implication , a fearful thing or deed :-- dread , (that ought to be) fear (- ed) , terribleness , terror . ~~9692
04173 ## mowrag {mo-rag'} ; or morag {mo-rag'} ; from an unused root meaning to triturate ; a threshing sledge :-- threshing instrument . ~~9694
04174 ## mowrad {mo-rawd'} ; from 03381 ; a descent ; as architecture , an ornamental appendage , perhaps a festoon :-- going down , steep place , thin work . ~~9694
04175 ## mowreh {mo-reh'} ; from 03384 ; an archer ; also teacher or teaching ; also the early rain [see 03138 ] :-- (early) rain . ~~9696
04176 ## Mowreh {mo-reh'} ; or Moreh {mo-reh'} ; the same as 04175 ; Moreh , a Canaanite ; also a hill (perhaps named from him) :-- Moreh . ~~9696
04176 ## Mowreh {mo-reh'} ; or Moreh {mo-reh'} ; the same as 04175 ; Moreh , a Canaanite ; also a hill (perhaps named from him) :-- Moreh . ~~9696
04177 ## mowrah {mo-raw'} ; from 04171 in the sense of shearing ; a razor :-- razor . ~~9698
04178 ## mowrat {mo-rawt'} ; from 03399 ; obstinate , i . e . independent :-- peeled . ~~9698
04179 ## Mowriyah {mo-ree-yaw'} ; or Moriyah {mo-ree-yaw'} ; from 07200 and 03050 ; seen of Jah ; Morijah , a hill in Palestine :-- Moriah . ~~9700
0418 - anendektos {an-en'-dek-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of the same as 1735; unadmitted, i.e. (by implication) not supposable: -- impossible. 418
04180 ## mowrash {mo-rawsh'} ; from 03423 ; a possession ; figuratively , delight :-- possession , thought . ~~9700
04181 ## mowrashah {mo-raw-shaw'} ; feminine of 04180 ; a possession :-- heritage , inheritance , possession . ~~9702
04181 ## mowrashah {mo-raw-shaw'} ; feminine of 04180 ; a possession :-- heritage , inheritance , possession . ~~9702
04182 ## Mowresheth Gath {mo-reh'- sheth gath} ; from 03423 and 01661 ; possession of Gath ; Moresheth-Gath , a place in Palestine :-- Moresheth-gath . ~~9702
04183 ## Morashtiy {mo-rash-tee'} ; patrial from 04182 ; a Morashtite or inhabitant of Moresheth-Gath :-- Morashthite . ~~9704
04183 ## Morashtiy {mo-rash-tee'} ; patrial from 04182 ; a Morashtite or inhabitant of Moresheth-Gath :-- Morashthite . ~~9704
04184 ## muwsh {moosh} ; a primitive root ; to touch :-- feel , handle . ~~9704
04185 ## muwsh {moosh} ; a primitive root [perhaps rather the same as 04184 through the idea of receding by contact ] ; to withdraw (both literally and figuratively , whether intransitive or transitive) :-- cease , depart , go back , remove , take away . ~~9706
04187 ## Muwshiy {moo-shee'} ; or Mushshiy {mush-shee'} ; from 04184 ; sensitive ; Mushi , a Levite :-- Mushi . ~~9708
04185 ## muwsh {moosh} ; a primitive root [perhaps rather the same as 04184 through the idea of receding by contact ] ; to withdraw (both literally and figuratively , whether intransitive or transitive) :-- cease , depart , go back , remove , take away . ~~9706
04331 ## Meysha'{may-shaw'} ; from 04185 ; departure ; Mesha , a place in Arabia ; also an Israelite :-- Mesha . ~~9852
04186 ## mowshab {mo-shawb'} ; or moshab {mo-shawb'} ; from 03427 ; a seat ; figuratively , a site ; abstractly , a session ; by extension an abode (the place or the time) ; by implication , population :-- assembly , dwell in , dwelling (- place) , wherein (that) dwelt (in) , inhabited place , seat , sitting , situation , sojourning . ~~9706
04187 ## Muwshiy {moo-shee'} ; or Mushshiy {mush-shee'} ; from 04184 ; sensitive ; Mushi , a Levite :-- Mushi . ~~9708
04188 ## Muwshiy {moo-shee'} ; patronymical from 04187 ; a Mushite (collectively) or descendants of Mushi :-- Mushites . ~~9708
04188 ## Muwshiy {moo-shee'} ; patronymical from 04187 ; a Mushite (collectively) or descendants of Mushi :-- Mushites . ~~9708
04189 ## mowsh@kah {mo-shek-aw'} ; act participle feminine of 04900 ; something drawing , i . e . (figuratively) a cord :-- band . ~~9710
0419 - anexereunetos {an-ex-er-yoo'-nay-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 1830; not searched out, i.e. (by implication) inscrutable: -- unsearchable. 418
04190 ## mowsha` ah {mo-shaw-aw'} ; from 03467 ; deliverance :-- salvation . ~~9710
00287 ## 'Achiymowth {akh-ee-moth'} ; from 00251 and 04191 ; brother of death ; Achimoth , an Israelite :-- Ahimoth . ~~5808
04191 ## muwth {mooth} ; a primitive root : to die (literally or figuratively) ; causatively , to kill :-- X at all , X crying , (be) dead (body , man , one) , (put to , worthy of) death , destroy (- er) , (cause to , be like to , must) die , kill , necro [-mancer ] , X must needs , slay , X surely , X very suddenly , X in [no ] wise . ~~9712
04192 ## Muwth (Psalm 48 : 14) {mooth} ; or Muwth lab-ben {mooth lab-bane'} ; from 04191 and 01121 with the preposition and article interposed ; " To die for the son " , probably the title of a popular song :-- death , Muthlabben . ~~9712
04194 ## maveth {maw'- veth} ; from 04191 ; death (natural or violent) ; concretely , the dead , their place or state (hades) ; figuratively , pestilence , ruin :-- (be) dead ([-ly ]) , death , die (- d) . ~~9714
04463 ## mamowth {maw-mothe'} ; from 04191 ; a mortal disease ; concretely , a corpse :-- death . ~~9984
08546 ## t@muwthah {tem-oo-thaw'} ; from 04191 ; execution (as a doom) :-- death , die . ~~14068
04192 ## Muwth (Psalm 48 : 14) {mooth} ; or Muwth lab-ben {mooth lab-bane'} ; from 04191 and 01121 with the preposition and article interposed ; " To die for the son " , probably the title of a popular song :-- death , Muthlabben . ~~9712
04193 ## mowth (Aramaic) {mohth} ; corresponding to 04194 ; death :-- death . ~~9714
02700 ## Chatsarmaveth {khats-ar-maw'- veth} ; from 02691 and 04194 ; village of death ; Chatsarmaveth , a place in Arabia :-- Hazarmaveth . ~~8220
04193 ## mowth (Aramaic) {mohth} ; corresponding to 04194 ; death :-- death . ~~9714
04194 ## maveth {maw'- veth} ; from 04191 ; death (natural or violent) ; concretely , the dead , their place or state (hades) ; figuratively , pestilence , ruin :-- (be) dead ([-ly ]) , death , die (- d) . ~~9714
05820 ## ` Azmaveth {az-maw'- veth} ; from 05794 and 04194 ; strong one of death ; Azmaveth , the name of three Israelites and of a place in Palestine :-- Azmaveth . See also 01041 . ~~11340
06757 ## tsalmaveth {tsal-maw'- veth} ; from 06738 and 04194 ; shade of death , i . e . the grave (figuratively , calamity) :-- shadow of death . ~~12278
04195 ## mowthar {mo-thar'} ; from 03498 ; literally , gain ; figuratively , superiority :-- plenteousness , preeminence , profit . ~~9716
04196 ## mizbeach {miz-bay'- akh} ; from 02076 ; an altar :-- altar . ~~ 9716
04197 ## mezeg {meh'- zeg} ; from an unused root meaning to mingle (water with wine) ; tempered wine :-- liquor . ~~9718
04198 ## mazeh {maw-zeh'} ; from an unused root meaning to suck out ; exhausted :-- burnt . ~~9718
04199 ## Mizzah {miz-zaw'} ; probably from an unused root meaning to faint with fear ; terror ; Mizzah , an Edomite :-- Mizzah . ~~9720
0420 - anexikakos {an-ex-ik'-ak-os}; from 0430 and 2556; enduring of ill, i.e. forbearing: -- patient. 420
04200 ## mezev {meh'- zev} ; probably from an unused root meaning to gather in ; a granary :-- garner . ~~9720
04201 ## m@zuwzah {mez-oo-zaw'} ; or m@zuzah {mez-oo-zaw'} ; from the same as 02123 ; a door-post (as prominent) :-- (door , side) post . ~~9722
04202 ## mazown {maw-zone'} ; from 02109 ; food :-- meat , victual . ~~ 9722
04203 ## mazown (Aramaic) {maw-zone'} ; corresponding to 04202 :-- meat . ~~9724
04203 ## mazown (Aramaic) {maw-zone'} ; corresponding to 04202 :-- meat . ~~9724
04204 ## mazowr {maw-zore'} ; from 02114 in the sense of turning aside from truth ; treachery , i . e . a plot :-- wound . ~~9724
04205 ## mazowr {maw-zore'} ; or mazor {maw-zore'} ; from 02115 in the sense of binding up ; a bandage , i . e . remedy ; hence , a sore (as needing a compress) :-- bound up , wound . ~~9726
04206 ## maziyach {maw-zee'- akh} ; or mezach {may-zakh'} ; from 02118 ; a belt (as movable) :-- girdle , strength . ~~9726
04207 ## mazleg {maz-layg'} ; or (feminine) mizlagah {miz-law-gaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to draw up ; a fork :-- fleshhook . ~~9728
04208 ## mazzalah {maz-zaw-law'} ; apparently from 05140 in the sense of raining ; a constellation , i . e . Zodiacal sign (perhaps as affecting the weather) :-- planet . Compare 04216 . ~~9728
04216 ## mazzarah {maz-zaw-raw'} ; apparently from 05144 in the sense of distinction ; some noted constellation (only in the plural) , perhaps collectively , the zodiac :-- Mazzoroth . Compare 04208 . ~~9736
04209 ## m@zimmah {mez-im-maw'} ; from 02161 ; a plan , usually evil (machination) , sometimes good (sagacity) :-- (wicked) device , discretion , intent , witty invention , lewdness , mischievous (device) , thought , wickedly . ~~9730
0421 - anexichniastos {an-ex-ikh-nee'-as-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of a compound of 1537 and a derivative of 2487; not tracked out, i.e. (by implication) untraceable: -- past finding out; unsearchable. 420
04210 ## mizmowr {miz-more'} ; from 02167 ; properly , instrumental music ; by implication , a poem set to notes :-- psalm . ~~9730
04211 ## mazmerah {maz-may-raw'} ; from 02168 ; a pruning-knife :-- pruning-hook . ~~9732
04212 ## m@zamm@rah {mez-am-mer-aw'} ; from 02168 ; a tweezer (only in the plural) :-- snuffers . ~~9732
04213 ## miz` ar {miz-awr'} ; from the same as 02191 ; fewness ; by implication , as superl . diminutiveness :-- few , X very . ~~9734
04214 ## mizreh {miz-reh'} ; from 02219 ; a winnowing shovel (as scattering the chaff) :-- fan . ~~9734
04215 ## m@zareh {mez-aw-reh'} ; apparently from 02219 ; properly , a scatterer , i . e . the north wind (as dispersing clouds ; only in plural) :-- north . ~~9736
04208 ## mazzalah {maz-zaw-law'} ; apparently from 05140 in the sense of raining ; a constellation , i . e . Zodiacal sign (perhaps as affecting the weather) :-- planet . Compare 04216 . ~~9728
04216 ## mazzarah {maz-zaw-raw'} ; apparently from 05144 in the sense of distinction ; some noted constellation (only in the plural) , perhaps collectively , the zodiac :-- Mazzoroth . Compare 04208 . ~~9736
04217 ## mizrach {miz-rawkh'} ; from 02224 ; sunrise , i . e . the east :-- east (side ,-ward) , (sun-) rising (of the sun) . ~~9738
04218 ## mizra` {miz-raw'} ; from 02232 ; a planted field :-- thing sown . ~~9738
04219 ## mizraq {miz-rawk'} ; from 02236 ; a bowl (as if for sprinkling) :-- bason , bowl . ~~9740
0422 - anepaischuntos {an-ep-ah'-ee-skhoon-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of a compound of 1909 and 0153; not ashamed, i.e. irreprehensible: -- that needeth not to be ashamed. 422
04220 ## meach {may'- akh} ; from 04229 in the sense of greasing ; fat ; figuratively , rich :-- fatling (one) . ~~9740
04221 ## moach {mo'- akh} ; from the same as 04220 ; fat , i . e . marrow :-- marrow . ~~9742
04221 ## moach {mo'- akh} ; from the same as 04220 ; fat , i . e . marrow :-- marrow . ~~9742
04222 ## macha'{maw-khaw'} ; a primitive root ; to rub or strike the hands together (in exultation) :-- clap . ~~9742
04223 ## m@cha'(Aramaic) {mekh-aw'} ; corresponding to 04222 ; to strike in pieces ; also to arrest ; specifically to impale :-- hang , smite , stay . ~~9744
04223 ## m@cha'(Aramaic) {mekh-aw'} ; corresponding to 04222 ; to strike in pieces ; also to arrest ; specifically to impale :-- hang , smite , stay . ~~9744
04224 ## machabe'{makh-ab-ay'} ; or machabo'{makh-ab-o'} ; from 02244 ; a refuge :-- hiding (lurking) place . ~~9744