0428 - aneuthetos {an-yoo'-the-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 2111; not well set, i.e. inconvenient: -- not commodious. 428
04280 ## machara'ah {makh-ar-aw-aw'} ; from the same as 02716 ; a sink :-- draught house . ~~9800
04281 ## machareshah {makh-ar-ay-shaw'} ; from 02790 ; probably a pick-axe :-- mattock . ~~9802
04282 ## macharesheth {makh-ar-eh'- sheth} ; from 02790 ; probably a hoe :-- share . ~~9802
04283 ## mochorath {mokh-or-awth'} ; or mochoratham (1 Sam . 30 : 17) {mokh-or-aw-thawm'} ; feminine from the same as 04279 ; the morrow or (adverbially) tomorrow :-- morrow , next day . ~~9804
04246 ## m@chowlah {mek-o-law'} ; feminine of 04284 ; a dance :-- company , dances (- cing) . ~~9766
04284 ## machashabah {makh-ash-aw-baw'} ; or machashebeth {makh-ash-eh'- beth} ; from 02803 ; a contrivance , i . e . (concretely) a texture , machine , or (abstractly) intention , plan (whether bad , a plot ; or good , advice) :-- cunning (work) , curious work , device (- sed) , imagination , invented , means , purpose , thought . ~~9804
04285 ## machshak {makh-shawk'} ; from 02821 ; darkness ; concretely , a dark place :-- dark (- ness , place) . ~~9806
04286 ## machsoph {makh-sofe'} ; from 02834 ; a peeling :-- made appear . ~~9806
04287 ## Machath {makh'- ath} ; probably from 04229 ; erasure ; Machath , the name of two Israelites :-- Mahath . ~~9808
04288 ## m@chittah {mekh-it-taw'} ; from 02846 ; properly , a dissolution ; concretely , a ruin , or (abstractly) consternation :-- destruction , dismaying , ruin , terror . ~~9808
04289 ## machtah {makh-taw'} ; the same as 04288 in the sense of removal ; a pan for live coals :-- censer , firepan , snuffdish . ~~9810
04289 ## machtah {makh-taw'} ; the same as 04288 in the sense of removal ; a pan for live coals :-- censer , firepan , snuffdish . ~~9810
0429 - aneurisko {an-yoo-ris'-ko}; from 0303 and 2147; to find out: -- find. 428
04290 ## machtereth {makh-teh'- reth} ; from 02864 ; a burglary ; figuratively , unexpected examination :-- breaking up , secret search . ~~9810
04291 ## m@ta'(Aramaic) {met-aw'} ; or m@tah (Aramaic) {met-aw'} ; apparently corresponding to 04672 in the intransitive sense of being found present ; to arrive , extend or happen :-- come , reach . ~~9812
04292 ## mat'ate'{mat-at-ay'} ; apparently a denominative from 02916 ; a broom (as removing dirt [compare Engl . " to dust " , i . e . remove dust ]) :-- besom . ~~9812
04293 ## matbeach {mat-bay'- akh} ; from 02873 ; slaughter :-- slaughter . ~~9814
04294 ## matteh {mat-teh'} ; or (feminine) mattah {mat-taw'} ; from 05186 ; a branch (as extending) ; figuratively , a tribe ; also a rod , whether for chastising (figuratively , correction) , ruling (a sceptre) , throwing (a lance) , or walking (a staff ; figuratively , a support of life , e . g . bread) :-- rod , staff , tribe . ~~9814
04295 ## mattah {mat'- taw} ; from 05786 with directive enclitic appended ; downward , below or beneath ; often adverbially with or without prefixes :-- beneath , down (- ward) , less , very low , under (- neath) . ~~9816
04296 ## mittah {mit-taw'} ; from 05186 ; a bed (as extended) for sleeping or eating ; by analogy , a sofa , litter or bier :-- bed ([-chamber ]) , bier . ~~9816
04297 ## mutteh {moot-teh'} ; from 05186 ; a stretching , i . e . distortion (figuratively , iniquity) :-- perverseness . ~~9818
04298 ## muttah {moot-taw'} ; from 05186 ; expansion :-- stretching out . ~~9818
04299 ## matveh {mat-veh'} ; from 02901 ; something spun :-- spun . ~~ 9820
0414 - anektoteros {an-ek-tot'-er-os}; comparative of a derivative of 0430; more endurable: -- more tolerable. 414
0420 - anexikakos {an-ex-ik'-ak-os}; from 0430 and 2556; enduring of ill, i.e. forbearing: -- patient. 420
0430 - anechomai {an-ekh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 0303 and 2192; to hold oneself up against, i.e. (figuratively) put up with: -- bear with, endure, forbear, suffer. 430
0463 - anoche {an-okh-ay'}; from 0430; self-restraint, i.e. tolerance: -- forbearance. 462
04300 ## m@tiyl {met-eel'} ; from 02904 in the sense of hammering out ; an iron bar (as forged) :-- bar . ~~9820
04301 ## matmown {mat-mone'} ; or matmon {mat-mone'} ; or matmun {mat-moon'} ; from 02934 ; a secret storehouse ; hence , a secreted valuable (buried) ; generally money :-- hidden riches , (hid) treasure (- s) . ~~9822
04302 ## matta` {mat-taw'} ; from 05193 ; something planted , i . e . the place (a garden or vineyard) , or the thing (a plant , figuratively or men) ; by implication , the act , planting :-- plant (- ation ,-ing) . ~~9822
04303 ## mat` am {mat-am'} ; or (feminine) mat` ammah {mat-am-maw'} ; from 02938 ; a delicacy :-- dainty (meat) , savoury meat . ~~9824
04304 ## mitpachath {mit-pakh'- ath} ; from 02946 ; a wide cloak (for a woman) :-- vail , wimple . ~~9824
04305 ## matar {maw-tar'} ; a primitive root ; to rain :-- (cause to) rain (upon) . ~~9826
04306 ## matar {maw-tawr'} ; from 04305 ; rain :-- rain . ~~ 9826
04309 ## Matriy {mat-ree'} ; from 04305 ; rainy ; Matri , an Israelite :-- Matri . ~~9830
04306 ## matar {maw-tawr'} ; from 04305 ; rain :-- rain . ~~ 9826
04307 ## mattara'{mat-taw-raw'} ; or mattarah {mat-taw-raw'} ; from 05201 ; a jail (as a guard-house) ; also an aim (as being closely watched) :-- mark , prison . ~~9828
04308 ## Matred {mat-rade'} ; from 02956 ; propulsive ; Matred , an Edomitess :-- Matred . ~~9828
04309 ## Matriy {mat-ree'} ; from 04305 ; rainy ; Matri , an Israelite :-- Matri . ~~9830
0431 - anepsios {an-eps'-ee-os}; from 0001 (as a particle of union) and an obsolete nepos (a brood); properly, akin, i.e. (specially) a cousin: -- sister's son. 430
04310 ## miy {me} ; an interrogative pronoun of persons , as 04100 is of things , who ? (occasionally , by a peculiar idiom , of things) ; also (indefinitely) whoever ; often used in oblique construction with prefix or suffix :-- any (man) , X he , X him , + O that ! what , which , who (- m ,-se ,-soever) , + would to God . ~~9830
04317 ## Miyka'el {me-kaw-ale'} ; from 04310 and (the prefix derivative from) 03588 and 00410 ; who (is) like God ? ; Mikael , the name of an archangel and of nine Israelites :-- Michael . ~~9838
04320 ## Miykayah {me-kaw-yaw'} ; from 04310 and (the prefix derivative from) 03588 and 03050 ; who (is) like Jah ? ; Micajah , the name of two Israelites :-- Micah , Michaiah . Compare 04318 . ~~9840
04332 ## Miysha'el {mee-shaw-ale'} ; from 04310 and 00410 with the abbrev . insep . relatively [see 00834 ] interposed ; who (is) what God (is) ? ; Mishael , the name of three Israelites :-- Mishael . ~~9852
04311 ## Meyd@ba'{may-deb-aw'} ; from 04325 and 01679 ; water of quiet ; Medeba , a place in Palestine :-- Medeba . ~~9832
04312 ## Meydad {may-dawd'} ; from 03032 in the sense of loving ; affectionate ; Medad , an Israelite :-- Medad . ~~9832
04313 ## Mey hay-Yarqown {may hah'- ee-yar-kone'} ; from 04325 and 03420 with the art . interposed ; water of the yellowness ; Me-haj-Jarkon , a place in Palestine :-- Me-jarkon . ~~9834
04314 ## Mey Zahab {may zaw-hawb'} ; from 04325 and 02091 , water of gold ; Me-Zahab , an Edomite :-- Mezahab . ~~9834
04315 ## meytab {may-tawb'} ; from 03190 ; the best part :-- best . ~~ 9836
04316 ## Miyka'{mee-kaw'} ; a variation for 04318 ; Mica , the name of two Israelites :-- Micha . ~~9836
04317 ## Miyka'el {me-kaw-ale'} ; from 04310 and (the prefix derivative from) 03588 and 00410 ; who (is) like God ? ; Mikael , the name of an archangel and of nine Israelites :-- Michael . ~~9838
04316 ## Miyka'{mee-kaw'} ; a variation for 04318 ; Mica , the name of two Israelites :-- Micha . ~~9836
04318 ## Miykah {mee-kaw'} ; an abbrev . of 04320 ; Micah , the name of seven Israelites :-- Micah , Micaiah , Michah . ~~9838
04320 ## Miykayah {me-kaw-yaw'} ; from 04310 and (the prefix derivative from) 03588 and 03050 ; who (is) like Jah ? ; Micajah , the name of two Israelites :-- Micah , Michaiah . Compare 04318 . ~~9840
04319 ## Miykahuw {me-kaw'- hoo} ; a contr . for 04321 ; Mikehu , an Israelite prophet :-- Micaiah (2 Chronicles 18 : 8) . ~~9840
0432 - anethon {an'-ay-thon}; probably of foreign origin; dill: -- anise. 432
04318 ## Miykah {mee-kaw'} ; an abbrev . of 04320 ; Micah , the name of seven Israelites :-- Micah , Micaiah , Michah . ~~9838
04320 ## Miykayah {me-kaw-yaw'} ; from 04310 and (the prefix derivative from) 03588 and 03050 ; who (is) like Jah ? ; Micajah , the name of two Israelites :-- Micah , Michaiah . Compare 04318 . ~~9840
04322 ## Miykayahuw {me-kaw-yaw'- hoo} ; for 04320 ; Mikajah , the name of an Israelite and an Israelitess :-- Michaiah . ~~9842
04319 ## Miykahuw {me-kaw'- hoo} ; a contr . for 04321 ; Mikehu , an Israelite prophet :-- Micaiah (2 Chronicles 18 : 8) . ~~9840
04321 ## Miykay@huw {me-kaw-yeh-hoo'} ; or Mikay@huw (Jeremiah 36 : 11) {me-kaw-yeh-hoo'} ; abbrev . for 04322 ; Mikajah , the name of three Israelites :-- Micah , Micaiah , Michaiah . ~~9842
04321 ## Miykay@huw {me-kaw-yeh-hoo'} ; or Mikay@huw (Jeremiah 36 : 11) {me-kaw-yeh-hoo'} ; abbrev . for 04322 ; Mikajah , the name of three Israelites :-- Micah , Micaiah , Michaiah . ~~9842
04322 ## Miykayahuw {me-kaw-yaw'- hoo} ; for 04320 ; Mikajah , the name of an Israelite and an Israelitess :-- Michaiah . ~~9842
04323 ## miykal {me-kawl'} ; from 03201 ; properly , a container , i . e . a streamlet :-- brook . ~~9844
04324 ## Miykal {me-kawl'} ; apparently the same as 04323 ; revulet ; Mikal , Saul's daughter :-- Michal . ~~9844
04324 ## Miykal {me-kawl'} ; apparently the same as 04323 ; revulet ; Mikal , Saul's daughter :-- Michal . ~~9844
00066 ## 'Abel Mayim {aw-bale'mah'- yim} ; from 00058 and 04325 ; meadow of water ; Abel-Majim , a place in Palestine :-- Abel-maim . ~~5586
00267 ## 'Achuwmay {akh-oo-mah'- ee} ; perhaps from 00251 and 04325 ; brother (i . e . neighbour) of water ; Achumai , an Israelite :-- Ahumai . ~~5788
04311 ## Meyd@ba'{may-deb-aw'} ; from 04325 and 01679 ; water of quiet ; Medeba , a place in Palestine :-- Medeba . ~~9832
04313 ## Mey hay-Yarqown {may hah'- ee-yar-kone'} ; from 04325 and 03420 with the art . interposed ; water of the yellowness ; Me-haj-Jarkon , a place in Palestine :-- Me-jarkon . ~~9834
04314 ## Mey Zahab {may zaw-hawb'} ; from 04325 and 02091 , water of gold ; Me-Zahab , an Edomite :-- Mezahab . ~~9834
04325 ## mayim {mah'- yim} ; dual of a primitive noun (but used in a singular sense) ; water ; figuratively , juice ; by euphemism , urine , semen :-- + piss , wasting , water (- ing , [-course ,-flood ,-spring ]) . ~~9846
04956 ## Misr@phowth mayim {mis-ref-ohth'mah'- yim} ; from the plural of 04955 and 04325 ; burnings of water ; Misrephoth-Majim , a place in Palestine :-- Misrephoth-mayim . ~~10476
04326 ## Miyamin {me-yaw-meem'} ; a form for 04509 ; Mijamin , the name of three Israelites :-- Miamin , Mijamin . ~~9846
04509 ## Minyamiyn {min-yaw-meen'} ; from 04480 and 03225 ; from (the) right hand ; Minjamin , the name of two Israelites :-- Miniamin . Compare 04326 . ~~10030
04327 ## miyn {meen} ; from an unused root meaning to portion out ; a sort , i . e . species :-- kind . Compare 04480 . ~~9848
08544 ## t@muwnah {tem-oo-naw'} ; or t@munah {tem-oo-naw'} ; from 04327 ; something portioned (i . e . fashioned) out , as a shape , i . e . (indefinitely) phantom , or (specifically) embodiment , or (figuratively) manifestation (of favor) :-- image , likeness , similitude . ~~14066
04145 ## muwcadah {moo-saw-daw'} ; feminine of 04143 ; a foundation ; figuratively , an appointment :-- foundation , grounded . Compare 04328 . ~~9666
04328 ## m@yuccadah {meh-yoos-saw-daw'} ; properly , feminine passive participle of 03245 ; something founded , i . e . a foundation :-- foundation . ~~9848