08641 ## t@ruwmah {ter-oo-maw'} ; or t@rumah (Deut . l2 : 11) {ter-oo-maw'} ; from 07311 ; a present (as offered up) , especially in sacrifice or as tribute :-- gift , heave offering ([shoulder ]) , oblation , offered (- ing) . ~~14162
02616 ## chacad {khaw-sad'} ; a primitive root ; properly , perhaps to bow (the neck only [compare 02603 ] in courtesy to an equal) , i . e . to be kind ; also (by euphem . [compare l288 ] , but rarely) to reprove :-- shew self merciful , put to shame . ~~8136
06925 ## qodam (Aramaic) {kod-awm'} ; or q@dam (Aramaic) (Daniel 7 : l3) {ked-awm'} ; corresponding to 06924 ; before :-- before , X from , X I (thought) , X me , + of , X it pleased , presence . ~~12446
04013 ## mibtsar {mib-tsawr'} ; also (in plural) feminine (Dan . 11 : l5) mibtsarah {mib-tsaw-raw'} ; from 01219 ; a fortification , castle , or fortified city ; figuratively , a defender :-- (de-, most) fenced , fortress , (most) strong (hold) . ~~9534
01999 ## hamullah {ham-ool-law'} ; or (too fully) hamuwllah (Jer . ll : l6) {ham-ool-law'} ; feminine passive participle of an unused root meaning to rush (as rain with a windy roar) ; a sound :-- speech , tumult . ~~7520
00883 ## B@'er la-Chay Ro'iy {be-ayr'lakh-ah'ee ro-ee'} ; from 00875 and 02416 (with prefix) and 07203 ; well of a living (One) my Seer ; Beer-Lachai-Roi , a place in the Desert :-- Beer-lahai-roi . ~~6404
01080 ## b@la'(Aramaic) {bel-aw'} ; corresponding to 01086 (but used only in a mental sense) ; to afflict :-- wear out . ~~6600
01541 ## g@lah (Aramaic) {ghel-aw'} ; or g@la'(Aramaic) {ghel-aw'} ; corresponding to 01540 :-- bring over , carry away , reveal . ~~7062
02922 ## t@la'{tel-aw'} ; apparently from 02921 in the (orig .) sense of covering (for protection) ; a lamb [compare 02924 ] :-- lamb . ~~8442
02923 ## T@la'iym {tel-aw-eem'} ; from the plural of 02922 ; lambs ; Telaim , a place in Palestine :-- Telaim . ~~8444
03737 ## karb@la` (Aramaic) {kar-bel-aw'} ; from a verb corresponding to that of 03736 ; a mantle :-- hat . ~~9258
03809 ## la'(Aramaic) {law} ; or lah (Aramaic) (Dan . 4 : 32) {law} ; corresponding to 03808 :-- or even , neither , no (- ne ,-- r) , ([can-]) not , as nothing , without . ~~9330
03811 ## la'ah {law-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to tire ; (figuratively) to be (or make) disgusted :-- faint , grieve , lothe , (be , make) weary (selves) . ~~9332
03813 ## la'at {law-at'} ; a primitive root ; to muffle :-- cover . ~~ 9334
03814 ## la't {lawt} ; from 03813 (or perhaps for active participle of 03874) ; properly , muffled , i . e . silently :-- softly . ~~9334
03815 ## La'el {law-ale'} ; from the prepositional prefix and 00410 ; (belonging) to God ; Lael an Israelite :-- Lael . ~~9336
03931 ## la` ab {law-ab'} ; a primitive root ; to deride :-- mock . ~~ 9452
03932 ## la` ag {law-ag'} ; a primitive root ; to deride ; by implication (as if imitating a foreigner) to speak unintelligibly :-- have in derision , laugh (to scorn) , mock (on) , stammering . ~~9452
03933 ## la` ag {lah'- ag} ; from 03932 ; derision , scoffing :-- derision , scorn (- ing) . ~~9454
03934 ## la` eg {law-ayg'} ; from 03932 ; a buffoon ; also a foreigner :-- mocker , stammering . ~~9454
03935 ## La` dah {lah-daw'} ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ; Ladah , an Israelite :-- Laadah . ~~9456
03936 ## La` dan {lah-dawn'} ; from the same as 03935 ; Ladan , the name of two Israelites :-- Laadan . ~~9456
03937 ## la` az {law-az'} ; a primitive root ; to speak in a foreign tongue :-- strange language . ~~9458
03938 ## la` at {law-at'} ; a primitive root ; to swallow greedily ; causatively , to feed :-- feed . ~~9458
03939 ## la` anah {lah-an-aw'} ; from an unused root supposed to mean to curse ; wormwood (regarded as poisonous , and therefore accursed) :-- hemlock , wormwood . ~~9460
04391 ## m@la'(Aramaic) {mel-aw'} ; corresponding to 04390 ; to fill :-- fill , be full . ~~9912
04399 ## m@la'kah {mel-aw-kaw'} ; from the same as 04397 ; properly , deputyship , i . e . ministry ; generally , employment (never servile) or work (abstractly or concretely) ; also property (as the result of labor) :-- business , + cattle , + industrious , occupation , (+-pied) , + officer , thing (made) , use , (manner of) work ([-man ] ,-manship) . ~~9920
04972 ## matt@la'ah {mat-tel-aw-aw'} ; from 04100 and 08513 ; what a trouble ! :-- what a weariness . ~~10492
06411 ## P@layah {pel-aw-yaw'} ; or P@la'yah {pel-aw-yaw'} ; from 06381 and 03050 ; Jah has distinguished ; Pelajah , the name of three Israelites :-- Pelaiah . ~~11932
06739 ## ts@la'(Aramaic) {tsel-aw'} ; probably corresponding to 06760 in the sense of bowing ; pray :-- pray . ~~12260
08513 ## t@la'ah {tel-aw-aw'} ; from 03811 ; distress :-- travail , travel , trouble . ~~14034
08515 ## T@la'ssar {tel-as-sar'} ; or T@lassar {tel-as-sar'} ; of foreign derivation ; Telassar , a region of Assyria :-- Telassar . ~~14036
03935 ## La` dah {lah-daw'} ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ; Ladah , an Israelite :-- Laadah . ~~9456
03936 ## La` dan {lah-dawn'} ; from the same as 03935 ; Ladan , the name of two Israelites :-- Laadan . ~~9456
2124 - eulabeia {yoo-lab'-i-ah}; from 2126; properly, caution, i.e. (religiously) reverence (piety); by implication, dread (concretely): -- fear(-ed). 2124
2125 - eulabeomai {yoo-lab-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 2126; to be circumspect, i.e. (by implication) to be apprehensive; religiously, to reverence: -- (moved with) fear. 2124
2126 - eulabes {yoo-lab-ace'}; from 2095 and 2983; taking well (carefully), i.e. circumspect (religiously, pious): -- devout. 2126
03827 ## labbah {lab-baw'} ; for 03852 ; flame :-- flame . ~~ 9348
04192 ## Muwth (Psalm 48 : 14) {mooth} ; or Muwth lab-ben {mooth lab-bane'} ; from 04191 and 01121 with the preposition and article interposed ; " To die for the son " , probably the title of a popular song :-- death , Muthlabben . ~~9712
04192 ## Muwth (Psalm 48 : 14) {mooth} ; or Muwth lab-ben {mooth lab-bane'} ; from 04191 and 01121 with the preposition and article interposed ; " To die for the son " , probably the title of a popular song :-- death , Muthlabben . ~~9712
07947 ## shalab {shaw-lab'} ; a primitive root ; to space off ; intensive (evenly) to make equidistant :-- equally distant , set in order . ~~13468
03823 ## labab {law-bab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be enclosed (as if with fat) ; by implication (as denominative from 03824) to unheart , i . e . (in a good sense) transport (with love) , or (in a bad sense) stultify ; also (as denominative from 03834) to make cakes :-- make cakes , ravish , be wise . ~~9344
03835 ## laban {law-ban'} ; a primitive root ; to be (or become) white ; also (as denominative from 03843) to make bricks :-- make brick , be (made , make) white (- r) . ~~9356
03836 ## laban {law-bawn'} ; or (Gen . 49 : 12) laben {law-bane'} ; from 03835 ; white :-- white . ~~9356
03837 ## Laban {law-bawn'} ; the same as 03836 ; Laban , a Mesopotamian ; also a place in the Desert :-- Laban . ~~9358
03837 ## Laban {law-bawn'} ; the same as 03836 ; Laban , a Mesopotamian ; also a place in the Desert :-- Laban . ~~9358
03837 ## Laban {law-bawn'} ; the same as 03836 ; Laban , a Mesopotamian ; also a place in the Desert :-- Laban . ~~9358
03847 ## labash {law-bash'} ; or labesh {law-bashe'} ; a primitive root ; properly , wrap around , i . e . (by implication) to put on a garment or clothe (oneself , or another) , literally or figuratively :-- (in) apparel , arm , array (self) , clothe (self) , come upon , put (on , upon) , wear . ~~9368
03832 ## labat {law-bat'} ; a primitive root ; to overthrow ; intransposed , to fall :-- fall . ~~9352
03827 ## labbah {lab-baw'} ; for 03852 ; flame :-- flame . ~~ 9348
03612 ## Kaleb {kaw-labe'} ; perhaps a form of 03611 , or else from the same root in the sense of forcible ; Caleb , the name of three Israelites :-- Caleb . ~~9132
03613 ## Kaleb'Ephrathah {kaw-labe'ef-raw'- thaw} ; from 03612 and 00672 ; Caleb-Ephrathah , a place in Egypt (if the text is correct) :-- Caleb-ephrathah . ~~9134
03820 ## leb {labe} ; a form of 03824 ; the heart ; also used (figuratively) very widely for the feelings , the will and even the intellect ; likewise for the centre of anything :-- + care for , comfortably , consent , X considered , courag [-eous ] , friend [-ly ] , ([broken-] , [hard-] , [merry-] , [stiff-] , [stout-] , double) heart ([-ed ]) , X heed , X I , kindly , midst , mind (- ed) , X regard ([-ed) ] , X themselves , X unawares , understanding , X well , willingly , wisdom . ~~9340
03821 ## leb (Aramaic) {labe} ; corresponding to 03820 :-- heart . ~~ 9342
3902 - parasemos {par-as'-ay-mos}; from 3844 and the base of 4591; side-marked, i.e. labelled (with a badge [figure-head] of a ship): -- sign. 3800
03836 ## laban {law-bawn'} ; or (Gen . 49 : 12) laben {law-bane'} ; from 03835 ; white :-- white . ~~9356
03847 ## labash {law-bash'} ; or labesh {law-bashe'} ; a primitive root ; properly , wrap around , i . e . (by implication) to put on a garment or clothe (oneself , or another) , literally or figuratively :-- (in) apparel , arm , array (self) , clothe (self) , come upon , put (on , upon) , wear . ~~9368
03833 ## labiy'{law-bee'} ; or (Ezek . 19 : 2) l@biya'{leb-ee-yaw'} ; irreg . masculine plural l@ba'iym {leb-aw-eem'} ; irreg . feminine plural l@ba'owth {leb-aw-oth'} ; from an unused root men . to roar ; a lion (properly , a lioness as the fiercer [although not a roarer ; compare 00738 ]) :-- (great , old , stout) lion , lioness , young [lion ] . ~~9354
03834 ## labiybah {law-bee-baw'} ; or rather l@bibah {leb-ee-baw'} ; from 03823 in its original sense of fatness (or perhaps of folding) ; a cake (either as fried or turned) :-- cake . ~~9354
0075 - agonizomai {ag-o-nid'-zom-ahee}; from 0073; to struggle, literally (to compete for a prize), figuratively (to contend with an adversary), or genitive case (to endeavor to accomplish something): -- fight, labor fervently, strive. 74
1463 - egkomboomai {eng-kom-bo'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1722 and komboo (to gird); to engirdle oneself (for labor), i.e. figuratively (the apron as being a badge of servitude) to wear (in token of mutual deference): -- be clothed with. 1462
2038 - ergazomai {er-gad'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 2041; to toil (as a task, occupation, etc.), (by implication) effect, be engaged in or with, etc.: -- commit, do, labor for, minister about, trade (by), work. 2038
2270 - hesuchazo {hay-soo-khad'-zo}; from the same as 2272; to keep still (intransitively), i.e. refrain from labor, meddlesomeness or speech: -- cease, hold peace, be quiet, rest. 2270
2669 - kataponeo {kat-ap-on-eh'-o}; from 2596 and a derivative of 4192; to labor down, i.e. wear with toil (figuratively, harrass): -- oppress, vex. 2668
3787 - ophthalmodouleia {of-thal-mod-oo-li'-ah}; from 3788 and 1397; sight-labor, i.e. that needs watching (remissness): -- eye-service. 3684
5046 - teleios {tel'-i-os}; from 5056; complete (in various applications of labor, growth, mental and moral character, etc.); neuter (as noun, with 3588) completeness: -- of full age, man, perfect. 4944
5492 - cheimazo {khi-mad'-zo}; from the same as 5494; to storm, i.e. (passively) to labor under a gale: -- be tossed with tempest. 5390
00213 ## 'uwts {oots} ; a primitive root ; to press ; (by implication) to be close , hurry , withdraw :-- (make) haste (- n ,-y) , labor , be narrow . ~~5734
00988 ## batel {baw-tale'} ; a primitive root ; to desist from labor :-- cease . ~~6508
01518 ## giyach {ghee'- akh} ; or (shortened) goach {go'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to gush forth (as water) , generally to issue :-- break forth , labor to bring forth , come forth , draw up , take out . ~~7038
01581 ## gamal {gaw-mawl'} ; apparently from 01580 (in the sense of labor or burden-bearing) ; a camel :-- camel . ~~7102
02706 ## choq {khoke} ; from 02710 ; an enactment ; hence , an appointment (of time , space , quantity , labor or usage) :-- appointed , bound , commandment , convenient , custom , decree (- d) , due , law , measure , X necessary , ordinance (- nary) , portion , set time , statute , task . ~~8226
03018 ## y@giya` {yeg-ee'- ah} ; from 03021 ; toil ; hence , a work , produce , property (as the result of labor) :-- labour , work . ~~8538
04399 ## m@la'kah {mel-aw-kaw'} ; from the same as 04397 ; properly , deputyship , i . e . ministry ; generally , employment (never servile) or work (abstractly or concretely) ; also property (as the result of labor) :-- business , + cattle , + industrious , occupation , (+-pied) , + officer , thing (made) , use , (manner of) work ([-man ] ,-manship) . ~~9920
04522 ## mac {mas} ; or mic {mees} ; from 04549 ; properly , a burden (as causing to faint) , i . e . a tax in the form of forced labor :-- discomfited , levy , task [-master ] , tribute (- tary) . ~~10042
04639 ## ma` aseh {mah-as-eh'} ; from 06213 ; an action (good or bad) ; generally , a transaction ; abstractly , activity ; by implication , a product (specifically , a poem) or (generally) property :-- act , art , + bakemeat , business , deed , do (- ing) , labor , thing made , ware of making , occupation , thing offered , operation , possession , X well , ([handy-, needle-, net-]) work (ing ,-manship) , wrought . ~~10160
05673 ## ` abiydah (Aramaic) {ab-ee-daw'} ; from 05648 ; labor or business :-- affairs , service , work . ~~11194
06089 ## ` etseb {eh'- tseb} ; from 06087 ; an earthen vessel ; usually (painful) toil ; also a pang (whether of body or mind) :-- grievous , idol , labor , sorrow . ~~11610
06093 ## ` itstsabown {its-tsaw-bone'} ; from 06087 ; worrisomeness , i . e . labor or pain :-- sorrow , toil . ~~11614
08059 ## sh@mittah {shem-it-taw'} ; from 08058 ; remission (of debt) or suspension of labor) :-- release . ~~13580