04456 ## malqowsh {mal-koshe'} ; from 03953 ; the spring rain (compare 03954) ; figuratively , eloquence :-- latter rain . ~~9976
04457 ## melqach {mel-kawkh'} ; or malqach {mal-kawkh'} ; from 03947 ; (only in dual) tweezers :-- snuffers , tongs . ~~9978
04558 ## Micpar {mis-pawr'} ; the same as 04457 ; number ; Mispar , an Israelite :-- Mizpar . Compare 04559 . ~~10078
04458 ## meltachah {mel-taw-khaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to spread out ; a wardrobe (i . e . room where clothing is spread) :-- vestry . ~~9978
04559 ## Micpereth {mis-peh'- reth} ; feminine of 04437 ; enumeration ; Mispereth , an Israelite :-- Mispereth . Compare 04458 . ~~10080
04459 ## malta` ah {mal-taw-aw'} ; transp . for 04973 ; a grinder , i . e . back tooth :-- great tooth . ~~9980
0445 - anthupateuo {anth-oo-pat-yoo'-o}; from 0446; to act as a proconsul: -- be the deputy. 444
0446 - anthupatos {anth-oo'-pat-os}; from 0473 and a superlative of 5228; instead of the highest officer, i.e. (specially) a Roman proconsul: -- deputy. 446
04460 ## mamm@gurah {mam-meg-oo-raw'} ; from 04048 (in the sense of depositing) ; a granary :-- barn . ~~9980
04461 ## memad {may-mad'} ; from 04058 ; a measure :-- measure . ~~ 9982
04462 ## M@muwkan {mem-oo-kawn'} ; or (transp .) Mowmukan (Esth . 1 : 16) {mo-moo-kawn'} ; of Persian derivation ; Memucan or Momucan , a Persian satrap :-- Memucan . ~~9982
04463 ## mamowth {maw-mothe'} ; from 04191 ; a mortal disease ; concretely , a corpse :-- death . ~~9984
04464 ## mamzer {mam-zare'} ; from an unused root meaning to alienate ; a mongrel , i . e . born of a Jewish father and a heathen mother :-- bastard . ~~9984
04465 ## mimkar {mim-kawr'} ; from 04376 ; merchandise ; abstractly , a selling :-- X ought , (that which cometh of) sale , that which . . . sold , ware . ~~9986
04466 ## mimkereth {mim-keh'- reth} ; feminine of 04465 ; a sale :-- + sold as . ~~9986
04466 ## mimkereth {mim-keh'- reth} ; feminine of 04465 ; a sale :-- + sold as . ~~9986
04467 ## mamlakah {mam-law-kaw'} ; from 04427 ; dominion , i . e . (abstractly) the estate (rule) or (concretely) the country (realm) :-- kingdom , king's , reign , royal . ~~9988
04468 ## mamlakuwth {mam-law-kooth'} ; a form of 04467 and equiv . to it :-- kingdom , reign . ~~9988
04468 ## mamlakuwth {mam-law-kooth'} ; a form of 04467 and equiv . to it :-- kingdom , reign . ~~9988
04469 ## mamcak {mam-sawk'} ; from 04537 ; mixture , i . e . (specifically) wine mixed (with water or spices) :-- drink-offering , mixed wine . ~~9990
0425 - anesis {an'-es-is}; from 0447; relaxation or (figuratively) relief: -- eased, liberty, rest. 424
0447 - aniemi {an-ee'-ay-mee}; from 0303 and hiemi (to send); to let up, i.e. (literally) slacken or (figuratively) desert, desist from: -- forbear, leave, loose. 446
04470 ## memer {meh'- mer} ; from an unused root meaning to grieve ; sorrow :-- bitterness . ~~9990
04471 ## Mamre'{mam-ray'} ; from 04754 (in the sense of vigor) ; lusty ; Mamre , an Amorite :-- Mamre . ~~9992
04472 ## mamror {mam-rore'} ; from 04843 ; a bitterness , i . e . (figuratively) calamity :-- bitterness . ~~9992
04473 ## mimshach {mim-shakh'} ; from 04886 , in the sense of expansion ; outspread (i . e . with outstretched wings) :-- anointed . ~~9994
04474 ## mimshal {mim-shawl'} ; from 04910 ; a ruler or (abstractly) rule :-- dominion , that ruled . ~~9994
04475 ## memshalah {mem-shaw-law'} ; feminine of 04474 ; rule ; also (concretely in plural) a realm or a ruler :-- dominion , government , power , to rule . ~~9996
04475 ## memshalah {mem-shaw-law'} ; feminine of 04474 ; rule ; also (concretely in plural) a realm or a ruler :-- dominion , government , power , to rule . ~~9996
04476 ## mimshaq {mim-shawk'} ; from the same as 04943 ; a possession :-- breeding . ~~9996
04477 ## mamtaq {mam-tak'} ; from 04985 ; something sweet (literally or figuratively) :-- (most) sweet . ~~9998
04478 ## man {mawn} ; from 04100 ; literally , a whatness (so to speak) , i . e . manna (so called from the question about it) :-- manna . ~~9998
04479 ## man (Aramaic) {mawn} ; from 04101 ; who or what (properly , interrogatively , hence , also indefinitely and relatively) :-- what , who (- msoever , +-so) . ~~10000
0448 - anileos {an-ee'-leh-oce}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 2436; inexorable: -- without mercy. 448
00289 ## 'Achiyman {akh-ee-man'} ; or'Achiyman {akh-ee-mawn'} ; from 00251 and 04480 ; brother of a portion (i . e . gift) ; Achiman , the name of an Anakite and of an Israelite :-- Ahiman . ~~5810
04327 ## miyn {meen} ; from an unused root meaning to portion out ; a sort , i . e . species :-- kind . Compare 04480 . ~~9848
04480 ## min {min} ; or minniy {min-nee'} ; or minney (constructive plural) {min-nay'} ; (Isaiah 30 : 11) ; for 04482 ; properly , a part of ; hence (prepositionally) , from or out of in many senses (as follows) :-- above , after , among , at , because of , by (reason of) , from (among) , in , X neither , X nor , (out) of , over , since , X then , through , X whether , with . ~~10000
04481 ## min (Aramaic) {min} ; corresponding to 04480 :-- according , after , + because , + before , by , for , from , X him , X more than , (out) of , part , since , X these , to , upon , + when . ~~10002
04509 ## Minyamiyn {min-yaw-meen'} ; from 04480 and 03225 ; from (the) right hand ; Minjamin , the name of two Israelites :-- Miniamin . Compare 04326 . ~~10030
04481 ## min (Aramaic) {min} ; corresponding to 04480 :-- according , after , + because , + before , by , for , from , X him , X more than , (out) of , part , since , X these , to , upon , + when . ~~10002
04480 ## min {min} ; or minniy {min-nee'} ; or minney (constructive plural) {min-nay'} ; (Isaiah 30 : 11) ; for 04482 ; properly , a part of ; hence (prepositionally) , from or out of in many senses (as follows) :-- above , after , among , at , because of , by (reason of) , from (among) , in , X neither , X nor , (out) of , over , since , X then , through , X whether , with . ~~10000
04482 ## men {mane} ; from an unused root meaning to apportion ; a part ; hence , a musical chord (as parted into strings) :-- in [the same ] (Psalm 68 : 23) , stringed instrument (Psalm 150 : 4) , whereby (Psalm 45 : 8 [defective plural ]) . ~~10002
04511 ## Minniyth {min-neeth'} ; from the same as 04482 ; enumeration ; Minnith , a place East of the Jordan :-- Minnith . ~~10032
04483 ## m@na'(Aramaic) {men-aw'} ; or m@nah (Aramaic) {men-aw'} ; corresponding to 04487 ; to count , appoint :-- number , ordain , set . ~~10004
04484 ## mene'(Aramaic) {men-ay'} ; passive participle of 04483 ; numbered :-- Mene . ~~10004
04510 ## minyan (Aramaic) {min-yawn'} ; from 04483 ; enumeration :-- number . ~~10030
04484 ## mene'(Aramaic) {men-ay'} ; passive participle of 04483 ; numbered :-- Mene . ~~10004
04485 ## mangiynah {man-ghee-naw'} ; from 05059 ; a satire :-- music . ~~ 10006
04486 ## manda` (Aramaic) {man-dah'} ; corresponding to 04093 ; wisdom or intelligence :-- knowledge , reason , understanding . ~~10006
04483 ## m@na'(Aramaic) {men-aw'} ; or m@nah (Aramaic) {men-aw'} ; corresponding to 04487 ; to count , appoint :-- number , ordain , set . ~~10004
04487 ## manah {maw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to weigh out ; by implication , to allot or constitute officially ; also to enumerate or enroll :-- appoint , count , number , prepare , set , tell . ~~10008
04488 ## maneh {maw-neh'} ; from 04487 ; properly , a fixed weight or measured amount , i . e . (techn .) a maneh or mina :-- maneh , pound . ~~10008
04489 ## moneh {mo-neh'} ; from 04487 ; properly , something weighed out , i . e . (figuratively) a portion of time , i . e . an instance :-- time . ~~10010
04490 ## manah {maw-naw'} ; from 04487 ; properly , something weighed out , i . e . (generally) a division ; specifically (of food) a ration ; also a lot :-- such things as belonged , part , portion . ~~10010
04507 ## M@niy {men-ee'} ; from 04487 ; the Apportioner , i . e . Fate (as an idol) :-- number . ~~10028
04521 ## m@nath {men-awth'} ; from 04487 ; an allotment (by courtesy , law or providence) :-- portion . ~~10042
08553 ## Timnah {tim-naw'} ; from 04487 ; a portion assigned ; Timnah , the name of two places in Palestine :-- Timnah , Timnath , Thimnathah . ~~14074
04488 ## maneh {maw-neh'} ; from 04487 ; properly , a fixed weight or measured amount , i . e . (techn .) a maneh or mina :-- maneh , pound . ~~10008
04489 ## moneh {mo-neh'} ; from 04487 ; properly , something weighed out , i . e . (figuratively) a portion of time , i . e . an instance :-- time . ~~10010
0449 - aniptos {an'-ip-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 3538; without ablution: -- unwashen. 448
04490 ## manah {maw-naw'} ; from 04487 ; properly , something weighed out , i . e . (generally) a division ; specifically (of food) a ration ; also a lot :-- such things as belonged , part , portion . ~~10010
04491 ## minhag {min-hawg'} ; from 05090 ; the driving (of a chariot) :-- driving . ~~10012
04492 ## minharah {min-haw-raw'} ; from 05102 ; properly , a channel or fissure , i . e . (by implication) a cavern :-- den . ~~10012
04493 ## manowd {maw-node'} ; from 05110 a nodding or toss (of the head in derision) :-- shaking . ~~10014
04494 ## manowach {maw-no'- akh} ; from 05117 ; quiet , i . e . (concretely) a settled spot , or (figuratively) a home :-- (place of) rest . ~~10014
04495 ## Manowach {maw-no'- akh} ; the same as 04494 ; rest ; Manoach , an Israelite :-- Manoah . ~~10016
04495 ## Manowach {maw-no'- akh} ; the same as 04494 ; rest ; Manoach , an Israelite :-- Manoah . ~~10016
04496 ## m@nuwchah {men-oo-khaw'} ; or m@nuchah {men-oo-khaw'} ; feminine of 04495 ; repose or (adverbially) peacefully ; figuratively , consolation (specifically , matrimony) ; hence (concretely) an abode :-- comfortable , ease , quiet , rest (- ing place) , still . ~~10016
02679 ## Chatsiy ham-M@nuchowth {chat-tsee'ham-men-oo-khoth'} ; from 02677 and the plural of 04496 , with the article interposed ; midst of the resting-places ; Chatsi-ham-Menuchoth , an Israelite :-- half of the Manahethites . ~~8200
04496 ## m@nuwchah {men-oo-khaw'} ; or m@nuchah {men-oo-khaw'} ; feminine of 04495 ; repose or (adverbially) peacefully ; figuratively , consolation (specifically , matrimony) ; hence (concretely) an abode :-- comfortable , ease , quiet , rest (- ing place) , still . ~~10016
04497 ## manown {maw-nohn'} ; from 05125 ; a continuator , i . e . heir :-- son . ~~10018
04498 ## manowc {maw-noce'} ; from 05127 ; a retreat (literally or figuratively) ; abstractly , a fleeing :-- X apace , escape , way to flee , flight , refuge . ~~10018
04499 ## m@nuwcah {men-oo-saw'} ; or m@nucah {men-oo-saw'} ; feminine of 04498 ; retreat :-- fleeing , flight . ~~10020
04499 ## m@nuwcah {men-oo-saw'} ; or m@nucah {men-oo-saw'} ; feminine of 04498 ; retreat :-- fleeing , flight . ~~10020
0386 - anastasis {an-as'-tas-is}; from 0450; a standing up again, i.e. (literally) a resurrection from death (individual, genitive case or by implication [its author]), or (figuratively) a (moral) recovery (of spiritual truth): -- raised to life again, resurrection, rise from the dead, that should rise, rising again. 386
0387 - anastatoo {an-as-tat-o'-o}; from a derivative of 0450 (in the sense of removal); properly, to drive out of home, i.e. (by implication) to disturb (literally or figuratively): -- trouble, turn upside down, make an uproar. 386
0450 - anistemi {an-is'-tay-mee}; from 0303 and 2476; to stand up (literal or figurative, transitive or intransitive): -- arise, lift up, raise up (again), rise (again), stand up(-right). 450
1817 - exanistemi {ex-an-is'-tay-mee}; from 1537 and 0450; objectively, to produce, i.e. (figuratively) beget; subjectively, to arise, i.e. (figuratively) object: -- raise (rise) up. 1816
1881 - epanistamai {ep-an-is'-tam-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 and 0450; to stand up on, i.e. (figuratively) to attack: -- rise up against. 1880