1973 - epipothetos {ep-ee-poth'-ay-tos}; from 1909 and a derivative of the latter part of 1971; yearned upon, i.e. greatly loved: -- longed foreign 1972
00419 ## 'Eldad {el-dad'} ; from 00410 and 01730 ; God has loved ; Eldad , an Israelite :-- Eldad . ~~5940
03039 ## y@diyd {yed-eed'} ; from the same as 01730 ; loved :-- amiable , (well-) beloved , loves . ~~8560
4375 - prosphiles {pros-fee-lace'}; from a presumed compound of 4314 and 5368; friendly towards, i.e. acceptable: -- lovely. 4272
04261 ## machmad {makh-mawd'} ; from 02530 ; delightful ; hence , a delight , i . e . object of affection or desire :-- beloved , desire , goodly , lovely , pleasant (thing) . ~~9782
05116 ## naveh {naw-veh'} ; or (feminine) navah {naw-vaw'} ; from 05115 ; (adjectively) at home ; hence (by implication of satisfaction) lovely ; also (noun) a home , of God (temple) , men (residence) , flocks (pasture) , or wild animals (den) :-- comely , dwelling (place) , fold , habitation , pleasant place , sheepcote , stable , tarried . ~~10636
05690 ## ` egeb {eh'- gheb} ; from 05689 ; love (concretely) , i . e . amative words :-- much love , very lovely . ~~11210
5367 - philautos {fil'-ow-tos}; from 5384 and 0846; fond of self, i.e. selfish: -- lover of own self. 5264
5369 - philedonos {fil-ay'-don-os}; from 5384 and 2237; fond of pleasure, i.e. voluptuous: -- lover of pleasure. 5266
5377 - philotheos {fil-oth'-eh-os}; from 5384 and 2316; fond of God, i.e. pious: -- lover of God. 5274
5382 - philoxenos {fil-ox'-en-os}; from 5384 and 3581; fond of guests, i.e. hospitable: -- given to (lover of, use) hospitality. 5280
01730 ## dowd {dode} ; or (shortened) dod {dode} ; from an unused root meaning properly , to boil , i . e . (figuratively) to love ; by implication , a love-token , lover , friend ; specifically an uncle :-- (well-) beloved , father's brother , love , uncle . ~~7250
05689 ## ` agab {aw-gab'} ; a primitive root ; to breathe after , i . e . to love (sensually) :-- dote , lover . ~~11210
07453 ## rea` {ray'- ah} ; or reya` {ray'- ah} ; from 07462 ; an associate (more or less close) :-- brother , companion , fellow , friend , husband , lover , neighbour , X (an-) other . ~~12974
07901 ## shakab {shaw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; to lie down (for rest , sexual connection , decease or any other purpose) :-- X at all , cast down , ([lover-]) lay (self) (down) , (make to) lie (down , down to sleep , still with) , lodge , ravish , take rest , sleep , stay . ~~13422
03039 ## y@diyd {yed-eed'} ; from the same as 01730 ; loved :-- amiable , (well-) beloved , loves . ~~8560
01732 ## David {daw-veed'} ; rarely (fully) ; Daviyd {daw-veed'} ; from the same as 01730 ; loving ; David , the youngest son of Jesse :-- David . ~~7252
01734 ## Dowdow {do-do'} ; from 01730 ; loving ; Dodo , the name of three Israelites :-- Dodo . ~~7254
02617 ## checed {kheh'- sed} ; from 02616 ; kindness ; by implication (towards God) piety : rarely (by opposition) reproof , or (subject .) beauty :-- favour , good deed (- liness ,-- ness) , kindly , (loving-) kindness , merciful (kindness) , mercy , pity , reproach , wicked thing . ~~8138
02896 ## towb {tobe} ; from 02895 ; good (as an adjective) in the widest sense ; used likewise as a noun , both in the masculine and the feminine , the singular and the plural (good , a good or good thing , a good man or woman ; the good , goods or good things , good men or women) , also as an adverb (well) :-- beautiful , best , better , bountiful , cheerful , at ease , X fair (word) , (be in) favour , fine , glad , good (deed ,-lier ,-liest ,-ly ,-ness ,-s) , graciously , joyful , kindly , kindness , liketh (best) , loving , merry , X most , pleasant , + pleaseth , pleasure , precious , prosperity , ready , sweet , wealth , welfare , (be) well ([-favoured ]) . ~~8416
04312 ## Meydad {may-dawd'} ; from 03032 in the sense of loving ; affectionate ; Medad , an Israelite :-- Medad . ~~9832
0060 - agoraios {ag-or-ah'-yos}; from 0058; relating to the market-place, i.e. forensic (times); by implication, vulgar: -- baser sort, low. 60
5011 - tapeinos {tap-i-nos'}; of uncertain derivation; depressed, i.e. (figuratively) humiliated (in circumstances or disposition): -- base, cast down, humble, of low degree (estate), lowly. 4908
5013 - tapeinoo {tap-i-no'-o}; from 5011; to depress; figuratively, to humiliate (in condition or heart): -- abase, bring low, humble (self). 4910
5014 - tapeinosis {tap-i'-no-sis}; from 5013; depression (in rank or feeling): -- humiliation, be made low, low estate, vile. 4912
5014 - tapeinosis {tap-i'-no-sis}; from 5013; depression (in rank or feeling): -- humiliation, be made low, low estate, vile. 4912
5081 - telaugos {tay-low-goce'}; adverb from a compound of a derivative of 5056 and 0827; in a far-shining manner, i.e. plainly: -- clearly. 4978
00120 ## 'adam {aw-dawm'} ; from 00119 ; ruddy i . e . a human being (an individual or the species , mankind , etc .) :-- X another , + hypocrite , + common sort , X low , man (mean , of low degree) , person . ~~5640
00120 ## 'adam {aw-dawm'} ; from 00119 ; ruddy i . e . a human being (an individual or the species , mankind , etc .) :-- X another , + hypocrite , + common sort , X low , man (mean , of low degree) , person . ~~5640
00772 ## 'ara` (Aramaic) {ar-ah'} ; corresponding to 00776 ; the earth ; by implication (figuratively) low :-- earth , interior . ~~6292
01093 ## b@low (Aramaic) {bel-o'} ; from a root corresponding to 01086 ; excise (on articles consumed) :-- tribute . ~~6614
01094 ## b@low'{bel-o'} ; or (fully) b@lowy {bel-o'ee} ; from 01086 ; (only in plural construction) rags :-- old . ~~6614
01600 ## ga` ah {gaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to bellow (as cattle) :-- low . ~~7120
01809 ## dalal {daw-lal'} ; a primitive root (compare 01802) ; to slacken or be feeble ; figuratively , to be oppressed :-- bring low , dry up , be emptied , be not equal , fail , be impoverished , be made thin . ~~7330
02546 ## chomet {kho'met} ; from an unused root probably meaning , to lie low ; a lizard (as creeping) :-- snail . ~~8066
02547 ## Chumtah {khoom-taw'} ; feminine of 02546 ; low ; Chumtah , a place in Palestine :-- Humtah . ~~8068
03665 ## kana` {kaw-nah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to bend the knee ; hence , to humiliate , vanquish :-- bring down (low) , into subjection , under , humble (self) , subdue . ~~9186
03766 ## kara` {kaw-rah'} ; a primitive root ; to bend the knee ; by implication , to sink , to prostrate :-- bow (down , self) , bring down (low) , cast down , couch , fall , feeble , kneeling , sink , smite (stoop) down , subdue , X very . ~~9286
03808 ## lo'{lo} ; or low'{lo} ; or loh (Deut . 3 : 11) {lo} ; a primitive particle ; not (the simple or abs . negation) ; by implication , no ; often used with other particles (as follows) :-- X before , + or else , ere , + except , ig [-norant ] , much , less , nay , neither , never , no ([-ne ] ,-- r , [-thing ]) , (X as though . . . , [can-] , for) not (out of) , of nought , otherwise , out of , + surely , + as truly as , + of a truth , + verily , for want , + whether , without . ~~9328
03810 ## Lo'D@bar {lo deb-ar'} ; or Low D@bar (2 Samuel 9 : 4 , 5) {lo deb-ar'} ; or Lidbir (Joshua 13 : 26) {lid-beer'} ; [probably rather Lod@bar {lo-deb-ar'} ] ; from 03808 and 01699 ; pastureless ; Lo-Debar , a place in Palestine :-- Debir , Lo-debar . ~~9330
04295 ## mattah {mat'- taw} ; from 05786 with directive enclitic appended ; downward , below or beneath ; often adverbially with or without prefixes :-- beneath , down (- ward) , less , very low , under (- neath) . ~~9816
04355 ## makak {maw-kak'} ; a primitive root ; to tumble (in ruins) ; figuratively , to perish :-- be brought low , decay . ~~9876
04393 ## m@lo'{mel-o'} ; rarely m@low'{mel-o'} ; or m@low (Ezekiel 41 : 8) , {mel-o'} ; from 04390 ; fulness (literally or figuratively) :-- X all along , X all that is (there-) in , fill , (X that whereof . . . was) full , fulness , [hand-] full , multitude . ~~9914
04393 ## m@lo'{mel-o'} ; rarely m@low'{mel-o'} ; or m@low (Ezekiel 41 : 8) , {mel-o'} ; from 04390 ; fulness (literally or figuratively) :-- X all along , X all that is (there-) in , fill , (X that whereof . . . was) full , fulness , [hand-] full , multitude . ~~9914
06030 ## ` anah {aw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to eye or (generally) to heed , i . e . pay attention ; by implication , to respond ; by extens . to begin to speak ; specifically to sing , shout , testify , announce :-- give account , afflict [by mistake for 06031 ] , (cause to , give) answer , bring low [by mistake for 06031 ] , cry , hear , Leannoth , lift up , say , X scholar , (give a) shout , sing (together by course) , speak , testify , utter , (bear) witness . See also 01042 , 01043 . ~~11550
06603 ## pittuwach {pit-too'- akh} ; or pittuach {pit-too'- akh ; passive participle of 06605 ; sculpture (in low or high relief or even intaglio) :-- carved (work) (are , en-) grave (- ing ,-n) . ~~12124
06819 ## tsa` ar {tsaw-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to be small , i . e . (figuratively) ignoble :-- be brought low , little one , be small . ~~12340
07817 ## shachach {shaw-khakh'} ; a primitive root ; to sink or depress (reflexive or causative) :-- bend , bow (down) , bring (cast) down , couch , humble self , be (bring) low , stoop . ~~13338
08213 ## shaphel {shaw-fale'} ; a primitive root ; to depress or sink (expec . figuratively , to humiliate , intransitive or transitive) :-- abase , bring (cast , put) down , debase , humble (self) , be (bring , lay , make , put) low (- er) . ~~13734
08215 ## sh@phal (Aramaic) {shef-al'} ; from 08214 ; low :-- basest . ~~ 13736
08216 ## shephel {shay'- fel} ; from 08213 ; an humble rank :-- low estate (place) . ~~13738
08217 ## shaphal {shaw-fawl'} ; from 08213 ; depressed , literally or figuratively :-- base (- st) , humble , low (- er ,-ly) . ~~13738
08218 ## shiphlah {shif-law'} ; feminine of 08216 ; depression :-- low place . ~~13740
08219 ## sh@phelah {shef-ay-law'} ; from 08213 ; Lowland , i . e . (with the article) the maritime slope of Palestine :-- low country , (low) plain , vale (- ley) . ~~13740
08219 ## sh@phelah {shef-ay-law'} ; from 08213 ; Lowland , i . e . (with the article) the maritime slope of Palestine :-- low country , (low) plain , vale (- ley) . ~~13740
08482 ## tachtiy {takh-tee'} ; from 08478 ; lowermost ; as noun (feminine plural) the depths (figuratively , a pit , the womb) :-- low (parts ,-er ,-er parts ,-est) , nether (part) . ~~14004
03873 ## Lowchesh {lo-khashe'} ; active participle of 03907 ; (the) enchanter ; Lochesh , an Israelite :-- Hallohesh , Haloshesh [includ . the article ] . ~~9394
1642 - elattoo {el-at-to'-o}; from 1640; to lessen (in rank or influence): -- decrease, make lower. 1642
2274 - hettao {hayt-tah'-o}; from the same as 2276; to make worse, i.e. vanquish (literally or figuratively); by implication, to rate lower: -- be inferior, overcome. 2274
2507 - kathaireo {kath-ahee-reh'-o}; from 2596 and 0138 (including its alternate); to lower (or with violence) demolish (literally or figuratively): -- cast (pull, put, take) down, destroy. 2506
2524 - kathiemi {kath-ee'-ay-mee}; from 2596; and hiemi (to send); to lower: -- let down. 2524
2737 - katoteros {kat-o'-ter-os}; comparitive from 2736; inferior (locally, of Hades): -- lower. 2736
4678 - sophia {sof-ee'-ah}; from 4680; wisdom (higher or lower, worldly or spiritual): -- wisdom. 4576
4768 - stugnazo {stoog-nad'-zo}; from the same as 4767; to render gloomy, i.e. (by implication) glower (be overcast with clouds, or sombreness of speech): -- lower, be sad. 4666
5276 - hupolenion {hoop-ol-ay'-nee-on}; neuter of a presumed compound of 5259 and 3025; vessel or receptacle under the press, i.e. lower winevat: -- winefat. 5174
5465 - chalao {khal-ah'-o}; from the base of 5490; to lower (as into a void): -- let down, strike. 5362
5466 - Chaldaios {khal-dah'-yos}; probably of Hebrew or [3778]; a Chaldoean (i.e. Kasdi), or native or the region of the lower Euphrates: -- Chaldaean. 5364
5591 - psuchikos {psoo-khee-kos'}; from 5590; sensitive, i.e. animate (in distinction on the one hand from 4152, which is the higher or renovated nature; and on the other from 5446, which is the lower or bestial nature): -- natural, sensual. 5488
02637 ## chacer {khaw-sare'} ; a primitive root ; to lack ; by implication , to fail , want , lessen :-- be abated , bereave , decrease , (cause to) fail , (have) lack , make lower , want . ~~8158
03342 ## yeqeb {yeh'- keb} ; from an unused root meaning to excavate ; a trough (as dug out) ; specifically , a wine-vat (whether the lower one , into which the juice drains ; or the upper , in which the grapes are crushed) :-- fats , presses , press-fat , wine (- press) . ~~8862
03381 ## yarad {yaw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; to descend (literally , to go downwards ; or conventionally to a lower region , as the shore , a boundary , the enemy , etc . ; or figuratively , to fall) ; causatively , to bring down (in all the above applications) ;-- X abundantly , bring down , carry down , cast down , (cause to) come (- ing) down , fall (down) , get down , go (- ing) down (- ward) , hang down , X indeed , let down , light (down) , put down (off) , (cause to , let) run down , sink , subdue , take down . ~~8902
04644 ## Moph {mofe} ; of Egyptian origin : Moph , the capital of Lower Egypt :-- Memphis . Compare 05297 . ~~10164
04714 ## Mitsrayim {mits-rah'- yim} ; dual of 04693 ; Mitsrajim , i . e . Upper and Lower Egypt :-- Egypt , Egyptians , Mizraim . ~~10234
07785 ## showq {shoke} ; from 07783 ; the (lower) leg (as a runner) :-- hip , leg , shoulder , thigh . ~~13306
08481 ## tachtown {takh-tone'} ; or tachton {takh-tone'} ; from 08478 ; bottommost :-- lower (- est) , nether (- most) . ~~14002
08483 ## Tachtiym Chodshiy {takh-teem'khod-shee'} ; apparently from the plural masculine of 08482 or 08478 and 02320 ; lower (ones) monthly ; Tachtim-Chodshi , a place in Palestine :-- Tahtim-hodshi . ~~14004