04790 ## m@rowach {mer-o-akh'} ; from 04799 ; bruised , i . e . emasculated :-- broken . ~~10310
04791 ## marowm {maw-rome'} ; from 07311 ; altitude , i . e . concretely (an elevated place) , abstractly (elevation , figuratively (elation) , or adverbially (aloft) :-- (far) above , dignity , haughty , height , (most , on) high (one , place) , loftily , upward . ~~10312
04792 ## Merowm {may-rome'} ; formed like 04791 ; height ; Merom , a lake in Palestine :-- Merom . ~~10312
04792 ## Merowm {may-rome'} ; formed like 04791 ; height ; Merom , a lake in Palestine :-- Merom . ~~10312
04793 ## merowts {may-rotes'} ; from 07323 ; a run (the trial of speed) :-- race . ~~10314
04794 ## m@ruwtsah {mer-oo-tsaw'} ; or m@rutsah {mer-oo-tsaw'} ; feminine of 04793 ; a race (the act) , whether the manner or the progress :-- course , running . Compare 04835 . ~~10314
04794 ## m@ruwtsah {mer-oo-tsaw'} ; or m@rutsah {mer-oo-tsaw'} ; feminine of 04793 ; a race (the act) , whether the manner or the progress :-- course , running . Compare 04835 . ~~10314
04835 ## m@rutsah {mer-oo-tsaw'} ; from 07533 ; oppression :-- violence . See also 04794 . ~~10356
04795 ## maruwq {maw-rook'} ; from 04838 ; properly , rubbed ; but used abstractly , a rubbing (with perfumery) :-- purification . ~~10316
04796 ## Marowth {maw-rohth'} ; plural of 04751 feminine ; bitter springs ; Maroth , a place in Palestine :-- Maroth . ~~10316
04797 ## mirzach {meer-zakh'} ; from an unused root meaning to scream ; a cry , i . e . (of job) , a revel :-- banquet . ~~10318
04798 ## marzeach {mar-zay'- akh} ; formed like 04797 ; a cry , i . e . (of grief) a lamentation :-- mourning . ~~10318
04798 ## marzeach {mar-zay'- akh} ; formed like 04797 ; a cry , i . e . (of grief) a lamentation :-- mourning . ~~10318
04790 ## m@rowach {mer-o-akh'} ; from 04799 ; bruised , i . e . emasculated :-- broken . ~~10310
04799 ## marach {maw-rakh'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to soften by rubbing or pressure ; hence (medicinally) to apply as an emollient :-- lay for a plaister . ~~10320
0480 - antikeimai {an-tik'-i-mahee}; from 0473 and 2749; to lie opposite, i.e. be adverse (figuratively, repugnant) to: -- adversary, be contrary, oppose. 480
04800 ## merchab {mer-khawb'} ; from 07337 ; enlargement , either literally (an open space , usually in a good sense) , or figuratively (liberty) :-- breadth , large place (room) . ~~10320
01023 ## Beyth ham-Merchaq {bayth ham-mer-khawk'} ; from 01004 and 04801 with the article interposed ; house of the breadth ; Beth-ham-Merchak , a place in Palestine :-- place that was far off . ~~6544
04801 ## merchaq {mer-khawk'} : from 07368 ; remoteness , i . e . (concretely) a distant place ; often (adverbially) from afar :-- (a-, dwell in , very) far (country , off) . See also 01023 . ~~10322
04802 ## marchesheth {mar-kheh'- sheth} ; from 07370 ; a stew-pan :-- fryingpan . ~~10322
04803 ## marat {maw-rat'} ; a primitive root ; to polish ; by implication , to make bald (the head) , to gall (the shoulder) ; also , to sharpen :-- bright , furbish , (have his) hair (be) fallen off , peeled , pluck off (hair) . ~~10324
04804 ## m@rat (Aramaic) {mer-at'} ; corresponding to 04803 ; to pull off :-- be plucked . ~~10324
04804 ## m@rat (Aramaic) {mer-at'} ; corresponding to 04803 ; to pull off :-- be plucked . ~~10324
04805 ## m@riy {mer-ee'} ; from 04784 ; bitterness , i . e . (figuratively) rebellion ; concretely , bitter , or rebellious :-- bitter , (most) rebel (- lion ,-lious) . ~~10326
04810 ## M@riy Ba` al {mer-ee'bah'- al} ; from 04805 and 01168 ; rebellion of (i . e . against) Baal ; Meri-Baal , an epithet of Gideon :-- Meri-baal . Compare 04807 . ~~10330
04813 ## Miryam {meer-yawm'} ; from 04805 ; rebelliously ; Mirjam , the name of two Israelitesses :-- Miriam . ~~10334
04806 ## m@riy'{mer-ee'} ; from 04754 in the sense of grossness , through the idea of domineering (compare 04756) ; stall-fed ; often (as noun) a beeve :-- fat (fed) beast (cattle ,-ling) . ~~10326
04807 ## M@riyb Ba` al {mer-eeb'bah'- al} ; from 07378 and 01168 ; quarreller of Baal , Merib-Baal , an epithet of Gideon :-- Merib-baal . Compare 04810 . ~~10328
04810 ## M@riy Ba` al {mer-ee'bah'- al} ; from 04805 and 01168 ; rebellion of (i . e . against) Baal ; Meri-Baal , an epithet of Gideon :-- Meri-baal . Compare 04807 . ~~10330
04808 ## m@riybah {mer-ee-baw'} ; from 07378 ; quarrel :-- provocation , strife . ~~10328
04809 ## M@riybah {mer-ee-baw'} ; the same as 04808 ; Meribah , the name of two places in the Desert :-- Meribah . ~~10330
04809 ## M@riybah {mer-ee-baw'} ; the same as 04808 ; Meribah , the name of two places in the Desert :-- Meribah . ~~10330
0481 - antikru {an-tee-kroo'}; prol. from 0473; opposite: -- over against. 480
04807 ## M@riyb Ba` al {mer-eeb'bah'- al} ; from 07378 and 01168 ; quarreller of Baal , Merib-Baal , an epithet of Gideon :-- Merib-baal . Compare 04810 . ~~10328
04810 ## M@riy Ba` al {mer-ee'bah'- al} ; from 04805 and 01168 ; rebellion of (i . e . against) Baal ; Meri-Baal , an epithet of Gideon :-- Meri-baal . Compare 04807 . ~~10330
04811 ## M@rayah {mer-aw-yaw'} ; from 04784 ; rebellion ; Merajah , an Israelite :-- Meraiah . Compare 03236 . ~~10332
04812 ## M@rayowth {mer-aw-yohth'} ; plural of 04811 ; rebellious ; Merajoth , the name of two Israelites :-- Meraioth . ~~10332
04812 ## M@rayowth {mer-aw-yohth'} ; plural of 04811 ; rebellious ; Merajoth , the name of two Israelites :-- Meraioth . ~~10332
04813 ## Miryam {meer-yawm'} ; from 04805 ; rebelliously ; Mirjam , the name of two Israelitesses :-- Miriam . ~~10334
04814 ## m@riyruwth {mer-ee-rooth'} ; from 04843 ; bitterness , i . e . (figuratively) grief :-- bitterness . ~~10334
04815 ## m@riyriy {mer-ee-ree'} ; from 04843 ; bitter , i . e . poisonous :-- bitter . ~~10336
04816 ## morek {mo'- rek} ; perhaps from 07401 ; softness , i . e . (figuratively) fear :-- faintness . ~~10336
04817 ## merkab {mer-kawb'} ; from 07392 ; a chariot ; also a seat (in a vehicle) :-- chariot , covering , saddle . ~~10338
04818 ## merkabah {mer-kaw-baw'} ; feminine of 04817 ; a chariot :-- chariot . See also 01024 . ~~10338
01024 ## Beyth ham-Marka-bowth {bayth ham-mar-kaw-both'} ; or (shortened) Beyth Mar-kabowth {bayth mar-kaw-both'} ; from 01004 and the plural of 04818 (with or without the article interposed) ; place of (the) chariots ; Beth-ham-Markaboth or Beth-Markaboth , a place in Palestine :-- Beth-marcaboth . ~~6544
04818 ## merkabah {mer-kaw-baw'} ; feminine of 04817 ; a chariot :-- chariot . See also 01024 . ~~10338
04819 ## markoleth {mar-ko'- leth} ; from 07402 ; a mart :-- merchandise . ~~10340
0482 - antilambanomai {an-tee-lam-ban'-om-ahee}; from 0473 and the middle voice of 2983; to take hold of in turn, i.e. succor; also to participate: -- help, partaker, support. 482
0484 - antilepsis {an-til'-ape-sis}; from 0482; relief: -- help. 484
4878 - sunantilambanomai {soon-an-tee-lam-ban'-om-ahee}; from 4862 and 0482; to take hold of opposite together, i.e. co-operate (assist): -- help. 4776
04820 ## mirmah {meer-maw'} ; from 07411 in the sense of deceiving ; fraud :-- craft , deceit (- ful ,-fully) , false , feigned , guile , subtilly , treachery . ~~10340
04821 ## Mirmah {meer-maw'} ; the same as 04820 ; Mirmah , an Israelite :-- Mirma . ~~10342
04821 ## Mirmah {meer-maw'} ; the same as 04820 ; Mirmah , an Israelite :-- Mirma . ~~10342
04822 ## M@remowth {mer-ay-mohth'} ; plural from 07311 ; heights ; Meremoth , the name of two Israelites :-- Meremoth . ~~10342
04823 ## mirmac {meer-mawce'} ; from 07429 ; abasement (the act or the thing) :-- tread (down)-ing , (to be) trodden (down) under foot . ~~10344
04824 ## Meronothiy {may-ro-no-thee'} ; patrial from an unused noun ; a Meronothite , or inhabitant of some (otherwise unknown) Meronoth . :-- Meronothite . ~~10344
04825 ## Merec {meh'- res} ; of foreign derivation ; Meres , a Persian :-- Meres . ~~10346
04826 ## Marc@na'{mar-sen-aw'} ; of foreign derivation ; Marsena , a Persian :-- Marsena . ~~10346
04827 ## mera` {may-rah'} ; from 07489 ; used as (abstract) noun , wickedness :-- do mischief . ~~10348
04828 ## merea` {may-ray'- ah} ; from 07462 in the sense of companionship ; a friend :-- companion , friend . ~~10348
04829 ## mir` eh {meer-eh'} ; from 07462 in the sense of feeding ; pasture (the place or the act) ; also the haunt of wild animals :-- feeding place , pasture . ~~10350
0483 - antilego {an-til'-eg-o}; from 0473 and 3004; to dispute, refuse: -- answer again, contradict, deny, gainsay(-er), speak against. 482
0485 - antilogia {an-tee-log-ee'-ah}; from a derivative of 0483; dispute, disobedience: -- contradiction, gainsaying, strife. 484
04830 ## mir` iyth {meer-eeth'} ; from 07462 in the sense of feeding ; pasturage ; concretely , a flock :-- flock , pasture . ~~10350
04831 ## Mar` alah {mar-al-aw'} ; from 07477 ; perhaps , earthquake ; Maralah , a place in Palestine :-- Maralah . ~~10352
04832 ## marpe'{mar-pay'} ; from 07495 ; properly , curative , i . e . literally (concretely) a medicine , or (abstractly) a cure ; figuratively (concretely) deliverance , or (abstractly) placidity :-- ([in-]) cure (- able) , healing (- lth) , remedy , sound , wholesome , yielding . ~~10352
06564 ## paraq {paw-rawk'} ; from 06561 ; soup (as full of crumbed meat) :-- broth . See also 04832 . ~~12084
04833 ## mirpas {meer-paws'} ; from 07515 ; muddled water :-- that which . . . have fouled . ~~10354
04834 ## marats {maw-rats'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to press , i . e . (figuratively) to be pungent or vehement ; to irritate :-- embolden , be forcible , grievous , sore . ~~10354
04794 ## m@ruwtsah {mer-oo-tsaw'} ; or m@rutsah {mer-oo-tsaw'} ; feminine of 04793 ; a race (the act) , whether the manner or the progress :-- course , running . Compare 04835 . ~~10314
04835 ## m@rutsah {mer-oo-tsaw'} ; from 07533 ; oppression :-- violence . See also 04794 . ~~10356
04836 ## martsea` {mar-tsay'- ah} ; from 07527 ; an awl :-- aul . ~~ 10356
04837 ## martsepheth {mar-tseh'- feth} ; from 07528 ; a pavement :-- pavement . ~~10358
04795 ## maruwq {maw-rook'} ; from 04838 ; properly , rubbed ; but used abstractly , a rubbing (with perfumery) :-- purification . ~~10316
04838 ## maraq {maw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to polish ; by implication , to sharpen ; also to rinse :-- bright , furbish , scour . ~~10358
04839 ## maraq {maw-rawk'} ; from 04838 ; soup (as if a rinsing) :-- broth . See also 06564 . ~~10360
08562 ## tamruwq {tam-rook'} ; or tamruq {tam-rook'} ; or tamriyq {tam-reek'} ; from 04838 ; properly , a scouring , i . e . soap or perfumery for the bath ; figuratively , a detergent :-- X cleanse , (thing for) purification (- fying) . ~~14084
04839 ## maraq {maw-rawk'} ; from 04838 ; soup (as if a rinsing) :-- broth . See also 06564 . ~~10360
0484 - antilepsis {an-til'-ape-sis}; from 0482; relief: -- help. 484
04840 ## merqach {mer-kawkh'} ; from 07543 ; a spicy herb :-- X sweet . ~~10360
04841 ## merqachah {mer-kaw-khaw'} ; feminine of 04840 ; abstractly , a seasoning (with spicery) ; concretely , an unguent-kettle (for preparing spiced oil) :-- pot of ointment , X well . ~~10362
04841 ## merqachah {mer-kaw-khaw'} ; feminine of 04840 ; abstractly , a seasoning (with spicery) ; concretely , an unguent-kettle (for preparing spiced oil) :-- pot of ointment , X well . ~~10362