00567 ## 'Emoriy {em-o-ree'} ; probably a patronymic from an unused name derived from 00559 in the sense of publicity , i . e . prominence ; thus , a mountaineer ; an Emorite , one of the Canaanitish tribes :-- Amorite . ~~6088
02033 ## Harowriy {har-o-ree'} ; another form for 02043 ; a Harorite or mountaineer :-- Harorite . ~~7554
02039 ## Haran {haw-rawn'} ; perhaps from 02022 ; mountaineer ; Haran , the name of two men :-- Haran . [wl ~~7560
02043 ## Harariy {hah-raw-ree'} ; or Harariy (2 Sam . 23 : 11) {haw-raw-ree'} ; or Ha'rariy (2 Sam . 23 : 34 , last clause) , {haw-raw-ree'} ; apparently from 02042 ; a mountaineer :-- Hararite . ~~7564
3714 - oreinos {or-i-nos}; from 3735; mountainous, i.e. (feminine by implication of 5561) the Highlands (of Judaea): -- hill country. 3612
02024 ## Hara'{haw-raw'} ; perhaps from 02022 ; mountainousness ; Hara , a region of Media :-- Hara . ~~7544
01237 ## biq` ah {bik-aw'} ; from 01234 ; properly , a split , i . e . a wide level valley between mountains :-- plain , valley . ~~6758
02722 ## Choreb {kho-rabe'} ; from 02717 ; desolate ; Choreb , a (generic) name for the Sinaitic mountains :-- Horeb . ~~8242
04608 ## ma` aleh {mah-al-eh'} ; from 05927 ; an elevation , i . e . (concretely) acclivity or platform ; abstractly (the relation or state) a rise or (figuratively) priority :-- ascent , before , chiefest , cliff , that goeth up , going up , hill , mounting up , stairs . ~~10128
06571 ## parash {paw-rawsh'} ; from 06567 ; a steed (as stretched out to a vehicle , not single nor for mounting [compare 05483 ]) ; also (by implication) a driver (in a chariot) , i . e . (collectively) cavalry :-- horseman . ~~12092
2354 - threneo {thray-neh'-o}; from 2355; to bewail: -- lament, mourn. 2354
2875 - kopto {kop'-to}; a primary verb; to "chop"; specially, to beat the breast in grief: -- cut down, lament, mourn, (be-)wail. Compare the base of 5114. 2874
3996 - pentheo {pen-theh'-o}; from 3997; to grieve (the feeling or the act): -- mourn, (be-)wail. 3894
00056 ## 'abal {aw-bal'} ; a primitive root ; to bewail :-- lament , mourn . ~~5576
00057 ## 'abel {aw-bale'} ; from 00056 ; lamenting :-- mourn (- er ,-ing) . ~~5578
00535 ## 'amal {aw-mal'} ; a primitive root ; to droop ; by implication to be sick , to mourn :-- languish , be weak , wax feeble . ~~6056
00578 ## 'anah {aw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; to groan :-- lament , mourn . ~~6098
00584 ## 'anach {aw-nakh'} ; a primitive root ; to sigh :-- groan , mourn , sigh . ~~6104
00585 ## 'anachah {an-aw-khaw'} ; from 00585 ; sighing :-- groaning , mourn , sigh . ~~6106
00596 ## 'anan {aw-nan'} ; a primitive root ; to mourn , i . e . complain :-- complain . ~~6116
01058 ## bakah {baw-kaw'} ; a primitive root ; to weep ; generally to bemoan :-- X at all , bewail , complain , make lamentation , X more , mourn , X sore , X with tears , weep . ~~6578
01669 ## da'ab {daw-ab'} ; a primitive root ; to pine :-- mourn , sorrow (- ful) . ~~7190
01897 ## hagah {daw-gaw'} ; a primitive root [compare 01901 ] ; to murmur (in pleasure or anger) ; by implication , to ponder :-- imagine , meditate , mourn , mutter , roar , X sore , speak , study , talk , utter . ~~7418
01993 ## hamah {haw-maw'} ; a primitive root [compare 01949 ] ; to make a loud sound like Engl . " hum ") ; by implication , to be in great commotion or tumult , to rage , war , moan , clamor :-- clamorous , concourse , cry aloud , be disquieted , loud , mourn , be moved , make a noise , rage , roar , sound , be troubled , make in tumult , tumultuous , be in an uproar . ~~7514
05098 ## naham {naw-ham'} ; a primitive root ; to growl :-- mourn , roar (- ing) . ~~10618
05110 ## nuwd {nood} ; a primitive root ; to nod , i . e . waver ; figuratively , to wander , flee , disappear ; also (from shaking the head in sympathy) , to console , deplore , or (from tossing the head in scorn) taunt :-- bemoan , flee , get , mourn , make to move , take pity , remove , shake , skip for joy , be sorry , vagabond , way , wandering . ~~10630
05594 ## caphad {saw-fad'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to tear the hair and beat the breasts (as Orientals do in grief) ; generally to lament ; by implication , to wail :-- lament , mourn (- er) , wail . ~~11114
06937 ## qadar {kaw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to be ashy , i . e . dark-colored ; by implication , to mourn (in sackcloth or sordid garments) :-- be black (- ish) , be (make) dark (- en) , X heavily , (cause to) mourn . ~~12458
06937 ## qadar {kaw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to be ashy , i . e . dark-colored ; by implication , to mourn (in sackcloth or sordid garments) :-- be black (- ish) , be (make) dark (- en) , X heavily , (cause to) mourn . ~~12458
07114 ## qatsar {kaw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; to dock off , i . e . curtail (transitive or intransitive , literal or figurative) ; especially to harvest (grass or grain) :-- X at all , cut down , much discouraged , grieve , harvestman , lothe , mourn , reap (- er) , (be , wax) short (- en ,-er) , straiten , trouble , vex . ~~12634
07300 ## ruwd {rood} ; a primitive root ; to tramp about , i . e . ramble (free or disconsolate) :-- have the dominion , be lord , mourn , rule . ~~12820
00205 ## 'aven {aw-ven'} ; from an unused root perhaps meaning properly , to pant (hence , to exert oneself , usually in vain ; to come to naught) ; strictly nothingness ; also trouble . vanity , wickedness ; specifically an idol :-- affliction , evil , false , idol , iniquity , mischief , mourners (- ing) , naught , sorrow , unjust , unrighteous , vain , vanity , wicked (- ness) . Compare 00369 . ~~5726
04553 ## micepd {mis-pade'} ; from 05594 ; a lamentation :-- lamentation , one mourneth , mourning , wailing . ~~10074
4659 - skuthropos {skoo-thro-pos'}; from skuthros (sullen) and a derivative of 3700; angry-visaged, i.e. gloomy or affecting a mournful appearance: -- of a sad countenance. 4556
00179 ## 'owbiyl {o-beel'} ; probably from 00056 ; mournful ; Obil , an Ishmaelite :-- Obil . ~~5700
06941 ## q@doranniyth {ked-o-ran-neeth'} ; adverb from 06937 ; blackish ones (i . e . in sackcloth) ; used adverbially , in mourning weeds :-- mournfully . ~~12462
2870 - kopetos {kop-et-os'}; from 2875; mourning (properly, by beating the breast): -- lamentation. 2868
3602 - odurmos {od-oor-mos'}; from a derivative of the base of 1416; moaning, i.e. lamentation: -- mourning. 3500
3997 - penthos {pen'-thos}; strengthened from the alternate of 3958; grief: -- mourning, sorrow. 3894
00060 ## 'ebel {ay'- bel} ; from 00056 ; lamentation :-- mourning . ~~ 5580
01068 ## b@kiyth {bek-eeth'} ; from 01058 ; a weeping :-- mourning . ~~ 6588
01899 ## hegeh {heh'- geh} ; from 01897 ; a muttering (in sighing , thought , or as thunder) :-- mourning , sound , tale . ~~7420
03882 ## livyathan {liv-yaw-thawn'} ; from 03867 ; a wreathed animal , i . e . a serpent (especially the crocodile or some other large sea-monster) ; figuratively , the constellation of the dragon ; also as a symbol of Bab . :-- leviathan , mourning . ~~9402
04553 ## micepd {mis-pade'} ; from 05594 ; a lamentation :-- lamentation , one mourneth , mourning , wailing . ~~10074
04798 ## marzeach {mar-zay'- akh} ; formed like 04797 ; a cry , i . e . (of grief) a lamentation :-- mourning . ~~10318
05969 ## ` ulpeh {ool-peh'} ; from 05968 ; an envelope , i . e . (figuratively) mourning :-- fainted . ~~11490
06941 ## q@doranniyth {ked-o-ran-neeth'} ; adverb from 06937 ; blackish ones (i . e . in sackcloth) ; used adverbially , in mourning weeds :-- mournfully . ~~12462
06969 ## quwn {koon} ; a primitive root ; to strike a musical note , i . e . chant or wail (at a funeral) :-- lament , mourning woman . ~~12490
08242 ## saq {sak} ; from 08264 ; properly , a mesh (as allowing a liquid to run through) , i . e . coarse loose cloth or sacking (used in mourning and for bagging) ; hence , a bag (for grain , etc .) :-- sack (- cloth ,-clothes) . ~~13764
08386 ## ta'aniyah {tah-an-ee-yaw'} ; from 00578 ; lamentation :-- heaviness , mourning . ~~13908
0989 - blasphemos {blas'-fay-mos}; from a derivative of 0984 and 5345; scurrilious, i.e. calumnious (against men), or (specially) impious (against God): -- blasphemer(-mous), railing. 988
3451 - mousikos {moo-sik-os'}; from Mousa (a Muse); "musical", i.e. (as noun) a minstrel: -- musician. 3350
05909 ## ` akbar {ak-bawr'} ; probably from the same as 05908 in the secondary sense of attacking ; a mouse (as nibbling) :-- mouse . ~~11430
05909 ## ` akbar {ak-bawr'} ; probably from the same as 05908 in the secondary sense of attacking ; a mouse (as nibbling) :-- mouse . ~~11430
3475 - Moseus {moce-yoos'}; or Moses {mo-sace'}; or Mouses {mo-oo-sace'}; of Hebrew origin; [4872]; Moseus, Moses, or Mouses (i.e. Mosheh), the Hebrew lawgiver: -- Moses. 3374
3475 - Moseus {moce-yoos'}; or Moses {mo-sace'}; or Mouses {mo-oo-sace'}; of Hebrew origin; [4872]; Moseus, Moses, or Mouses (i.e. Mosheh), the Hebrew lawgiver: -- Moses. 3374
3451 - mousikos {moo-sik-os'}; from Mousa (a Muse); "musical", i.e. (as noun) a minstrel: -- musician. 3350
0987 - blasphemeo {blas-fay-meh'-o}; from 0989; to vilify; specially, to speak impiously: -- (speak) blaspheme(-er, -mously, -my), defame, rail on, revile, speak evil. 986
0875 - aphrizo {af-rid'-zo}; from 0876; to froth at the mouth (in epilepsy): -- foam. 874
1993 - epistomizo {ep-ee-stom-id'-zo}; from 1909 and 4750; to put something over the mouth, i.e. (figuratively) to silence: -- stop mouths. 1992
3056 - logos {log'-os}; from 3004; something said (including the thought); by implication a topic (subject of discourse), also reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive; by extension, a computation; specifically (with the article in John) the Divine Expression (i.e. Christ): -- account, cause, communication, X concerning, doctrine, fame, X have to do, intent, matter, mouth, preaching, question, reason, + reckon, remove, say(-ing), shew, X speaker, speech, talk, thing, + none of these things move me, tidings, treatise, utterance, word, work. 3054
3466 - musterion {moos-tay'-ree-on}; from a derivative of muo (to shut the mouth); a secret or "mystery" (through the idea of silence imposed by initiation into religious rites): -- mystery. 3364
4750 - stoma {stom'-a}; probably strengthened from a presumed derivative of the base of 5114; the mouth (as if a gash in the face); by implication, language (and its relations); figuratively, an opening (in the earth); specifically, the front or edge (of a weapon): -- edge, face, mouth. 4648
4750 - stoma {stom'-a}; probably strengthened from a presumed derivative of the base of 5114; the mouth (as if a gash in the face); by implication, language (and its relations); figuratively, an opening (in the earth); specifically, the front or edge (of a weapon): -- edge, face, mouth. 4648
00481 ## 'alam {aw-lam'} ; a primitive root ; to tie fast ; hence (of the mouth) to be tongue-tied :-- bind , be dumb , put to silence . ~~6002
01627 ## garown {gaw-rone'} ; or (shortened) garon {gaw-rone'} ; from 01641 ; the throat [compare 01621 ] (as roughened by swallowing) :-- X aloud , mouth , neck , throat . ~~7148
02194 ## za` am {zaw-am'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to foam at the mouth , i . e . to be enraged :-- abhor , abominable , (be) angry , defy , (have) indignation . ~~7714
02195 ## za` am {zah'- am} ; from 02194 ; strictly froth at the mouth , i . e . (figuratively) fury (especially of God's displeasure with sin) :-- angry , indignation , rage . ~~7716
02441 ## chek {khake} ; probably from 02596 in the sense of tasting ; properly , the palate or inside of the mouth ; hence , the mouth itself (as the organ of speech , taste and kissing) :-- (roof of the) mouth , taste . ~~7962
02441 ## chek {khake} ; probably from 02596 in the sense of tasting ; properly , the palate or inside of the mouth ; hence , the mouth itself (as the organ of speech , taste and kissing) :-- (roof of the) mouth , taste . ~~7962
02441 ## chek {khake} ; probably from 02596 in the sense of tasting ; properly , the palate or inside of the mouth ; hence , the mouth itself (as the organ of speech , taste and kissing) :-- (roof of the) mouth , taste . ~~7962
05046 ## nagad {naw-gad'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to front , i . e . stand boldly out opposite ; by implication (causatively) , to manifest ; figuratively , to announce (always by word of mouth to one present) ; specifically , to expose , predict , explain , praise :-- bewray , X certainly , certify , declare (- ing) , denounce , expound , X fully , messenger , plainly , profess , rehearse , report , shew (forth) , speak , X surely , tell , utter . ~~10566
05716 ## ` adiy {ad-ee'} ; from 05710 in the sense of trappings ; finery ; generally an outfit ; specifically , a headstall :-- X excellent , mouth , ornament . ~~11236
06285 ## pe'ah {pay-aw'} ; feminine of 06311 ; properly , mouth in a figurative sense , i . e . direction , region , extremity :-- corner , end , quarter , side . ~~11806
06310 ## peh {peh} ; from 06284 ; the mouth (as the means of blowing) , whether literal or figurative (particularly speech) ; specifically edge , portion or side ; adverbially (with preposition) according to :-- accord (- ing as ,-ing to) , after , appointment , assent , collar , command (- ment) , X eat , edge , end , entry , + file , hole , X in , mind , mouth , part , portion , X (should) say (- ing) , sentence , skirt , sound , speech , X spoken , talk , tenor , X to , + two-edged , wish , word . ~~11830
06310 ## peh {peh} ; from 06284 ; the mouth (as the means of blowing) , whether literal or figurative (particularly speech) ; specifically edge , portion or side ; adverbially (with preposition) according to :-- accord (- ing as ,-ing to) , after , appointment , assent , collar , command (- ment) , X eat , edge , end , entry , + file , hole , X in , mind , mouth , part , portion , X (should) say (- ing) , sentence , skirt , sound , speech , X spoken , talk , tenor , X to , + two-edged , wish , word . ~~11830
06367 ## Pi ha-Chiyroth {pee hah-khee-roth'} ; from 06310 and the feminine plural of a noun (from the same root as 02356) , with the article interpolated ; mouth of the gorges ; Pi-ha-Chiroth , a place in Egypt :-- Pi-hahiroth . [In Numbers 14 : 19 without Pi-. ] ~~11888
06369 ## Piykol {pee-kole'} ; apparently from 06310 and 03605 ; mouth of all ; Picol , a Philistine :-- Phichol . ~~11890
06372 ## Piyn@chac {pee-nekh-aws'} ; apparently from 06310 and a variation of 05175 ; mouth of a serpent ; Pinechas , the name of three Israelites :-- Phinehas . ~~11892
06433 ## pum (Aramaic) {poom} ; probably for 06310 ; the mouth (literally or figuratively) :-- mouth . ~~11954
06433 ## pum (Aramaic) {poom} ; probably for 06310 ; the mouth (literally or figuratively) :-- mouth . ~~11954
06440 ## paniym {paw-neem'} ; plural (but always as singular) of an unused noun [paneh {paw-neh'} ; from 06437 ] ; the face (as the part that turns) ; used in a great variety of applications (literally and figuratively) ; also (with prepositional prefix) as a preposition (before , etc .) :-- + accept , a-(be-) fore (- time) , against , anger , X as (long as) , at , + battle , + because (of) , + beseech , countenance , edge , + employ , endure , + enquire , face , favour , fear of , for , forefront (- part) , form (- er time ,-ward) , from , front , heaviness , X him (- self) , + honourable , + impudent , + in , it , look [-eth ] (- s) , X me , + meet , X more than , mouth , of , off , (of) old (time) , X on , open , + out of , over against , the partial , person , + please , presence , propect , was purposed , by reason of , + regard , right forth , + serve , X shewbread , sight , state , straight , + street , X thee , X them (- selves) , through (+-out) , till , time (- s) past , (un-) to (- ward) , + upon , upside (+ down) , with (- in , +-stand) , X ye , X you . ~~11960
06475 ## patsah {paw-tsaw'} ; a primitive root ; to rend , i . e . open (especially the mouth) :-- deliver , gape , open , rid , utter . ~~11996
06684 ## tsuwm {tsoom} ; a primitive root ; to cover over (the mouth) , i . e . to fast :-- X at all , fast . ~~12204
06861 ## tsiqlon {tsik-lone'} ; from an unused root meaning to wind ; a sack (as tied at the mouth) :-- husk . ~~12382
08651 ## t@ra` (Aramaic) {ter-ah'} ; corresponding to 08179 ; a door ; by implication , a palace :-- gate mouth . ~~14172