3535 - Nineui {nin-yoo-ee'}; of Hebrew origin [5210]; Ninevi (i.e. Nineveh), the capital of Assyria: -- Nineve. 3434
3536 - Nineuites {nin-yoo-ee'-tace}; from 3535; a Ninevite, i.e. inhabitant of Nineveh: -- of Nineve, Ninevite. 3434
3535 - Nineui {nin-yoo-ee'}; of Hebrew origin [5210]; Ninevi (i.e. Nineveh), the capital of Assyria: -- Nineve. 3434
3536 - Nineuites {nin-yoo-ee'-tace}; from 3535; a Ninevite, i.e. inhabitant of Nineveh: -- of Nineve, Ninevite. 3434
05210 ## Niyn@veh {nee-nev-ay'} ; of foreign origin ; Nineveh , the capital of Assyria :-- Nineveh . ~~10730
05210 ## Niyn@veh {nee-nev-ay'} ; of foreign origin ; Nineveh , the capital of Assyria :-- Nineveh . ~~10730
3535 - Nineui {nin-yoo-ee'}; of Hebrew origin [5210]; Ninevi (i.e. Nineveh), the capital of Assyria: -- Nineve. 3434
3536 - Nineuites {nin-yoo-ee'-tace}; from 3535; a Ninevite, i.e. inhabitant of Nineveh: -- of Nineve, Ninevite. 3434
3536 - Nineuites {nin-yoo-ee'-tace}; from 3535; a Ninevite, i.e. inhabitant of Nineveh: -- of Nineve, Ninevite. 3434
0756 - archomai {ar'-khom-ahee}; middle voice of 0757 (through the implication of precedence); to commence (in order of time): -- (rehearse from the) begin(-ning). 756
00216 ## 'owr {ore} ; from 00215 ; illumination or (concrete) luminary (in every sense , including lightning , happiness , etc .) :-- bright , clear , + day , light (- ning) , morning , sun . ~~5736
03944 ## latsown {law-tsone'} ; from 03887 ; derision :-- scornful (- ning) . ~~9464
08462 ## t@chillah {tekh-il-law'} ; from 02490 in the sense of opening ; a commencement ; rel . original (adverb ,-ly) :-- begin (- ning) , first (time) . ~~13984
06444 ## P@ninnah {pen-in-naw'} ; probably feminine from 06443 contr . ; Peninnah , an Israelitess :-- Peninnah . ~~11964
1766 - ennatos {en'-nat-os}; ord. from 1767; ninth: -- ninth. 1766
1766 - ennatos {en'-nat-os}; ord. from 1767; ninth: -- ninth. 1766
08671 ## t@shiy` iy {tesh-ee-ee'} ; ord . from 08672 ; ninth :-- ninth . ~~14192
08671 ## t@shiy` iy {tesh-ee-ee'} ; ord . from 08672 ; ninth :-- ninth . ~~14192
08672 ## tesha` {tay'- shah} ; or (masculine) tish` ah {tish-aw'} ; perhaps from 08159 through the idea of a turn to the next or full number ten ; nine or (ord .) ninth :-- nine (+-teen , +-teenth ,-th) . ~~14194
3537 - nipter {nip-tare'}; from 3538; a ewer: -- bason. 3436
3538 - nipto {nip'-to}; to cleanse (especially the hands or the feet or the face); ceremonially, to perform ablution: -- wash. Compare 3068. 3436
05313 ## niphqa'(Aramaic) {nif-kaw'} ; from 05312 ; an outgo , i . e . expense :-- expense . ~~10834
2337 - thelazo {thay-lad'-zo}; from thele (the nipple); to suckle, (by implication) to suck: -- (give) suck(-ling). 2336
3537 - nipter {nip-tare'}; from 3538; a ewer: -- bason. 3436
3538 - nipto {nip'-to}; to cleanse (especially the hands or the feet or the face); ceremonially, to perform ablution: -- wash. Compare 3068. 3436
03242 ## y@niqah {yen-ee-kaw'} ; from 03243 ; a sucker or sapling :-- young twig . ~~8762
05364 ## niqpah {nik-paw'} ; from 05362 ; probably a rope (as encircling) :-- rent . ~~10884
05356 ## niqqayown {nik-kaw-yone'} ; or niqqayon {nik-kaw-yone'} ; from 05352 ; clearness (literally or figuratively) :-- cleanness , innocency . ~~10876
05356 ## niqqayown {nik-kaw-yone'} ; or niqqayon {nik-kaw-yone'} ; from 05352 ; clearness (literally or figuratively) :-- cleanness , innocency . ~~10876
05350 ## niqqud {nik-kood'} ; from the same as 05348 ; a crumb (as broken to spots) ; also a biscuit (as pricked) :-- cracknel , mouldy . ~~10870
05215 ## niyr {neer} ; or nir {neer} ; from 05214 ; properly , plowing , i . e . (concretely) freshly plowed land :-- fallow ground , plowing , tillage . ~~10736
05216 ## niyr {neer} or nir {neer} ; also neyr {nare} ; or ner {nare} ; or (feminine) nerah {nay-raw'} ; from a primitive root [see 05214 ; 05135 ] properly , meaning to glisten ; a lamp (i . e . the burner) or light (literally or figuratively) :-- candle , lamp , light . ~~10736
05372 ## nirgan {neer-gawn'} ; from an unused root meaning to roll to pieces ; a slanderer :-- talebearer , whisperer . ~~10892
0049 - hagnismos {hag-nis-mos'}; from 0048; a cleansing (the act), i.e. (ceremonially) lustration: -- purification. 48
1674 - Hellenis {hel-lay-nis'}; feminine of 1672; a Grecian (i.e. non-Jewish) woman: -- Greek. 1674
1675 - Hellenistes {hel-lay-nis-tace'}; from a derivative of 1672; a Hellenist or Greek-speaking Jew: -- Grecian. 1674
1676 - Hellenisti {hel-lay-nis-tee'}; adverb from the same as 1675; Hellenistically, i.e. in the Grecian language: -- Greek. 1676
3733 - ornis {or'-nis}; probably from a prolonged form of the base of 3735; a bird (as rising in the air), i.e. (specifically) a hen (or female domestic fowl): -- hen. 3632
4949 - Surophoinissa {soo-rof-oy'-nis-sah}; feminine of a compound of 4948 and the same as 5403; a Syro-phoenician woman, i.e. a female native of Phoenicia in Syria: -- Syrophenician. 4846
03071 ## Y@hovah nicciy {yeh-ho-vaw'nis-see'} ; from 03068 and 05251 with the prononimal suffix ; Jehovah (is) my banner ; Jehovah-Nissi , a symbolical name of an altar in the Desert :-- Jehovah-nissi . ~~8592
05268 ## Nicrok {nis-roke'} ; of foreign origin ; Nisrok , a Babylonian idol :-- Nisroch . ~~10788
05379 ## nisse'th {nis-sayth'} ; passive participle feminine of 05375 ; something taken , i . e . a present :-- gift . ~~10900
00024 ## 'abiyb {aw-beeb'} ; from an unused root (meaning to be tender) ; green , i . e . a young ear of grain ; hence , the name of the month Abib or Nisan :-- Abib , ear , green ears of corn (not maize) . ~~5544
05212 ## Niycan {nee-sawn'} ; probably of foreign origin ; Nisan , the first month of the Jewish sacred year :-- Nisan . ~~10732
05212 ## Niycan {nee-sawn'} ; probably of foreign origin ; Nisan , the first month of the Jewish sacred year :-- Nisan . ~~10732
05393 ## nishkah {nish-kaw'} ; for 03957 ; a cell :-- chamber . ~~ 10914
05396 ## nishma'(Aramaic) {nish-maw'} ; corresponding to 05397 ; vital breath :-- breath . ~~10916
05406 ## nisht@van {nish-tev-awn'} ; probably of Persian origin ; an epistle :-- letter . ~~10926
05407 ## nisht@van (Aramaic) {nish-tev-awn'} ; corresponding to 05406 :-- letter . ~~10928
05393 ## nishkah {nish-kaw'} ; for 03957 ; a cell :-- chamber . ~~ 10914
05396 ## nishma'(Aramaic) {nish-maw'} ; corresponding to 05397 ; vital breath :-- breath . ~~10916
05406 ## nisht@van {nish-tev-awn'} ; probably of Persian origin ; an epistle :-- letter . ~~10926
05407 ## nisht@van (Aramaic) {nish-tev-awn'} ; corresponding to 05406 :-- letter . ~~10928
05268 ## Nicrok {nis-roke'} ; of foreign origin ; Nisrok , a Babylonian idol :-- Nisroch . ~~10788
05268 ## Nicrok {nis-roke'} ; of foreign origin ; Nisrok , a Babylonian idol :-- Nisroch . ~~10788
05379 ## nisse'th {nis-sayth'} ; passive participle feminine of 05375 ; something taken , i . e . a present :-- gift . ~~10900
03071 ## Y@hovah nicciy {yeh-ho-vaw'nis-see'} ; from 03068 and 05251 with the prononimal suffix ; Jehovah (is) my banner ; Jehovah-Nissi , a symbolical name of an altar in the Desert :-- Jehovah-nissi . ~~8592
03071 ## Y@hovah nicciy {yeh-ho-vaw'nis-see'} ; from 03068 and 05251 with the prononimal suffix ; Jehovah (is) my banner ; Jehovah-Nissi , a symbolical name of an altar in the Desert :-- Jehovah-nissi . ~~8592
05427 ## nether {neh'- ther} ; from 05425 ; mineral potash (so called from effervescing with acid) :-- nitre . ~~10948
05325 ## nitstsab {nits-twawb'} ; passive participle of 05324 ; fixed , i . e . a handle :-- haft . ~~10846
05326 ## nitsbah (Aramaic) {nits-baw'} ; from a root corresponding to 05324 ; fixedness , i . e . firmness :-- strength . ~~10846
05328 ## nitstsah {nits-tsaw'} ; feminine of 05322 ; a blossom ;-- flower . ~~10848
05339 ## nitstsan {nits-tsawn'} ; from 05322 ; a blossom :-- flower . ~~ 10860
05326 ## nitsbah (Aramaic) {nits-baw'} ; from a root corresponding to 05324 ; fixedness , i . e . firmness :-- strength . ~~10846
05325 ## nitstsab {nits-twawb'} ; passive participle of 05324 ; fixed , i . e . a handle :-- haft . ~~10846
05328 ## nitstsah {nits-tsaw'} ; feminine of 05322 ; a blossom ;-- flower . ~~10848
05339 ## nitstsan {nits-tsawn'} ; from 05322 ; a blossom :-- flower . ~~ 10860
5404 - phoinix {foy'-nix}; of uncertain derivation; a palm-tree: -- palm (tree). 5302
5405 - Phoinix {foy'-nix}; probably the same as 5404; Phoenix, a place in Crete: -- Phenice. 5302
5518 - choinix {khoy'-nix}; of uncertain derivation; a choenix or certain dry measure: -- measure. 5416
01145 ## Ben-y@miyniy {ben-yem-ee-nee'} ; sometimes (with the article inserted) Ben-ha-y@miniy {ben-hah-yem-ee-nee'} ; with 00376 inserted (1 Sam . 9 : 1) Ben-'iysh Y@miyniy {ben-eesh'yem-ee-nee'} ; son of a man of Jemini ; or shortened (1 Sam . 9 : 4 ; Esth . 2 : 5)'Iysh Y@miyniy {eesh yem-ee-nee'} ; a man of Jemini , or (1 Sam . 20 : 1) simply Y@miniy {yem-ee-nee'} ; a Jeminite ; (plural B@niy Y@miyniy {ben-ay'yem-ee-nee'} ; patron from 01144 ; a Benjaminite , or descendent of Benjamin :-- Benjamite , of Benjamin . ~~6666
04507 ## M@niy {men-ee'} ; from 04487 ; the Apportioner , i . e . Fate (as an idol) :-- number . ~~10028
05204 ## niy {nee} ; a doubtful word ; apparently from 05091 ; lamentation :-- wailing . ~~10724
06439 ## P@nuw'el {pen-oo-ale'} ; or (more properly ,) P@niy'el {pen-oo-ale'} ; from 06437 and 00410 ; face of God ; Penuel or Peniel , a place East of Jordan ; also (as Penuel) the name of two Israelites :-- Peniel , Penuel . ~~11960
08488 ## Teym@niy {tay-men-ee'} ; probably for 08489 ; Temeni , an Israelite :-- Temeni . ~~14010
05211 ## niyc {neece} ; from 05127 ; fugitive :-- that fleeth . ~~ 10732
05212 ## Niycan {nee-sawn'} ; probably of foreign origin ; Nisan , the first month of the Jewish sacred year :-- Nisan . ~~10732
05207 ## nichowach {nee-kho'- akh} ; or niychoach {nee-kho'- akh} ; from 05117 ; properly , restful , i . e . pleasant ; abstractly , delight :-- sweet (odour) . ~~10728
05208 ## niychowach (Aramaic) {nee-kho'- akh} ; or (shorter) niychoach (Aramaic) {nee-kho'- akh} ; corresponding to 05207 ; pleasure :-- sweet odour (savour) . ~~10728
05208 ## niychowach (Aramaic) {nee-kho'- akh} ; or (shorter) niychoach (Aramaic) {nee-kho'- akh} ; corresponding to 05207 ; pleasure :-- sweet odour (savour) . ~~10728
05205 ## niyd {need} ; from 05110 ; motion (of the lips in speech) :-- moving . ~~10726
05206 ## niydah {nee-daw'} ; feminine of 05205 ; removal , i . e . exile :-- removed . ~~10726
06441 ## p@niymah {pen-ee'- maw} ; from 06440 with directive enclitic ; faceward , i . e . indoors :-- (with-) in (- ner part ,-ward) . ~~11962
06442 ## p@niymiy {pen-ee-mee'} ; from 06440 ; interior :-- (with-) in (- ner ,-ward) . ~~11962
05209 ## niyn {neen} ; from 05125 ; progeny :-- son . ~~ 10730
05210 ## Niyn@veh {nee-nev-ay'} ; of foreign origin ; Nineveh , the capital of Assyria :-- Nineveh . ~~10730