05294 ## Ne` aryah {neh-ar-yaw'} ; from 05288 and 03050 ; servant of Jah ; Nearjah , the name of two Israelites :-- Neariah . ~~10814
05295 ## Na` aran {nah-ar-awn'} ; from 05288 ; juvenile ; Naaran , a place in Palestine :-- Naaran . ~~10816
05296 ## n@` oreth {neh-o'- reth} ; from 05287 ; something shaken out , i . e . tow (as the refuse of flax) :-- tow . ~~10816
04644 ## Moph {mofe} ; of Egyptian origin : Moph , the capital of Lower Egypt :-- Memphis . Compare 05297 . ~~10164
05131 ## nowph {nofe} ; from 05130 ; elevation :-- situation . Compare 05297 . ~~10652
05297 ## Noph {nofe} ; a variation of 04644 ; Noph , the capital of Upper Egypt :-- Noph . ~~10818
05298 ## Nepheg {neh'- feg} ; from an unused root probably meaning to spring forth ; a sprout ; Nepheg , the name of two Israelites :-- Nepheg . ~~10818
05299 ## naphah {naw-faw'} ; from 05130 in the sense of lifting ; a height ; also a sieve :-- border , coast , region , sieve . ~~10820
05316 ## nepheth {neh'- feth} ; for 05299 ; a height :-- country . ~~ 10836
0530 - hapax {hap'-ax}; probably from 0537; one (or a single) time (numerically or conclusively): -- once. 530
2178 - ephapax {ef-ap'-ax}; from 1909 and 0530; upon one occasion (only): -- (at) once (for all). 2178
05300 ## N@phuwsh@ciym {nef-oo-shes-eem'} ; for 05304 ; Nephushesim , a Temple-servant :-- Nephisesim [from the margin ] . ~~10820
04646 ## mappach {map-pawkh'} ; from 05301 ; a breathing out (of life) , i . e . expiring :-- giving up . ~~10166
04647 ## mappuach {map-poo'- akh} ; from 05301 ; the bellows (i . e . blower) of a forge :-- bellows . ~~10168
05301 ## naphach {naw-fakh'} ; a primitive root ; to puff , in various applications (literally , to inflate , blow hard , scatter , kindle , expire ; figuratively , to disesteem) :-- blow , breath , give up , cause to lose [life ] , seething , snuff . ~~10822
05302 ## Nophach {no'- fakh} ; from 05301 ; a gust ; Nophach , a place in Moab :-- Nophah . ~~10822
08598 ## tappuwach {tap-poo'- akh} ; from 05301 ; an apple (from its fragrance) , i . e . the fruit or the tree (probably includ . others of the pome order , as the quince , the orange , etc .) :-- apple (tree) . See also 01054 . ~~14120
05302 ## Nophach {no'- fakh} ; from 05301 ; a gust ; Nophach , a place in Moab :-- Nophah . ~~10822
05303 ## n@phiyl {nef-eel'} ; or n@phil {nef-eel'} ; from 05307 ; properly , a feller , i . e . a bully or tyrant :-- giant . ~~10824
05300 ## N@phuwsh@ciym {nef-oo-shes-eem'} ; for 05304 ; Nephushesim , a Temple-servant :-- Nephisesim [from the margin ] . ~~10820
05304 ## N@phiyciym {nef-ee-seem'} ; plural from an unused root meaning to scatter ; expansions ; Nephisim , a Temple-servant :-- Nephusim [from the margin ] . ~~10824
05305 ## Naphiysh {naw-feesh'} ; from 05314 ; refreshed ; Naphish , a son of Ishmael , and his posterity :-- Naphish . ~~10826
05306 ## nophek {no'- fek} ; from an unused root meaning to glisten ; shining ; a gem , probably the garnet :-- emerald . ~~10826
04651 ## mappal {map-pawl'} ; from 05307 ; a falling off , i . e . chaff ; also something pendulous , i . e . a flap :-- flake , refuse . ~~10172
04654 ## mappalah {map-paw-law'} ; or mappelah {map-pay-law'} ; from 05307 ; something fallen , i . e . a ruin :-- ruin (- ous) . ~~10174
04658 ## mappeleth {map-peh'- leth} ; from 05307 ; fall , i . e . decadence ; concretely , a ruin ; specifically a carcase :-- carcase , fall , ruin . ~~10178
05303 ## n@phiyl {nef-eel'} ; or n@phil {nef-eel'} ; from 05307 ; properly , a feller , i . e . a bully or tyrant :-- giant . ~~10824
05307 ## naphal {naw-fal'} ; a primitive root ; to fall , in a great variety of applications (intransitive or causative , literal or figurative) :-- be accepted , cast (down , self , [lots ] , out) , cease , die , divide (by lot) , (let) fail , (cause to , let , make , ready to) fall (away , down ,-en ,-ing) , fell (- ing) , fugitive , have [inheritance ] , inferior , be judged [by mistake for 06419 ] , lay (along) , (cause to) lie down , light (down) , be (X hast) lost , lying , overthrow , overwhelm , perish , present (- ed ,-ing) , (make to) rot , slay , smite out , X surely , throw down . ~~10828
05308 ## n@phal (Aramaic) {nef-al'} ; corresponding to 05307 :-- fall (down) , have occasion . ~~10828
05309 ## nephel {neh'- fel} ; or nephel {nay'- fel} ; from 05307 ; something fallen , i . e . an abortion :-- untimely birth . ~~10830
05308 ## n@phal (Aramaic) {nef-al'} ; corresponding to 05307 :-- fall (down) , have occasion . ~~10828
05309 ## nephel {neh'- fel} ; or nephel {nay'- fel} ; from 05307 ; something fallen , i . e . an abortion :-- untimely birth . ~~10830
0301 - Amos {am-oce'}; of Hebrew origin [0531]; Amos, an Israelite: -- Amos. 300
0531 - aparabatos {ap-ar-ab'-at-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3845; not passing away, i.e. untransferable (perpetual): -- unchangeable. 530
04660 ## mappats {map-pawts'} ; from 05310 ; a smiting to pieces :-- slaughter . ~~10180
04661 ## mappets {map-pates'} ; from 05310 ; a smiter , i . e . a war club :-- battle ax . ~~10182
05310 ## naphats {naw-fats'} ; a primitive root ; to dash to pieces , or scatter :-- be beaten in sunder , break (in pieces) , broken , dash (in pieces) , cause to be discharged , dispersed , be overspread , scatter . ~~10830
05311 ## nephets {neh'- fets} ; from 05310 ; a storm (as dispersing) :-- scattering . ~~10832
05311 ## nephets {neh'- fets} ; from 05310 ; a storm (as dispersing) :-- scattering . ~~10832
05312 ## n@phaq (Aramaic) {nef-ak'} ; a primitive root ; to issue ; causatively , to bring out :-- come (go , take) forth (out) . ~~10832
05313 ## niphqa'(Aramaic) {nif-kaw'} ; from 05312 ; an outgo , i . e . expense :-- expense . ~~10834
06329 ## puwq {pook} ; a primitive root [identical with 06328 through the idea of dropping out ; compare 05312 ] ; to issue , i . e . furnish ; causatively , to secure ; figuratively , to succeed :-- afford , draw out , further , get , obtain . ~~11850
05313 ## niphqa'(Aramaic) {nif-kaw'} ; from 05312 ; an outgo , i . e . expense :-- expense . ~~10834
05305 ## Naphiysh {naw-feesh'} ; from 05314 ; refreshed ; Naphish , a son of Ishmael , and his posterity :-- Naphish . ~~10826
05314 ## naphash {naw-fash'} ; a primitive root ; to breathe ; passively , to be breathed upon , i . e . (figuratively) refreshed (as if by a current of air) :-- (be) refresh selves (- ed) . ~~10834
05315 ## nephesh {neh'- fesh} ; from 05314 ; properly , a breathing creature , i . e . animal of (abstractly) vitality ; used very widely in a literal , accommodated or figurative sense (bodily or mental) :-- any , appetite , beast , body , breath , creature , X dead (- ly) , desire , X [dis-] contented , X fish , ghost , + greedy , he , heart (- y) , (hath , X jeopardy of) life (X in jeopardy) , lust , man , me , mind , mortally , one , own , person , pleasure , (her-, him-, my-, thy-) self , them (your)-selves , + slay , soul , + tablet , they , thing , (X she) will , X would have it . ~~10836
05315 ## nephesh {neh'- fesh} ; from 05314 ; properly , a breathing creature , i . e . animal of (abstractly) vitality ; used very widely in a literal , accommodated or figurative sense (bodily or mental) :-- any , appetite , beast , body , breath , creature , X dead (- ly) , desire , X [dis-] contented , X fish , ghost , + greedy , he , heart (- y) , (hath , X jeopardy of) life (X in jeopardy) , lust , man , me , mind , mortally , one , own , person , pleasure , (her-, him-, my-, thy-) self , them (your)-selves , + slay , soul , + tablet , they , thing , (X she) will , X would have it . ~~10836
05316 ## nepheth {neh'- feth} ; for 05299 ; a height :-- country . ~~ 10836
05317 ## nopheth {no'- feth} ; from 05130 in the sense of shaking to pieces ; a dripping i . e . of honey (from the comb) :-- honeycomb . ~~10838
05318 ## Nephtowach {nef-to'- akh} ; from 06605 ; opened , i . e . a spring ; Nephtoach , a place in Palestine :-- Neptoah . ~~10838
05319 ## naphtuwl {naf-tool'} ; from 06617 ; properly , wrestled ; but ued (in the plural) transitively , a struggle :-- wrestling . ~~10840
0532 - aparaskeuastos {ap-ar-ask-yoo'-as-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3903; unready: -- unprepared. 532
05320 ## Naphtuchiym {naf-too-kheem} ; plural of foreign origin , Naphtuchim , an Egyptian tribe :-- Naptuhim . ~~10840
05321 ## Naphtaliy {naf-taw-lee'} ; from 06617 ; my wrestling ; Naphtali , a son of Jacob , with the tribe descended from him , and its territory :-- Naphtali . ~~10842
05322 ## nets {nayts} ; from 05340 ; a flower (from its brilliancy) ; also a hawk (from it flashing speed) ;-- blossom , hawk . ~~10842
05328 ## nitstsah {nits-tsaw'} ; feminine of 05322 ; a blossom ;-- flower . ~~10848
05339 ## nitstsan {nits-tsawn'} ; from 05322 ; a blossom :-- flower . ~~ 10860
05323 ## natsa'{naw-tsaw'} ; a primitive root ; to go away ;-- flee . ~~ 10844
04673 ## matstsab {mats-tsawb'} ; from 05324 ; a fixed spot ; figuratively , an office , a military post :-- garrison , station , place where . . . stood . ~~10194
04674 ## mutstsab {moots-tsawb'} ; from 05324 ; a station , i . e . military post :-- mount . ~~10194
04676 ## matstsebah {mats-tsay-baw'} ; feminine (causatively) participle of 05324 ; something stationed , i . e . a column or (memorial stone) ; by analogy , an idol :-- garrison , (standing) image , pillar . ~~10196
04678 ## matstsebeth {mats-tseh'- beth} ; from 05324 ; something stationary , i . e . a monumental stone ; also the stock of a tree :-- pillar , substance . ~~10198
05324 ## natsab {naw-tsab'} ; a prim root ; to station , in various applications (literally or figuratively) :-- appointed , deputy , erect , establish , X Huzzah [by mistake for a proper name ] , lay , officer , pillar , present , rear up , set (over , up) , settle , sharpen , establish , (make to) stand (- ing , still , up , upright) , best state . ~~10844
05325 ## nitstsab {nits-twawb'} ; passive participle of 05324 ; fixed , i . e . a handle :-- haft . ~~10846
05326 ## nitsbah (Aramaic) {nits-baw'} ; from a root corresponding to 05324 ; fixedness , i . e . firmness :-- strength . ~~10846
05333 ## n@tsiyb {nets-eeb'} ; or n@tsib {nets-eeb'} ; from 05324 ; something stationary , i . e . a prefect , a military post , a statue :-- garrison , officer , pillar . ~~10854
05325 ## nitstsab {nits-twawb'} ; passive participle of 05324 ; fixed , i . e . a handle :-- haft . ~~10846
05326 ## nitsbah (Aramaic) {nits-baw'} ; from a root corresponding to 05324 ; fixedness , i . e . firmness :-- strength . ~~10846
04683 ## matstsah {mats-tsaw'} ; from 05327 ; a quarrel :-- contention , debate , strife . ~~10204
04695 ## matstsuwth {mats-tsooth'} ; from 05327 ; a quarrel :-- that contended . ~~10216
05133 ## nowtsah {no-tsaw'} ; or notsah {no-tsaw'} ; feminine active participle of 05327 in the sense of flying ; a pinion (or wing feather) ; often (collectively) plumage :-- feather (- s) , ostrich . ~~10654
05327 ## natsah {naw-tsaw'} a primitive root ; properly , to go forth , i . e . (by implication) to be expelled , and (consequently) desolate ; causatively , to lay waste ; also (specifically) , to quarrel :-- be laid waste , runinous , strive (together) . ~~10848
05328 ## nitstsah {nits-tsaw'} ; feminine of 05322 ; a blossom ;-- flower . ~~10848
05329 ## natsach {naw-tsakh'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to glitter from afar , i . e . to be eminent (as a superintendent , especially of the Temple services and its music) ; also (as denominative from 05331) , to be permanent :-- excel , chief musician (singer) , oversee (- r) , set forward . ~~10850
05330 ## n@tsach (Aramaic) {nets-akh'} ; corresponding to 05329 ; to become chief :-- be preferred . ~~10850
05331 ## netsach {neh'- tsakh} ; or netsach {nay'- tsakh} ; from 05329 ; properly , a goal , i . e . the bright object at a distance travelled towards ; hence (figuratively) , splendor , or (subjectively) truthfulness , or (objectively) confidence ; but usually (adverbially) , continually (i . e . to the most distant point of view) ;-- alway (- s) , constantly , end , (+ n-) ever (more) , perpetual , strength , victory . ~~10852
05335 ## n@tsiyach {nets-ee'- akh} ; from 05329 ; conspicuous ; Netsiach , a Temple-servant :-- Neziah . ~~10856
06725 ## tsiyuwn {tsee-yoon'} ; from the same as 06723 in the sense of conspicuousness [compare 05329 ] ; a monumental or guiding pillar :-- sign , title , waymark . ~~12246