05371 ## Nergal Shar'etser {nare-gal'shar-eh'- tser} ; from 05370 and 08272 ; Nergal-Sharetser , the name of two Babylonians :-- Nergal-sharezer . ~~10892
05372 ## nirgan {neer-gawn'} ; from an unused root meaning to roll to pieces ; a slanderer :-- talebearer , whisperer . ~~10892
05373 ## nerd {nayrd} ; of foreign origin ; nard , an aromatic :-- spikenard . ~~10894
05374 ## Neriyah {nay-ree-yaw'} ; or Neriyahuw {nay-ree-yaw'- hoo} ; from 05216 and 03050 ; light of Jah ; Nerijah , an Israelite :-- Neriah . ~~10894
03485 ## Yissaskar {yis-saw-kawr'} ; (strictly yis-saws-kawr') ; from 05375 and 07939 ; he will bring a reward ; Jissaskar , a son of Jacob :-- Issachar . ~~9006
04853 ## massa'{mas-saw'} ; from 05375 ; a burden ; specifically , tribute , or (abstractly) porterage ; figuratively , an utterance , chiefly a doom , especially singing ; mental , desire :-- burden , carry away , prophecy , X they set , song , tribute . ~~10374
04856 ## masso'{mas-so'} ; from 05375 ; partiality (as a lifting up) :-- respect . ~~10376
04858 ## massa'ah {mas-saw-aw'} ; from 05375 ; a conflagration (from the rising of smoke) :-- burden . ~~10378
04864 ## mas'eth {mas-ayth'} ; from 05375 ; properly , (abstractly) a raising (as of the hands in prayer) , or rising (of flame) ; figuratively , an utterance ; concretely , a beacon (as raised) ; a present (as taken) , mess , or tribute ; figuratively , a reproach (as a burden) :-- burden , collection , sign of fire , (great) flame , gift , lifting up , mess , oblation , reward . ~~10384
04984 ## mithnasse'{mith-nas-say'} ; from 05375 ; (used as abstractly) supreme exaltation :-- exalted . ~~10504
05375 ## nasa'{naw-saw'} ; or nacah (Psalm 4 : 6 [7 ]) {naw-saw'} ; a primitive root ; to lift , in a great variety of applications , literal and figurative , absol . and rel . (as follows) :-- accept , advance , arise , (able to , [armor ] , suffer to) bear (- er , up) , bring (forth) , burn , carry (away) , cast , contain , desire , ease , exact , exalt (self) , extol , fetch , forgive , furnish , further , give , go on , help , high , hold up , honorable (+ man) , lade , lay , lift (self) up , lofty , marry , magnify , X needs , obtain , pardon , raise (up) , receive , regard , respect , set (up) , spare , stir up , + swear , take (away , up) , X utterly , wear , yield . ~~10896
05376 ## n@sa'(Aramaic) {nes-aw'} ; corresponding to 05375 :-- carry away , make insurrection , take . ~~10896
05379 ## nisse'th {nis-sayth'} ; passive participle feminine of 05375 ; something taken , i . e . a present :-- gift . ~~10900
05385 ## n@suw'ah {nes-oo-aw'} ; or rather , n@su'ah {nes-oo-aw'} ; feminine . passive participle of 05375 ; something borne , i . e . a load :-- carriage . ~~10906
05387 ## nasiy'{naw-see'} ; or nasi'{naw-see'} ; from 05375 ; properly , an exalted one , i . e . a king or sheik ; also a rising mist :-- captain , chief , cloud , governor , prince , ruler , vapour . ~~10908
07613 ## s@'eth {seh-ayth'} ; from 05375 ; an elevation or leprous scab ; figuratively , elation or cheerfulness ; exaltation in rank or character :-- be accepted , dignity , excellency , highness , raise up self , rising . ~~13134
07721 ## sow'{so} ; from an unused root (akin to 05375 and 07722) meaning to rise ; a rising :-- arise . ~~13242
05376 ## n@sa'(Aramaic) {nes-aw'} ; corresponding to 05375 :-- carry away , make insurrection , take . ~~10896
04860 ## mashsha'own {mash-shaw-ohn'} ; from 05377 ; dissimulation :-- deceit . ~~10380
05377 ## nasha'{naw-shaw'} ; a primitive root ; to lead astray , i . e . (mentally) to delude , or (morally) to seduce :-- beguile , deceive , X greatly , X utterly . ~~10898
05378 ## nasha'{naw-shaw'} ; a primitive root [perhaps identical with 05377 , through the idea of imposition ] ; to lend on interest ; by implication , to dun for debt :-- X debt , exact , giver of usury . ~~10898
05378 ## nasha'{naw-shaw'} ; a primitive root [perhaps identical with 05377 , through the idea of imposition ] ; to lend on interest ; by implication , to dun for debt :-- X debt , exact , giver of usury . ~~10898
05383 ## nashah {naw-shaw'} ; a primitive root [rather identical with 05382 , in the sense of 05378 ] ; to lend or (by reciprocity) borrow on security or interest :-- creditor , exact , extortioner , lend , usurer , lend on (taker on) usury . ~~10904
05379 ## nisse'th {nis-sayth'} ; passive participle feminine of 05375 ; something taken , i . e . a present :-- gift . ~~10900
0538 - apatao {ap-at-ah'-o}; of uncertain derivation; to cheat, i.e. delude: -- deceive. 538
0539 - apate {ap-at'-ay}; from 0538; delusion: -- deceit(-ful, -fulness), deceivableness(-ving). 538
1818 - exapatao {ex-ap-at-ah'-o}; from 1537 and 0538; to seduce wholly: -- beguile, deceive. 1818
05380 ## nashab {naw-shab'} ; a primitive root ; to blow ; by implication , to disperse :-- (cause to) blow , drive away . ~~10900
05381 ## nasag {naw-sag'} ; a primitive root ; to reach (literally or figuratively) :-- ability , be able , attain (unto) , (be able to , can) get , lay at , put , reach , remove , wax rich , X surely , (over-) take (hold of , on , upon) . ~~10902
04519 ## M@nashsheh {men-ash-sheh'} ; from 05382 ; causing to forget ; Menashsheh , a grandson of Jacob , also the tribe descended from him , and its territory :-- Manasseh . ~~10040
05382 ## nashah {naw-shaw'} ; a primitive root ; to forget ; figuratively , to neglect ; causatively , to remit , remove :-- forget , deprive , exact . ~~10902
05383 ## nashah {naw-shaw'} ; a primitive root [rather identical with 05382 , in the sense of 05378 ] ; to lend or (by reciprocity) borrow on security or interest :-- creditor , exact , extortioner , lend , usurer , lend on (taker on) usury . ~~10904
05384 ## nasheh {naw-sheh'} ; from 05382 , in the sense of failure ; rheumatic or crippled (from the incident to Jacob) :-- which shrank . ~~10904
05388 ## n@shiyah {nesh-ee-yaw'} ; from 05382 ; oblivion ;-- forgetfulness . ~~10908
03449 ## Yishshiyah {yish-shee-yaw'} ; or Yishshiyahuw {yish-shee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 05383 and 03050 ; Jah will lend ; Jishshijah , the name of five Israelites :-- Ishiah , Isshiah , Ishijah , Jesiah . ~~8970
04855 ## mashsha'{mash-shaw'} ; from 05383 ; a loan ; by implication , interest on a debt :-- exaction , usury . ~~10376
04874 ## mashsheh {mash-sheh'} ; from 05383 ; a debt :-- + creditor . ~~ 10394
05383 ## nashah {naw-shaw'} ; a primitive root [rather identical with 05382 , in the sense of 05378 ] ; to lend or (by reciprocity) borrow on security or interest :-- creditor , exact , extortioner , lend , usurer , lend on (taker on) usury . ~~10904
05386 ## n@shiy {nesh-ee'} ; from 05383 ; a debt :-- debt . ~~ 10906
05384 ## nasheh {naw-sheh'} ; from 05382 , in the sense of failure ; rheumatic or crippled (from the incident to Jacob) :-- which shrank . ~~10904
05385 ## n@suw'ah {nes-oo-aw'} ; or rather , n@su'ah {nes-oo-aw'} ; feminine . passive participle of 05375 ; something borne , i . e . a load :-- carriage . ~~10906
05386 ## n@shiy {nesh-ee'} ; from 05383 ; a debt :-- debt . ~~ 10906
05387 ## nasiy'{naw-see'} ; or nasi'{naw-see'} ; from 05375 ; properly , an exalted one , i . e . a king or sheik ; also a rising mist :-- captain , chief , cloud , governor , prince , ruler , vapour . ~~10908
05388 ## n@shiyah {nesh-ee-yaw'} ; from 05382 ; oblivion ;-- forgetfulness . ~~10908
05389 ## nashiyn (Aramaic) {naw-sheen'} ; irregular plural feminine of 00606 :-- women . ~~10910
0539 - apate {ap-at'-ay}; from 0538; delusion: -- deceit(-ful, -fulness), deceivableness(-ving). 538
5423 - phrenapates {fren-ap-at'-ace}; from 5424 and 0539; a mind-misleader, i.e. seducer: -- deceiver. 5320
05390 ## n@shiyqah {nesh-ee-kaw'} ; from 05401 ; a kiss :-- kiss . ~~ 10910
05391 ## nashak {naw-shak'} ; a primitive root ; to strike with a sting (as a serpent) ; figuratively , to oppress with interest on a loan :-- bite , lend upon usury . ~~10912
05392 ## neshek {neh'- shek} ; from 05391 ; interest on a debt :-- usury . ~~10912
05392 ## neshek {neh'- shek} ; from 05391 ; interest on a debt :-- usury . ~~10912
03957 ## lishkah {lish-kaw'} ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ; a room in a building (whether for storage , eating , or lodging) :-- chamber , parlour . Compare 05393 . ~~9478
05393 ## nishkah {nish-kaw'} ; for 03957 ; a cell :-- chamber . ~~ 10914
05394 ## nashal {naw-shal'} ; a primitive root ; to pluck off , i . e . divest , eject or drop :-- cast (out) , drive , loose , put off (out) , slip . ~~10914
07953 ## shalah {shaw-law'} ; a primitive root [rather cognate (by contraction) to the base of 05394 , 07997 and their congeners through the idea of extracting ] ; to draw out or off , i . e . remove (the soul by death) :-- take away . ~~13474
05395 ## nasham {naw-sham'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to blow away , i . e . destroy :-- destroy . ~~10916
05397 ## n@shamah {nesh-aw-maw'} ; from 05395 ; a puff , i . e . wind , angry or vital breath , divine inspiration , intellect . or (concretely) an animal :-- blast , (that) breath (- eth) , inspiration , soul , spirit . ~~10918
08580 ## tanshemeth {tan-sheh'- meth} ; from 05395 ; properly , a hard breather , i . e . the name of two unclean creatures , a lizard and a bird (both perhaps from changing color through their irascibility) , probably the tree-toad and the water-hen :-- mole , swan . ~~14102
05396 ## nishma'(Aramaic) {nish-maw'} ; corresponding to 05397 ; vital breath :-- breath . ~~10916
05396 ## nishma'(Aramaic) {nish-maw'} ; corresponding to 05397 ; vital breath :-- breath . ~~10916
05397 ## n@shamah {nesh-aw-maw'} ; from 05395 ; a puff , i . e . wind , angry or vital breath , divine inspiration , intellect . or (concretely) an animal :-- blast , (that) breath (- eth) , inspiration , soul , spirit . ~~10918
03244 ## yanshuwph {yan-shoof'} ; or yanshowph {yan-shofe'} ; apparently from 05398 ; an unclean (acquatic) bird ; probably the heron (perhaps from its blowing cry , or because the night-heron is meant [compare 05399 ]) ] :-- (great) owl . s ~~8764
05398 ## nashaph {naw-shaf'} ; a primitive root ; to breeze , i . e . blow up fresh (as the wind) :-- blow . ~~10918
05399 ## nesheph {neh'- shef} ; from 05398 ; properly , a breeze , i . e . (by implication) dusk (when the evening breeze prevails) :-- dark , dawning of the day (morning) , night , twilight . ~~10920
03244 ## yanshuwph {yan-shoof'} ; or yanshowph {yan-shofe'} ; apparently from 05398 ; an unclean (acquatic) bird ; probably the heron (perhaps from its blowing cry , or because the night-heron is meant [compare 05399 ]) ] :-- (great) owl . s ~~8764
05399 ## nesheph {neh'- shef} ; from 05398 ; properly , a breeze , i . e . (by implication) dusk (when the evening breeze prevails) :-- dark , dawning of the day (morning) , night , twilight . ~~10920
0540 - apator {ap-at'-ore}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3962; fatherless, i.e. of unrecorded paternity: -- without father. 540
05400 ## nasaq {naw-sak'} ; a primitive root ; to catch fire :-- burn , kindle . ~~10920
05401 ## nashaq {naw-shak'} ; a primitive root [identical with 05400 , through the idea of fastening up ; compare 02388 , 02836 ] ; to kiss , literally or figuratively (touch) ; also (as a mode of attachment) , to equip with weapons :-- armed (men) , rule , kiss , that touched . ~~10922
05390 ## n@shiyqah {nesh-ee-kaw'} ; from 05401 ; a kiss :-- kiss . ~~ 10910
05401 ## nashaq {naw-shak'} ; a primitive root [identical with 05400 , through the idea of fastening up ; compare 02388 , 02836 ] ; to kiss , literally or figuratively (touch) ; also (as a mode of attachment) , to equip with weapons :-- armed (men) , rule , kiss , that touched . ~~10922
05402 ## nesheq {neh'- shek} ; or nesheq {nay'- shek} ; from 05401 ; military equipment , i . e . (collectively) arms (offensive or defensive) , or (concretely) an arsenal :-- armed men , armour (- y) , battle , harness , weapon . ~~10922
05402 ## nesheq {neh'- shek} ; or nesheq {nay'- shek} ; from 05401 ; military equipment , i . e . (collectively) arms (offensive or defensive) , or (concretely) an arsenal :-- armed men , armour (- y) , battle , harness , weapon . ~~10922
05403 ## n@shar (Aramaic) {nesh-ar'} ; corresponding to 05404 ; an eagle :-- eagle . ~~10924