00195 ## 'Uwlay {oo-lah'ee} ; of Persian derivation ; the Ulai (or Eulaeus) , a river of Persia :-- Ulai . ~~5716
00307 ## 'Achm@tha'{akh-me-thaw'} ; of Persian derivation ; Achmetha (i . e . Ecbatana) , the summer capital of Persia :-- Achmetha . ~~5828
00323 ## 'achashdarpan {akh-ash-dar-pan'} ; of Persian derivation ; a satrap or governor of a main province (of Persia) :-- lieutenant . ~~5844
06539 ## Parac {paw-ras'} ; of foreign origin ; Paras (i . e . Persia) , an Eastern country , including its inhabitants :-- Persia , Persians . ~~12060
06539 ## Parac {paw-ras'} ; of foreign origin ; Paras (i . e . Persia) , an Eastern country , including its inhabitants :-- Persia , Persians . ~~12060
06540 ## Parac (Aramaic) {paw-ras'} ; corresponding to 06539 :-- Persia , Persians . ~~12060
07800 ## Shuwshan {shoo-shan'} ; the same as 07799 ; Shushan , a place in Persia :-- Shushan . ~~13322
1639 - Elamites {el-am-ee'-tace}; of Hebrew origin [5867]; an Elamite or Persian: -- Elamite. 1638
4069 - Persis {per-sece'}; a Persian woman; Persis, a Christian female: -- Persis. 3966
00093 ## 'egowz {eg-oze'} ; prob of Persian origin ; a nut :-- nut . ~~ 5614
00104 ## 'igg@ra'(Aramaic) {ig-er-aw'} ; of Persian origin ; an epistle (as carried by a state courier or postman) :-- letter . ~~5624
00118 ## 'Adalya'{ad-al-yaw'} ; of Persian derivation ; Adalja , a son of Haman :-- Adalia . ~~5638
00133 ## 'Admatha'{ad-maw-thaw'} ; probably of Persian derivation : Admatha , a Persian nobleman :-- Admatha . ~~5654
00133 ## 'Admatha'{ad-maw-thaw'} ; probably of Persian derivation : Admatha , a Persian nobleman :-- Admatha . ~~5654
00149 ## 'adrazda'(Aramaic) {ad-raz-daw'} ; probably of Persian origin ; quickly or carefully :-- diligently . ~~5670
00150 ## 'adarkon {ad-ar-kone'} ; of Persian origin ; a daric or Persian coin :-- dram . ~~5670
00150 ## 'adarkon {ad-ar-kone'} ; of Persian origin ; a daric or Persian coin :-- dram . ~~5670
00195 ## 'Uwlay {oo-lah'ee} ; of Persian derivation ; the Ulai (or Eulaeus) , a river of Persia :-- Ulai . ~~5716
00307 ## 'Achm@tha'{akh-me-thaw'} ; of Persian derivation ; Achmetha (i . e . Ecbatana) , the summer capital of Persia :-- Achmetha . ~~5828
00323 ## 'achashdarpan {akh-ash-dar-pan'} ; of Persian derivation ; a satrap or governor of a main province (of Persia) :-- lieutenant . ~~5844
00325 ## 'Achashverowsh {akh-ash-vay-rosh'} ; or (shortened)'Achashrosh {akh-ash-rosh'} (Esth . 10 : 1) ; of Persian origin ; Achashverosh (i . e . Ahasuerus or Artaxerxes , but in this case Xerxes) , the title (rather than name) of a Persian king :-- Ahasuerus . ~~5846
00325 ## 'Achashverowsh {akh-ash-vay-rosh'} ; or (shortened)'Achashrosh {akh-ash-rosh'} (Esth . 10 : 1) ; of Persian origin ; Achashverosh (i . e . Ahasuerus or Artaxerxes , but in this case Xerxes) , the title (rather than name) of a Persian king :-- Ahasuerus . ~~5846
00326 ## 'achashtariy {akh-ash-taw-ree'} ; probably of Persian derivation ; an achastarite (i . e . courier) ; the designation (rather than name) of an Israelite :-- Haakashtari [includ . the article ] . ~~5846
00327 ## 'achastaran {akh-ash-taw-rawn'} ; of Persian origin ; a mule :-- camel . ~~5848
00629 ## 'ocparna'(Aramaic) {os-par-naw'} ; of Persian derivation ; diligently :-- fast , forthwith , speed (- ily) . ~~6150
00630 ## 'Acpatha'{as-paw-thaw'} ; of Persian derivation ; Aspatha , a son of Haman :-- Aspatha . ~~6150
00635 ## 'Ecter {es-tare'} ; of Persian derivation ; Ester , the Jewish heroine :-- Esther . ~~6156
00674 ## 'app@thom (Aramaic) {ap-pe-thome'} ; of Persian origin ; revenue ; others at the last :-- revenue . ~~6194
00742 ## 'Ariyday {ar-ee-dah'- ee} ; of Persian origin ; Aridai , a son of Haman :-- Aridai . ~~6262
00743 ## 'Ariydatha'{ar-ee-daw-thaw'} ; of Persian origin ; Aridatha , a son of Haman :-- Aridatha . ~~6264
00747 ## 'Ariycay {ar-ee-sah'- ee} ; of Persian origin ; Arisai , a son of Haman :-- Arisai . ~~6268
00783 ## 'Artachshashta'{ar-takh-shash-taw'} ; or'Artachshasht'{ar-takh-shasht'} ; or by permutation'Artachshact'{ar-takh-shast'} ; of foreign origin ; Artachshasta (or Artaxerxes) , a title (rather than name) of several Persian kings :-- Artaxerxes . ~~6304
00897 ## bag {bag} ; a Persian word ; food :-- spoil [from the margin for 00957 . ] ~~6418
00903 ## Bigtha'{big-thaw'} ; of Persian derivation ; Bigtha , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Bigtha . ~~6424
00942 ## Bavvay {bav-vah'ee} ; probably of Persian origin ; Bavvai , an Israelite :-- Bavai . ~~6462
00968 ## Biztha'{biz-thaw'} ; of Persian origin ; Biztha , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Biztha . ~~6488
01867 ## Dar` yavesh {daw-reh-yaw-vaysh'} ; of Persian origin ; Darejavesh , a title (rather than name) of several Persian kings :-- Darius . ~~7388
01867 ## Dar` yavesh {daw-reh-yaw-vaysh'} ; of Persian origin ; Darejavesh , a title (rather than name) of several Persian kings :-- Darius . ~~7388
01896 ## Hege'{hay-gay'} ; or (by permutation) Hegay {hay-gah'- ee} ; probably of Persian origin ; Hege or Hegai , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Hegai , Hege . ~~7416
02001 ## Haman {haw-mawn'} ; of foreign derivation ; Haman , a Persian vizier :-- Haman . ~~7522
02047 ## Hathak {hath-awk'} ; probably of foreign origin ; Hathak , a Persian eunuch :-- Hatach . ~~7568
02060 ## Vashtiy {vash-tee'} ; of Persian origin ; Vashti , the queen of Xerxes :-- Vashti . ~~7580
02238 ## Zeresh {zeh'- resh} ; of Persian origin ; Zeresh , Haman's wife :-- Zeresh . ~~7758
02242 ## Zethar {zay-thar'} ; of Persian origin ; Zethar , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Zethar . ~~7762
02726 ## Charbowna'{khar-bo-naw'} ; or Charbownah {khar-bo-naw'} ; of Persian origin ; Charbona or Charbonah , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Harbona , Harbonah . ~~8246
02870 ## tab@'el {taw-beh-ale'} ; from 02895 and 00410 ; pleasing (to) God ; Tabeel , the name of a Syrian and of a Persian :-- Tabeal , Tabeel . ~~8390
03540 ## K@dorla` omer {ked-or-law-o'- mer} ; of foreign origin ; Kedorlaomer , an early Persian king :-- Chedorlaomer . ~~9060
03566 ## Kowresh {ko'- resh} ; or (Ezra 1 : 1 [last time ] , 2) Koresh {ko'- resh} ; from the Persians ; Koresh (or Cyrus) , the Persian king :-- Cyrus . ~~9086
03752 ## Karkac {kar-kas'} ; of Persian origin ; Karkas , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Carcas . ~~9272
04099 ## M@datha {med-aw-thaw'} ; of Persian origin ; Medatha , the father of Haman :-- Hammedatha [including the article ] . ~~9620
04104 ## M@huwman {meh-hoo-mawn'} ; of Persian origin ; Mehuman , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Mehuman . ~~9624
04453 ## meltsar {mel-tsawr'} ; of Persian derivation ; the butler or other officer in the Babylonian court :-- Melzar . ~~9974
04462 ## M@muwkan {mem-oo-kawn'} ; or (transp .) Mowmukan (Esth . 1 : 16) {mo-moo-kawn'} ; of Persian derivation ; Memucan or Momucan , a Persian satrap :-- Memucan . ~~9982
04462 ## M@muwkan {mem-oo-kawn'} ; or (transp .) Mowmukan (Esth . 1 : 16) {mo-moo-kawn'} ; of Persian derivation ; Memucan or Momucan , a Persian satrap :-- Memucan . ~~9982
04825 ## Merec {meh'- res} ; of foreign derivation ; Meres , a Persian :-- Meres . ~~10346
04826 ## Marc@na'{mar-sen-aw'} ; of foreign derivation ; Marsena , a Persian :-- Marsena . ~~10346
04990 ## Mithr@dath {mith-red-awth'} ; of Persian origin ; Mithredath , the name of two Persians :-- Mithredath . ~~10510
05406 ## nisht@van {nish-tev-awn'} ; probably of Persian origin ; an epistle :-- letter . ~~10926
05510 ## Ciyvan {see-vawn'} ; probably of Persian origin ; Sivan , the third Heb . month :-- Sivan . ~~11030
05571 ## Canballat {san-bal-lat'} ; of foreign origin ; Sanballat , a Persian satrap of Samaria :-- Sanballat . ~~11092
06316 ## Puwt {poot} ; of foreign origin ; Put , a son of Ham , also the name of his descendants or their region , and of a Persian tribe :-- Phut , Put . ~~11836
06334 ## Powratha'{po-raw-thaw'} ; of Persian origin ; Poratha , a son of Haman :-- Poratha . ~~11854
06534 ## Parmashta'{par-mash-taw'} ; of Persian origin ; Parmashta , a son of Haman :-- Parmasta . ~~12054
06542 ## Parciy {par-see'} ; patrial from 06539 ; a Parsite (i . e . Persian) , or inhabitant of Peres :-- Persian . ~~12062
06542 ## Parciy {par-see'} ; patrial from 06539 ; a Parsite (i . e . Persian) , or inhabitant of Peres :-- Persian . ~~12062
06543 ## Parciy (Aramaic) {par-see'} ; corresponding to 06542 :-- Persian . ~~12064
06577 ## Parshandatha'{par-shan-daw-thaw'} ; of Persian origin ; Parshandatha , a son of Haman :-- Parshandatha . ~~12098
06579 ## partam {par-tam'} ; of Persian origin ; a grandee :-- (most) noble , prince . ~~12100
06598 ## pathbag {pathbag'} ; of Persian origin ; a dainty :-- portion (provision) of meat . ~~12118
06599 ## pithgam {pith-gawm'} ; of Persian origin ; a (judicial) sentence :-- decree , sentence . ~~12120
07348 ## R@chuwm {rekh-oom'} ; a form of 07349 ; Rechum , the name of a Persian and of three Israelites :-- Rehum . ~~12868
08190 ## Sha` ashgaz {shah-ash-gaz'} ; of Persian derivation ; Shaashgaz , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Shaashgaz . ~~13712
08339 ## Sheshbatstsar {shaysh-bats-tsar'} ; of foreign derivation ; Sheshbatstsar , Zerubbabel's Persian name :-- Sheshbazzar . ~~13860
08369 ## Shethar {shay-thawr'} ; of foreign derivation ; Shethar , a Persian satrap :-- Shethar . ~~13890
08370 ## Sh@thar Bowz@nay {sheth-ar'bo-zen-ah'- ee} ; of foreign derivation ; Shethar-Bozenai , a Persian officer :-- Shethar-boznai . ~~13892
08659 ## Tarshiysh {tar-sheesh'} ; probably the same as 08658 (as the region of the stone , or the reverse) ; Tarshish , a place on the Mediterranean , hence , the ephithet of a merchant vessel (as if for or from that port) ; also the name of a Persian and of an Israelite :-- Tarshish , Tharshish . ~~14180
08660 ## Tirshatha'{teer-shaw-thaw'} ; of foreign derivation ; the title of a Persian deputy or governor :-- Tirshatha . ~~14182
08674 ## Tatt@nay {tat-ten-ah'- ee} ; of foreign derivation ; Tattenai , a Persian :-- Tatnai . 14196
03566 ## Kowresh {ko'- resh} ; or (Ezra 1 : 1 [last time ] , 2) Koresh {ko'- resh} ; from the Persians ; Koresh (or Cyrus) , the Persian king :-- Cyrus . ~~9086
04990 ## Mithr@dath {mith-red-awth'} ; of Persian origin ; Mithredath , the name of two Persians :-- Mithredath . ~~10510
06539 ## Parac {paw-ras'} ; of foreign origin ; Paras (i . e . Persia) , an Eastern country , including its inhabitants :-- Persia , Persians . ~~12060
06540 ## Parac (Aramaic) {paw-ras'} ; corresponding to 06539 :-- Persia , Persians . ~~12060
4069 - Persis {per-sece'}; a Persian woman; Persis, a Christian female: -- Persis. 3966
4069 - Persis {per-sece'}; a Persian woman; Persis, a Christian female: -- Persis. 3966
4069 - Persis {per-sece'}; a Persian woman; Persis, a Christian female: -- Persis. 3966
1300 - diateleo {dee-at-el-eh'-o}; from 1223 and 5055; to accomplish thoroughly, i.e. (subjectively) to persist: -- continue. 1300
4343 - proskarteresis {pros-kar-ter'-ay-sis}; from 4342; persistancy: -- perseverance. 4240