2227 - zoopoieo {dzo-op-oy-eh'-o}; from the same as 2226 and 4160; to (re-)vitalize (literally or figuratively): -- make alive, give life, quicken. 2226
4806 - suzoopoieo {sood-zo-op-oy-eh'-o}; from 4862 and 2227; to reanimate conjointly with (figuratively): -- quicken together with. 4704
02421 ## chayah {khaw-yaw'} ; a primitive root [compare 02331 , 02421 ] ; to live , whether literally or figuratively ; causatively , to revive :-- keep (leave , make) alive , X certainly , give (promise) life , (let , suffer to) live , nourish up , preserve (alive) , quicken , recover , repair , restore (to life) , revive , (X God) save (alive , life , lives) , X surely , be whole . ~~7942
4640 - skirtao {skeer-tah'-o}; akin to skairo (to skip); to jump, i.e. sympathetically move (as the quickening of a fetus): -- leap (for joy). 4538
1722 - en {en}; a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between 1519 and 1537); "in," at, (up-)on, by, etc.: -- about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (...sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, [open-]ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, [speedi-]ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(-with), while, with(-in). Often used in compounds, with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion, and then not to indicate direction, except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) preposition. 1722
5030 - tacheos {takh-eh'-oce}; adverb from 5036; briefly, i.e. (in time) speedily, or (in manner) rapidly: -- hastily, quickly, shortly, soon, suddenly. 4928
5032 - tachion {takh'-ee-on}; neuter singular of the comparative of 5036 (as adverb); more swiftly, i.e. (in manner) more rapidly, or (in time) more speedily: -- out [run], quickly, shortly, sooner. 4930
5033 - tachista {takh'-is-tah}; neuter plural of the superlative of 5036 (as adverb); most quickly, i.e. (with 5613 prefixed) as soon as possible: -- + with all speed. 4930
5034 - tachos {takh'-os}; from the same as 5036; a brief space (of time), i.e. (with 1722 prefixed) in haste: -- + quickly, + shortly, + speedily. 4932
5035 - tachu {takh-oo'}; neuter singular of 5036 (as adverb); shortly, i.e. without delay, soon, or (by surprise) suddenly, or (by implication, of ease) readily: -- lightly, quickly. 4932
00149 ## 'adrazda'(Aramaic) {ad-raz-daw'} ; probably of Persian origin ; quickly or carefully :-- diligently . ~~5670
02440 ## chiysh {kheesh} ; from 02439 ; properly , a hurry ; hence (adverb) quickly :-- soon . ~~7960
03966 ## m@` od {meh-ode'} ; from the same as 00181 ; properly , vehemence , i . e . (with or without preposition) vehemently ; by implication , wholly , speedily , etc . (often with other words as an intensive or superlative ; especially when repeated) :-- diligently , especially , exceeding (- ly) , far , fast , good , great (- ly) , X louder and louder , might (- ily ,-- y) , (so) much , quickly , (so) sore , utterly , very (+ much , sore) , well . ~~9486
04116 ## mahar {maw-har'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be liquid or flow easily , i . e . (by implication) ; to hurry (in a good or a bad sense) ; often used (with another verb) adverbially , promptly :-- be carried headlong , fearful , (cause to make , in , make) haste (- n ,-ily) , (be) hasty , (fetch , make ready) X quickly , rash , X shortly , (be so) X soon , make speed , X speedily , X straightway , X suddenly , swift . ~~9636
04118 ## maher {mah-hare'} ; from 04116 ; properly , hurrying ; hence (adverbially) in a hurry :-- hasteth , hastily , at once , quickly , soon , speedily , suddenly . ~~9638
04120 ## m@herah {meh-hay-raw'} ; feminine of 04118 ; properly , a hurry ; hence (adverbially) promptly :-- hastily , quickly , shortly , soon , make (with) speed (- ily) , swiftly . ~~9640
06621 ## petha` {peh'- thah} ; from an unused root meaning to open (the eyes) ; a wink , i . e . moment [compare 06597 ] (used only [with or without preposition ] adverbially , quickly or unexpectedly) :-- at an instant , suddenly , X very . ~~12142
05132 ## nuwts {noots} ; a primitive root ; properly , to flash ; hence , to blossom (from the brilliancy of color) ; also , to fly away (from the quickness of motion) :-- flee away , bud (forth) . ~~10652
4950 - surtis {soor'-tis}; from 4951; a shoal (from the sand drawn thither by the waves), i.e. the Syrtis Major or great bay on the N. coast of Africa: -- quicksands. 4848
00413 ## 'el {ale} ; (but only used in the shortened constructive form'el {el}) ; a primitive particle ; properly , denoting motion towards , but occasionally used of a quiescent position , i . e . near , with or among ; often in general , to :-- about , according to , after , against , among , as for , at , because (- fore ,-side) , both . . . and , by , concerning , for , from , X hath , in (- to) , near , (out) of , over , through , to (- ward) , under , unto , upon , whether , with (- in) . ~~5934
2263 - eremos {ay'-rem-os}; perhaps by transposition from 2048 (through the idea of stillness); tranquil: -- quiet. 2262
2270 - hesuchazo {hay-soo-khad'-zo}; from the same as 2272; to keep still (intransitively), i.e. refrain from labor, meddlesomeness or speech: -- cease, hold peace, be quiet, rest. 2270
2272 - hesuchios {hay-soo'-khee-os}; a prolonged form of a compound probably of a derivative of the base of 1476 and perhaps 2192; properly, keeping one's seat (sedentary), i.e. (by implication) still (undisturbed, undisturbing): -- peaceable, quiet. 2272
2687 - katastello {kat-as-tel'-lo}; from 2596 and 4724; to put down, i.e. quell: -- appease, quiet. 2686
4623 - siopao {see-o-pah'-o}; from siope (silence, i.e. a hush; properly, muteness, i.e. involuntary stillness, or inability to speak; and thus differing from 4602, which is rather a voluntary refusal or indisposition to speak, although the terms are often used synonymously); to be dumb (but not deaf also, like 2974 properly); figuratively, to be calm (as quiet water): -- dumb, (hold) peace. 4520
00539 ## 'aman {aw-man'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to build up or support ; to foster as a parent or nurse ; figuratively to render (or be) firm or faithful , to trust or believe , to be permanent or quiet ; morally to be true or certain ; once (Isa . 30 : 21 ; interchangeable with 00541) to go to the right hand :-- hence , assurance , believe , bring up , establish , + fail , be faithful (of long continuance , stedfast , sure , surely , trusty , verified) , nurse , (- ing father) , (put) , trust , turn to the right . ~~6060
01679 ## dobe'{do'- beh} ; from an unused root (compare 01680) (probably meaning to be sluggish , i . e . restful) ; quiet :-- strength . ~~7200
01747 ## duwmiyah {doo-me-yaw'} ; from 01820 ; stillness ; adverbially , silently ; abstractly quiet , trust :-- silence , silent , waiteth . ~~7268
01824 ## d@miy {dem-ee'} ; or domiy {dom-ee'} ; from 01820 ; quiet :-- cutting off , rest , silence . ~~7344
01826 ## damam {daw-man'} ; a prim root [compare 01724 , 01820 ] ; to be dumb ; by implication , to be astonished , to stop ; also to perish :-- cease , be cut down (off) , forbear , hold peace , quiet self , rest , be silent , keep (put to) silence , be (stand) still , tarry , wait . ~~7346
01827 ## d@mamah {dem-aw-maw'} ; feminine from 01826 ; quiet :-- calm , silence , still . ~~7348
02010 ## hanachah {han-aw-khaw'} ; from 05117 ; permission of rest , i . e . quiet :-- release . ~~7530
02759 ## chariyshiy {khar-ee-shee'} ; from 02790 in the sense of silence ; quiet , i . e . sultry (as feminine noun , the sirocco or hot east wind) :-- vehement . ~~8280
02790 ## charash {khaw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; to scratch , i . e . (by implication) to engrave , plough ; hence (from the use of tools) to fabricate (of any material) ; figuratively , to devise (in a bad sense) ; hence (from the idea of secrecy) to be silent , to let alone ; hence (by implication) to be deaf (as an accompaniment of dumbness) :-- X altogether , cease , conceal , be deaf , devise , ear , graven , imagine , leave off speaking , hold peace , plow (- er , man) , be quiet , rest , practise secretly , keep silence , be silent , speak not a word , be still , hold tongue , worker . ~~8310
02814 ## chashah {khaw-shaw'} ; a primitive root ; to hush or keep quiet :-- hold peace , keep silence , be silent , (be) still . ~~8334
03239 ## Yanowach {yaw-no'- akh} ; or (with enclitic) Yanowchah {yaw-no'- khaw} ; from 03240 ; quiet ; Janoach or Janochah , a place in Palestine :-- Janoah , Janohah . ~~8760
03427 ## yashab {yaw-shab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to sit down (specifically as judge . in ambush , in quiet) ; by implication , to dwell , to remain ; causatively , to settle , to marry :-- (make to) abide (- ing) , continue , (cause to , make to) dwell (- ing) , ease self , endure , establish , X fail , habitation , haunt , (make to) inhabit (- ant) , make to keep [house ] , lurking , X marry (- ing) , (bring again to) place , remain , return , seat , set (- tle) , (down-) sit (- down , still ,-- ting down ,-- ting [place ]-- uate) , take , tarry . ~~8948
04311 ## Meyd@ba'{may-deb-aw'} ; from 04325 and 01679 ; water of quiet ; Medeba , a place in Palestine :-- Medeba . ~~9832
04494 ## manowach {maw-no'- akh} ; from 05117 ; quiet , i . e . (concretely) a settled spot , or (figuratively) a home :-- (place of) rest . ~~10014
04496 ## m@nuwchah {men-oo-khaw'} ; or m@nuchah {men-oo-khaw'} ; feminine of 04495 ; repose or (adverbially) peacefully ; figuratively , consolation (specifically , matrimony) ; hence (concretely) an abode :-- comfortable , ease , quiet , rest (- ing place) , still . ~~10016
05117 ## nuwach {noo'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to rest , i . e . settle down ; used in a great variety of applications , literal and figurative , intransitive , transitive and causative (to dwell , stay , let fall , place , let alone , withdraw , give comfort , etc .) :-- cease , be confederate , lay , let down , (be) quiet , remain , (cause to , be at , give , have , make to) rest , set down . Compare 03241 . ~~10638
05118 ## nuwach {noo'- akh} ; or nowach {no'- akh} ; from 05117 ; quiet :-- rest (- ed ,-ing place) . ~~10638
05183 ## Nachath {nakh'- ath} ; from 05182 ; a descent , i . e . imposition , unfavorable (punishment) or favorable (food) ; also (intransitively ; perhaps from 05117) , restfulness :-- lighting down , quiet (- ness) , to rest , be set on . ~~10704
05184 ## Nachath {nakh'- ath} ; the same as 05183 ; quiet ; Nachath , the name of an Edomite and of two Israelites :-- Nahath . ~~10704
07119 ## qar {kar} ; contracted from an unused root meaning to chill ; cool ; figuratively , quiet :-- cold , excellent [from the margin ] . ~~12640
07280 ## raga` {raw-gah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to toss violently and suddenly (the sea with waves , the skin with boils) ; figuratively (in a favorable manner) to settle , i . e . quiet ; specifically , to wink (from the motion of the eye-lids) :-- break , divide , find ease , be a moment , (cause , give , make to) rest , make suddenly . ~~12800
07282 ## ragea` {raw-gay'- ah} ; from 07280 ; restful , i . e . peaceable :-- that are quiet . ~~12802
07599 ## sha'an {shaw-an'} ; a primitive root ; to loll , i . e . be peaceful :-- be at ease , be quiet , rest . See also 01052 . ~~13120
07600 ## sha'anan {shah-an-awn'} ; from 07599 ; secure ; in a bad sense , haughty :-- that is at ease , quiet , tumult . Compare 07946 . ~~13120
07764 ## Shuwniy {shoo-nee'} ; from an unused root meaning to rest ; quiet ; Shuni , an Israelite :-- Shuni . ~~13286
07961 ## shalev {shaw-lave'} ; or shaleyv {shaw-lave'} ; feminine sh@levah {shel-ay-vaw'} ; from 07951 ; tranquil ; (in a bad sense) careless ; abstractly , security :-- (being) at ease , peaceable , (in) prosper (- ity) , quiet (- ness) , wealthy . ~~13482
08003 ## shalem {shaw-lame'} ; from 07999 ; complete (literally or figuratively) ; especially friendly :-- full , just , made ready , peaceable , perfect (- ed) , quiet , Shalem [by mistake for a name ] , whole . ~~13524
08252 ## shaqat {shaw-kat'} ; a primitive root ; to repose (usually figurative) :-- appease , idleness , (at , be at , be in , give) quiet (- ness) , (be at , be in , give , have , take) rest , settle , be still . ~~13774
08367 ## shathaq {shaw-thak'} ; a primitive root ; to subside :-- be calm , cease , be quiet . ~~13888
1593 - ekneuo {ek-nyoo'-o}; from 1537 and 3506; (by analogy) to slip off, i.e. quietly withdraw: -- convey self away. 1592
5221 - hupantao {hoop-an-tah'-o}; from 5259 and a derivative of 0473; to go opposite (meet) under (quietly), i.e. to encounter, fall in with: -- (go to) meet. 5118
5225 - huparcho {hoop-ar'-kho}; from 5259 and 0756; to begin under (quietly), i.e. come into existence (be present or at hand); expletively, to exist (as copula or subordinate to an adjective, participle, adverb or preposition, or as auxil. to principal (verb): -- after, behave, live. 5122
5279 - hupomimnesko {hoop-om-im-nace'-ko}; from 5259 and 3403; to remind quietly, i.e. suggest to the (middle voice one's own) memory: -- put in mind, remember, bring to (put in) remembrance. 5176
5298 - hupochoreo {hoop-okh-o-reh'-o}; from 5259 and 5562; to vacate down, i.e. retire quietly: -- go aside, withdraw self. 5196
01748 ## duwmam {doo-mawm'} ; from 01826 ; still ; adverbially , silently :-- dumb , silent , quietly wait . ~~7268
05535 ## cakath {saw-kath'} ; a primitive root to be silent ; by implication , to observe quietly :-- take heed . ~~11056
07766 ## Shuwnem {shoo-name'} ; probably from the same as 07764 ; quietly ; Shunem , a place in Pal :-- Shunem . ~~13288
07987 ## sh@liy {shel-ee'} ; from 07951 ; privacy :-- + quietly . ~~ 13508