1515 - eirene {i-ray'-nay}; probably from a primary verb eiro (to join); peace (literally or figuratively); by implication, prosperity: -- one, peace, quietness, rest, + set at one again. 1514
2271 - hesuchia {hay-soo-khee'-ah}; feminine of 2272; (as noun) stillness, i.e. desistance from bustle or language: -- quietness, silence. 2270
07962 ## shalvah {shal-vaw'} ; from 07951 ; security (genuine or false) :-- abundance , peace (- ably) , prosperity , quietness . ~~13484
08253 ## sheqet {sheh'- ket} ; from 08252 ; tranquillity :-- quietness . ~~13774
05119 ## Nowchah {no-chaw'} ; feminine of 05118 ; quietude ; Nochah , an Israelite :-- Nohah . ~~10640
08598 ## tappuwach {tap-poo'- akh} ; from 05301 ; an apple (from its fragrance) , i . e . the fruit or the tree (probably includ . others of the pome order , as the quince , the orange , etc .) :-- apple (tree) . See also 01054 . ~~14120
1567 - ekzeteo {ek-zay-teh'-o}; from 1537 and 2212; to search out, i.e. (figuratively)investigate, crave, demand, (by Hebraism) worship: -- en- (re-)quire, seek after (carefully, diligently). 1566
2958 - Kurenios {koo-ray'-nee-os}; of Latin origin; Cyrenius (i.e. Quirinus), a Roman: -- Cyrenius. 2956
0407 - andrizomai {an-drid'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 0435; to act manly: -- quit like men. 406
1553 - ekdemeo {ek-day-meh'-o}; from a compound of 1537 and 1218; to emigrate, i.e. (figuratively) vacate or quit: -- be absent. 1552
3973 - pauo {pow'-o}; a primary verb ("pause"); to stop (transitively or intransitively), i.e. restrain, quit, desist, come to an end: -- cease, leave, refrain. 3870
01961 ## hayah {haw-yaw} ; a primitive root [compare 01933 ] ; to exist , i . e . be or become , come to pass (always emphatic , and not a mere copula or auxiliary) :-- beacon , X altogether , be (- come) , accomplished , committed , like) , break , cause , come (to pass) , do , faint , fall , + follow , happen , X have , last , pertain , quit (one-) self , require , X use . ~~7482
05352 ## naqah {naw-kaw'} ; a primitive root ; to be (or make) clean (literally or figuratively) ; by implication (in an adverse sense) to be bare , i . e . extirpated :-- acquit X at all , X altogether , be blameless , cleanse , (be) clear (- ing) , cut off , be desolate , be free , be (hold) guiltless , be (hold) innocent , X by no means , be quit , be (leave) unpunished , X utterly , X wholly . ~~10872
05355 ## naqiy {naw-kee'} ; or naqiy'(Joel 4 : 19 ; Jonah 1 : 14) , {naw-kee'} ; from 05352 ; innocent :-- blameless , clean , clear , exempted , free , guiltless , innocent , quit . ~~10876
07662 ## sh@baq (Aramaic) {sheb-ak'} ; corresponding to the root of 07733 ; to quit , i . e . allow to remain :-- leave , let alone . ~~13182
2102 - euarestos {yoo-ar-es'-toce}; adverb from 2101; quite agreeably: -- acceptably, + please well. 2102
4762 - strepho {stref'-o}; strengthened from the base of 5157; to twist, i.e. turn quite around or reverse (literally or figuratively): -- convert, turn (again, back again, self, self about). 4660
00398 ## 'akal {aw-kal'} ; a primitive root ; to eat (literally or figuratively) :-- X at all , burn up , consume , devour (- er , up) , dine , eat (- er , up) , feed (with) , food , X freely , X in . . . wise (- deed , plenty) , (lay) meat , X quite . ~~5918
01980 ## halak {haw-lak'} ; akin to 03212 ; a primitive root ; to walk (in a great variety of applications , literally and figuratively) :-- (all) along , apace , behave (self) , come , (on) continually , be conversant , depart , + be eased , enter , exercise (self) , + follow , forth , forward , get , go (about , abroad , along , away , forward , on , out , up and down) , + greater , grow , be wont to haunt , lead , march , X more and more , move (self) , needs , on , pass (away) , be at the point , quite , run (along) , + send , speedily , spread , still , surely , + tale-bearer , + travel (- ler) , walk (abroad , on , to and fro , up and down , to places) , wander , wax , [way-] faring man , X be weak , whirl . ~~7500
03615 ## kalah {kaw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to end , whether intransitive (to cease , be finished , perish) or transitived (to complete , prepare , consume) :-- accomplish , cease , consume (away) , determine , destroy (utterly) , be (when . . were) done , (be an) end (of) , expire , (cause to) fail , faint , finish , fulfil , X fully , X have , leave (off) , long , bring to pass , wholly reap , make clean riddance , spend , quite take away , waste . ~~9136
05080 ## nadach {naw-dakh'} ; a primitive root ; to push off ; used in a great variety of applications , literally and figuratively (to expel , mislead , strike , inflict , etc .) :-- banish , bring , cast down (out) , chase , compel , draw away , drive (away , out , quite) , fetch a stroke , force , go away , outcast , thrust away (out) , withdraw . ~~10600
06181 ## ` eryah {er-yaw'} ; for 06172 ; nudity :-- bare , naked , X quite . ~~11702
07665 ## shabar {shaw-bar'} ; a primitive root ; to burst (literally or figuratively) :-- break (down , off , in pieces , up) , broken ([-hearted ]) , bring to the birth , crush , destroy , hurt , quench , X quite , tear , view [by mistake for 07663 ] . ~~13186
00827 ## 'ashpah {ash-paw'} ; perhaps (feminine) from the same as 00825 (in the sense of covering) ; a quiver or arrow-case :-- quiver . ~~6348
00827 ## 'ashpah {ash-paw'} ; perhaps (feminine) from the same as 00825 (in the sense of covering) ; a quiver or arrow-case :-- quiver . ~~6348
05130 ## nuwph {noof} ; a primitive root ; to quiver (i . e . vibrate up and down , or rock to and fro) ; used in a great variety of applications (including sprinkling , beckoning , rubbing , bastinadoing , sawing , waving , etc .) :-- lift up , move , offer , perfume , send , shake , sift , strike , wave . ~~10650
06426 ## palats {paw-lats'} ; a primitive root ; properly , perhaps to rend , i . e . (by implication) to quiver :-- tremble . ~~11946
06750 ## tsalal {tsaw-lal'} ; a primitive root [identical with 06749 through the idea of vibration ] ; to tinkle , i . e . rattle together (as the ears in reddening with shame , or the teeth in chattering with fear) :-- quiver , tingle . ~~12270
07264 ## ragaz {raw-gaz'} ; a primitive root ; to quiver (with any violent emotion , especially anger or fear) :-- be afraid , stand in awe , disquiet , fall out , fret , move , provoke , quake , rage , shake , tremble , trouble , be wroth . ~~12784
08522 ## t@liy {tel-ee'} ; probably from 08518 ; a quiver (as slung) :-- quiver . ~~14044
08522 ## t@liy {tel-ee'} ; probably from 08518 ; a quiver (as slung) :-- quiver . ~~14044
07483 ## ra` mah {rah-maw'} ; feminine of 07482 ; the mane of a horse (as quivering in the wind) :-- thunder . ~~13004
08273 ## sharab {shaw-rawb'} ; from an unused root meaning to glare ; quivering glow (of the air) , expec . the mirage :-- heat , parched ground . ~~13794
2183 - ephemeria {ef-ay-mer-ee'-ah}; from 2184; diurnality, i.e. (specially) the quotidian rotation or class of the Jewish priests' service at the Temple, as distributed by families: -- course. 2182
2522 - kathemerinos {kath-ay-mer-ee-nos'}; from 2596 and 2250; quotidian: -- daily. 2522
08622 ## t@quwphah {tek-oo-faw'} ; or t@quphah {tek-oo-faw'} ; from 05362 ; a revolution , i . e . (of the sun) course , (of time) lapse :-- circuit , come about , end . ~~14144
07133 ## qorban {kor-bawn'} ; or qurban {koor-bawn'} ; from 07126 ; something brought near the altar , i . e . a sacrificial present :-- oblation , that is offered , offering . ~~12654
04742 ## m@quts` ah {mek-oots-aw'} ; from 07106 in the denominative sense of bending ; an angle :-- corner . ~~10262
03351 ## y@quwm {yek-oom'} ; from 06965 ; properly , standing (extant) , i . e . by implication , a living thing :-- (living) substance . ~~8872
06965 ## quwm {koom} ; a primitive root ; to rise (in various applications , literal , figurative , intensive and causative) :-- abide , accomplish , X be clearer , confirm , continue , decree , X be dim , endure , X enemy , enjoin , get up , make good , help , hold , (help to) lift up (again) , make , X but newly , ordain , perform , pitch , raise (up) , rear (up) , remain , (a-) rise (up) (again , against) , rouse up , set (up) , (e-) stablish , (make to) stand (up) , stir up , strengthen , succeed , (as-, make) sure (- ly) , (be) up (- hold ,-rising) . ~~12486
06966 ## quwm (Aramaic) {koom} ; corresponding to 06965 :-- appoint , establish , make , raise up self , (a-) rise (up) , (make to) stand , set (up) . ~~12486
08617 ## t@quwmah {tek-oo-maw'} ; from 06965 ; resistfulness :-- power to stand . ~~14138
06969 ## quwn {koon} ; a primitive root ; to strike a musical note , i . e . chant or wail (at a funeral) :-- lament , mourning woman . ~~12490
08622 ## t@quwphah {tek-oo-faw'} ; or t@quphah {tek-oo-faw'} ; from 05362 ; a revolution , i . e . (of the sun) course , (of time) lapse :-- circuit , come about , end . ~~14144
06979 ## quwr {koor} ; a primitive root ; to trench ; by implication , to throw forth ; also (denominative from 07023) to wall up , whether literal (to build a wall) or figurative (to estop) :-- break down , cast out , destroy , dig . ~~12500
06980 ## quwr {koor} ; from 06979 ; (only plural) trenches , i . e . a web (as if so formed) :-- web . ~~12500
06984 ## quwshayahuw {koo-shaw-yaw'- hoo} ; from the passive participle of 06983 and 03050 ; entrapped of Jah ; Kushajah , an Israelite :-- Kushaiah . ~~12504
06962 ## quwt {koot} ; a primitive root ; properly , to cut off , i . e . (figuratively) detest :-- begrieved , loathe self . ~~12482
03354 ## Y@quwthiy'el {yek-ooth-ee'- ale} ; from the same as 03348 and 00410 ; obedience of God ; Jekuthiel , an Israelite :-- Jekuthiel . ~~8874
06972 ## quwts {koots} ; a primitive root ; to clip off ; used only as denominative from 07019 ; to spend the harvest season :-- summer . ~~12492
06973 ## quwts {koots} ; a primitive root [identical with 06972 through the idea of severing oneself from (compare 06962) ] ; to be (causatively , make) disgusted or anxious :-- abhor , be distressed , be grieved , loathe , vex , be weary . ~~12494
06974 ## quwts {koots} ; a primitive root [identical with 06972 through the idea of abruptness in starting up from sleep (compare 03364) ] ; to awake (literally or figuratively) :-- arise , (be) (a-) wake , watch . ~~12494
0245 - allotrios {al-lot'-ree-os}; from 0243; another's, i.e. not one's own; by extension foreign, not akin, hostile: -- alien, (an-)other (man's, men's), strange(-r). 244
2795 - kineo {kin-eh'-o}; from kio (poetic for eimi, to go); to stir (transitively), literally or figuratively: -- (re-)move(-r), way. 2794
3581 - xenos {xen'-os}; apparently a primary word; foreign (literally, alien, or figuratively, novel); by implication a guest or (vice-versa) entertainer: -- host, strange(-r). 3480
4100 - pisteuo {pist-yoo'-o}; from 4102; to have faith (in, upon, or with respect to, a person or thing), i.e. credit; by implication, to entrust (especially one's spiritual well-being to Christ): -- believe(-r), commit (to trust), put in trust with. 3998
4103 - pistos {pis-tos'}; from 3982; objectively, trustworthy; subjectively, trustful: -- believe(-ing, -r), faithful(-ly), sure, true. 4000
4791 - sugkoinonos {soong-koy-no-nos'}; from 4862 and 2844; a co-participant: -- companion, partake(-r, -r with). 4688
4791 - sugkoinonos {soong-koy-no-nos'}; from 4862 and 2844; a co-participant: -- companion, partake(-r, -r with). 4688
5429 - phronimos {fron'-ee-mos}; from 5424; thoughtful, i.e. sagacious or discreet (implying a cautious character; while 4680 denotes practical skill or acumen; and 4908 indicates rather intelligence or mental acquirement); in a bad sense conceited (also in the comparative): -- wise(-r). 5326
00157 ## 'ahab {aw-hab'} ; or'aheb {aw-habe'} ; a primitive root ; to have affection for (sexually or otherwise) :-- (be-) love (- d ,-ly ,-r) , like , friend . ~~5678
00158 ## 'ahab {ah'- hab} ; from 00157 ; affection (in a good or a bad sense) :-- love (- r) . ~~5678
00644 ## 'aphah {aw-faw'} ; a primitive root ; to cook , especially to bake :-- bake (- r , [-meats ]) . ~~6164
00686 ## 'atsar {aw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; to store up :-- (lay up in) store , + (make) treasure (- r) . ~~6206
00707 ## 'arag {aw-rag'} ; a primitive root ; to plait or weave :-- weaver (- r) . ~~6228
00877 ## bo'r {bore} ; from 00874 ; a cistern :-- cistern . ~~ 6398
01050 ## Beyth R@chowb {bayth re-khobe'} ; from 01004 and 07339 ; house of (the) street ; Beth-Rechob , a place in Palestine :-- Beth-rehob . ~~6570
01756 ## Dowr {dore} or (by permutation) Do'r (Josh . 17 : 11 ; 1 Kings 4 : 11) {dore} ; from 01755 ; dwelling ; Dor , a place in Palestine :-- Dor . ~~7276
02114 ## zuwr {zoor} ; a primitive root ; to turn aside (especially for lodging) ; hence to be a foreigner , strange , profane ; specifically (active participle) to commit adultery :-- (come from) another (man , place) , fanner , go away , (e-) strange (- r , thing , woman) . ~~7634
02141 ## zakak {zaw-kak'} ; a primitive root [compare 02135 ] ; to be transparent or clean (phys . or morally) :-- be (make) clean , be pure (- r) . ~~7662
02576 ## Chammoth Do'r {kham-moth'dore} ; from the plural of 02535 and 01756 ; hot springs of Dor ; Chammath-Dor , a place in Palestine :-- Hamath-Dor . ~~8096
02950 ## taphal {taw-fal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to stick on as a patch ; figuratively , to impute falsely :-- forge (- r) , sew up . ~~8470
03128 ## yownath'elem r@choqiym {yo-nath'ay'- lem rekh-o-keem'} ; from 03123 and 00482 and the plural of 07350 ; dove of (the) silence (i . e . dumb Israel) of (i . e . among) distances (i . e . strangers) ; the title of a ditty (used for a name of its melody) :-- Jonath-elem-rechokim . ~~8648
03198 ## yakach {yaw-kahh'} ; a primitive root ; to be right (i . e . correct) ; reciprocal , to argue ; causatively , to decide , justify or convict :-- appoint , argue , chasten , convince , correct (- ion) , daysman , dispute , judge , maintain , plead , reason (together) , rebuke , reprove (- r) , surely , in any wise . ~~8718
03302 ## yaphah {yaw-faw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be bright , i . e . (by implication) beautiful :-- be beautiful , be (make self) fair (- r) , deck . ~~8822
03335 ## yatsar {yaw-tsar'} ; probably identical with 03334 (through the squeezing into shape) ; ([compare 03331 ]) ; to mould into a form ; especially as a potter ; figuratively , to determine (i . e . form a resolution) :-- X earthen , fashion , form , frame , make (- r) , potter , purpose . ~~8856
03808 ## lo'{lo} ; or low'{lo} ; or loh (Deut . 3 : 11) {lo} ; a primitive particle ; not (the simple or abs . negation) ; by implication , no ; often used with other particles (as follows) :-- X before , + or else , ere , + except , ig [-norant ] , much , less , nay , neither , never , no ([-ne ] ,-- r , [-thing ]) , (X as though . . . , [can-] , for) not (out of) , of nought , otherwise , out of , + surely , + as truly as , + of a truth , + verily , for want , + whether , without . ~~9328
03809 ## la'(Aramaic) {law} ; or lah (Aramaic) (Dan . 4 : 32) {law} ; corresponding to 03808 :-- or even , neither , no (- ne ,-- r) , ([can-]) not , as nothing , without . ~~9330
03835 ## laban {law-ban'} ; a primitive root ; to be (or become) white ; also (as denominative from 03843) to make bricks :-- make brick , be (made , make) white (- r) . ~~9356
04910 ## mashal {maw-shal'} ; a primitive root ; to rule :-- (have , make to have) dominion , governor , X indeed , reign , (bear , cause to , have) rule (- ing ,-r) , have power . ~~10430
05221 ## nakah {naw-kaw'} ; a primitive root ; to strike (lightly or severely , literally or figuratively) :-- beat , cast forth , clap , give [wounds ] , X go forward , X indeed , kill , make [slaughter ] , murderer , punish , slaughter , slay (- er ,-ing) , smite (- r ,-ing) , strike , be stricken , (give) stripes , X surely , wound . ~~10742
05237 ## nokriy {nok-ree'} ; from 05235 (second form) ; strange , in a variety of degrees and applications (foreign , non-relative , adulterous , different , wonderful) :-- alien , foreigner , outlandish , strange (- r , woman) . ~~10758
05329 ## natsach {naw-tsakh'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to glitter from afar , i . e . to be eminent (as a superintendent , especially of the Temple services and its music) ; also (as denominative from 05331) , to be permanent :-- excel , chief musician (singer) , oversee (- r) , set forward . ~~10850
05341 ## natsar {naw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; to guard , in a good sense (to protect , maintain , obey , etc .) or a bad one (to conceal , etc .) :-- besieged , hidden thing , keep (- er ,-ing) , monument , observe , preserve (- r) , subtil , watcher (- man) . ~~10862
05358 ## naqam {naw-kam'} ; a primitive root ; to grudge , i . e . avenge or punish :-- avenge (- r , self) , punish , revenge (self) , X surely , take vengeance . ~~10878
05874 ## ` Eyn-Do'r {ane-dore'} ; or` Eyn Dowr {ane dore} ; or` Eyn-Dor {ane-dore'} ; from 05869 and 01755 ; fountain of dwelling ; En-Dor , a place in Palestine :-- En-dor . ~~11394
06049 ## ` anan {aw-nan'} ; a primitive root ; to cover ; used only as a denominative from 06051 , to cloud over ; figuratively , to act covertly , i . e . practise magic :-- X bring , enchanter , Meonemin , observe (- r of) times , soothsayer , sorcerer . ~~11570
06466 ## pa` al {paw-al'} ; a primitive root ; to do or make (systematically and habitually) , especially to practise :-- commit , [evil-] do (- er) , make (- r) , ordain , work (- er) . ~~11986
06486 ## p@quddah {pek-ood-daw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06485 ; visitation (in many senses , chiefly official) :-- account , (that have the) charge , custody , that which . . . laid up , numbers , office (- r) , ordering , oversight , + prison , reckoning , visitation . ~~12006
06676 ## tsavva'r (Aramaic) {tsav-var'} ; corresponding to 06677 :-- neck . ~~12196
06677 ## tsavva'r {tsav-vawr'} ; or tsavvar (Nehemiah 3 : 5) {tsav-vawr'} ; or tsavvaron (Song of Solomon 4 : 9) {tsav-vaw-rone'} ; or (feminine) tsavva'rah (Micah 2 : 3) {tsav-vaw-raw'} ; intensively from 06696 in the sense of binding ; the back of the neck (as that on which burdens are bound) :-- neck . ~~12198
07080 ## qacam {kaw-sam'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to distribute , i . e . determine by lot or magical scroll ; by implication , to divine :-- divine (- r ,-ation) , prudent , soothsayer , use [divination ] . ~~12600
07200 ## ra'ah {raw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to see , literally or figuratively (in numerous applications , direct and implied , transitive , intransitive and causative) :-- advise self , appear , approve , behold , X certainly , consider , discern , (make to) enjoy , have experience , gaze , take heed , X indeed , X joyfully , lo , look (on , one another , one on another , one upon another , out , up , upon) , mark , meet , X be near , perceive , present , provide , regard , (have) respect , (fore-, cause to , let) see (- r ,-m , one another) , shew (self) , X sight of others , (e-) spy , stare , X surely , X think , view , visions . ~~12720
07205 ## R@'uwben {reh-oo-bane'} ; from the imperative of 07200 and 01121 ; see ye a son ; Reuben , a son of Jacob :-- Reuben . ~~12726
07206 ## R@'uwbeniy {reh-oob-ay-nee'} ; patronymic from 07205 ; a Reubenite or descendant of Reuben :-- children of Reuben , Reubenites . ~~12726
07208 ## R@'uwmah {reh-oo-maw'} ; feminine passive participle of 07213 ; raised ; Reumah , a Syrian woman :-- Reumah . ~~12728
07209 ## r@'iy {reh-ee'} ; from 07200 ; a mirror (as seen) :-- looking glass . ~~12730
07211 ## R@'ayah {reh-aw-yaw'} ; from 07200 and 03050 ; Jah has seen ; Reajah , the name of three Israelites :-- Reaia , Reaiah . ~~12732
07212 ## r@'iyth {reh-eeth'} ; from 07200 ; sight :-- beholding . ~~ 12732
07214 ## r@'em {reh-ame'} ; or r@'eym {reh-ame'} ; or reym {rame} ; or rem {rame} ; from 07213 ; a wild bull (from its conspicuousness) :-- unicorn . ~~12734
07214 ## r@'em {reh-ame'} ; or r@'eym {reh-ame'} ; or reym {rame} ; or rem {rame} ; from 07213 ; a wild bull (from its conspicuousness) :-- unicorn . ~~12734
07233 ## r@babah {reb-aw-baw'} ; from 07231 ; abundance (in number) , i . e . (specifically) a myriad (whether definite or indefinite) :-- many , million , X multiply , ten thousand . ~~12754
07236 ## r@bah (Aramaic) {reb-aw'} ; corresponding to 07235 :-- make a great man , grow . ~~12756
07238 ## r@buw (Aramaic) {reb-oo'} ; from a root corresponding to 07235 ; increase (of dignity) :-- greatness , majesty . ~~12758
07243 ## r@biy` iy {reb-ee-ee'} ; or r@bi` iy {reb-ee-ee'} ; from 07251 ; fourth ; also (fractionally) a fourth :-- foursquare , fourth (part) . ~~12764
07243 ## r@biy` iy {reb-ee-ee'} ; or r@bi` iy {reb-ee-ee'} ; from 07251 ; fourth ; also (fractionally) a fourth :-- foursquare , fourth (part) . ~~12764
07244 ## r@biy` ay (Aramaic) {reb-ee-ah'- ee} ; corresponding to 07243-- fourth . ~~12764
07265 ## r@gaz (Aramaic) {reg-az'} ; corresponding to 07264 :-- provoke unto wrath . ~~12786
07266 ## r@gaz (Aramaic) {reg-az'} ; from 07265 ; violent anger :-- rage . ~~12786
07271 ## r@gal (Aramaic) {reg-al'} ; corresponding to 07272 :-- foot . ~~ 12792
07284 ## r@gash (Aramaic) {reg-ash'} ; corresponding to 07283 ; to gather tumultuously :-- assemble (together) . ~~12804
07287 ## radah {raw-daw'} ; a primitive root ; to tread down , i . e . subjugate ; specifically , to crumble off :-- (come to , make to) have dominion , prevail against , reign , (bear , make to) rule , (- r , over) , take . ~~12808
07291 ## radaph {raw-daf'} ; a primitive root ; to run after (usually with hostile intent ; figuratively [of time ] gone by) :-- chase , put to flight , follow (after , on) , hunt , (be under) persecute (- ion ,-or) , pursue (- r) . ~~12812
07309 ## r@vachah {rev-aw-khaw'} ; feminine of 07305 ; relief :-- breathing , respite . ~~12830
07310 ## r@vayah {rev-aw-yaw'} ; from 07301 ; satisfaction :-- runneth over , wealthy . ~~12830
07331 ## R@zown {rez-one'} ; from 07336 ; prince ; Rezon , a Syrian :-- Rezon . ~~12852
07339 ## r@chob {rekh-obe'} ; or r@chowb {rekh-obe'} ; from 07337 ; a width , i . e . (concretely) avenue or area :-- broad place (way) , street . See also 01050 . ~~12860
07339 ## r@chob {rekh-obe'} ; or r@chowb {rekh-obe'} ; from 07337 ; a width , i . e . (concretely) avenue or area :-- broad place (way) , street . See also 01050 . ~~12860
07340 ## R@chob {rekh-obe'} ; or R@chowb {rekh-obe'} ; the same as 07339 ; Rechob , the name of a place in Syria , also of a Syrian and an Israelite :-- Rehob . ~~12860
07340 ## R@chob {rekh-obe'} ; or R@chowb {rekh-obe'} ; the same as 07339 ; Rechob , the name of a place in Syria , also of a Syrian and an Israelite :-- Rehob . ~~12860
07344 ## R@chobowth {rekh-o-both'} ; or R@choboth {rekh-o-both'} ; plural of 07339 ; streets ; Rechoboth , a place in Assyria and one in Palestine :-- Rehoboth . ~~12864
07344 ## R@chobowth {rekh-o-both'} ; or R@choboth {rekh-o-both'} ; plural of 07339 ; streets ; Rechoboth , a place in Assyria and one in Palestine :-- Rehoboth . ~~12864
07345 ## R@chabyah {rekh-ab-yaw'} ; or R@chabyahuw {rek-ab-yaw'- hoo} ; from 07337 and 03050 ; Jah has enlarged ; Rechabjah , an Israelite :-- Rehabiah . ~~12866
07345 ## R@chabyah {rekh-ab-yaw'} ; or R@chabyahuw {rek-ab-yaw'- hoo} ; from 07337 and 03050 ; Jah has enlarged ; Rechabjah , an Israelite :-- Rehabiah . ~~12866
07346 ## R@chab` am {rekh-ab-awm'} ; from 07337 and 05971 ; a people has enlarged ; Rechabam , an Israelite king :-- Rehoboam . ~~12866
07348 ## R@chuwm {rekh-oom'} ; a form of 07349 ; Rechum , the name of a Persian and of three Israelites :-- Rehum . ~~12868
07351 ## r@chiyt {rekh-eet'} ; from the same as 07298 ; a panel (as resembling a trough) :-- rafter . ~~12872
07359 ## r@chem (Aramaic) {rekh-ame'} ; corresponding to 07356 ; (plural) pity :-- mercy . ~~12880
07365 ## r@chats (Aramaic) {rekh-ats'} ; corresponding to 07364 [probably through the accessory idea of ministering as a servant at the bath ] ; to attend upon :-- trust . ~~12886
07392 ## rakab {raw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; to ride (on an animal or in a vehicle) ; causatively , to place upon (for riding or generally) , to despatch :-- bring (on [horse-] back) , carry , get [oneself ] up , on [horse-] back , put , (cause to , make to) ride (in a chariot , on ,-r) , set . ~~12912
07398 ## r@kuwb {rek-oob'} ; from passive participle of 07392 ; a vehicle (as ridden on) :-- chariot . ~~12918
07399 ## r@kuwsh {rek-oosh'} ; or r@kush {rek-oosh'} ; from passive participle of 07408 ; property (as gathered) :-- good , riches , substance . ~~12920
07399 ## r@kuwsh {rek-oosh'} ; or r@kush {rek-oosh'} ; from passive participle of 07408 ; property (as gathered) :-- good , riches , substance . ~~12920
07404 ## r@kullah {rek-ool-law'} ; feminine passive participle of 07402 ; trade (as peddled) :-- merchandise , traffic . ~~12924
07412 ## r@mah (Aramaic) {rem-aw'} ; corresponding to 07411 ; to throw , set , (figuratively) assess :-- cast (down) , impose . ~~12932
07423 ## r@miyah {rem-ee-yaw'} ; from 07411 ; remissness , treachery :-- deceit (- ful ,-fully) , false , guile , idle , slack , slothful . ~~12944
07425 ## R@malyahuw {rem-al-yaw'- hoo} ; from an unused root and 03050 (perhaps meaning to deck) ; Jah has bedecked ; Remaljah , an Israelite :-- Remaliah . ~~12946
07445 ## r@nanah {ren-aw-naw'} ; from 07442 ; a shout (for joy) :-- joyful (voice) , singing , triumphing . ~~12966
07459 ## r@abown {reh-aw-bone'} ; from 07456 ; famine :-- famine . ~~ 12980
07461 ## ra` ad {rah'- ad} ; or (feminine) r@adah {reh-aw-daw'} ; from 07460 ; a shudder :-- trembling . ~~12982
07466 ## R@` uw {reh-oo'} ; for 07471 in the sense of 07453 ; friend ; Reu , a postdiluvian patriarch :-- Reu . ~~12986
07467 ## R@` uw'el {reh-oo-ale'} ; from the same as 07466 and 00410 ; friend of God ; Reuel , the name of Moses'father-in-law , also of an Edomite and an Israelite :-- Raguel , Reuel . ~~12988
07468 ## r@` uwth {reh-ooth'} ; from 07462 in the sense of 07453 ; a female associate ; generally an additional one :-- + another , mate , neighbour . ~~12988
07469 ## r@` uwth {reh-ooth'} ; probably from 07462 ; a feeding upon , i . e . grasping after :-- vexation . ~~12990
07470 ## r@uwth (Aramaic) {reh-ooth'} ; corresponding to 07469 ; desire :-- pleasure , will . ~~12990
07471 ## r@` iy {reh-ee'} ; from 07462 ; pasture :-- pasture . ~~ 12992
07480 ## R@` elayah {reh-ay-law-yaw'} ; from 07477 and 03050 ; made to tremble (i . e . fearful) of Jah ; Reelajah , an Israelite :-- Reeliah . ~~13000
07490 ## r@` a` (Aramaic) {reh-ah'} ; corresponding to 07489 :-- break , bruise . ~~13010
07499 ## r@phu'ah {ref-oo-aw'} ; feminine passive participle of 07495 ; a medicament :-- heal [-ed ] , medicine . ~~13020
07501 ## R@pha'el {ref-aw-ale'} ; from 07495 and 00410 ; God has cured ; Rephael , an Israelite :-- Rephael . ~~13022
07507 ## r@phiydah {ref-ee-daw'} ; from 07502 ; a railing (as spread along) :-- bottom . ~~13028
07508 ## R@phiydiym {ref-ee-deem'} ; plural of the masculine of the same as 07507 ; ballusters ; Rephidim , a place in the Desert :-- Rephidim . ~~13028
07509 ## R@phayah {ref-aw-yaw'} ; from 07495 and 03050 ; Jah has cured ; Rephajah , the name of five Israelites :-- Rephaiah . ~~13030
07512 ## r@phac (Aramaic) {ref-as'} ; corresponding to 07511 :-- stamp . ~~13032
07526 ## R@tsiyn {rets-een'} ; probably for 07522 ; Retsin , the name of a Syrian and of an Israelite :-- Rezin . ~~13046
07560 ## r@sham (Aramaic) {resh-am'} ; corresponding to 07559 :-- sign , write . ~~13080
07577 ## r@thuqah {reth-oo-kaw'} ; feminine passive participle of 07576 ; something fastened , i . e . a chain :-- chain . ~~13098
07578 ## r@theth {reth-ayth'} ; for 07374 ; terror :-- trembling . ~~ 13098
07843 ## shachath {shaw-khath'} ; a primitive root ; to decay , i . e . (causatively) ruin (literally or figuratively) :-- batter , cast off , corrupt (- er , thing) , destroy (- er ,-uction) , lose , mar , perish , spill , spoiler , X utterly , waste (- r) . ~~13364
07990 ## shalliyt (Aramaic) {shal-leet'} ; corresponding to 07989 ; mighty ; abstractly , permission ; concretely , a premier :-- captain , be lawful , rule (- r) . ~~13512
08130 ## sane'{saw-nay'} ; a primitive root ; to hate (personally) :-- enemy , foe , (be) hate (- ful ,-r) , odious , X utterly . ~~13652
08254 ## shaqal {shaw-kal'} ; a primitive root ; to suspend or poise (especially in trade) :-- pay , receive (- r) , spend , X throughly , weigh . ~~13776