07250 ## raba` {raw-bah'} ; a primitive root ; to squat or lie out flat , i . e . (specifically) in copulation :-- let gender , lie down . ~~12770
07251 ## raba` {raw-bah'} ; a primitive root [rather identical with 07250 through the idea of sprawling " at all fours " (or possibly the reverse is the order of deriv .) ; compare 00702 ] ; properly , to be four (sided) ; used only as denominative of 07253 ; to be quadrate :-- (four-) square (- d) . ~~12772
07231 ## rabab {raw-bab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to cast together [compare 07241 ] , i . e . increase , especially in number ; also (as denominative from 07233) to multiply by the myriad :-- increase , be many (- ifold) , be more , multiply , ten thousands . ~~12752
07232 ## rabab {raw-bab'} ; a primitive root [rather identical with 07231 through the idea of projection ] ; to shoot an arrow :-- shoot . ~~12752
07234 ## rabad {raw-bad'} ; a primitive root ; to spread :-- deck . ~~ 12754
07132 ## q@rabah {ker-aw-baw'} ; from 07126 ; approach :-- approaching , draw near . ~~12652
07235 ## rabah {raw-baw'} ; a primitive root ; to increase (in whatever respect) :-- [bring in ] abundance (X-antly) , + archer [by mistake for 07232 ] , be in authority , bring up , X continue , enlarge , excel , exceeding (- ly) , be full of , (be , make) great (- er ,-ly , X-ness) , grow up , heap , increase , be long , (be , give , have , make , use) many (a time) , (any , be , give , give the , have) more (in number) , (ask , be , be so , gather , over , take , yield) much (greater , more) , (make to) multiply , nourish , plenty (- eous) , X process [of time ] , sore , store , thoroughly , very . ~~12756
07246 ## rabak {raw-bak'} ; a primitive root ; to soak (bread in oil) :-- baken , (that which is) fried . ~~12766
07257 ## rabats {raw-bats'} ; a primitive root ; to crouch (on all four legs folded , like a recumbent animal) ; be implication , to recline , repose , brood , lurk , imbed :-- crouch (down) , fall down , make a fold , lay , (cause to , make to) lie (down) , make to rest , sit . ~~12778
01337 ## Bath Rabbiym {bath rab-beem'} ; from 01323 and a masculine plural from 07227 ; the daughter (i . e . city) of Rabbah :-- Bath-rabbim . ~~6858
02579 ## Chamath Rabbah {kham-ath'rab-baw'} ; from 02574 and 07237 ; Chamath of Rabbah ; Chamath-Rabbah , probably the same as 02574 .-- Hamath ~~8100
02579 ## Chamath Rabbah {kham-ath'rab-baw'} ; from 02574 and 07237 ; Chamath of Rabbah ; Chamath-Rabbah , probably the same as 02574 .-- Hamath ~~8100
02579 ## Chamath Rabbah {kham-ath'rab-baw'} ; from 02574 and 07237 ; Chamath of Rabbah ; Chamath-Rabbah , probably the same as 02574 .-- Hamath ~~8100
07237 ## Rabbah {rab-baw'} ; feminine of 07227 ; great ; Rabbah , the name of two places in Palestine , East and West :-- Rabbah , Rabbath . ~~12758
07237 ## Rabbah {rab-baw'} ; feminine of 07227 ; great ; Rabbah , the name of two places in Palestine , East and West :-- Rabbah , Rabbath . ~~12758
07237 ## Rabbah {rab-baw'} ; feminine of 07227 ; great ; Rabbah , the name of two places in Palestine , East and West :-- Rabbah , Rabbath . ~~12758
07237 ## Rabbah {rab-baw'} ; feminine of 07227 ; great ; Rabbah , the name of two places in Palestine , East and West :-- Rabbah , Rabbath . ~~12758
3547 - nomodidaskalos {nom-od-id-as'-kal-os}; from 3551 and 1320; an expounder of the (Jewish) law, i.e. a Rabbi: -- doctor (teacher) of the law. 3446
4461 - rhabbi {hrab-bee'}; of Hebrew origin [7227 with pronominal suffix); my master, i.e Rabbi, as an official title of honor: -- Master, Rabbi. 4358
4461 - rhabbi {hrab-bee'}; of Hebrew origin [7227 with pronominal suffix); my master, i.e Rabbi, as an official title of honor: -- Master, Rabbi. 4358
01337 ## Bath Rabbiym {bath rab-beem'} ; from 01323 and a masculine plural from 07227 ; the daughter (i . e . city) of Rabbah :-- Bath-rabbim . ~~6858
08227 ## shaphan {shaw-fawn'} ; from 08226 ; a species of rock-rabbit (from its hiding) , i . e . probably the hyrax :-- coney . ~~13748
07245 ## Rabbiyth {rab-beeth'} ; from 07231 ; multitude ; Rabbith , a place in Palestine :-- Rabbith . ~~12766
07245 ## Rabbiyth {rab-beeth'} ; from 07231 ; multitude ; Rabbith , a place in Palestine :-- Rabbith . ~~12766
01337 ## Bath Rabbiym {bath rab-beem'} ; from 01323 and a masculine plural from 07227 ; the daughter (i . e . city) of Rabbah :-- Bath-rabbim . ~~6858
07245 ## Rabbiyth {rab-beeth'} ; from 07231 ; multitude ; Rabbith , a place in Palestine :-- Rabbith . ~~12766
3793 - ochlos {okh'los}; from a derivative of 2192 (meaning a vehicle); a throng (as borne along); by implication, the rabble; by extension, a class of people; figuratively, a riot: -- company, multitude, number (of people), people, press. 3690
4462 - rhabboni {hrab-bon-ee'}; or rhabbouni {hrab-boo-nee'}; of Aramaic origin; corresponding to 4461: -- Lord, Rabboni. 4360
01619 ## Gareb {gaw-rabe'} ; from the same as 01618 ; scabby ; Gareb , the name of an Israelite , also of a hill near Jerusalem :-- Gareb . ~~7140
02717 ## charab {khaw-rab'} ; or chareb {khaw-rabe'} ; a primitive root ; to parch (through drought) i . e . (by analogy ,) to desolate , destroy , kill :-- decay , (be) desolate , destroy (- er) , (be) dry (up) , slay , X surely , (lay , lie , make) waste . ~~8238
02720 ## chareb {khaw-rabe'} ; from 02717 ; parched or ruined :-- desolate , dry , waste . ~~8240
02722 ## Choreb {kho-rabe'} ; from 02717 ; desolate ; Choreb , a (generic) name for the Sinaitic mountains :-- Horeb . ~~8242
03377 ## Yareb {yaw-rabe'} ; from 07378 ; he will contend ; Jareb , a symbolical name for Assyria :-- Jareb . Compare 03402 . ~~8898
06149 ## ` areb {aw-rabe'} a primitive root [identical with 06148 through the idea of close association ] ; to be agreeable :-- be pleasant (- ing) , take pleasure in , be sweet . ~~11670
06156 ## ` areb {aw-rabe'} ; from 06149 ; pleasant :-- sweet . ~~ 11676
06158 ## ` oreb {o-rabe'} ; or` owreb {o-rabe'} ; from 06150 ; a raven (from its dusky hue) :-- raven . ~~11678
06158 ## ` oreb {o-rabe'} ; or` owreb {o-rabe'} ; from 06150 ; a raven (from its dusky hue) :-- raven . ~~11678
06159 ## ` Oreb {o-rabe'} ; or` Owreb {o-rabe'} ; the same as 06158 ; Oreb , the name of a Midianite and of the cliff near the Jordan :-- Oreb . ~~11680
06159 ## ` Oreb {o-rabe'} ; or` Owreb {o-rabe'} ; the same as 06158 ; Oreb , the name of a Midianite and of the cliff near the Jordan :-- Oreb . ~~11680
07131 ## qareb {kaw-rabe'} ; from 07126 ; near :-- approach , come (near , nigh) , draw near . ~~12652
03856 ## lahahh {law-hah'} ; a primitive root meaning properly , to burn , i . e . (by implication) to be rabid (figuratively , insane) ; also (from the exhaustion of frenzy) to languish :-- faint , mad . ~~9376
07241 ## rabiyb {raw-beeb'} ; from 07231 ; a rain (as an accumulation of drops) :-- shower . ~~12762
07242 ## rabiyd {raw-beed'} ; from 07234 ; a collar (as spread around the neck) :-- chain . ~~12762
07261 ## rabr@ban (Aramaic) {rab-reb-awn'} ; from 07260 ; a magnate :-- lord , prince . ~~12782
07260 ## rabrab (Aramaic) {rab-rab'} ; from 07229 ; huge (in size) ; domineering (in character) :-- (very) great (things) . ~~12780
07262 ## Rabshaqeh {rab-shaw-kay'} ; from 07227 and 08248 ; chief butler ; Rabshakeh , a Bab . official :-- Rabshakeh . ~~12782
07262 ## Rabshaqeh {rab-shaw-kay'} ; from 07227 and 08248 ; chief butler ; Rabshakeh , a Bab . official :-- Rabshakeh . ~~12782
07262 ## Rabshaqeh {rab-shaw-kay'} ; from 07227 and 08248 ; chief butler ; Rabshakeh , a Bab . official :-- Rabshakeh . ~~12782
06537 ## p@rac (Aramaic) {per-as'} ; corresponding to 06536 ; to split up :-- divide , [U-] pharsin . ~~12058
4469 - rhaka {rhak-ah'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 7386]; O empty one, i.e. thou worthless (as a term of utter vilification): -- Raca. 4366
07450 ## racac {raw-sas'} ; a primitive root ; to comminute ; used only as denominative from 07447 , to moisten (with drops) :-- temper . ~~12970
0073 - agon {ag-one'}; from 0071; properly, a place of assembly (as if led), i.e. (by implication) a contest (held there); figuratively, an effort or anxiety: -- conflict, contention, fight, race. 72
0890 - achrestos {akh'-race-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5543; inefficient, i.e. (by implication) detrimental: -- unprofitable. 890
1408 - dromos {drom'-os}; from the alternate of 5143; a race, i.e. (figuratively) career: -- course. 1408
1479 - ethelothreskeia {eth-el-oth-race-ki'-ah}; from 2309 and 2356; voluntary (arbitrary and unwarranted) piety, i.e. sanctimony: -- will worship. ***. ethelo. See 2309. 1478
1484 - ethnos {eth'-nos}; probably from 1486; a race (as of the same habit), i.e. a tribe; specially, a foreign (non-Jewish) one (usually by implication, pagan): -- Gentile, heathen, nation, people. 1484
1496 - eidololatres {i-do-lol-at'-race}; from 1497 and the base of 3000; an image-(servant or) worshipper (literally or figuratively): -- idolater. 1496
3965 - patria {pat-ree-ah'}; as if feminine of a derivative of 3962; paternal descent., i.e. (concretely) a group of families or a whole race (nation): -- family, kindred, lineage. 3862
4134 - pleres {play'-race}; from 4130; replete, or covered over; by analogy, complete: -- full. 4032
4158 - poderes {pod-ay'-race}; from 4228 and another element of uncertain affinity; a dress (2066 implied) reaching the ankles: -- garment down to the foot. 4056
4712 - stadion {stad'-ee-on}; or masculine (in plural) stadios {stad'-ee-os}; from the base of 2476 (as fixed); a stade or certain measure of distance; by implication, a stadium or race-course: -- furlong, race. 4610
4712 - stadion {stad'-ee-on}; or masculine (in plural) stadios {stad'-ee-os}; from the base of 2476 (as fixed); a stade or certain measure of distance; by implication, a stadium or race-course: -- furlong, race. 4610
5443 - phule {foo-lay'}; from 5453 (compare 5444); an offshoot, i.e. race or clan: -- kindred, tribe. 5340
00734 ## 'orach {o'- rakh} ; from 00732 ; a well-trodden road (literally or figuratively) ; also a caravan :-- manner , path , race , rank , traveller , troop , [by-, high-] way . ~~6254
03120 ## Yavan {yaw-vawn'} ; probably from the same as 03196 ; effervescing (i . e . hot and active) ; Javan , the name of a son of Joktan , and of the race (Ionians , i . e . Greeks) descended from him , with their territory ; also of a place in Arabia :-- Javan . ~~8640
04793 ## merowts {may-rotes'} ; from 07323 ; a run (the trial of speed) :-- race . ~~10314
04794 ## m@ruwtsah {mer-oo-tsaw'} ; or m@rutsah {mer-oo-tsaw'} ; feminine of 04793 ; a race (the act) , whether the manner or the progress :-- course , running . Compare 04835 . ~~10314
06154 ## ` ereb {ay'- reb} ; or` ereb (1 Kings 10 : 15) , (with the article prefix) , {eh'- reb} ; from 06148 ; the web (or transverse threads of cloth) ; also a mixture , (or mongrel race) :-- Arabia , mingled people , mixed (multitude) , woof . ~~11674
2139 - euperistatos {yoo-per-is'-tat-os}; from 2095 and a derivative of a presumed compound of 4012 and 2476; well standing around, i.e. (a competitor) thwarting (a racer) in every direction (figuratively, of sin in genitive case): -- which doth so easily beset. 2138
02223 ## zarziyr {zar-zeer'} ; by reduplication from 02115 ; properly , tightly girt , i . e . probably a racer , or some fleet animal (as being slender in the waist) :-- + greyhound . ~~7744
03393 ## y@rach (Aramaic) {yeh-rakh'} ; corresponding to 03391 ; a month :-- month . ~~8914
4460 - Rhaab {hrah-ab'}; of Hebrew origin [7343]; Raab (i.e. Rachab), a Canaanitess: -- Rahab. See also 4477. 4358
4477 - Rhachab {hrakh-ab'}; from the same as 4460; Rachab, a Canaanitess: -- Rachab. 4374
4477 - Rhachab {hrakh-ab'}; from the same as 4460; Rachab, a Canaanitess: -- Rachab. 4374
07337 ## rachab {raw-khab'} ; a primitive root ; to broaden (intransitive or transitive , literal or figurative) :-- be an en-(make) large (- ing) , make room , make (open) wide . ~~12858
07338 ## rachab {rakh'- ab} ; from 07337 ; a width :-- breadth , broad place . ~~12858
07342 ## rachab {raw-khawb'} ; from 07337 ; roomy , in any (or every) direction , literally or figuratively :-- broad , large , at liberty , proud , wide . ~~12862
07343 ## Rachab {raw-khawb'} ; the same as 07342 ; proud ; Rachab , a Canaanitess :-- Rahab . ~~12864
07343 ## Rachab {raw-khawb'} ; the same as 07342 ; proud ; Rachab , a Canaanitess :-- Rahab . ~~12864