07403 ## Rakal {raw-kawl'} ; from 07402 ; merchant ; Rakal , a place in Palestine :-- Rachal . ~~12924
07355 ## racham {raw-kham'} ; a primitive root ; to fondle ; by implication , to love , especially to compassionate :-- have compassion (on , upon) , love , (find , have , obtain , shew) mercy (- iful , on , upon) , (have) pity , Ruhamah , X surely . ~~12876
07356 ## racham {rakh'- am} ; from 07355 ; compassion (in the plural) ; by extension , the womb (as cherishing the fetus) ; by implication , a maiden :-- bowels , compassion , damsel , tender love , (great , tender) mercy , pity , womb . ~~12876
07357 ## Racham {rakh'- am} ; the same as 07356 ; pity ; Racham , an Israelite :-- Raham . ~~12878
07357 ## Racham {rakh'- am} ; the same as 07356 ; pity ; Racham , an Israelite :-- Raham . ~~12878
07360 ## racham {raw-khawm'} ; or (feminine) rachamah {raw-khaw-maw'} ; from 07355 ; a kind of vulture (supposed to be tender towards its young) :-- gier-eagle . ~~12880
07360 ## racham {raw-khawm'} ; or (feminine) rachamah {raw-khaw-maw'} ; from 07355 ; a kind of vulture (supposed to be tender towards its young) :-- gier-eagle . ~~12880
07361 ## rachamah {rakh-am-aw'} ; feminine of 07356 ; a maiden :-- damsel . ~~12882
07353 ## rachaph {raw-khaf'} ; a primitive root ; to brood ; by implication , to be relaxed :-- flutter , move , shake . ~~12884
07368 ## rachaq {raw-khak'} ; a primitive root ; to widen (in any direction) , i . e . (intransitively) recede or (transitively) remove (literally or figuratively , of place or relation) :-- (a-, be , cast , drive , get , go , keep [self ] , put , remove , be too , [wander ] , withdraw) far (away , off) , loose , X refrain , very , (be) a good way (off) . ~~12888
07370 ## rachash {raw-khash'} ; a primitive root ; to gush :-- indite . ~~12890
07371 ## rachath {rakh'- ath} ; from 07306 ; a winnowing-fork (as blowing the chaff away) :-- shovel . ~~12892
07364 ## rachats {raw-khats'} ; a primitive root ; to lave (the whole or a part of a thing) :-- bathe (self) , wash (self) . ~~12884
07366 ## rachats {rakh'- ats} ; from 07364 ; a bath :-- wash [-pot ] . ~~ 12886
4478 - Rhachel {hrakh-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [7354]; Rachel, the wife of Jacob: -- Rachel. 4376
4478 - Rhachel {hrakh-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [7354]; Rachel, the wife of Jacob: -- Rachel. 4376
07353 ## rachel {raw-kale'} ; from an unused root meaning to journey ; a ewe [the females being the predominant element of a flock ] (as a good traveller) :-- ewe , sheep . ~~12874
07354 ## Rachel {raw-khale'} ; the same as 07353 ; Rachel , a wife of Jacob :-- Rachel . ~~12874
07354 ## Rachel {raw-khale'} ; the same as 07353 ; Rachel , a wife of Jacob :-- Rachel . ~~12874
07354 ## Rachel {raw-khale'} ; the same as 07353 ; Rachel , a wife of Jacob :-- Rachel . ~~12874
07369 ## racheq {raw-khake'} ; from 07368 ; remote :-- that are far . ~~ 12890
07352 ## rachiyq (Aramaic) {rakh-eek'} ; corresponding to 07350 :-- far . ~~12872
03396 ## Y@rachm@'el {yer-akh-meh-ale'} ; from 07355 and 00410 ; God will compassionate ; Jerachmeel , the name of three Israelites :-- Jerahmeel . ~~8916
03397 ## Y@rachm@'eliy {yer-akh-meh-ay-lee'} ; patronymically from 03396 ; a Jerachmeelite or descendant of Jerachmeel :-- Jerahmeelites . ~~8918
07362 ## rachmaniy {rakh-maw-nee'} ; from 07355 ; compassionate :-- pitiful . ~~12882
07350 ## rachowq {raw-khoke'} ; or rachoq {raw-khoke'} ; from 07368 ; remote , literally or figuratively , of place or time ; specifically , precious ; often used adverbially (with preposition) :-- (a-) far (abroad , off) , long ago , of old , space , great while to come . ~~12870
07350 ## rachowq {raw-khoke'} ; or rachoq {raw-khoke'} ; from 07368 ; remote , literally or figuratively , of place or time ; specifically , precious ; often used adverbially (with preposition) :-- (a-) far (abroad , off) , long ago , of old , space , great while to come . ~~12870
07367 ## rachtsah {rakh-tsaw'} ; feminine of 07366 ; a bathing place :-- washing . ~~12888
07349 ## rachuwm {rakh-oom'} ; from 07355 ; compassionate :-- full of compassion , merciful . ~~12870
02228 ## Z@rachyah {zer-akh-yaw'} ; from 02225 and 03050 ; Jah has risen : Zerachjah , the name of two Israelites :-- Zerahiah . ~~7748
07447 ## raciyc {raw-sees'} ; from 07450 ; properly , dripping to pieces , i . e . a ruin ; also a dew-drop :-- breach , drop . ~~12968
4761 - strebloo {streb-lo'-o}; from a derivative of 4762; to wrench, i.e. (specifically) to torture (by the rack), but only figuratively, to pervert: -- wrest. 4658
0349 - anakrazo {an-ak-rad'-zo}; from 0303 and 2896; to scream up (aloud): -- cry out. 348
1598 - ekpeirazo {ek-pi-rad'-zo}; from 1537 and 3985; to test thoroughly: -- tempt. 1598
3985 - peirazo {pi-rad'-zo}; from 3984; to test (objectively), i.e. endeavor, scrutinize, entice, discipline: -- assay, examine, go about, prove, tempt(-er), try. 3882
5069 - tetradion {tet-rad'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of tetras (a tetrad; from 5064); a quaternion or squad (picket) of four Roman soldiers: -- quaternion. 4966
01258 ## barad {baw-rad'} ; a primitive root , to hail :-- hail . ~~ 6778
01623 ## garad {gaw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; to abrade :-- scrape . ~~ 7144
02729 ## charad {khaw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; to shudder with terror ; hence , to fear ; also to hasten (with anxiety) :-- be (make) afraid , be careful , discomfit , fray (away) , quake , tremble . ~~8250
02956 ## tarad {taw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; to drive on ; figuratively , to follow close :-- continual . ~~8476
02957 ## t@rad (Aramaic) {ter-ad'} ; corresponding to 02956 ; to expel :-- drive . ~~8478
03381 ## yarad {yaw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; to descend (literally , to go downwards ; or conventionally to a lower region , as the shore , a boundary , the enemy , etc . ; or figuratively , to fall) ; causatively , to bring down (in all the above applications) ;-- X abundantly , bring down , carry down , cast down , (cause to) come (- ing) down , fall (down) , get down , go (- ing) down (- ward) , hang down , X indeed , let down , light (down) , put down (off) , (cause to , let) run down , sink , subdue , take down . ~~8902
04775 ## marad {maw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; to rebel :-- rebel (- lious) . ~~10296
04776 ## m@rad (Aramaic) {mer-ad'} ; from a root corresponding to 04775 ; rebellion :-- rebellion . ~~10296
06504 ## parad {paw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; to break through , i . e . spread or separate (oneself) :-- disperse , divide , be out of joint , part , scatter (abroad) , separate (self) , sever self , stretch , sunder . ~~12024
07288 ## Radday {rad-dah'- ee} ; intensive from 07287 ; domineering ; Raddai , an Israelite :-- Raddai . ~~12808
08277 ## sarad {saw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to puncture [compare 08279 ] , i . e . (figuratively through the idea of slipping out) to escape or survive :-- remain . ~~13798
08278 ## s@rad {ser-awd'} ; from 08277 ; stitching (as pierced with a needle) :-- service . ~~13800
07286 ## radad {raw-dad'} ; a primitive root ; to tread in pieces , i . e . (figuratively) to conquer , or (specifically) to overlay :-- spend , spread , subdue . ~~12806
07287 ## radah {raw-daw'} ; a primitive root ; to tread down , i . e . subjugate ; specifically , to crumble off :-- (come to , make to) have dominion , prevail against , reign , (bear , make to) rule , (- r , over) , take . ~~12808
07290 ## radam {raw-dam'} ; a primitive root ; to stun , i . e . stupefy (with sleep or death) :-- (be fast a-, be in a deep , cast into a dead , that) sleep (- er ,-eth) . ~~12810
07291 ## radaph {raw-daf'} ; a primitive root ; to run after (usually with hostile intent ; figuratively [of time ] gone by) :-- chase , put to flight , follow (after , on) , hunt , (be under) persecute (- ion ,-or) , pursue (- r) . ~~12812
07288 ## Radday {rad-dah'- ee} ; intensive from 07287 ; domineering ; Raddai , an Israelite :-- Raddai . ~~12808
07288 ## Radday {rad-dah'- ee} ; intensive from 07287 ; domineering ; Raddai , an Israelite :-- Raddai . ~~12808
07288 ## Radday {rad-dah'- ee} ; intensive from 07287 ; domineering ; Raddai , an Israelite :-- Raddai . ~~12808
02730 ## chared {khaw-rade'} ; from 02729 ; fearful ; also reverential :-- afraid , trembling . ~~8250
04308 ## Matred {mat-rade'} ; from 02956 ; propulsive ; Matred , an Edomitess :-- Matred . ~~9828
0827 - auge {owg'-ay}; of uncertain derivation; a ray of light, i.e. (by implication) radiance, dawn: -- break of day. 826
1823 - exastrapto {ex-as-trap'-to}; from 1537 and 0797; to lighten forth, i.e. (figuratively) to be radiant (of very white garments): -- glistening. 1822
2986 - lampros {lam-pros'}; from the same as 2985; radiant; by analogy, limpid; figuratively, magnificent or sumptuous (in appearance): -- bright, clear, gay, goodly, gorgeous, white. 2984
2989 - lampo {lam'-po}; a primary verb; to beam, i.e. radiate brilliancy (literally or figuratively): -- give light, shine. 2988
07070 ## qaneh {kaw-neh'} ; from 07069 ; a reed (as erect) ; by resemblance a rod (especially for measuring) , shaft , tube , stem , the radius (of the arm) , beam (of a steelyard) :-- balance , bone , branch , calamus , cane , reed , X spearman , stalk . ~~12590
07289 ## radiyd {raw-deed'} ; from 07286 in the sense of spreading ; a veil (as expanded) :-- vail , veil . ~~12810
0582 - apographe {ap-og-raf-ay'}; from 0583; an enrollment; by implication, an assessment: -- taxing. 582
0583 - apographo {ap-og-raf'-o}; from 0575 and 1125; to write off (a copy or list), i.e. enrol: -- tax, write. 582
1923 - epigraphe {ep-ig-raf-ay'}; from 1924; an inscription: -- superscription. 1922
4270 - prographo {prog-raf'-o}; from 4253 and 1125; to write previously; figuratively, to announce, prescribe: -- before ordain, evidently set forth, write (afore, aforetime). 4168
5498 - cheirographon {khi-rog'-raf-on}; neuter of a compound of 5495 and 1125; something hand-written ("chirograph"), i.e. a manuscript (specifically, a legal document or bond [figuratively]): -- handwriting. 5396
01640 ## garaph {gaw-raf'} ; a primitive root ; to bear off violently :-- sweep away . ~~7160
02778 ## charaph . {khaw-raf'} ; a primitive root ; to pull off , i . e . (by implication) to expose (as by stripping) ; specifically , to betroth (as if a surrender) ; figuratively , to carp at , i . e . defame ; denominative (from 02779) to spend the winter :-- betroth , blaspheme , defy , jeopard , rail , reproach , upbraid . ~~8298
02963 ## taraph {taw-raf'} ; a primitive root ; to pluck off or pull to pieces ; causatively to supply with food (as in morsels) :-- catch , X without doubt , feed , ravin , rend in pieces , X surely , tear (in pieces) . ~~8484
05635 ## caraph {saw-raf'} ; a primitive root ; to cremate , i . e . to be (near) of kin (such being privileged to kindle the pyre) :-- burn . ~~11156
06201 ## ` araph {aw-raf'} ; a primitive root ; to droop ; hence , to drip :-- drop (down) . ~~11722
06202 ## ` araph {aw-raf'} ; a primitive root [identical with 06201 through the idea of sloping ] ; properly , to bend downward ; but used only as a denominative from 06203 , to break the neck ; hence (figuratively) to destroy :-- that is beheaded , break down , break (cut off , strike off) neck . ~~11722
06884 ## tsaraph {tsaw-raf'} ; a primitive root ; to fuse (metal) , i . e . refine (literally or figuratively) :-- cast , (re-) fine (- er) , founder , goldsmith , melt , pure , purge away , try . ~~12404
07513 ## raphcodah {raf-so-daw'} ; from 07511 ; a raft (as flat on the water) :-- flote . ~~13034
08313 ## saraph {saw-raf'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , set) on fire :-- (cause to , make a) burn ([-ing ] , up) kindle , X utterly . ~~13834
08315 ## Saraph {saw-raf'} ; the same as 08314 ; Saraph , an Israelite :-- Saraph . ~~13836