00463 ## 'Eliy` am {el-ee-awm'} ; from 00410 and 05971 ; God of (the) people ; Eliam , an Israelite :-- Eliam . ~~5984
00593 ## 'Aniy` am {an-ee-awm'} ; from 00578 and 05971 ; groaning of (the) people ; Aniam , an Israelite :-- Aniam . ~~6114
01109 ## Bil` am {bil-awm'} ; probably from 01077 and 05971 ; not (of the) people , i . e . foreigner ; Bilam , a Mesopotamian prophet ; also a place in Palestine :-- Balaam , Bileam . ~~6630
01151 ## Ben -` Ammiy {ben-am-mee'} ; from 01121 and 05971 with pronomial suffix ; son of my people ; Ben-Ammi , a son of Lot :-- Ben-ammi . ~~6672
02991 ## Yibl@` am {yib-leh-awm'} ; from 01104 and 05971 ; devouring people ; Jibleam , a place in Palestine :-- Ibleam . ~~8512
03347 ## Yoqd@` am {yok-deh-awm'} ; from 03344 and 05971 ; burning of (the) people ; Jokdeam , a place in Palestine :-- Jokdeam . ~~8868
03360 ## Y@qam` am {yek-am'- awm} ; from 06965 and 05971 ; (the) people will rise ; Jekamam , an Israelite :-- Jekameam . Compare 03079 , 03361 . ~~8880
03361 ## Yoqm@` am {yok-meh-awm'} ; from 06965 and 05971 ; (the) people will be raised ; Jokmeam , a place in Palestine :-- Jokmeam . Compare 03360 , 03362 . ~~8882
03362 ## Yoqn@` am {yok-neh-awm'} ; from 06969 and 05971 ; (the) people will be lamented ; Jokneam , a place in Palestine :-- Jokneam . ~~8882
03379 ## Yarob` am {yaw-rob-awm'} ; from 07378 and 05971 ; (the) people will contend ; Jarobam , the name of two Israelite kings :-- Jeroboam . ~~8900
03421 ## Yorq@` am {yor-keh-awm'} ; from 07324 and 05971 ; people will be poured forth ; Jorkeam , a place in Palestine :-- Jorkeam . ~~8942
03434 ## Yashob` am {yaw-shob-awm'} ; from 07725 and 05971 ; people will return ; Jashobam , the name of two or three Israelites :-- Jashobeam . ~~8954
03507 ## Yithr@` am {yith-reh-awm'} ; from 03499 and 05971 ; excellence of people ; Jithream , a son of David :-- Ithream . ~~9028
03818 ## Lo'` Ammiy {lo am-mee'} ; from 03808 and 05971 with pronominal suffix ; not my people ; Lo-Ammi , the symbolic name of a son of Hosea :-- Lo-ammi . ~~9338
05971 ## ` am {am} ; from 06004 ; a people (as a congregated unit) ; specifically , a tribe (as those of Israel) ; hence (collectively) troops or attendants ; figuratively , a flock :-- folk , men , nation , people . ~~11492
05972 ## ` am (Aramaic) {am} ; corresponding to 05971 :-- people . ~~ 11492
05983 ## ` Ammown {am-mone'} ; from 05971 ; tribal , i . e . inbred ; Ammon , a son of Lot ; also his posterity and their country :-- Ammon , Ammonites . ~~11504
05988 ## ` Ammiy'el {am-mee-ale'} ; from 05971 and 00410 ; people of God ; Ammiel , the name of three or four Israelites :-- Ammiel . ~~11508
05989 ## ` Ammiyhuwd {am-mee-hood'} ; from 05971 and 01935 ; people of splendor ; Ammihud , the name of three Israelites :-- Ammihud . ~~11510
05990 ## ` Ammiyzabad {am-mee-zaw-bawd'} ; from 05971 and 02064 ; people of endowment ; Ammizabad , an Israelite :-- Ammizabad . ~~11510
05991 ## ` Ammiychuwr {am-mee-khoor'} ; from 05971 and 02353 ; people of nobility ; Ammichur , a Syrian prince :-- Ammihud [from the margin ] . ~~11512
05992 ## ` Ammiynadab {am-mee-naw-dawb'} ; from 05971 and 05068 ; people of liberality ; Amminadab , the name of four Israelites :-- Amminadab . ~~11512
05993 ## ` Ammiy Nadiyb {am-mee'naw-deeb'} ; from 05971 and 05081 ; my people (is) liberal ; Ammi-Nadib , probably an Israelite :-- Amminadib . ~~11514
05996 ## ` Ammiyshadday {am-mee-shad-dah'ee} ; from 05971 and 07706 ; people of (the) Almighty ; Ammishaddai , an Israelite :-- Ammishaddai . ~~11516
06008 ## ` Am` ad {am-awd'} ; from 05971 and 05703 ; people of time ; Amad , a place in Palestine :-- Amad . ~~11528
06019 ## ` Amram {am-rawm'} ; probably from 05971 and 07311 ; high people ; Amram , the name of two Israelites :-- Amram . ~~11540
07346 ## R@chab` am {rekh-ab-awm'} ; from 07337 and 05971 ; a people has enlarged ; Rechabam , an Israelite king :-- Rehoboam . ~~12866
05972 ## ` am (Aramaic) {am} ; corresponding to 05971 :-- people . ~~ 11492
05973 ## ` im {eem} ; from 06004 ; adverb or preposition , with (i . e . in conjunction with) , in varied applications ; specifically , equally with ; often with prepositional prefix (and then usually unrepresented in English) :-- accompanying , against , and , as (X long as) , before , beside , by (reason of) , for all , from (among , between) , in , like , more than , of , (un-) to , with (- al) . ~~11494
05974 ## ` im (Aramaic) {eem} ; corresponding to 05973 :-- by , from , like , to (- ward) , with . ~~11494
05978 ## ` immad {im-mawd'} ; prol . for 05973 ; along with :-- against , by , from , + me , + mine , of , + that I take , unto , upon , with (- in .) ~~11498
06005 ## ` Immanuw'el {im-maw-noo-ale'} ; from 05973 and 00410 with a pronominal suffix inserted ; with us (is) God ; Immanuel , a type name of Isaiah's son :-- Immanuel . ~~11526
05974 ## ` im (Aramaic) {eem} ; corresponding to 05973 :-- by , from , like , to (- ward) , with . ~~11494
04612 ## ma` amad {mah-am-awd'} ; from 05975 ; (figuratively) a position :-- attendance , office , place , state . ~~10132
04613 ## mo` omad {moh-om-awd'} ; from 05975 ; literally , a foothold :-- standing . ~~10134
05975 ## ` amad {aw-mad'} ; a primitive root ; to stand , in various relations (literal and figurative , intransitive and transitive) :-- abide (behind) , appoint , arise , cease , confirm , continue , dwell , be employed , endure , establish , leave , make , ordain , be [over ] , place , (be) present (self) , raise up , remain , repair , + serve , set (forth , over ,-tle , up) , (make to , make to be at a , with-) stand (by , fast , firm , still , up) , (be at a) stay (up) , tarry . ~~11496
05977 ## ` omed {o'- med} ; from 05975 ; a spot (as being fixed) :-- place , (+ where) stood , upright . ~~11498
05979 ## ` emdah {em-daw'} ; from 05975 ; a station , i . e . domicile :-- standing . ~~11500
05982 ## ` ammuwd {am-mood'} ; or` ammud {am-mood'} ; from 05975 ; a column (as standing) ; also a stand , i . e . platform :-- X apiece , pillar . ~~11502
05976 ## ` amad {aw-mad'} ; for 04571 ; to shake :-- be at a stand . ~~ 11496
05977 ## ` omed {o'- med} ; from 05975 ; a spot (as being fixed) :-- place , (+ where) stood , upright . ~~11498
05978 ## ` immad {im-mawd'} ; prol . for 05973 ; along with :-- against , by , from , + me , + mine , of , + that I take , unto , upon , with (- in .) ~~11498
05979 ## ` emdah {em-daw'} ; from 05975 ; a station , i . e . domicile :-- standing . ~~11500
0598 - apothlibo {ap-oth-lee'-bo}; from 0575 and 2346; to crowd (from every side): -- press. 598
05980 ## ` ummah {oom-maw'} ; from 06004 ; conjunction , i . e . society ; mostly adverb or preposition (with prepositional prefix) , near , beside , along with :-- (over) against , at , beside , hard by , in points . ~~11500
05981 ## ` Ummah {oom-maw'} ; the same as 05980 ; association ; Ummah , a place in Palestine :-- Ummah . ~~11502
05981 ## ` Ummah {oom-maw'} ; the same as 05980 ; association ; Ummah , a place in Palestine :-- Ummah . ~~11502
05982 ## ` ammuwd {am-mood'} ; or` ammud {am-mood'} ; from 05975 ; a column (as standing) ; also a stand , i . e . platform :-- X apiece , pillar . ~~11502
05983 ## ` Ammown {am-mone'} ; from 05971 ; tribal , i . e . inbred ; Ammon , a son of Lot ; also his posterity and their country :-- Ammon , Ammonites . ~~11504
05984 ## ` Ammowniy {am-mo-nee'} ; patronymically from 05983 ; an Ammonite or (the adjective) Ammonitish :-- Ammonite (- s) . ~~11504
03726 ## K@phar ha -` Ammowniy {kef-ar'haw-am-mo-nee'} ; from 03723 and 05984 , with the article interposed ; village of the Ammonite ; Kefar-ha-Ammoni , a place in Palestine :-- Chefar-haamonai . ~~9246
05984 ## ` Ammowniy {am-mo-nee'} ; patronymically from 05983 ; an Ammonite or (the adjective) Ammonitish :-- Ammonite (- s) . ~~11504
05985 ## 'Ammowniyth {am-mo-neeth'} ; feminine of 05984 ; an Ammonitess :-- Ammonite (- ss) . ~~11506
05985 ## 'Ammowniyth {am-mo-neeth'} ; feminine of 05984 ; an Ammonitess :-- Ammonite (- ss) . ~~11506
05986 ## ` Amowc {aw-moce'} ; from 06006 ; burdensome ; Amos , an Israelite prophet :-- Amos . ~~11506
05987 ## ` Amowq {aw-moke'} ; from 06009 ; deep ; Amok , an Israelite :-- Amok . ~~11508
05988 ## ` Ammiy'el {am-mee-ale'} ; from 05971 and 00410 ; people of God ; Ammiel , the name of three or four Israelites :-- Ammiel . ~~11508
05989 ## ` Ammiyhuwd {am-mee-hood'} ; from 05971 and 01935 ; people of splendor ; Ammihud , the name of three Israelites :-- Ammihud . ~~11510
0599 - apothnesko {ap-oth-nace'-ko}; from 0575 and 2348; to die off (literally or figuratively): -- be dead, death, die, lie a-dying, be slain (X with). 598
4880 - sunapothnesko {soon-ap-oth-nace'-ko}; from 4862 and 0599; to decease (literally) in company with, or (figuratively, similarly to: -- be dead (die) with. 4778
05990 ## ` Ammiyzabad {am-mee-zaw-bawd'} ; from 05971 and 02064 ; people of endowment ; Ammizabad , an Israelite :-- Ammizabad . ~~11510
05991 ## ` Ammiychuwr {am-mee-khoor'} ; from 05971 and 02353 ; people of nobility ; Ammichur , a Syrian prince :-- Ammihud [from the margin ] . ~~11512
05992 ## ` Ammiynadab {am-mee-naw-dawb'} ; from 05971 and 05068 ; people of liberality ; Amminadab , the name of four Israelites :-- Amminadab . ~~11512
05993 ## ` Ammiy Nadiyb {am-mee'naw-deeb'} ; from 05971 and 05081 ; my people (is) liberal ; Ammi-Nadib , probably an Israelite :-- Amminadib . ~~11514
05994 ## ` amiyq (Aramaic) {am-eek'} ; corresponding to 06012 ; profound , i . e . unsearchable ,-- deep . ~~11514
05995 ## ` amiyr {aw-meer'} ; from 06014 ; a bunch of grain :-- handful , sheaf . ~~11516
05996 ## ` Ammiyshadday {am-mee-shad-dah'ee} ; from 05971 and 07706 ; people of (the) Almighty ; Ammishaddai , an Israelite :-- Ammishaddai . ~~11516
05997 ## ` amiyth {aw-meeth'} ; from a primitive root meaning to associate ; companionship ; hence (concretely) a comrade or kindred man :-- another , fellow , neighbour . ~~11518
05998 ## ` amal {aw-mal'} ; a primitive root ; to toil , i . e . work severely and with irksomeness :-- [take ] labour (in) . ~~11518
05999 ## ` amal {aw-mawl'} ; from 05998 ; toil , i . e . wearing effort ; hence , worry , wheth . of body or mind :-- grievance (- vousness) , iniquity , labour , mischief , miserable (- sery) , pain (- ful) , perverseness , sorrow , toil , travail , trouble , wearisome , wickedness . ~~11520
06001 ## ` amel {aw-male'} ; from 05998 ; toiling ; concretely , a laborer ; figuratively , sorrowful :-- that laboureth , that is a misery , had taken [labour ] , wicked , workman . ~~11522
05999 ## ` amal {aw-mawl'} ; from 05998 ; toil , i . e . wearing effort ; hence , worry , wheth . of body or mind :-- grievance (- vousness) , iniquity , labour , mischief , miserable (- sery) , pain (- ful) , perverseness , sorrow , toil , travail , trouble , wearisome , wickedness . ~~11520
06000 ## ` Amal {aw-mawl'} ; the same as 05999 ; Amal , an Israelite :-- Amal . ~~11520
0600 - apokathistemi {ap-ok-ath-is'-tay-mee}; from 0575 and 2525; to reconstitute (in health, home or organization): -- restore (again). 600
0605 - apokatastasis {ap-ok-at-as'-tas-is}; from 0600; reconstitution: -- restitution. 604
06000 ## ` Amal {aw-mawl'} ; the same as 05999 ; Amal , an Israelite :-- Amal . ~~11520
06001 ## ` amel {aw-male'} ; from 05998 ; toiling ; concretely , a laborer ; figuratively , sorrowful :-- that laboureth , that is a misery , had taken [labour ] , wicked , workman . ~~11522
06002 ## ` Amaleq {am-aw-lake'} ; probably of foreign origin ; Amalek , a descendant of Esau ; also his posterity and their country :-- Amalek . ~~11522
06003 ## ` Amaleqiy {am-aw-lay-kee'} ; patronymically from 06002 ; an Amalekite (or collectively the Amalekites) or descendants of Amalek :-- Amalekite (- s) . ~~11524