06114 ## ` etser {eh'- tser} ; from 06113 ; restraint :-- + magistrate . ~~11634
06115 ## ` otser {o'- tser} ; from 06113 ; closure ; also constraint :-- X barren , oppression , X prison . ~~11636
06116 ## ` atsarah {ats-aw-raw'} ; or` atsereth {ats-eh'- reth} ; from 06113 ; an assembly , especially on a festival or holiday :-- (solemn) assembly (meeting) . ~~11636
03290 ## Ya` aqob {yah-ak-obe'} ; from 06117 ; heel-catcher (i . e . supplanter) ; Jaakob , the Israelitish patriarch :-- Jacob . ~~8810
06117 ## ` aqab {aw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to swell out or up ; used only as denominative from 06119 , to seize by the heel ; figuratively , to circumvent (as if tripping up the heels) ; also to restrain (as if holding by the heel) :-- take by the heel , stay , supplant , X utterly . ~~11638
06118 ## ` eqeb {ay'- keb} ; from 06117 in the sense of 06119 ; a heel , i . e . (figuratively) the last of anything (used adverbially , for ever) ; also result , i . e . compensation ; and so (adverb with preposition or relatively) on account of :-- X because , by , end , for , if , reward . ~~11638
06119 ## ` aqeb {aw-kabe'} ; or (feminine)` iqq@bah {ik-keb-aw'} ; from 06117 ; a heel (as protuberant) ; hence , a track ; figuratively , the rear (of an army) :-- heel , [horse-] hoof , last , lier in wait [by mistake for 06120 ] , (foot-) step . ~~11640
06120 ## ` aqeb {aw-kabe'} ; from 06117 in its denominative sense ; a lier in wait :-- heel [by mistake for 06119 ] . ~~11640
06121 ## ` aqob {aw-kobe'} ; from 06117 ; in the original sense , a knoll (as swelling up) ; in the denominative sense (transitive) fraudulent or (intransitive) tracked :-- crooked , deceitful , polluted . ~~11642
06122 ## ` oqbah {ok-baw'} ; feminine of an unused form from 06117 meaning a trick ; trickery :-- subtilty . ~~11642
06126 ## ` Aqquwb {ak-koob'} ; from 06117 ; insidious ; Akkub , the name of five Israelites :-- Akkub . ~~11646
06118 ## ` eqeb {ay'- keb} ; from 06117 in the sense of 06119 ; a heel , i . e . (figuratively) the last of anything (used adverbially , for ever) ; also result , i . e . compensation ; and so (adverb with preposition or relatively) on account of :-- X because , by , end , for , if , reward . ~~11638
06117 ## ` aqab {aw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to swell out or up ; used only as denominative from 06119 , to seize by the heel ; figuratively , to circumvent (as if tripping up the heels) ; also to restrain (as if holding by the heel) :-- take by the heel , stay , supplant , X utterly . ~~11638
06118 ## ` eqeb {ay'- keb} ; from 06117 in the sense of 06119 ; a heel , i . e . (figuratively) the last of anything (used adverbially , for ever) ; also result , i . e . compensation ; and so (adverb with preposition or relatively) on account of :-- X because , by , end , for , if , reward . ~~11638
06119 ## ` aqeb {aw-kabe'} ; or (feminine)` iqq@bah {ik-keb-aw'} ; from 06117 ; a heel (as protuberant) ; hence , a track ; figuratively , the rear (of an army) :-- heel , [horse-] hoof , last , lier in wait [by mistake for 06120 ] , (foot-) step . ~~11640
06120 ## ` aqeb {aw-kabe'} ; from 06117 in its denominative sense ; a lier in wait :-- heel [by mistake for 06119 ] . ~~11640
0612 - apokrisis {ap-ok'-ree-sis}; from 0611; a response: -- answer. 612
06119 ## ` aqeb {aw-kabe'} ; or (feminine)` iqq@bah {ik-keb-aw'} ; from 06117 ; a heel (as protuberant) ; hence , a track ; figuratively , the rear (of an army) :-- heel , [horse-] hoof , last , lier in wait [by mistake for 06120 ] , (foot-) step . ~~11640
06120 ## ` aqeb {aw-kabe'} ; from 06117 in its denominative sense ; a lier in wait :-- heel [by mistake for 06119 ] . ~~11640
06121 ## ` aqob {aw-kobe'} ; from 06117 ; in the original sense , a knoll (as swelling up) ; in the denominative sense (transitive) fraudulent or (intransitive) tracked :-- crooked , deceitful , polluted . ~~11642
06122 ## ` oqbah {ok-baw'} ; feminine of an unused form from 06117 meaning a trick ; trickery :-- subtilty . ~~11642
01044 ## Beyth` Eqed {bayth ay'- ked} ; from 01004 and a derivative of 06123 ; house of (the) binding (for sheep-shearing) ; Beth-Eked , a place in Palestine :-- shearing house . ~~6564
06123 ## ` aqad {aw-kad'} ; a primitive root ; to tie with thongs :-- bind . ~~11644
06124 ## ` aqod {aw-kode'} ; from 06123 ; striped (with bands) :-- ring straked . ~~11644
06124 ## ` aqod {aw-kode'} ; from 06123 ; striped (with bands) :-- ring straked . ~~11644
06125 ## ` aqah {aw-kaw'} ; from 05781 ; constraint :-- oppression . ~~ 11646
06126 ## ` Aqquwb {ak-koob'} ; from 06117 ; insidious ; Akkub , the name of five Israelites :-- Akkub . ~~11646
06127 ## ` aqal {aw-kal'} ; a primitive root ; to wrest :-- wrong . ~~ 11648
06128 ## ` aqalqal {ak-al-kal'} ; from 06127 ; winding :-- by [-way ] , crooked way . ~~11648
06129 ## ` aqallathown {ak-al-law-thone'} ; from 06127 ; tortuous :-- crooked . ~~11650
06128 ## ` aqalqal {ak-al-kal'} ; from 06127 ; winding :-- by [-way ] , crooked way . ~~11648
06129 ## ` aqallathown {ak-al-law-thone'} ; from 06127 ; tortuous :-- crooked . ~~11650
0613 - apokrupto {ap-ok-roop'-to}; from 0575 and 2928; to conceal away (i.e. fully); figuratively, to keep secret: -- hide. 612
0614 - apokruphos {ap-ok'-roo-fos}; from 0613; secret; by implication, treasured: -- hid, kept secret. 614
03292 ## Ya` aqan {yah-ak-awn'} ; from the same as 06130 ; Jaakan , an Idumaean :-- Jaakan . Compare 01142 . ~~8812
06130 ## ` Aqan {aw-kawn'} ; from an unused root meaning to twist ; tortuous ; Akan , an Idummaean :-- Akan . Compare 03292 . ~~11650
06131 ## ` aqar {aw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; to pluck up (especially by the roots) ; specifically , to hamstring ; figuratively , to exterminate :-- dig down , hough , pluck up , root up . ~~11652
06132 ## ` aqar (Aramaic) {ak-ar'} ; corresponding to 06131 :-- pluck up by the roots . ~~11652
06133 ## ` eqer {ay'- ker} ; from 06131 . figuratively , a transplanted person , i . e . naturalized citizen :-- stock . ~~11654
06135 ## ` aqar {aw-kawr'} ; from 06131 ; sterile (as if extirpated in the generative organs) :-- (X male or female) barren (woman) . ~~11656
06138 ## ` Eqrown {ek-rone'} ; from 06131 ; eradication ; Ekron , a place in Palestine :-- Ekron . ~~11658
06132 ## ` aqar (Aramaic) {ak-ar'} ; corresponding to 06131 :-- pluck up by the roots . ~~11652
06136 ## ` iqqar (Aramaic) {ik-kar'} ; from 06132 ; a stock :-- stump . ~~11656
06133 ## ` eqer {ay'- ker} ; from 06131 . figuratively , a transplanted person , i . e . naturalized citizen :-- stock . ~~11654
06134 ## ` Eqer {ay'- ker} ; the same as 06133 ; Eker , an Israelite :-- Eker . ~~11654
06134 ## ` Eqer {ay'- ker} ; the same as 06133 ; Eker , an Israelite :-- Eker . ~~11654
06135 ## ` aqar {aw-kawr'} ; from 06131 ; sterile (as if extirpated in the generative organs) :-- (X male or female) barren (woman) . ~~11656
06136 ## ` iqqar (Aramaic) {ik-kar'} ; from 06132 ; a stock :-- stump . ~~11656
04610 ## Ma` aleh` Aqrabbiym {mah-al-ay'ak-rab-beem'} ; from 04608 and (the plural of) 06137 ; Steep of Scorpions , a place in the Desert :-- Maaleh-accrabim , the ascent (going up) of Akrabbim . ~~10130
06137 ## ` aqrab {ak-rawb'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a scorpion ; figuratively , a scourge or knotted whip :-- scorpion . ~~11658
06138 ## ` Eqrown {ek-rone'} ; from 06131 ; eradication ; Ekron , a place in Palestine :-- Ekron . ~~11658
06139 ## ` Eqrowniy {ek-ro-nee'} ; or` Eqroniy {ek-ro-nee'; patrial from 06138 ; an Ekronite or inhabitant of Ekron :-- Ekronite . ~~11660
06139 ## ` Eqrowniy {ek-ro-nee'} ; or` Eqroniy {ek-ro-nee'; patrial from 06138 ; an Ekronite or inhabitant of Ekron :-- Ekronite . ~~11660
0614 - apokruphos {ap-ok'-roo-fos}; from 0613; secret; by implication, treasured: -- hid, kept secret. 614
04625 ## ma` aqash {mah-ak-awsh'} ; from 06140 ; a crook (in a road) :-- crooked thing . ~~10146
06140 ## ` aqash {aw-kash'} ; a primitive root ; to knot or distort ; figuratively , to pervert (act or declare perverse) :-- make crooked , (prove , that is) perverse (- rt) . ~~11660
06141 ## ` iqqesh {ik-kashe'} ; from 06140 ; distorted ; hence , false :-- crooked , froward , perverse . ~~11662
06141 ## ` iqqesh {ik-kashe'} ; from 06140 ; distorted ; hence , false :-- crooked , froward , perverse . ~~11662
06142 ## ` Iqqesh {ik-kashe'} ; the same as 06141 ; perverse ; Ikkesh , an Israelite :-- Ikkesh . ~~11662
06143 ## ` iqq@shuwth {ik-kesh-ooth'} ; from 06141 ; perversity :-- X froward . ~~11664
06142 ## ` Iqqesh {ik-kashe'} ; the same as 06141 ; perverse ; Ikkesh , an Israelite :-- Ikkesh . ~~11662
06143 ## ` iqq@shuwth {ik-kesh-ooth'} ; from 06141 ; perversity :-- X froward . ~~11664
06144 ## ` Ar {awr} ; the same as 05892 ; a city ; Ar , a place in Moab :-- Ar . ~~11664
06145 ## ` ar {awr} ; from 05782 ; a foe (as watchful for mischief) :-- enemy . ~~11666
06146 ## ` ar (Aramaic) {awr} ; corresponding to 06145 :-- enemy . ~~ 11666
06146 ## ` ar (Aramaic) {awr} ; corresponding to 06145 :-- enemy . ~~ 11666
06147 ## ` Er {ayr} ; from 05782 ; watchful ; Er , the name of two Israelites :-- Er . ~~11668
04627 ## ma` arab {mah-ar-awb'} ; from 06148 , in the sense of trading ; traffic ; by implication , mercantile goods :-- market , merchandise . ~~10148
06148 ## ` arab {aw-rab'} ; a primitive root ; to braid , i . e . intermix ; technically , to traffic (as if by barter) ; also or give to be security (as a kind of exchange) :-- engage , (inter-) meddle (with) , mingle (self) , mortgage , occupy , give pledges , be (- come , put in) surety , undertake . ~~11668
06149 ## ` areb {aw-rabe'} a primitive root [identical with 06148 through the idea of close association ] ; to be agreeable :-- be pleasant (- ing) , take pleasure in , be sweet . ~~11670
06150 ## ` arab {aw-rab'} ; a primitive root [identical with 06148 through the idea of covering with a texture ] ; to grow dusky at sundown :-- be darkened , (toward) evening . ~~11670
06151 ## ` arab (Aramaic) {ar-ab'} ; corresponding to 06148 ; to commingle :-- mingle (self) , mix . ~~11672
06154 ## ` ereb {ay'- reb} ; or` ereb (1 Kings 10 : 15) , (with the article prefix) , {eh'- reb} ; from 06148 ; the web (or transverse threads of cloth) ; also a mixture , (or mongrel race) :-- Arabia , mingled people , mixed (multitude) , woof . ~~11674
06155 ## ` arab {aw-rawb'} ; from 06148 ; a willow (from the use of osiers as wattles) :-- willow . ~~11676
06157 ## ` arob {aw-robe'} ; from 06148 ; a mosquito (from its swarming) :-- divers sorts of flies , swarm . ~~11678
06162 ## ` arabown {ar-aw-bone'} ; from 06148 (in the sense of exchange) ; a pawn (given as security) :-- pledge . ~~11682
08594 ## ta` arubah {tah-ar-oo-baw'} ; from 06148 ; suretyship , i . e . (concretely) a pledge :-- + hostage . ~~14116
06149 ## ` areb {aw-rabe'} a primitive root [identical with 06148 through the idea of close association ] ; to be agreeable :-- be pleasant (- ing) , take pleasure in , be sweet . ~~11670
06156 ## ` areb {aw-rabe'} ; from 06149 ; pleasant :-- sweet . ~~ 11676
0615 - apokteino {ap-ok-ti'-no}; from 0575 and kteino (to slay); to kill outright; figuratively, to destroy: -- put to death, kill, slay. 614
04628 ## ma` arab {mah-ar-awb'} ; or (feminine) ma` arabah {mah-ar-aw-baw'} ; from 06150 , in the sense of shading ; the west (as a region of the evening sun) :-- west . ~~10148
06150 ## ` arab {aw-rab'} ; a primitive root [identical with 06148 through the idea of covering with a texture ] ; to grow dusky at sundown :-- be darkened , (toward) evening . ~~11670
06152 ## ` Arab {ar-awb'} or` Arab {ar-ab'} ; from 06150 in the figurative sense of sterility ; Arab (i . e . Arabia) , a country East of Palestine :-- Arabia . ~~11672
06153 ## ` ereb {eh'- reb} ; from 06150 ; dusk :-- + day , even (- ing , tide) , night . ~~11674
06158 ## ` oreb {o-rabe'} ; or` owreb {o-rabe'} ; from 06150 ; a raven (from its dusky hue) :-- raven . ~~11678
06160 ## ` arabah {ar-aw-baw'} ; from 06150 (in the sense of sterility) ; a desert ; especially (with the article prefix) the (generally) sterile valley of the Jordan and its continuation to the Red Sea :-- Arabah , champaign , desert , evening , heaven , plain , wilderness . See also 01026 . ~~11680