07378 ## riyb {reeb} ; or ruwb {roob} ; a primitive root ; properly , to toss , i . e . grapple ; mostly figuratively , to wrangle , i . e . hold a controversy ; (by implication) to defend :-- adversary , chide , complain , contend , debate , X ever , X lay wait , plead , rebuke , strive , X thoroughly . ~~12898
1009 - botrus {bot'-rooce}; of uncertain derivation; a bunch (of grapes): -- (vine) cluster (of the vine). 1008
4210 - porphurous {por-foo-rooce'}; from 4209; purpureal, i.e. bluish red: -- purple. 4108
4296 - prokerusso {prok-ay-rooce'-so}; from 4253 and 2784; to herald (i.e. proclaim) in advance: -- before (first) preach. 4194
04788 ## maruwd {maw-rood'} ; from 07300 in the sense of maltreatment ; an outcast ; (abstractly) destitution :-- cast out , misery . ~~10308
07300 ## ruwd {rood} ; a primitive root ; to tramp about , i . e . ramble (free or disconsolate) :-- have the dominion , be lord , mourn , rule . ~~12820
1430 - doma {do'-mah}; from demo (to build); properly, an edifice, i.e. (specially) a roof: -- housetop. 1430
2766 - keramos {ker'-am-os}; probably from the base of 2767 (through the idea of mixing clay and water); earthenware, i.e. a tile (by analogy, a thin roof or awning): -- tiling. 2764
4721 - stege {steg'-ay}; strengthened from a primary tegos (a "thatch" or "deck" of a building); a roof: -- roof. 4618
4721 - stege {steg'-ay}; strengthened from a primary tegos (a "thatch" or "deck" of a building); a roof: -- roof. 4618
4722 - stego {steg'-o}; from 4721; to roof over, i.e. (figuratively) to cover with silence (endure patiently): -- (for-)bear, suffer. 4620
5152 - tristegon {tris'-teg-on}; neuter of a compound of 5140 and 4721 as noun; a third roof (story): -- third loft. 5050
5264 - hupodechomai {hoop-od-ekh'-om-ahee}; from 5259 and 1209; to admit under one's roof, i.e. entertain hospitably: -- receive. 5162
01406 ## gag {gawg} ; probably by reduplication from 01342 ; a roof ; by analogy , the top of an altar :-- roof (of the house) , (house) top (of the house) . ~~6926
01406 ## gag {gawg} ; probably by reduplication from 01342 ; a roof ; by analogy , the top of an altar :-- roof (of the house) , (house) top (of the house) . ~~6926
02441 ## chek {khake} ; probably from 02596 in the sense of tasting ; properly , the palate or inside of the mouth ; hence , the mouth itself (as the organ of speech , taste and kissing) :-- (roof of the) mouth , taste . ~~7962
05603 ## caphan {saw-fan'} ; a primitive root ; to hide by covering ; specifically , to roof (passive participle as noun , a roof) or wainscot ; figuratively , to reserve :-- cieled , cover , seated . ~~11124
05603 ## caphan {saw-fan'} ; a primitive root ; to hide by covering ; specifically , to roof (passive participle as noun , a roof) or wainscot ; figuratively , to reserve :-- cieled , cover , seated . ~~11124
05944 ## ` aliyah {al-ee-yaw'} ; feminine from 05927 ; something lofty , i . e . a stair-way ; also a second-story room (or even one on the roof) ; figuratively , the sky :-- ascent , (upper) chamber , going up , loft , parlour . ~~11464
06982 ## qowrah {ko-raw'} ; or qorah {ko-raw'} ; from 06979 ; a rafter (forming trenches as it were) ; by implication , a roof :-- beam , roof . ~~12502
06982 ## qowrah {ko-raw'} ; or qorah {ko-raw'} ; from 06979 ; a rafter (forming trenches as it were) ; by implication , a roof :-- beam , roof . ~~12502
07136 ## qarah {kaw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; to light upon (chiefly by accident) ; causatively , to bring about ; specifically , to impose timbers (for roof or floor) :-- appoint , lay (make) beams , befall , bring , come (to pass unto) , floor , [hap ] was , happen (unto) , meet , send good speed . ~~12656
07322 ## ruwph {roof} ; a primitive root ; properly , to triturate (in a mortar) , i . e . (figuratively) to agitate (by concussion) :-- tremble . ~~12842
1846 - exorusso {ex-or-oos'-so}; from 1537 and 3736; to dig out, i.e. (by extension) to extract (an eye), remove (roofing): -- break up, pluck out. 1846
2782 - kerugma {kay'-roog-mah}; from 2784; a proclamation (especially of the gospel; by implication, the gospel itself): -- preaching. 2780
01263 ## Baruwk {baw-rook'} ; passive participle from 01288 ; blessed ; Baruk , the name of three Israelites :-- Baruch . ~~6784
04795 ## maruwq {maw-rook'} ; from 04838 ; properly , rubbed ; but used abstractly , a rubbing (with perfumery) :-- purification . ~~10316
07324 ## ruwq {rook} ; a primitive root ; to pour out (literally or figuratively) , i . e . empty :-- X arm , cast out , draw (out) , (make) empty , pour forth (out) . ~~12844
08320 ## saruq {saw-rook'} ; from 08319 ; bright red (as piercing to the sight) , i . e . bay :-- speckled . See 08291 . ~~13842
08562 ## tamruwq {tam-rook'} ; or tamruq {tam-rook'} ; or tamriyq {tam-reek'} ; from 04838 ; properly , a scouring , i . e . soap or perfumery for the bath ; figuratively , a detergent :-- X cleanse , (thing for) purification (- fying) . ~~14084
08562 ## tamruwq {tam-rook'} ; or tamruq {tam-rook'} ; or tamriyq {tam-reek'} ; from 04838 ; properly , a scouring , i . e . soap or perfumery for the bath ; figuratively , a detergent :-- X cleanse , (thing for) purification (- fying) . ~~14084
0969 - berullos {bay'-rool-los}; of uncertain derivation; a "beryl": -- beryl. 968
02738 ## charuwl {khaw-rool'} ; or (shortened) charul {khaw-rool'} ; apparently , a passive participle of an unused root probably meaning to be prickly ; properly , pointed , i . e . a bramble or other thorny weed :-- nettle . ~~8258
02738 ## charuwl {khaw-rool'} ; or (shortened) charul {khaw-rool'} ; apparently , a passive participle of an unused root probably meaning to be prickly ; properly , pointed , i . e . a bramble or other thorny weed :-- nettle . ~~8258
0201 - akroaterion {ak-ro-at-ay'-ree-on}; from 0202; an audience-room: -- place of hearing. 200
0473 - anti {an-tee'}; a primary particle; opposite, i.e. instead or because of (rarely in addition to): -- for, in the room of. Often used in composition to denote contrast, requital, substitution, correspondence, etc. 472
0508 - anogeon {an-ogue'-eh-on}; from 0507 and 1093; above the ground, i.e. (properly) the second floor of a building; used for a dome or a balcony on the upper story: -- upper room. 508
1240 - diadochos {dee-ad'-okh-os}; from 1237; a successor in office: -- room. 1240
2302 - theatron {theh'-at-ron}; from 2300; a place for public show ("theatre"), i.e. general audience-room; by implication, a show itself (figuratively): -- spectacle, theatre. 2302
2878 - korban {kor-ban'}; and korbanas {kor-ban-as'}; of Hebrew and Aramaic origin respectively [7133]; a votive offering and the offering; a consecrated present (to the Temple fund); by extension (the latter term) the Treasury itself, i.e. the room where the contribution boxes stood: -- Corban, treasury. 2876
3567 - numphon {noom-fohn'}; from 3565; the bridal room: -- bridechamber. 3466
4232 - praitorion {prahee-to'-ree-on}; of Latin origin; the praetorium or governor's court-room (sometimes including the whole edifice and camp): -- (common, judgment) hall (of judgment), palace, praetorium. 4130
4411 - protoklisia {pro-tok-lis-ee'-ah}; from 4413 and 2828; a reclining first (in the place of honor) at the dinner-bed, i.e. preeminence at meals: -- chief (highest, uppermost) room. 4308
4730 - stenochoria {sten-okh-o-ree'-ah}; from a compound of 4728 and 5561; narrowness of room, i.e. (figuratively) calamity: -- anguish, distress. 4628
4849 - sumposion {soom-pos'-ee-on}; neuter of a derivative of the alternate of 4844; a drinking-party ("symposium"), i.e. (by extension) a room of guests: -- company. 4746
5117 - topos {top'-os}; apparently a primary word; a spot (general in space, but limited by occupancy; whereas 5561 is a large but participle locality), i.e. location (as a position, home, tract, etc.); figuratively, condition, opportunity; specifically, a scabbard: -- coast, licence, place, X plain, quarter, + rock, room, where. 5014
5253 - huperoion {hoop-er-o'-on}; neuter of a derivative of 5228; a higher part of the house, i.e. apartment in the third story: -- upper chamber (room). 5150
5561 - chora {kho'-rah}; feminine of a derivative of the base of 5490 through the idea of empty expanse; room, i.e. a space of territory (more or less extensive; often including its inhabitants): -- coast, county, fields, ground, land, region. Compare 5117. 5458
5562 - choreo {kho-reh'-o}; from 5561; to be in (give) space, i.e. (intransitively) to pass, enter, or (transitively) to hold, admit (literally or figuratively): -- come, contain, go, have place, (can, be room to) receive. 5460
5563 - chorizo {kho-rid'-zo}; from 5561; to place room between, i.e. part; reflexively, to go away: -- depart, put asunder, separate. 5460
02037 ## Harum {haw-room'} ; passive participle of the same as 02036 ; high ; Harum , an Israelite :-- Harum . ~~7558
02314 ## chadar {khaw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to inclose (as a room) , i . e . (by analogy ,) to beset (as in a siege) :-- enter a privy chamber . ~~7834
03957 ## lishkah {lish-kaw'} ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ; a room in a building (whether for storage , eating , or lodging) :-- chamber , parlour . Compare 05393 . ~~9478
04458 ## meltachah {mel-taw-khaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to spread out ; a wardrobe (i . e . room where clothing is spread) :-- vestry . ~~9978
04524 ## mecab {may-sab'} ; plural masculine m@cibbiym {mes-ib-beem'} ; or feminine m@cibbowth {mes-ib-bohth'} ; from 05437 ; a divan (as enclosing the room) ; abstractly (adverbial) around :-- that compass about , (place) round about , at table . ~~10044
04725 ## maqowm {maw-kome'} ; or maqom {maw-kome'} ; also (feminine) m@qowmah {mek-o-mah'} ; or m@qomah {mek-o-mah'} ; from 06965 ; properly , a standing , i . e . a spot ; but used widely of a locality (general or specific) ; also (figuratively) of a condition (of body or mind) :-- country , X home , X open , place , room , space , X whither [-soever ] . ~~10246
04800 ## merchab {mer-khawb'} ; from 07337 ; enlargement , either literally (an open space , usually in a good sense) , or figuratively (liberty) :-- breadth , large place (room) . ~~10320
05944 ## ` aliyah {al-ee-yaw'} ; feminine from 05927 ; something lofty , i . e . a stair-way ; also a second-story room (or even one on the roof) ; figuratively , the sky :-- ascent , (upper) chamber , going up , loft , parlour . ~~11464
05952 ## ` alliyth {al-leeth'} ; from 05927 ; a second-story room :-- chamber . Compare 05944 . ~~11472
06175 ## ` aruwm {aw-room'} ; passive participle of 06191 ; cunning (usually in a bad sense) :-- crafty , prudent , subtil . ~~11696
07064 ## qen {kane} ; contracted from 07077 ; a nest (as fixed) , sometimes including the nestlings ; figuratively , a chamber or dwelling :-- nest , room . ~~12584
07304 ## ravach {raw-vakh'} ; a primitive root [identical with 07306 ] ; properly , to breathe freely , i . e . revive ; by implication , to have ample room :-- be refreshed , large . ~~12824
07305 ## revach {reh'- vakh} ; from 07304 ; room , literally (an interval) or figuratively (deliverance) :-- enlargement , space . ~~12826
07311 ## ruwm {room} ; a primitive root ; to be high actively , to rise or raise (in various applications , literally or figuratively) :-- bring up , exalt (self) , extol , give , go up , haughty , heave (up) , (be , lift up on , make on , set up on , too) high (- er , one) , hold up , levy , lift (- er) up , (be) lofty , (X a-) loud , mount up , offer (up) , + presumptuously , (be) promote (- ion) , proud , set up , tall (- er) , take (away , off , up) , breed worms . ~~12832
07312 ## ruwm {room} ; or rum {room} ; from 07311 ; (literally) elevation or (figuratively) elation :-- haughtiness , height , X high . ~~12832
07312 ## ruwm {room} ; or rum {room} ; from 07311 ; (literally) elevation or (figuratively) elation :-- haughtiness , height , X high . ~~12832
07313 ## ruwm (Aramaic) {room} ; corresponding to 07311 ; (figuratively only) :-- extol , lift up (self) , set up . ~~12834
07314 ## ruwm (Aramaic) {room} ; from 07313 ; (literally) altitude :-- height . ~~12834
07337 ## rachab {raw-khab'} ; a primitive root ; to broaden (intransitive or transitive , literal or figurative) :-- be an en-(make) large (- ing) , make room , make (open) wide . ~~12858
08372 ## ta'{taw} ; and (feminine) ta'ah (Ezek . 40 : 12) {taw-aw'} ; from (the base of) 08376 ; a room (as circumscribed) :-- (little) chamber . ~~13894
08478 ## tachath {takh'- ath} ; from the same as 08430 ; the bottom (as depressed) ; only adverbially , below (often with prepositional prefix underneath) , in lieu of , etc . :-- as , beneath , X flat , in (- stead) , (same) place (where . . . is) , room , for . . . sake , stead of , under , X unto , X when . . . was mine , whereas , [where-] fore , with . ~~14000